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The Billinghay Times & Advertiser Issue No 02/13 March/ April 2013 Billinghay Parish Office 01526 861845 [email protected] The Old Vicarage Cottage, Church Street, Billinghay LN4 4HN This publication is also available on In an Emergency Serious Incidents CALL 999 Lincs Police 01522 532222 Samaritans 08457 909090 Local Police 101 1 CHARITY EVENTS Once again the residents of Billinghay are showing the way in supporting good causes/charities by organising fundraising events. A tremendous amount of time is needed to put on the events and the organisers are to be commended for their efforts. If you have never tried organising such events you would not realise how complex the planning is. In the next two months there are two such events in Billinghay and the surrounding area as outlined below BREAKTHROUGH FOR BREAST CANCER Laura Davies is organising a five mile walk in aid of this important charity. Whilst it may be too late to register to take part in the walk, you may like to volunteer to help in some way. Full details of the walk and the route are given on page 8 of this issue. Please turn out to offer your support on the day which is Sunday, 19th May, 2013. BILLINGHAY CANOE CHALLENGE You may remember this event from last year when £3500 was raised for the Macmillan Nurses. It was such a success and many people wanted to make it an annual event so Alan South has again put the wheels in motion (or should it be paddles?) Again full details of the event can be found inside this issue on page 34. YOUR SPONSORSHIP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED

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Page 1: CHARITY EVENTS - Lincolnshire County › Files › Parish › 87 › Mayjunedraft_Newsl… · the hire of the Hall and cost of refreshments for

The Billinghay Times

& Advertiser Issue No 02/13 March/ April 2013

Billinghay Parish Office 01526 861845 [email protected]

The Old Vicarage Cottage, Church Street, Billinghay LN4 4HN

This publication is also available on

In an Emergency Serious Incidents CALL 999 Lincs Police 01522 532222 Samaritans 08457 909090 Local Police 101



Once again the residents of Billinghay are showing the way in supporting good causes/charities by organising fundraising events. A tremendous amount of time is needed to put on the events and the organisers are to be commended for their efforts. If you have never tried organising such events you would not realise how complex the planning is. In the next two months there are two such events in Billinghay and the surrounding area as outlined below


Laura Davies is organising a five mile walk in aid of this important charity. Whilst it may be too late to register to take part in the walk, you may like to volunteer to help in some way. Full details of the walk and the route are given on page 8 of this issue. Please turn out to offer your support on the day which is Sunday, 19th May, 2013.


You may remember this event from last year when £3500 was raised for the Macmillan Nurses. It was such a success and many people wanted to make it an annual event so Alan South has again put the wheels in motion (or should it be paddles?) Again full details of the event can be found inside this issue on page 34.


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PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS Where: Billinghay Village Hall When: 1

st Monday of month

Time: 7.00pm All are welcome! (except Bank Holidays) See Parish Notice Boards for Planning Committee Meetings


CLOSED Wed/Thurs/Sat/Sunday

BILLINGHAY PARISH COUNCIL TEAM Chairman: Wendy Liles Vice Chairman: Ron Chatten Clerk: C Willingham Parish Councillors: Geoff Long, Roger Miller, Kathryn Locke, Steve Harper, Terry Richards, Sandy Clark, Kylie Cozens & Charles Kirk District Council Members: Mr M Powell, Mrs G Ogden County Council Member: Mrs P Bradwell Office Assistant & Newsletter Co-ordinator: Lou Hird Editor: Billinghay Parish Council

COUNCIL MEETING REPORTS Precept in the light of new Central Government Guidelines. NKDC thought that as we were unchanged from last year, there may well be no problem. Planning Matters New applications had been approved for:

Velux windows 48 West Street Relocation of bungalows and omission of

garages – Cullen Close Single storey side extension – Field

Road Financial Matters It was agreed that £40 be set aside to cover the hire of the Hall and cost of refreshments for the Meeting on 21st January with Village Organisations. Highways Matters It was agreed that Councillors would be updated with details and duration of any road closures in the area as soon as these were known and where practical these would be mentioned in the Newsletter. Potholes in King Street and the non-working lights in the High Street were again mentioned. The longstanding issue about parking outside the Co-op has been raised again by several residents and details of the procedures to report this and complaints have been issued from the Parish Office. It was acknowledged that this had been a

JANUARY 2013 At the beginning of the meeting the representative from LIVES gave the background to their request for a grant. He did this and answered questions regarding their financial set up. With this knowledge it was agreed that the application would be considered in closed session at the end of the meeting. She also advised that the date of the next meeting will be 18th February, 2013. The Clerk reported that only one application had been received for the two vacancies. This was from a previous Councillor, Terry Richards, and he was duly co-opted on to the Council. Clerk’s Report There had been no response to the NKDC request for Organisations interested in a Community Minibus. It was agreed to repeat the request in the next Newsletter in a prominent position. A meeting had been arranged with Arthur Laughton, LCC Highways, at 11.00am on Friday 18th January at the Parish Office. This will be to discuss Highways matters and in particular the problem with speeding on Wal-cott Road. He will be looking at the best sites for interactive road traffic signs in particular. There is also a possible need to reconsider the


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problem for years and it was felt that if “tickets” were issued for a period, it might alleviate the position. Highways will not allow bollards to be sited to prevent vehicles parking on the pavement. Enforcement seemed to be the only measure left but this is the responsibility of LCC who have delegated this to a Company in Nottingham. The Clerk had contacted the Company and will follow up after discussing the problem with the Co-op management. It was agreed that this would be mentioned at the next Police Panel Meeting. It was reported that the potholes in the Walcott Road were deteriorating and a safety problem –this will be mentioned to Arthur Laughton from LCC Highways. Burial Ground The trees that lined the drive down the cemetery had been inspected and it was felt that these are encroaching on the drive and over the graves. It was the general view that these trees should be removed and replaced with more suitable ornamental varieties. It is realised that the trees would need cutting down at ground level and the roots left in situ to avoid disturbing graves. It was agreed that an item be placed in the Newsletter giving details of proposed action and asking for suggestions regarding replacement trees. Allotments The allotments had been inspected. There was standing water in certain areas but this only seemed to reflect the recent abysmal weather. The question of the increased rent was again raised but this has already been deferred to the September meeting. Police Matters The PCSO had advised that there were no recent problems reported from Billinghay. Comments from Councillors The future of the Lafford site was raised as ideas had been requested in the village newsletter. The Clerk said there had been no change in the position but ideas that had been put forward included School Allotments and a Sports Centre. The Co-op had been approached but was not interested. Another suggestion was that the fence across the old car park be moved back to create more parking spaces in view of the shortage of these at the Children’s Centre and Swimming Pool.

