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Regulatory Assistance Project

Nancy L. Seidman, Christopher James, Dara Torre, Donna Brutkoski, Janine Migden-Ostrander, Ken


Synapse Energy Economics, Inc.

Alice Napoleon, Jamie Hall, Jennifer Kallay, Max Chang, Philip Eash-Gates

Community Action Partnership

Kathryn Maddux, Denise Harlow, Meg Power

For further information

Nancy L. Seidman: [email protected]

Alice Napoleon: [email protected]

Kathryn Maddux: [email protected]


Support for this study was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The views expressed here

do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation.

Cover Photo Credits

Clockwise from top left: Utility tower—Giuseppe Famiani on Unsplash; doctor with patient—Bigstock;

solar installation—Bigstock; forest fire—Marcus Kauffman on Unsplash.


1. Executive Summary 1

2. Introduction 5

3. Connection to Health and Equity 7

4. How the Electricity and Natural Gas Sectors Work 8

4.1. What Is Included in the Sector? 8

4.2. What Is the State of the Infrastructure, and Which Communities Don’t Have Basic Energy

Infrastructure? 12

4.3. Who Provides Electricity and Natural Gas? 13

4.4. Who Pays for Improvements and Maintenance? 14

4.5. Who Has Oversight? 15

4.6. Who Participates in the Decision-Making Process? 18

5. Barriers and Promising Points of Intervention 21

5.1. Affordability of Energy 21

5.2. Access to Energy 31

5.3. Environmental Consequences of Power Generation on Community Conditions 33

5.4. Employment 37

5.5. Cross-Cutting Interventions 41

6. Case Studies 46

6.1. Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative 46

6.2. Ohio Arrearage Management Program 50

6.3. Bloomfield, Iowa Municipal Utility Energy Transformation 54

6.4. Performance-Based Regulation in Minnesota 59

7. Future Research 63

Appendix A. Methodology A-1

Appendix B. Interview, Web Forum, and Convening Participants B-1

Appendix C. End Notes C-1

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 1


Energy is necessary for human survival and prosperity. We rely on energy for many functions that were

once considered conveniences but are now integral to the health, economic, and social well-being of

individuals, households, and communities in the 21st century. We use energy in countless ways every

day: heating and cooling our homes; accessing the internet; powering our computers, cell phones, home

appliances, and lights; and increasingly, new uses such as charging cars. Energy is a key contributing

factor to the social determinants of health. It is integral to providing a healthy community environment

by minimizing air and water pollution, influencing healthier housing conditions, and improving economic

prosperity with added clean energy jobs and affordable energy options.

Energy equity (or energy justice) applies

justice principles to energy policy,

energy production and delivery systems,

energy consumption, and energy

security.1 Energy equity requires that all

households and communities have

reliable access to and can afford the

quantity of energy needed to keep their

homes and neighborhoods safe and

healthy, to communicate and access

information, and to have mobility to

reach jobs, family, food and other

necessities. But energy equity is not

currently a reality for many Americans,

particularly low-income households, communities of color, and those in many rural areas and small

towns. Almost one-third of American households have difficulty paying energy bills or adequately

heating and cooling their homes, and over 20 percent of households—roughly 25 million households—

report reducing or forgoing necessities such as food and medicine to pay an energy bill. 2 Communities of

color experience energy insecurity, for example having difficulty paying energy bills or sustaining

adequate heating and cooling in their homes, more than other groups: in 2015, 50 percent of African

American families reported characteristics of energy insecurity, compared to less than 30 percent of

whites.3 Rural households also spend more on energy than other Americans.4

Energy production using fossil fuels often pollutes the air, water, and soil in these communities, leading

to disproportionate and negative health impacts. Fine particulate matter air pollution emitted by power

plants, motor vehicles, and other sources, is estimated to cause more than 100,000 deaths per year in

the United States.5 Exposure to air pollution from power plants varies by race, income, and geography,

with African Americans facing the highest mortality rates.6 Access to clean energy resources (renewable

energy and energy efficiency) which can deliver energy without emitting air pollution, remains out-of-

reach for rural and low-income communities and communities of color. Collectively, our decisions about

Photo by Zach Lucero on Unsplash.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 2

how to build and maintain our energy infrastructure and price its services will affect the health and

wellbeing of all our communities.

While equity may seem far off, the power sector is changing rapidly. New and evolving clean energy

technologies—energy efficiency, energy demand management, and customer-sited renewable energy

like solar—are becoming economically favorable relative to existing fossil-fuel infrastructure and hence

becoming mainstream. In addition, states are increasingly encouraging electrification—replacing

technologies that run by combusting fossil fuels, like gasoline vehicles and natural gas heating and

cooling, with alternatives that run on electricity, like electric vehicles and heat pumps. At the same time,

coal power plants are being shut down in growing numbers as they become unaffordable to operate. As

a result, the electricity grid is becoming cleaner. This change offers tremendous opportunities for

improving equity in a variety of ways: strengthening local economies with jobs in the growing clean

energy industry, reducing public health burdens from fossil power plants, and ensuring access to new,

clean technologies in communities burdened by existing energy infrastructure and environmental

hazards. But there are risks too: as energy markets and regulations shift towards greater consumer

dependence on electrical service (and internet access) for their fundamental needs, consumer costs

need to decline in order to maintain or alleviate high cost burdens. Purposeful, effective interventions

by policymakers, philanthropies, and community advocates are needed to ensure that vulnerable

communities receive the health and economic benefits of innovation in the power sector.

This report provides the results of a national study of the disparate impacts of electric and natural gas

systems and infrastructure on economic, social, and health outcomes. We group the impacts and our

findings on the most promising points of intervention into four overarching categories: energy access,

energy affordability, environmental hazards, and employment. We include four case studies to illustrate

our findings.

Our research finds that opportunities for addressing equity abound, especially as the transformation of

the power sector is underway and proceeding rapidly. The most promising points of intervention include

the following:

The electricity grid is becoming cleaner. This change offers tremendous opportunities for

improving equity in a variety of ways: strengthening local economies with jobs in the

growing clean energy industry, reducing public health burdens from fossil power plants, and

ensuring access to new, clean technologies in communities burdened by existing energy

infrastructure and environmental hazards.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 3

•Facilitating cooperative utilities’ transition away from the use of coal

•Addressing ratemaking practices that put disproportionate cost burdens on low-income customers

•Ensuring that new and cleaner technologies—energy efficiency, renewable energy, battery storage, and efficient electrification—are affordable, accessible, and provide benefits to frontline communities

Improving affordability

•Expanding shut-off protections and arrearage management programs

•Implementing policies and initiatives to increase targeted investment in distributed or customer-sited electric resources (e.g., combined solar and storage systems) that can improve reliability in remote areas, avoid the need for expensive distribution system investments, and/or avoid expanding natural gas pipelines that may become unnecessary well before the end of their useful lives

Improving access

•Investing program revenues from cap-and-invest programs (where those exist) in disadvantaged communities, and promoting those programs elsewhere

•Aligning energy and environmental regulatory processes to ensure that clean technologies are appropriately valued and implemented quickly

•Incorporating community resilience as a goal and allocating funding for energy-related resilience and access efforts, such as pairing solar and storage to ensure that essential services are available if the power from the grid goes out

Reducing environmental hazards

•Directly addressing the need for increased diversity in clean energy employment with targeted job training

•Providing a transition path for communities and work forces that are economically dependent on coal and other fossil fuels

Promoting employment

•Aligning utility incentives and business models to reflect equity policy objectives, such as promoting a diverse workforce, improving energy affordability and access, and discouraging utilities from pushing a large portion of the cost of service into fixed charges on bills that disproportionately affect low-income consumers

•Improving effective public engagement and equity goals by building connections between government agencies, between agencies and advocates, and between different advocate organizations

•Building the capacity of community and non-profit advocates to intervene in energy decision-making processes and opening up regulatory processes to more input

•Building cooperative (co-op) utility members’ capacity to encourage a transition to clean energy resources, ensuring diverse community representation on co-op boards, and giving members access to new clean and lower cost technologies

Implementing cross-cutting measures

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 4

The problems facing these communities are complex, and no single solution will address all the

inequities stemming from the energy sector. With all these solutions, it will take years of sustained

effort to overcome challenges, including high mistrust of government and of utilities. Further, efforts

beyond the edges of the energy sector are needed. For example, leveraging broadband infrastructure to

expand data access and energy management capabilities in rural communities will enable consumers to

manage and lower their energy bills.

This report includes a section on future research. Knowledge and implementation gaps include how to

improve resiliency and lower environmental impacts in low-income communities, rural areas, and

communities of color at a greater scale than projects currently in the works. We see potential for

promoting the increased use of integrated resource planning to ensure thorough consideration of non-

fossil energy alternatives when utilities and others make decisions regarding resource options.

(Integrated resource planning is a regulatory process that examines in detail environmental, cost, and

other issues such as the risk of increased heat waves or windstorms.) Additional research on the

intersection of energy infrastructure with water, broadband, and transportation infrastructures could

provide many promising points of intervention. For example, providing broadband in rural areas can

facilitate access to new clean energy technologies (e.g., renewable energy and storage) that require

two-way communications with the electric grid. Better broadband service also provides benefits such as

improved access to services, job opportunities, and online learning and commerce.

Fortunately, this period of rapid change in the energy sector is accompanied by growing awareness of

the need to address the sector’s disparate impacts. Many communities are speaking up about current

and future impacts from energy on their health and the environment. And in some parts of the country,

state legislatures and regulators see the changes underway in the energy sector and are taking steps to

build equity into the picture. These bright spots can be leveraged in other places to ensure that clean

energy infrastructure is available to everyone. The time has never been better to ensure the energy

transition does not leave rural and low-income communities and communities of color behind—instead,

they can be partners in creating more affordable and healthier outcomes.

Four case studies showcase innovations in these areas

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative illustrates how

energy and environmental regulators throughout the

Northeast have cooperated over the past 10 years to

reduce carbon dioxide from power plants by over 50

percent, improving community conditions and

health outcomes.

Ohio’s arrearage management program

enables low-income ratepayers to avoid service shutoffs by managing their

debt to the utility over time in a way that works for many


Stemming the flow of dollars out of the community and

reducing costs for its residents, Bloomfield, Iowa, is

using better resource planning and investments in

solar and energy efficiency to take charge of its energy

future, reducing energy costs and spurring local economic


The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission is guiding Xcel Energy using performance-

based regulation to improve affordability and reduce

residential arrearages and disconnections--and also

pursuing ways to incorporate equity-related reliability,

customer service quality, and workforce diversity into the

regulatory framework.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 5


Energy is essential to human health and well-being.7 Energy also has a central role in household and

community stability, mobility, and connectivity, and it can build economic and social opportunity. Access

to energy is not codified as a basic right in this country, and energy access and affordability can affect

communities with low incomes, communities of color, and communities in rural areas and small towns

more than others. A variety of environmental impacts arise throughout the life cycle of electricity

(generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption) and natural gas (extraction, processing,

transport, and use).8 These activities can cause pollution of air, water, and land, as well as problems with

solid and hazardous waste. But in seeking to avoid these impacts, these communities face considerable

challenges in advocating for themselves within the energy decision-making process. All of this points to

the need to elevate energy infrastructure as an important community condition for social and economic

opportunity—one that leads to better health equity.

There is increasing understanding and evidence that where we live and the conditions in our

neighborhoods and communities—our economic, social, and built environments—have a profound

impact on our health and well-being. This is true now and for future generations. Decisions about where

and how to build energy infrastructure—especially how new, cleaner technologies are included—play a

major role in shaping these environments. This decision-making process needs to be approached from

the perspective of energy equity or energy justice. Energy equity applies justice principles to energy

policy, energy production and delivery systems, energy

consumption, and energy security.9 Energy equity

requires that households and communities of all

incomes, races, geographies, and ethnicities have

reliable access to and can afford the quantity of energy

needed to keep their homes and neighborhoods safe

and healthy. It also requires that everyone be able to

communicate and access information, and to have

mobility to reach jobs, family, food and other

necessities. It emphasizes that communities and regions

participate in and benefit from decisions that shape the

places where they live. This report seeks to apply these

ideas to the energy sector and the decision-making and

policy processes that characterize it.

The report describes our national study of disparate

impacts of electric and natural gas public and private

infrastructure on low-income people, communities of

color, and smaller communities (rural communities,

towns, and small and midsize cities). Our research

included in-person meetings, web forums, and

Disadvantaged communities face unequal economic burdens from energy. Photo by Josh Appel on


Disadvantaged communities face unequal health burdens from energy.

Photo from Big Stock.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 6

interviews with 49 respondents representing a wide range of stakeholders from community action

agencies, key public decision-makers in the electric and gas utility space, non-government organizations

active in this topic, and others. We also conducted a literature review and interviews for our case

studies. For a description of the study’s methodology, see Appendix A.

The first section of the report describes how the electricity and natural gas sectors currently work,

including key influencers, decision-makers, policies, financing flows, and practices within the natural gas

and electric ecosystem. It describes the widespread, rapid changes these sectors are currently

experiencing and will experience in the future. We then discuss four overarching challenges to health,

social, and economic equity (i.e., energy access, energy affordability, environmental hazards, and

employment), and promising points of intervention for each, including cross-cutting solutions. Finally,

we provide key areas for future research.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 7


There are many pathways through which energy affects health and equity. The following table shows a

subset of known impacts. We group these impacts into energy access, energy affordability,

environmental consequences of power generation on community conditions, and employment. These

impacts, and promising points of addressing them, are discussed in Section 5.







Energy burden Energy burdens are critically high for many Americans, particularly for low-income and rural

communities and communities of color.

Utility business model and


Traditional utility regulation favors large investments that push up electricity rates.

Construction cost overruns are common for large new generation facilities (e.g., nuclear) and are often partially or totally included in rates.

Regulatory framework in many states focuses on reasonable rates rather than on affordability.

Barriers to


energy use

Some utility rate structures do not support managing energy use and penalize low-usage and low-

income customers.

Energy efficiency is not funded adequately (or focused enough) to reach all who would benefit.

The public lacks awareness of how to reduce energy use and programs that are available to help

them better afford their bills.

Costs of serving rural areas are higher than in urban areas and are reflected in rates.







Barriers to


distributed generation and



Rates of home ownership for low-income populations and communities of color are low; renters, face additional barriers to installing measures to reduce energy costs.

Low-income populations often live in poor-quality housing; managing energy use safely is difficult, and repairs may be needed before measures to reduce energy costs can be installed.

Rapid changes in the energy sector make it difficult for communities and regulators to ensure equal access to new technologies.

Account shutoffs

Account terminations are common for low-income populations and contribute to energy insecurity.

Rural access The reliability of the power grid is poor in some rural areas.

Natural gas distribution systems are not present in many rural areas.





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Air quality Criteria and toxic pollutants emitted from power plants create serious and disproportionate public

health impacts.

Water and

Solid Waste

Resource extraction can have large water and solid waste impacts. In the absence of federal policy,

many states do not have adequate regulations on gas extraction.

Fossil and nuclear power plants create waste (e.g., coal ash, radioactive waste) that can leak into

waterways and groundwater.


related health


Carbon dioxide emitted by power plants contributes to climate change, which scientists believe will

have severe and disproportionate negative impacts on health of low-income populations (e.g.,

increased asthma, diseases, impacts from exposure to extreme heat).



