cimb bank assignment re=do

Student ID Number: 1130873/1 Module Subject: Marketing Essentials Lord Ashcroft International Business School Marketing Essentials Module Code: BB115009S Academic Year: 2011/2012 Semester: Two Student ID Number: 1130873/1 1

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Student ID Number: 1130873/1

Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

Lord Ashcroft International Business School

Marketing Essentials

Module Code: BB115009S

Academic Year: 2011/2012

Semester: Two

Student ID Number: 1130873/1



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Student ID Number: 1130873/1

Module Subject: Marketing Essentials


1. Company overview

1.1 History- summary…………………………………………………….…..4

1.2 Branches……………………………………………………….………….5

1.3 Vision and mission………………………………………………………5

1.4 Brands –product and services……………………………….…..…….6

1.5 Business Description…………………………………………....………6

1.6 Board of director……………………………………………….…...…...7

1.7 Financial Statement………………………………………………………8

2. SWOT analysis……………………………………………………..…….…..9

2.1 Strength………………………………………………………..……….…9

2.2 Weakness………………………………………………………………..10

2.3 Opportunity………………………………………………………………11

2.4 Threat…………………………………………………………….……….12

2.5 Key competitor……………………………………………….………….13

3. New idea or service for the company………………………...…………..14

3.1 Special CIMB Group Office……………….…………………………...14

3.2 Printed material in multi-language…… ……………………...………14

3.3 Increase the Excellent criteria (Multi-language) for staff…….…….15

3.4 Drives through agencies (Malaysia and Oversea)…….…………….15

4. Budget plan…………………………………………………...……………..16

4.1 Implementation………………………………………………………….16

4.2 Financial forecast……………………………………………………….17

4.3 Cost analysis…………………………………………………………….18


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Student ID Number: 1130873/1

Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

5. Gap analysis……………………………………..………………………….19

5.1 The recommendation and future marketing strategy….……………20

5.1.1 Price………………………………………………………………20

5.1.2 Place…………………………………..…………………………21

5.1.3 Product…………………………….…………………………….21

5.1.4 Promotion…………………..………………………………...…21

6. Summary………………………………..……………………………………22

7. Reference…………………………..………………………………………23-24

8. Appendix……………………..………………………………………………25

8.1 Brands (product and services)………….……………………………..25

8.2 Business description………………….…………………………...…..26

1.0 Section 1- Company overview


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

1.1 History-summary

CIMB Group Holding Berhad (Commerce International Merchant bankers BHD)

has a lot of process to be a regional universal bank operating in high growth in ASEAN.

A history that speaks of a pioneering spirit in Malaysian’s banking landscape of

synergistic achievement.

The first branches was open in Kuching Malaysia in 1924 by using name is

BianChiang Bank by Wee Kheng Chiang by manage the business financing and

issuance of bills of exchange. In 1986, Bank of Commerce replaced Bank Pertanian as

the controlling shareholder of Pertanian Baring Sanwa Multinational, following which its

name was changed to Commerce International Merchant Bankers Bhd (CIMB). These

companies become modern and thriving financial institution in 1990 century and

operation in Malaysia and Singapore.

In 2000 century, this banking company made the new brand such as CIMB

Niaga, and launch CIMB Islamic in 2003. There also formatting of CIMB-Principal

(2004) International Investment banking operation (2004), restructuring CIMB Group

exercise and launch of CIMB Group as a Regional Universal Bank in 2006. In 2007, this

bank was launch of CIMB Foundation. Principal Islamic Asset Management was launch

in 2008 and in 2009, CIMB Thai officially launch and launched of CIMB Singapore. In

2010, the first branch was open in Phnom Penh on 19 November (CIMB Annual Report

History, 2011).

CIMB Group was provided Corporate Entities such us CIMB Investment Bank,

CIMB Bank, CIMB Islamic, CIMB Niaga, CIMB Securities International and CIMB Thai.

The retail branch of CIMB Group now day was across ASEAN region and investment.

There organized the Consumer Banking, Corporate Banking & Markets & Institutional

Banking and Group Asset Management, Insurance and Takaful also CIMB Islamic

(CIMB Profile, 2011).

1.2 Branches


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

This banking company was has major global financial centre and covering

ASEAN with 14 countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia,

Myanmar, Vietnam and other countries like Bahrain, China, Hong Kong, India, Sri

Lanka, UK, and USA. Another country that joint with CIMB Group as customer has

significant business and investment dealings. This banking company headquartered in

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (CIMB About us, 2011).

