character 3 [autosaved]

Social groups represented throughout the thriller GENDER STEROTYPE: The stereotype of what a woman should be is being challenged as the police officer is female and not taking care of kids or doing light domestic work at home, she’s part of the police force and deals with violence, brutality and vulgar language on a daily. Her being part of the police challenges the stereotypes as men are usually seen as the ones who arrest and are part of the dangerous action and in normal police scenes there's men who handle the prisoners however she's the only one meaning that she doesn’t need help or be a man to arrest someone as she has equal strength and has done it herself. Police woman has no cleavage shown this challenges the stereotype that all women wear seductive clothing, bright makeup and dresses/skirts. She challenges those stereotypes by wearing trousers, buttoned up shirt and no makeup breaking ideals of women wanting to look nice for men. This character is opposite of being passive she's not what society views women which is why this character would appeal to women who are feminists and agree that women are equal to men. This character also doesn’t mind getting dirty she's using her force to stop the prisoner she's not afraid to break a nail or ruin her hair which challenges the stereotype of women worrying about little things and being materialistic.

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Post on 10-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Character 3 [autosaved]

Social groups represented throughout the thriller GENDER STEROTYPE:The stereotype of what a woman should be is being

challenged as the police officer is female and not taking care of kids or doing light domestic work at home, she’s part of the police force and deals with violence, brutality and vulgar language on a daily. Her being part of the police challenges the stereotypes as men are usually seen as the ones who arrest and are part of the dangerous action and in normal police scenes there's men who handle the prisoners however she's the only one meaning that she doesn’t need help or be a man to arrest someone as she has equal strength and has done it herself.

Police woman has no cleavage shown this challenges the stereotype that all women wear seductive clothing, bright makeup and dresses/skirts. She challenges those stereotypes by wearing trousers, buttoned up shirt and no makeup breaking ideals of women wanting to look nice for men.

This character is opposite of being passive she's not what society views women which is why this character would appeal to women who are feminists and agree that women are equal to men. This character also doesn’t mind getting dirty she's using her force to stop the prisoner she's not afraid to break a nail or ruin her hair which challenges the stereotype of women worrying about little things and being materialistic.

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Social groups represented throughout the thriller Stereotype of gender is conformed in our thriller as we have the protaganist which is male

who has to save the daughter which is female it shows the reliance of women on men to save them which was done purposely as it would have been more eye catching and interesting for the audience to see a woman in despair instead of a man as it would make them emphasise with the female protagonist as she’s kidnapped

However our female Protagonist (daughter of detective) she conforms to the stereotype of women wanting to impress men, she’s wearing makeup, a dress and shows her curves for men to see this creates her the centre of attention which creates her as a target for men

Social groups represented in our thriller are teens, adults, criminals, single parents these are all portrayed so that the audience can relate to them characters and emphasise with them

The animation on the logo could appeal to teens as they are familiar with technology and such animation of a glitch can intrigue them and appeal to them as they have encountered a glitch at least once

Single working parent Teenager

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How we attract our Target audience

Modern teen is our protagonist this can relate to our target audience of 18+ as they are teens/ were they can relate to them having to go to parties at dark and how scary it can be walking alone, additionally they can relate to themselves wanting to impress boys and wanting to look good. The protagonist has a phone and is quite modern which can relate to our audience who are native in technology as they were brought up with it, additionally teens are seen as forgetful so they will be able to relate to them which is why our protagonist reaches our target audience of 15-18+

We have a detective which is also the protagonist this will attract older audiences aged 21-40 due to them having children themselves and knowing how hard it is to raise a child on their own, additionally they will relate to the film and character as they know how worried they would be if their child was taken/ not come home. This character shows maturity which appeals to adults as they are more wise which can make them relate to the character as they know how it is to worry about someone and how much responsibility they have over such teen.

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Camera Angles, shots and movement Mise en sceneCostume: Detective has his suit on this suggests his working class and his maturity as a character which shows his status of being higher than a labour workerGirl: her attire is more modern a white dress, a bomber jacket and jordans for her shoes, this clothing conforms to the stereotype of women wanting to impress men as she’s showing skin, her legs are seen her dress has cuts on the side. This will appeal to teenagers as they wear such clothing

PROP: Phone: this conforms to the stereotype that teens cant get of their phone, the audience we target are digital natives so they will be able to relate to such character

Setting:Roads in the evening where its getting darker, open space, not much people walking past which conveys thriller genre of something happening in a peaceful area

Close ups reveal the emotions on the characters faces which can make the audience emphasise with the characters and their situation they are in this reveal their facial expression which thrillers show as thrillers have scenes based on bad things happening to people and seeing how they cope

Side mid shot on antagonist which doesn't reveal his face which keeps the enigma and an atmosphere of mystery as we don’t see his facial expression only hear his voice

Long shot on character this makes the audience focus on whats around her which clue can be placed around her e,g. the camera shot is someone looking at her/ peaking though wall so they are hidden suggesting that someone is following her

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Non diegetic sound of soundtrack ‘No games by semz & Zino’ –copy right free which is what the audience hears when the girl is putting in music this emerges the audience as they would focus more on the surroundings of the character as something could happen.Diegetic sound of boot slamming: creates an effect of realism as its not over amplified or too loud it matches with the last scene.Non diegetic sound: the footsteps, doors opening, file on table such sounds added immerse the audience as they can hear the little things which will make them focus more due to them hearing more. Such non diegetic sound such as the piano at the begging scene allow greater effect of gripping the audience to their seats as they are able to hear sound that corresponds with the scenes which is what most thrillers have to get the audience focused such as ‘Taken (Morel,2008)Dialogue: As little dialogue as possible this is what thrillers consist of in the beginning minutes of film, they use more visual line to get the audience more wary of what is happening around the characters

Sound: Editing:Continuity editing allows the thriller to have pace and make the audience seem as if they are part of the thriller, this allows the audience to relax and focus more on what is happening if the scenes flow more rather than jump which could confuse some audiences.Editing of gradient and colour correction, as the nature of a thriller is darker themed scenes we altered the main colour of our thriller to darker and more blue to represent the night, this creates enigma and mystery of the nightShot reverse shot emerges the audience as if they were speaking to the character, this will make the audience focus on the film as they are in the perspective of the character and are able to see the emotions/ response from the other character.The title and distribution logo is conforming to the thriller conventions as they have a mysterious animation on them it glitches which gives a sense of mystery which suits the atmosphere