It was also asked if the Council were looking for other land for garden allotments. The vandalism of a phone box was raised and the Clerk had already reported this to BT. Councillors emphasised the extent of the pothole problem in the village. It was reported that there was a Community Sports Facility in the Village Hall at Billingborough and wondered if such a thing would be possible in Billinghay. This was thought to be a good idea but there would be no storage space currently for the equipment. The tidying up of the Old Cemetery project has not yet progressed as the Council were awaiting a meeting with NKDC. A fly tipping problem on Mill Lane had been reported to the relevant authorities. The Council had been advised by the Street Cleaner of an increase in dog fouling around the village and a further item is to be included in the next newsletter. Councillor’s attention was drawn to the LALC training courses and it was suggested that they consider attending appropriate ones. Grants The Council then went into closed session to discuss the request for a donation to LIVES Following the earlier information about how the local LIVES Organisations were funded, it was agreed that a grant of £500 be made immediately. It was also suggested that LIVES be made aware of the normal grant process so that they can be better prepared in the future. FEBRUARY 2013 Prior to this meeting, a presentation was made to Mrs Juneta Wilson on the occasion of her retirement as Chair after many years service. Council Vacancies: No further applications had been received to date. It was agreed to advertise the vacancies in the Newsletter. Clerks report: Arthur Laughton LCC Highways, had sent information regarding costs of speed indicator signs for Walcott Road LALC training dates had been circulated. The meeting with village groups and organisations was to be held on 25 February. Financial Matters Costs and designs for paths to ashes area - it was agreed to circulate an amended spec for


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this project so comparative quotes could be obtained. Consideration was to be given to using the services of Lincs Rural Solutions to try and improve the parking and dog fouling issues. Details of the cost and the services provided were given to the Councillors so that they could fully consider the matter before the next meeting. It had proved necessary to revise the precept in line with the revised Government Guide-lines. The clerk explained details received from NKDC and asked Cllrs to accept revised figures which gave a Precept request for 2013/14 of £31552 with a grant taking final figure to £35552. The clerk advised that future precepts were likely to be reduced due to changes in the way government calculated the figures. The requisite documentation had been circulated to Cllrs. Policy: It was agreed to amend the Standing Orders for Councillors to show: Clerk to deal with dispensations for Cllrs County and District Cllrs to sit with

Parish Councillors The current composition of the various Council Committees was discussed and it was agreed that changes to their set-up would be considered when there was a full complement of Councillors. Neighbourhood Plan This project had been on hold due to lack of support to date and problems among the group. The Chair of the Group was anxious to try and get the project going again and Councillors were in support of the project as it is thought to be a great opportunity for the parish. NKDC had advised that they are willing to offer officer support but needed to distance themselves from the plan as it was a council committee and should be led by the Parish. It was suggested starting the Plan again with publicity to get more people to take part. Burial and Allotment Matters: It was mentioned that a suggestion to remove trees from the Walcott Road Cemetery driveway met with some opposition from the parish. The Newsletter was to include a photo and offer a chance for people to express their views. Councillors were also asked to consider what

would be acceptable as a memorial in the ashes area, as not everyone may be in a position to purchase a tablet. Some suggestions for smaller plaques were put forward and it was agreed that small crosses or plaques could be placed but must lay flat on the ground. There had been meetings with an NKDC Officer to discuss if any funding would be available for improving the entrance to the Old Burial Ground and making it more obvious as resting place. It was agreed to arrange to meet with PCC to understand what was possible. Comments from Councillors The following matters were raised: Parking on pavement in an area on High St raised by a resident and reported to PCSO. The church wall was nearly completed and that copings had been cast by the builders that would be used once the architect had approved them. It had not been possible to source any coping bricks at an acceptable cost. Potholes had been reported: Over the bridge to A153 near white line Left of Mill Lane on Walcott Road MARCH 2013 Council Vacancies: Two applications had been received for the two vacancies that could be filled and Kylie Cozens (KC) and Sandy Clark (SC) were duly co-opted on to the Council. Clerks report: It was reported that:

Only one quote had yet been received for the Ashes area path.

The work on the Church Wall had been finished.

Planning Matters: The following applications had been submitted:

Ingshill on A153 – demolition of outbuildings and replacement with three garages – no objections

45 Walcott Road – replace existing conservatory with an extension – no objections

10 Walcott Road – add bay window – no objections

Field Farm – additional unit (Duck Shed) – no objections


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New Buildings on The Whyche – enhancements and alterations to drain locations – no objections to the changes. However Cllrs felt the construction traffic was causing problems with the road surface and that this should be remedied by them as soon as possible. NKDC were being contacted on this issue.

Application Approved: Stedover House Application Referred: Bridge Farm application – no objections

were made. Update on Planning Matters The Skirth Road development –

although the previous meeting had recommended that this be called Ballon Close, several other suggestions had since been received. There was there-fore a secret ballot on suggested names and it was agreed that the Council would suggest Marshalls Court as an appropriate name to NKDC.

Financial Matters

Costs and designs for paths to ashes area - only one quote had been received. As normally two are obtained for this type of project, it was agreed that the Clerk ask the other Contractors to submit a quotation by 3.00pm the next day as the closing date had now passed.

The accounts to 31st December 2012 were accepted as a true record

Details of a proposed Charity Walk in aid of Breast Cancer Charities were given at the recent public meeting and the Council considered that they should assist to promote the project. It was eventually agreed that the Council should consider:

paying for the insurance contributing to the Village Hall

hire offer use of the special “set-up”

fund assist with publicity via the News-

letter, notice boards etc

Consideration was given to the purchase of reactive signs for Walcott Road. There was discussion on the need and cost of reactive speed signs for Walcott Road but eventually it was agreed that this aspect be deferred to the Annual Finance Meeting in November 2013. It was also agreed that the other measures LCC had indicated should go ahead.

The Clerk had ascertained that it was permissible to pay travelling expenses for Councillors attending Training and certain other meetings where travel was necessary. This was limited to 45p per mile (plus 5p if taking a passenger also). Other Parish Councils are already doing this although Councillors do not have to claim if they do not wish to. It was agreed that the payment of travelling expenses be adopted.

Two comparable quotes had been received for the service of the Mower and the lower of these was accepted. This was discussed in closed session.

Correspondence A letter had been received from the Lord of the Manor of North Kyme regarding the Skirth banks. This has been acknowledged. A letter had been received from a resident re ploughing and planting of the public footpath area of local fields. The Clerk reported that the LCC Footpath Officer had responded very slowly when contacted on this subject last year. The Clerk was asked to handle as soon as possible so that direct action could be considered if there was no improvement. Policy: Review of Parish Council Committees With the recent changes in Councillors, it was agreed that make up of the Committees needed rethinking. After discussion, it was agreed to leave this until the AGM when this was normally done. Feedback from Open Parish Meeting held on 25th February was given and included: The Charity walk discussed earlier

Swimming Pool had organised a grant for a cover

Bowls Club – it was recognised that the Bowls Club need to liaise with the Village Hall Committee regarding occasional use of the Village Hall toilets.


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A person who has recently moved into one of the Business Units in the Village said that he wanted to contribute to the local community. He had offered to supply chemicals used by the Swimming pool at cost.

