computational thermodynamics 2. outline compound energy formalism stoichiometric compound...

Computational Thermodynamics 2

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Page 1: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Computational Thermodynamics2

Page 2: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Outline Compound energy formalism

Stoichiometric compound

Wagner-Schottky model

Ionic liquid

Page 3: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalismA sublattice phase can be envisaged as being composed of interlocking sublatticeson which the various components can mix. It is usually crystalline innature but the model can also be extended to consider ionic liquids where mixingon particular 'ionic sublattices' is considered.

Simple body-centred cubic structure with preferential occupation ofatoms in the body-centre and comer positions.

Page 4: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalismTo work with sublattice models it is first necessary to define what are known as site fractions, y . These are basically the fractional site occupation of each of thecomponents on the various sublattices

Where nis is the number of atoms of component i on sublattice s, and Ns is total

number sites on the sublattice s.

Page 5: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalism

This can be generalised to include vacancies, which are important to consider in interstitial phases

Mole fractions are directly related to site fractions by the following relationship

Page 6: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalismThe ideal entropy of mixing is made up of the configurational contributions by components mixing on each of the sublattices. The number of permutations which are possible, assuming ideal interchanges within each sublattice, is given by the following equation

and the molar Gibbs ideal mixing energy is

Vacancies contribute in that equation!

Page 7: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalism

Page 8: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalismThe Gibbs energy reference state is effectively defined by the 'end members' generated when only the pure components exist on the sublattice. Envisage a sublattice phase with the following formula (A, B)1: (C, D)1.It is possible for four points of 'complete occupation' to exist where pure A exists on sublattice 1 and either pure B or C on sublattice 2 or conversely pure B exists on sublattice 1 with either pure B or C on sublattice 2.

Page 9: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalism

Page 10: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalism

Page 11: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalism

Page 12: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalism

Page 13: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalism

Page 14: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalism

Page 15: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalism

Page 16: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalism

Page 17: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Compound energy formalism

Page 18: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Stoichiometric compound

Page 19: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Stoichiometric compound

Let’s take a look at the sublattice model again: (A,B):(C,D)

If we have components A and C only, then sublattices are occupied: (A):(B) what gives as (in this case) a stoichiometric compound AB

The Gibbs energy of this kind of compound is usually described as follows:

Page 20: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Stoichiometric compound

Database file:

PHASE PBTE % 2 1 1 !


PARAMETER G(PBTE,PB:TE;0) 2.98150E+02 -6.50554752E+04+5.45815447E+00*T+GHSERTE#+GHSERPB#; 3.00000E+03 N REF0 !

Page 21: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Wagner-Shottky model

Variation of the Gibbs energy of formation of compound within a small composition range can be described by Wagner-Schottky model. The model describes homogeneity range as a function of various types of defects


Types of defects:• Anti-site atoms, i.e. B on sublattice for A and A on sublattice for B• Vacancies• Interstitials• A mixture of the above defects

Page 22: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Wagner-Shottky model

Interstitial defect: an extra sublattice !


Page 23: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Wagner-Shottky model

We can find information from the crystal structure. For example, in some phases with B2 structure we have 2 sublattices: one often has anti-site defect, another one vacancies


But since both sublattices are identical from the crystallographic point of view, one has to include all defects on both sublatticies


Page 24: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Wagner-Shottky model

Parameters of the model:GA:B – Gibbs energy of formation of pure AB compoundGA:A and GB:B – Gibbs energy of formation of pure A and B, respectively, in the crystal structure of AB compoundGB:A – must not be use LA,B:A=LA,B:B = LA,B:* - deviation toward BLA:B,A=LB:A,B = L*:A,B - deviation toward A

Page 25: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Wagner-Shottky model

Database file


PARAMETER G(PBTE,PB:PB;0) 2.98150E+02 1.74091200E+05 +2*GHSERPB#; 3.00000E+03 N REF0 ! PARAMETER G(PBTE,TE:PB;0) 2.98150E+02 0.0 ; 3.00000E+03 N REF0 ! PARAMETER G(PBTE,PB:TE;0) 2.98150E+02 -6.50554752E+04+5.45815447E+00*T+GHSERTE#+GHSERPB#; 3.00000E+03 N REF0 ! PARAMETER G(PBTE,TE:TE;0) 2.98150E+02 1.57960355E+05+2*GHSERTE#; 3.00000E+03 N REF0 ! PARAMETER G(PBTE,PB,TE:*;0) 2.98150E+02 -8.68054056E+04-3.26572670E+01*T; 3.00000E+03 N REF0 ! PARAMETER G(PBTE,*:PB,TE;0) 2.98150E+02 0; 3.00000E+03 N REF0 !

Page 26: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Ionic liquidThe ionic liquid model is given by (Ci


0,Va)Q where P and Q are the number of sites on the cation and anion sublattice, respectively. The stoichiometric coefficients P and Q vary with the composition in order to maintain electroneutrality.

where vi is the valency of ion i. The summation over i is made for all anions, summation over j is made for all cations.

Page 27: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Ionic liquidAccording to this model, the Gibbs free energy of the liquid phase can be expressed as:

Page 28: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Ionic liquidDatabase:


PHASE IONIC_LIQ:Y % 2 .0247462 2 !


Page 29: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Ionic liquid

PARAMETER G(IONIC_LIQ,PB+2:TE-2;0) 2.98150E+02 -1.8541625E+04 -2.2751140E+02*T+GHSERPB#+GHSERTE#; 3.00000E+03 N REF0 !

PARAMETER G(IONIC_LIQ,PB+2:VA;0) 2.98150E+02 -2977.961+93.949561*T -24.5242231*T*LN(T)-.00365895*T**2-2.4395E-07*T**3-6.019E-19*T**7; 6.00610E+02 Y -5677.958+146.176046*T-32.4913959*T*LN(T)+.00154613*T**2; 1.20000E+03 Y +9010.753+45.071937*T-18.9640637*T*LN(T)-.002882943*T**2+9.8144E-08*T**3 -2696755*T**(-1); 2.10000E+03 N REF0 !

Page 30: Computational Thermodynamics 2. Outline Compound energy formalism Stoichiometric compound Wagner-Schottky model Ionic liquid

Ionic liquid PARAMETER G(IONIC_LIQ,TE;0) 2.98150E+02 -17554.731+685.877639*T -126.318*T*LN(T)+.2219435*T**2-9.42075E-05*T**3+827930*T**(-1); 6.26490E+02 Y-3165763.48+46756.357*T-7196.41*T*LN(T)+7.09775*T**2-.00130692833*T**3+2.58051E+08*T**(-1); 7.22660E+02 Y +180326.959-1500.57909*T+202.743*T*LN(T)-.142016*T**2+1.6129733E-05*T**3-24238450*T**(-1); 1.15000E+03 Y +6328.687+148.708299*T-32.5596*T*LN(T); 1.60000E+03 N REF0 !

PARAMETER G(IONIC_LIQ,PB+2:TE-2,VA;0) 2.98150E+02 3.7254867E+04 -1.6899525E+01*T; 3.00000E+03 N REF0 !

PARAMETER G(IONIC_LIQ,PB+2:TE-2,TE;0) 2.98150E+02 -1.4689488E+04 +9.2350161E-01*T; 3.00000E+03 N REF0 !