columbia democrat and star of the north.. (bloomsburg, pa ...€¦ · baltimore, u-.-t n and rev...

AGEICULTURAL. Good R cttzp. vs. Focl Cellars. Good tetter can't be made in foul celkrs. Noth- ing received a taint mere easily than butter. It becomes'.infected readily -- by offensive odors. iMucH Eeeter, better butter is made in BDrinsr bouses than in cellars. Decayed cabbage, turnips etc., in a cellar do not im- part any virtues to biriter, but deteriorate it badly. Good butter w one of the great luxuries of the table, and nothing but scru- pulous care and neatness will secure it. Farly in the spring give the cellar a thorough cleansing and scrubbing, if you please. Then whitewash, it from top to bottom. A little Iixne gcattered about in Leaps is also . beneficial. Have an opportunity to venti- late cool nights and mornings. But be able to close it tight in warm weather. Shut in the cool air and give it no chance to escape. Then, if you will scald your pans and crocks, and buckets with boiling water - daily, and use the proper skill and care, you , ran make and pack butter that it will be a pleasure to eat Rural World. Steamixo FODDEIL-Coar- se fodder may be made to go a great way,with a little art Cat-.- .. t!eand horses refuse cornstalks, not because 1 Vthcy are not good feed, but because they are J ..2iard to chewk and they choose not to chew them. Cut up by a good Btalk cutter that either cuts them in half-inc- h pieces, or slices them very diagonally, and soaked twenty-fou- r hours, wet ith hot water, meal and the hardest salt being added, will almoEt all Le eaten. Still, steaming ia better, for it does not necessitate keeping twenty-fou- r Lour's stock of prepared feed on hand all the time. . The most convenient steaming - apparatus is propably a hogshead hung in , trunnion?, the steam being passed to the bottom through a rubber hose from a boiler, With such an arrangement all kinds of fod- der, etraw, stalks, hay, roots, etc., may be cooked for cattle or swine, and the greatest possible economy in fodder attained. , Half Hardy Plants. It is well known that certain plants will pa3s the wint-e- r ly, if they have only a slight protection, but most cultivators do not seem to be aware that this protection Is given as much against heat as it is against cold.- - Like the man who was reported aa Laving died, not of hid disease, but in getting well, many of our plants cin it and freezing better than they can thawing and if protection to so-call-ed tender tilings U cot fciven until midwinter, it often answers perfectly.. ... A barrel, putover a shrub, bhields it fcora sudden changes. A good light and dry cellar is a great help, in absence of a rrecn-Lcut- e. Tender roses, Lantacas, Ole- anders, and many other thing that arc very tseful, when put in a cellar and just kept will "worry along" nicely, t an J they will generally come out all right in ths spring.' ' Over-feedin- g Stock, It is wcl!-kno- that the evils of the system of ovcr-lecdin- g show stock of all kinds have been frequent- ly derlorcd, and strong representations made cn the subject ty LreeJcrs, and ly; ths agri- cultural press. Yet, up to the latest shew of bretding stock that wa3 held, there was not the slightest symptom of improvement. It set His strange that the parties most inter- ested in tho matter should be to much op- posed to it, and yet that nothing is done to remedy the eviL The reason 13 elm ply tlu3, over-feedin- g Las become a fashion, and breeders know very xrJH that unless they yield to it, they may kejp their stock at home, for if they ventured to show their cattle or sheep in the state these would be kept fjr breeding, no cue would look at them. - 2Iashes foe Houses. The following re- cipe was given me by a celebrated steeple- chaser I never knew any horse refuse it : Take a feed of oats, a double handful of linseed for each horse, and boil for thre Lours, then turn into a large tub or earthen- ware pan, and add so much bran, with just enough of warm water to moisten the whole through, rut a cloth over it, and let it stand aa Lour, then mix it wellr and feed as soon as it 13 coll enough. Thi3 mash is very use-f- ul whea Lorses iu hard condition "dry up" and grow thin in spite of continual feeds of eorn. I give it once a week all the year around, but oftcner if required Ly any par- ticular horse. A few beans may be boiled with the corn if tbe Lorse is in a very low eondition- - London Picld. ToFurFisn. The ordinarynianner of frying fish i a shallow pan withtinly a small quantity of grease, may be much improved upon by imitating the Greeks, from whom we may also learn many other useful kstons in the culinary art Take a large quantity of lard in a deep kettle, and let it boil as for frying doughnuts. Whita boiling, drop in the fish, having previously rolled them in four or meal. In a few minutes they wHl be of a rich, uniform brown, when they may Le taken out and served while Lot They will be found infinitely more delicate in fla- vor, aa well as more inviting ia appearance than, when, cooked ia the old wav. Fanr Growing fou Stock Feeding!. If apples are abundant, and you Lave not Lelp sufficient to gather them for market, or to make them into cider, it will cf course pay to feed them to Logs, especially if tLey are sweet ones. Good, rich, early winter or late fall apples of high-tone- d yet subacid . avoiy make- - the bast cider, though a large admixture of sweet apples is co disadvantage t as it adds strength. So much for the general policy of raising apples to feed Logs the least profitable way of disposing cf them, provided you can, do anything elss with them.. To Vhzyzst Rats from Damaging Leather. It is not uncommon to find in factories that where machinery is station- ary, rats gnaw the leather belting where they can get access to it A correspondent of the Scientific American states that rats TViil net taoia anything containing castor oil 0! "wli-a- t 13 covered with it and he rcccynmends tlit the-Lchin- be rubbed with the oil. Any leather exposed to tho depredation of rats will te reserved by this remedy. V.,, TTURRAH FOR CATAW1SSA. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Good to compare with stringency'- of the Money Alartet, aim compare price nciore purclm' itiK elsewhere. Just rail at the favorite business stand of McXinch &: 3Muiif.,i. nnii yon will be met by the obliging rrrprielor r iheir Clerks ami tttown through their great variety Store free ol charge, of course, they will givo yon a fair chance to peud your loote change, they trust much inuia profitably than it can be spnl elsewhere. Tu ir STOCK OF MY GOODS, this Spring is much larger in nil It varieties than usual. 'J'hfi- - Lndie Dress Goods areof ilir nicest styles in .Market. They have a fine assortment of U.iUr' Cap. ISootsaud shoes, Summer' Cloths, Casiueli, Cassimers and Vetin. and numerous articles common tit such establish- ments, besides a general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, Qocenswnre and Groceries, all at greatly reduce I prices. They vt ir h lo coudutt thei r business on t lie system, of "PAY AS YOU GO'' ami tbry think they enn afford to sell very cheap. Thry return their tliankk fur many past favors, and ark the future patronage of their former customers and the public McNt.YCII 4c SMUMAN. Slay 16, 1SU6. tf. REAT ATTEATION C J AT urogeky si one;. undersigned begs leave to announce to the THE of Uloomsburg and the surroondins country lie keeps comtuii tly on hand at his old stand, 011 the soulli east corner of Main and Iron sts., a prime lot of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, CofiVe. Susar. Syru;. Tobacco, Cigars. Dried Fruit, Coal Oil. ii'itT. Spires, llutter. Eggs. Lard Cheese Dried Heel", t rackers. Drugs. Parlor and llaud Lamps, Taints of nil Rinds, and p.iiut brushes. I've Stuff's. Dr Coods, Calicoes, Cloths fur boy'a wear. oiip. Flour, Chop, Uu.cnsw are. Glass. Put- ty. Salt. Fish. Meat. I'andie Uuckei, Itroonm, . Hosiery. Hooks, Writing J'.iper, Ink, Hardware, Tucket Knives. Csintis. ce. &c. &c. He keeps iu fact everything appertmuing to a first elns Ciroccry and Variety Store. He is determined not 10 be undersold. All kinds of produce taken at ihe H!Glli:sT MARKET PRICES. Havlnjjul received anew rtock. the people are earnesiliy invited to call and satisfy themselves. Ity sirii t attentinn to business, he hopes not only to ro lain his pnirunaze but to increase tL Il! feels thank. ful fur past favors, and with many years experience in the business, lie feels coofueni he can render sal isfcetiun to al! tvuo fuv or him with their pat- onane. v JOHN K UIRTON, Dliomslnirff. June 20, 1SCC. TtOVESTEEN & 1:0. Piacc-For- to Jtlanulactui 439 Bro&dfray. New Ycrlk. fpllfi ATTENTION of tiie puMie anl t!ie trade i, I jnviicii 10 m; vv m; u.r., seven oci avk. ROSi;VO'U TIAXO FORTES. !iih fir volume and ri'rty of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto 01' fored in this market. They rottt;nn all the inmli rn ii:iprovenient!. French srand action, harp pedal. irou-fram- nver-lrun- ; bniis. etc., and each iusirument bem; made under the per-on- al supervision f Mr. J II. GuoVkSTKKX, who has a pia. tical experience of over thirty years in their luanu facture, is fully war- ranted ia very pnrtiriilar. TilK QHurtJiTb.F.3r PIjS.VJ-FuRTI- BECEIVKD 11IE UlUHKKT AWARD Of MERIT AT Tilt CCLC- - MATtD World's t ai r Where were exhibited instruments from Ihff bet niukers tf endon. Tnris. I liiladelplii.i. Baltimore, U-.- t n and rev Vork;and also at the American I nslitute for live successive yenrs. the Gn..i ami Silver AIedals Irom botli of which cu.ii be seen at our ware-ronins- . llv th.: intrn.iuctio'i of improvements we m ike a still more perfect Tinno-fort- c, an I by manufact iring la'eeiy, n uli a stnttly cah y-- t. iu. are cn3lled to ort'..r the r instruments at aprice which will preclude ail enmpetitou . Our pries are f:o:n Si 10 to ?0 cheaper than any Cril cias riauo-furt- e. TKKMS Net Cash in current funds. l'eyenptive circulars sent tree: July II, IcGO. ly. 11. &. i'. ESI'Y HOTEL, Epy, Calnnsbia Co. Pa. The undersigned Lavins becom? sole proprietor nl well known and convcr.ict!y l.lUd stind, respectfully informs In friend, nnil the public in Eiwral, that hr; has put his hmi-- e in eniupletc order f l lii ; ci uaiuiOi'ation of hoarders, nnd for the recep- tion mid ei.lerlaiuineut of travelers who may leel disposed to f.ivui 1: w ith their c:lt int. N. expense has been spared 111 prcparms this Hi te! for lli etii..-- r taiumeni ol H'liJij, an 1 iii.thii j fIi.-i!- ! be nantii'j. on bi.--p ri. to M.ii'inter lo their personal com'oit. The !oration: es wtll us the building, is a good one, and all together is amply arranged to please Hie public Israel aicsiEx'. Hspy. April II. tf. HLOOUSBUKG FANCY TRLM3II.G AND O00H S70P,, Fecond dcor below ILirtman's ilain btr:cu Just received a new stock of ZKTH V E3, WOOLEN AND COT- TON YARNS, COCSETS, LACES. EMBROIDEIMEJ, SllSSLV.l, EDGINGS. DREad TRIMJI! VG3. and every variety of articles usually kept iu a FA'CY STOUL. A'soFcitool Cooks. Hymn Hooks, Ciblcs, Sunday. School !loi;!ts. and a larg.: U t of MI tiki ELL A NEO ES B 0 OA'S, Account and Memorandum Pocks, HUnk Peedj. liinds and Alortxnses. an. a general and we!l-;elecl-e- d assort L'lert of Taper, Envelopes, &e. ' A. D. WEC3. Eloomshurr. June SI. 13r.G. -- :t Sl3l THE GREAT CAUSE CF HUMAN MISERY. Just PuUiskcd.i aS'aled Enrelape. Priet ?z tents. A Lecture ou the Naluie, Treatiiient, nnd Cure of Seminal Weakness, or fcperniatort hoa. In- voluntary Einisions, Debility, and Impedi- ments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Con- sumption, Epilepsy, and F'Im ; Mental and Thyic:il Incapacity, resnll mr from Self Ab.ise. A c Hy U !!. ERT J. CHLVRaWULL. M. 1 Author ol ihe Book.'