It was reported that the Community Rooms had now had audio/visual equipment installed and this could be hired for other organisation’s use subject to certain criteria.

The Baptist Church advised that they had numerous events throughout the year. From this it was suggested that we have an events diary on the website and notice boards.

The dilapidated state of the skate park was mentioned as an issue

The parking problem associated with the Co-op was again raised.

The success of the forum was such that it was agreed to make this a regular exercise.

Finally the issue of a Community minibus was mentioned. This was discussed at the Council meeting as there had been no responses from village organisations. A final plea had been included in the recent Newsletter.

Neighbourhood Plan Review There was a discussion regarding the future of the Neighbourhood Plan in view of the current suspension of activity. Numerous people had been contacted to try and generate interest. One Councillor was asked to find as much information as possible regarding the current status so that the project could be resurrected. Persons interested in joining the project were asked to give their names to the Parish Office or any Councillor.

Highway Matters This had been mainly covered in earlier discussions although several more potholes were reported. The Clerk was asked to ensure that these have been reported to Highways. Burial and Allotment Matters: The need for memorials in the Ashes area to be laid flat was reiterated and the Clerk is to update the appropriate leaflet. It was agreed that grass cutting would recommence this week so that the cemetery would be tidy for Mother’s Day. The mole problem was mentioned and hopefully this has now been resolved. The damaged bench has been repaired and the footpaths cleared of moss. Comments from Councillors The following aspects were raised: The Co-op Community Champion was

the Billinghay Village Hall. Flower Boxes were suggested at the

entrance to the village and the Clerk advised that this was under consideration and responses were awaited to various letters that had been sent.

Reference was made to an earlier meeting when it was stated that the private road outside the Walcott Road convenience store was to be repaired. This has not been done and now it was worse than ever and dangerous for pedestrians. The Clerk was asked to follow up.

New dips in the Mill Lane road and these will be reported to LCC Highways.

A Councillor requested gloves and a lit-ter picking tool so that he could tidy up areas not in the current area covered by the street cleaner. This was agreed.


BRAIN TEASER A man went into a shop to buy a picture. The salesman told him “ The picture is five times the cost of that ashtray, the chair is thirty times the cost of the ashtray and the table is four times the cost of the chair. You can have the lot for £312. What was the price of the picture?

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The walk is taking place on Sunday 19th May 2013. 11.00am Start

It starts at the Village Hall and follows a five mile route as below: Walk round Ring Moor Close to Fitzwilliam Place and up to the High Street. Cross over into King Street and then turns right onto Victoria Street. It then continues along to the Market Place and then down Church Street before turning left on to Skirth Road. At the X Roads (Checkpoint 1) it carries straight on down Parsons Drove. At the junction (Checkpoint 2) it continues left on Long Drove until the “Circus Corner” (Checkpoint 3). Here the route turns left down Gravel Hills and continues to the junction with Fen Road (Checkpoint 4). Turning right on to Fen Road the route continues to the High Street Junction (Checkpoint 5). Turning left on the High Street it continues along until Fitzwilliam Place (Mosaic Wall) where the walkers will turn right and follow the road round Ring Moor back to the Village Hall. What can you do to help? Volunteers will be needed for a variety of tasks such as: Water Supplies First Aid Mile ID Start & Finish Last Walker Clean up afterwards Medal & Bag giving Crowd control Marshalls

If you would like to help the organisers, please contact Laura Davies (Event Co-ordinator) on 07793460732

If you wish to just watch the walk, look out for the ladies and gents in pink and cheer them on. There will be plenty of activities in and around the Village Hall where you can make your donation if you are not already sponsoring one of the walkers. There will also be a raffle and refreshments will be available in the Village Hall.



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OBITUARY SARAH JANE SMITH -- NEE ALLEN Sarah Jane Smith passed away on February 12th 2013, aged 41. She was the daughter of Michael and Ruth Allen and sister to Robin. Sarah was born on 13th May 1971 in Lincoln County Hospital; ironically this was to play an important part in her later life. Sarah spent her early life in Billinghay, going to the Village playgroup, the Primary School and onto the Lafford. She was a member of the Brownies, Girl Guides, Rangers and Senior Section, obtaining her Queens Guide and Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Sarah also enjoyed going to G.N.S., run by Mrs. Grocock, St. Michaels Sunday School and the Church Choir. As a teenager she helped to run the Sunday School, which gave her the determination to succeed in all she did. At this time she made herself self sufficient by baby sitting, working at the local newsagents, making marmalade and many other projects. On leaving school she went to college, to gain A levels and after qualifying in Accountancy, she found a job in the accounts department of the N.H.S. at Sleaford before moving onto the Pilgrim at Boston, the Bostonian, Grantham and Lincoln County Hospitals. While working within the N.H.S. Sarah studied hard, gaining many different diplomas in various subjects plus her MBA. Tragically, breast cancer hit Sarah at the age of 31, which she fought and went into remission, only to be told a year later it had returned and this time it was terminal, affecting her lung, liver, breast and bone. Sarah fought hard for the next few years, only to be told it had now spread to her brain. Taking on a new role in the N.H.S,. as Head of Appraisals, in partnership with Mr. Hale, she continued to work until September 2012. Those last few years of Sarah`s were full; while going through chemo every third week she managed to do the John O` Groats to Lands End, with the help of her friend Claire. This was one of the many goals she set herself. She still worked with the Guides as Rainbow Adviser. was Treasurer for Sleaford Division Guides, mentoring new Guiders and working on the finance committee for Lincolnshire South Guides. She also continued to work for RNLI and cancer charities. Sarah was awarded the Lincolnshire South Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation, for her work over 20 years in Guiding in the county. She also received the Anglia Guide`s Region Award (Anglia Brooch) for her strength, courage and determination which she showed throughout her illness and for her service to Guiding in 2010. Sarah still had so much more to give. She came into this World with love and left with love, with Mum and Dad by her side. After a private cremation at Boston, a Memorial Service was held at St. Michaels and All Angels Church, conducted by the Rev. Beth Weston. A very large congregation attended, with many having to stand throughout the service. Donations received in Sarah`s memory, which was donated to Cancer Research U.K for Under 40`s, amounted to £1775 .12p TONY WHITTAKER Tony Whittaker, who died on January 21st at the age of 72, was born in Billinghay the son of Parker and Hilda Whittaker-Coldron. He lived with them and his sisters Mary, Jean and Gill in Fen Road and attended the local school. As a boy, Tony was a member of the Sleaford branch of the Army Cadet Force, where he became interested in running and represented the cadets in many local athletics meetings. While he also played football and tennis for Billinghay, running was a particular passion that would remain with him for much of his adult life. As a teenager, he worked for a while as a projectionist at the Cosy Cinema in Billinghay. Then, after leaving school, he became an apprentice joiner with Harrods of North Kyme, until having to do his National Service. He did his initial training with the Royal Anglian


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Regiment at their Lincoln Barracks before being sent to Germany to use his skills as a joiner to maintain the army married quarters. He continued with his running, competing for the Army in races in several venues including Berlin. After National Service, Tony worked as a joiner, painter and decorator for several different firms and met his future wife while working in Lincoln. After their marriage, He and Olwyn settled in Scunthorpe where they brought up two children, Simon and Sarah. When the chil-dren were still young, he became self-employed and ran his own joinery, painting and deco-rating business for 35 years. Inspired by the first Humber bridge Half Marathon, Tony joined the Scunthorpe and District Athletics Club and, as a veteran, ran many half marathons and marathons, including the London Marathon which he completed a few times. He also took up badminton and table tennis, and, when approaching retirement, decided to learn to swim. Before being diagnosed last year with an asbestos related lung cancer, Tony was a keen member of the Scunthorpe Art Museum Group where he enjoyed drawing with pastels and pencil. Tony was a proud grandfather of Hannah, Millie and Alfie and loved spending days out with them. The funeral service was held at the Woodlands Crematorium in Scunthorpe.



