christy whitman’s interview with richard gordon · 2015. 2. 23. · they lost the whole point of...


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Page 1: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With RichaRd GoRdon · 2015. 2. 23. · they lost the whole point of it because it’s all about soul. It’s about your love and connection. So I came

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman’s

intervieW WithRichaRd GoRdon

Page 2: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With RichaRd GoRdon · 2015. 2. 23. · they lost the whole point of it because it’s all about soul. It’s about your love and connection. So I came

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

Having it all is not about striving for perfection, or about living our lives according to someone else’s standards

or expectations (we’ve done that for far too long).

It’s not about working ourselves to a state of exhaustion, spreading ourselves too thin, or trading inner peace and

contentment for outer trinkets of success.

Been there. Done that too.

Having it all simply means having access to all of yourself, in any moment you choose it, and in every

aspect of life that is important to you.

Go here to learn exactly how you too, can “Have it All”’

Page 3: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With RichaRd GoRdon · 2015. 2. 23. · they lost the whole point of it because it’s all about soul. It’s about your love and connection. So I came

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

4 Questions with chRisty whitman

c: how do you define your it and your all in your life?

RichaRd Gordon: it’s kind of a broad question you are asking me but I think that connection to source energy is really the most important thing and most

people in their day to day life are not connecting anywhere as deeply as they can. For many people they are finding out and not recommending this that many people are discovering that the use of mushrooms can give a person this most profound sense of oneness and connection and the interesting thing about it is those experiences actually tend to feel more real than the reality because we get so attached to getting this stuff the I want to have it all. I like with George Carlin said he said trying to fill your emptiness inside with possessions is kind of like taping sandwiches all over your body hoping it’s going to fill your hunger. It’s a fool’s adventure you can’t get there from here. When somebody buys a new car made will they will be excited but then they’ll be worried about scratching it and all my God is that okay and I have to pay for insurance. It comes with as much stress as pleasure for those people. But when you connect with your soul and self and realize that it’s all about love it’s all about that deeper connection to who and what you really are, now that’s transformative. A couple of years ago I took a large amount of mushrooms and I left for six hours screaming howling ecstasy and laughter because I realized I had forgotten who I was because what we really are spiritual beings. That’s what we are but we have forgot and that’s it so funny that’s the cosmic joke we forgot what it was already about. It was already about the love and nothing else mattered. And all this drama I’ve thrown up around my life and all the suffering, it didn’t matter. What really mattered was love. And this is Enzo and he is the happiest cat in the world. If it was all taken away what really mattered was your loved ones, was your connection to your creativity, what matters is your connection to self and source and one of the things that I discovered was ways of tapping into the depth of our love projecting it in a coherent kind of way and causing immediate visible physical changes in the outer reality. So I want to challenge physics chemistry biology medicine psychology and botany with some of their most primary assumptions in the most common assumption is that everything that’s real has a physical basis in reality. And what I’m showing is a nonlocal events can happen when I project hard energy I can untwist a person spine and untwist the pelvic torsion that exists but in and

Page 4: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With RichaRd GoRdon · 2015. 2. 23. · they lost the whole point of it because it’s all about soul. It’s about your love and connection. So I came

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

of itself it’s not that interesting. It changes the core assumptions that we are all isolated, that matter is unconscious, that your love is an electrochemical reaction in the brain and it changes human identity it would change physics chemistry biology medicine psychology and botany to understand this. To make this more visible even though I have written three best-selling books and have practitioners and 50 countries I put it out in my last book and I’m being ignored I know the scientist don’t want to hear this stuff so I’m going to make some noise and put together a stunt. It’s a $100,000 challenge and I will put up $100,000 and if I fail I will give it to charity and what I will do is demonstrate that without use of suggestion or psychological mechanism I am and my students able to untwist pelvic torsion’s and the judges will be chiropractors who will not see the treatment and they will evaluate to see if the therapy worked. And the professors guiding the experiment will sign off on the whole thing so I’m looking to put this together for this whole thing because we are living in a mess in a time of mythology and the modern myth of all is the Ray Curls Wild Stephen Hawking Mr. it’s Call from Russia believing we are going to download our consciousness from a machine and it will become our computer and it will be immoral but they lost the whole point of it because it’s all about soul. It’s about your love and connection. So I came up with a new touring test which was advised by Alan Touring in 1950 he came up with an idea one day computers will be so clever you wouldn’t know if you were talking to a machine or a person. That’s kind of a shallow test to see if you can answer questions and respond and I’ve came up with a better touring test in my opinion. If you can adjust a person’s pelvic torsion from another room it’s a person and if you can’t it’s a smart toaster. Because there is nobody there. Compare a computer to a mosquito a mosquito wakes up, it has desire, it flies it makes choices which way to go it lands on the arm, it eats it celebrate and goes off and find a mate it has babies and lays eggs that has all these different behaviors. Now compare that to a computer it doesn’t know that it won chess or care that it won the chess game is just a subroutine. The electronics has no sense of joy or accomplishment or sadness when it loses. There is no soul essentially. I don’t know if in the far future computers will be able to have a soul. It seems kind of unlikely but who am I to say what’s possible the future? The bottom line is when we connect deeply enough to who and what we really are, I have one friend who can go into meditation and go into states like I did with mushrooms I’m not recommended people to do this but it was an education on me for multiple occasions to see that one state that is so much more real than any of the stuff in our outer reality. And all that really mattered was the love. The experience if you think you can put this kind of experience in words you have no idea what the experience is because the direct experience is so completely overwhelming that trying to put it into words is like turning

