chapter 5 basic probability distributions :: sunu wibirama :: wibirama/notes

Chapter 5 Basic Probability Distributions :: Sunu Wibirama :: notes/

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Chapter 5

Basic Probability Distributions

:: Sunu Wibirama ::

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CONTENTS• 5.1. Random variables• 5.2. The probability distribution for a discrete random

variable• 5.3. Numerical characteristics of a discrete random

variable• 5.4. The binomial probability distribution• 5.5. The Poisson distribution• 5.6 Continuous random variables: distribution function

and density function• 5.7 Numerical characteristics of a continuous random

variable• 5.8. The normal distribution

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Ch. 5Ch. 2 & 3

Ch. 4

Ch. 2-4 : we used observed sample (what did actually happen)Ch. 5 : combine ch.2-4 by presenting possible outcome along with the relative frequency we expect

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5.1 Random Variables

Definition 5.1• A random variable is a variable that

assumes numerical values associated with events of an experiment.

• Example: x = number of girls among 14 babies. x is random variable because its values depend on chances

Table 5.0.

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Classification of random variables:

discrete continuous

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Definition 5.2

• A discrete random variable is one that can assume only a countable number of values.

• A continuous random variable can assume any value in one or more intervals on a line.

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5.2 The probability distribution for a discrete random variable

Definition 5.3

• The probability distribution for a discrete random variable x is a table, graph, or formula that gives the probability of observing each value of x. We shall denote the probability of x by the symbol p(x).

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Table of Probability Distributionfor Random Variable x

x px1 p1

x2 p2

... ...xn pn

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A balanced coin is tossed twice and the number x of heads is observed. Find the probability distribution for x.

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Solution• Let Hk and Tk denote the observation of a head and a tail,

respectively, on the k-th toss, for k = 1, 2. The four simple events and the associated values of x are shown in Table 5.1.


E1 H1H2 0.25 2

E2 H1T2 0.25 1

E3 T1H2 0.25 1

E4 T1T2 0.25 0

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Probability distribution for x • P(x = 0) = p(0) = P(E4) = 0.25.

• P(x = 1) = p(1) = P(E2) + P(E3) = 0.25 + 0.25 = 0.5

• P(x = 2) = p(2) = P(E1) = 0.25

x P(x)

0 0.25

1 0.50

2 0.25

Probability distribution for x, the number of heads in two tosses of a coin

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Properties of the probability distribution for a discrete random variable x

0 ( ) 1p x

( ) 1all x

p x x P(x)

0 0.25

1 0.50

2 0.25

Table 5.2.

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5.3 Numerical characteristics of a discrete random variable

• Mean or expected value

• Variance and standard deviation

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Definition 5.4• Let x be a discrete random variable with probability distribution p(x).

Then the mean or expected value of x is :

Definition 5.5• Let x be a discrete random variable with probability distribution p(x) and

let g(x) be a function of x . Then the mean or expected value of g(x) is :

5.3.1 Mean or expected value

x all




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Example 5.6

• Refer to the two-coin tossing experiment and the probability distribution for the random variable x Demonstrate that the formula for E(x) gives the mean of the probability distribution for the discrete random variable x.

Solution : If we were to repeat the two-coin tossing experiment a large number of times – say 400,000 times, we would expect to observe x = 0 heads approximately 100,000 times, x = 1 head approximately 200,000 times and x = 2 heads approximately 100,000 times. Calculating the mean of these 400,000 values of x, we obtain

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Example cont’dCalculating the mean of these 400,000 values of x, we obtain

Thus, the mean of x is 1

100 000 0 200 000 1 100 000 2

400 000

1 1 1 0 1 2

4 2 4 all x

x , ( )+ , ( )+ , ( )μ =

n ,

= ( )+ ( )+ ( )= p(x)x

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Definition 5.6• Let x be a discrete random variable with probability distribution p(x). Then

the variance of x is

• The standard deviation of x is the positive square root of the variance of x:

5.3.2 Variance and standard deviation

]μ)E[(=σ 22 -x


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Example 5.7

• Refer to the two-coin tossing experiment and the probability distribution for x. Find the variance and standard deviation of x.