After the well supported visit last year, numerous people have requested a re-turn trip to the Arboretum that commemorates the war dead from early con-flicts to the present day.

This has now been arranged, appropriately, for

Armed Forces Day on 29 June, 2013.

There will, therefore, be a lot happening at the arboretum on that day.

There is no charge for entry into the Arboretum so you will only have to pay for the cost of the coach. This will be a maximum of £12 per person but, if there is a good response from people wishing to go on the trip, it could well be less. It is anticipated that the bus will need to leave Billinghay at 8.30am. If you are interested, please contact Marjorie Richards on 01526 860346

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Billinghay needs big hearted people

In a large rural county like Lincolnshire, voluntary car schemes offer a lifeline to residents without access to transport

Car ownership brings freedom – something many of us take for granted but what about residents without cars or other reliable transport? In rural areas, lack of transport can all too easily lead to isolation, especially for the elderly and most vulnerable. When that happens, people may struggle to get to the doctor’s surgery or hospital for important medical appointments. Even getting to the shops for essential items becomes a battle, let alone being able to meet up with others and socialise. Thankfully, Lincolnshire isn’t just a big county – it’s also a big-hearted county, where people with cars are often willing to help those without. Voluntary or community car schemes have been springing up ever since, and there are now 21 operating across the county. In a voluntary car scheme, car owners donate as much or as little time as they can spare as drivers. However, they are reimbursed by their passengers for out-of-pocket mileage expenses, ensuring they don’t lose out financially. Besides drivers, each scheme also has its own co-ordinator and, in some cases, helpers to match calls from potential passengers with drivers. All the volunteers are motivated by good neighbourliness, and the desire to help those in need to lead a fuller community life.

If that sounds like you and you would like to know more, please call 01507 609535 and ask to speak to Bob Barnes.

There are currently over 450 volunteer drivers in Lincolnshire. Last year alone, they provided more than 43,000 passenger journeys.


19th June 2013

77, Walcott Road, Billinghay

11.00am to 3.00pm

Cakes; Book; Raffle; Tombola; Bric-a-Brac; Candles; Jewellery; Crafts; Raspberry Heaven; Garden Gifts & Plants

Ladies Section Royal British Legion


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As you are aware, the Parish Office has to deal with a wide range of issues and the staff try their very best to be helpful. Varying topics are raised and we intend publishing information where we can offer help, point you in the right direction or where we need your help. The current ones are set out below:

PARISH OFFICE CONTACT DETAILS: Telephone: 01526 861845 Email: [email protected] Address: Mrs C Willingham (Parish Clerk) The Old Vicarage Cottage, Church Street, Billinghay, Lincs LN4 4HN CHRISTMAS TREE In our haste to include an article in the Newsletter regarding the Xmas Tree Illuminatio, we omitted to give thank the MOST important contribution to the display - the donors of the Xmas Tree. We are extremely grateful to the Maplethorpes for their continued support of this most popular village evening. Without their generosity we could never have such a magnificent tree. Many many thanks. NEWSLETTER DELIVERY We are still looking for someone to deliver to Billinghay Dales and part of the A153 If you can spare a little time to do this, would you please contact the Parish Office on 01526 861845 and speak to Carol or Lou. VOLUNTEERS It seems that some people may not realise that our village groups are nearly entirely run by volunteers, who give up their time to organise fundraising. For example, at the swimming pool the life guards are the only paid staff, attending sessions for the health and safety of pool users. We are so lucky to have the pool in our village and its down to a few dedicated volunteers who give so much of their time that the pool has been open for over 40 summers. For every fundraising event there are many hours spent behind the scenes, by the committee members giving up the time to make them happen. Why not consider joining in this year as a volunteer ? Or why not make it this year that you learn to swim, whatever your age, its never too late! The Village Hall are currently looking for a new treasurer to join the committee, if you could give a little time it would be much appreciated by the rest of the small team who work hard to keep this community building and playing field running for the village. New members are always wanted to help with new ideas and events. Much has been written about the benefits of volunteering, its a great way to meet people and make new friendships. There are many opportunities in Billinghay to take part and feel included and all of the groups are pleased to welcome new members. If you are looking for a new inter-est or just have some time to spare there is something for everyone. Members of the Parish Council would like to express thanks to all volunteers in Billinghay and surrounds, who help to make this village such a good place to live.


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REIKI The Subliminal way to relax

Please call for details

Restaurant and Bar



Sandy’s Famous fish &

Handcrafted Chips

Homemade Pies & Puddings

Traditional Sunday Lunch

Steak & Fish Meals

Home made daily specials

Vegetarian options

Use our facilities for parties,

funerals, meetings etc.

Use our 2 acre grassed field

for club meetings and shows

Overnight Parking for Motor


Tel No: 01526 860250

email: [email protected]

Sandy & Richard welcome you all


the Coach & Horses


BILLINGHAY & DISTRICT TWINNING ASSOCIATION Shortly before the issue of this Newsletter, there will a visit from our French “twins” from Ballon. We have planned a varied program of activities for them. We will give a full report of the visit in the next issue.


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We believe we are the only local Women’s Institute and we meet every second Monday in Coronation Hall, South Kyme at 7.30 p.m. We have been running for just over 2 years and would welcome new members of all ages. W.I. members are much younger than popular belief, although a few are still very young at heart. Anyone interested can come along for the first meeting free of charge - a try then buy if you like what you see We have members in Billinghay and North Kyme who can provide transport. Our April meeting was a visit to Ruskington W.I. The meeting on 13

th May will have Mike Lock as speaker.

For further information, contact Mary Jackson on 01526 860489 or Moira Hanslip on 01526 860122 We are also organising a race night, details as below:


Compered by RACENIGHT U.K.

Friday, 5th


7.00p.m. for 7.30 p.m.

Tickets including Buffet Supper £7.

