communication styles


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Post on 21-Nov-2014




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Communication is the process of transferring information from one entity to another. It is also the interaction between two agents who exchanges their thoughts and ideas by speech. In modern term communication means receiving and delivering messages by mail, telephone and television. Communication is very much important in corporate world because if the managers want to achieve the desire goals they have to do supportive communication with their subordinates.

PART-1 - This part deals type of response the person gives to the problems.

Scores: My score of part 1 of communication style is displayed in the table below:

Parts of supportive communication

Score Ideal Score for skilled supportive communication

PercentageAdvantage/Disadvantage to me

1. Deflecting response 7 4 or less 7/24=29 Disadvantage2. Probing response 8 6 or more 8/24=34 Advantage3. Advising response 2 2 or less 2/24=8 Advantage4. Reflecting response 7 9 or more 7/24=29 Disadvantage

TOTAL:- 24 100





Skills area of supportive communication

Reflecting responseProbing responseAdvisng responseDeflecting response

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My score clearly interpret that I have easily meet the set target of advising response 2 (target 2 or less) and probing response 8 (target 6 or more) of supportive communication. Whereas my deflecting response scores of 7 indicate that I have exceeds the target of (4 or less). And my reflective response score 7 which also show I don’t reach at the target of (9 or more). So I need to do a lit bit work on reflecting and deflecting response.

Areas of strength

From the above assessment it is clear that I am good in providing advising response to subordinate and fellow beings by providing them the direction and instructions of how to solve the problem which were unclear to them which helps them to interpret their problem. And secondly I am also good in giving probing response to the communicator by giving some extra information which helps them to deliver more information to us on the topic to make it clear. I have develop this from my school time whenever our teacher communicate with us related to our projects I always try to acquire some extra knowledge by asking some questions on which I am having a doubt so there detail information help me to do my projects in time .

Areas of development

There are certain areas which I need to develop for supportive communication is reflective and deflective response. Means when the communicator delivers some message on particular topic I avoid to ask questions and doesn’t show my participation in class which avoids the communicator to give us In-depth knowledge of topic and secondly I need to avoid by giving deflective response which force the communicator to change the subject and went on the wrong track and provide us the wrong information. So to avoid this I have taken various actions when instructor is communicating something to us I ask the questions if I don’t understand and ask only relevant questions which are related to the topics. And secondly to develop my reflective style I have started taking participation in class by asking the questions so that I can get the in depth knowledge of the topic. So by taking these actions I have realized recently that I am developing my reflective response and however my deflective response is also going down which is very much important for the supportive communication.

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Part-2 - This part deals describes the particular problem and seek how the other person response.

Scores: My response and skilled are shown in the table below:

Question no My answer Actual answer Skilled response statement

Development area for me for supportive communication

1. A A Problem oriented statement


2. B B Congruent statement


3. B A Descriptive statement

Descriptive statement

4. A B Validating statement

Validating statement

5. B A Owned statement

Owned statement


My score clearly interpret that I am skilled in giving problem oriented response which will help others to solve their problems. Secondly I am also skilled in giving congruent statement means I always deliver the honest message to individual. But I still need to develop descriptive, validating and owned response to balance my supportive communication.

Areas of strength:

My areas of strength are divided into 2 parts problem oriented statement and congruent statement.

a. Problem oriented statement : From my bachelors I always use to focus on problems and solutions rather than personal traits. Because this type of communication is useful for me even when personal appraisal are called for because it focus on

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behaviour and events. And due to this I have build positive and Supportive relationship with my colleagues because I always tend to provide them with the solution of the problems.

b. Congruent statement: During my school time I always communicate what is in my mind means I simply communicate the honest message to my subordinates and this helped me to build a strong and best relationship with them and with others also. Because I communicated them what are my requirements and needs so they work according to that which helped me to build a strong relation with them.


Areas of development:

There are various areas of supportive communication which are needed to be developed for balanced supportive communication.

a. Descriptive statement: I always avoid communicating my observation of the events that has occurred and what has happened in that event and what behaviour needs to be modified. So to develop this I have taken various actions firstly I have started observing the past events and try to analysing them by taking the references from others also .secondly I just consider what will be the reaction and consequences of the behaviour of others. Lastly I just suggest the most acceptable alternative by considering each and every effect so that persons don’t fells criticized.

b. Validating statements : secondly I also avoid giving the validating statements to the persons as a result they fell unrecognised, unaccepted and unvalued to the organisation. It creates a negative felling to others towards me. So in order to develop this I have taken various actions in past firstly whenever I have to take some decision I usually take the consent of my fellow beings by involving them in the talk secondly I also ask them to give their ideas and views. Lastly I arrive at the solution which is helping me to make my supportive communication balance.

c. Owned statement : while communicating I usually involved views and thinking rather than considering my views and thinking which avoids me to thinks innovative ideas and also make me dependent on other and by this I usually avoid to take responsibilities which makes me disowned. I have taken various actions I avoid to take the help of third person as far as it is possible I just do brain storming and try to take out the innovative ideas and also taking new and challenging responsibilities which is helping me to develop my innovation and reducing my dependence on others. And also makes me self aware of myself.

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Reflective comment:

lastly by doing this assessment I came to know that supportive communication or two way communication is very much essential in every field and this assessment has make me aware of my areas of strength which will help me to do the supportive communication and by taking the various actions I have develop my areas of development which has increased my supportive communication very much as compare to earlier. While in M.B.A programme I will further taking actions at regular interval while taking with by subordinates and participate in class and attend seminars and workshops on communication styles. Which will help me to do the completely balance my supportive communication.

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