comida in spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. many people order a few things to...

Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are actually

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Post on 11-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

ComidaIn Spain, it is common to

go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to

nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas

are actually complimentary with a

drink purchase!

Page 2: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El desayuno

En mi casa, el desayuno es a las 7:30.

Desayunarse – to eat breakfast

Me desayuno por la mañana.

Page 3: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Las peras

Me gustan las peras mucho.

Page 4: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

La leche

Mi hermana no puede consumir la leche.

Page 5: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Las uvas

Las uvas son buenas.

Page 6: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El yogurt

El yogurt de fresa es mi preferido.

Page 7: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El pan tostado

A veces desayuno pan tostado.

Page 8: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Los huevos

Compro huevos orgánicos.

Page 9: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El café

Mi madre toma mucho café todos los días.

Page 10: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El cereal

Nunca como el cereal.

Page 11: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Las manzanas

Una manzana al día mantiene al médico en la lejanía.

Page 12: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Los plátanos

Me fascinan los plátanos.

AKA: los bananos

Page 13: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El almuerzo

El almuerzo es al mediodía.

Almorzar (o-ue): to eat lunch

¿A qué hora almuerzas?

Page 14: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

La sopa

El menudo es una sopa muy tradicional de México.

Page 15: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Los refrescos

¡Los refrescos te van a arruinar los dientes!

Page 16: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El jamón

El jamón serrano es una parte importante a la gastronomía española.

Page 17: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

La ensalada de lechuga y tomate

Es bueno comer ensalada.

Page 18: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El espagueti

¿Te gusta el espagueti?

Page 19: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El pollo

Los norteamericanos comen mucho pollo.

Page 20: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

La sal y la pimienta

Siempre hay sal y pimienta en la mesa.

Page 21: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Las hamburguesas

Casi siempre comemos hamburguesas cuando hacemos una barbacoa.

Page 22: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El pavo

No me gusta el pavo.

Page 23: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Las papas fritas

Las papas fritas son muy grasosas.

Page 24: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Los sándwiches de atún

A mi madre le encantan los sándwiches de atún.

Page 25: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

La limonada

La limonada es mi bebida favorita en el verano.

Page 26: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

La cena

Para la cena, tenemos pollo, ensalada y frijoles.

Cenar: to eat dinner

Mi familia y yo cenamos juntos los domingos.

Page 27: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El pescado

A muchas personas no les gusta el pescado.

Page 28: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Los frijoles

Los frijoles son buenos para el sistema digestivo.

Page 29: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El arroz

El arroz es una parte importante de la gastronomía latinoamericana.

Page 30: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Los camarones

Como camarones 2 veces a la semana.

Page 31: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Las galletas

A Cookie Monster le encantan las galletas.

Page 32: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Los dulces

Los niños comen muchos dulces en Halloween.

Page 33: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El vino tinto

El vino tinto es bueno para el corazón.

Page 34: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

La cerveza

La cerveza Imperial es de Costa Rica.

Page 35: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El agua

El agua es muy refrescante.

Page 36: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El pastel

El pastel de chocolate es mi pastel preferido.

Page 37: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El helado

Como más helado en el verano que en el invierno.

Page 38: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

La carne de cerdo

Mi abuelo es judío. Por eso, no come la carne de cerdo.

Page 39: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Las zanahorias

“Zanahoria” is mi palabra favorita de la lengua española.

Page 40: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El brócoli

El brócoli es muy saludable.

Page 41: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

Las papas al horno

Porque soy de Idaho, me encantan las papas al horno.

Page 42: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

El bistec de res

La Argentina es muy conocida por sus bistecs y la salsa chimichurri.

Page 43: Comida In Spain, it is common to go out for tapas after work. Many people order a few things to nibble on and a drink. In lots of places, the tapas are

La langosta

En la cena de mis sueños, voy a comer 3 langostas.