In addition, this group have smart partnerships such us the Principal Financial

Group, Aviva plc, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Standard Bank plc, and Daewoo

Securities, and among others (CIMB Profil,2011).

1.3 Vision

According to the annual report in 2011, this group vision is to be the leading

ASEAN franchise in 2015 (corporate report, 2011).


This group mission is “We want in our people to driven a culture driven by

innovation to deliver quality service whilst providing superior returns and value to our

stakeholders. The core values of CIMB employees are; Integrity, Innovation, Client

Orientation, Teamwork and Efficiency” (About us, 2011).

1.4 Brands (product and service)


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

These companies believe can harnessing the scale and diversify of ASAEN.

There always welcome the difference of the opinion, culture and language and

embracing diversity.

By use this slogan “ASEAN FOR YOU” these companies committed increases

their service to creating the value and the needs of the customers (source: Our brands,

CIMB Group, 2011). The brand of the CIMB group will shown on appendix 1 which

includes CIMB group, CIMB, CIMB Bank, CIMB Niaga, CMB Thai, and CIMB Islamic.

1.5 Business description

CIMB Group today operates across ASEAN under several corporate entities.

They include CIMB Investment Bank, CIMB Bank, CIMB Niaga, CIMB Securities

International and CIMB Thai (Business description, 2011)

This banking company business lines in main market of Malaysia, Indonesia,

Singapore and Thailand are organized primarily across the following areas. The detail of

the CIMB Group business will show in Appendix 2 which includes the Consumer

Banking, Corporate and institutional banking and markets, and Group Asset

Management, Insurance and Takaful.

1.6 CIMB Board of Director- CIMB Group Leader


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

The CIMB Group Holding BHD board of director was taken from 2011 annual report.

1.7 Financial performance


Chairman/ Non-Independent Non-Executive DirectorTan Sri Dato’ Md Nor Yusof (Malaysian)

Non-Independent Non-Executive

DirectorHiroyuki Kudo

(Japanese)Dato’ Robert Cheim

Dau Meng (Malaysian)

Katsumi Hatao ( Japanese)

CIMB Group Management communities

Dato’ Dr. Gan wee Beng (Deputy Chief Executive Officer,

Group risk management)Dato’ Charon

Wardini Mokhzani (Deputy chief

executive Officer, Group and

Investment Banking)Subhak Sirawaraka

(President/ Chief Executive Officer CIMB Thai public company Limited)

Mak Lye mun ( Chief Executive Officer,

CIMB Bank Singapore)

Kenny Kim ( Group Chief Financial Officer, Group Strategy and

Finance)Badlisyah Abdul Ghani ( Islamic

Banking)Iswaran Suppiah

( Group Information and Operations)Lim Tiang Siew

( Group Chief Internal Auditor)

Hamidah Naziadin ( Group Corporate

Resource)Kong Sooi Lin

( Investment Banking)Effendy Shahrul

Hamid (Group Marketing and Information)

Independent Non-Executive Director

Datuk Dr. Syed Muhamad Syed

Abdul Kadir (senior) (Malaysian)

Dato’ Hamzah Bakar (Malaysian)

Dato’ Zainal Abidin Putih (Malaysian)

Cezar Peralta Consing (Filipino)

Glenn Muhammad Surya Yusuf (Malaysian)

Watanan Petersik (Thai)

Group Managing Director/ Chief Executive officer

Dato’ Sri Nazir Razak (Malaysian)

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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

Financial statement year ended 31 December 2011(Annual report 2011)

Resource: CIMB Annual Report (financial statement) 2011

2.0 SWOT Analysis of CIMB Group Holding BHD.


Consolidated Statement of Income and Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

2011 (RM'000) 2010 (RM000) 2009 (RM'000) 2008 (RM000) 2010 (%) 2009 (%)