Regulators face or perceive constraints on their authority to address equity issues.





Energy sector


Clean energy (renewable and efficiency) is a good and growing source of jobs compared to

employment in conventional fuels, but the workforce is less diverse than the overall population.



Power plant closures can result in reduced tax base and loss of employment in surrounding



data Employment analyses often lack attention to demographic and local impacts.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 8


This report considers the infrastructure and systems that provide electricity and natural gas for use in

homes and businesses, with a focus on residential customers. Below, we describe how the electricity

and natural gas sectors work currently, and changes that are disrupting and improving the way energy

can be provided.

4.1. What Is Included in the Sector?


Electric infrastructure includes three components of the power grid: generation, transmission, and

distribution. Generation consists of the boilers, steam turbines, engines, photovoltaic cells, wind

turbines, and fuel cells that generate electricity; the fuel consumed by this equipment; and their

supporting systems (such as cooling, air and water emissions control, and solid waste handling).

Transmission includes high-voltage wires, transformers, and substations. Distribution generally includes

neighborhood-level utility poles or underground wires, physical connections to buildings, and utility


Electric infrastructure also includes equipment and systems that are on the customer side of the electric

meter—i.e., “behind-the-meter.” These consist of the electrical wiring within the home, the connected

devices and appliances, and any distributed generation such as rooftop solar. Programs that encourage

customers to install energy-efficient measures (also “behind-the-meter”) create benefits for their

participants through energy bill savings and health and safety improvements, as well as for all

ratepayers by reducing the need for new generation, distribution, and transmission infrastructure.

Rooftop solar and other distributed resources produce many of these same benefits.

Today’s power sector is in a time of rapid transformation, from a system that was centralized and large -

scale to a system with more distributed resources and more active participation by consumers, as shown

in Figure 1. Accordingly, utilities and other energy service providers are shifting their business models.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 9

Figure 1. Illustrative modern electric system

As shown in Figure 2, there are five main utility-scale generation sources of electrical energy: natural

gas, coal, nuclear, petroleum, and renewables (hydro, wind, biomass, solar, and geothermal). 11

Figure 2. Sources of U.S. electricity generation from utility-scale facilities, 2018

natural gas 35%

coal 27%

nuclear 19%

renewables 17% petroleum 1%

Source: Reproduced from U.S. Energy

Information Administration, Electric

Power Monthly, February 2019, preliminary data.


accessed January 2, 2020. Note: Small generation resources are not

included in this figure.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 10

Currently, renewable sources (predominantly distributed solar, and utility-scale solar and wind) and

natural gas generators account for most new electricity resource development. The costs of utility-scale

and small-scale renewable resources12 and storage13 have fallen quickly, and policymakers have set state

goals and implemented other policies to spur private investment. As a result, installations of these

resources have flourished. In the category of fossil fuel power plants, natural gas represented the largest

increase in generation capacity in 2017.14 Meanwhile, coal is becoming less cost-competitive against

renewable energy sources. Sixteen gigawatts of coal plants retired in 2017 and another 10 gigawatts

retired in 2018, with many more announced for 2019–2024.15,16 As a result, coal’s percentage of the

electricity generated in the United States dropped from 50 percent of electricity generated in 2008 to

only 17 percent in the first quarter of 2020.17 As coal use declines, renewable energy is ramping up.

Natural Gas

Natural gas is a fuel used for many purposes in the United States. In 2018, residential uses (primarily for

heating air and water and for cooking food) constituted about 17 percent of total U.S. natural gas

consumption. Natural gas is also a significant source of energy for commercial and industrial applications

and for electricity generation: In 2018, power plants consumed about 35 percent of natural gas energy.18

Natural gas infrastructure encompasses a vast network needed to bring the gas to end-users. Natural

gas is extracted using drills, pumps, water, and chemicals; processed in plants; transported via pipelines,

trucks, ships, and ports; and distributed to consumers by a network of compressor stations and local

pipelines.19 At each of these steps, there are potential environmental and human health impacts, and

people who live near the sites of these activities are exposed to chemicals and poor air quality.20

In recent years, natural gas extraction has seen large technical advances in drilling, including a technique

known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. As fracking enabled more production of natural gas, shown in

Figure 3, the availability of natural gas within the United States increased dramatically.21 The emergence

of fracking led to a steep drop in the price of natural gas that has fueled a push for new pipelines and

electric generation using natural gas. But over the next 10 to 30 years, potential or existing

environmental policies at the federal, state, and local levels are likely to require a decline in natural gas

consumption. Jurisdictions are paying more attention to the problems associated with investing in

natural gas infrastructure given the emissions, health, and environmental impacts that occur throughout

the extraction and distribution process.22 These problems (e.g., water use and contamination and

methane leaks) have not been well accounted for to date.23 Decisions about building new natural gas

projects—and about extending the life of existing infrastructure—must account for the risk that such

projects could become “stranded assets,” or uneconomic to operate, before the end of their physical

lives and become a burden on ratepayers.24

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 11

Figure 3. U.S. natural gas consumption, production, and net imports

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Monthly Energy Review, Table 4.1, April 2019.


The energy efficiency industry is a large, local source of employment (2.35 million in whole or in part in

2018), and the field is growing. In 2018, energy efficiency added 76,000 net jobs in the design,

installation, and manufacture of energy efficiency products and services. 25

The electric power generation sector employs workers in construction, utilities, manufacturing, and

other industries. In 2018, the sector as a whole employed more than 875,000 workers, with roughly a

third in construction. Currently, most new jobs in electric generation are related to solar and wind. 26

Roughly 242,000 workers spend most of their time on solar, with an additional 93,000 employees

spending less than half their time on solar-related work. Wind energy firms employed about 111,000

workers in 2018.27

The fuels sector employed over 1.1 million people in 2018.28 On the natural gas side, in 2018 there were

more than 270,000 workers employed in related industries, including mining and extraction,

manufacturing, and professional and business services.29 During parts of the gas development process,

companies often need to bring in non-local workers to fill jobs.30

In 2018, roughly 1.3 million Americans worked in transmission, distribution, and storage—including the

infrastructure that links electric power and fuel supplies to intermediate and end-users.31

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 12

4.2. What Is the State of the Infrastructure, and Which Communities Don’t Have Basic Energy Infrastructure?

While access to electricity is pervasive in the United States,32 the reliability of service varies. The average

U.S. customer experiences slightly more than one power outage per year with an average duration of

four hours.33 Both lower population densities (i.e., rural areas) and high wind are correlated with more

frequent power interruptions.34 Outage duration tends to be longer in rural areas as well. For example,

Avista Corporation in Washington State reported that three-quarters of all customer outage hours in

2018 were on rural parts of its system.35

The average duration of power outages doubled between 2016 and 2017, driven by major events such

as storms.36 As severe weather events increase in frequency and magnitude due to climate change,

outages may become endemic.37

In many states and regions, electric rates are used to support improvements and maintenance of

outdated electric transmission and distribution systems. Much of the country’s electricity infrastructure

was built in the middle of the 20th century—some even in the 19th century. U.S. energy infrastructure

receives a rating of D+ from the American Society of Civil Engineers, who point to the following


● Lack of a federal energy policy leading to no national strategy to transition to more sustainable

energy sources;

● Sporadic local investment in “storm hardening” to make systems more resilient in the face of

natural disasters, pointing to a need for federal guidance; and

● Cumbersome permitting processes (with high levels of local opposition) that slow down construction of physical transmission lines that help bring renewable sources online.

The locations of fossil fired power plants depend on many factors: access to transmission lines, access to

fuel supply, and access to water for cooling. Today, many new gas plants are being built where old coal

plants once stood because of access to transmission lines.39 Some coal plants are being directly

converted to gas. For a number of reasons, the populations surrounding these plants are

disproportionately low-income and communities of color.40 When operators are not required to operate

pollution emissions controls, these plants emit harmful nitrogen oxides and other toxic pollutants.41

The state of natural gas pipelines and distribution infrastructure varies widely around the United States.

Some pipelines have been in place for 75 years or more and require additional maintenance. Explosions

and other accidents in the past few years have led to calls from governors, legislators, and communities

for improved maintenance and more stringent oversight of pipelines at the state and federal levels. 42

Although gas pipelines are present in all the lower 48 states, there are many rural areas without access

to natural gas for residential use. People in these areas face higher costs for space and water heating

because they must use oil, propane, or wood. Some rural homes use older electric heating systems,

which are inefficient and costly to operate.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 13

The location of natural gas extraction infrastructure depends on where reserves are located

underground.43 Often this is in rural areas. These areas obtain economic benefits (i.e., jobs, tax revenue)

from the gas industry but often bear a disproportionate environmental and human health burden. When

natural gas is transported by trucks, there is substantial wear and tear on roads, straining local

government budgets that could otherwise be spent on providing services to at-risk populations.44

4.3. Who Provides Electricity and Natural Gas?

In some areas of the country, the same “vertically integrated” utility owns generation, transmission, and

distribution infrastructure. In other areas, states have “restructured” utility regulation to allow

ownership of these parts of the sector to be broken up. The figure below shows the current makeup of

electricity providers in the United States.

Figure 4. Electricity providers in the United States

Net generation refers to the total amount of electricity produced less the electricity used in the power plant, e.g., to operate fuel handling equipment, water pumps, combustion and cooling air fans, and pollution control equipment. (U.S. Energy Information

Administration, Frequently Asked Questions., accessed December 31,


Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration 2019. Today in Energy: Investor -owned utilities served 72% of U.S. Electricity customers in 2017. Lazar, Jim. (2016). Electricity Regulation in the

US: A Guide. Second Edition. Montpel ier, VT: The Regulatory Assistance Project. Retrieved from regulation-in-the-us-a-guide-2.

168 Investor-owned util ities

•Large electric distributors that issue stock owned by shareholders•Regulated as monopolies•Most prevalent in heavily populated areas on coasts•Serve 72 percent of customers•38 percent of net electricity generation•80 percent of transmission•50 percent of distribution

2,770 Publicly owned util ities & co-ops

•Federal-, state-, and municipal-run utilities, and not-for-profit member-owned util ities (co-ops)

•Serve 29 percent of customers•22 percent of net generation•20 percent of transmission•50 percent of distribution•Rural co-ops serve 3/4 of the country's land mass and are most prevalent

in the Midwest and Southeast

2,800 Independent power producers

•Roughly 40 percent of net generation

211 Electric power marketers

•Buy and sell electricity to consumers in restructured jurisdictions•Account for approximately 19 percent of sales to consumers

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 14

Rural areas are more commonly served by electric cooperatives,

or co-ops. Today, 812 co-ops serve 20 million customers in 47

states.45 Co-ops have fewer customers per mile of transmission

and distribution than investor-owned utilities.

Natural gas utilities, also known as local distribution companies,

are regulated utilities that deliver natural gas to end-users

(residential, industrial, and commercial customers, also called

ratepayers) in a region. Some gas utilities are investor-owned,

while others are municipal-owned. These utilities transport

natural gas from a main delivery point on a transmission

pipeline to individual customers.46

4.4. Who Pays for Improvements and Maintenance?

The owners of a given component of energy infrastructure (such as a power plant, electric transmission

and distribution, or gas distribution systems) pay for its construction and maintenance. Ultimately, the

funds come from ratepayers—owners either directly recover the costs in rates, or they recover costs

plus financing over an extended period of time, also via rates.47,48 For both electricity and natural gas,

the impact on equity depends on how the rates are designed for residential customers (e.g., how much

is assessed in a fixed monthly charge versus a charge that is dependent on usage)49 and how costs are

apportioned among different rate classes (residential, commercial, and industrial).50

Existing transmission and distribution systems are maintained by individual utilities and under certain

circumstances by independent system operators. The costs of maintaining and replacing aging

infrastructure can be high. Private utilities often build maintenance and upgrade costs for transmission

into rate increases—but because some regulators limit these increases, their utilities often do not

adequately maintain and upgrade their systems.51 If utilities do propose to address potential weak spots

on their systems, they tend to focus on assets that earn a larger profit (e.g., poles and wires) rather than

less costly energy efficiency and other distributed energy resources (see page 26). Some regulators have

countered this tendency by establishing quality standards and utility incentives for service performance,

including reliability and customer service.52 This performance-based regulation can be a useful tool for

other purposes as well: It can be designed with metrics to assist low- and moderate-income customers

and better ensure affordability.

New transmission infrastructure is being developed through state policies to connect large-scale

renewable resources in remote areas to urban areas with high demand. New utility-scale installations of

renewable resources, particularly wind and solar, are burgeoning. Smaller-scale individual solar

installations, often paid for or leased by the individual customers/owners, are also skyrocketing. The

growth of rooftop solar, as with energy efficiency, results in lower electricity sales.53 This creates a

challenge for utilities to pay for the maintenance and management of the grid. But it also creates

opportunities such as improving resiliency in neighborhoods (particularly if combined with storage).


Co-ops, which tend to serve rural areas,

maintain more distribution lines with less

revenue. The isolation of these systems can

make infrastructure construction and

maintenance more expensive, as well as

make it more challenging to maintain a

reliable power supply. Furthermore, lack of

broadband access in rural areas can make it

difficult to install various technologies that

can improve the operations of the grid.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 15

4.5. Who Has Oversight?

Energy utilities provide essential services to the public, and the physical, technological, and economic

aspects of how they do business naturally lead to the formation of monopolies. For these reasons,

regulation of electricity and natural gas utility systems has evolved to ensure systems are reliable, safe,

and fairly priced.

Regulation primarily occurs at the federal and state levels. Federal regulators have overall responsibility

for reliability and oversee interstate power sales and service through the Federal Energy Regulatory

Commission (FERC).54 Each state has a public utilities commission (PUC, also sometimes known as a

public service commission or corporation commission) with appointed or elected members who regulate

facilities and the retail sales (including rates) of private utilities.55,56 Resources that are behind-the-meter

(residential solar and energy efficiency programs) are generally overseen by the jurisdiction that sets

rates for that electricity or natural gas provider.

Consumer-owned utilities—municipal utilities, utility districts, and cooperatives (co-ops)—are not

generally regulated by state PUCs. Municipal utilities are typically governed by city councils or

independent boards, utility districts are governed by an elected body, and co-ops are governed by a

board elected by members (i.e., customers/ratepayers of the co-op).

Local governments in some states have a degree of authority over transmission siting, power plant

siting, pole and utility line siting, and coordination with construction. But in most states, permitting for

transmission and power plant siting is handled by the state (i.e., local regulations and legislation may be

preempted). In addition, there are regulations governing the many health and environmental impacts

associated with electricity generation, such as those related to air and water pollution, solid and

hazardous waste, and water discharge. These regulations stem in part from the federal Clean Air Act, 57

Clean Water Act,58 and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.59 The U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency (EPA) enforces these regulations or delegates its authority to state or local environmental

protection offices. Environmental regulators at all levels of government have some jurisdiction over

power plant emissions. Some states have a requirement that fossil-fired plants obtain a “certificate of

need” from the utility commission, an environmental impact statement, or a wetlands permit depending

on the location of the facility and state authority. Many states also have an energy office that manages

state energy planning, which guides utilities in their procurement and addresses the state’s

environmental and energy goals, such as reducing harmful emissions. As shown in Figure 5, much

decision-making happens at the state and federal levels.