- - to The wurtd-reno- w ned author, in this admirable I,eC. lure, c early proves from his own experience that the awfui ronxenuences i'f Ke'f Abue may br effort-uall- y removed without medicine, and without gicnl operations, bougies, iniiruiiieiitj, rins, cr cordials, pointins out a mode of cure at certain nnd effectual, by wcicli every sufH-rer- , no matter what Lis condition may be, may cure theapl y. privately, ami radically. I il IS l.KC-TUR- W ILL I'lioVU A LOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOL'SANDS. Sent, under seal, in a p'ain envelope, to any ad- dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage slumps bv addressinc tbe "Also. Dr. CU L V Ell W ELL'S "Marriage Guide," price ii cents. Address tliu publishers.' I IU? J. C.KLINE t CO, Howcry, New York, Tost office at x, eC Sept, SC. " QUE STARCH GLOSS Is thr.only;n3ed by First Class Hole!, S amid-- i ics, and Thousands ol It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pas smoothly over ilia eloih. savin? siocn Tina ami labor. GoAds done up with it keep clean much longer will not wear out so soon. ' maJccs Old Linen IdoJc like A'cic. OUR IMPERIAL HLUE Is 'ue Rest in Tim World. It is soluble in iiarj as w-- ll as sort water. It Is puiupiothc saiest, neatest, and most convenient I'or.ii of any cfl".;red to the public xs ttirraiited noi io SireakJ (he Clothes Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we ofler liiduceiueni- -. Address, NEW VUKK STARCH GLOSS.CO., .No. jib rulin St., New Vork. September 25, ISt'6. int- .- A h Co. Manufactured to order at MILL Bon Township. luzerue County, Ta., Oak, He iu lock, illaIe, Ha, PINE. TOPLAR AND BEACH, fcc. for Sale at the M ILL, or delivered at any pojnt oo th Kailroad, raciH.-- or connected wim it. Address, the subscriber, at Wvootinf. e Cuv . or J AMES JACKfON, iu' Sawyer, al ll.irvtyill P. O. Tins Ml wiUl two Houses. Burn and oth- er iiaprovetuetiis. surrounded by about MM Acres of Land. 1 Jim of which reuiHins heavily timbered, ia now for sale at a baigaia, y WILLIAM HPV8T. THE PERUVIAN SYRUt -- L 13 A PROTECTED SOLUTION Ol THE I'roioiidc ol Iron, a new discovery in rapdicine which STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE RV upptying the Blood wi.h its vital ramciPLa o HVIX KLLMKMT IRllN This is the secret ..f the wonderful success of this remedy in curin Dyspcpaia, Liver OompUint, Dropsy, Cb ronio Diarrbcei, Boil, Nervous Affectiona, Cbilla and Fever?, Ilumors, Loss of Consti-lutio- nal vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys & Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or a low state of the system Bein free from Alcohol in any form, l't energiz- ing euVcis are not followed by corresponding reac- tion, but are permanent, ii. fusing strength, vijfor and New Lite inte all psrtsof the system, and buiiding up n I HON CONSTITUTION. DYSPASIA AP DEBILITY From the Venerable Archdeacon Ri.'OTT. D. D. 1H sua m. Caiuula Eat. March -- 4, IHtj. "I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 2j years" Mauding." "J have su wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks iluriug wbirh I have used the Pe- ruvian drup.lh.1t lean scarcely persuade myselfof thi reality. 1'eoplu who liavo kuotvn inc are astou-i.b- rd al the change.. I am widely known and can but recommend lo others that w huh has done so much for un; " A CASE OF 27 YE R3" STANDING CURED, rrom IN3LEY JEWETP, Ko.I5 Avon Tlace .Boston I hnvv suflered. aud sometimes for ST7 years, from dyspeptic, I commenced takins the Pe- ruvian yrup,aitd I'onud immediate benefit fro.n it Iu the course oflhre or four weeks I was entirely relieved from my suffering, and have enjoyed unin- terrupted health ever since flN EMINENT DIVINE OF BOSTON. PAYS: "l have been u. in- - the Peruvian S'yrup for some ti:nepat; it aives me new Vigor, buoVancy of spir its. Liaiiticity of Vuscle." Thousand have beru t hanged iy the use of this remedy from tftui, ick'.y,ujjcrig creatures, to Urong itallhj: nnd kappa men and ttomru ; and invalid cannot reasona- bly hetHate ta gi'l It 0 trial, A pamphlet t.f 3 paes containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will be sent rHFK mai.y address. !H7ai'e that each boutebaa Flkcvis Sraur blown in the glass. FOR SALE BY J. 1. SIKSMOHZ. Proprietor. 3G Dey ft. New Vork fcOLli bV ALL, fcUUGGlSTS. S CROFULA. AM Medical Men aree that IODINE is the P.EST RKME1IV for erufula and all kindred diseases ever discovered. The diificuUy has been to obtain a Pure olhtios of it. m IV. 12. Anders' Iodine Water Is a Pure Solution of Iodine. WITHOUT A SOL- VENT! 1 Containing a Full Grain U each ounce of water. A. most Powerful Vitalizing Agenl and I'e.toraiive. has eared and will cure SCROFULA in all its mani- fold forms. ULCERS. CANCERS. S VP1I I LIS.SALT RIILUM ; and it has been used with astonishing success iu c of Klii.iiuiutlsm, livspepiaf Con sumption, Female Complaints. Heart, Liver and Kidney 1jim; lai s.l e. Cireui.irs will be sent re it it to any one seuting their adiir-s- . Price f 1,10 a fcottic, or f. for 53.03 Prepared by lr H. ANUEHi, Physician St Chemist.!! For sal: by J. 1'. 1JL SMOKE. SG Dey St. New Y-- AaJ by ail Cruggisti. "yiSTAR'S BALSAM OF WEF,E IfiCti:y HA9 BEEN USED TOR WEAKLY HALF A CENTUKY, with the most astoni-bin- g success in enring Coughs, Coidslloarci.cs, tore Throat iLflaeLzt, Wboof inj ccuh, Croup, Liver complaint, BroocbitiSjL'ifa cully of BreathiDg, AsiLma, ai ever y affect- ion- of THE TIinOAT,LUXUS CUES7. which carries nfT more victims than any other dis- ease and Inch l.artl s the of the Physicians to a greater extent than ni:v oilier miilailv. ollcn YIELDM TO THIS REMEDY when all others prove ineffectual. AS A .MEDICINE Kapi;! in Hclicf, soothing in C.Tocl, safe in it 0?r-alioi- . IT IS UNSURPASSED ! whitens a f.otn rro.TioaS- - ingredinent pni-i.n-- ", or minerals rinltms sVill. scirrl medi- cal knowledge ; combining all that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this class of disease , it is INCOMPARABLE J and is entitled, merits, and receives the general coa-lid'.'ii- of the public, SEYMOUIl THATCHER, M. D.f r,( Herman. N. V.. writes as follows : "Wum'i 1Ja!.m or Wild Ohekrt pive nnivcrsal satirfarlioii. It seems to curciiu;h by looming and the luncs.and allaying irrit.-Hi..- thus removing the cause, iusti ad of drying up liie couiti and leaving the rausc bi t in.. 1 consider Lie lia:raui as go it D4 any. if not the best. Cough iucvicm with uiurli I am ucu.'iaiiited.' Itcv. Jacob Seciiler, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and murii respectvd among the German population in tins country .snakes the following ttate-n- i lit lor the benefit of the titilicted, I'eak tins Having realized in my family impor- tant beuelils fr. in the ue of your valuable prepara tion Wistabs Ualsam or Wild Ciikrry it atl' mc pleasure to recommend it tu the public, oine tijut years aso ine f my dauzhtcr secned to be in a i.e-cli- ait'i little napes of her recovery were niter tam- ed I then procured a bottle n? yocr exo lieur l!.il.-.n- and before she hint t.ikn ihwlioli of the coiittulsof Hie bottle tliere was a jrn nt in proveincnt in her health I uiy iaiiividual cae made frequent use ot your valuable medicine, aud have always been benefitted by it. J AC03 SECHLER. Trice One Dollar a lioLdc. FIR SALK BY J. P. mxS10ttE.3GIcy Street. New York 6ETU W fUWLE, u to. Proprietors,, Uoslon. AOID bv au obuso sts. Q RACES Celebrated Salvo CURES CUTS.BURXS, SCALDS. Grace's Celebrated Salte CURES VVOUNDS.bllL'ISES, EPRAIVS, Graoe a t'clebrned Salve CURES LOILS, ULCERS. CAN'CERS. Grace's Celebrated t alvc CURES SALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELAS. Grace's Celebrated Salvo CURES CHAPPED HANDS. CHILBLAINS; Grace's Celebrated Sal?a ; HEALS OLD S0K,FRE3II It is prompt irr action, removes pain at enec. and re duces the uicst' angry-lookio- g swellmrs and imfla-mation- as if ty magic thus aSTordiuig relief and a complete cure. Only 25 seats a box I (dent by mail for U ecata,) For Sale tty J. V. TMVSMORE 38 Dv Street. New York. B ARGALNS IN WATCHES. The UNION WATCFI CO., manufaclorcrs, 143 Brcadwav, New York. oHVr their entire slock at less than cost, for rash. This affords a rare opportunity for dealers wishing to replenish for holiday trade, to select from a great variety unsurpassed lor richness o' design . timeleriine qualities, and real worth. OMIEKS' WATCHED. European made, in Stout Bilvernnd G'old Plated Cases warranted enrre. I time-keeper- s beautifully engraved, white dial and fancy Bnishel hanus ; u superb ornament. Priec. per case of fix. S If. The saniJ. sold plated. p-- r case of six, 93. 80l.l ONLY MY THE CASE! Wedonot deviate from this rill." upon unr r.m.lir 1011. HUNTING SILVf'.R WATCHED, English mnvc-n- n ul. perfecllr ailjuted.aud warranted correi t lnti. keepers ; beautifully engravfj stout double eas s. and f.nuy rut hands Sol. I only by the case ol ix. p. ice 5.17. This i the cheap-j- l aood article in lh nnrket. t".i r - Ii i o a lout hunt- ing durable wateli. which Wll.l. KELP UOOll I IV E al a MODERATE PUI''E In justice to many retail denters wtiom tro-r- i supplying, these watches will not be s.ild to any one at retail, or in any quantity les than n case of ix. COLD PLATED WATCI1E3, 13 K. plate, same inoveiuent as above, and i precisely the same MVl'.-o-f watch, with the cxcepliou that these are heavily plated on composition metal. Trice, per case .l'si.x, 837. Sold only by the case ! IIUNTINU ali.VEIt WATCRE.5. in superior fin- ished cases, full engrave.l. s id that readily sell nt retail at from $15 each upwnrd, per case of si'.IT'J. Same in gilt cases, pur half dozen, ST- -. tiold only by the Case 1 Improved Heavy Silver Duplex Chronome- ter in fully ruby action Movement. Those wishing n superior time-piec- that can be relied upon in all seasons and weaihe r, should buy this. For Railroad men and others requiring an ac- curate time-piec- e this is unsurpassed. Cased in best silver in a handsom' and durable manner, per case of six. A ample will be sold for These watches retail nt from ?To to $.1(10. AMERICAN WATCHES. OF OUR OWN MANU- FACTURE AND WARRANTED. Two ounce Silver Cases. Have the best running apparatus of any watch ill existence. Per case of six $lro. Singlt one Retail al $10 an J upwards. Also Gald and tiilvei Watches, a superb stock of silver ware, and gold, plntej and Gilt Jewelry for Country .Vterrhants. Ped'ars, Ac. Coods sent iu nuv part of ihe country by Express, C' O. D to be paid fur when received. Order iilouce. No advances required, e'cisd for Circular. UNION WATCH CO., HU Urosdway, New York, October 10. 1305. JORT HERXENTRAL EIGHTS NORTH AND SOUUT, Tlirourh between Baltimore and liocltcster Wiilaoiil CIsa5ig,e of Cars, O N and after August Cth, I6G0, Trains will leave as luilows : NORTHWARD. r.UFFALO EXPRKS3 leaves 10 0. tiai'v, Philadelphia 9 CJ P M. Ilarribburg 2,tij A. M , ileliv-erin- g pa?semrcrc at Nortl11111.l1Crl.1nd, 4,5 A. M. for train ou Lackawanna and ISIiHunsiiur? Rail Road, lenviug at A, .M. arriving in Dan v illo 7. 1(1 A.M. Rlooinrburs A.M. Ki ngbtuu 10.40 A. M, l?cran- - ton l.ftll noon. MAILIeqves Ra'tiinore P.2. A. V. rinilv, (except Sundays) Philadelphia 10. IU A. M. Harri-hur- g 2.j F. M.. lieliveriin. passengers t Voitliumberlaii.l 4.14 P. M.for train r,n Lack.t.vanna and H!o' lisbura Rail Road, leavi .r th rrf at .".- - I I. M. arriving in HaiiviSe 6 Utl P. M. l.l'Miiibur 4j r, M. Kiiii'fton 9 t'l . ,vt . ronton ; north und arriving in Williamspnrt at ti S P. M. FAST LINE, leaves llaitiinore, dailv ( except fun-dav- ) 12.11 P.M. Philadelphia U iinou. Ilaniliur; 4,10 P.M. N'crthumbcrland '. 43 P.M. re.nain over niht. and lef ve fojjnwiug iioruing al 7. , arriving iu cra.uton l.'.iK) uncn. SOUTHCTAE1E. F.7rrifTeS3 TRAIN, leaves Nortliuiiibcrland 113. P.M.dai'y (fXCfpt ondays ) receiving iaseni-rs-leavin- Straiitou 4.40 P. M. Piltston P. M. Kins ton G (Ml P. M- - P:MiUi;.hurf rt (7 P. M. ariivinp in PI11I-a.