Net interest income 6,676,251 6,604,775 6,068,906 4,660,596 8.83 30.22net non-interest income 5,445,778 5,273,428 4,414,245 2,961,777 19.46 49.04Overheads 6,629,912 6,613,304 5,551,847 4,025,217 19.12 37.93 Profit before allowances 5,492,117 5,264,899 4,931,304 3,597,155 6.76 37.09 Allowance for impairment losses on loan,advances and financing 487,343 607,176 1,022,605 794,715 -40.62 28.68Profit before taxation 5,203,142 4,626,717 3,791,293 2,694,107 22.04 40.73Netprofit for the financial year 4,030,798 3,500,803 2,786,232 1,930,486 25.65 44.33Gross dividens paid 1,486,555 1,992,167 881,865 836,868 125.9 5.38Loans, advance and financing 183,838,777 159,181,385 117,382,074 95,904,058 11.95 21.14Total assets 300,152,709 269,365,244 207,090,759 182,801,239 12.24 15.88Deposits from cutomers 221,933,142 199,845,664 146,890,210 126,866,791 11.72 21.78Total liabilites 273,289,549 245,062,045 188,278,166 165,946,629 12.76 15.43Shareholders' fund 25,936,470 23,229,966 17,099,203 15,710,051 14.18 18.98commitments and contingencies 414,197,407 349,069,257 321,678,842 267,168,733 8.11 0.38

RatiosCore capital ratio (CIMB Bank) 15.26 14.47 14.81 10.75 -2.3 37.77Risk-weighted capital ratip (CIMB Bank) 17.59 15.36 15.06 13.9 1.99 8.35Return on average equity 16.4 16.19 14.88 11.77 8.8 26.42Return on total assets 1.34 1.3 1.16 0.93 11.94 24.55Cost on income ratio 54.69 55.68 52.96 52.81 5.13 0.29Cost to total assets 2.21 2.46 2.31 1.94 6.13 19.02Gross impaired/ non-performing loans to gross loans 5.11 6.14 4.98 4.94 23.26 0.79Loans loss coverage ratio 81.12 81.12 90.76 88.05 -10.63 3.08Loan deposit ratio 82.84 79.65 79.49 79.91 0.21 -0.53Equity to assets 8.64 8.62 8.48 8.26 1.73 2.67Equity to loan 14.11 14.59 14.31 14.57 1.99 -1.78

Other informationEarnings per share (sen)Basic 54.23 48.72 39.47 28.59 23.44 38.03Fully diluted n/a n/a n/a 28.88 n/a n/aNet tangible assets pershare (RM) 2.15 -41.31 22.53Gross dividend per share (sen) 20 36.58 25 25 46.3 0Numbers of shares In issue ('000) 7,432,775 7,432,775 3,531,766 3,578,078 110.45 -1.29Weighet average number of shares in issue ('000) 7,432,772 7,186,034 7,059,934 6,751,796 1.79 4.56Share price at year-end (RM) 7.44 8.5 12.84 5.85 -33.8 119.49Number of employees 40,244 36,984 35,922 31,932 2.96 12.5

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Student ID Number: 1130873/1

Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

Every company has the present about the performance. Those companies have

their strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. CIMB Group Holding BHD also has

their own SWOT analysis for their company.

2.1 Strengths

Diversified business mix

CIMB Group operates the business across ASEAN by provides consumer,

investment, Islamic and private banking product and services worldwide (CIMB

Business, 2011). In addition this company also offers asset management, wealth

management, insurance product and services, foreign exchange, engage in the fund

management and so on.

This business was operate under several corporate entities that include CIMB

Investment Bank, CIMB Bank, CIMB Islamic, CIMB Niaga, CIMB Securities International

and CIMB Thai (CIMB, Our business, 2011). The mixed business that provide by CIMB

Group is the strength of this Malaysian Banking Company.

Higher returns

This company has the positive performance on the profit in year 2011. The profit

percentage was increase 44.49% from 2009 until 2011. CIMB Group reported a record

net profit of RM 4,031 billion for year 2011, which is increase 15.17% from 2010 net

profit (Annual Report, 2011).

This banking company has the higher return every year from 2008 until today,

best on the income statement. Positive performance on the return is the strength of this


2.2 Weaknesses


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

Under performance of GAM &Insurance & Takaful

CIMB Group’s fund management business was managing by Group Asset

Management (GAM). GAM manages both conventional and Shariah-compliant

institutional and retail funds over a wide range of asset classes and geographies (Our

Businesses, CIMB Group, 2011).

The asset management was operated by CIMB-Principal Asset Management,

CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management, CIMB Wealth Advisors (CWA), CIMB-

Mapletree Management, CIMB Trust Capital Advisors, Cap Asia, and CIMB Private

Equity and Venture Capital (PEVC).