All of these layers lead to a diverse set of requirements, timelines, and oversight that make access to

decision-making difficult for citizens and community leaders, as discussed more below.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 16

Figure 5. General framework for regulation of electricity and natural gas in the United States

Notes: This represents the general framework in place in most parts of the country.

Other federal departments include Department of Energy, Council on Environmental Quality, Office of Management and Budget ,

and others with portions of energy and environmental regulation or oversight of those regulations. Other state departments

include agencies like transportation, housing, and public health.

Natural gas production is regulated by various federal and state regulations for air, water, and solid and

hazardous waste impacts.60,61,62,63 These statutes govern various aspects of the environmental impacts

of natural gas infrastructure. The “fracking” of natural gas has impacts on air quality, water quality, and

solid and hazardous waste levels. Among the primary concerns are the chemicals and water used to

force natural gas from the ground so it can be captured and used.64 Per the 2005 Energy Policy Act,

regulation of fracking is under the purview of the states, yet many states do not require any disclosure

of the chemicals used in fracking.65 Implementing regulations on the use of chemicals and water in

fracking has played out differently in different states.66 All of these factors have implications that affect

equity in areas where fracking occurs, which is primarily rural areas.

Natural gas pipelines are regulated by FERC when they are being sited under the Federal Power Act. 67,68

The related infrastructure, like compressor stations along the pipelines, may require state or local

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 17

permits for air, water, and waste impacts.69 The federal Department of Transportation regulates natural

gas transported by barge or truck, and the Coast Guard regulates transports by fuel barges. 70,71 Where

natural gas and oil wells are located on public lands, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has

oversight of the rights and leases to minerals and fuels.72

Government agencies dealing with energy, health, and the environment generally do not coordinate

among themselves, so decisions are made without sufficient discussion across agencies. These decisions

suffer from a lack of forward-thinking about how multiple agencies working together could make more

equitable decisions. This problem is highlighted by issues that affect multiple facets and levels of

government and the public, like the intersection of energy and health. Given the extent of existing

federal and state programs and regulations, the implications and inefficiencies are large. To counter

these difficulties and promote coordination, several states (e.g., Arkansas, Connecticut, Kentucky, and

Massachusetts) enacted legislation that placed their energy and environmental agencies under one

cabinet official. As another example, the Board of Directors of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

consists of commissioners from environment and energy agencies in each member state.

Because the United States lacks a national energy strategy, decisions regarding energy policy and

services occur separately in each of the 50 state PUCs (or their equivalent) and state energy offices. 73 In

contrast, while the primary implementation of environmental law and policy also occurs at the state and

local levels, specific federal regulations such as the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act require national-

level standards. EPA oversight generally helps to ensure that laws are consistently implemented and

enforced across states and localities, regardless of economic status or population size. 74 This mismatch

in regulatory oversight—the federal government intervening in air and water quality matters, while

leaving energy decisions to the states—leads to inconsistent and unequal consideration of concerns

important to the populations discussed in this report. For example, in federal energy decisions like those

related to building new pipelines, environmental regulators who might seek to mitigate a project’s

negative impact have little influence until the project is far along and difficult to change. Also, while

there is a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for projects that are of a certain size or receive at

least a certain amount of federal funding (e.g., projects on federal highways), not every state has an

equivalent state environmental policy act, or SEPA. Where SEPAs exist, their scope varies by state.

Finally, as revealed in interviews conducted for this report, neither NEPA or their equivalent SEPAs have

fully utilized the broad scope of these acts to integrate equity concerns and to require alternatives to a

proposed project that would improve public health and the environment.75

Sometimes permitting processes at the state and local levels can be pre-empted by a federal authority.

For example, FERC has primacy over natural gas pipeline procedures and permits, and it can override

This mismatch in regulatory oversight—the federal government intervening in air and water

quality matters, while leaving energy decisions to the states—leads to inconsistent and

unequal consideration of concerns important to the populations discussed in this report.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 18

local concerns on permitting a compressor station or pipeline location or route. 76 States may pre-empt

local decision-makers as well, for example in decisions on the locations of energy facilities.

State governors and high-level officials (such as agency commissioners) can have considerable influence

on energy policy. However, these officials turn over every four years or so. Short political timelines

result in inadequate attention to longer-term issues in energy decision-making, including ongoing

community education and engagement. While many federal and state regulators have longer terms,

they face other constraints—such as access to the resources needed to launch effective public

awareness campaigns on how to influence the decision-making process.

4.6. Who Participates in the Decision-Making Process?

In addition to the federal and state regulators whose roles are described above, various players

influence the decision-making process.

Utilities and their trade associations have strong voices in ongoing policy discussions. These entities

bring to bear a wealth of resources—in the case of utilities, largely funded by ratepayers—to build

persuasive arguments in favor of their business interests. In addition, the fossil fuel and clean energy

industries influence policy decisions related to power generation and the transition to renewables. In

many cases, utility responsiveness to customer concerns has been slow or non-existent, leading to

consumer mistrust of utilities. To ensure more voices are heard, some state PUCs have formed

stakeholder collaboratives that include various interest groups to informally discuss and make

recommendations to the PUC.

More than 40 states have a consumer advocate who represents the public in rate hearings and

negotiations. This role may reside in the attorney general’s office, within the PUC, or within another

agency.77 The level of their funding for advocacy and the amount of resources at their disposal vary a

great deal. The job of those offices is generally to represent the interest of all classes of consumers, from

industrial to residential. When groups of consumers have conflicting interests (or, in the case of low-

income consumers, could benefit from more focused attention) these offices are constrained in their

ability to respond.

Community action agencies or legal aid groups sometimes intervene if they get funding specific to a

particular issue or decide to focus on some aspect of energy (such as a rate case). While municipal

utilities and co-ops may be better aligned with customer and community priorities and needs, given they

are managed by and report to local representatives, disadvantaged consumers may not have an

adequate voice in decision-making. Municipal utilities may not have the resources to educate their

board members about new technologies or lower cost alternatives to their business-as-usual approach.

Communities of color and low-income communities have long been left out of decision-making. People

of color are underrepresented in energy leadership and in agencies addressing energy issues, according

to our interviews. A 2016 study by the Labor Neighbor Research and Training Center and ACORN

International for the Rural Power Project looked at the composition of governing boards of cooperative

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 19

electric utilities in the South. This

study concluded that 95.3 percent

of board members were white,

while only 4.4 percent of the

members were African


Information asymmetries are a

real barrier to greater community

participation in energy sector

decision-making. While

communities may be aware of the

health impacts of local facilities

(e.g., power plants or pipelines),

they may not understand the total

impacts of all facilities in their area, the cumulative impacts over time, or the contributions of different

types of energy use.79 Further, host communities sometimes only learn that infrastructure is being

planned for their area once the project has already met a number of regulatory requirements. The costs

of overbuilding energy facilities or the risk of cost overruns are generally not obvious to communities

when investment decisions are made.

The implications of poor investments may take years to become public. Nonetheless,

ratepayers are often on the hook. The resulting rate increases may have large impacts on low-

income customers.80

Advocates and community groups also face major logistical barriers to intervening in energy decision-

making processes. Frequently, regulatory rate cases before PUCs occur during weekday working hours,

effectively limiting participation. Other energy decision-making processes, like permitting for electricity

and natural gas infrastructure (such as new pipelines), happen at the federal level. In these cases,

intervention effectively requires attendance at meetings or hearings in Washington, D.C., and therefore

is limited to national non-government organizations with staff dedicated to these issues. Other energy

infrastructure permitting processes, such as for transmission lines, generally occur at the regional or

national level and likewise offer limited access for community-based advocates. Disjointed proceedings

or lack of access to information about the processes and timing make it difficult for advocates and

affected communities to participate.81

Energy and environmental proceedings and processes each come with their own terminologies,

boundaries, requirements, and regulatory cultures that intervenors must navigate to influence the

outcome. To be effective, information presented must be consistent with the scope of the proceeding

and the definitions and authorizing legislation and regulations. This requires specialized skills. Those

Natural gas pipeline through forest. Photo by Big Stock.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 20

proposing projects hire consultants and legal representatives82 at market rates that can be hundreds of

dollars per hour. The general public—and especially customers who are low-income, rural, and on a

fixed income—not only cannot afford to hire consultants, but they are also unfamiliar with the

nomenclature and procedures. When members of these groups submit comments or attend public

hearings, their interventions are usually broad (“we don’t want this plant”) and general (“we have too

many facilities in our town now”). As a result, they are easily dismissed by the agency since it may be too

late in the process or the comments are not specific enough to be addressed.

As a result, low-income communities, communities of color, and especially rural communities (where

most fracking occurs) may be excluded from the energy decision-making process. Although tribes have

special rights to consult on federal projects that might affect Native historical sites under the National

Historic Preservation Act,83 many feel that their input is not adequately considered, particularly in

natural gas and oil extraction decisions.84 In some parts of the United States, these are significant

concerns for tribes who may not be consulted about developments on land within or adjacent to their

jurisdictions.85 As an extreme example of the time-sensitive and high-stakes energy decisions impacting

disadvantaged communities, energy companies and utilities may use eminent domain to acquire private

land needed for planned oil and gas pipelines and transmission lines. Such instances are often

controversial and contentious.

The environmental justice movement is fighting to lessen the negative impacts from siting decisions,

improve access to new clean technologies, and enhance the oversight of existing facilities. Yet resource

constraints make sustained, in-depth, long-term intervention very difficult. Section 5 discusses

opportunities for making energy infrastructure decision-making more inclusive.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 21


We rely on energy for many functions that were once considered conveniences but are now integral to

health, economic, and social well-being in the 21st century. Modern activities of daily life, such as public

and private transportation, cooking, and work and pleasure that is reliant on the internet, require

reliable, affordable, and resilient energy infrastructure. Energy allows us to heat and cool our homes, be

connected socially, and work effectively and search for work.

In this section, we discuss key sources of inequity and challenges preventing equitable outcomes in the

energy sector. We describe the most promising points of intervention for policymakers, advocates, and

philanthropy to improve energy affordability, expand access to energy, reduce community

environmental hazards, and create employment and economic opportunities, all of which are important

social determinants of health.

5.1. Affordability of Energy

Key Barriers and Problems

Many low-income households face the “heat or eat” dilemma on a regular basis.86 Yet despite the

frequency of these events, our interviews revealed that the health, social, and economic benefits of

avoiding energy-related crises (e.g., shutoffs and associated health impacts) are not widely recognized

by the industry and analysts of energy markets, and data on these crises are lacking.

High energy burdens. Low-income households and many communities of color struggle to afford

energy, causing health, economic, and social instability.87 Households with high energy burdens (i.e.,

that spend a high percentage of household income on energy) may face stark choices, such as choosing

between necessities like home heating or cooling, food, and healthcare.88 Energy insecurity89 may lead

to challenges managing chronic medical conditions due to lack of refrigeration for medications or

electricity to run medical devices, and in some cases the inability to afford energy bills may lead to

housing instability or even homelessness.90 Energy insecurity is also associated with food insecurity

among children, and households with children are more likely to experience energy insecurity.91

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration. September 2018. Today in Energy: One in three U.S. households faces a

challenge in meeting energy needs.

Energy insecurity in the United States in 2015

Almost one-third of U.S. households (31 percent) reported difficulty in paying energy bil ls or adequately heating and cooling

their homes.

11 percent of surveyed households reported keeping their

home at an unhealthy or unsafe temperature (in winter or

summer) to try to save money.

Over 20 percent of households—roughly 25 mill ion households—

reported reducing or forgoing necessities such as food and

medicine to pay an energy bil l .

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 22

Reducing energy burdens can help address other challenges that low-income households face. It can

enable individuals and families to redirect funds towards food and medicine, and to reduce their

dependence on other federal programs.

High energy burdens are particularly acute for low-income communities and many people of color.

Unsurprisingly, households classified as low-income report experiencing more frequent energy

insecurity events, such as receiving a disconnection notice or forgoing necessities to pay energy bills,

than those with higher income levels.92 Communities of color experience energy insecurity, for example

having difficulty paying energy bills or sustaining adequate heating and cooling in their homes, more

than other groups: in 2015, roughly 50 percent of African American families reported characteristics of

energy insecurity, compared to less than 30 percent of whites.93 Households in predominantly minority

neighborhoods experience higher energy cost burdens, as much as 27 percent higher, than households

with similar income levels in predominantly non-Hispanic white communities.94 African American

families are more likely than other groups to spend a high percentage of household income on energy

and on rent, as shown in the figure below. 95

Figure 6. Percent of families facing economic energy insecurity

Poor housing conditions. People living in older homes (built before 1990) are more likely to experience

energy insecurity, sometimes related to deteriorating building conditions.96 In addition to income levels,

poor housing conditions and high upfront costs of upgrades are major contributing causes of high

energy burdens. Low-income families are more likely to live in housing with heating and electrical

problems and without adequate insulation and heating capacity.97 Other problems—such as missing or

broken windows and doors and holes in floors, walls, and roofs—pose critical barriers to making energy


African American




Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 23

efficiency improvements. Some of

these issues, such as old heating

equipment and outdated electrical

wiring, present fire safety and indoor

air quality issues that require medical

treatment and costs to address as well.

Many low-income households are

renters, and as a result they face

additional challenges to making home

improvements to reduce their energy


Insufficient support for renters.

Another factor undermining access by

low-income populations and many communities of color is their lower rate of homeownership. Utility-

run comprehensive energy efficiency programs generally target homeowners, and either are not offered

to or are not marketed to landlords. Often, landlords do not benefit from energy efficiency upgrades in

the short run because their tenants pay the energy bills (electric and heating). In the long run, landlords

may benefit from increased property value, but evidence that this is a compelling enough reason to do

the upgrades is lacking.99

Higher costs in rural areas. The percentage of household income spent on energy use in the home (i.e.,

the home energy cost burden) is higher for rural populations than for non-rural populations. The

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s 2018 national study found that, on average, energy

bills amount to 4.4 percent of income in rural tracts. Rural households’ median energy burden (4.4

percent) is higher than the median energy burden of 3.1 percent in metropolitan areas and higher than

the median energy burden of 3.3 percent for all households in the United States.100 According to the

study, rural energy burdens are highest in New England, East South Central, and Mid-Atlantic regions.101

Since electricity is also needed to pump water to and within homes served by wells, high costs in remote

areas can also lead to rationing of water used for cooking and hygiene.102

Lack of regulatory focus on affordability. Many PUCs are charged with setting “reasonable” rates. As

generally applied, the reasonable rates standard reflects supply- and demand-side considerations.

However, the definition of reasonable applied by commissions usually does not consider the portion of a

household’s budget that is spent on energy. Further, the impacts of utility investment decisions on

specific groups are only considered in practice to the extent that data on these groups are available and

they are required to do so. In some areas, utilities do not collect the data to enable decisions that might

improve the services for low-income customers, and as a result decision-makers often do not consider

impacts on this segment of the population when weighing investment and cost-recovery decisions.

The lack of focus on affordability applies to all types of investments, including conventional and

transformational clean energy investments, and investments that are targeted to disadvantaged

High energy burdens are particularly acute for low-income communities and many people of

color. Photo by Big Stock.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 24

communities. Defining the fair share of transformative investment that consumers (in particular low-

income consumers) should pay in rates is much debated. For example, it poses individuals’ long-term

benefit from investments to slow climate change against their capacity to pay for daily necessities. This

debate splits energy policy along multiple stress lines, as per the example noted above. There are

ongoing debates about how to balance increases in energy cost burden on lower income households

with the up-front costs of policies to address climate change. This is an area where additional discussion

and research could bring about more equitable solutions.