Page 5: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With RichaRd GoRdon · 2015. 2. 23. · they lost the whole point of it because it’s all about soul. It’s about your love and connection. So I came

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

gold dust into cardboard. It has no relationship anymore with the direct experience or the direct knowing. Then there is someone like Amber Lyon used to work for CNN and she was traumatized reporting on slavery and wars and such and she went down to the Peruvian jungle and had multiple experiences and healed her depth of the trauma inside so the very things that could be healing the deeper consciousness problems of our age have been made illegal while the non-introspective substances like alcohol and cigarettes are totally legal. And the ones that help people on the most deep level have been criminalized. You ask the question about the all and I have to go to source because that’s what the answer is. How do you get past the conditioning and objections and the fears to experience it directly? I have one suggestion for your listeners. Don’t take sandwiches to yourself to fill your hunger.

c: What is your core belief about yourself or the universe that allows you to have the experience of having it all?

RichaRd Gordon: I don’t know if we ever really have it all because we exist in this plane of duality. And the connection to source is really the most important

aspect of that and so I heard it defined that abundance have to do with access to resources not owning the resources you don’t have to own the gymnasium or the swimming pool you just have access to it. You don’t need it on the golf course or the concert hall you just need to be able to go in. So having access for the resources is a nice thing to have but while we are in the duality we always have unfilled desires because they are constantly being created all the time and then we try to become in harmony with those unfulfilled desires to allow ourselves to receive those things that we want but we are constantly shown what we don’t want as part of the duality. So that you can have a desire but what you do want and get yourself in harmony with that desire however a lot of people think that the way to do that is by being positive. I will just have positive thoughts will that be nice? But the reason I got generated is because we’ve all been wounded. Part of the soul’s journey is dealing with the wounding of self. So it’s one of those things that you can’t really get to from here. Just being positive doesn’t heal the wounding and as one friend wrote in a song the only way out is through you have to go through stuff. And I spent 30 years creating a system called self creative help to teach people how to find in release emotional causes of physical illness. I woke up one morning in 1980 with severe flu symptoms. A chest cough fever

Page 6: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With RichaRd GoRdon · 2015. 2. 23. · they lost the whole point of it because it’s all about soul. It’s about your love and connection. So I came

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

bones aching and miserable. I just finished up the workshop. And the teacher suggested all physical illness have to do with suppressed anger primarily with other emotions as well. I look to see what I was angry about but I could’ve find anything oddly enough I felt amazingly numb that morning emotionally numb. That’s odd. But then when I remembered after a great deal of searching and places that somebody had said something that was humiliating to me in front of friends. So I got angry and cried and vented and got out of my system and I got just took a shower, drove to downtown Santa Cruz where I was living, sat in the sun drinking a cup of coffee and halfway through the I said oh my God I was sick this morning. Because the body has the ability to be sick not as a dysfunction but as a communication from our higher self on how we stopped loving. That’s a shift of a paradigm. So by 1983 or 84 I had figured out a series of questions to help people find and discover emotional causation and then it took me another 25 years or so to put the whole rest of the system in place because I knew I had something really important but it wasn’t complete. So I found the first step was the insight or the discovery of what the emotional cause was and we nail it for people. The second step is the release which is always important but it never feels like enough. The third step is where people always get in huge trouble because they know I am responsible for my reality and I’m going to beat myself up because I don’t know how to deal with it. So they beat themselves up endlessly where is the whip? I know I did this to me so let me add it. That’s actually an important step but not from very long just for 10 minutes then comes the remorse automatically from that step. Yeah I really hurt me. Then the remorse leads to a potential for self forgiveness which leads to explosives self-love if done correctly and you can’t contain that much self-love you can’t hold it inside all at once. And that love becomes overwhelming the love of higher self God goddess all that is. So then not only did the person symptoms disappear but they ended up feeling incredibly grateful for having the condition showing how they stopped loving that some people talk about how they never felt so much love in their entire life. What triggered all of that I asked in the woman said my shoulder hurt. And everybody laughed because the shoulder isn’t of interest now it’s all healed already. But getting back to the love with her dad or whatever the issue was that’s the juicy stuff that’s the real sandwich was connecting to the who and what you really are. So that took me a long time to figure out. About five or six years ago I figured out a way to project consciousness to show that consciousness impacts the physical world. That’s the pelvic torsion thing and I call that quantum touch level II and my new book quantum touch level human teaches people how to do that. I’m kind of obsessive the little bit I think about an idea for years and years and say okay I don’t rest on my morals and teach these classes I have instructors around the world teaching it because