Meanwhile, all the CIMB Group insurance and Takaful joint ventures and the

Development of Bancassarance were managed by Insurance and Takaful Group (CIMB

Group, Business Description, 2011). Managed by other party is the weakness of CIMB


Rise in None Performing loans & loan loss provision

Rise in the non-performing loans and loan loss provision also the disadvantage

of this company. The non-performing loan ratio to an all-time low of 2.0% from the 2.3%

in 3Q09, while loss coverage to 90.85 from the b=86.7% in the previous quarter 2011

(investment research, 2011). That mean the all-time for the non-performing loan was

increase. So this is the weakness for the CIMB Group.

The rises of the non performing loan effect the provision that have. Because of

the increasing of the value, the provision was effected. So that can loss the provision

they have for loans. We see this as weakness for the CIMB Group.

2.3 Opportunities


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

Growing Global Islamic Finance market

CIMB Group has the opportunity to growing the global Islamic finance market.

This is because the CIMB Islamic is the main branding that there have. This group have

a lot business consists of Shariah advisory, debt market and so on. CIMB Group

Business has the higher requirement from the banking market and higher user in

Islamic Banking management (About us, 2011)

CIMB Group needs to change the perception to be global market especially for

the Islamic Finance market. This opportunity must be used to be a strong Company.

High investment opportunity

CIMB Group has the opportunity to invest their product and service especially in

Sri Lanka. This economy country is very good that the GDP growth of 4.8% over the

past 30 years despite the tolls of market. In the last 5 years, GDP per capita has

doubled to US$2863 from US$1244 in 2005- more than twice that India and Pakistan,

and four times that of Bangladesh (CIMB Group, Plan 21 December 2011)

CIMB Group can provide the brands they have like CIMB Islamic, CIMB

investment bank and CIMB bank that provide the financial management (personal and

corporate) and so on that needed from the consumer and customer in Sri Lanka.

2.4 Threats


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

Global economic imbalances

The imbalance of economic global also affected the CIMB Group performance in

future. By seeing the future and the present economic situation, we can see that global

economic was going down because off the recession in 2008 until 2010 (Economic

Global Report, 2011). This problem effected the economic global even though America,

Europe, and another strong economic also affected.

As a growing countries Malaysia also effected and facing the problem. So, the

imbalances of global economic is a threat of the all company accept CIMB Group. In

this situation this group must know to maintain their performance.

Stiff competition

In this banking term, CIMB Group has a stiff competition. This company has their

own competitor like Malayan Banking BHD, Public Banking BHD and so on. But this is

the most completive competitor that CIMB group need to match.

Even though CIMB Group is a largest banking company, there has need to see

this competitor. This is because the competitors have their own planning to be a good

banking company in the future. In the banking industries, CIMB Group has stiff


2.5 Competitor of the CIMB Group


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

There are too many competitor of the CIMB Group, the major competitor of this

group is May Bank investment Bank, AMMB Holding BHD, and DBS Group Holding ltd

(CIMB Top competitor, 2011)

May Bank Group

May Bank group is the leading financial services provider in Malaysia catering to

the needs of customer, investors, entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations and

corporations. The group which has expended internationally has the largest network

among Malaysian banks of over 2100 branches of offices in 17 countries, employing

42000 May bankers and serving over 21 USD 135 billion, and market capitalization

USD22.0 billion with total equity and total net profit of USD 10.8 billion and USD 1.5

billion respectively (May Bank Home, 2011)

AMMB Holding Berhad

AMMB Holding (which trades as Am Bank Group) control dozen of subsidiaries

and titillates, providing individuals and business with a ranges of financial services and

product thought some 1750 offices. The company allocate in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia by

operates business and investment banking, insurance, and Islamic Financial services.

Services include asset management, commercial banking futures trading, offshore

banking, property trust management, retail financial and securities services (AMMB

Holding Berhad, 2011)

DBS Group Holding ltd

This bank is the largest bank in Singapore and a significant presence throughout

Southeast Asia by offer personal and private banking. The company also has around

Thailand, Hong Kong, Plus Operations China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, The

Philippines and Taiwan. DBS group owns a 20% stake in the bank of the Philippines

Island (That country management, private equity, and equipment and trade finances

(DBS Group Holding, 2011)

3.0 The suggestion service for CIMB Group (new idea)


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

CIMB group now day is become the universal banking company which occupied

the ASEAN market. As a universal banking company, CIMB Group needs to provide the

best banking services in globally. “Forward to Be the Best Banking Services” with

this slogan this group can create the value and to serving the needs of the difference

customers across the region.