- 'i l.l ia 7.00 A. M. iiarrifburg 2.30 A. M. Ralliiuorc 7.CII A M WAIL TRAIN, leaves Northumberland 102GA.M. daily, (xi epl Sundays) reci ivmg paseitgers. leaving Scrantoii nt S.S0A. M. PiClor u SiO Ji 1 Kiiijslan 6 i J A . V. ! Io..uist.urg f.07 A. M. Danuille 9.54 A. M. ana a:rivins in llarrirberg I.Ij P. M. Philadelphia 5 3d l M. Baltimore ul P. M. l!y this route fright from Buffalo, rusper.sion Kr:igc, Rochester and Canandaisua orany intrrme dial.; point on New York Central can be sluppi d through, nhen in full car loads lo any point on the l acka WRima and Rloomsburg U11I Road, without bre iking btlka Rate of freight aud Passenger as low as ! any 01 her route J. 1. HcBAKKY. C. 3. YOUNG. Gcn'l Sup't. Harnsburg, Pa. Cen'l Pass. Agent, Baliiui ire. and 15 A AC M. SCHEOMERHORN. Cen'l Western Freight Agent, Euiilo, N, 1 , fpt :ruher, li. Ii!lii. IN JUAL V X ARD. The undersigned respectril!r inform? the citizens of bloouifburg and Columbia county , that they keep II the ditf.-ren- t numbers of stove coal an J selected luaip f r s:iiif!iiiz purpose", on their wharf, ad- joining MtKirlvv, Nenl t Oo'e Furiiaec ; with a good pair Uuffalo Fcales on the n weiuh roai.liay and straw .iken iue a horse and waaon. to i!e'ier coal to thoe who doirc it. As we purchase a large amount of coal, V. c Iniend to keep a rtiperior arlii'le. tid sell at the very loeti prices. l'l'-a- call and examine for youreclvts before purchaiuci-Ne- here. J. W. UllM'EI.S (i. A UU UST J S M A O.V. THE iinr'ersi;ned will tnke. ia exchange for Coal Cro-erie- s, 1'.ie following named ariirl.'x ; Wh-Jat- . Rye, Corn. O it. Potatoes. Lard, I'.-it- Shoiil tier, and rida meat, l.uttrr. Ei'g. Hay. e.c ., at th.: liti'beEt cash prices, at his Urocery ift.irn, Uuir coal yard. J. W. II ENDEUsilOT. Rloiunsliurj, Apr'l liiG. )y. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. ; LUMlsIA CO., PA. fin subscriber, proprietor tne alcve named e- - ivc establishment, is now pared to receive orders fe-T"- " -- t fo All KiuHs cf !scliinerv, for Co!erie, Furnaces, Stationary Engines, MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES. fcC. tC. He is also prepared to make Stve, all sizes and f nttenis. p'ow-irons- , and everything usually made in fit-clas- s r'ouniiries. His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war- rant him in rec.ivinj the largest contracts 00. tbe m -- t rejsonahle iXT" tirain cf all kinds will betaken in exchange foi caHtins. C"? This establishment is loca.ed near the Lackawa-n- a A Blooiusburg Railroad Dtpnt. PETER CILLMYEG. Uloomsburg, Sept. 13. 1SC3. UUNTSSTEIY. nC. II O W K R, SURGEON TBNTIST. ..... . .... .ly - w - - - ." g-- r ionnl services to the ladies and gentle me'f I.I nuiKbur;aud vic.'nity. II.? is prepared 10 at:eud to all the varion nivralions in the line of iiis prufession audi provided Wlh lie latest improved f'JUCt.L.1 1. TF.ETH, w hirj w II Ij inserted on roid.plat ina.sil ver and rubber br e to lmw II as the natu: al teeth Ml teral plate and blrek teeth manufactured ar all 0 Pr. IH'iis on tectlLcarefuUy and prop rrly attended to. Uriieitee and oliitc a few doors above the Court U n,e. same side. Bljojisburg. JuueG 1863 A. J. EVAiNS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, bi early opposite the EviscGjml Chuich. I.OTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MY stock is composed of fine cloth'ny. medium low priced adapted to all conditions, tattcs and wanls. He has the latest styles for tbe teasitn a fine assortment of Overcoats and GenilcnAen's Sliaw.s, from Lw to the very best His (loods aft tuskion il'c an:l well Made. In addition to my stock of r:.v!y-iniJ- e clothing, I have piece goods fur custom orders. Cloths, Casiiiiere., &c, &c. And having one of the first class cutters. I goaran" tee a fit in all eases and give satikfac'iou. Also a variety of H COLEX AM) LINEN SliIRTS, Stockings, Neckties. Colfars. Stocks. Handkerchiefs everything in the gentlemen's line cf clolhiii;. Also, Hato, boots and Shoes, Trunks and Carpet bars. I will sell at Ihe lowest Market price. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. AN DEE W J. EVANS, Eloomsburg, Nov. 15, 13ti5; All! We tv.ii $1,501) evrvwlicr lo ppII our improved $20 Sewing Machines. Three nw kinds. I'nder and upper feed. Warranted hve years. Above salary or large commissions paid. The ONLY machines in tbe United States fur less than $41. whiet are fully licensed by Howe. Wheel- er at Wi-son- . Grover Jtc (laker. Singer fc Co.. and Hachelder. All other cheap Machines are Infrinse-mentsao- d the seller or user are liabie to arrest, tine and imprisonment. Circulars fre. Address or rail opoo Sbaw Claik. Biddeford, Me., or Chicago III. Deeember 30. lr?bi. ly. g9QA flOiMai-Age- nts wanted IKSUBAWCBJ. COMPAIVY, ' W1LKE3-BARR- E. PEN NA. CAPITAL AXU SUafuTs, -- $150, ASSETS. Stock not called In, -- Hills receivable. -- If. 4f),fH0 t. 5 'JO lloii'ls, - SJ.ixin Tetnporarv and call loans. C.tKIO Kill shares Wioiuiiir iwiiik cior li.lll iii'fh.nes Firfl Nntional Rank t Wilks-Rarr- 5.1100 hhures H'Toim BIionai i'huk ni imcs-uurr- 4'i eharea VV Ilkea-Karr- e Bii.lge Slock. 'J.5H0 Rent Estate. liiriuuiruts. Due Irom Asents and others, . 7,414 Cash iu hand and in Bank, .... i.ttli DEKIUCTOEIS. G M. HOLLENHACK. I.. D. SIIOEM AKEH. JOHN RKICIIARD. H. M IIOYT, SAMUEL WADHAMS. O. OLI.lVf?. CIIARLLS DORRANCE, W. S. ltO?3, 7 T l,M tE CIIARLK-- MINER. SitWAUTl-iniCE- , G M IIAKDIXO. G. M IIOLI.EN'tA'-K- Preldent. L. D. SHOEMAKER. Vice Prss L It. C. SMITH, SECBAT.aT. F. BROWN. Agent, March 2. JAGS insbiirg, Pa. i imam WsMm QREAT LAIPROVK3IENT IN SEltlNG MACHINES. Ei.i)irc Sluittli liacliinc ! SALESROOM. 530 P.roadway.N. Y., S.'.O Wa-hiii;:t- tt eet. lloston, SJ1 Che. nut Philaiirlplua, PATENTED FEB. 14. IciiO. TinSMACElVE i cnntrurted on entirely new many rare and valuable inipri vemenls, havin? been exunined by the most profound experts, and pronounced lo Simplicity and Perfection Combined. It Ins n Ktrnijht ii"edl", perpen-ljcula- r action, makes the LOCIiVr Srlll TI LE STIT( 'II. which will r Kll' Mr i; AVICI., and is a'ike on both fides ; performs perfert icuiiir nn every description (,f miiterial. from Lcalher lo ihe finest Nansook muslin, wi:h rntton. or siik thread. l"ro-i- i the coarsest to the finest number. Havina nritiicr CAM or COG WtiEEI.. and tael.-a- t possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, aud is Emphatically a Noiseless Jfachine. It reqiires TIFTY PER CENT, less power to drive il limn any other machine in the market. A rirl twelve years cf can work it steadily, witnuut fjttirue or li.jury to health It Slrenstli aud wonderful Simplicity of Construc- tion renders i'. alioort impossible lo get out of order, and is GUARANTEED by ihe company to give en- tire salnfai liori. We respectf illy invite all those who may desire to t ther.tsi'lves witii n sujieri . r arlii le, to come auu exaunne this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. C'ae half horn's liuttifn is scfiicieni lo enable any perron to worV this machine to their entire ion. Agent wanted for atl towns ji tin United States, ti here agencies are not already established Also, fr Cuba. Mexico. Central und South America, to whom a liberal discount will b riven. L Ml' IRE SEW1G MACHINE MF'G CO.. 530 ISrnadway. N. Y. S' :0VLS AND TIN V, ARE. A. M. RUPERT, Announces to his mauy fuemlsanj iiuincrnns mi-tinne- thai he continue Ihe aliove l.ti.iue.s nt his old place of butiu-s- s ou MAIN STREET, C LOOMS. LUR'J. His customers and ethers can be accommod ilod with c- - A m O T OVES I f 1 i w I O I l. ui un Riuuf, riui clpes. i inw are, anu every aiiicle found in ell well reeulated STOVE AMI TINWARE f in thecities and i n the mort rensniiable terms. tp" SPOUTING. f"r honie ami b mi, will be put up on short in.tue. Also, all kinds of rejiairinc dJn ;r'.nirty ;ud unoii liberal terms He also s on hind a lar.'e supply of Milk Pans, of diirer-- ut and prices ; b :it;es n fun; ns-s- i t:n.iii of fa liar's l'aten selxt'ealm" Fruit Pre- set i it: I.'lik. Give him a call. Ju! lo. d. if. jJEV RESTAURANT, 1.1 Shive'f Cuilding.on Main Street. WM.'GILMORE, Informs tha citizens r,fuioomsburg and vicinity tht he has opined n New Hi:TAURA'T, in this place, w hero he invites hi old friends and customers locall and partake of hit refreshments. Il is his intention to eep the best LA GEE BEER AND ALE, constantly orrhand ; Al,o. I'orter, Sarsaparilla. Min cral Water, Fnet v Lemonades. Raspberry and Ia-ii- i on r;.,n , can al way s be hnd nt his lietlaurant. In tbu eating line he presents a not surpns-e- d in this place, viz. Pickled Oysters Clams, Fish. Laiberued Chicken. I'irK led Tripe and liecf Tongue, &c.. 4tc. He also bis a good article of Ci;ars and Chcvsinfj Tobacco for his customer IT?" Give him .1 Call, ltloomsburg. June l.'l, iM.ii. AR mai'e by any one wiih Stencil Tools No experience liecessarv. 1 he t residents. Cash iers, nnd Treasurers of 3 Hanks m,!orso the circular. Sent free with samples. Ai!ilre-- s Ihe American Sten- cil Tool Works, Springdcld, Vermont. August 1. l?iiU. 3m. J 00,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OF FECNINC; BOARDS I OR sale The undersigned f.fTers for sale upon the most at his place of business, in 15 E V TO N . COLUMBIA COUNTY, o.-.- e hundred thou- sand shingles and a larcc lot ol fencing- - boards, of the very best quality, both pine and hemlock J. J. Mctf:.NRY. Benton, May 9, I fed. Wm. c. CSOk . CAR1EKTER. Established 1828. C. W. CARPEMEK, HEXSZEV & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST?. 737 Markkt St. one door below Eth. PriLADELrm a, DRUC. Mr.DlCiNES. CHEMICAL?. TAINTS. OIL. ULA--- S. VARNISHES, DYES, And every i: ....' arlirle ?ipertainlng to ihe business, of the best qu.i:i'y. unJ al Ihe lowest Market Hates. March 2?. 1560. Tini ! ITCH ! ITf U! X s:ratch : schatch sceatcii ! WH EATON'S OINTMENT Will (lire 'ike llch iu 18 Hours. Also cures SALT Ril EUM. CHIL- BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF Til E tK.l. "rire 50 ls. For sale bv all Druceists. I!y sending fo ceals to WEtK!" tc. POTTER. Sole 17" Wash ington street, Koston, it will bo forwarded by mail, free of portare, lo any part of the United Plates. June o, 13io.- - ly. 1 EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STREET. (NEARLY OPPOSITB MILLER'S ULOOMSCUR5, PA. THE undersigned bat j isl fitted Bp, and opened, his new STOVE A ? I TI. SIS OP, in this lce. wlter h is-pr- jrcd to make up nesr Ti W ARK of ill kinds in his line, and do repairi- ng w ilh neatness and dispiicb, upon the most rea- sonable terms, llealso keeps on hand STOVE of various patterns and styles, n hich he will sell upon terms tu suit ourcba;rs. Give hi.t .:!!. He is a goo4 mechanic, aad de- serving of the pubile patronage. JACOB MET 2. Elocmsbnr. Pent. r ly. SAMUEL KNORR, ATTOISIV E I AT - Ij AW. BLOOaisSBCRC. PA. J.nsUC? JYcw Stock of Clothing. Spring and Sumisicr Ooods. INVITES altention to his stbeit of chsap and Clothing al bis aiture. on MjIN STREET, BLOOMSJiURG, two doors above the Jlmtrican louse, where hn has jut received from New Vork and Phi ladelphia, a lull assortment of including the most feshionahle. durable aud hand S4UIK. UK tts (iUUDS, consisting of Box, Sack, Frock t Gum and Oil CotL Coats, and 'arils, of all sorts. sizc. and colors. He also ha replen- ished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Kb wis; striped, figured and plain Vesn, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sus- penders and fu?y urtn.les. N II. lie has roii-ta- ui ly on hand n larcc and well selected assortment of Cloth an I Vesting, which he is prepared to make up lo order, i.iin tny kind of clothing on very slurl notice aud in tUe best of nun-tie- r. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home mnuufacture. AN D . d? OS La ZZZ a f't every Description, Fir. and Cheap. His Cnse of Jewelry is not surpassed in this place. Call and ex. limine his geueral atsortuiem of Clothing, Watches, lewelry, ic. &.c. DAVID LO WEN C U KG. Bloonitburg, April 20. ISM. IJENRY GIGER, Has opened a first doss BOOT, SHOE, MAT hm SAP STOHE, At his old ttand nn Main Street Dloomsbtiitr. IHs stock is composed of I lie very latest and be.U styles ever offered to Ihe citizens of Columbia Ciiuny. lie can accommodate the public with the following kinds and prices : Men's calf boots, fine. $.V(.(i to 0.00 14 ip, double sole, 'J 75 to 5 72 Boys child's boots. 