Contact: Billinghay-Mary Jackson-01526 860489 North Kyme -Moira Hanslip- 01526 860122


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Mick Onyon Walcott Plumbing & Heating

Your local Plumbing & Heating Engineer

Gas/LPG Heating Installation, Repair & Servicing All types of general plumbing repairs and

installations – from taps to toilets Gas Safe Registered – No 509368

Tel: 01526 861332 or 07826 742928



THURSDAYS 4.45pm AND 6.15pm


Call Karen on 01526 860925 or Mobile 07957 908755 or

e-mail [email protected]

Eat lots of great food and never be hungry!!


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THE QUIZ The following are all anagrams of stars of the silver screen. Can you unravel them? 1. Find life race lad ………………………………… 2. Chinchilla Reap ………………………………... 3. No Barman Lord ………………………………… 4. Oceanic Girls ………………………………… 5. Do on Ballroom ………………………………… 6. Renown Dairy ............................................... 7. Grinding Amber ............................................... 8. Nylon Dahlias ………………………………… 9. Master was Jet ………………………………… 10. Will use crib …………………………………

The answers will be in the next issue of the Newsletter.

Answers to Mar/Apr Quiz: 1. Tom Cruise 2. Clint Eastwood 3. John Travolta 4. Laurel and Hardy 5. Halle Berry 6. Jack Nicholson 7. Morgan Freeman 8. Kiera Knightley 9. Grace Kelly 10. Drew Barrymore


Belated congratulations to Arthur & Marian Bateman who celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversary on 27th March and also Ken & Josephine Dixon who celebrated their Golden (50 years) on 2nd March.

Congratulations also to Mick & Tina Brommell who celebrate 30 years of marriage on the 30th April (Pearl Anniversary).

Congratulations to Nigel & Helen Key who celebrated their Silver Wedding on the 2nd April.

Finally congratulations to Steven & Tracey Willows who will celebrate their Silver Wedding Anniversary on the 28th May (Love from Liam, Rebecca, Mum & Dennis)


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Billinghay and District Community Swimming Pool

Opening dates and times:

Holidays Summer Half term (25th May-2nd June) 1pm-4pm & 6pm-8pm weekdays* 1pm-4pm weekends*

Holidays Summer Holiday (24th July-4th September) 1pm-4pm & 6pm-8pm weekdays* 1pm-4pm weekends*

Term time (3rdJune-23rdJuly) 6pm-8pm weekdays* 1pm-4pm weekends*

Adult only sessions: Wednesdays (From the 5th June): 11.30am- 12.30pm & 7.45pm - 8.30pm

*The whistle is blown 15mn prior to the advertised closing to allow time for everyone to get

changed and covers put back on the pool. The pool building itself closes at the advertised time.

Our Admissions Policy

CHILD UNDER 10 YEARS Children under the age of 10yrs, will always be accompanied by a

responsible adult, who will supervise them at all times, and ensure

that all pool rules will be abided by.

YOUTH 10 - 15 YEARS Youth aged 10 or above, can attend the pool without adult supervision.

The youth takes responsibility for their own actions and will abide by pool

rules and pool staff's decisions. The youth accepts that failure to abide

by pool rules will result in an immediate exclusion. (No refund)

ADULT 16 YRS + Adults aged over 16 yrs will abide by pool rules, and if bringing a child

under 10 will supervise them at all times ensuring that they also abide by

pool rules.

SPECTATORS Spectators will abide by poolside rules and if acting as chaperone, must

be at least 16yrs of age, and will supervise their charge at all times,

ensuring that all pool rules will be abided by.

Admission Prices:

*Season tickets do not include entry to extra fun/activity/adult only events, which are priced per


Adult 16yrs+

Youth 10-15yrs

Child under 10yrs

Spectator Preschool 3-4yrs

Babies 0-2yrs

Family/4 (max 2 adults)

Single swim £3.75 £ 3.25 £ 0.50 £1.00 Free -

12 for 8 £29.75 £25.50 £ 4.00 - - -

Season ticket £58.00 £53.00 £20.00 - - £200.00

Adult only session £ 3.00 - - - - - -


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The winners for February and March were:

7th February Val Thompson Val Becket

14th February Joyce Gordon Lorraine Gilbert

21st February Pauline Willows Pat Chaplin

28th February Christine Griggs Mary Bailey

7th March Val Becket Gerry Chaplin

14th March Juneta Wilson Mavis Gilbert

21st March Joyce Gordon Bernard Jackson

28th March Karen Walker Janis Keay

Easter Bonus Zack Gibson Lou Hird

Each of the winners receive £5 each.

We still have room for new people to join and win. If you

fancy a flutter, contact Cath 861144 or Jayne 861382.








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Are you a gardener? Do you grow vegetables, fruit and flowers? Can you bake sew or knit?

Come and take part and see if you can grow the longest bean,

make the best jam or bake the best Victoria Sponge.

Lists of classes for adults and children will appear in the next issue of Parish News.

For example, each entry whether it be a carrot cake or crochet

will be

20p for adults and 10p for children.

All entries will need to be entered at the Chapel between 9.30 am

and 10.30 am in time for judging at 11.00 am

Any item not collected at 2.00 pm will be sold at 2.30 pm


Don’t be shy about taking part - it is meant to be a day of fun for everyone For more details please contact Val on 01526 860614 or

Ray on 01526 861505.


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Please note that the BIZ

runs from 7.30pm each


throughout term times


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Tabbi Bannister F.M.A.A.T & A.T.T

Local Accountant and

Tax Specialist Account Preparation

Limited Company Advice Tax Returns VAT Returns

Book Keeping Payroll Services

No accountancy problem too big or

too small.

Call for a free quote and initial


Tele. Number: 01526342834

Mobile Number: 07876023357

Email: [email protected]


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Tele Susie Parry 01526861683 Tele Susie Parry 01526861683 Tele Susie Parry 01526861683 OR EmailOR EmailOR Email [email protected]@[email protected]





PHONE: 07876717973

“Walk My Dog”

Dog/Cat Walking/Sitting Service

I will follow YOUR specific requirements to exercise/care for

your cat or dog at your home when you are unable to - keeping

your pet happy in their regular routine because of your:

Days out Work Commitments Holiday Cover Hospitalisation Recuperation


Please call Kim on: 01526 860942 or 07759921851

to discuss your pet’s individual requirements


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Come along to our

Coffee mornings

Third Monday in the month

10-12 o’clock

Come along for coffee and a chat, or just coffee

At the Baptist Chapel /770171

Coffee is free!

Contact point: Ann Hall 01205 365689







All prepared and cooked on the premises


Monday to Friday Saturday

7.00am to 5.00pm Sunday

Tel 01526 830831

Rick Lonsdale Heating & Plumbing


For plumbing, boiler/oil tank fitting, commissioning, service, repairs, &

bathroom/kitchen fitting.