Rigid requirements for federal weatherization

assistance. Energy efficiency and weatherization

can provide long-term savings on energy bills,

and low-income energy efficiency programs can

also reduce energy assistance program costs

over time. Yet in states with a greater proportion

of low-income residents, utilities spend less on

low-income energy efficiency.103 Many utilities

do not offer any low-income programs at all,

despite having larger low-income populations.104,

105,106,107 Where programs exist, the offerings

vary widely in comprehensiveness. For example,

electric utility energy efficiency programs, with

the exception of those in Massachusetts and few

other states, are generally limited to measures

that operate most of the time unless a home is

electrically heated.

The Department of Energy’s

Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)

has a formal and strict regulatory

framework: WAP requires that all

investments made in eligible homes meet a

savings to investment ratio of 1:1 or better,

based solely on the projected avoided bills

to the household over the life of the

measures. As a result, some measures that

would be useful aren’t installed. Also,

households with incomes up to 200 percent

of the fderal poverty guideline are eligible,

but, in practice, priority is given to

households with an elderly or disabled

member or a young child.


The Federal Department of Energy Weatherization

Assistance Program influences almost all of the other

low-income energy efficiency expenditures that the

public sector funds and many of the programs run by

util ities. In 46 states, the designated community action

agencies that install weatherization measures also

receive funding from the state LIHEAP programs. In a

few states, these community agencies obtain funding

from state-funded programs. Many utility programs

are designed to use the same agencies to bundle

together the delivery of all appropriate measures.

These community action agencies have unique access

to so-called “hard to reach” consumers, including low-

income households, and offer a wide range of family-

supporting and senior care services.

Energy efficiency and weatherization can provide long-term savings on energy bills. Photo by Big Stock.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 25

Other funding sources permit additional investments. Funds transferred from the Low Income Home

Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for WAP in most states can be used for health and safety measures

beyond those allowed by the federal WAP, such as replacement home heating equipment and

mitigation of other hazardous conditions.

Ratemaking and billing practices. Energy unaffordability is influenced by state or utility ratemaking

practices and policies. There are two types of considerations:

● Cost apportionment between residential and commercial users: There are several ways that

costs can be allocated to different types of customers or customer classes. Costs can be

allocated based on the number of users, peak demand usage, or energy used. Cost allocation

based on the number of customers or peak demand usage will favor larger commercial and

industrial users, while apportionment based on overall energy use will distribute costs more

evenly across types of customers.

● Residential rate designs: Residential rates can be designed as flat, inclining block, declining

block, or time-of-use.108 Over time, rates have transitioned away from declining block rates with

the realization that these rates provided a disincentive for customers to pursue energy

efficiency. However, more can be done to encourage a move from declining block or flat rates to

time-of-use or inclining block rates. Low-income households tend to have lower energy usage.

Therefore, an inclining block structure, where the rates increase with higher usage, will be more

favorable than a flat (one rate regardless of usage) or a declining block rate (discounted rate for

higher usage).109

Electricity service charges vary by jurisdiction but almost always include fixed charges (e.g., a monthly or

customer fee) in addition to volumetric ones (i.e., per kWh of use). Utilities are increasingly proposing to

recover more of their costs through mandatory monthly fixed charges rather than through rates based

on usage. This is perceived to reduce the utility’s risk that its revenues will go down if sales decline (e.g.,

as a result of energy efficiency, distributed generation, weather, or economic downturns). However,

shifting cost recovery to fixed charges is very problematic for low-income customers, because it reduces

these customers’ ability to manage their bills. Higher fixed charges tend to increase bills for low‐usage

customers, including low-income customers, while decreasing them for high‐use customers.110 For co-

ops, the high ratio of infrastructure to customers means they have high fixed costs that are often passed

through directly to customers as high fixed charges on electricity bills (in some cases as high as $48 per


Flat rate

Rate remains the same regardless of timing or


Efficiency provides moderate savings

Declining block rate

Energy gets cheaper with higher usage

Little incentive for efficiency

Time-of-use rate

Can set higher rates for times of higher energy


Can design for high efficiency savings

Inclining block rate

Energy gets more expensive with higher


Efficiency provides increasing savings

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 26

LIHEAP participants can get discounted rates

from investor-owned utilities in most areas,

but these discounts do nothing to address the

overdue bills that these customers have often

already accrued and do not reduce energy

rates enough to make them affordable for

many consumers. To address these issues,

arrearage management programs forgive

overdue balances if participants pay their bills

regularly, and payment plans that set bills

relative to income for eligible customers

improve energy affordability. See the case

study on Ohio Arrearage Management

(Section 6.2).

Traditional economic incentives that drive utilities to invest in large capital projects rather than

distributed resources. Traditional regulatory practices may provide financial incentives that hinder

utilities from addressing today’s challenges: changes in state or local policies, rapidly changing

technologies, and consumer expectations, as well as aging infrastructure. Traditionally, the primary

decisions facing utilities were related to how much and what type of utility-owned and operated

generation, transmission, and distribution to build to meet growing customer demand.112 Because

shareholder profit is based on capital investments and sales increases, utilities prefer to invest in large

capital projects such as new power plants. Some utilities that operate under traditional regulation are

pushing for financial assistance to extend the life of uneconomic coal plants and/or seek PUC approval

for the construction of new, large coal and nuclear plants, often with heavy costs to ratepayers. For

example, costs for the Vogtle plant in Georgia have grown from $14 to $21 billion, and ratepayers there

are being asked to cover $4.6 billion of these overruns.113 At the same time, energy efficiency or

distributed energy sources or large-scale solar and wind are not being implemented in these areas due

to lack of state policy, lack of information, or political pressures, to name a few barriers.

Public knowledge of energy use and programs. Many consumers do not know what they pay for

energy, how much energy they use, or what avenues they might have to influence how—and how much

—they are charged for energy use. That lack of knowledge hinders people’s ability to understand the

implications of the energy transition or to visualize a different energy future for themselves. There is

also a lack of awareness of programs that can help households with high energy burdens better afford

their bills. Utilities with low-income rates find that many low-income residents who are eligible do not

sign up to receive these rates, due to lack of awareness and general mistrust of the government and of


Promising Points of Intervention

A number of policies can reduce energy burdens for low-income and rural communities and

communities of color, including: targeting cooperatives; offering energy assistance and reducing fixed


About one-third of eligible low-income electric and gas

customers in Ohio are served by the state’s Percentage in

Income Payment Program, which helps them avoid utility

shutoffs and obtain energy efficiency and weatherization

improvements for their homes. Enrollment in PIPP makes

the “eat or heat” question less urgent for families at or

below the 150 percent federal poverty rate. Among the

model aspects of this program are that it is run at the local

level by community action agencies with a deep

understanding of the people they serve, and it suspends

cost-effectiveness tests for the energy efficiency measures

installed for these customers. For more on the PIPP

program, see Section 6.2.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 27

charges; expanding the depth and reach of energy efficiency and distributed renewable energy; and

fostering partnership and coordination between housing, healthcare, and energy sectors.

Directing efforts at co-ops to invest in renewables and energy efficiency. Co-ops historically have

embraced coal as a default fuel in the belief that it is the cheapest means to provide their customers

with electricity. This is changing as co-ops develop programs that link renewable energy with storage

and boost energy efficiency investments. As an example, the Tri-State Generation and Transmission

Association (Tri-State) serves 43 co-ops in the western United States and has long advocated for coal-

powered electricity. Two Colorado co-ops, Kit Carson and Delta Montrose, left Tri-State recently. The

co-ops stated that their exit was motivated by concerns about the costs of coal plants and dealing with

stranded assets as these plants close before the end of their useful lives due to poor economics. Further,

they were concerned about Tri-State’s failure to embrace less expensive renewables. A new Tri-State

CEO promises change and investment in renewables and energy efficiency, but this needs to be

monitored to ensure that Tri-State follows through.114 Rural electric co-ops, including Tr-State, have over

$8 billion in potential stranded coal and natural gas plants.115 Accelerated depreciation of existing power

plants owned by co-ops can avoid the rate shock that would occur from a sudden, unpredictable plant

closure and will allow for planning to meet future needs with clean energy resources. As another

strategy, smaller, rural utilities and co-ops can partner with larger generation and transmission co-ops to

spread out costs of programs and customer services.116

Offering reduced rates and making rates fairer. Some states already require utilities to offer discounted

rates to low-income customers. The low-income rates might eliminate the fixed monthly charge but

charge the customer according to the normal per-unit

rate. In other cases, there is a discounted rate for the

lowest tier of usage.117 States without such programs can

require utilities to offer them. Where such programs are

offered, changes in program enrollment processes can

extend their reach. For example, the Northern Indiana

Public Service Company automatically enrolls customers

receiving LIHEAP in its Customer Assistance for

Residential Energy program, which offers bill reductions

between 11 percent and 26 percent.118

Aside from bill discounts, PUCs can discourage or stop

utilities from pushing a large portion of the cost of service

into fixed charges. Lowering fixed charges allows

customers to manage a larger portion of their energy

bills. PUCs can also reach out to key stakeholders to

encourage better stakeholder representation in

proceedings and require inclusion of certain types of

participants, such as low-income advocates, in working

groups. Additionally, stakeholders or groups of



Rather than recovering a large portion of costs

via fixed charges, a more equitable rate design

would apply examples from the gasoline or food

distribution systems. Grocery stores and

gasoline stations also have fixed costs, in terms

of infrastructure, energy, and labor costs. But

rather than charging the customer a dollar (for

example) to enter the store or for the privilege

of buying gas, these businesses recover their

fixed costs one tomato or one gallon at a time.

Improved rate design would design the rates

needed to cover fixed and variable costs, and

also include rates for high users. Low-income

households tend to use less electricity than

higher-income households, so they would

benefit from both the reduced fixed charges and

from lower electricity rates overall.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 28

stakeholders can intervene in utility proceedings or appeal to their representatives, such as consumer

advocates, attorneys general, or low-income advocates, who can better attest to their positions on

these and other issues. Philanthropy can play a role by training and supporting advocates and

conducting public outreach on these issues.

Enacting state standards and mandates for low-income energy efficiency. Energy efficiency can help

consumers manage their electric and natural gas bills. It has other benefits such as creating local jobs

and improving home environmental conditions that can result in improved health outcomes, reduced

healthcare costs, and fewer missed days of work and school.119 States have adopted a range of policies

to expand funding for energy efficiency, such as resource standards or all-cost-effective energy

efficiency mandates.120 However, these standards and mandates do not necessarily result in more

funding and savings for low-income customers. Low-income households face additional barriers to

accessing and implementing energy efficiency and require targeted approaches to program delivery. 121

Regulators in some states are requiring utilities to allocate a minimum percentage of program funds to

low-income customers, and in many cases these minimums could be increased. States and PUCs can

enact funding and savings carve-outs for low-income customers or set customer class-specific

requirements or goals to reduce energy burdens and improve energy affordability. 122

Incorporating non-energy benefits into decision-making on energy efficiency measures. Utilities,

governments, and third parties administer and offer electricity and natural gas energy efficiency

programs. These programs are typically reviewed for cost-effectiveness and approved by

regulators.123,124 Federal low income-energy programs, as well as many utility ones, do not account for

the health and emission reduction benefits. Particularly at the state level, regulators can realign cost-

effectiveness practices and requirements to better serve marginalized communities. For energy

efficiency programs targeting low-income consumers, non-energy benefits are generally high and can

make the difference between passing or failing a cost-effectiveness test.125 Some states (Arizona,

Colorado, Vermont, Washington, and others) include external benefits like reduced health care costs,

fewer missed work or school days, and other ancillary benefits of energy efficiency measures when

calculating cost-effectiveness for making resource decisions. 126 In addition to accounting for external

benefits, Illinois, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania have specific energy savings goals for low-

income customers.127 State PUCs and federal programs can follow this example by recognizing the non-

energy benefits that energy efficiency resources confer within cost-effectiveness testing.128 Tools from

the U.S. EPA can help with quantifying the health benefits of replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy

and of installing energy efficiency measures.129 Using cost-effectiveness tests that account for more

benefits to participants and society when designing programs or making funding decisions will result in a

more robust energy efficiency portfolio and improved equity.130

Auditing using a fuel-neutral, “whole-house” approach for energy efficiency. States and utility

regulators should also require energy efficiency program administrators to take a fuel-neutral approach.

This allows them to reach more low-income households, which are more likely to heat with oil, propane,

and wood, as well as households in rural areas, which do not commonly have access to natural gas. Also,

states and utility regulators should encourage gas and electric utilities to work together in a “whole-

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 29

house” approach, where the cost of an audit is split and the costs of measures are allocated amongst

the utilities. This can enable utilities to tap into savings that might otherwise not have been realized and

to provide more assistance to low-income households. Good examples of this include American Electric

Power and Columbia Gas in Ohio,131 and the electric and gas utilities in Massachusetts.

Supporting partnership and coordination among key organizations. Coordination of energy, housing,

and health care programs/sectors can expand the reach of energy efficiency programs. 132 Participants in

our convening identified the need for more coordination from utilities as they develop low-income

weatherization programs, as they have generally not made major efforts to coordinate across these

sectors.133 While community action agencies are already bridging the divide, more could be done, for

example by securing Medicaid and Medicare financing for the health benefits of certain efficiency and

safety measures. Decent, safe, and affordable housing should be a national priority, including ensuring

homes are up to code and energy efficient. In light of the heat or eat dilemma and the correlation

between adequate indoor temperatures and health outcomes, the health care industry can take a more

preventive approach by funding energy efficiency measures.134 Health care providers and associations

could start by investing in vulnerable households, such as the homes of seniors, families with young

children, and those with frequent emergency room visits. Utility low-income energy efficiency programs

should consistently address structural and safety issues during home visits.135

Adopting other approaches to expand energy efficiency to current non-participants. Communities or

states with building codes that require energy measures for new and retrofitted housing lead to lower

energy bills and have resulted in “net zero” energy housing. Appliance standards such as EPA’s Energy

Star program have led to dramatic decreases in energy use in refrigerators and other appliances that

save households large amounts of money.

Pay-as-you-save programs that allow households to pay for energy improvements over time, like those

in Connecticut discussed below, have allowed moderate-income households to finance energy

improvements and sometimes renewable energy that they might not otherwise be able to afford. 136

Support from philanthropy has allowed this program to reduce participant contributions even further to

target to low-income customers.

Whatever approach or combination of approaches is used, decision-makers should consider increasing

access to energy efficiency and other resources for current non-participants—whether they be low-

income populations and those who cannot or are not willing to participate in programs. Also, it is

important to consider whether future reward of avoided costs and reduced bills compete with

participants’ ability to meet their essential daily needs.