The slogan that created is to make sure this group becomes the best bankers in

global banking service, the best ways or solutions is necessary taken. To be the best

bankers in globally banking service, CIMB Group needs to take the best ways which is:

3.1 made special CIMB group office

CIMB Group needs to make the special office or branches that provide personal

and corporate services in multi-language. CIMB Group must build and provide the new

special offices that provide the drive through services. The office is very important to

make the customer easier to done the business that want to do. CIMB Group can make

the office at the strategic area such us at petrol station, nearby shopping center and so

on by provide the check deposit, credit card application form and so on that needs to

fulfill the customer needs and wants.

3.2 Make all printed material in multi-language

Material is very important to present the performance has achieved. CIMB Group

needs to provide the all printed material in multi-language. The language that provide

must diversify especially the language that has services and branches before that in

ASEAN. The language that needs to provide is English language, Japanese language,

Thai language, Arabic language, Spanish language, Chinese language and so on that

necessary to. The material printed like credit card application form, account application

form, material information and so on that necessary needs to make sure the customer

needs and want is filled. CIMB Group needs to provide this services to be a best

globally bankers.

3.3Increase the excellent criteria (multi- language) for staff


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

As a Universal banking company, CIMB Group needs to provide the excellent

services especially in the customer services. This is because CIMG Group facing too

many customers from differences race and religion. By trends everybody (staff) by

giving opportunity to study, the employee able to speak in multi-language. He excellent

criteria services like multi-language is very important for this group. The excellent

criteria (multi-language) must provide by CIMB Group in the bank services.

3.4 Specialized drive through agencies (Malaysian and Oversea)

Drive thru is very important to make the customer easier to do the business.

CIMB Group needs to make the special agencies that provide the drive through

services. The services that need to be like deposit cash, cheque deposit, cash deposit,

transfer transaction, and so on. This drive through services must provide in Malaysian

and in oversea. This service is very important to fulfill the customer needs and want.

CIMB Group needs to have more drive thru services in Malaysia and in oversea.

Suggestion Drive Through picture

Inside the building

4.0 The budget plan


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

During launch the new product and services, the implementation table, financial

forecast and the cost analysis. The implementation table is necessary need to make

sure that the product and services reach to the customer as the user. Cost of the new

product and services also shown on cost analysis and forecast cost.

4.1 The implementation table

Month of year/ contents Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-12 Apr-13 May-13 Advertising Sales promotionDirect marketingPersonal sellingSponsorship

One year Implementation

> the planning of the implementation during launch the product

The implementation table is including the advertising, sales promotion, direct

marketing personal selling and sponsorship for CIMB group in one year. The

implementation is necessary to make the best planning during launching the new

product and services.

The implementation program was implemented in two times which is every six

month in one year base on the budget that has plan. The product and services was

launch in the middle of year 2012 which in early Jun. the

4.2 Financial forecast


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

This is assumption on the financial forecast which in three year that includes the

expected sales, expected profit, and expected costs.

Items RM'000May 2012- May 2013

Expected Profit 10500Expected Sales 85500Expected Costs 75000

June 2013- May 2014Expected Profit 20000Expected Sales 90000Expected Costs 70000

June 2014- May 2015Expected Profit 27500Expected Sales 95500Expected Costs 68000

Financial forecast

Assumption of the financial forecast in 3 year

The financial forecast cost is expected in three year that from Jun 2012 until may 2015. The expected cost was decrease because the services or the drive thru machinery is as still in good condition which in 2014 decrease 7.14% and in 2015 also decrease 2.94%.

The expected sales and the expected profit was increase because of the positive response from the customers.

4.3 Cost analysis

The cost analysis includes the product, pricing, promotion, and place.


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

Cost Analysis RM'000 RM'000product/services

Packaging 7500banking 5500Even both 4500Total 17500

Pricingmaterial cost 8500manufacturing cost 5500staff cost 3500event cost 4000Total 21500

PromotionAdverstising 5500sales product 4500Direct market 5000Personal selling 3500Total 18500

Placelocation banking 8500special License 2550Other 2500Total 13550

Grand Total 71050

Cost analysis

The cost analysis is including the product/service, pricing, promotion, and place.

This item is the cost that needs to incur by CIMB Group during launch the services. the

cost analysis assumption is in one year.

5.0 The Gap Analysis


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

The gap analysis generally use to activity of studying the difference between

standards and the delivery of those standards.