Page 7: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With RichaRd GoRdon · 2015. 2. 23. · they lost the whole point of it because it’s all about soul. It’s about your love and connection. So I came

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

after I’ve done it a bunch of times, it’s not as Sparky or exciting for me so I think will ever top those? Well I ever discover something even better? So far the answer is no but I keep looking and hope to one day find something even more useful that showing up old paradigm of science is deeply flawed. By the way I am a great fan of Rupert Shalbreak and his book science set free and my demonstration with hips support six of his 10 contentions of the reality because he is suggesting to sciences. He had his talk taken down as being unscientific for asking questions. So my demonstration validates the point he brings up in these questions at least 60% of them.

c: When you are in a place of having it all what is that bottom line essence feeling for you?

RichaRd Gordon: it’s overwhelming ecstasy. It’s overwhelming joy that to try to describe it would be taking sandwiches to myself. It’s completely

irrelevant the words that come up you don’t begin to go there. There’s a great story that I read when I was in my early 20s about the king of the gods and the king of the gods decides one day to take on the body of a pig. And he thinks wow this is great I eat slop and I found a silo and we are having babies and he is rolling in the mud in the Kings are saying where’s the king and they can’t find them anywhere and finally a messenger finds him and says come back we need to. And he said the bill on I am happy. So the gods conspire and one by one kill all of his baby and his wife. He is grieving uncontrollably at the loss of his family and then they open him up and out comes the king of the gods laughing hysterically to think that pig reality was the whole thing. That’s exactly how I felt. I felt like oh got I’ve been living in paid reality and I got my car and my things and my cat in my house and my girlfriend. But it’s not the center where the essence of who we really are. You asked you want to go there and that’s what we’re doing. This is what I appreciate what Amber Lyon is doing having worked with CNN and dropped out and now she has a website called and she is working with the group called MAPS the multiple disciplinary association the psychedelic studies and she is finding people with extraordinary trauma and fear of death or having these experiences and it may be that early humans when they left the trees and came down to the claims saw that there are all these animals the ones with utters. And they looked under the cow patties for food and what did they find that magic mushrooms? There is a period of 1 million years with the human brain doubled in size which is

Page 8: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With RichaRd GoRdon · 2015. 2. 23. · they lost the whole point of it because it’s all about soul. It’s about your love and connection. So I came