Expanding access to renewable energy resources. State or local initiatives to provide low-income and

marginalized communities with access to distributed generation and opportunities to electrify and

improve the efficiency of their heating energy uses have the potential to further reduce energy bills. For

instance, efforts to offer creative financing for rooftop renewable energy or to implement community-

based renewable energy programs can improve energy affordability for participants. These initiatives

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 30

allow these communities to reap the benefits of the energy sector transformation and could break the

cycle of fossil fuel use in these communities, which contributes to poor air quality and environmental


California’s Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing program, which involves training the local workforce to

install solar panels on multifamily buildings, is a particularly innovative example. 137 Another example is

the Connecticut Green Bank, which uses public funds from the state’s energy efficiency fund and auction

revenue from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (or RGGI, which caps greenhouse gas emissions

and trades allowances in 10 participating Northeast states) to help leverage private capital. 138 These

combined funds are directed, through private firm PosiGen, to work with community action programs to

provide services to low-income customers. One project combines a 20-year lease of photovoltaic panels

with energy efficiency upgrades to the home. No credit check is required to access the benefits of this

program. Job training for local workers is an integral part of the Green Bank’s mission. 139

Community solar programs offer a simple means for low-income residents to achieve energy bill savings

while bypassing many of the barriers they face in installing solar PV on their own roofs. As with energy

efficiency, the energy regulator (e.g., PUCs) should require that solar energy’s societal benefits be

included when determining their cost-effectiveness and when conducting system planning.

Utilities and non-profits across the country operate small-scale renewable and storage projects involving

solar, hot water heaters, and Tesla batteries at people’s residences. These projects serve a dual purpose

of lowering energy costs for participants while reducing pollution. Green Mountain Power (Vermont)

combines an energy-efficient manufactured home with solar panels and storage. This project specifically

addresses the barrier that many manufactured homes depreciate in value over time, are poorly

insulated, and create energy poverty through high electricity bills. 140 Co-ops in Michigan and Minnesota

Rural rooftop solar installation. Photo by Big Stock.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 31

give free hot water heaters to customers in return for investments in community solar systems. 141 One

such effort, the Sunna project by the Steele-Waseca co-op in Minnesota, allows customers to reap the

economic benefits of renewable energy without having to invest substantial sums of money and without

having to worry about the integrity of their own buildings. The Sunna project allows the co-op to

manage load by controlling the cycling of electric hot water heaters.142 With all of these projects,

participating customers benefit economically, and society benefits with improvements in local air quality

and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The challenge is offering these programs at greater scale and in

more communities.

5.2. Access to Energy

Key Barriers and Problems

Shut-off practices. Some utility business practices are particularly harmful to low-income customers.

Customers who lapse in bill payment face disconnections, and reconnection fees can be a barrier to

reinstating service. Some utilities require credit checks to open new accounts. In areas where utilities

have shut down bill payment offices, consumers who lack credit cards or checking accounts must pay

their bills at businesses like grocery stores or payday lenders that charge fees for each payment

processed.143 Interviewees for this study noted that some cooperative utilities—which are usually

outside of the jurisdiction of public utility commissions—have particularly harsh billing practices and

high rates. Protections against these policies and practices are often inadequate.

Lack of investment in rural areas. In sparsely populated areas, the cost of building and maintaining

infrastructure to distribute electricity and natural gas can be very high. For this reason, for-profit

companies lack interest in installing new technologies and maintaining existing infrastructure in rural

areas and marginalized communities. Historically, government intervention was needed in order to

bring electric service to rural areas.144 But decades after the gains achieved by the rural electrification

project, funds for maintaining distribution infrastructure are generally lacking, and the electric service

can be unreliable.145 Gas service by pipeline is usually absent from rural areas, so households may buy

high-priced bottled propane, heating oil, or wood for space and water heating. Providers of these fuels

are often small businesses and generally not regulated. As a result, there are far fewer customer

protections. For example, there are no programs for avoiding service disruption or establishing extended

payment plans or budget billing. Propane providers typically insist on full payment upon delivery. Where

they have to travel long distances to serve a single customer, they may insist that the tank be near

empty and fully refilled to make it worth their while. This requires the customer to come up with a large

sum of cash in advance.146

Pace of technological change and lack of accessibility to lower-income populations. The rapid rate of

technological change in the power sector affects the already lengthy process of resource decision-

making, which needs time in order to weigh facts and to allow opportunity for the public to participate.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 32

But in recent years, the cost of renewable energy,

batteries, and energy storage have declined, while

these resources’ capabilities and availability of

data have increased tremendously. Communities

and regulators have difficulty keeping abreast of

these technology and policy developments and

figuring out how to respond. In addition, public

policy may fail to recognize that these new

resources are undervalued compared to

alternatives and to accurately account for their

societal benefits. In addition to these decision-

making challenges, ensuring equal access to new

technologies is not easy. Even where policies and

programs take the benefits of new technologies

into account, low-income populations face high

barriers to implementing them (due to, e.g., lack of

information, high transaction costs, and lack of

access to capital). Often new technologies reach

low-income populations last; in some cases, all

consumers are paying for the costs through rates.

Rooftop solar installation commonly requires the

homeowner to have a high credit score in order to

lease equipment.147 As a result, the movement toward distributed solar is leaving low-income

communities and communities of color behind. Households in African American- and Latino-majority

census tracts are significantly less likely to have rooftop solar than white-majority census tracts, even

when adjusted for home ownership and household income. For example, census tracts with an African

American racial majority have installed 69 percent less rooftop PV compared with tracts that do not

have a racial majority.148,149

Promising Points of Intervention

Improving shut-off protections. States generally have various regulations related to service termination

and reinstatement for non-payment, but consumer protections could be shored up in many places.

Some states, such as Oklahoma and Massachusetts, have legislation or regulation that provides

increased protections against shutoffs for vulnerable populations (such as households with children, the

elderly, and those with certain medical conditions). Other states, such as Maine, Missouri, and West

Virginia, prohibit service disconnections for non-payment during certain times of the year (winter or


Increasing renewable energy and energy storage in areas with poor reliability or lacking natural gas

infrastructure. States and PUCs can support projects to improve access to energy without investing in

infrastructure that could be unused well before the end of its useful life. Distributed, behind-the-meter

In recent years, the cost of renewable energy, batteries, and energy storage have declined. Photo by Jack Sloop on Unsplash.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 33

solutions such as renewables paired with storage and energy efficiency can reduce the need for

expensive utility-scale electric and natural gas infrastructure. New natural gas infrastructure can be

avoided by electrifying homes with renewables and storage for example. This avoids the expense (and

stranded costs) of large infrastructure. It also reduces air pollution and other infrastructure impacts on

land use. Alternatively, in areas without natural gas infrastructure, electrification and storage can reduce

dependence on high-cost fuels like propane leading to lower heating bills for homeowners. Hawaii

provides an example for the electric system. A collaborative of public and private organizations is testing

battery storage near a key distribution substation—and adding solar meters, in-home energy usage

displays and smart meters, remote control of water heaters and central air conditioners, and advanced

data analytics—to improve service quality and reliability and avoid the need to build very expensive

electricity peaking generation units on Maui.151

5.3. Environmental Consequences of Power Generation on Community Conditions

Key Barriers and Problems

Local impacts of pollution. The air pollution emitted by power plants, motor vehicles, and other

sources, is estimated to cause more than 100,000 deaths per year in the United States.152 Exposure to

fine particulate air pollution from power plants varies by race, income, and geography, with African

Americans facing the highest mortality rates.153 Yet the fine particulate matter air pollution is

disproportionately caused by consumption of goods and services mainly by non-Hispanic whites.154

Low-income communities suffer more environmental burdens associated with coal plant pollution and

natural gas infrastructure than other communities, impacting health equity. These impacts stem from air

pollution, as well as degradation in water supply and solid and hazardous waste from coal ash, natural

gas fracking chemicals, and pipeline leaks. Fossil fuel power plants, such as coal and natural gas plants,

have long plagued communities of color and low-income areas with pollution that increases risks of a

range of poor health outcomes and health

inequities, and these have been a target

of environmental justice advocates.155

While reducing dependence on coal will

eliminate a large amount of air and water

pollution, our continued reliance on fossil

fuels and some other types of generation

resources may create new environmental

and health burdens for some communities

of color and low-income communities.

Natural gas extraction, biomass and

municipal waste incineration, and nuclear

energy production can create pollution

Low-income communities suffer more environmental burdens associated with coal plant pollution and

natural gas infrastructure than other communities. Photo by Dominik Dancs on Unsplash.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 34

that disproportionately burdens low-income communities and communities of color.156

Risks associated with natural gas extraction. Natural gas extraction jobs (whether associated with

fracking or conventional extraction) can pay well, but workers run occupational and health risks such as

the inhalation of chemicals.157 Extraction also poses environmental risks to local communities. In the

absence of legislation or regulation on the federal level on one type of extraction, state policies on

fracking may be slow in coming. Many states are limited by state legislation in that they can be “no more

stringent” than federal requirements. This illustrates the constraints that pre-emption puts on states,

who are limited in their ability to try innovative approaches or to adopt more stringent standards than

federal regulation. Given the EPA’s slow pace for implementing new regulations, many issues that affect

equity remain unregulated.158

Fossil fuel use driving changes in extreme weather and climate risks. Climate change affects everyone’s

health, but it disproportionately affects those who already suffer from high energy burdens and energy

insecurity.159 These challenges are expected to continue and worsen with rising temperatures: Higher

temperatures are a precursor to health hazards such as the formation of ozone, fires such as the ones

experienced in California, the likelihood and severity of hurricanes like the ones experienced in Puerto

Rico, and disease. An international study reviewed the literature on health effects of power outages

caused by natural disasters in a three-month period. The authors generated a typology of health effects

due to power outages, summarized below:160

• Loss of public health infrastructure: clean water, sewer treatment, food refrigeration, air

conditioning, heating, traffic lights, fire suppression systems

• Many physical and mental health effects as a result of failure of home health and mobility equipment (e.g., oxygen systems, dialysis machines, elevators, hoists), lack of refrigeration of medications and food, loss of access to services, and isolation

• Use of backup generators and resulting air pollution (fine particles, carbon monoxide, etc.)

A study of power outage preparedness in New York City found that households with at least one person

who is electricity-dependent (needing medical devices) were more likely to be low-income and live in a

multifamily house. Households with at least one person who needed assistance with daily activities were

more likely to be Latino, low-income, and in multifamily housing.161

Older adults are most at-risk in power outages because of dependence on others for assistance and/or

needing medical devices. Being without light can also make them more vulnerable to falls. Living in

multifamily housing can also create greater challenges during outages because of dependence on

elevators and water-pumping systems.

Extreme weather can also destroy homes and leave neighborhoods or entire communities uninhabitable

for lengthy periods of time. The impact of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico is one example with dire

health and economic consequences across the Island.162 The effects of the wildfires in California in the

past months and years are still under evaluation, but cost estimates are expected to reach billions of

dollars.163 The impacts on low-income and on many communities of color are likely to be severe given

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 35

their lack of resources to rebuild homes, as well as the loss of job opportunities in affected areas.

However, these have not been documented to date.164 Further, low-income residents are less mobile,

meaning they have limited ability to evacuate in advance of severe storms or relocate in the aftermath.

Perceived lack of regulatory authority to address equity in state or federal permitting of energy

facilities. Regulators face or perceive constraints on their authority to address equity issues. Our

conversations with air quality regulators from around the United States brought this idea to the

forefront.165 While discussing permitting, they noted that air quality is frequently one of the last permits

an applicant for a new power facility must obtain. Five or six other permits may have come earlier at the

federal, state, or local level. Air quality regulators see their role as being “at the end of the pipeline” of

the decision-making process, and often see little choice but to proceed. These regulators may perceive

constraints on their ability to affect the size and scope of a project. Many environmental impact

statements are filed and accounted for, perhaps without considering community improvements or

mitigation that could be requested as part of the process. Some states lack a policy which looks at

overall issues surrounding the siting of large facilities, and the public may get frustrated with the limited

scope of air permit decisions.166

Promising Points of Intervention

Investing program revenues in disadvantaged communities.

Revenues from emissions trading programs can be invested

in low-income communities to ensure these communities

experience the benefits of the clean energy transition.

California’s Assembly Bill 617 (enacted in 2017) requires

facilities to install best available retrofit technology to reduce

emissions of so-called “criteria” pollutants, or pollutants for

which the Clean Air Act requires air quality standards to be

set. Each affected facility must submit a plan that includes

how public health and air quality will be improved in the

local community.167 The California Air Resources Board has

developed a blueprint to implement this legislation.168 Also

in California, Senate Bill 535 (2012) requires that at least 25

percent of the revenue from the state’s greenhouse gas

auctions be directed into investments that benefit

disadvantaged communities.169 In the Northeast, a portion of

the auction revenue from the RGGI program is directed to

low-income energy efficiency and billing assistance

programs.170 The RGGI program is discussed in more depth

in Section 6.

Combining energy and environmental regulatory processes.

State environmental agencies are primarily responsible for issuing permits for new or modified energy

generation facilities. Combining and coordinating environmental and energy regulatory processes could



The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

has been groundbreaking in its

cooperative approach and in the health

and economic gains seen in its

northeastern member states. RGGI takes a

“cap and invest” approach to greenhouse

gas emissions, allowing states to make use

of revenues from auctioning emissions

allowances they do not need. The

program is marked by collaboration

between state energy and environmental

officials, and it has achieved air quality

improvements for the region that are

valued at a running total of $5.7 billion.

More than 100,000 economically

vulnerable households have benefitted

from bill assistance and energy efficiency

investments paid for by RGGI. For more on

RGGI’s design and benefits, see Section 6.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 36

optimize all relevant goals.171 Examples

include coordinating utility integrated

resource planning for energy supply and

distribution systems with environmental

impact statements, air quality planning, and

permitting. This would reduce the need for

advocates to intervene in multiple

proceedings about the same facility and

lead to improved overall planning for

energy supply. For instance, such a process

would enable state environmental agencies

to determine that a combination of new

storage plus renewable generation qualifies

as the best available technology for

reducing emissions, thus avoiding

installation of additional fossil-fired


Supporting initiatives to improve community resilience during extreme weather events. States and

PUCs can support projects to improve resilience. Examples include the development of microgrids to

support municipal facilities and emergency services, as well as designated community centers (e.g.,

senior centers and public schools) that can provide shelter and services to residents in extreme weather

situations if their power is out or heating or air conditioning is not available at their house. States can

explicitly identify resilience as a goal and allocate funding for energy-related resilience efforts. PUCs can

direct utilities to invest more in resilience, including backup power solutions and systems that can be

isolated from the rest of the grid in the event of a power outage. Distributed, behind-the-meter

solutions such as renewables paired with storage and energy efficiency should be expanded to improve

communities’ ability to “ride out” severe weather events by reducing dependence on electric and

natural gas infrastructure. Other benefits of these resources include lower long-term energy costs,

emissions reductions, avoiding maintenance and expansion of natural gas infrastructure that may not be

usable in the long term, and reducing dependence on high-cost fuels like propane. Storage battery

systems, whether paired with renewable resources or not, are now a key strategy for states and

communities to improve resilience. The California PUC aims to link energy storage with climate

resilience and disadvantaged customers. It proposes to invest $100 million to help low-income

households and customers with medical needs pay for the costs of solar-plus-storage as a means to

maintain electricity service during wildfire events. 172 On a more local scale, the Bloomfield, Iowa case

study in Section 6 demonstrates how one city is taking this initiative.

Implementing performance-based regulation to incentivize a transition to clean, equitable energy.