Just off Skirth Road,

Billinghay Mobile:

07847 483998

Call now to help increase

the life and efficiency of your boiler


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Billinghay Children’s Centre

ACTIVITY TIMETABLE TODDLER PEEP (1-2½yrs) ~ MONDAY ~ 10.00 – 11.15am

BIG PEEP (2½yrs+) ~ MONDAY ~ 1.00 – 2.15pm

BABY MASSAGE (6wks – 8mths) – NEW 5 WEEK COURSE STARTING 3rd JUNE MONDAY’S 10.00-11.00am – £30 for a 5 week course

POP IN & PLAY ~ TUESDAY ~ 1.00pm to 2.15pm ~ no need to book just drop in

YOUNG & EXPECTANT PARENTS GROUP ~ WEDNESDAY ~ 10.30 to 11.30am ~ ring for details or just come along

NURSERY NURSE DROP IN CLINICS ~ 2nd & 4th WEDNESDAY of each month (8th & 22nd May, 12th & 26th June) ~ 1.00-2.30pm ~ no need to book just drop in.

CHAT & CHILL ~ Parent Led Group 1ST & 3RD WEDNESDAY (1st, 15th, 29th May, 5th &19th June) 1.00 – 2.30pm ~ no need to book just drop in

*NEW* JELLY BEANS MUSIC –WEDNESDAY’S 10.00 to 10.45am – Starting 17th April - £27 for 6 weeks (discount for siblings). Booking required.

HOMESTART ~ THURSDAY’s 10 – 12 noon

*BABY BEANS MUSIC (0-6months) ~ THURSDAY’S ~ 1.00-1.45pm

CHILDMINDERS HUB ~ FRIDAY’S ~ 9.30 – 11.30am

BABY PEEP (0-12 months) ~ FRIDAY’S - 1.00 - 2.15pm

HEALTH WALKS – Setting out from the Children’s Centre at 10.00am on Mondays ~ no need to book just drop in

DAD’S GROUP ~ second Saturday morning of each month 10.00 ~ 11.30am ~ no need to book just drop in

(*School term time only)


MAY –If you have a child with additional needs and would like to talk to someone for information and advice and to find out what help is available we are holding 1:1 sessions at the Children’s Centre and if you would like to attend please call the Customer Service Centre on 01522 782111 to make an appointment. The above is our regular timetable of activities taking place at the Centre. For further information please visit If you wish to contact us please pop in, the Cen-tre is open from 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday-Wednesday and 9.00am to 4.30pm Thursday/Friday or call 01526 869248. Alternatively you can email us at [email protected]. Our recently formed Parent Forum has set up a Facebook page where you can chat to other Centre users ~ find us on “Billinghay Parents’ Group” We look forward to welcoming you and if you haven’t yet visited a membership gift is available for children under 5 years of age.


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01529 307878






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Teaky’s Sports & Social Column TENNIS The Boston Mixed Tennis League will start at the beginning of May. The teams for this competition consist of three men and three ladies and matches start at 6.15pm on Wednesday evenings. Tennis coaching will run for seven weeks, leading up to the Summer holidays. For any information about this or anything else, please ring Mick or Tina

Brommell on 860069.

FOOTBALL Billinghay`s first team had a great result against Woodhall Spa in the semi-final of the Willoughby Cup, winning by three goals to two. They now play Swineshead Institute in the final. After making a very disappointing start to the season, in the league, the team

have made a remarkable recovery since the end of October. Although there is no chance of them overtaking Wyberton or Swineshead, they have every opportunity of finishing third in the Boston Premier league. Both the Reserves and the Intermediate Under 18`s team led their respective tables at the beginning of the season but each team have slipped badly since Christmas and a mid table spot is all they can hope for If anyone wishes to watch football, the way it should be played, then they should turn up at Billinghay Playing Field on Bank Holiday Monday, the 27th May at 2-15 pm. The match is between the Under 18`s and the Over 18`s (Much Older in most cases). Please come and support the lads and cheer on the `poor old fellows` (Any standby medics will be appreciated and much needed). Afterwards, back to the Golden Cross for a well earned drink and to listen to the old fellows say, how much better football was in their day!!!

BOWLS Billinghay’s outdoor bowlers have their woods polished, ready for the new season and are `raring to go.` They are hoping for a long hot Summer, after nearly a year of wet and cold weather. Once again the club are entered into five different leagues, as well as the weekly roll-up, organised by Janet

Underwood. Outdoor bowls must be one of the least expensive sports anyone can participate in. The Billinghay club charges just £30 subscription plus a £2 match fee and when one considers the many hours of pleasure that can be derived from the game, this is very reasonable. It should also be remembered that, unless there is a match in progress, the green is open to members at all times throughout the week, at no extra charge. Owing to the sad passing of club Chairman Val Howseman, Mike Carr has filled this position, with Mick Lawson as his Vice; Jenny Blades and Janice Keay both agreed to carry on as Secretary and Treasurer. At the end of last season Colin Underwood decided to retire from his task of groundsman for which he had done a magnificent job over the last few years. While he was in charge, the green was considered one of the best in the Lincoln and Sleaford district. The new groundsman is young Liam Willows, with the help of Charles Kirk and Alan Lawson. Dates for the diary----Jubilee Cup--20th April, Sivill Cup--18th May, David Couling Cup--10th August, Chapman Cup--24th August and the Alf South Open Pairs on September 1st.


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GOLF Popular Billinghay golfer Phil Brunt and his partner Ryan Trow from Rusk-ington, are the new Winter League Champions. They beat Sean Farran and David (Binns) Llewellyn 4 and 3 in the final. I have always considered the Billinghay tennis players, who play in the Boston Winter League, are some of the hardiest souls but having travelled

through South Kyme recently and seen golf being played with a cold north easterly gale blowing, I have changed my mind. Some might describe these golfers as keen or enthusiastic but I know one or two non golfing wives who use a different adjective!!.

The Billinghay Branch of the Louth Farm Women’s Club held their Annual Charity Day, in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care. This was held on the 21st March, at the Abbey Lodge. The chief organisers and ticket sellers were, Marilyn Nicholson, Audrey Chambers and the ladies at Shapes Hairdressers. 104 people sat down to a lovely meal followed by a craft demonstration by Joanne, from Lets Create of Coningsby. Joanne kindly gave her time free of charge and donated her creation as a raffle prize. The organisers would like to express their sincere thanks to the residents of Billinghay and District for their generosity, not only to those who attended the event but to the numerous people who kindly gave raffle prizes and the many others who purchased raffle tickets. A total of £1312 .86p was raised which is a record for this annual event and this has been forwarded to Marie Curie Cancer Care.


The Committee would like to thank all those who turned up on the work week and worked so hard.


Special thanks to Andrew Farrow for moving many loads of hedge trimmings and all the trades for their donations.


GOOD NEWS! After our repeated requested for dog owners to clear up after their pets, we feel it only fair that we should report an improvement in the situation. Our village street cleaner advises that the amount of dog mess she is having to deal with has reduced. Many thanks to you dog owners who are helping to make Billinghay a nicer place to live. Keep up the good work.

