colombia a country of natural wonder

Colombia a country of natural wonder.

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Colombia biodiversity


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Colombia a country of natural wonder.

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Colombia biodiversity.

Is defined as the variability of living organisms from any source, including terrestrial and marine ecosystems and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; it includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. Colombia is the second richest in species around the world country, after Brazil, which has more species, in one area seven times larger. On average, one in ten species of fauna and flora in the Word, lives e n Colombia

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Colombia is a country full of many wild species which makes it be a country of natural marvels in flora and fauna due to his geographical, this position bathed by two seas and many rivers, which makes it have all the thermal floors of the climate, finding from deserts up to perpetual snow, being the country more diversely for square meter, which offers to us a great number of resources for the exploitation ecotourism.

Colombia is a country privileged by its natural wealth, the variety and beauty of its geography and by the diversity of its ecosystems: It has the two oceans: the Atlantic and the Pacific, that add more than 2,900 kilometers of coast and in which is a series of beautiful islands. Three mountainous mountain ranges or chains: the Western one, the Power station and the Eastern one, with snowed, volcanos, plateaus, savannahs and valleys. In Colombia many water sources exist: streams, gorges, brooks and rivers; there are, in addition, innumerable lakes, bogs and wetlands, In Colombia are some of the rainiest zones of the planet. For being a tropical country and to have earth from the border of the sea to very high mountains, Colombia counts on diversity of landscapes and great variety of climates (warm, tempering, cold and very cold).

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Natural regions of Colombia:

The Caribbean: she is most extensive of Colombia, not as much by its terrestrial surface as by its marine surface. this region, that begins in spurs of Andean mountain ranges, limits with the greater Antilles, panama hat and Nicaragua (to that a failure of the cut of is it yielded part to him of the territorial sea.)

The ecosystems coralline own of the coasts and the insular zone are important part of this region of the continent, because they exist the greater biodiversity in marine environment there, becoming the points of repopulation oceanic.

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The following one is a compilation of information or rather, small ready but representative of the flora and the Colombian fauna that we organize for departments. We hope that this list grows instead of diminishing.

Department of the Atlantic. tamarindo.

Flora.:- Los Guayacanes - La palma de vino- El siete cueros- El tamarindo de mico- El nazareno- La ceiba de leche- El caracolí

♦ Fauna:- El mono colorado- El mico titi cariblanco- El venado y la zorra patona- Las guacamayas- La pava congona- El colibrí cabeza de rubí sierra nevada de santa marta ♣ Department of Magdalena ♦ Flora:- Palmas de manzanos y tachuelo- Mangles de todo tipo- Bosques de suan, pivijay y cantagallos- Cactus y Helechos - La Bonga o majagua- Praderas y pastizales- Los cedros, guayacanes y totumos

♦ Fauna:- Venado de páramo y dantas- Arrecifes y Corales del Mar Caribe icotea- Los monos, perezosos y turpiales- Caimanes, babillas, bagres y rayas de agua dulce- Tortugas icoteas, boas, cascabeles y mapanaes- Ganado Cebú, Caballos y Burros - Las Ardillas, nutria y el bello Paujil- El cóndor y la gallineta de monte- Zorros Mangleros y alacranes

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♣ Department of the Guajira

♦ Flora:- Bosque Enano flamencos - Helechos- Bromelias- El Resbala Monos- El Indio Desnudo- El Caracolí gg- La Clavelina

♦ Fauna:- Los Flamencos- Pelicanos- Mapaches- Langostas- Culebras- Garcitas del ganado- Peces del Mar Caribe- Vacas y novillos- Burros- Cabras

♣ San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina Reserva de la biosfera Sea Flower

♦ Flora:- Mangle Rojo- Icaco o cocoplum - Arboles de mango- Palmas de coco- Algas- Pastos marinos- Lastalasia

♦ Fauna:- Los Corales o Madréporas- Las tortugas Carey y verde- El Merlín- El Caracol Pala- El Andarios Solitario- Cangrejos- La Polla Azul

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Andean regiónThe Andean Region of Colombia is the zone most filled with the country and the economically more active zone of the whole mountain chain of the Andes, with about 34 million inhabitants; it coincides with the north part of the Andes. The nororiente is orientated of the suroccidente, between Ecuador and Venezuela. Inside the territory of Colombia there are divided in three mountain chains, Western, Central and Orientally, that give place to numerous valleys, cannons, plateaus and a fluvial system which principal rivers are the Cauca and the Magdalena.