The difference could be used to explain satisfaction and to document areas in

need of improvement. For CIMB Group, there at the recommendation of the future

marketing strategy need to during launch the services and product in 3 year to become

a best globally bankers services.

5.1 The recommendation and future marketing strategy to close the gap


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Student ID Number: 1130873/1

Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

The future marketing strategy is focus on the price, place, product and

promotion. The strategy must relevant to make sure the product and services can fulfill

the need and want of customers.

5.1.1 Price

Product and services/ ItemsCurrent charge at CIMB Group office

Drive through charge (assumption)

Cash withdrawal at CIMB Bank ATM Network in Malaysia No charges RM2 per transactionCash withdrawal at MEPS Shared ATM Network in Malaysia RM1 per transaction RM4 per transactionCash withdrawal at CIRRUS And Plus ATM NetworkRM10 per transaction RM15 per transactionCash withdrawal at MEPS Overseas Shared ATM Network (ARTAJASA / ITMX / NETS) RM10 per transaction RM 15 per transactionFunds Transfer to member banks of MEPS Shared ATM Network RM1 per transaction RM3 per transactionReplacement of ATM cards / PIN RM12 RM14 per transactionElectronic Share Application (ESA) RM2.50 per applicationRM 4 per transactionATM card annual fee RM8 RM 10 per transactionManual Share Application Through ATMs Free RM2 per transactionUtility Bill Payments Through ATMs Free RM2 per transactionDeposit cheque Free RM5 per transactionApplication form Free RM3 per transactionMaterial printed Free RM2 per transaction

Price of the service which current and for the new idea (drive through service).

The price of the services and product is must be suitable with the value of the

services and product provide. “The real issue is value, not price” said by Robert T.

Lindgren. Now day, most of the people want to hurry and fast to do something. For

drive thru services, that can make the customers done the business as fast as possible

they can. They customer just want they need and want.

CIMB Group can charge with the fixed price for the transaction. Then for those

who have the CIMB Card can pay via they card without cash. The payment makes

customers easier to past without prepare cash. The prices of the drive through

assumption almost increase on the price before (current charge). The transaction

charges depend on the risk of the services to fulfill the customer need and wants.

5.1.2 Place


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

Place is very important during launch the services and product. The groups need

to provide the special agencies office in the CIMB Group office before. Provided the

services can make the customer easy to find and ask about the services provide. For

the drive thru services, the group can provide it on petrol station, nearby shopping

centre and other place if necessary. The place must make the customer easy to reach,

go and find it as a conclusion must be fulfilling the customers want and need.

5.1.3 Product

Product is the most important in the marketing plan. The product must necessary

fulfill the need and want of the customers. The drive thru and special agencies office is

necessary for the customer. By provide the services like provide printed material in

multi-language, cheque deposit, application form on drive thru service, the customers

can easier to do the business and those things. The services provide in special

agencies also make the foreign to reach they needs. To close the “gap” the service

must fulfill the want and needs of the customer like these services.

5.1.4 Promotion strategy

During launch the services, the promotion must be include in the group

managing. In using the sales promotion, a company must establish the objectives,

select the tools, develops the program, pretest the program, implement and control it,

and evaluate the result. The promotion tools use is sales selling, fairs and exhibitions,

advertising, personal selling and sponsorship. The promotion use need must be

persuasively communicate customer value and build customer relationship (Philip Kotler

et al 2010).

To launch the service, promotion like advertising, those include media (news

papers, journal, catalog, and television) also the internet advertising. The promotion

must elaborate the services provided which multi-language material. The promotion

activities is very important to create customers awareness, inform, and influence them

to use the services provide.

6.0 Summary


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

CIMB Group is the universal bankers and launches the services and product

across ASEAN. The group has the good performance and receive awarded as a best

banker during operate. The performance for the earning income was increase from

2008 until 2011 (annual report, 2011).

To be a globally bankers company, they are solution need to which is made drive

through services, increase excellent criteria (multi-language), material printed, and

special CIMB Group office. The new idea that suggest is influence the CIMB Group


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7.0 Reference


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Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

Book source

Philip kotler, Swee Hoon Ang, and Chin Tiong Tan, 1999, Marketing Management an ASIAN Prospection, second edition, Singapore: Prentice Hall (Singapore) Pte Ltd Philip Kotler, Kevin L.K., 2009, Marketing Management, 13th edition, Pearson International Edition. Malcolm Mc Donald, Hugh Wilson, Marketing Plan- How to Prepare Them, How to Use Them, 2011, 7edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, United Kingdom. Philip Kotler, Mairead Brady G. , Kevin Lane Keller, Marketing Management, 2009, First edition, Pearson education limited, Edinburg Gate, Harlow.