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If you wish to reply to any views expressed in these letters or wish to get anything else ‘off your chest' , please write to LOU`S LIVELY LETTER PAGE or e-mail [email protected] or post it through the Parish Office letter box by 10th February, 2013.

W have been starved of letters for this edition and so it rests with the irrepressible Teaky to air his views on local and national issues. WATCH THOSE TRAFFIC LIGHTS!! If we are to take notice of the Governments new `traffic light` labelling scheme, then we shall have to admit, our poor old Grannies were talking a load of nonsense. These `traffic lights` are to be placed on the packaging of all food products in the supermarkets. If there is a red light on anything, then you should avoid it, as the Government considers it unhealthy. Amber means go-ahead but in moderation, while green means healthy eating. Those wise old Grannies told us we must have a `proper breakfast` of porridge with whole milk or cream. ` Sorry Granny, red light is on the milk--too much fat`. She also advocated fried bacon, sausage and eggs. ` Sorry Granny, another red light--too much salt and too much fat on both the sausage and the bacon.` In desperation, we decide on toast with a scraping of butter but once again we are beaten as there is a red light on the butter,--too much fat. Even those people who think it is essential to have their daily bowl of prunes to keep `everything regular` are in trouble, as their tin of prunes is showing red --too much sugar. It must be infuriating for our dairy and livestock farmers when most dairy products, along with ham, bacon and pork, produced from British pigs are to be labelled with unhealthy red traffic lights. We ought to be encouraging shoppers to buy British, not to avoid it. You may think this is one of those silly European ideas, but nothing is further from the truth, as French farmers wouldn`t have stood for red lights on their meat or their full fat cheese, which the French public have been enjoying for centuries Some nutritionists are already worried that if these warning lights are religiously followed, then many could end up short, not only of essential fats but protein, iron and key vitamins. Teenage girls and the elderly could easily develop serious dietary deficiencies, causing anaemia and fatigue. RACETRACK UPDATE Several Walcott Road residents were amazed to read Cllr. Bradwell’s comments, which she made at the December meeting of the Parish Council. She told Councillors that a survey was taken in the Summer and it reported there was no problem with speeding, within the 30mph limit, of the village. It would be nice to know what time of day the survey took place. Was it at mid-day or on a Sunday morning, when people are either, on the way to church or taking a steady ride to collect their Sunday newspapers. Before our Councillor arranges another survey, may I suggest she insists it takes place be-tween 7am and 9am on a weekday. This is when late risers try to make up for lost time and it is made far more dangerous, as the primary schoolchildren are walking to school and large groups of older pupils are waiting for secondary school transport.


Please note that the views expressed in the letters pages do not necessarily reflect those of the Parish Council and are only published where the Name and Address of the Contributor is given (but not necessarily published - we will pass on correspondence where applicable).


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MOLES GALORE!!! After over 100 molehills appeared during the Winter in the churchyard, I was asked if I could get rid of the culprits. Apparently they were bringing up numerous small stones, which would not only ruin the mower but could easily be whipped up by the mower and break one of the church windows. As I was walking through the church gate, with a trap in my hand, I was accosted by a new-comer to the village, who told me that` if I killed one of these harmless black creatures, he would be very surprised if I could sleep at night` I told him I would do my best to catch one alive and bring it onto his lawn. As an anti hunting person and an animal lover, I certainly would not trap these creatures if there was any alternative but I cannot see any point in frightening them into your neighbour’s garden, by toy windmills or other devices, only for your neighbour to use the same method and return the moles to you the next week. Some of these so called animal lovers seem to have double standards, as they have no com-punction about poisoning a rat in their garage or setting a trap for a little mouse that has crept into their house but if you mention killing a mole, that digs up ones beautiful lawn every Win-ter, or disposing of a grey squirrel, which has chewed your electric cables in your loft, then you are accused of nothing short of murder. I believe some of these people read `Wind in the Willows` many years ago and consider all moles are descendants of Mr. Mole in this book. EX BARRY`S It is nice, for those of us at the Walcott Road end of the village, to once again have a well stocked shop within easy reach. Best of luck to the three hard working local `young` ladies who are now running the shop. It is pleasant to be welcomed into the premises with a smile and a cheery word, which has been missing for some time. I must mention also shop owner Sam Kandola, who instead of closing it, as some might have done, had faith in Billinghay peo-ple supporting it, if it was run efficiently. BLACK BIN APOLOGY I must apologize if I misled readers concerning what materials you are allowed to put in your black rubbish bins. I had been told that if anyone put garden rubbish in their black bins, a fine could be imposed or they could refuse to empty it. However, this is not true; although NKDC are not encouraging the practice, there is nothing to stop you putting your garden waste in your black bin. QUOTE OF THE MONTH A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man!! (Lana Turner)







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Friendly Reliable Service over 25 years experience

For a FREE quote ring

Tel: 01526 833913 Mob: 07855526035


Hedge cutting, grass cutting, block paving/cleaning, fencing, tree felling, shed erecting,

digger work etc.


Call Richard on 07931169402 or 01526 861254

Forthcoming events - please make a note in your


27th May 2013

Roman Lincoln - Steve Malone

24th June, 2013

Lynda Hotchkiss - subject to be advised

You do not have to be a member to attend and there is only a

minimal charge per person to help defray costs.

All meetings are at the Coach & Horses Pub in Billinghay and

commence at 7.30pm.

For details contact Lou Hird on 869086


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Community Activities, Interests & Opportunities in Billinghay

Beavers/Cubs/Scouts Tuesdays 5.30-9.15pm Scout Hut Roger Miller 860539 Bethel Baptist Chapel Sundays 10.30am & 6pm Tuesdays 7pm Pastor James Mansfield 861439 Billinghay CEP School Breakfast Club 8 to 9am Every School day in School Hall Billinghay Tuesday Club 1

st Tuesday of the month 7.30pm Ruth Allen 860136

Billinghay Young Farmers Mondays 7.30pm Golden Cross - Oliver 07950497882 Bowls Club Indoor Bowls start October 2009 British Legion Women Mondays (last-every 2 mths) 7.00pm Ship Inn 01526 861344 British Legion Wednesdays (1

st in month - January, April, July & October)

8pm in the Coach & Horses Ian Brough 860613 Brownies (2

nd Billinghay) Wednesdays 5.30 to 7.00pm Dawn Tulley 834324

Children’s Centre Fen Road 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday 869248 or 869271 Coffee Morning 3

rd Monday of month 10-12 Baptist Chapel, Ann Hall 01205

365689 Community Rooms Bookings Marion Vamplew 860742 Daisy Chain Pre-school Mon-Fri 9.10-1.00 Methodist Chapel 321881 /

07799 091281 Darby & Joan Tuesdays (every 4 weeks) 2-5pm Shirley 860732 Girl Guides Wednesdays 7.15pm Contact Ruth 860136 or Jackie 07909637146 Line Dancing Thursdays 6.00pm to 8.00pm Walcott Village Hall L.I.V.E.S Barbara Grice 861465 – to volunteer time as a First Responder / Helper Methodist Church Bookings Sally Robinson 860930 Caretaker 860682 Schoolroom available with kitchen facilities £15 for 3 hours Methodist Church Sundays 10am Rev. Ann Lett 830192, Val 860614, Ray