1.70 to 4.75 Men's glove kid. Congress, fcc, 2 30 to 5,75 Hal. Shoes, 1 !0 to 3.0 ) " women's boys and iniscs glove kid listing "iters, 1.75 to 5.75 Women's elove kid. very fine, 3. "5 to 5 75 ' fine goat morocco balmornls, 2 5il to 4 00 " mi n's morocco and call tlioes, 1.75 to 2 5(1 common shoes, .50 to j 5(1 Misses' nnd Child's shoes. 0.5 to 1 bO Men's, w omen's, missus', boys and cbilds hlippera. to l.CO lie u;so keep a great variety of HATS, CA?3 and STRAW GOODS of every kind, at the lowctt prices, both for Cosh an Country produce. Rcmeinbi:i the nti&aclion is in our jnoJ. Don'l he alarmed at the cfy of high prices, but call auu tee for yourselves. HENRY CI3E. Eloomsburg. July II. lBfifi. !.ackanniia & Ctoomsliurg iiailtoad. CT TWO DAILY TRAINS. -- &l AND AFTI'R OVF.MBF.R U7, lnhi. TRAINS Wll.l. Rf.S AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUTHWARD. P M PM AM. Leave Srranton, 4 4d C 5u " Kingston. (i.l0 (1.55 l.lsomsl nrg. S CO e. jil Arrive at Nurthuinhcrlnnd 9.50 10.35 LEAVE NORTHWARD. A M PM Leave Northumberland, 7.00 5 10 " Danville. 740 5 4" Itloomsluirg, 8 25 6 2 Arrive at Scrn:lon. 12 40 10 13 Trains leavin! Kingston at S 30 A: M for Scranton ceunect uith Tri.ln arriving al Now York at 5 v'0 l.eavins Noi Ihuin'it'l im! f .W A M.ani Kingston 2 30 P. M , cni:ecl with Train airivmg at New York tt in 55 P. M. Passenger liking" Train Soath from Scrarton nt551 A M via No Itiiiiiiber'an J.reai h llarrisiuirg li 30 P M. Lnliiiiinre 5 1:0 P M.. W ashinstou 10 OOP M via Ru- pert reach Philadelphia tt 7 U'iPM. li. A. FONDA, Supt. Kinsston. ov .25. I8C5. ri-II- NEW COMBINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, pnyp.mrD for C. W. TETTES. P.OSTON. lly JA3IKS R. MCK0I.S L CO. .Man vf tcturinff Ci cmitts, MAVUFAt.TURLRS OF TU E ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK WITH lro(cilc of Iron, Which has bscome so favorably known cs a 7 RF.yi on.n ivf.. r.y TAysicius fciid Invalids in all ( ails of the coon tr)'. The new preparation, "f.irsaparilla In cefhl.ina-tio- n with I oil lie of Lime." presents one of Ihe most prompt alterative agents, in a 'orin capable of exert ice ("'I action upon the system, aud (his in minute and pleasim doses. Il is conceded that Ihe altera- tive, resolvent, or tonic cfiecls of Iodine are exert- ed most decidedly wuen associated with ether in combination : aurt the Sarsapariita seems to fulfill all Ihe favorable requisitions. The first lo'ct usually observed iv lieu SARSAPAI! 1 1. LA WITH IODIDE OF LIME" islr.ken. is an increase cf appetite showing that it has tonic propt-rtie- s of a marked character. Its al- - erstrve eli'ects are iiiauiti'st in its ready combina- tion wii'i Ihe blood and lis-u- ?s Pale, tcrofulous women and children improve rapidly under it use, and I he vital I'urirtions assume a nealthy rondiiiun. Il is admirably adapted to a large number of chrcn-i- c or ncutu alT clions peculiar to children It u suit- ed in them both by the mildness a ml efTsci"iicy of medicinal effect nnd the pleasant, attractive form of the remedy. It may be cven fr a long period where constitutional i:illuences ere desired, au I no r?pug-uanre- . or tisiuc!inal on to lake tne syrup, cncoui.-I- . red. In Whue-aweiliug- . Ilip Joint Disease, and Distortions of tn,; it sh.-iu-l I b-- ; riven persist-enlly- , iu moiierale iion s. until reiief is obtained In the Spriiyof the Vcar, and during the l)(rt Weather, Ihe accumulation of morbid matters in the system seems to become manifest and very troublesome Las- situde, Headache, Hulls, Co.stivciiess, Loss of .ppe- - tite. Pains in the Joints, Indigestion, etc , are very common. nihiiiv ever devised is b"t:er ada;iled lo exterminate or d.i ve oil' these- - n dictions Ih an tin new combi'.aiion of S A RS Al'AUI LLA Wil li IODIDE OF LIME. A'o preparation like it, or ichich approximates to it as an Alterative, or Blood Purifier, bas trer before been placed rithtn the reach of invalids. Indeed, it is an entirely ntw and combina- tion, in no resj'cct resciuuliug auythiug uilhcilo em- ployed. The opinion of medical men concerning it. the de- scription of its chemical character, tberapoulic val- ue, manner of use, etc., are given l.i a rirrulir, which ran be had at the store of aby and all first clas Drnsists. Z7 oid in llloomshuri , whclasale anf retail, by Eyer Is. Mover, and all Druggists Jane 0, kkA.. Cm. ISS LIZZIE PETERMAN, J j Would annonnr to the laiiies ol r.oomburg and the public generally, thit she has just leceived lrwui the custom cries her Spring mid Suniaiicr Flock r MILLINERY GOODS, consisting of ail nnicle s uea!ly found in first class Millinery Stores. Her good, are of Ihe bet miality and anion; the most handsoaie and cheapest in Che nihrket Cull and examine them for yiartlves. Nobody should purchase t'lsewhre before eiaaiin ing M ii Feterman's stock ol goods Ronncis uiade 10 order, on the shortest notice, or repaired. Stnr m Main street. 3d d.or below the store Of Mendel. hall & Rupert. Bloomsburg, May 2. J ?"sfi. if. THE nndersi'pcd respectfully announces In tVr that he keeps constantly on band, at his old stand, one door below Lute's Drug Store. WALL PAPER, 011 Cloifr. and Tsper Window Shades, Cords, Tas- sels ad Fixtures, for Pictures , Ac. o( tli very latest styles. and is prepared. to do all kinds of paper hanging to order. E. J. TI10RT0N. nioom'bnrg, April 4 ISCfi. if M. WH1TM0YER, ATTOKNEY - AT - L,AX', BL00MSBUCG, Pa. Office opposite Pott rfiice, over TTjrfmjn'g store. Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions and Go .i. ii"Ms V f-- si,""t,h tf,tm,0 lfn sf n eT POUT 3'3 CIU2AAIU Hotsq aM Cattle Fowflm ThU preparation,' long and favorably known, will thooi oughly reinvlgorabs broken-dow- n and d bones. ly strengtbaoiag and cleansing tit stomach and intas tines. It is a sure jrr venUve of all dlsv ".i"" eiuies inciaeni to this animal, snch as LUNG FEVEJ1, eiiDEi4i TER, HEAVES, COUGHS, FE- VERS. FENDER L0.S.--1 OF APPE- TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, ic. its cse improves Uie wind, increases the appetite-giv- es a luooth and V m ai TJ J gloj.iy skin und transfarnis Ih." .. - y rwiwi y ti miserable tkcleton into a g aad spirit 2 To keepers of Cows this niuriiinn a tn.i viL It lacreaies Uie quanUty and improves the quality orche milk. It baa been proven by ao toal exiieriment IO Increase- - the quan- tity or milk and cream twenty per cent, and make ilia batter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosvxa their hide, and i - tnalcAS tliriv' much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, rjToeri It the Lungs, Liver, ic, IN arlicie mis as a specific. ISy putting from one-hal- f a paper to a paper in a "fcarrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prerentsd. If given In time, a cerUia preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Ceat3 per Paper, or 5 Papers Cor tV PHIPAHED BY 8. .A.. FOUTZ z BRO.t AT TKEIft WHOLESALE DUrO AND MEDICIVE DET0T, Ho. 11G Franklin St., Baltimore, H& Far Sale by Druggists find Storckcaperi tirougjls cat the L'nitcd Sutes. Zj" for sale tl the Drug tors of EYER MOVER, Lloomsbarg tm. Eloomstitirg, Jan. 0. Id50. ISmo. DR. W. II. WIIITMOB, I'f. S been in rnccssaul practice for a nnrnfcer ef I I years, w ilh the experience of tlie different bos-pit- al - in l:utoii. a!o a minber of the Analyical Me'tirnl luslilute of New V tk, ronti tees tosttcad li al! r ff'ssional ci-c- s at his ofSce No. tii Tilbert afreet, Pliilndelpl ia. 2. Ni i.cler.t M' Lirines arc used or rrccmineeded s !l:C r:medic a l:iunitsreJ are move which will nt break rown the rnn.tirutinn. Irflt renovate tbe ty teni from all injuries it has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave Ihe system io a liealUiy and perlectlv cured condition, 3. DYgPLPs! A. that distressing disasse aad fail destroyer of healili and happme. undenaluiDf in con tituii m end yeaily Carrving thousand la utf timely graves, can most einpha ically be cured, 4. Al.iautho! v. Abberration. that sisl et Alia, tion ami w eahuess of the nund which isnders per. enjoying the pleasures or psrfist ing th" duties of life. 5. IIH EU vi ATI tl,in any form or ondiUea.shraa- - . ia or nente. warranted curable. n, LPILKl'SV. cr fa'i'.ing euknett, all ebranU me stubbcrn case cf I'EJIALE DISEASES radica'ly removed ; Pa t RUsum and srery daerfa lion r.f ulcerations Piles and scrofulous disease vt hich have baffled all previous medical skill, c&a b cured by my trentment ; nnd I do sty alt diseases, Cve Cgsji'MptiiiiO can be cured by wearing uiy Menl-ctte- d Jacket, v hich is a protection to the lgs agninst all thrnrrs of weather iu a:l cllinstes hav- ing tn veti:ated fur year- - the cause aad character 1 iiiuriiufeiiK (fever an 1 ague) in all parts of ta L'nited Slates will cure permanently all chronis ssr arute cases cf s;us and nervon piseabes ia I few days. t&Lcrr Cared vrilliczt the koife or Dr&TTls; U cod. Tape W.irtn, that dreadloiha naman rtmPy frf ycai. eu I c removed with two or tbise uf wy new ly remedy, warranted in all cassa. nnsultation in the English and German Langaagssj fre of charge. Will make visiis auy distanxo. It desired. M .y be addresse by letter (confljeoLiallv.) and Jklcdicins sent wnti proper tirrectioos t any part ol IUj country. orricc-v- o, tu n:tsrtBL ruia. April 4. leza lj. DR7j7TMiVASS, riiysiciaii asd Surgeon f TAVJNis Int-a'e;- ! pMinaiierii!' on Mai 5 Sirffi, KLOOMSBUKG. !'., wooi.i in-(or- in the public genera'ly . list he Is prsprarnJ ts attenJ to all business faillifuliy and punsloslly tkat mny be intrusted lo bis care, ou teru-- s comoisasa-- . rate ilii ihr times. CL7 lit pays strict attsntioa ta Surgery a wa as medieine. Nov. 25. 1 G3,lv. M. M. TUAUGII, ATTCRI.'KY-AT-L.l- W, BLO OMSB UR G, Pa. Will practice iu tha several Courts of ColgBbaJ and aiijniuing counties. C- - All Collections promptly atundsd t. June 2'). Ibbti. CHAS. G. DARKLE Y, Atiorwcy nt Law. DLOOiiSBURG, tOLt.lIBIA CO., PA. WILL practice in the ssvernl Conrtssf Oelaukia ut r. All legal unsiucss inirusied to bi eate shay receive prompt attention. OCce-- Un .Utckt. Exchange Ealldiags, wvar Millet's Store. I.loomsburc. April 13. IFC4. gALISRURV, JiRO. & CO., Sztensivs Xlar.ufactuiers and Importer Gold, Plated ar.d Oreide Jcictlrj, FOLIO AND NI' KEL Aiunr.icAX, a.j svtisj C ASED CY OURSELVES. And every description of Pancy Goods and Yankee Notions, Psprrially auapled aaj designed for Soutkera aad Westero Trade. C;rculf and full deseripliv Price List ta free. Agents wanted evervwbere. Address. SALLJIiUR V. tHO. ft CO.. Ai DOUUA NCE 8TKKET. Providsacc, B. L fVtol'cr tfi 3n. OMNI BUS LINE. THE undersigned would respectfully anaosae tt) citizens cf liloomsburg, and tbe pubii ge-erisll- v. thai l:e is running an OMMBi:s LINE, he- - C&K' iwcen this lace nnd tliedtf. , ', Ct'e. '""j ferent Kil Koad li.-pn-is dm- - -- T7f''.";r"V" ly. (Sun fay excepted) to St5sj conneri w ith ibe s. v Trains goint South a Witff ou the Cnlawisia nnd Wi'liamtport Kail Koad. aad ith ilme gong NortU and 4'jutli on lb Lack, V nio'imsbiir:, His O.MNIKL'S.-E- S are in good condition, roosn tfiou :id ccniforlaale, aud char; cs reasonable. C7 Persons v. ishig to meet or tee tir finda4 depart, can lie arrntmnodated, upon asofirbla' charges, by leaving tiinuly notice -- I any cf lb Oo" tela, JACOB L. GIRTOaV, Prc-rlU- i. BleorniBorg. April 27. 1C4 JTJRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Pure Medicine, at John B. M oyer's Drag Blf corner oi .Mam and JJsrket Btrecls. A food asaart' menl of Medicines. Taint. Oil and Varnishos, altray on. hartl.and will be sold dieaper than at any hb Dri g Store in n n. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Prescription carefully compounded at Meyer"" Drue More. Aycrs and Jayncs Mci!Iciae sold at Meyer' Draf Store, V.'i.harf Tr Conliil. Bakr'a CcJ Livr OU, Window' Soothing Syrup, sold al JCoycr' Drag Store. Far any reliable patent tuedicin, call at MyrV Drug Flore. Leather cf aUlind. wholesale and retail, al J.aVi' Koyer Drug Store, Bloomsburg, Pa. HljJ, I80ti. If.