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

unprecedented in the history of evolution that an organ will double in size within years. And it may be for humans to see past the bull shit they have to eat the thing that is grown in the bull shit. This is our heritage this is what has been given to us every plant has DMT every animal has DMT and the mushroom has it and the DMT people who inhale have it. I met a woman recently who works on collecting these toads in the desert and saving them from extinction but some guy and I can’t imagine through anyone’s had that he collected the venom from the lands on his shoulders from the toads dried it out and smoked it. What was he thinking? Nevertheless he found the most natural source of animal-based DMT on the planet and the DMT can put a person directly into their spiritual self briefly where they connect with oneness. And also I spent five days recently going to a retreat space in Mexico where he took something called ibogaine and it’s actually pretty dangerous substance and we were right next to it hospital they had doctors and heart monitors on everybody. I took it for spiritual reasons but the two guys I work with they took it because they were severely addicted to heroin. At the end of 7 ½ hours they had no cravings at all. I hung out with them for the next three days cravings 100% gone. So it’s illegal in the United States but it’s legal in Mexico and Canada and it’s 100%. Somebody may have the emotional issues and they are punishing and going back to it again but it’s something like 80% complete recovery from heroin but you wonder who votes against the stuff? The people who vote against legalizing marijuana is the prison industry because they will lose money if marijuana is legal. We live in a world that is so twisted upside down and backwards that people forgot what really mattered. We forgot who we were. So people on their deathbed are afraid of death and if they have mushrooms they will say I get it we are all one. Somebody had these experiences a long time ago and that’s the common experience with mushrooms. Actually as a neurogenesis it causes nerves to grow in the brain and doesn’t cause damage except for people who have bad trips but anyway when people go through these experiences, it heals them on a soul level where they understand what they are really about because we forget. We get in the rat race and as I said if you win the rat race you are still a rat. So the whole point is if we lived in a world where compassion was a priority, we really couldn’t have any of the problems on the planet now. We wouldn’t have children starving or have an infrastructure falling apart wouldn’t have homeless. I remember one man being interviewed saying don’t you mind the high taxes here in Germany? You’re a very wealthy man. And he said no I don’t mind it all. I don’t want to be a rich man in a poor country because then people are desperate and crazy when you keep the resources away. So we have the politics that’s based upon sociopathic ideals where one side of the political spectrum says if we help other people we make them weak if we care about them where hurting

Page 9: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With RichaRd GoRdon · 2015. 2. 23. · they lost the whole point of it because it’s all about soul. It’s about your love and connection. So I came

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

them and we are not allowed to be compassionate. Empathy is a dirty word. So this is the philosophy of a psychopath. The psychopath has no empathy remorse or compassion. We have one entire political party that is dedicating itself to being completely psychopathic so it’s not a good idea. Meanwhile we are losing 200 species a day on the planet and experiencing the sixth major extinction event on earth carbon dioxide is through the ceiling and the oceans are dying for six or seven reasons on and on and on we could go on for an hour on that one and the priority is that would be bad for the economy. What economy if you don’t have sustainability? There is no economy. But shortsightedness quarterly profits lead to that whole insane delusion that we can continue doing something that is unsustainable because an unsustainable pattern won’t be continued or sustained and that’s where we live. I’ve reached a point in my life where I am tired of BS and I just don’t want to play it close to the middle anymore I just want to tell the truth.

Richard gordonRichard Gordon, founder of Quantum-Touch Organization, is a visionary and a pioneer. With 37 years of experience in the field of energy medicine, Richard is the best-selling author of ‘Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal’, now published in 17 languages, and ‘Your Healing Hands — The Polarity Experience’, available in 10 languages.

While attending Christos School of Natural Healing in Taos, New Mexico in the 70’s, Richard discovered the power of working with energies and hands-on healing. This work led to a wide range of further discoveries as Richard began to explore all the energies around his hands. He eventually met an awe-inspiring healer named Bob Rasmussen, who had an extraordinary ability to heal people’s bodies with his hands. Richard began apprenticing with him and this is how his work was born.

Richard founded the Quantum-Touch organization more than 16 years ago. The organization currently has more than 1,000 certified practitioners in 50+ countries around the globe. Their vision and mission is to help improve the health and quality of life for many people using simple, easy to learn energy healing techniques.

With his expertise and passion for sharing the message about hands-on healing, Richard has travelled around the globe to speak at medical centers, conferences, and chiropractic colleges.

Page 10: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With RichaRd GoRdon · 2015. 2. 23. · they lost the whole point of it because it’s all about soul. It’s about your love and connection. So I came

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

He was faculty at Heartwood Institute and the Holistic Health Institute.

Richard recently wrote, ‘Quantum-Touch 2.0 - The New Human’ which explores the convergence of science, technology, and the power of the human energy field.

Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. (Founding President of the American Holistic Medical Association) endorsed Richard’s work, calling it, “The first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers.”

“Quantum Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the life force energy of the body to promote optimal wellness. Quantum Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy for a wide range of benefits with surprising and often extraordinary results.”

— Richard Gordon, Quantum-Touch Organization Founder

Right at this moment, no matter how you are feeling, no matter how in debt you might be, no matter how old you are or how much you weigh, and no matter what the condition of your relationships might be, you have the power to re-create yourself and your life exactly the way you desire it to be – and quite frankly, the way you deserve it to be.

Regardless of how big a gap exists between what you want and what you currently have, within you is the ability to effortlessly and joyfully bridge that gap in virtually every aspect of your life.

You can have it all, how you define it, how you want it. You do have the power to create it.

Go here to learn exactly how you can start having it all today!