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• In Example 5.6 we found the mean of x is 1. Then



22 2 2


2 2 2

x- x-

1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 1

4 2 4 2


σ = E[( μ) ] = ( μ) p(x)

( ) +( ) +( ) =


12 =σ=σ

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5.4 The binomial probability distribution

• Example 5.8 Suppose that 80% of the jobs submitted to a data-processing center are of a statistical nature. Then selecting a random sample of 10 submitted jobs would be analogous to tossing an unbalanced coin 10 times, with the probability of observing a head (drawing a statistical job) on a single trial equal to 0.80.

• Example 5.9 Test for impurities commonly found in drinking water from private wells showed that 30% of all wells in a particular country have impurity A. If 20 wells are selected at random then it would be analogous to tossing an unbalanced coin 20 times, with the probability of observing a head (selecting a well with impurity A) on a single trial equal to 0.30.

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Model (or characteristics) of a binomial random variable

• The experiment consists of n identical trials• There are only 2 possible outcomes on each trial.

We will denote one outcome by S (for Success) and the other by F (for Failure).

• The probability of S remains the same from trial to trial. This probability will be denoted by p, and the probability of F will be denoted by q ( q = 1-p).

• The trials are independent.• The binomial random variable x is the number of S’

in n trials.

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The probability distribution:

The probability distribution, mean and variance for a binomial random variable:

xnxxn qpC=p(x)


n!=C x


(x = 0, 1, 2, ..., n),

wherep = probability of a success on a single trial, q=1-pn = number of trials, x= number of successes in n trials

=combination of x from n.

The variance:

The mean: np=μ

npq=σ 2

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5.5 The Poisson distribution

Characteristics defining a Poisson random variable• The experiment consists of counting the number x of

times a particular event occurs during a given unit of time

• The probability that an event occurs in a given unit of time is the same for all units.

• The number of events that occur in one unit of time is independent of the number that occur in other units.

• The mean number of events in each unit will be denoted by the Greek letter

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• The probability distribution:

• Where := mean of events during the given time periode

• The mean:

• The variance:

The probability distribution, mean and variance for a Poisson random variable x:





( x = 0, 1, 2,...),

e = 2.71828...(the base of natural logarithm).

λ=σ 2

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5.6 Continuous random variables: distribution function and density function

• The distinction between discrete random variables and continuous random variables is usually based on the difference in their cumulative distribution functions.

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Definition 5.7• Let be a continuous random variable assuming any

value in the interval (- ,+ ). Then the cumulative distribution function F(x) of the variable is defined as follows:

• i.e., F(x) is equal to the probability that the variable assumes values , which are less than or equal to x.





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Properties for continous random variable ξ

1)(0 .1 xF

F(a)-F(b) b)a P( 3.

xas 1F(x) and - xas 0F(a) 4.

F(b)F(a) then ba isthat

function, decreasing-nonlly monotonica a is )( .2


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( ) ( )x

F x f t dt

The cumulative area under the curve between -∞ and a point x0 is equal to F(x0).

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5.7 Numerical characteristics of a continuous random variable

• Definition 5.8Let be a continuous random variable

with density function ( ), the mean:

( ) ( )

f x

E xf x dx

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• Defintion 5.9

Let be a continuous random variable

with densty function ( )

( ) is a function of x, then the mean :

( ) ( ) ( )

f x

g x

E g x g x f x dx

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• Definition 5.10



Let be a continuous random variable

with the expected value ( )

The variance of is :

The standard deviation of is the possitive

square root of the variance:



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Normal Distribution

• The most well known distribution for Discrete Random Variable is Binomial Distribution

• The most well known distribution for Continous Random Variable is Normal Distribution

• We say x that has a normal distribution if its values fall into a smooth (continuous) curve with a bell-shaped, symmetric pattern, meaning it looks the same on each side when cut down the middle. The total area under the curve is 1.

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Normal Distributions

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5.8 Standard Normal Distribution

• General density function:

• For standardized normal distribution:

22 2/)(




2( ) /21( )

2xf x e

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Standard Normal Distribution

• It’s also called z-distribution• It has a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1• Transforming normal random variable x to standard normal

random variable zx


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Find x from z-distribution Example: (P < -2.13) = 0.0166

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“Finding x from z”

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Homework 1:

• Chapter 5, Exercise 5.10, number 1(page 16)

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Homework 2:

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1. Get the copy of z-table and use it to compute the result.

2. Draw the distribution of fish-length and shade representative areas as stated in problems 1, 2, and 3.

3. Use “Finding x from z” to solve problem 1, 2, and 3.

How to do Homework 2:

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