The Andean Region, natural beauty on our 3 mountain chains; oriental, central and western, ride I obtain the principal events of our Colombian history.

Cultivos de café en el eje cafetero.

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Pacific region

RICHES ecological

is a region of immense ecological, hydrographic, mining and forestry wealth which are national parks. It is also considered one of the regions of greater biodiversity and rainfall on the planet with the order of 4,000 mm rainfall / year according to the Ministry of mines and energy of Colombia.[1] Also is the main land of the Afro-Colombian culture and numerous tribes American Indian that were called "chocoes" by the Spaniards at the time of the conquest, although the term includes linguistic families of different origin. The coastline puts Colombia in front of the world's largest ocean and thereby a field of international m eeting vital for its dev elopment.

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Amazon region.

lThe Colombian Amazon is an amazing destination for tourists looking to end contact with nature and meet some of the most representative national cultures.This wonderful habitat hosts many species of flora and fauna than any other ecosystem in the world and is an amazing place not only for the cultural diversity of its indigenous peoples, but for the life that originates and thrives on multiple banks of the Amazon , the largest river, wide and deep the world.igro de e

The amazonia colombiana this is part of the great Amazon forest categorized as the lung of the world located in the countries of colombia, peru and brazil which this banada River long and plentiful on the planet, which fills the sa me name.

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In spite of all the wealth that we have it we are killing our actions.

Here a list of these species in danger of losing to bolonia.


Aburria aburri Pava negra, gualilo, pava azul, gurri.

Agouti paca Guagua. borugo, paca.

Alouatta palliata Aullador negro.

Alouatta seniculus Mono colorado aullador.

Amazilia castaneiventris Colibrí.

Anas cyanoptera borreroi Pato colorado.

Anas cyanoptera tropicus Zarceta colorada.

Anas flavirostris altipetens Pato de páramo.

Aotus brumbacki Mico de la noche.

Aotus lemurinus griseimembra

Marteja, martica, mico de noche.

Aotus lemurinus lemurinus Mico de noche.

Aotus trivirgatus Mico de noche, marteja.

Ara ambigua Guacamaya frentiroja.

Ara ararauna Guacamaya Pechiamarilla

Ara chloroptera Guacamaya de ala verde.

Ara macao Guacamaya bandera, tricolor.

Ara manilata Guacamaya de los moriches.

Ara militaris Guacamayo.

Arapaima gigas Pez pirarucu.

Ateles belzebuth Marimonda.

Ateles fuscipens Mono araña.

Ateles geoffroyi

Ateles paniscus hybridus Marimonda, mico araña, marijuano.

Atelocynus microtis Zorro ojizarco, zorro.

Atlapetes flaviceps Correlón.

Attila torridus

Balaenoptera edemi Ballena del caribe.

Balaenoptera musculus Ballena azul.

Bangsia aureocincta Tángara.

Bangsia melanochlamys Tángara.

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Bassaricyon gabbii

Boa constrictor Boa.

Bolborhynchus ferrugeneifronsV/R


Botaurus pinnatus pinnatus Tamborero.

Brachyplatistoma filamentosum

Pez pirahiba.

Bradypus variegatus Oso perezoso.

Brycon henni Sabaleta

Buthraupis wetmorei

Cacajao calvus

Cacajao melanocephalus Chucuto.

Caiman crocodilus apaporiensis

Babilla del Apaporis.

Caiman crocodilus chiapasus

Babilla, gorgona.

Caiman crocodylus fuscus Babilla, cachirre.

Cairina mostacha Pato real.

Callimico goeldii

Cambusia aestiputeus (San Andrés)

Capito hypoleucus

Carduelis cucullata Cardenalito.

Caretta caretta caretta Tortuga caguama, tortuga gogó.

Casmerodius albus Garza del Ganado.

Cebuella pygmaea Tití enano.

Cebus albifrons cesarae Mico cariblanco, maicero, mico bayo.

Cebus capucinus Mico capuchino.

Cephalopterus ornatus Pájaro sombrilla.

Cerdocyon thous Zorra.

Chelonia mydas Tortuga verde, tortuga blanca.

Chelus fimbriata Mata mata.

Chlorochrysa nitidissima

Chlorospingus flavovirens

Chrysemys scripta ornata Icotea blanca, icotea.

Chrysocyon brachyurus Zorro.