861505 Past Times History Group Mondays (last in month) Coach & Horses Lou Hird 869086 Rainbows (Girls 5 to 7) Wednesdays (Term Time) 5.30pm to 6.30pm Pauline 860674 Scout Group 1

st Billinghay Roger Miller (Scout Leader) 860539

Skirth Regeneration Society Reg Johnson on 05601 955111 St Michael’s and All Angels Sundays: Sung Communion+Sunday Club 9.30am (1

st, 2

nd &

Church 3rd

Sun), Family Service 11am (4th

Sun), United Service 10am (5

th Sun) Weekdays: Church open from 9.00am to 3.00pm

Morning Prayer Tuesday 9.00am Vicar Rev Rose 861746 Gwen (Sunday Club) 860330 Sunday School Co-ordinator - Ray Smith Tennis Club Contact Tina or Mick on 860069 or [email protected] Treehouse An educational setting for 3 - 5 year olds at Billinghay C of E

Primary School 860786 Twinning Association Chairman John Toulson 01526 860262 Secretary Marjorie Richards 860346 Website Village Hall Bookings Terry & Marjorie Richards 860346 Voluntary Car Service Office Hours 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Thursday and 10.00am to

1.00pm Friday Tel 01507 609535 (also 24hr Emergency) Young People’s Fellowship YPF Fridays 6.30pm-8.00pm at Baptist Chapel, (7-13yo)


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The Billinghay Canoe Challenge on 2 June 2012 raised £3500 for Macmillan Nurses. All those who participated enjoyed the experience and for some it was the first time in a canoe - not evident from the picture below!

I intend to organise BILLINGHAY CANOE CHALLENGE 2013 and i would wel-come paddlers to join me to raise money for the Air Ambulance and L.I.V.E.S. There will be a variety of craft involved and some first time paddlers. The challenge is SATURDAY 22 JUNE 2013. The start point will be South Kyme - start time proposed is 09.00hrs. We plan to paddle together to the River Witham along the Witham to Tattershall Bridge to turn up the River Skirth. We will then paddle on to the village of Billinghay to stop after the two bridges at the Coach & Horses Public House. We may arrange for lunch snacks at the Coach & Horses. Unfortunately, the Canal & River Trust insist that all canoes must be licenced. Therefore, there will be an entry fee of £15.00 per craft. Please let me know if you wish to take on the BILLINGHAY CANOE CHALLENGE 2013

Alan South, 42 Fen Road, Billinghay Tele No: 01526 860654


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1st Billinghay

Time seems to have disappeared rapidly since the last report I wrote for the Billinghay Times. Our new young scouts are settling in and have been joined by a couple of slightly older Scouts transferring from other groups. Much of the last couple of months has been spent learning about our locality. This has en-tailed creating maps of the village, identifying local services, and finding out the best way to travel to places further afield both by car and by public transport. Having discovered all this three of the scouts have qualified for their Guide Badge (I know they’re Scouts, but it’s not that sort of Guide!). The knowledge they have gained whilst doing this badge will help to-wards their Community Challenge Badge. As part of their Community Challenge Badge some of the scouts have been helping to prepare the swimming pool for the summer season this week. I have decided that this batch of scouts are going to learn to cook so that they can feed me properly when I take them away to camp. So we started honing our culinary skills by preparing some tomato and basil soup one very cold February evening. The soup was a great success and enjoyed by all. Now that the clocks have changed and the evenings are lighter we are hoping to escape the confines of the Hut a bit more often. The group have just purchased some new pioneering poles and hopefully we will be spending some time this summer building all sorts of exciting things such as bridges, flagpoles, and possibly even a catapult. As a practice for this our last meeting before Easter involved the scouts using newspaper and sellotape to build the tallest structure they could which would support the weight of a cream egg or two! We are preparing for a group camp in early June and will definitely be out in the Kayaks as

soon as the weather is warm enough. We will also be taking part in the District St George’s

Day Parade in Sleaford later this month which is followed by a service in St Denys Church.


FORTHCOMING EVENT The Billinghay Village Association have advised that their ex-

tremely successful Christmas Market will again take place this

year and they hope to make it even bigger and better! This

year it will go from the Market Place up to the Methodist

Chapel and have all the usual stalls (probably more!)

As you are no doubt aware the BVA raises money for local god

causes thus helping to make the village a better place to live.

The date for your diary is: Saturday 14th December, 2013


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Ironwork Repairs Welding Sharpening

Lawnmowers and Garden Machinery Serviced and repaired

Free local collection and delivery

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S.J.Harper Autos

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Servicing and MOT preparation Restorations carried out

Collection and delivery service

Contact: Steve Harper Walnut House Green Drove Billinghay LN4 4BD

Phone/Fax No: 01526 861826 Mobile No: 07966 523184


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South Kyme Golf Club

For all the best Golfing offers on Green

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Interior and Exterior decorating

Wall and Floor tiling Plastering

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Tuesday 6.30pm to 7.30pm

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01526 860893 or 07857 846841


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Forthcoming events: 7th May Face Reading & Health Jo Collin 4th June Visit to Seagate Irises, Long Sutton

GOLDEN CROSS 1st Four Sundays of Month Regular Jam sessions - join in or turn up and just listen

The Cross Golf Society hold regular tournaments, contact the pub or Paul Fortune for details


Every third 7.30pm in the Whyche Community Room Thursday (we meet for the company as well as the cards) Make a note of the following dates: 16th May &6th June


Sundays Quiz Night starts 8.30pm

1st & 3rd Monday Wolds Bikers Meetings every month 8.00pm start (approx) See for details


Events for May and June:

4th May Jumble Sale 2.00pm School Room 19th May Chapel Anniversary 3.00pm 30th May Beetle Drive 6.30pm For more information, contact Val on 860614 or Ray on 861505


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Meditation Courses Learn to Relax, daytime or evenings to suit. Telephone 0775 911 9135 for details Reiki to Relax Courses run monthly in the village, starting with Level One. Telephone 0775 911 9135 for details of how to learn to Relax the Reiki Way


Forthcoming Outings: 21st May Sheringham 9.00am 11th June Springfields 10.00am 16th July Trent Cruise + Lunch Forthcoming Meetings: 7th May 4th June 2nd July 30th July

New members are most welcome, contact Shirley on 860732



Every Monday Regular Bingo Sessions 1.30pm start The Whyche Community Rooms Refreshments available. Why not come along and make some new friends Contact Paul Underwood on 861885 for more details

METHODIST CHURCH LENDING LIBRARY Every second Everyone is welcome to call in for free cuppa and Tuesday each to browse our books, jigsaws and DVDs. Month If you would like to borrow any item, all we ask is a 2.00 to 3.30pm small donation of 25p.


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01526 860777 40.