computerized grading system final report part 3

5.3.2 Tables / Files Layout Table 1: Student Information Table – contains the information about the student that is provided to the school by the student upon enrollment. Table 2: Student Record Table Per Section Per Subject – contains the grades of the student as entered by the subject teacher. Page 21

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5.3.2 Tables / Files Layout

Table 1: Student Information Table – contains the information about the student that is provided to the school by the student upon enrollment.

Table 2: Student Record Table Per Section Per Subject – contains the grades of the student as entered by the subject teacher.

5.4 Screen Layout / Specification

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Screen 1: Welcome Screen

This is the first screen that will be displayed. Pressing the Login button

will display the Log-in Screen (Screen 2).

Screen 2: Log-in Screen

This is the next screen that will be shown after pressing the Log-in

button. Here, the user enters his/her UserID and Password in order to enter

the program. Pressing the Log-On button will display the Main Menu (Screen

3). Pressing the Exit button will close the program.

Screen 3: Main Menu Screen

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The Main Menu Screen displays the options that the user can choose from.

Screen 4 : Student Registration Screen

This screen is shown upon pressing the Register Student button

of the Main Menu. This is where the user will enter pertinent

information about the student and assign the student to a particular


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Screen 5 : Subject Grade Screen

The Subject Grade Screen is intended for the subject teacher and this

is where the teacher will enter the grades of the student. Pressing the Math

Grade Button, for example, will display the Math Screen for entering grades.

Screen 6 : Search Student Screen

The Search Student Screen is intended for searching information

about a student using the Student Number as the search key. Once found,

data about the student is displayed on the screen, together with the grades of

student per subject per grading period.

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5.5 Report / Form Specification

Form 1 : Student Information/Registration

Form 2 : Student Grade Per Section Per Subject

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5.6 Program / Module Specification

The following is a general layout of the system :

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Welcome Screen


Log-In Screen

View Section

View Student


Search Student

View Seat Plan

Student Registration Screen

Section Screen

Student Information


Section Screen

Section Report Screen

Student Registration Screen

Search Student Screen

Seat Plan Screen













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6.0 System Coding (Prototype)

Login :

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()If ComboBox1.Text = "Admin" ThenIf TextBox2.Text = "qwerty" ThenLoginForm.HideInterface.ShowUnload MeElseMsgBox "Username or Password is Incorrect"End IfElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Registrar" ThenIf TextBox2.Text = "asdfg" ThenInterface.Grade.Enabled = FalseInterface.Report.Enabled = FalseLoginForm.HideInterface.ShowUnload MeElseMsgBox "Username or Password is Incorrect."End IfElseIf ComboBox1.Text = "Teacher" ThenIf TextBox2.Text = "zxcvb" ThenInterface.Registration.Enabled = FalseLoginForm.HideInterface.ShowUnload MeElseMsgBox "Username or Password is Incorrect."End If

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Add Grade

View Report Card

Select Screen

Subject Grade Screen

Report Card



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ElseMsgBox "Username or Password is Incorrect"End IfEnd Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()EndSheet8.SelectEnd Sub

Interface :

Private Sub CommadButton2_Click()Unload MeSubjects.Show

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()Unload Me

EndEnd Sub

Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()Confirmation.ShowUnload MeSheet8.SelectEnd Sub

Private Sub Grade_Click()Interface.HideSGrade.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Logout_Click()response = MsgBox("Are you sure to logout?", vbOKCancel)If response = vbCancel ThenInterface.HideInterface.ShowEnd If

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If response = vbOK ThenMsgBox "You have successfully loggout."Unload MeSheet8.SelectEnd IfEnd Sub

Private Sub Registration_Click()

Sheet1.SelectInterface.HideStudentReg.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Report_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Seach_Click()Interface.HideSearch.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub Section_Click()Interface.HideSSection.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub SPlan_Click()VSeatPlan.ShowEnd Sub

Private Sub StudentInfo_Click()Sheet1.SelectInterface.HideEnd Sub

Private Sub Subject_Click()

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End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Click()

End Sub

6.1 Programming Language

The main programming language used in developing the system is

Visual Basic for Application (VBA). Developed by Microsoft Corporation,

Visual Basic for Application allows the development of user-defined functions

and the automation of certain processes and calculations. Visual Basic for

Applications is a standard feature of Microsoft Office products. It allows user a

level of customization beyond what is typically available in Microsoft Office

product, such as Excel, Word and Power Point. A user types commands into

an editing module to create a macro. Macros can allow the user to

automatically generate customized reports, charts and perform other data

processing functions. Within the finance industry, VBA for Excel is commonly

used to develop and maintain complex.

6.2 Special Purpose Language Tools

Special purpose Language Tools were also used, particularly :

MS Excel for the creation of tables and database and in

conjunction with Visual Basic for Application.

MS Word for the documentation of the system

MS Paint for the developing of the Data Flow Diagram and

screen printing and cropping for screenshots used in

documentation of the system.

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Adobe Photoshop for image editing. This is a graphics editor

that is most popularly used because of programs for image

manipulation. It is used widely by graphics professionals for

all sorts of tasks including website design. Developed by

Adobe Systems Inc. Photoshop is considered one of the

leaders in photo editing software.

