cis581-presentation contour finding presented by: wang, qiang supervised by: dr. longin jan latecki

CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang , Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

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Page 1: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki


Contour finding

Presented by: Wang , Qiang

Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Page 2: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki



Five steps to reach the goal

(processing the image)


Page 3: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Contour finding


•Output: Sequence of boundary pixels of the largest object

•Input: Binary image containing segmented objects as black pixels

•Apply to MPEG-7 Shape 1 data set. (1400 images)

Page 4: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Introduction Sample images:

Page 5: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

•Pre-processing: erase the noise•Edge detection•Contour detection•Delete the redundant points•Simplify the contours

Five steps:


Page 6: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Pre-processing Pre-processing: Erasing the noisefor num_bmp=1:1400 tmp=imread(strcat(int2str(num_bmp),'.bmp')); tmp=medfilt2(tmp,[10 10]); x = zeros(size(tmp,1)+6,size(tmp,2)+6); x(4:size(tmp,1)+3,4:size(tmp,2)+3)=tmp;

x=x~=0; x=im2bw(x); …End% some other choices of filters: % tmp=filter2(1/25*ones(5,5),tmp);% tmp=ordfilt2(tmp,36,ones(6,6));

Page 7: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Pre-processing Pre-processing: Erasing the noiseAnother way to erase the noise: Object LabelingFind out all those pixels connected to each other, and label them with the same number.

1 1 1 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 0 1 1 0 01 1 1 0 1 1 0 01 1 1 0 0 0 1 01 1 1 0 0 0 1 01 1 1 0 0 0 1 01 1 1 0 0 1 1 01 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

[labeled,numObjects] = bwlabel(bw,4)

1 1 1 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 0 2 2 0 01 1 1 0 2 2 0 01 1 1 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 0 0 0 3 01 1 1 0 0 0 3 01 1 1 0 0 3 3 01 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

Page 8: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Pre-processing Pre-processing: Erasing the noise

Page 9: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Edge detection

Edge detection Fortunately… there is a very useful function in matlab: img_edge=edge(


Page 10: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Edge detection

Page 11: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Contour detection

Problem: after edge detection, we just get an image with all those points on the contour as 1 while all the others as 0,we need to get the coordinates of those 1 pixels (vertices).

Basic idea: just travel around all the contour, find out all the pixels of 1.

Page 12: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Contour detectionHow to travel??

•Need a starting point;•Need to decide the direction to travel;•Need to avoid any circle in traveling.

(The last one is the most tricky thing)

Page 13: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Contour detection


A matrix and

a vector

Page 14: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Contour detection

The matrix: Anti-clockwise

[1 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 1 for x 0 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1]; for y

Page 15: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Contour detection

The vector:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Current neighbor index

[8 8 2 2 4 4 6 6] New neighbor indexMake sure we know which one will be next neighbor to check!Keep anti-clockwise direction.

Page 16: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Contour detectionCode:

[a b]=find(img_edge); counter=size(find(img_edge),1); point_x(1)=a(1); point_y(1)=b(1); % find out the starting point neighbor_offset=[1 1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 1;0 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1]; new_neighbor=[8 8 2 2 4 4 6 6]; neighbor=1;

for i=1:counter %try to find out all those pixels on the contour while img_edge(point_x(i)+neighbor_offset(1,neighbor),point_y(i)+neighbor_offset(2,neighbor))==0 neighbor=mod(neighbor,8)+1; end

point_x(i+1)=point_x(i)+neighbor_offset(1,neighbor); point_y(i+1)=point_y(i)+neighbor_offset(2,neighbor); neighbor=new_neighbor(neighbor);

if and(point_x(1)==point_x(i+1),point_y(1)==point_y(i+1)) break end end

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Contour detection

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redundant points

Delete the redundant points When there are many points on exact the same straight line,

we just need to keep the starting and ending points.

for i=1:size(point_x,2)-2; if or(and(point_x(i)==point_x(i+1),point_x(i+1)==point_x(i+2)), and(point_y(i)==point_y(i+1),point_y(i+1)==point_y(i+2))) point_x(i+1)=[]; point_y(i+1)=[]; end end

Page 19: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Simplify the contour

for i1=1:n-pointsleftevomaass=evo(Zneu);%Function: computes a relvance measure for every point"[y,I]=sort(evomaass);Zneu(I(1))=[];% in Zneu the points with the smallest relevance measure is % removedend

Simplify the Contour: using a small number of edges to represent the contour.

Page 20: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Simplify the contour

function K=evo(Z)n=length(Z);LM=norm(Z(2)-Z(n));LR=norm(Z(1)-Z(2));LL=norm(Z(n-1)-Z(1));His(1)=LL+LR-LM;for j=2:n-1 LM=norm(Z(j-1)-Z(j+1)); LR=norm(Z(j)-Z(j+1)); LL=norm(Z(j-1)-Z(j)); His(j)=LL+LR-LM;end;LM=norm(Z(n-1)-Z(1));LR=norm(Z(n)-Z(1));LL=norm(Z(n-1)-Z(n));His(n)=LL+LR-LM;K=His;

Page 21: CIS581-Presentation Contour finding Presented by: Wang, Qiang Supervised by: Dr. Longin Jan Latecki

Simplify the contour

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input image: 512 * 512 pixels

Output file: 50 points

input size: 250 KB Output size: < 400 bytes

Based on the output: we can do•Image compression•Image processing•Feature extraction and analysis


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The end
