computech pl sp. z · since its founding in olsztyn in 2008,...

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn Polska E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 Page 1 CompuTech PL Sp. z o.o. Address: Ul. Klosowa 84 10-819 Olsztyn, Poland E-mail: [email protected] Tel. +48 602 737 041 NIP 739-38-02-325, KRS 0000359843 Company Director: PhD Waldemar Cieslakiewicz Company Vice Director: Longin Sadowski Employees: 3 Consultants/Advisors: Prof Walter Schmitz, PhD Marek Kukulski, PhD Marcin Panowski Company Profile Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software, giving services for a wide client base primarily in the academic but also in the industrial field. We rely mostly on repeat customers but also we desire the new customers to whom we provided with well engineered and researched computer tools such as programming platform FLOWNEX SE and training/engineering simulators proven in operation over the years. Our goal is to provide the services to our clients in area of simulator based technical staff training and any operational technical system problem investigation. In order to achieve success we have implemented latest software in fields of fluid flow, thermodynamics, heat transfer, gas/fluid mixtures and process control. This doesn't mean that we shy away of implementing the novel concepts or solutions. We utilize the FLOWNEX SE, OpenFOAM, COMSOL, CD-adapco CCM+ software to simulate complex design and solve engineering problems. For training we utilize generic and customer build simulators. Special areas of our expertise in mechanical/process engineering include services for power plants metal refineries, smelter plants, refineries, laboratories and other process and industrial installations. The company COMPUTECH-PL is in cooperation with COMPUSIM SA cc, M-TECH (PTY) LTD, SAMAHNZI (PTY) LTD, GDANSK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, CZESTOCHOWA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY and AGH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.

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Page 1: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 1

CompuTech PL Sp. z o.o. Address: Ul. Klosowa 84 10-819 Olsztyn, Poland E-mail: [email protected] Tel. +48 602 737 041 NIP 739-38-02-325, KRS 0000359843 Company Director: PhD Waldemar Cieslakiewicz Company Vice Director: Longin Sadowski EEmmppllooyyeeeess:: 33 Consultants/Advisors: Prof Walter Schmitz, PhD Marek Kukulski, PhD Marcin Panowski

CCoommppaannyy PPrrooffiillee Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software, giving services for a wide client base primarily in the academic but also in the industrial field.

We rely mostly on repeat customers but also we desire the new customers to whom we provided with well engineered and researched computer tools such as programming platform FLOWNEX SE and training/engineering simulators proven in operation over the years.

Our goal is to provide the services to our clients in area of simulator based technical staff training and any operational technical system problem investigation. In order to achieve success we have implemented latest software in fields of fluid flow, thermodynamics, heat transfer, gas/fluid mixtures and process control. This doesn't mean that we shy away of implementing the novel concepts or solutions.

We utilize the FLOWNEX SE, OpenFOAM, COMSOL, CD-adapco CCM+ software to simulate complex design and solve engineering problems. For training we utilize generic and customer build simulators.

Special areas of our expertise in mechanical/process engineering include services for power plants metal refineries, smelter plants, refineries, laboratories and other process and industrial installations.


Page 2: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 2

BBeenneeffiittss ooff mmooddeell bbaasseedd aannaallyyssiiss aanndd ssiimmuullaattoorr bbaasseedd ttrraaiinniinnggss Studies eliminate inefficient and unsafe approaches. Optimise correct approaches before committing to capital expenditure. Modelling studies ensure energy saving designs. Costs effective and save training of experienced and new industrial plants operators. Process optimisation and increasing efficiency of studies.

CCaappaabbiilliittiieess iinn aannaallyyssiiss aanndd ttrraaiinniinngg Static and Transient (dynamic) plant simulation

For the entire plant simulation as a single integrated system, where for the practical reason CFD modelling can’t be used the approach of thermal-flow analysis for network is employed.

•Simulation the performance of new designs or existing systems. •Components sizing to ensure, that performance of the overall system meets required criteria. •The effects of proposed plant modifications. •Plant’s system sensitivity analysis. •Fault identification and diagnostics. •Positioning of control instruments and design systems control philosophy.

Training/Engineering Simulators Realistic fault generation & resolution. Off line in real time process optimisation. Simulation, Visualization and Information – Framework of the simulators. Elimination of the operators routine fault response.

Page 3: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 3

SStteeaamm//wwaatteerr hheeaatt eexxcchhaannggeerr PPoowweerr ssttaattiioonn UUSSAA

•Simulation of the Power Station engineering system •Identification of the fault (safety vale sizing) •Upgrade of the system design

SSoommee ooff tthhee tteecchhnniiccaall pprroobblleemm ssoollvveedd bbyy uussiinngg FFLLOOWWNNEEXX SSEE

Page 4: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 4

FFlloowwnneexx MMooddeell ooff BBooiilleerr

Page 5: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 5

PPllaatteenn EEvvaappoorraattoorr HHeeaaddeerr CCrraacckkiinngg

Page 6: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 6

MMoorrttllaakkee PPoowweerr SSttaattiioonn ggaass ttuurrbbiinnee -- AAuussttrraalliiaa

Page 7: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 7

EExxaammpplleess ooff SSCCAADDAA iimmppoorrtteedd ttoo FFLLOOWWNNEEXX ssiimmuullaattoorr

Page 8: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 8

Some examples of the Training Simulators

Page 9: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 9

TTrraaiinniinngg SSiimmuullaattoorr -- 220000MMWW HHeennddrriinnaa,, GGrroooottvvlleeii,, CCaammddeenn,, AArrnnoott aanndd WWyyggeenn PPoowweerr ssttaattiioonnssEESSKKOOMM,, SSoouutthh AAffrriiccaa

Page 10: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 10

TTrraaiinniinngg SSiimmuullaattoorr –– 770000MMWW GGeerraalldd GGeennttlleemmaann SSttaattiioonn-- NNeebbrraasskkaa,, UUSSAA

Page 11: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 11

NNeeww GGeenneerraattiioonn TTrraaiinniinngg SSiimmuullaattiioonn

Page 12: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 12

Page 13: CompuTech PL Sp. z · Since its founding in Olsztyn in 2008, Poland, CompuTech PL has been providing and supporting the engineering software,

__________________________________________________________________________________ CompuTech-PL Sp. z o.o. • Ul. Klosowa 84, 10-819 Olsztyn • Polska E-mail: [email protected][email protected] Tel: +27 832 677 425, +48 602 737 041 • Page 13