7.0 System Testing Plan

In this part the system is tested. The separate modules are brought

together and tested as a complete system. The system is tested to ensure that

interfaces between modules work and with the expected volume of data and that

the system does what the user requires.

7.1 Testing Stages

We employed three testing stages in the development of the system.

The first testing stage was during the creation of the program forms and

modules. We tested each form and module with random data to know if it is


The second testing stage was conducted when the different program

modules were put together. Testing begun immediately after joining the first

two modules to make sure that data are synchronized, the interfaces between

the modules work, and that there are no broken links. This process was

repeated until all the modules were put together.

The last stage was testing the entire system using sample data. Here,

we asked the help of other students to try our system to check if all

unexpected data entries are covered. We also tested the system using other

computers and laptops to test the accuracy of the path were data are stored.

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7.2 Testing Schedules

February 10 – Individual testing of all userforms and modules,

checking for the accuracy of grade computation and if the

information entered and produced are added and stored in the


February 13– User form testing and debugging of errors, like no

data display.

February 23– System test. We tested the whole system after errors

were corrected.

March 2 – the system was tested in other computers. No problems

were encountered.

8.0 System Implementation Plan

The Computerized Grading System for Metropolitan Academy of Manila is

designed to be a stand-alone system. Hence, no networking connectivity is

needed and it can be installed and executed in any number of computer units.

8,1 Resource Requirements

8.1.1 Hardware Requirements

Central Processing Unit

Pentium, Dual Core, or higher processor. The higher

the processor, the faster is the processing time.

At least 512MB RAM (random access memory).

Hard Disk

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USB port, CD or DVD Drive for file backup

Input Devices

Mouse – used for selecting menu options

Keyboard – used for entering information.

Output Devices

Monitor – a device where information is displayed for

the user

8.1.2 Software Requirements

Operating System : MS Windows XP or Windows 7

Application Software : MS Office

8.1.3 Human Resource Requirements

The system that we developed is simple and user-friendly

such that no special skills or training are needed to operate it.

Basically, the system will need a System Administrator and a user.

The System Administrator (Admin) is the one in-charge of the

entire system. This person should be knowledgeable in basic computer

operation, like opening and closing programs and file management,

The user is any person who knows how to use a computer.

For this study, the users are the teachers and the Registrar of

Metropolitan Academy of Manila.

8.2 Implementation Plan

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8.2.1 Site Preparation

Prior to the installation of the Computerized Grading System,

a site inspection is conducted to determine if the available computer

units of the school meet the hardware and software requirements of

the system.

The computer units that will be used are then placed in a

designated space within the Registrar’s Office. This is where the

teachers will be encoding their grades.

8.2.2 Personnel Training

A five-day training program on the operation of the system will

be conducted for all users. This training program will be held at

Metropolitan Academy of Manila and will be scheduled after the end of

the of current school year, when the teachers are no longer busy with

their school work.

The training program will include a introduction to the

developed system, emphasizing on how the usual activities done in the

manual system recording of student information and the computation

of grades are automated. Program modules that perform each step of

the manual system will be explained, highlighting the results of the

processes and their connection to the entire system. Each menu option

will be tackled so that the users would know which option to choose for

their intended activity.

The main part of the training program will be on running the

entire system with sample data so that the users will be confident in

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using the system. The sample data that will be used are the previous

records of the students so that the accuracy of computations can be

stressed and the users would have a clear understanding of the entire


8.2.3 System Conversion

All of the computer units of Metropolitan Academy of Manila

are operating in MS Windows XP and MS Windows 7, hence, minimal

system conversion is required.

Upon installation of the Computerized Grading System,

program modules are checked and the necessary alterations are done

to ensure the path where databases will be created and stored is

correct. This is done for every installation of the system.

8.2.4 Data Conversion

Minimal data conversion is needed because the Computerized

Grading System will be implemented during the enrollment period for

school year 2014 – 2015. New data from students will be encoded

upon their enrollment.

8.2.5 Implementation Schedule

The implementation of the Computerized Grading System will

be implemented on April 21, 2014, the start of the enrollment period for

school year 2014-2015.

9.0 System Maintenance Plan

Inevitably, the system will need maintenance. Maintenance operation takes

place after the system has been installed.

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Periodic maintenance of the system will be performed to address problems

that might arise during post implementation period. Contact numbers will be

provided to Metropolitan Academy of Manila that they can use in case of problems

arising from the use of the system.




Cabros, William C., A Feasibility Study of A Computerized Management, Academic and Research Information System for the Mountain State Agricultural College, 1979

Valacich, Joseph et al, Essentials of Systems Analysis & Design, 5th Edition, Pearson Education South Asia PTE. LTD., 2004

Campbell, Ralph H., Automating Systems, California: Wadsworth Publishing, 1986


Computer Information in Education

Simple Grading System using Visual Basic.Net /

A simple Student Registration and Grading System by Reydan Gatchalian 2006

Student Grading System 1.0 by Jake Rodriguez Pomperada

Student Grading System - Visual

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Resource Persons

Mrs. Juliet GuerremoAdministratorMetropolitan Academy of ManilaSta. Ana, Manila

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