Internet source

CIMB Group achievement (Best Internet Services in Malaysia, 2011),

[online] available at:


Bank-in-Malaysia-13897993/ [access at: 10 February 2012]

CIMB Business Description, 2011, [online] available at;

p?ticker=CIMB:MK [access at: 10 February 2012]

CIMB Group earning statement, 2011, [online] available at:

ch=g2_ir_fin&pg=g2_ir_fin_earning&tpt=cimb_group [access at: 13 February


CIMB Group financial report, 2011, [online] available at: [access

at: 13 February 2012]

CIMB Group Investment news 2011, [online] available at: http://www.4-


[access at: 13 February 2012]


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Student ID Number: 1130873/1

Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

CIMB Group corporate social responsibility 2011, [online] available at:

ch=g2_csr&pg=g2_csr_content&tpt=cimb_group&uc=1 [access at: 23 March


CIMB Group financial overview 2011, [online] available at:

ch=g2_ir&pg=g2_ir_content&ac=1&tpt=cimb_group [access at: 12 March 2012]

CIMB Group coverage analysis 2011, [online] available at:


[access at: 10 march 2012]

Malaysian top banking websites in 2011, [online] available at:


websites-in-malaysia-in-2011/ [access at: 10 march 2012]

CIMB Group achievement 2011, [online] available at:


List of largest bankers in Malaysia, [online] available at:

[access at: 26 march 2012]


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Student ID Number: 1130873/1

Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

Appendix 1

Brands (product and service)CIMB Group

This group was represent the universal banking in ASEANand the other market such us, UK, USA, China, Hong Kong,Bahrain, and Sri Lanka. This group offers consumer banking,investment banking, treasury, asset management and insuranceproduct and services.CIMB

CIMB represents the leading investment services asset.Also provide the asset management and private bankingfranchise for the customer. The bank has branches in Hong Kongand London, China and Myanmar.CIMB Bank

This bank was representing the consumer bank servicesand the corporate franchise in Malaysia, Singapore andCambodia.CIMB Niaga,

This group was providing the comprehensive range ofconventional and Shariah banking product and services with over 750 branches in Indonesia. This CIMB Niaga represents thecustomers and corporate banking franchise.CIMB Thai

CIMB Thai provide the franchise services for consumerand corporate in Thailand. In 2008, this banking was the largestshareholders after purchasing a stake in Bank Thai from theFinancial Institutional Development Fund. CIMB Islamic

CIMB Islamic is the global Islamic banking and financefir CIMB Group. These banks provide the Shariah-compliantfinancial solution in investment banking, Takaful, assetmanagement, private banking and wealth management (source:CIMB Brands, 2011)


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Student ID Number: 1130873/1

Module Subject: Marketing Essentials

Appendix 2 Business description

Consumer Banking

This group provided consumer sales distribution, retailfinancial services, commercial Banking and personal financingservices. In 2011, had an excellent year and improved the assetquality and commercial banking portfolio also delighted with theexpectation retail deposit growth there achieve (Business review,annual report 2011). The services were operating in Malaysia,Indonesia, and Singapore and Thailand.Corporate and institutional banking and markets

Corporate Client Solutions, sales and marketing group hasmanaging the corporate and institutional client. The lending,equities, advisory products and service s was manage by theCorporate & Investment Banking. In addition, the Treasury &Investment has responsibility to the debt capital markets, group’streasury and managing the balance sheet (source: Our Business,2011). Group Asset Management, Insurance and Takaful

These groups have responsibility to manage the CIMBGroup’s fund by managing conventional, retail fund and theShariah-complaint institutional. Moreover, all the insurance andTakaful was mange by the Group Insurance & Takaful based onthe country capabilities and needs. Allianz is the joint ventures ofthis group with insurance provider. CIMB- Principal AssetManagement, CIMB Principal Islamic Asset Management, CIMBWealth Advisors (CWA), CIMB- Maple tree Management, CapAsia, CIMB Trust Capital Advisors, CIMB Private Equity andVenture Capital (PEVC) is the subsidiaries that manage the CIMBGroup asset (source: CIMB Our Business, 2011).