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Page 1: Columbia democrat and star of the north.. (Bloomsburg, Pa ...€¦ · Baltimore, U-.-t n and rev Vork;and also at the American I nslitute for live successive yenrs. the Gn..i ami

AGEICULTURAL.Good R cttzp. vs. Focl Cellars. Good

tetter can't be made in foul celkrs. Noth-

ing received a taint mere easily than butter.It becomes'.infected readily -- by offensiveodors. iMucH Eeeter, better butter is madein BDrinsr bouses than in cellars. Decayed

cabbage, turnips etc., in a cellar do not im-

part any virtues to biriter, but deteriorateit badly. Good butter w one of the greatluxuries of the table, and nothing but scru-

pulous care and neatness will secure it.Farly in the spring give the cellar a thoroughcleansing and scrubbing, if you please.Then whitewash, it from top to bottom.A little Iixne gcattered about in Leaps is also

. beneficial. Have an opportunity to venti-

late cool nights and mornings. But be ableto close it tight in warm weather.

Shut in the cool air and give it no chanceto escape. Then, if you will scald your pansand crocks, and buckets with boiling water

- daily, and use the proper skill and care, you, ran make and pack butter that it will be a

pleasure to eat Rural World.

Steamixo FODDEIL-Coar- se fodder may bemade to go a great way,with a little art Cat-.- ..

t!eand horses refuse cornstalks, not because1 Vthcy are not good feed, but because they areJ ..2iard to chewk and they choose not to chew

them. Cut up by a good Btalk cutter thateither cuts them in half-inc- h pieces, or slices

them very diagonally, and soaked twenty-fou- r

hours, wet ith hot water, meal andthe hardest salt being added, will almoEt all

Le eaten. Still, steaming ia better, for itdoes not necessitate keeping twenty-fou- r

Lour's stock of prepared feed on hand allthe time. . The most convenient steaming

- apparatus is propably a hogshead hung in, trunnion?, the steam being passed to the

bottom through a rubber hose from a boiler,With such an arrangement all kinds of fod-

der, etraw, stalks, hay, roots, etc., may becooked for cattle or swine, and the greatestpossible economy in fodder attained.

, Half Hardy Plants. It is well knownthat certain plants will pa3s the wint-e- r

ly, if they have only a slight protection, butmost cultivators do not seem to be aware thatthis protection Is given as much against heatas it is against cold.-- Like the man who wasreported aa Laving died, not of hid disease,but in getting well, many of our plants cinitand freezing better than they can thawingand if protection to so-call-ed tender tilingsU cot fciven until midwinter, it often answersperfectly.. ... A barrel, putover a shrub, bhieldsit fcora sudden changes. A good light anddry cellar is a great help, in absence of arrecn-Lcut- e. Tender roses, Lantacas, Ole-

anders, and many other thing that arc verytseful, when put in a cellar and just kept

will "worry along" nicely,t an J they will generally come out all right in

ths spring.' '

Over-feedin- g Stock, It is wcl!-kno-

that the evils of the system of ovcr-lecdin- g

show stock of all kinds have been frequent-ly derlorcd, and strong representations madecn the subject ty LreeJcrs, and ly; ths agri-

cultural press. Yet, up to the latest shewof bretding stock that wa3 held, there wasnot the slightest symptom of improvement.It setHis strange that the parties most inter-ested in tho matter should be to much op-

posed to it, and yet that nothing is done toremedy the eviL

The reason 13 elm ply tlu3, over-feedin- g

Las become a fashion, and breeders knowvery xrJH that unless they yield to it, theymay kejp their stock at home, for if theyventured to show their cattle or sheep in thestate these would be kept fjr breeding, nocue would look at them.

- 2Iashes foe Houses. The following re-

cipe was given me by a celebrated steeple-chaser I never knew any horse refuse it :

Take a feed of oats, a double handful oflinseed for each horse, and boil for threLours, then turn into a large tub or earthen-ware pan, and add so much bran, with justenough of warm water to moisten the wholethrough, rut a cloth over it, and let it standaa Lour, then mix it wellr and feed as soonas it 13 coll enough. Thi3 mash is very use-f- ul

whea Lorses iu hard condition "dry up"and grow thin in spite of continual feeds ofeorn. I give it once a week all the yeararound, but oftcner if required Ly any par-

ticular horse. A few beans may be boiledwith the corn if tbe Lorse is in a very loweondition- - London Picld.

ToFurFisn. The ordinarynianner offrying fish i a shallow pan withtinly a smallquantity of grease, may be much improvedupon by imitating the Greeks, from whomwe may also learn many other useful kstonsin the culinary art Take a large quantityof lard in a deep kettle, and let it boil asfor frying doughnuts. Whita boiling, dropin the fish, having previously rolled them infour or meal. In a few minutes they wHl

be of a rich, uniform brown, when they mayLe taken out and served while Lot Theywill be found infinitely more delicate in fla-

vor, aa well as more inviting ia appearancethan, when, cooked ia the old wav.

Fanr Growing fou Stock Feeding!.If apples are abundant, and you Lave notLelp sufficient to gather them for market, orto make them into cider, it will cf coursepay to feed them to Logs, especially if tLeyare sweet ones. Good, rich, early winter orlate fall apples of high-tone- d yet subacid

. avoiy make-- the bast cider, though a largeadmixture ofsweet apples is co disadvantage

tas it adds strength. So much for the generalpolicy of raising apples to feed Logs theleast profitable way of disposing cf them,provided you can, do anything elss withthem..

To Vhzyzst Rats from DamagingLeather. It is not uncommon to find infactories that where machinery is station-ary, rats gnaw the leather belting wherethey can get access to it A correspondentof the Scientific American states that ratsTViil net taoia anything containing castor oil0! "wli-a- t 13 covered with it and he rcccynmendstlit the-Lchin- be rubbed with the oil.Any leather exposed to tho depredation ofrats will te reserved by this remedy.



CATAW1SSA.THIS WAY FOR BARGAINSGood to compare with stringency'- of the MoneyAlartet, aim compare price nciore purclm'itiK elsewhere. Just rail at the favorite businessstand of McXinch &: 3Muiif.,i. nnii yon will be metby the obliging rrrprielor r iheir Clerks ami tttownthrough their great variety Store free ol charge, ofcourse, they will givo yon a fair chance to peud yourloote change, they trust much inuia profitably thanit can be spnl elsewhere. Tu ir

STOCK OF MY GOODS,this Spring is much larger in nil It varieties thanusual. 'J'hfi- - Lndie Dress Goods areof ilir niceststyles in .Market. They have a fine assortment ofU.iUr' Cap. ISootsaud shoes,Summer' Cloths, Casiueli, Cassimers and Vetin.and numerous articles common tit such establish-ments, besides a general assortment of

HARDWARE, TINWARE,Qocenswnre and Groceries, all at greatly reduce Iprices. They vt ir h lo coudutt thei r business on t liesystem, of

"PAY AS YOU GO''ami tbry think they enn afford to sell very cheap.Thry return their tliankk fur many past favors, andark the future patronage of their former customersand the public

McNt.YCII 4c SMUMAN.Slay 16, 1SU6. tf.


urogeky si one;.undersigned begs leave to announce to theTHE of Uloomsburg and the surroondins

country lie keeps comtuii tly on hand at his oldstand, 011 the soulli east corner of Main and Iron sts.,a prime lot of

GREEN AND BLACK TEAS,CofiVe. Susar. Syru;. Tobacco, Cigars. Dried Fruit,

Coal Oil. ii'itT. Spires, llutter. Eggs. LardCheese Dried Heel", t rackers. Drugs. Parlor

and llaud Lamps, Taints of nil Rinds,and p.iiut brushes. I've Stuff's. Dr

Coods, Calicoes, Cloths fur boy'awear. oiip. Flour, Chop,

Uu.cnsw are. Glass. Put-ty. Salt. Fish. Meat.

I'andie Uuckei,Itroonm, .

Hosiery. Hooks, Writing J'.iper, Ink, Hardware,Tucket Knives. Csintis. ce. &c. &c.

He keeps iu fact everything appertmuing to a firstelnsCiroccry and Variety Store.

He is determined not 10 be undersold. All kinds ofproduce taken at ihe

H!Glli:sT MARKET PRICES.Havlnjjul received anew rtock. the people are

earnesiliy invited to call and satisfy themselves. Itysirii t attentinn to business, he hopes not only to rolain his pnirunaze but to increase tL Il! feels thank.ful fur past favors, and with many years experiencein the business, lie feels coofueni he can render salisfcetiun to al! tvuo fuv or him with their pat- onane.

v JOHN K UIRTON,Dliomslnirff. June 20, 1SCC.


Piacc-For- to Jtlanulactui439 Bro&dfray. New Ycrlk.

fpllfi ATTENTION of tiie puMie anl t!ie trade i,I jnviicii 10 m; vv m; u.r., seven oci avk.ROSi;VO'U TIAXO FORTES. !iih fir volumeand ri'rty of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto 01'fored in this market. They rottt;nn all the inmli rnii:iprovenient!. French srand action, harp pedal. irou-fram-

nver-lrun- ; bniis. etc., and each iusirumentbem; made under the per-on- al supervision f Mr.J II. GuoVkSTKKX, who has a pia. tical experience ofover thirty years in their luanu facture, is fully war-ranted ia very pnrtiriilar.

TilK QHurtJiTb.F.3r PIjS.VJ-FuRTI-


MATtD World's t ai rWhere were exhibited instruments from Ihff betniukers tf endon. Tnris. I liiladelplii.i.Baltimore, U-.- t n and rev Vork;and also at theAmerican I nslitute for live successive yenrs. theGn..i ami Silver AIedals Irom botli of which cu.ii beseen at our ware-ronins- .

llv th.: intrn.iuctio'i of improvements we m ike astill more perfect Tinno-fort- c, an I by manufact iringla'eeiy, n uli a stnttly cah y-- t. iu. are cn3lled toort'..r the r instruments at aprice which will precludeail enmpetitou .

Our pries are f:o:n Si 10 to ?0 cheaper than anyCril cias riauo-furt- e.

TKKMS Net Cash in current funds.l'eyenptive circulars sent tree:July II, IcGO. ly. 11. &. i'.

ESI'Y HOTEL,Epy, Calnnsbia Co. Pa.

The undersigned Lavins becom? sole proprietor nlwell known and convcr.ict!y l.lUd stind,

respectfully informs In friend, nnil the public inEiwral, that hr; has put his hmi-- e in eniupletc orderf l lii ; ci uaiuiOi'ation of hoarders, nnd for the recep-tion mid ei.lerlaiuineut of travelers who may leeldisposed to f.ivui 1: w ith their c:lt int. N. expensehas been spared 111 prcparms this Hi te! for lli etii..--r

taiumeni ol H'liJij, an 1 iii.thii j fIi.-i!-! be nantii'j. onbi.-- p ri. to M.ii'inter lo their personal com'oit. The!oration: es wtll us the building, is a good one, andall together is amply arranged to please Hie public

Israel aicsiEx'.Hspy. April II. tf.


AND O00H S70P,,Fecond dcor below ILirtman's ilain btr:cu

Just received a new stock ofZKTH V E3, WOOLEN AND COT-



and every variety of articles usually kept iu a

FA'CY STOUL.A'soFcitool Cooks. Hymn Hooks, Ciblcs, Sunday.

School !loi;!ts. and a larg.: U t of

MItikiELLA NEO ES B 0 OA'S,Account and Memorandum Pocks, HUnk Peedj.liinds and Alortxnses. an. a general and we!l-;elecl-e- d

assort L'lert of Taper, Envelopes, &e.' A. D. WEC3.

Eloomshurr. June SI. 13r.G. --:t


HUMAN MISERY.Just PuUiskcd.i aS'aled Enrelape. Priet ?z tents.

A Lecture ou the Naluie, Treatiiient, nndCure of Seminal Weakness, or fcperniatort hoa. In-voluntary Einisions, Debility, and Impedi-ments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Con-sumption, Epilepsy, and F'Im ; Mental and Thyic:ilIncapacity, resnll mr from Self Ab.ise. A c Hy U !!.ERT J. CHLVRaWULL. M. 1 Author ol ihe

Book.'- - toThe wurtd-reno- w ned author, in this admirable I,eC.

lure, c early proves from his own experience thatthe awfui ronxenuences i'f Ke'f Abue may br effort-uall- y

removed without medicine, and withoutgicnl operations, bougies, iniiruiiieiitj,

rins, cr cordials, pointins out a mode of cure certain nnd effectual, by wcicli every sufH-rer- ,

no matter what Lis condition may be, may curetheapl y. privately, ami radically. I il IS l.KC-TUR-


Sent, under seal, in a p'ain envelope, to any ad-dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage slumpsbv addressinc tbe"Also. Dr. CU L V Ell W ELL'S "Marriage Guide,"

price ii cents.Address tliu publishers.'

I IU? J. C.KLINE t CO,Howcry, New York, Tost office at x, eC

Sept, SC.



Is thr.only;n3ed by

First Class Hole!, S amid-- iics, and Thousands olIt gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pas

smoothly over ilia eloih. savin? siocn Tina ami labor.GoAds done up with it keep clean much longer

will not wear out so soon.