State energy and environmental agencies need to work to align their regulatory structures with new

utility business models. Regulations should be reformed to align utility motives to facilitate a transition

to clean, equitable energy infrastructure through mechanisms such as decoupling or performance-based

Community protest against Massachusetts natural gas pipeline. Photo: Big Stock

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 37

regulation. In Washington, Senate Bill 5116 (enacted in 2019) requires the state’s electricity supply to be

carbon-neutral by 2030 and carbon-free by 2045. The comprehensive bill also moves the state’s utilities

to performance-based regulation and prioritizes the creation of family-wage jobs and protection of low-

income and vulnerable populations.173 This legislation is considered groundbreaking in its reform of the

utility sector, as utilities will shift from a “return on capital” model to a model based on their actual

performance to meet goals like reducing greenhouse gases and increasing equity among low-income

and vulnerable customers. The bill also requires utilities to fund low-income energy assistance, which

includes not only energy efficiency and weatherization, but also “direct customer ownership in

distributed energy resources.”174 Washington’s legislation offers an excellent regulatory model for other

states to adopt as they implement programs to decarbonize the electricity sector. Explicit language to

protect labor and prioritize low-income households broadens constituent support and the ability to

accelerate greenhouse gas reductions. In Burlington, Vermont, the municipal utility is partnering with its

community to achieve the most ambitious climate goal established in the United States to date: net zero

energy (not just electricity) by 2030. Equity is a key priority in this effort. 175 The framework for reporting

key metrics and progress towards goals is currently being developed.

Building campaigns and supporting collaboration. Advocates and communities should work together on

campaigns to influence utilities’ (especially cooperative utilities’) resource planning practices and to

appoint or elect board members to municipally owned utilities and co-ops whose goals align with health

and equity objectives.176 Advocates could be a part of the energy decision-making process well before

the permitting stage. This would allow them to question how the utility should serve electricity load and

the lowest-cost ways of doing so. Groups could also start to intervene at earlier stages of environmental

impact or siting processes to question the need for additional generation (versus additional efficiency

programs) or the type of additional generation that is being suggested—renewable vs. fossil-fuel. As

suggested earlier, the tools for advocates to engage in utility planning discussions include a knowledge

of the processes and levers of influence as well as of energy sources, reliability needs, distribution

system issues, modeling tools used by utilities, and the alternatives available for providing all these

services at lowest cost.177 Philanthropies should encourage more established organizations – whether

Community Action Agencies or other nonprofits focused on justice issues or neighborhood development

– to nurture and support those organizations that are emerging and in need of greater support and


5.4. Employment

Key Barriers and Problems

Employment is a key social determinant of health. Increasing access to well-paying jobs is an effective

way to address health inequity, while also fueling local economies and creating more vibrant and

healthy communities. The energy sector is facing a decline in traditional jobs associated with fossil fuel

generation. At the same time, the growth of energy efficiency and renewable energy is creating

opportunities for many new jobs. This transitional period poses opportunities as well as challenges to

addressing equity.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 38

Lack of diversity in workforce. As states and

industries in the United States work to

decarbonize their economies, the energy sector is

likely to experience continued job growth in the

fields of clean energy production and energy

efficiency.178 In 2018, for example, energy

efficiency businesses in the United States

accounted for approximately half of the broader

energy sector’s job growth.179 The renewable

energy sector has also experienced significant job

growth. In 2018, clean energy employment added

110,000 net new jobs and grew 3.6 percent in the United States.180 These sectors frequently pay higher

than average wages and often generate local jobs, in part due to the on-site nature of the work in

constructing, installing, operating, and maintaining renewable energy and efficiency technologies.181 But

while employment in the clean energy and energy efficiency fields are, on average, more representative

of the country’s population than the broader energy sector,182 they are far from fully representative of

the population. In fact, less than 20 percent of workers in clean energy production and energy efficiency

are women, and less than 10 percent of workers are African American. However, the share of Hispanic

workers in clean energy production and energy efficiency are higher than the share in the national


Plant retirements and job losses. While job growth continues in clean energy and energy efficiency,

jurisdictions are grappling with jobs reliant on uneconomic fossil fuel plants, especially coal-fired

generators.184 Many fossil fuel plants (especially coal plants) are retiring, and with those retirements

come job losses.185 Communities and regions that were once heavily reliant on fossil fuel companies

face economic hardship as those companies close their plants and workers lose their jobs.186 In rural

areas, the electricity and natural gas industries provided some of the better paying jobs. 187 The loss of

these jobs creates economic impacts on rural workers and on the communities where they spent their

paychecks. Even though fossil fuel plants generally have fewer jobs than clean energy and energy

efficiency,188 it is important to ensure that transition planning occurs to assure workers at fossil fuel

plants that they have access to jobs in growing subsectors. Unfortunately, there is currently an unmet

need for local, state, and federal entities that can support the transition from jobs at fossil fuel plants to

jobs in clean energy production and energy efficiency.189

Lack of attention to demographic and local impacts. There are many analyses that attempt to quantify

the job impacts of energy shifts such as fossil fuel plant retirements, the development of clean energy

resources, and policies related to energy efficiency. These analyses often do not disaggregate the

impacts by individual communities.190 This makes it difficult to assess local and regional impacts of

policies related to the ongoing energy transition. And since the underlying data generally do not have

demographic descriptors such as race, these analyses also do not identify the individuals most affected

by these policies and transitions. To better identify local employment challenges and opportunities,

these analyses could be done at more refined geographical granularities and with results that are

In 2018, clean energy employment added 110,000 net new jobs and grew 3.6 percent nationally.

Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 39

broken out by key demographic information. To facilitate this, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics could

improve or expand data collection and provide public access to the more granular datasets.

Promising Points of Intervention

Creating local jobs and a diverse workforce with efficiency and distributed energy job training.

Spurred by environmental policy and superior economics to traditional fossil fuel plants, clean energy

and energy efficiency present an opportunity to provide higher-paying jobs with fewer educational

barriers than the national average. States, local governments, and commissions are well-positioned to

implement changes that can facilitate an equitable and robust transition to a diverse clean energy


As noted above, clean energy and energy efficiency are in the midst of substantial growth. Jobs in these

fields have average hourly wages that are higher than the average U.S. wage by 8 to 19 percent, and

low-income workers at the 10th percentile in these fields earn between $5 and $7 more per hour than

the U.S. average.191 In some cases, wage levels of union workers in wind energy are roughly equivalent

to those of coal-fired power plant maintenance workers.192 Furthermore, many occupations in these

fields have fewer educational requirements, which mitigates a common barrier to employment in

certain industries: the lack of a degree in higher education.193

• State legislatures and localities. While many of these jobs are based locally, state legislatures and localities can implement policies to promote or require that more jobs are local and are filled by members of disadvantaged communities. These can include ensuring that community-based vocational training is directly tied to locally available jobs; making local building codes more stringent in their energy efficiency requirements, thereby increasing local energy efficiency construction jobs; and implementing clean energy policies that ensure quality jobs are accessible to those most in need.194

• Commissions. Commissions can also require utilities to track the diversity of their workforce and suppliers, as our case study on a Minneapolis docket describes. Policies like these are emerging in various places in the United States, but they are far from common.

Policies to increase penetration of these resources can help communities that are dependent on coal

(especially areas served by co-ops) to transition away from fossil fuels while maintaining a local source

of jobs. There are opportunities to support the development of an equitable transition, and examples

are already in place. The City of Austin, Texas issues grants to organizations to help people who live in

low-income communities to train for green energy jobs.195 As another example, California’s Multifamily

Affordable Solar Housing (MASH) and Single-Family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH) programs seek to

increase the adoption of solar power while also providing job training and employment opportunities in

clean energy and energy efficiency.196 The SASH program has created over 74,500 installation workday

positions since its inception, and over 16,500 of those positions were filled by students from California-

based job training programs.197 Still, these programs may have a challenge in reaching disadvantaged

populations, and there may be high costs associated with doing so.198 Additionally, these programs rely

in part on volunteer labor, which poses a financial barrier for low-income individuals who cannot afford

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 40

to forego their wages.199 However, as the solar sector grows, these volunteers will have the experience

to land themselves jobs.

Supporting workers moving from traditional energy jobs to opportunities. As the transition to a

decarbonized energy sector continues, there will be additional and perhaps increasing levels of fossil

fuel plant retirements. As this happens, there are opportunities to support a “just transition” for

workers at retiring fossil fuel plants such that they are not left unemployed and without skills training

programs. Colorado recently passed HB19-1314, “Just Transition From Coal-based Electrical Energy

Economy,” which attempts to facilitate such a just transition.200 It creates a Just Transition Office that

aims to support workers in coal-related jobs and their families.

There are also opportunities to implement alternative economic growth strategies in regions

with shrinking fossil fuel-based economies. Some regions that once relied on an “extraction

economy” are able to foster a new attraction economy that is based on, for example,

ecotourism or agri-tourism.201

Our interviews identified other promising solutions, including more transition assistance for people and

communities that were dependent on forms of energy that we are transitioning away from. In addition,

tax incentives could spur appropriate development—solar and wind for example—on strip mine


Energy jobs are changing. Coal-fired power plants are labor-intensive to operate, while wind generation

is less so, especially after facilities are built. But the manufacturing and construction of wind turbines

could offer real opportunities for local jobs at good wages in host communities and throughout the wind

turbine supply chain. That said, one cautionary note we learned through our interviews is that advocates

should avoid directly comparing these types of jobs, because often wages and benefits are not the same.

When possible, communities and renewable energy developers should work together with labor unions

to ensure a just transition for workers, and advocates in states such as Minnesota have worked to

achieve this and get companies to prioritize local and union hiring.202

Providing more granular data and analyses to assess local impacts of new energy choices. Finally, it is

important to reiterate that many job analyses are currently conducted at the state or even national

level. The lack of granularity of employment analyses makes it difficult to parse the community-level

impacts, and it is therefore difficult to identify the challenges and opportunities that exist regionally to

encourage a just transition or a shift to a new economic growth strategy. The availability of more

granular data and analyses of fossil fuel plant retirements would make it easier for stakeholders and

policymakers to identify ways to support workers who lose their jobs while the grid decarbonizes.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 41

5.5. Cross-Cutting Interventions

A number of policies address more than one equity problem. Such cross-cutting interventions include

facilitating and supporting public input, regulatory reform, targeting cooperative and municipal utilities,

and improving data collection to shed light on where interventions are needed and whether

interventions are successful.

Facilitating and supporting public and stakeholder input

Supporting and building partnerships. Utilities and regulators can address trust issues by coordinating

with trusted community organizations when implementing any these solutions. Such organizations may

include community action agencies, legal aid organizations, unions, and other community or faith-based

groups. Funding could be provided directly to these existing community organizations to support ut ility

offerings. Another approach is to hire and more formally establish new environmental or low-income

coordinators in tribal and other areas to work on energy efficiency program outreach, access to energy

alternatives, and education on energy and health issues.203

Opening up existing regulatory processes to more input. Modifications to state and federal regulatory

processes, such as making early-stage permitting processes accessible to a broader audience, could

facilitate input from affected communities. At the most basic level, this means making it easier for

communities to know when and where energy decision-making and related events are happening. As

another example, holding comment sessions at various times of the day and evening can help address

participation barriers faced by those who work full-time. Providing translators at community meetings

can also facilitate participation by isolated immigrant populations. Some processes are led by

stakeholder working groups, such as energy efficiency collaboratives. In these cases, utility regulators

can expand representation by adding new stakeholders. Given the funding constraints facing many

agencies, they will likely need additional resources (funding, personnel) to make these changes happen.

Integrated resource planning (IRP) provides another regulatory framework under which communities

can provide input on power plants and potential alternatives. Thirty-nine states have requirements for

an IRP or an equivalent plan to be completed.204

Providing funding for intervenor training and cross-sector collaboration. Intervenor training for

community, social justice, and environmental justice groups to build legal, energy, and environmental

expertise can facilitate citizen and advocate participation and improve their effectiveness in rate cases,

IRP processes, and permitting decisions.205 Also, increased and improved collaboration between these

groups and consumer and environmental advocates can increase awareness of affordability, access, and

health issues and give rise to mutually beneficial solutions. Collaborations can be helpful to proactively

plan for fossil fuel facility retirements, mitigate negative labor impacts, and line up opportunities to

transition workers. Availability of funding for these efforts is currently very limited; philanthropy can

play a big role in expanding funding, facilitating connections, and providing space for these

collaborations and trainings.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 42

Some states, such as California and Washington, require project proponents and the decision-

making agencies to address environmental justice issues and issues that affect low-income

and disadvantaged communities. California awards funding for intervenors who provide

useful input.206

Environmental and social justice requirements in states such as California and Washington have led to

increased coordination between local community action groups and environmental advocates,

especially related to proposed energy-related projects. An example of this is environmental justice

comments made during the public review period of a proposed bulk coal terminal in Longview,


Advocating for new regulatory processes for community involvement. As states adopt energy policies

that move away from fossil-fuel generation, utility regulators should provide more opportunities and

more flexible opportunities for communities to participate in regulatory processes. They can do this

through new venues such as grid modernization, power sector transformation, and distributed energy

resources/non-wires alternatives planning. Utility regulators can hold informal proceedings, including

technical sessions, with a focus on low-income community-centered issues such as: job training for

former power plant workers, including in the energy efficiency or renewable energy fields, and customer


An IRP offers opportunities for public input into the overall planning of what energy resources will be needed, and

their costs, over a short- to long-term period. Some states, such as Connecticut, require one joint plan to be

submitted that represents all utilities in the state. Others require plans to be completed by individual utilities.

Some states require IRP to be completed every two years, others every five years, and still others upon demand

or need. State PUCs are responsible for overseeing the IRP process, while utilities have a large role in developing

methodologies, assumptions, projections, and proposals for addressing any forecast need.

While the IRP concept is commendable, its execution and implementation are uneven. Many PUCs hold meetings

only during the day, and the IRP meetings themselves can get into detailed modeling that requires technical

knowledge generally not present in the general public or advocacy groups. Some IRPs treat energy efficiency and

renewable resources casually and seem to have pre-ordained conclusions that a new power plant is the “best”


To ensure that the IRP process is transparent and open, members of the public can request that the PUC and/or

the util ity hold an informal public meeting to discuss the IRP process, and consumer advocates may be willing to

provide training to community groups on IRP. The benefits to equity of these recommendations include:

• Increased PUC attention to low-income stakeholders’ concerns and interests;

• More robust and comprehensive plans that account for air and water quality impacts, access to clean

energy resources, and stable energy rates; and

• Improved low-income stakeholder trust in the PUC, which could improve low-income residents’

participation in energy efficiency programs and help develop and promote renewable energy programs

such as community solar.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 43

empowerment initiatives such as community

choice aggregation. Further, community

involvement in energy decision-making can be

facilitated by greater adoption of consumer

choice and aggregation.

Conducting energy education and outreach.

School and community-based education

initiatives can teach about how energy is

produced, distributed, and used as well as the

impacts of each step of the process. This would

enable everyone to understand their bills, the

impact of their use in their homes (what

contributes to their bills), and solutions to

lowering their home energy and water costs

through efficiency.208 Better education of all

consumers (starting with children in primary

schools as part of STEM programs) about their

local energy resources and the climate and

health impacts of their energy choices is

necessary to allow citizens and local

community-based organizations to participate

in permitting and regulation processes.

Education on renewable energy choices and

storage options can be incorporated into the

efforts that some states are making to improve

access to energy efficiency programs for low-

income households and communities of color.

