christy whitman’s interview with sonia ricotti · i get married that’s when i’ll be happy but...


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Page 1: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Sonia Ricotti · I get married that’s when I’ll be happy but then you’re always living in the future and you are not enjoying your life and

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman’s

intervieW WithSonia


Page 2: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Sonia Ricotti · I get married that’s when I’ll be happy but then you’re always living in the future and you are not enjoying your life and

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

Having it all is not about striving for perfection, or about living our lives according to someone else’s standards

or expectations (we’ve done that for far too long).

It’s not about working ourselves to a state of exhaustion, spreading ourselves too thin, or trading inner peace and

contentment for outer trinkets of success.

Been there. Done that too.

Having it all simply means having access to all of yourself, in any moment you choose it, and in every

aspect of life that is important to you.

Go here to learn exactly how you too, can “Have it All”’

Page 3: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Sonia Ricotti · I get married that’s when I’ll be happy but then you’re always living in the future and you are not enjoying your life and

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

4 QueStionS with chRiSty whitman

c: how do you define your it and your all in your life?

Sonia Ricotti: having it all to me would mean doing what I want when I want and being able to get what I want when I want it. It really living my greatest life based on

what my definition of that is. And recognizing even when things are not going the way I want it to distill be able to be happy in that moment and having that control over my own life and my reaction to my own life. To me having it all means being happy no matter what.

c: What is your core belief about yourself or the universe that allows you to have the experience of having it all?

Sonia Ricotti: the number one thing for me is recognizing that the only moment we have is this moment right now. Yes I play the game of life yes I go out and

achieve things and I’m successful at many things and too many people looking and will say while she does have it all and in reality that is true I do believe I have it all but even if tomorrow having it all bits and pieces will be taken away I’m still happy so for me it’s having it all being present in the present in recognizing life so great, I am alive and I know I can achieve everything and anything I want in life. And I can manifested might have to work hard on it depending on how much I really want it that’s all great in playing the game of life but what really to me having it all what it really means to me it’s being able to feel just happy in the moment no matter what. No matter what.

Page 4: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Sonia Ricotti · I get married that’s when I’ll be happy but then you’re always living in the future and you are not enjoying your life and

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

c: When you are in a place of having it all what is that bottom line essence feeling for you?

Sonia Ricotti: I would say peace, I would say bliss, gratitude, sometimes I was talking to my brother not so long ago anybody who knows me follows my work I talk

about bouncing back and I consider a bounce back expert helping people get through tough times and it all stems from me hitting rock-bottom and year ago I bought my dream house and I remember when I bought my dream house after losing my home with my ask a few years ago this was a big thing it was my dream home and I was talking to my brother and he was with me when I bought the house and I started to cry. He said what’s wrong and I said I am talking to you from my dream home and I said I at one point lost everything. And now I am buying my dream home. How is that even possible? It’s just how things can turn around like that and so if you don’t have it all yet you can have it all you really can have it all and just be really grateful for what you have today because when you are grateful for everything you do have today it makes it a lot easier to manifest and attract great things that you want in your future as well. Recognizing what you don’t have today is a reason for it and there is some growth involved in order to get you to the place you want to go. For me that was the case it might not be for you but that was the case I had to hit rock-bottom in order to be able to climb up the tallest mountain on the planet I have climbed Mount Everest figuratively not literally. So it several words not just one, gratitude in the moment for me I am grateful every single day. I’m grateful I still have my mom and dad I’m grateful have the best for the world. I’m grateful I have a lot of money set aside and success. I am grateful I’m able to go out and help people around the world. I am shocked when things don’t go my way I go there and go to that place of so what. Look at what I have. And that shifts my energy to move forward to continue to have great things in my life.

Page 5: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Sonia Ricotti · I get married that’s when I’ll be happy but then you’re always living in the future and you are not enjoying your life and

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

c: Can you offer one piece of advice to help them to get into that space of having it all?

Sonia Ricotti: the biggest tip would be to recognize that the present is all we have. We can really focus so much on getting things and achieving things and I will

be happy when… I get the car I get the home I meet my soul mate I have the best job when I am out of this job you can be happy right now. And when you are happy right now with exactly everything you have right now it’s often you have to go back to gratitude in finding the things that you are grateful for and believe me there are 1 million great things in your life just the fact that you have a roof over your head fresh drinking water you have change in your pocket that’s better than a huge portion of the population on the planet. Being able to just recognize that and yes you have goals and yes you want to achieve things but don’t postpone your happiness until you actually get that because those moments are fleeting. When you achieve what you want and you can achieve everything and anything so continue achieving your goals and going forward but recognize your life and happiness right in this moment and it’s a choice. Enjoying the journey while you are going to achieve these things is great. Remember what you back right think you will achieve it and be happy for you moments but what will you do at that you will start setting new goals. And then you say I will be happy when then… I have a bigger house or a nicer car or when I get married that’s when I’ll be happy but then you’re always living in the future and you are not enjoying your life and the next thing you know, your life is over and you will look back at life and wonder why you weren’t happy.

Page 6: Christy Whitman’s intervieW With Sonia Ricotti · I get married that’s when I’ll be happy but then you’re always living in the future and you are not enjoying your life and

The ArT of Having it all

Christy Whitman, The Acclaimed New York Times Best-Selling Author

A Woman’s Guide to Unlimited abundance

Copyright © 2015, Christy Whitman international. all rights reserved. | |

Sonia RicottiSonia Ricotti, is the #1 bestselling author of Unsinkable: How to Bounce Back Quickly When Life Knocks You Down, as well as, The Law of Attraction Plain and Simple (also a #1 bestseller). She is regularly featured in the national media (on TV, on the radio, and in magazines).

She is the CEO/President of Lead Out Loud Inc., a leading-edge transformational company helping people around the globe achieve boundless success in all areas of their lives. She is a top-rated professional speaker and has shared the stage with some of the most renowned personal development experts of our time. She has inspired millions around the world, sharing her breakthrough strategies on how to overcome adversity, achieve financial abundance and extraordinary success; in fact, her inspirational video messages on YouTube have been viewed by well over 4 million people to date.

Sonia believes in giving back and making a difference. Over the last few years, she has participated in (and led) humanitarian trips to several developing countries, including Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Thailand.

Right at this moment, no matter how you are feeling, no matter how in debt you might be, no matter how old you are or how much you weigh, and no matter what the condition of your relationships might be, you have the power to re-create yourself and your life exactly the way you desire it to be – and quite frankly, the way you deserve it to be.

Regardless of how big a gap exists between what you want and what you currently have, within you is the ability to effortlessly and joyfully bridge that gap in virtually every aspect of your life.

You can have it all, how you define it, how you want it. You do have the power to create it.

Go here to learn exactly how you can start having it all today!