' maJccs Old Linen IdoJc like A'cic.

OUR IMPERIAL HLUEIs 'ue Rest in Tim World.

It is soluble in iiarj as w-- ll as sort water. It Ispuiupiothc saiest, neatest, and most convenientI'or.ii of any cfl".;red to the publicxs ttirraiited noi io SireakJ (he

ClothesAgents wanted everywhere, to whom we ofler

liiduceiueni- -. Address,NEW VUKK STARCH GLOSS.CO.,

.No. jib rulin St., New Vork.September 25, ISt'6. int- .- A h Co.

Manufactured to order at MILL BonTownship. luzerue County, Ta.,

Oak, He iu lock, illaIe, Ha,PINE. TOPLAR AND BEACH, fcc. for Sale at theM ILL, or delivered at any pojnt oo th Kailroad,raciH.-- or connected wim it.

Address, the subscriber, at Wvootinf. e

Cuv . or J AMES JACKfON, iu' Sawyer, alll.irvtyill P. O.Tins Ml wiUl two Houses. Burn and oth-

er iiaprovetuetiis. surrounded by about MM Acres ofLand. 1 Jim of which reuiHins heavily timbered, ianow for sale at a baigaia, yWILLIAM HPV8T.


I'roioiidc ol Iron,a new discovery in rapdicine which

STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE RVupptying the Blood wi.h its vital ramciPLa oHVIX KLLMKMT IRllNThis is the secret ..f the wonderful success of thisremedy in curinDyspcpaia, Liver OompUint, Dropsy,

Cb ronio Diarrbcei, Boil, NervousAffectiona, Cbilla and Fever?,

Ilumors, Loss of Consti-lutio- nal

vigor, Diseasesof the Kidneys &Bladder, Female

Complaints,and all diseases originating in a

BAD STATE OF THE BLOODor accompanied by Debility or a low state of the

systemBein free from Alcohol in any form, l't energiz-

ing euVcis are not followed by corresponding reac-tion, but are permanent, ii. fusing strength, vijfor andNew Lite inte all psrtsof the system, and buiidingup n I HON CONSTITUTION.

DYSPASIA AP DEBILITYFrom the Venerable Archdeacon Ri.'OTT. D. D.

1H sua m. Caiuula Eat. March -- 4, IHtj."I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of more

than 2j years" Mauding.""J have su wonderfully benefitted in the

three short weeks iluriug wbirh I have used the Pe-ruvian drup.lh.1t lean scarcely persuade myselfofthi reality. 1'eoplu who liavo kuotvn inc are astou-i.b- rd

al the change.. I am widely known and canbut recommend lo others that w huh has done somuch for un; "

A CASE OF 27 YE R3" STANDING CURED,rrom IN3LEY JEWETP, Ko.I5 Avon Tlace .Boston

I hnvv suflered. aud sometimes for ST7

years, from dyspeptic, I commenced takins the Pe-ruvian yrup,aitd I'onud immediate benefit fro.n itIu the course oflhre or four weeks I was entirelyrelieved from my suffering, and have enjoyed unin-terrupted health ever since

flN EMINENT DIVINE OF BOSTON. PAYS:"l have been u. in- - the Peruvian S'yrup for someti:nepat; it aives me new Vigor, buoVancy of spirits. Liaiiticity of Vuscle."

Thousand have beru thanged iy the use of this remedyfrom tftui, ick'.y,ujjcrig creatures, to Urong itallhj:nnd kappa men and ttomru ; and invalid cannot reasona-bly hetHate ta gi'l It 0 trial,

A pamphlet t.f 3 paes containing certificates ofcures and recommendations from some of the mosteminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will besent rHFK mai.y address.

!H7ai'e that each boutebaa Flkcvis Sraur blownin the glass.

FOR SALE BYJ. 1. SIKSMOHZ. Proprietor. 3G Dey ft. New Vork

fcOLli bV ALL, fcUUGGlSTS.

SCROFULA.AM Medical Men aree that IODINE is the P.EST

RKME1IV for erufula and all kindred diseases everdiscovered. The diificuUy has been to obtain a Pureolhtios of it. m

IV. 12. Anders' Iodine WaterIs a Pure Solution of Iodine. WITHOUT A SOL-VENT! 1 Containing a Full Grain U each ounce of

water.A. most Powerful Vitalizing Agenl and

I'e.toraiive.has eared and will cure SCROFULA in all its mani-


and it has been used with astonishing success iu cof Klii.iiuiutlsm, livspepiaf Con sumption, Female

Complaints. Heart, Liver and Kidney 1jim; lai s.l e.Cireui.irs will be sent re it it to any one seuting their

adiir-s- .

Price f 1,10 a fcottic, or f. for 53.03Prepared by lr H. ANUEHi, Physician St Chemist.!!

For sal: by

J. 1'. 1JL SMOKE. SG Dey St. New Y--

AaJ by ail Cruggisti.



HALF A CENTUKY,with the most astoni-bin- g success in enring

Coughs, Coidslloarci.cs, tore ThroatiLflaeLzt, Wboof inj ccuh, Croup,

Liver complaint, BroocbitiSjL'ifacully of BreathiDg, AsiLma,

ai ever y affect-


which carries nfT more victims than any other dis-ease and Inch l.artl s the of the Physicians toa greater extent than ni:v oilier miilailv. ollcn

YIELDM TO THIS REMEDYwhen all others prove ineffectual.

AS A .MEDICINEKapi;! in Hclicf, soothing in C.Tocl, safe in it 0?r-alioi- .


whitens a f.otn rro.TioaS- - ingredinentpni-i.n-- ", or minerals rinltms sVill. scirrl medi-cal knowledge ; combining all that is valuable in thevegetable kingdom for this class of disease , it is


and is entitled, merits, and receives the general coa-lid'.'ii-

of the public,SEYMOUIl THATCHER, M. D.f

r,( Herman. N. V.. writes as follows :

"Wum'i 1Ja!.m or Wild Ohekrt pive nnivcrsalsatirfarlioii. It seems to curciiu;h by loomingand the luncs.and allaying irrit.-Hi..- thusremoving the cause, iusti ad of drying up liie couitiand leaving the rausc bi t in.. 1 consider Lie lia:rauias go it D4 any. if not the best. Cough iucvicm withuiurli I am ucu.'iaiiited.'Itcv. Jacob Seciiler, of Hanover, Pa.

Well known and murii respectvd among the Germanpopulation in tins country .snakes the following ttate-n- i

lit lor the benefit of the titilicted,I'eak tins Having realized in my family impor-

tant beuelils fr. in the ue of your valuable preparation Wistabs Ualsam or Wild Ciikrry it atl' mcpleasure to recommend it tu the public, oine tijutyears aso ine f my dauzhtcr secned to be in a i.e-cli-

ait'i little napes of her recovery were niter tam-ed I then procured a bottle n? yocr exo lieur l!.il.-.n-

and before she hint t.ikn ihwlioli of the coiittulsofHie bottle tliere was a jrn nt in proveincnt in herhealth I uiy iaiiividual cae made frequentuse ot your valuable medicine, aud have always beenbenefitted by it.

J AC03 SECHLER.Trice One Dollar a lioLdc.

FIR SALK BYJ. P. mxS10ttE.3GIcy Street. New York6ETU W fUWLE, u to. Proprietors,, Uoslon.

AOID bv au obuso sts.



Grace's Celebrated SalteCURES VVOUNDS.bllL'ISES, EPRAIVS,

Graoe a t'clebrned SalveCURES LOILS, ULCERS. CAN'CERS.

Grace's Celebrated t alvcCURES SALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELAS.


Grace's Celebrated Sal?a ;

HEALS OLD S0K,FRE3II is prompt irr action, removes pain at enec. and reduces the uicst' angry-lookio- g swellmrs and imfla-mation-

as if ty magic thus aSTordiuig relief and acomplete cure.

Only 25 seats a box I (dent by mail for U ecata,)For Sale tty

J. V. TMVSMORE 38 Dv Street. New York.


The UNION WATCFI CO., manufaclorcrs, 143Brcadwav, New York. oHVr their entire slock at lessthan cost, for rash. This affords a rare opportunityfor dealers wishing to replenish for holiday trade, toselect from a great variety unsurpassed lor richnesso' design . timeleriine qualities, and real worth.

OMIEKS' WATCHED. European made, in StoutBilvernnd G'old Plated Cases warranted enrre. Itime-keeper- s beautifully engraved, white dial andfancy Bnishel hanus ; u superb ornament. Priec. percase of fix. S If. The saniJ. sold plated. p-- r case ofsix, 93. 80l.l ONLY MY THE CASE! Wedonotdeviate from this rill." upon unr r.m.lir 1011.

HUNTING SILVf'.R WATCHED, English mnvc-n- n

ul. perfecllr ailjuted.aud warranted correi t lnti.keepers ; beautifully engravfj stout double eas and f.nuy rut hands Sol. I only by thecase ol ix. p. ice 5.17. This i the cheap-j- l

aood article in lh nnrket. t".i r - Ii i o a lout hunt-

ing durable wateli. which Wll.l. KELP UOOll I I V Eal a MODERATE PUI''E In justice to many retaildenters wtiom tro-r- i supplying, these watches willnot be s.ild to any one at retail, or in any quantityles than n case of ix.

COLD PLATED WATCI1E3, 13 K. plate, sameinoveiuent as above, and i precisely the same MVl'.-o-f

watch, with the cxcepliou that these are heavilyplated on composition metal. Trice, per case .l'si.x,837. Sold only by the case !

IIUNTINU ali.VEIt WATCRE.5. in superior fin-

ished cases, full engrave.l. s id that readily sell ntretail at from $15 each upwnrd, per case of si'.IT'J.Same in gilt cases, pur half dozen, ST- -. tiold onlyby the Case 1

Improved Heavy Silver Duplex Chronome-ter in fully ruby action Movement.

Those wishing n superior time-piec- that can berelied upon in all seasons and weaihe r, should buythis. For Railroad men and others requiring an ac-

curate time-piec- e this is unsurpassed. Cased in bestsilver in a handsom' and durable manner, per caseof six. A ample will be sold for Thesewatches retail nt from ?To to $.1(10.AMERICAN WATCHES. OF OUR OWN MANU-

FACTURE AND WARRANTED.Two ounce Silver Cases. Have the best running

apparatus of any watch ill existence. Per case of six$lro. Singlt one Retail al $10 an J upwards.

Also Gald and tiilvei Watches, a superb stock ofsilver ware, and gold, plntej and Gilt Jewelry forCountry .Vterrhants. Ped'ars, Ac.

Coods sent iu nuv part of ihe country by Express,C' O. D to be paid fur when received. Order iilouce.No advances required, e'cisd for Circular.

UNION WATCH CO.,HU Urosdway, New York,

October 10. 1305.



Tlirourh between Baltimore and liocltcsterWiilaoiil CIsa5ig,e of Cars,

ON and after August Cth, I6G0, Trains will leaveas luilows :

NORTHWARD.r.UFFALO EXPRKS3 leaves 10 0. tiai'v,

Philadelphia 9 CJ P M. Ilarribburg 2,tij A. M , ileliv-erin- g

pa?semrcrc at Nortl11111.l1Crl.1nd, 4,5 A. M. fortrain ou Lackawanna and ISIiHunsiiur? Rail Road,lenviug at A, .M. arriving in Dan v illo 7. 1(1 A.M.Rlooinrburs A.M. Ki ngbtuu 10.40 A. M, l?cran- -

ton l.ftll noon.MAILIeqves Ra'tiinore P.2. A. V. rinilv, (except

Sundays) Philadelphia 10. IU A. M. Harri-hur- g 2.jF. M.. lieliveriin. passengers t Voitliumberlaii.l 4.14P. M.for train r,n Lack.t.vanna and H!o' lisbura RailRoad, leavi .r th rrf at .".- - I I. M. arriving in HaiiviSe6 Utl P. M. l.l'Miiibur 4j r, M. Kiiii'fton 9 t'l . ,vt .

ronton ; north und arriving inWilliamspnrt at ti S P. M.

FAST LINE, leaves llaitiinore, dailv ( except fun-dav- )

12.11 P.M. Philadelphia U iinou. Ilaniliur;4,10 P.M. N'crthumbcrland '. 43 P.M. re.nain overniht. and lef ve fojjnwiug iioruing al 7. , arrivingiu cra.uton l.'.iK) uncn.

SOUTHCTAE1E.F.7rrifTeS3 TRAIN, leaves Nortliuiiibcrland 113.

P.M.dai'y (fXCfpt ondays ) receiving iaseni-rs-leavin-

Straiitou 4.40 P. M. Piltston P. M. Kinston G (Ml P. M- - P:MiUi;.hurf rt (7 P. M. ariivinp in PI11I-a.- 'i

l.l ia 7.00 A. M. iiarrifburg 2.30 A. M. Ralliiuorc7.CII A M

WAIL TRAIN, leaves Northumberland 102GA.M.daily, (xi epl Sundays) reci ivmg paseitgers. leavingScrantoii nt S.S0A. M. PiClor u SiO Ji 1 Kiiijslan6 i J A . V. ! Io..uist.urg f.07 A. M. Danuille 9.54 A. M.ana a:rivins in llarrirberg I.Ij P. M. Philadelphia5 3d l M. Baltimore ul P. M.

l!y this route fright from Buffalo, rusper.sionKr:igc, Rochester and Canandaisua orany intrrmedial.; point on New York Central can be sluppi dthrough, nhen in full car loads lo any point on thel acka WRima and Rloomsburg U11I Road, withoutbre iking btlka Rate of freight aud Passenger L.reas low as ! any 01 her route

J. 1. HcBAKKY. C. 3. YOUNG.Gcn'l Sup't. Harnsburg, Pa. Cen'l Pass. Agent,

Baliiui ire. and15 A AC M. SCHEOMERHORN.