Regulatory reform

Reforming existing environmental regulatory processes to

consider a wider range of alternatives and community

impacts. As mentioned earlier, facility siting and integrated

resource planning processes could be expanded to consider

analysis of alternatives (e.g., whether the proposed facility

is needed or whether a renewable option with storage

should be considered). Also, state air agencies and the

public can take advantage of the SEPA (or equivalent)

processes to ensure that Environmental Impact Statements

comprehensively consider and address equity and public

health concerns. These impact statements routinely include


A federal appeals court in Virginia recently

broke new ground in overturning a permit

for a gas compressor station planned for a

historic African American neighborhood

after environmental justice advocates there

argued against its siting. The decision was

based on Virginia’s specific permitting

regulations that require a broader analysis

of alternatives.

Photo by Neonbrand on Unsplash.

An advocate for rural co-op member rights at the Shelby Energy Annual

Meeting, 2012. Photo by Kentuckians for the Commonwealth on Flickr.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 44

only the primary air pollutants like nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides, whereas significant public health

and environmental impacts occur from secondary pollutants, such as nitrates, sulfates, and organic

gases. Modeling conducted by consultants is equally narrow and often does not evaluate all the various

operating conditions that may occur during the operation of a power plant.209 Regulators can be

supported in expanding these processes to consider a broader set of health and environmental impacts

of proposed infrastructure, as well as alternatives that could achieve the same objectives with lower or

no burdens to the local community.

Reforming utility regulation to reflect equity policy goals. There is growing recognition that utility

business models need to evolve to be relevant in a new energy world with distributed and renewable

resources, and some states have launched efforts to align utility incentives with policy objectives.

Shifting utilities’ focus to providing a much wider range of energy services and data in an integra ted

fashion (instead of just supplying electricity or natural gas) will yield multiple benefits for low-income

communities. The government, energy providers, and communities have a role in ensuring that bills are

affordable and new technologies are installed and used appropriately. For example, state policymakers

(legislatures and PUCs) can realign incentives to utilities for investing in energy efficiency and distributed

renewable energy through performance-based regulation.210 A performance-based regulation

framework is a holistic attempt to align a utility’s reward structures with policy goals and is being used in

jurisdictions throughout the United States, including in Rhode Island, New York, Hawaii, and Minnesota

(see sidebar). Public utility commissions can open dockets exploring and ultimately implementing

performance-based regulation. A core

component of performance-based

regulation is the development of metrics

to track a utility’s performance on a

specific issue, and performance incentive

mechanisms—commonly taking the form

of financial incentives—to encourage the

utility to reach targets for the metrics.211

With or without performance-based

regulation, state legislatures and PUCs can

implement a decoupling mechanism to

sever the link between utility rates and

sales. Under decoupling, a utility’s revenue

is not lowered as a result of reductions in

sales due to energy efficiency or

distributed generation. If well-designed

and implemented, these reforms can shift

utilities’ priorities towards access by low-

income and marginalized communities.

In rural areas, where a co-op may be

providing energy services, the focus needs


The Minnesota PUC opened a performance-based regulation

docket to identify and develop performance metrics and

potential performance incentive mechanisms to incentivize

the state’s sole investor-owned utility to help meet policy

goals. These goals related to affordability, reliability, customer

service quality, environmental performance, and the cost-

effective alignment of generation and load. Docket

stakeholders helped develop metrics and incentives that

would push the utility to better address equity, environmental,

and diversity concerns (such as arrearages and disconnections,

greenhouse gas and criteria pollutant emissions, and

workforce diversity).

The metrics adopted in the PUC’s resulting order included four

affordability metrics related to equity. The order also directed

the util ity and stakeholders to develop reliability metrics

related to equity and a metric to measure workforce and

community development impact. By shifting utility attention to

equity-related metrics, Minnesota’s approach to performance-

based regulation lays the groundwork for including equity in

current and future energy decision-making.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 45

to begin with their governance structures and community input to enable a conversation about a more

diverse, less expensive, integrated, and resilient energy supply. Cooperative and municipal utilities are

usually not under the jurisdiction of PUCs, and thus the approach will be different. Initiatives to increase

cooperative member participation, educate board members, and encourage election of board members

who represent low-income communities or communities of color can be effective. A toolkit created by

New Economy Coalition member organizations can help communities with reforming rural electric co-


Improving data collection to understand needs and assess program effectiveness

Community groups and municipal governments do not have the data they need to understand inequities

and advocate for change with energy-decision makers and regulators. Improved data collection can also

inform state and local agencies about whether programs are effectively addressing access issues, or

whether changes in regulations could be made to improve equity. Reporting on equitably designed

utility program opportunities (including number of potential participants and current energy use and

costs for these potential participants relative to income levels) and performance (number of actual

participants and energy and cost savings) will be helpful. Addressing privacy and security issues

associated with data sharing across key partners and data uses is critical; for example, rules should

prohibit use of data for personal surveillance. Availability of aggregated data through publicly accessible

interfaces such as a website can balance the utility of greater insight into improved affordability and

other benefits such as improved air and water quality with customer-level data privacy concerns.213,214

To the extent communities own behind-the-meter generation and backup power, they would then have

access to data on the performance of these systems.

PUCs can require utilities to provide anonymized data to third parties, thereby enabling third parties to

join what would be a more competitive process for satisfying grid needs. One of the principal changes in

energy procurement under power sector transformation is the proliferation of smart devices along with

improvements in communications of these devices and broadband connectivity. These devices provide

data to customers, enabling them to directly manage their demand. These devices also can provide data

to utilities and third parties, enabling them to manage demand on behalf of willing customers.

Customers should be enabled to share their data to third-party providers. Lastly, with data from these

devices in hand, utilities and third parties can better schedule and plan for managing electricity demand.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 46


6.1. Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Primary equity impact Climate change mitigation, working across silos in states—system level changes, state investments in energy efficiency and other mitigation

Secondary equity impact Affordability and access

Geographic scope Regional (Northeast, Mid-Atlantic): (CT, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, RI, VT); Prospective: VA (l ikely 2021), PA

Region EPA regions #1-3

Energy type Electricity and natural gas

Utility type All

Target community Lower-income communities


Over the last decade, a ground-breaking regional partnership among states in the Northeast has yielded

immense health and economic gains. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative or RGGI (pronounced

“Reggie”) is an innovative market approach to reducing pollution from power plants while raising billions

of dollars for public investment. Successes of the RGGI model include:

• Dramatic reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and corresponding criteria pollutant reductions, leading to large public health benefits

• Large savings in energy bills • Job growth for local and regional economies

• Benefits for the most vulnerable households

• Transferability to other regions and transportation

The key to improving and replicating this initiative is to understand what makes RGGI so different. This

case study explains its innovative features and discusses ways to enhance its impact in vulnerable



RGGI was the first “cap-and-invest” program in the country. Instead of the conventional practice of

giving pollution allowances to power plant owners for free, RGGI developed a market mechanism to

auction off CO2 emission allowances. This ensures that power plant owners have to pay to pollute,

encouraging a switch to cleaner power generation. Second, RGGI requires that auction proceeds be

reinvested into communities. Specifically, RGGI’s 2005 Memorandum of Understanding requires that a

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 47

minimum 25 percent of proceeds be spent for “consumer benefit or strategic energy purposes.” Other

than this, states have flexibility in how to spend proceeds.

Unlike other air quality programs, RGGI’s governance structure fosters collaboration by including state

agencies from the energy and environmental sectors. RGGI, Inc. is governed by a board of directors

comprised of environmental and energy agencies from each state, with day-to-day operations overseen

by a working group made up of agency staff from each member state.215 To measure and maximize its

impact, RGGI requires program review every three years—a unique aspect of RGGI among air pollution

programs. 216 These reviews offer an opportunity to tweak program features to improve the program.

For instance, adjusting the emissions cap ensures optimal emission reductions and stable proceeds.

Findings and impact

A decade of clean energy and energy efficiency investments from RGGI has paid large health and

economic dividends in the region.

A recent 10-year report shows the RGGI region has achieved 90 percent more reductions in

power plant CO2 emissions than the rest of the country, while its gross domestic product grew

faster (47 percent versus 31 percent).217 CO2 emissions from power plants in the member states

are roughly half 2005 levels.218 A recent study correlated air quality improvements from RGGI

investments with enormous public health benefits totaling $5.7 billion.219

An estimated $1.4 billion in lifetime energy bill savings has been distributed to nearly 300,000

households and 3,000 businesses that participated in RGGI-funded programs. Regional investment in

energy efficiency and clean energy has also kept more energy dollars in the local economy by reducing

the need for out-of-state fossil fuel purchases.220 In addition, RGGI investment supports the region’s

rapidly growing energy efficiency job sector, described in Section 3. Notably, Massachusetts, New York,

and Virginia are in the top 10 states for jobs in energy efficiency.

Although RGGI’s program design lacks any defined equity goals, program reviews show that

some RGGI investment has reached marginalized communities,221 benefitting over 100,000

economically vulnerable households through direct bill assistance and efficiency programs

targeted to low-income groups.222 However, environmental justice groups have requested more

thorough documentation of the benefits from RGGI and an increase in investment in

environmental justice communities.223 Stakeholder involvement during the upcoming program

review could yield a better process for allocating investments to improve equity as part of the

RGGI program.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 48

Additional insights into RGGI’s impact come from reports developed by the RGGI Project Series, an

independent, science-based, nonpartisan, philanthropy-funded effort.224 Rutgers University examined

state equity approaches in a new report, Field Notes: Equity & State Climate Policy.225 Although RGGI

itself has no defined equity goals or metrics, the report shows some promising member state strategies:

• RGGI states use a variety of strategies to direct benefits to under-resourced communities, including utility mandates, a focus on rentals and multifamily housing, support for programs that address social determinants of health (SDOH) exacerbated by climate change (such as Rhode Island’s Health Equity Zone Initiative),226 innovative financing programs, and education in targeted communities.

• Interagency climate policy committees foster effective coordination of climate policies with other government support to disadvantaged communities and consumers, including transportation, health, social services, housing, and community development. 227

• New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, which sets a target for the state to direct 40 percent, but not less than 35 percent, of state climate program benefits to disadvantaged communities.228

• Green banks in New York, Connecticut, and Rhode Island229 enable more affordable housing remediation as well as financing for renewables. For example, a Connecticut project combines a 20-year lease of photovoltaic panels with household energy efficiency upgrades. A credit check is not required. Job training for local workers is also an integral part of the Connecticut Green Bank’s mission.

Opportunities for improving RGGI

Although many states measure energy efficiency investment targeting low-income customers, specific

benefits to environmental justice or socially vulnerable communities are not consistently tracked. At the

most recent RGGI program review listening sessions and stakeholder hearings, public comments

included requests for a regional environmental justice analysis as part of program review, investment of

a majority of RGGI auction proceeds to benefit vulnerable populations, and establishment of a stricter

cap designed to benefit vulnerable populations.230 These discussions continue. A 2017 analysis of five

years of public health effects suggests another key improvement would be to expand emissions tracking

beyond CO2 to include two other harmful pollutants, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX).231 As

discussed in Section 3, these pollutants exacerbate asthma, heart attacks, and premature death and

present a disproportionate risk in low-income communities and communities of color.232

Applicability and replicability

RGGI’s state programs are flexible, an attribute that makes them more easily replicated. As an example,

RGGI’s model has inspired another innovative regional effort with huge potential for improving health,

the Transportation and Climate Initiative or TCI.233 Transportation is the source of many of the pollution

health hazards faced disproportionately by marginalized communities, and it is the largest source of

GHG emissions in the Northeast. With lessons learned from RGGI, the TCI program design now under

development has a strong focus on equity. Recent TCI stakeholder comments on the proposed program

framework show strong support for considering equity at the outset and as a leading principle of

program design. The TCI states include eight of the existing RGGI states (all but New Hampshire) as well

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 49

as New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. The December 2019 TCI statement expresses a commitment

to equitable outcomes by working with people and under-served communities disproportionately

affected by climate change and transportation pollution.234 TCI intends to foster development of: clean

mobility options through the electrification of public transit and passenger vehicles; complementary

policies and priorities that advance equity; transparency and information-sharing on changes in

emissions over time; responsive program design informed by community feedback and impact data; and

tailored outreach that meets the needs of individual communities.235

In addition to its replicability for transportation emissions, the initiative’s impact is expanding

geographically, with New Jersey having just joined in 2020 and Virginia slated to join the program in

2021. Pennsylvania is also showing interest. Virginia’s adopted RGGI rule specifically addresses impact in

vulnerable and environmental justice communities, opening the door to an enormous funding boost for

consumer benefit programs that target low-income and marginalized communities.236

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 50

6.2. Ohio Arrearage Management Program

Primary equity impact Affordability and access, improved indoor air quality, employment (for installers of energy efficiency measures)

Secondary equity impact Improved outdoor air quality. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions

Geographic scope State (Ohio), Counties (88. 37 have populations less than 50,000 and higher rates of poverty than the state average)

Region Midwest, EPA region #5

Energy type Electricity and natural gas

Utility type Electric and gas investor-owned utilities with more than 15,000 customers

Target community Low-income participants: income must be less than or equal to 150% of U.S. poverty guidelines


The Percentage of Income Payment Program (PIPP) is a mature Ohio program that reaches about one-

third of eligible low-income electric and gas customers, many in rural areas. The Ohio program has many

attributes that make it a useful model for other states:

• It is part of a one-stop shopping process for energy-related services that connects eligible customers through community action agencies (CAA);

• CAA are located in each county, know their customers, and have built up trust over time; • Traditional energy efficiency cost-effectiveness tests are suspended, meaning more customers

and deeper energy savings can be achieved; and

• Customers face less stress over the choice between paying energy bills or feeding their families.

The PIPP is undergoing a required once per five-year review now. Initial recommendations to allow

third-party payment for a customer’s bill and suspending minimum payment requirements for

participants would make the program even more attractive as a model.


The PIPP was created in the early 1980s by a Public Utility Commission of Ohio (PUCO) order following a

stakeholder process involving mostly ratepayer groups.237 The PUCO administered both electric and gas

PIPPs until 2000. Legislation passed in that year transferred the authority to administer the electric PIPP

to the Ohio Development Services Agency. The gas PIPP administration was unchanged, and today

continues to be administered by the PUCO.238

The PIPP program allows eligible customers to pay 6 percent of their income, but not less than $10 each

month, to each gas and electric service (for a total of 12 percent of income). The amount of unrecovered

revenue is then recovered by all ratepayers through a PIPP rider on customers’ bills. As amounts are

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 51

repaid from customers who “graduate” from PIPP, those amounts are credited back to ratepayers. The

regulations also include a debt forgiveness program that allows graduating customers to reduce their

PIPP payment by one monthly installment for every month they pay their current bill plus the

percentage of the PIPP arrearage.239

About 395,000 customers (10 percent of the total state number) are presently enrolled in the PIPP. Of

these, 230,000 are electric customers and 165,000 are gas customers, representing about one-third of

the total number of eligible PIPP customers. Because the payment of bills is based on income, the

incomes of those participating today are skewed towards those making less than 75 percent of the

guidelines. This is because those customers who are near 150 percent of the federal poverty guidelines

(FPG) pay more, and the differential between the income level and the actual bill may not be that


Findings and impact

The electricity PIPP is administered by the Ohio Community Services Department, which is connected to

the CAAs located in each county. To access the PIPP, customers work with their local CAA. These

agencies help customers determine eligibility and qualification and complete the necessary enrollment

process. CAAs also perform outreach to increase awareness of the PIPP and to educate potential

customers about the program benefits. In effect, the CAA serves as a single forum where low-income

customers can learn about all potential programs for which they may be eligible, including LIHEAP and

Ohio’s Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP). This “one-stop shopping” is critical to

ensuring that low-income customers get additional assistance for all programs for which they are

eligible. Often the CAA has staff trained to provide the weatherization services, so the CAA serves as a

forum to make customers aware of new energy efficiency services on offer. In Ohio, funds from utility

energy efficiency programs are leveraged with the HWAP funds in order to provide deeper home

weatherization to more households.240

The PUCO’s 2019 PIPP review found that the requirements for all payments to be made in full each

month and a minimum payment of $10 a month are not reasonable. Many participants have incomes

less than 50 percent of the poverty guidelines, and some have no income. The minimum payment

requirements also impose high administrative costs on the agencies responsible for their collection. The

costs of resources required for collection can exceed the amounts collected. The current program

review suggests that, in the future, PIPP should suspend minimum payment requirements, allow

incomes to be considered over a rolling 12-month period, and allow for third parties241 to make PIPP

payments on behalf of a customer. According to the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel, changes to the PIPP

regulations are expected to go into effect during 2020.