Chubbia imperialis Caica.

Chubbia stricklandii Caica sola.

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Cisttothorus apolinari

Clytoctantes alixii

Coccyzus minor abbotti Old man bird.

Coendu prehensilis Puercoespin.

Coendu vestitus Puerco espin.

Coereba flaveola oblita Azucarero.

Coleigena prunellei Colibrí, quincha, tomineja, sun-sun.

Colinus cristatus bogotensis Perdíz de la sabana de Bogotá.

Columba leucocephala Paloma cabeciblanca.

Conepatus semistriatus Zorrrillo.

Coturnicops notatus

Crax alberti Paujil de la costa.

Crax globulosa

Crax rubra Paujil del Chocó.

Crocodylus acutus Caiman del Magdalena, caimán agujo.

Crocodylus intermedius Caimán del Orinoco, llanero.

Crypturellus kerriae Tinamú del Chocó.

Crypturellus saltuarius Chorola.

Cypseloides lemosi

Dacnis berlepschi

Dasyprocta punctata pandora

Ñeque, gorgona.

Dasypus novemcynctus Gurre, armadillo.

Dermochelys coriacea Tortuga canal, barriguda, cana.

Deroptyus accipitrinus Kina kina.

Dinomys branickii Guagua loba, pacarana, guagua de cola.

Dusicyon microtis

Dysithamnus occidentalis

Eira barbara Taira

Eremophilus mutisii Capitán, chimbe.

Eretmochelys imbricata Totuga carey.

Eriocnemis godini

Eriocnemis mirabilis

Eudocimus ruber Corocora lacre.

Europyga helias Ave sol.

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Eutoxeres aquila Colibrí.

Falco deiroleucus Halcón.

Falco peregrinus anatum Halcón peregrino, halcón patero.

Falco peregrinus cassini Halcón peregrino, halcón patero.

Felis concolor Puma, León americano, león de montaña.

Felis pardalis Ocelote.

Felis tigrina Tigrillo.

Felis wiedii pirrencis Tigrillo,gato montés.

Felis yagouaroundi Gato colorado, moro.

Florida caerulea Garza azul.

Fregata magnificiens Tijereta.

Galbula pastazae

Galictis vittata Grison.

Gallinaga nobilis Caica.

Gambusia aestiputeus Gambusia.

Goethalsia bella Colibrí.

Goldmania violiceps Colibrí.

Grallaria alleni alleni Hormiguero.

Grallaria alleni andaquiensis

Grallaria gigantea

Grallaria milleri

Grallaria rufocinerea

Grallaricula cucullata

Gymnostinops cassini

Hapalopsittaca amazonina Perico multicolor.

Hapalopsittaca fuertesi

Haplophaedia lugens

Harpia harpyja Aguila harpía, águila churuquera, miquera.

Harpyhaliaetus solitarius solitarius

Aguila solitaria.

Hydranassa tricolor Garza tricolor.

Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris ithsmius


Hypophyrrus pyrohypogaster

Cacique candela.

Icterus jamaicensis Toche.

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Icterus leucopteryx lawrencii

Banana bird.

Iguana iguana Iguana.

Inia geoffrensis Delfín rosado.

Ixobrychus exilis bogotensis Gallito de agua de la sabana.

Jabiru mycteria Garzón soldado.

Myrmecophaga tridactylaOso hormiguero,oso palmero, oso caballuno, oso pajizo, oso bandera, tamandua bandeira

Nasuella olivacea Cusumbo.

Neochen jubata Ganso del Orinoco, pato carretero.

Neomorphus radiolosus

Netta erythrophthalma erythrophthalma

Pato carrango, zarceta negra.

Noctilio leporinus Murciélago pescador.

Nothocrax urumutum Paujil nocturno.

Nyctibius grandis Chotacabras.

Odocoileus virginianus goudoti

Venado de páramo, venado gris, venado blanco, venado reinoso.

Odocoileus virginianus tropicalis

Venado del cañón del Dagua.

Odontophorus atrifrons ariegatus


Odontophorus atrifrons atrifrons


Odontophorus strophium Perdíz de monte.

Ognorhynchus icterotis Loro orejiamarillo .

Oreothraupis arremonops

Oroaetus isidori Aguila de copete.

Oxyura jamaicensis andina Pato turrio, pato consumidor, pato piquiazul.

Oxyura jamaicensis ferruginea

Pato turrio,pato consumidor, pato piquiazul.