Cen'l Western Freight Agent, Euiilo, N, 1 ,fpt :ruher, li. Ii!lii.


The undersigned respectril!r inform? the citizensof bloouifburg and Columbia county , that they keep

II the ditf.-ren- t numbers of stove coal an J selectedluaip f r s:iiif!iiiz purpose", on their wharf, ad-joining MtKirlvv, Nenl t Oo'e Furiiaec ; with a goodpair Uuffalo Fcales on the n weiuh roai.liay andstraw .iken iue a horse and waaon. to i!e'ier coalto thoe who doirc it. As we purchase a largeamount of coal, V. c Iniend to keep a rtiperior arlii'le.tid sell at the very loeti prices. l'l'-a- call andexamine for youreclvts before purchaiuci-Ne- here.

J. W. UllM'EI.S (i.A UU UST J S M A O.V.

THE iinr'ersi;ned will tnke. ia exchange for CoalCro-erie- s, 1'.ie following named ariirl.'x ;

Wh-Jat- . Rye, Corn. O it. Potatoes. Lard, I'.-it- Shoiiltier, and rida meat, l.uttrr. Ei'g. Hay. e.c ., at th.:liti'beEt cash prices, at his Urocery ift.irn, aajoii.ingUuir coal yard. J. W. II ENDEUsilOT.

Rloiunsliurj, Apr'l liiG. )y.


; LUMlsIA CO., PA.fin subscriber, proprietor

tne alcve named e- -

ivc establishment, is nowpared to receive orders


--t fo

All KiuHs cf !scliinerv,for Co!erie, Furnaces, Stationary Engines,

MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES. fcC. tC.He is also prepared to make Stve, all sizes and

f nttenis. p'ow-irons- , and everything usually made infit-clas- s r'ouniiries.His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war-

rant him in rec.ivinj the largest contracts 00. tbem -- t rejsonahle

iXT" tirain cf all kinds will betaken in exchange foicaHtins.

C"? This establishment is loca.ed near the Lackawa-n- a

A Blooiusburg Railroad Dtpnt.PETER CILLMYEG.

Uloomsburg, Sept. 13. 1SC3.


nC. II O W K R,SURGEON TBNTIST...... . - w - - -

." g-- r ionnl services to the ladies and gentleme'f I.I nuiKbur;aud vic.'nity. II.? isprepared 10 at:eud to all the varion

nivralions in the line of iiis prufession audi providedWlh lie latest improved f'JUCt.L.1 1. TF.ETH, w hirjw II Ij inserted on roid.plat ina.sil ver and rubber br eto lmw II as the natu: al teeth

Ml teral plate and blrek teeth manufactured ar all0 Pr. IH'iis on tectlLcarefuUy and prop rrly attended to.

Uriieitee and oliitc a few doors above the CourtU n,e. same side.

Bljojisburg. JuueG 1863


bi early opposite the EviscGjml Chuich.I.OTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS.

MY stock is composed of fine cloth'ny. mediumlow priced adapted to all conditions,

tattcs and wanls. He has the latest styles for tbeteasitn a fine assortment of

Overcoats and GenilcnAen's Sliaw.s,from Lw to the very best

His (loods aft tuskion il'c an:l well Made.In addition to my stock of r:.v!y-iniJ- e clothing, I

have piece goods fur custom orders.

Cloths, Casiiiiere., &c, &c.And having one of the first class cutters. I goaran"tee a fit in all eases and give satikfac'iou. Also avariety of

H COLEX AM) LINEN SliIRTS,Stockings, Neckties. Colfars. Stocks. Handkerchiefs

everything in the gentlemen's line cf clolhiii;.Also, Hato, boots and Shoes, Trunks and Carpet

bars.I will sell at Ihe lowest Market price. Please give

me a call before purchasing elsewhere.AN DEE W J. EVANS,

Eloomsburg, Nov. 15, 13ti5;

All! We tv.ii$1,501) evrvwlicr lo ppIIour improved $20 Sewing Machines. Three nwkinds. I'nder and upper feed. Warranted hveyears. Above salary or large commissions paid.The ONLY machines in tbe United States fur lessthan $41. whiet are fully licensed by Howe. Wheel-er at Wi-son- . Grover Jtc (laker. Singer fc Co.. andHachelder. All other cheap Machines are Infrinse-mentsao- d

the seller or user are liabie to arrest, tineand imprisonment. Circulars fre. Address or railopoo Sbaw Claik. Biddeford, Me., or Chicago III.

Deeember 30. lr?bi. ly.

g9QA flOiMai-Age- nts wanted


CAPITAL AXU SUafuTs, - - $150,

ASSETS.Stock not called In, --

Hills receivable. --


t. 5 'JO lloii'ls, - SJ.ixinTetnporarv and call loans. C.tKIO

Kill shares Wioiuiiir iwiiik cior li.llliii'fh.nes Firfl Nntional Rank t Wilks-Rarr- 5.1100

hhures H'Toim BIionai i'huk ni imcs-uurr-

4'i eharea VV Ilkea-Karr- e Bii.lge Slock. 'J.5H0

Rent Estate.liiriuuiruts.Due Irom Asents and others, . 7,414Cash iu hand and in Bank, .... i.ttli


G. M IIOLI.EN'tA'-K- Preldent.L. D. SHOEMAKER. Vice Prss L


March 2. JAGS insbiirg, Pa.

iimam WsMm


SEltlNG MACHINES.Ei.i)irc Sluittli liacliinc !

SALESROOM. 530 P.roadway.N. Y.,S.'.O Wa-hiii;:t- tt eet. lloston,SJ1 Che. nut Philaiirlplua,


TinSMACElVE i cnntrurted on entirely newmany rare

and valuable inipri vemenls, havin? been exuninedby the most profound experts, and pronounced lo

Simplicity and Perfection Combined.It Ins n Ktrnijht ii"edl", perpen-ljcula- r action,

makes the LOCIiVr Srlll TI LE STIT( 'II. which willr Kll' Mr i; AVICI., and is a'ike on both fides ;

performs perfert icuiiir nn every description (,fmiiterial. from Lcalher lo ihe finest Nansook muslin,wi:h rntton. or siik thread. l"ro-i- i the coarsestto the finest number. Havina nritiicr CAM or COGWtiEEI.. and tael.-a- t possible friction, it runs assmooth as glass, aud is

Emphatically a Noiseless Jfachine.It reqiires TIFTY PER CENT, less power to drive

il limn any other machine in the market. A rirltwelve years cf can work it steadily, witnuutfjttirue or li.jury to health

It Slrenstli aud wonderful Simplicity of Construc-tion renders i'. alioort impossible lo get out of order,and is GUARANTEED by ihe company to give en-

tire salnfai liori.We respectf illy invite all those who may desire to

t ther.tsi'lves witii n sujieri . r arlii le, to comeauu exaunne this UNRIVALLED MACHINE.

C'ae half horn's liuttifn is scfiicieni lo enableany perron to worV this machine to their entire

ion.Agent wanted for atl towns j i tin United States,

ti here agencies are not already established Also,fr Cuba. Mexico. Central und South America, towhom a liberal discount will b riven.

L Ml' IRE SEW1G MACHINE MF'G CO..530 ISrnadway. N. Y.


A. M. RUPERT,Announces to his mauy fuemlsanj iiuincrnns mi-tinne-

thai he continue Ihe aliove l.ti.iue.s nt hisold place of butiu-s- s ou MAIN STREET, C LOOMS.LUR'J.

His customers and ethers can be accommod ilodwith

c-- A m O T OVESI f 1 i w I O I l.

ui un Riuuf, riui clpes. i inw are, anu everyaiiicle found in ell well reeulated STOVEAMI TINWARE f in thecitiesand i n the mort rensniiable terms.

tp" SPOUTING. f"r honie ami b mi, will be putup on short in.tue. Also, all kinds of rejiairinc dJn;r'.nirty ;ud unoii liberal terms

He also s on hind a lar.'e supply of MilkPans, of diirer-- ut and prices ; b :it;es n fun; ns-s- i

t:n.iii of fa liar's l'aten selxt'ealm" Fruit Pre-set i it: I.'lik. Give him a call.

Ju! lo. d. if.


1.1 Shive'f Cuilding.on Main Street.

WM.'GILMORE,Informs tha citizens r,fuioomsburg and vicinity ththe has opined n New

Hi:TAURA'T,in this place, w hero he invites hi old friends andcustomers locall and partake of hit refreshments.Il is his intention to eep the best

LA GEE BEER AND ALE,constantly orrhand ; Al,o. I'orter, Sarsaparilla. Mincral Water, Fnet v Lemonades. Raspberry and Ia-ii-ion r;.,n , can al way s be hnd nt his lietlaurant.

In tbu eating line he presents a

not surpns-e- d in this place, viz. Pickled OystersClams, Fish. Laiberued Chicken. I'irK ledTripe and liecf Tongue, &c.. 4tc. He also bis a goodarticle of

Ci;ars and Chcvsinfj Tobaccofor his customer IT?" Give him .1 Call,

ltloomsburg. June l.'l, iM.ii.

AR mai'e by any one wiihStencil Tools No experience

liecessarv. 1 he t residents. Cashiers, nnd Treasurers of 3 Hanks m,!orso the circular.Sent free with samples. Ai!ilre-- s Ihe American Sten-cil Tool Works, Springdcld, Vermont.

August 1. l?iiU. 3m.


LOT OF FECNINC; BOARDS I ORsale The undersigned f.fTers for sale upon themost at his place of business, in15 E V TO N . COLUMBIA COUNTY, o.-.-e hundred thou-sand shingles and a larcc lot ol fencing- - boards, ofthe very best quality, both pine and hemlock

J. J. Mctf:.NRY.Benton, May 9, I fed.

Wm. c. CSOk . CAR1EKTER.

Established 1828.C. W. CARPEMEK, HEXSZEV & CO.

WHOLESALE DRUGGIST?.737 Markkt St. one door below Eth. PriLADELrm a,


And every i: ....' arlirle ?ipertainlng to ihebusiness, of the best qu.i:i'y. unJ al Ihe

lowest Market Hates.March 2?. 1560.

Tini ! ITCH ! ITf U !X s:ratch : schatch sceatcii !

WH EATON'S OINTMENTWill (lire 'ike llch iu 18 Hours.

Also cures SALT Ril EUM. CHIL-BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF Til E tK.l. "rire50 ls. For sale bv all Druceists. I!y sending foceals to WEtK!" tc. POTTER. Sole 17" Washington street, Koston, it will bo forwarded by mail,free of portare, lo any part of the United Plates.

June o, 13io.- - ly.


THE undersigned bat j isl fitted Bp, and opened,his new

STOVE A ? I TI. SIS OP,in this lce. wlter h is-pr- jrcd to make up nesrTi W ARK of ill kinds in his line, and do repairi-ng w ilh neatness and dispiicb, upon the most rea-sonable terms, llealso keeps on hand STOVE ofvarious patterns and styles, n hich he will sell uponterms tu suit ourcba;rs.

Give hi.t .:!!. He is a goo4 mechanic, aad de-serving of the pubile patronage.

JACOB MET 2.Elocmsbnr. Pent. r ly.



JYcw Stock ofClothing.

Spring and Sumisicr Ooods.

INVITES altention to his stbeit of chsap andClothing al bis aiture. on

MjIN STREET, BLOOMSJiURG,two doors above the Jlmtrican louse,

where hn has jut received from New Vork andPhi ladelphia, a lull assortment of

including the most feshionahle. durable aud handS4UIK. UK tts (iUUDS, consisting ofBox, Sack, Frock t Gum and Oil CotL

Coats, and 'arils,of all sorts. sizc. and colors. He also ha replen-ished his already large stock of Fall and WinterKb wis; striped, figured and plain Vesn, shirts,cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sus-penders and fu?y urtn.les.

N II. lie has roii-ta- ui ly on hand n larcc and wellselected assortment of Cloth an I Vesting, whichhe is prepared to make up lo order, i.iin tny kind ofclothing on very slurl notice aud in tUe best of nun-tie- r.

All his clothing is made to wear and most of it isof home mnuufacture.

AN D .d? OS La ZZZ a

f't every Description, Fir. and Cheap. His Cnse ofJewelry is not surpassed in this place. Call and ex.limine his geueral atsortuiem of Clothing, Watches,lewelry, ic. &.c.

DAVID LO WEN C U KG.Bloonitburg, April 20. ISM.


Has opened a first doss BOOT, SHOE,MAT hm SAP STOHE,

At his old ttand nn Main Street Dloomsbtiitr. IHsstock is composed of I lie very latest and be.U stylesever offered to Ihe citizens of Columbia Ciiuny. liecan accommodate the public with the following kindsand prices :

Men's calf boots, fine. $.V(.(i to 0.0014 ip, double sole, 'J 75 to 5 72

Boys child's boots. 1.70 to 4.75Men's glove kid. Congress, fcc, 2 30 to 5,75

Hal. Shoes, 1 !0 to 3.0 )

" women's boys and iniscs glovekid listing "iters, 1.75 to 5.75

Women's elove kid. very fine, 3. "5 to 5 75' fine goat morocco balmornls, 2 5il to 4 00" mi n's morocco and call tlioes, 1.75 to 2 5(1

common shoes, .50 to j 5(1

Misses' nnd Child's shoes. 0.5 to 1 bOMen's, w omen's, missus', boys and cbilds

hlippera. to l.COlie u;so keep a great variety of HATS, CA?3 and

STRAW GOODSof every kind, at the lowctt prices, both for Cosh anCountry produce.