Panthera onca Jaguar.

Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi

Gavilán andapie.

Pauxi pauxi gillardi Paujil copete de piedra, paujil de piedra.

Pauxi pauxi pauxi Paujil copete de piedra, paujil de piedra.

Pelecanus occidentalis Pelícano.

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Penelope argyrotis argyrotis Pava.

Penelope argyrotis colombiana


Penelope perspicax Pava del cauca.

Phoenicopterus ruber Flamenco, chicloco, tococo.

Phrynops dahli Carranchina, tortuga parlanchina.

Phylloscartes lanyoni

Piomopsitta haematotis Lora.

Piomopsitta pyrilia Loro.

Pipile pipile Pava rayadora.

Podiceps andinus Zambullidor.

Podiceps occipitalis juninensis


Podocnemis erythrocrphala Tortuga.

Podocnemis expansa Tortuga charapa, tartaruga, tortuga arrau.

Podocnemis lewyana Tortuga de río, galápaga.

Podocnemis sextuberculata Tortuga.

Podocnemis unifilis Totuga terecay, tericaya, galápaga.

Poecilia vetiprovidentiae (Isla de providencia).

Polystictus pectoralis bogotensis


Porphriops melanops bogotensis

Tingua de Bogotá.

Potos flavus Leoncito, Kinkayu.

Priodontes maximus Armadillo gigante,ocarre, armadillo trueno,

jusa trueno, tatú canasta.

Procyon lotor Mapache.

Psarocolius cassini Oropéndula.

Pseudemys scripta Tortuga de agua dulce, Icotea.

Pseudodacnis hartlaubi

Psophia crepitans Tente.

Pterodroma phaeopygia

Pteronura brasiliensis Perro de agua,lobón, ariraña.

Pudu mephistophiles Venado conejo, cansa perros, venado chonta.

Pyrrhura calliptera

Rallus semiplumbeus Chinita.

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Rhamphastos sulphuratus Tucan arcoiris, piquihermoso.

Rhamphastos swainsonii Tucán.

Rupicola peruviana Gallito de roca, gallito de monte, berreador,

Rupicola rupicola Gallito de roca.

Saguinus leucopus Tití gris.

Saguinus oedipus geoffroyiTití cabeza blanca, tití manchín, tití bebeleche.

Saguinus oedipus oedipus Tití piel roja.

Sarcorhamphus papa Rey gallinazo.

Sciurus sp. Ardilla.

Semnornis ramphastinus Pájaro compás.

Sotalia fluvialis Delfin de río, Bufeo.

Speothos venaticus Perrito venadero.

Spheniscus humboldti Pingüino.

Spinus cucullatus Cardenalito, jilguero rojo.

Spizastus ornatus Aguila crestada.

Spizastus ornatus vicarius Aguila, águila calzada.

Spizastus tyrannus serus Aguila.

Spizastus melanoleucus Aguila.

Sporophila insulata Semillero de Tumaco.

Stenella attenuata Delfin rosado.

Sula dactylatra dactylatra Bubia blanca, booby, pajaro bobo.

Synallaxis cherrie

Tajassu pecari Manao, pecarí.

Tajassu tajacu Zaino.

Tamandua mexicana Tamandua

Tapirus bairdii Danta del chocó, macho de monte, danta.

Tapirus pinchaque Danta de páramo, danta conga, danta lanuda.

Tapirus terrestris colombianus

Danta de la costa.

Thryothorus nicefori

Tinamus osgoodi hershkovitziK

Tinamú del huila, gallineta negra.

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Tinamus tao larensis Gallineta azúl, perdiz de monte.

Touit stictoptera

Tremarctos ornatusOso andino, oso negro, oso de anteojos,oso real, oso careto, oso enjaquimado, oso frontino.

Trichechus inunguis Manatí amazónico, vaca marina, peixe boi.

Trichechus manatusManatí del caribe, manatí de la costa, vaca marina.

Tursiops truncatus Delfin pico de botella.

Tyto alba Lechuza blanca.

Vireo caribaeus

Vultur griphus Cóndor de los andes, buitre, kuntur(quichua).

Xenornis setifrons

This is a small information gathered from all the richness that colombia has given that to make a compilation complete is adoptive muhos years of research and serious expensive mus study said.

Recardondo as long as colombia is passion risk is wanting to stay.

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Tayrona park


Eliecer David Vargas Chica.

Elber Antonio Rosario Montiel.