Rcmeinbi:i the nti&aclion is in our jnoJ. Don'lhe alarmed at the cfy of high prices, but call auu teefor yourselves.

HENRY CI3E.Eloomsburg. July II. lBfifi.

!.ackanniia & Ctoomsliurg iiailtoad.



P M PM AM.Leave Srranton, 4 4d C 5u

" Kingston. (i.l0 (1.55

l.lsomsl nrg. S CO e. jilArrive at Nurthuinhcrlnnd 9.50 10.35


Leave Northumberland, 7.00 5 10" Danville. 740 5 4"

Itloomsluirg, 8 25 6 2Arrive at Scrn:lon. 12 40 10 13

Trains leavin! Kingston at S 30 A: M for Scrantonceunect uith Tri.ln arriving al Now York at 5 v'0

l.eavins Noi Ihuin'it'l im! f .W A M.ani Kingston2 30 P. M , cni:ecl with Train airivmg at New Yorktt in 55 P. M.

Passenger liking" Train Soath from Scrarton nt551A M via No Itiiiiiiber'an J.reai h llarrisiuirg li 30 P M.Lnliiiiinre 5 1:0 P M.. W ashinstou 10 OOP M via Ru-pert reach Philadelphia tt 7 U'iPM.

li. A. FONDA, Supt.Kinsston. ov .25. I8C5.

ri-II- NEW


IODIDE OF LIME,pnyp.mrD for



.Man vf tcturinff Ci cmitts,MAVUFAt.TURLRS OF TU E


Which has bscome so favorably known cs a7 RF.yi on.n ivf..

r.y TAysicius fciid Invalids in all ( ails of the coontr)'.

The new preparation, "f.irsaparilla In cefhl.ina-tio- n

with I oil lie of Lime." presents one of Ihe mostprompt alterative agents, in a 'orin capable of exertice ("'I action upon the system, aud (his in minuteand pleasim doses. Il is conceded that Ihe altera-tive, resolvent, or tonic cfiecls of Iodine are exert-ed most decidedly wuen associated with ether

in combination : aurt the Sarsapariita seemsto fulfill all Ihe favorable requisitions.

The first lo'ct usually observed iv lieuSARSAPAI! 1 1. LA WITH IODIDE OF LIME"

islr.ken. is an increase cf appetite showing that ithas tonic propt-rtie- s of a marked character. Its al- -erstrve eli'ects are iiiauiti'st in its ready combina-

tion wii'i Ihe blood and lis-u- ?s Pale, tcrofulouswomen and children improve rapidly under it use,and I he vital I'urirtions assume a nealthy rondiiiun.

Il is admirably adapted to a large number of chrcn-i- c

or ncutu alT clions peculiar to children It u suit-ed in them both by the mildness a ml efTsci"iicy ofmedicinal effect nnd the pleasant, attractive form ofthe remedy. It may be cven fr a long period whereconstitutional i:illuences ere desired, au I no r?pug-uanre- .

or tisiuc!inal on to lake tne syrup, cncoui.-I- .red. In Whue-aweiliug- . Ilip Joint Disease, and

Distortions of tn,; it sh.-iu-l I b-- ; riven persist-enlly- ,

iu moiierale iion s. until reiief is obtainedIn the Spriiyof the Vcar, and during the

l)(rt Weather,Ihe accumulation of morbid matters in the systemseems to become manifest and very troublesome Las-situde, Headache, Hulls, Co.stivciiess, Loss of .ppe- -

tite. Pains in the Joints, Indigestion, etc , are verycommon. nihiiiv ever devised is b"t:er ada;iled loexterminate or d.i ve oil' these-- n dictions Ih an tin newcombi'.aiion of S A RS Al'AUI LLA Wil li IODIDEOF LIME.A'o preparation like it, or ichich approximates to it as an

Alterative, or Blood Purifier,bas trer before been placed rithtn the reach of invalids.Indeed, it is an entirely ntw and combina-tion, in no resj'cct resciuuliug auythiug uilhcilo em-ployed.

The opinion of medical men concerning it. the de-scription of its chemical character, tberapoulic val-ue, manner of use, etc., are given l.i a rirrulir,which ran be had at the store of aby and all firstclas Drnsists.

Z7 oid in llloomshuri , whclasale anf retail, byEyer Is. Mover, and all Druggists

Jane 0, kkA.. Cm.

ISS LIZZIE PETERMAN,J jWould annonnr to the laiiies ol r.oomburg and

the public generally, thit she has just leceived lrwuithe custom cries her

Spring mid SuniaiicrFlock r

MILLINERY GOODS,consisting of ail nnicle s uea!ly found in first classMillinery Stores. Her good, are of Ihe bet mialityand anion; the most handsoaie and cheapest in Chenihrket Cull and examine them for yiartlves.

Nobody should purchase t'lsewhre before eiaaiining M ii Feterman's stock ol goods Ronncis uiade10 order, on the shortest notice, or repaired.

Stnr m Main street. 3d d.or below the store OfMendel. hall & Rupert.

Bloomsburg, May 2. J ?"sfi. if.

THE nndersi'pcd respectfully announces In tVr

that he keeps constantly on band, at hisold stand, one door below Lute's Drug Store.

WALL PAPER,011 Cloifr. and Tsper Window Shades, Cords, Tas-sels ad Fixtures, for Pictures , Ac. o( tli verylatest styles. and is prepared. to do all kinds of paperhanging to order.

E. J. TI10RT0N.nioom'bnrg, April 4 ISCfi. if



Office opposite Pott rfiice, over TTjrfmjn'g store.Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions and Go.i. ii"Ms V f-- si,""t,h tf,tm,0 lfn sf n eT


Hotsq aM Cattle FowflmThU preparation,'

long and favorablyknown, will thooioughly reinvlgorabsbroken-dow- n and

d strengtbaoiagand cleansing titstomach and intastines.

It is a sure jrrvenUve of all dlsv

".i"" eiuies inciaeni tothis animal, snch as LUNG FEVEJ1, eiiDEi4iTER, HEAVES,COUGHS,

FE-VERS. FENDERL0.S.--1 OF APPE-TITE AND VITALENERGY, ic. itscse improves Uiewind, increasesthe appetite-giv- es

a luooth and V m ai TJ Jgloj.iy skin undtransfarnis Ih."..- y rwiwi y timiserable tkcleton into a g aad spirit2

To keepers of Cows this niuriiinn a tn.i viLIt lacreaies Uie quanUty and improves the quality

orche milk. It baabeen proven by aotoal exiieriment IOIncrease-- the quan-tity or milk andcream twenty percent, and make iliabatter firm andsweet. In fatteningcattle, it gives theman appetite, loosvxatheir hide, andi- tnalcAS tliriv'

much faster.

In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, rjToeri Itthe Lungs, Liver,ic, IN arliciemis as a specific.ISy putting fromone-hal- f a paperto a paper in a

"fcarrel of swill theabove diseaseswill be eradicatedor entirely prerentsd. If given In time, a cerUiapreventive and cure for the Hog Cholera.Price 25 Ceat3 per Paper, or 5 Papers Cor tV


8. .A.. FOUTZ z BRO.tAT TKEIft

WHOLESALE DUrO AND MEDICIVE DET0T,Ho. 11G Franklin St., Baltimore, H&

Far Sale by Druggists find Storckcaperi tirougjlscat the L'nitcd Sutes.

Zj" for sale tl the Drug tors ofEYER MOVER,

Lloomsbarg tm.Eloomstitirg, Jan. 0. Id50. ISmo.

DR. W. II. WIIITMOB,I'f. S been in rnccssaul practice for a nnrnfcer efI I years, w ilh the experience of tlie different bos-pit- al

- in l:utoii. a!o a minber of the AnalyicalMe'tirnl luslilute of New V tk, ronti tees tosttcadli al! r ff'ssional ci-c- s at his ofSce No. tii Tilbertafreet, Pliilndelpl ia.

2. Ni i.cler.t M' Lirines arc used or rrccmineeded s

!l:C r:medic a l:iunitsreJ are move which will ntbreak rown the rnn.tirutinn. Irflt renovate tbe tyteni from all injuries it has sustained from mineralmedicines, and leave Ihe system io a liealUiy andperlectlv cured condition,

3. DYgPLPs! A. that distressing disasse aad faildestroyer of healili and happme. undenaluiDf incon tituii m end yeaily Carrving thousand la utftimely graves, can most einpha ically be cured,

4. Al.iautho! v. Abberration. that sis l et Alia,tion ami w eahuess of the nund which isnders enjoying the pleasures or psrfisting th" duties of life.

5. IIH EU vi ATI tl,in any form or ondiUea.shraa- - .

ia or nente. warranted curable.n, LPILKl'SV. cr fa'i'.ing euknett, all ebranU me

stubbcrn case cf

I'EJIALE DISEASESradica'ly removed ; Pa t RUsum and srery daerfalion r.f ulcerations Piles and scrofulous diseasevt hich have baffled all previous medical skill, c&a bcured by my trentment ; nnd I do sty alt diseases,Cve Cgsji'MptiiiiO can be cured by wearing uiy Menl-ctte- d

Jacket, v hich is a protection to the lgsagninst all thrnrrs of weather iu a:l cllinstes hav-ing tn veti:ated fur year- - the cause aad character 1

iiiuriiufeiiK (fever an 1 ague) in all parts of taL'nited Slates will cure permanently all chronis ssr

arute cases cf s;us and nervon piseabes ia I fewdays.t&Lcrr Cared vrilliczt the koife or Dr&TTls;

U cod.Tape W.irtn, that dreadloiha naman rtmPy frf

ycai. eu I c removed with two or tbise ufwy new ly remedy, warranted in all cassa.

nnsultation in the English and German Langaagssjfre of charge. Will make visiis auy distanxo. Itdesired. M .y be addresse by letter (confljeoLiallv.)and Jklcdicins sent wnti proper tirrectioos t anypart ol IUj country.

orricc-v- o, tu n:tsrtBL ruia.April 4. leza lj.

DR7j7TMiVASS,riiysiciaii asd Surgeon

f TAVJNis Int-a'e;- ! pMinaiierii!' on Mai5 Sirffi, KLOOMSBUKG. !'., wooi.i in-(or- in

the public genera'ly . list he Is prsprarnJ tsattenJ to all business faillifuliy and punsloslly tkatmny be intrusted lo bis care, ou teru-- s comoisasa-- .rate ilii ihr times.

CL7 lit pays strict attsntioa ta Surgery a waas medieine.

Nov. 25. 1 G3,lv.


BLO OMSB UR G, Pa.Will practice iu tha several Courts of ColgBbaJ

and aiijniuing counties.C-

- All Collections promptly atundsd t.June 2'). Ibbti.

CHAS. G. DARKLE Y,Atiorwcy nt Law.


WILL practice in the ssvernl Conrtssf Oelaukiaut r. All legal unsiucss inirusied to bi

eate shay receive prompt attention.OCce-- Un .Utckt. Exchange Ealldiags, wvar

Millet's Store.I.loomsburc. April 13. IFC4.


Sztensivs Xlar.ufactuiers and ImporterGold, Plated ar.d Oreide Jcictlrj,


Aiunr.icAX, a.j svtisj

C ASED CY OURSELVES.And every description of

Pancy Goods and Yankee Notions,Psprrially auapled aaj designed for Soutkera aadWestero Trade.

C;rculf and full deseripliv Price List tafree.Agents wanted evervwbere. Address.


Providsacc, B. LfVtol'cr tfi 3n.

OMNI BUS LINE.THE undersigned would respectfully anaosae tt)

citizens cf liloomsburg, and tbe pubii ge-erisll- v.

thai l:e is runningan OMMBi:s LINE, he- - C&K'iwcen this lace nnd tliedtf. , ', Ct'e. '""jferent Kil Koad li.-pn-is dm- - -- T7f''.";r"V"ly. (Sun fay excepted) to St5sjconneri w ith ibe s. v Trains goint South a Witffou the Cnlawisia nnd Wi'liamtport Kail Koad. aad

ith ilme gong NortU and 4'jutli on lb Lack, Vnio'imsbiir:,

His O.MNIKL'S.-E- S are in good condition, roosntfiou :id ccniforlaale, aud char; cs reasonable.

C7 Persons v. ishig to meet or tee tir finda4depart, can lie arrntmnodated, upon asofirbla'charges, by leaving tiinuly notice -- I any cf lb Oo"tela,

JACOB L. GIRTOaV,Prc-rlU- i.

BleorniBorg. April 27. 1C4

JTJRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS.Pure Medicine, at John B. M oyer's Drag Blf

corner oi .Mam and JJsrket Btrecls. A food asaart'menl of

Medicines. Taint. Oil and Varnishos, altray on.hartl.and will be sold dieaper than at any hbDri g Store in n n.

QUALITY GUARANTEED.Prescription carefully compounded at Meyer""

Drue More.Aycrs and Jayncs Mci!Iciae sold at Meyer' Draf

Store,V.'i.harf Tr Conliil. Bakr'a CcJ Livr OU,

Window' Soothing Syrup, sold al JCoycr' DragStore.

Far any reliable patent tuedicin, call at MyrVDrug Flore.

Leather cf aUlind. wholesale and retail, al J.aVi'Koyer Drug Store, Bloomsburg, Pa.HljJ, I80ti. If.