The PUCO updates the total PIPP revenue requirement for electric utilities each year. For 2020, this

value is $301 million. The revenue requirement for gas utilities is calculated separately and was not

available at the time interviews were conducted. However, the revenue formula is periodically updated

by the PUCO. Note that the uncollected revenues from PIPP customers that are collected from all

customers creates a significant subsidy that is borne by all customers, including non-qualified PIPP

customers who are at the margin. How these costs are allocated matters in terms of the impact on other

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 52

customers. In Ohio, all customer classes pay the cost and the surcharge is added to the energy (kWh)

charge. This method minimizes the impact on other residential customers to the extent possible.

Overall, PIPP is the sole program that provides unrestricted access for low-income customers to energy

efficiency services in Ohio. The standard cost-effectiveness tests typically applied to such services are

suspended for the measures installed as part of the PIPP. This is important as some weatherization

measures do not pass cost-effectiveness screens when they are considered individually.242

Potentially working against the effectiveness of the PIPP, some of the fixed rate contracts offered by

Ohio’s natural gas companies provide a discount on rates (20 percent relative to variable rates) but

require a 12–36 month term and have early termination charges as high as $199.243 These requirements

are burdensome on low-income customers, especially renters, who may have little certainty that they

will stay in their residence for the duration of the contract term.

Applicability and replicability

Several states offer discounts on electric and gas bills and offer forgiveness for arrearages.244 California,

Maryland, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire are among the states that offer discounted rates to

eligible low-income customers, typically at 30–35 percent off the monthly bill. However, income

guidelines vary. Maryland has a complicated eligibility formula based on income, monthly usage, a

“utility index,” and the poverty index. In Colorado, Xcel initiated a pilot PIPP which enrolled about 7,500

electric customers. That program adjusts customer bills to no more than 3 percent of their income.245

The Xcel program was expanded in 2011, and as of 2016, is serving 24,000 customers. 246

New York’s energy assistance program has an element that could prove useful if adopted in Ohio (and

other states). Twice a year, Consolidated Edison (Con Edison, an investor-owned utility) provides a list of

non-participating low-income customers to the New York Department of Health and Human Services

(HHS). The HHS then “crosswalks” the Con Edison list with those names on an HHS list of customers

eligible for means-tested services. Those names that appear on the Con Edison and HHS lists are notified

that they are eligible for energy assistance. The HHS program costs less than $100,000 a year and covers

hundreds of thousands of customers.247 The New York program, however, continues to use cost-

effectiveness tests for measures installed on low-income customers.248

The PIPP program in Ohio could be improved by providing incentives to encourage conservation by

splitting any savings from reduced usage over the previous year, so that the customer would receive a

further bill reduction. For example, if in November, the customer used the equivalent of $10 less energy,

the customer would get an immediate $5.00 credit on the PIPP amount owed that month. At the same

time, this would lower the amount that would need to be recovered from other customers in the PIPP

rider by $5.00. This would help address the flaw in the PIPP program in which payments are based on

income with no incentive to conserve usage.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 53

Compared to the programs described above, Ohio’s program has several attributes that make it a useful

model for other states:

• It covers a higher percentage of eligible customers. • It explicitly links customers with energy efficiency services.

• It suspends cost-effectiveness tests for energy efficiency measures installed on PIPP customers.

• It has straight-forward payment requirements.249

Revisions under consideration include suspending minimum payment requirements, allowing payments

to be made over the course of a year, and allowing payments to be made by third parties on behalf of

customers. These revisions could increase the effectiveness of the PIPP and its potential to be adopted

by other states.

Adoption of a PIPP in other states would likely require the following:

• Authorizing legislation

• Use of decentralized, established community action agency network

• Utility support garnered through mechanisms allowing for full revenue recovery • A receptive state consumer counsel

• A good working relationship between the consumer counsel and the public utility commission

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 54

6.3. Bloomfield, Iowa Municipal Utility Energy Transformation

Primary equity impact Affordability and access

Secondary equity impact Employment

Geographic scope Local

Region Midwest, EPA region #7

Energy type Electricity and natural gas

Utility type Municipal

Target community Rural, low and moderate income


As a small city in rural Iowa, Bloomfield historically relied on wholesale electricity purchases to meet its

energy needs. In 2015 the City began an initiative to achieve energy independence by aggressively

pursuing ownership of renewable resources and improving the efficiency of its housing stock.

Bloomfield’s municipal utility has risen as a regional leader through initiatives that could make it the first

utility in the Midwest to meet the majority of its energy needs through energy efficiency and renewable

energy. To Bloomfield, energy independence is a community development issue that provides

opportunities to break down silos between education and outreach programs, utility infrastructure

planning, housing needs, and economic development. The City’s energy plan focuses on equity

challenges within the community by designing programs that address needs of low-income households,

pair solar generation with energy efficiency, and improve affordability for homeowners and renters.


The City of Bloomfield, Iowa is situated in a Midwest region that has had sluggish population and

economic growth in the last decade. Fifty-one percent of Bloomfield’s 2,694 residents have low to

moderate income,250 and the median household income is $42,411 as compared to the national median

of $62,626.251 The community has a scarcity of jobs and economic opportunities, making it hard to

retain trained workers.252 Compounding these issues, money leaves the local economy to bring in

energy from outside the community. Community members face high utility costs in part because

housing in Bloomfield is relatively old and inefficient, with an average age exceeding 80 years. 253

Bloomfield has a municipal utility that provides electricity and natural gas. The City delivers natural gas

to those living within city limits, while providing electricity to the city and the surrounding rural area. 254

The utility provides service to an estimated 1,140 residential customers and 240 commercial and

industrial customers.255 Forecasted electricity needs of the utility are 30,000 megawatt-hours each year

and 7.5 megawatts of peak summer demand (winter peak demand is 5.3 megawatts) with an annual

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 55

cost of approximately $2.4 million.256 Historically, the municipal utility purchased nearly all of

Bloomfield’s electricity through the Southern Iowa Electric Cooperative from regional wholesale

suppliers.257 In recent years costs have risen sharply due in part to closures of small regional coal plants

facing economic and environmental pressures.258 Between 2003 and 2013, the average customer’s

electricity bill doubled.259 Carrol Ann Taylor, city clerk and treasurer of the City of Bloomfield, describes

the affordability challenges: “We struggle trying to not shut their utilities off through the winter.” 260 The

rapid increase in cost of energy, coupled with price volatility, led City officials to consider how

Bloomfield might meet its energy needs in a manner that is more affordable, economically resilient, and

independent of market fluctuations.

In 2014, the City began to explore the concept of achieving energy independence and commissioned a

technical and economic evaluation261 of opportunities for energy conservation and local power

production. The vision began to coalesce in 2015 when a team of local leaders participated in a

workshop on electricity system innovation.262 Since that time, Bloomfield has aggressively pursued

energy independence by building renewable resources and improving the efficiency of its housing stock.

Findings and impact

Bloomfield’s 2014 energy independence study identified six strategies to improve energy independence,

including energy efficiency and renewable energy generation. Each strategy was found to result in a net

reduction in energy costs within the community and simultaneously increase energy independence.263

The study identified the following metrics and associated targets, which vary by scenario, for measuring

energy independence:

1. Reduced retail electricity sales due to energy efficiency: up to 22.5 percent by 2029 2. Reduced net wholesale electricity purchase: up to 99.9 percent by 2029 3. Increased share of electricity produced locally: up to 99.9 percent by 2029

The study estimated that if only cost-effective programs were pursued, the potential reduction

in electricity usage from energy efficiency would be 23 percent of the annual electricity needs.

According to the study, the programs would generate greater cost savings than the cost to

implement them. Estimated net savings for customers and the municipal utility would be $3.4

million and $2.6 million, respectively. Cost of avoided energy use is approximately one-third the

cost to buy wholesale power. The evaluators suggested that the utility hire a full-time

employee to implement the programs.

Achieving independence for natural gas supply would be challenging for Bloomfield. The city’s baseline

use is 120,000 thousand cubic feet per year, which is declining by 1.2 percent annually.264 Bloomfield’s

feasibility study suggests it is possible to reduce systemwide use by 14 percent through efficiency

efforts.265 Converting residential space heat and water heating to electric heat pumps would reduce

community natural gas use by approximately 50 percent, but this transition would likely require

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 56

substantial incentives to influence household retrofit decisions.266 The City is evaluating opportunities to

utilize local bio-feedstocks, such as methane capture from hog lots, to offset local natural gas


After completing the energy independence study, the City sought the input of the community. “We had

four or five public meetings and engaged a lot of different groups, pulling ideas out of the community,”

noted Chris Ball.268 Equipped with this feedback, the City resolved to decrease total community energy

consumption by 25 percent and to reduce net wholesale energy purchases to zero by 2030. 269 These

commitments place Bloomfield as the first utility in the Midwest to attempt to meet the majority of its

energy needs through energy efficiency and renewable energy.270 Seeking to shift from a net consumer

to a net producer of energy, the City is targeting net zero electricity by sizing wind and solar plants to

produce electricity equal to the post-efficiency demand.271 By maintaining interconnection to the power

grid, the City can sell excess power when renewable production is high and buy power when production

is low. This achieves electrical energy independence in a practical manner, affording the reliability and

economic benefits of the existing grid infrastructure.

Operational since December 2017, the City’s 1.65 MWAC solar PV array provides approximately 10

percent of the city’s energy.272 This project puts Bloomfield roughly on track reach its target of 8.0

megawatts of capacity by the year 2029, enough to reach a 100 percent reduction in net wholesale

electricity purchases. In addition, the city is beginning to streamline access to solar for interested

households, including working on a model for low-income households through a potential partnership

with a local community action agency.273 Despite wind power’s favorable economics to solar, the City

has yet to install wind turbines or procure wind power to date.274

Because it owns its energy utility, Bloomfield has access to property-level data that can be used to

identify the least efficient buildings for targeted energy efficiency initiatives. The City analyzes, tracks,

and shares publicly the energy use index and energy cost index of buildings within city limits, as shown

in Figure 7.275 The average home in Bloomfield was found to use 66 percent more energy per square

foot than the Midwest average, indicating that there is great opportunity for homeowners and renters

to save energy and money.276

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 57

Figure 7. City of Bloomfield map of residential energy use index

Source: The City of Bloomfield Iowa. 2019. Residential Energy Use Map. Available at The

interactive map identifies buildings by their energy use intensity, ranging from h ighest (red) to lowest (dark green).

Targeting both rental and owner-occupied properties, the City began a number of initiatives to improve

the quality and efficiency of its older housing stock.277 Bloomfield provided nearly $129,000 in 2015 to

fund an AmeriCorps partnership program to provide energy audits, weatherization services, energy

efficiency measures, and energy education within the city.278 Program goals included energy audits of

400 low-income residences, weatherization of 200 residences and 5 public/nonprofit buildings, and 24

educational events.279 As of June 2019, the partnership completed 250 energy audits.280 The next step

toward achieving the City’s efficiency goals is to retrofit existing buildings with efficiency measures. For

fiscal year 2020, the City committed $750,000 to an on-bill financing program that the municipal utility

will use to improve the efficiency of residences.281 A useful strategy for low-income households that lack

access to capital, on-bill financing uses the utility bill as means for customers to repay a portion of their

investments in their properties monthly while they save on their energy costs.282 The City also

considered adopting a model ordinance which would set minimum standards of energy efficiency for

rental housing by requiring basic weatherization and setting minimum appliance efficiency standards. 283

Bloomfield’s energy independence initiatives can help solve the City’s greatest economic challenges—

brain drain and job scarcity. Achieving full energy independence would require an estimated $35 million

investment in local solar and wind plants, which would create local jobs for construction, operation, and

maintenance of the renewable assets.284 The construction will generate an estimated 20 person-years of

employment.285 Together with energy efficiency upgrades, these new assets would create $4.6 million in

new wages and employee benefits over the 15-year period studied. 286

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 58

Applicability and replicability

City of Bloomfield is an example of how cities can successfully leverage utility ownership to improve or

create resilient energy infrastructure, improve the existing building stock, address affordability

challenges, and bolster the local economy.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 59

6.4. Performance-Based Regulation in Minnesota

Primary equity impact Affordability, climate change

Secondary equity impact Civic agency

Geographic scope State; service territory

Region Great Lakes, EPA region #5

Energy type Electricity

Utility type Investor-owned

Target community Xcel customers


Recognizing the imminent changes in the power sector and the need to guide this transformation to

achieve state goals, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MNPUC) opened a docket on

performance-based regulation. The goal is to identify and develop performance metrics and potential

performance incentive mechanisms for Xcel Energy (Xcel), the largest investor-owned electric utility in

the state.287 The proceeding included a facilitated stakeholder engagement process. Throughout the

process, stakeholders considered performance metrics and, eventually, may consider incentives that

seek to address five MNPUC-specified outcomes: affordability, reliability, customer service quality,

environmental performance, and the cost-effective alignment of generation and load.288 The successful

implementation of performance metrics and potentially incentives will help to assess utility

performance related to equity, environmental, and diversity concerns, and address any performance

shortcomings if needed. These concerns include those related to arrearages and disconnections,

greenhouse gas and criteria pollutant emissions, and workforce diversity. After several stakeholder

meetings, stakeholders proposed performance metrics to the MNPUC. The MNPUC then issued an order

adopting some of the metrics, including four metrics that relate to affordability. The order also directed

Xcel and stakeholders to develop (a) reliability metrics related to equity, (b) a metric to measure

workforce and community development impact, which may include workforce diversity, and (c) metrics

relating to equity in customer service quality. By establishing equity-related metrics, Minnesota’s

approach to performance-based regulation lays the groundwork for including equity in current and

future energy decision-making.


At the culmination of a proceeding approving Xcel Energy’s 2015 multi-year rate plan, the

MNPUC−enabled by Minn. Stat. § 216B.16, subd. 19289−opened a docket to explore performance

metrics and performance incentive mechanisms.290 Within the newly opened docket, the MNPUC issued

an order identifying five intended outcomes for the performance metrics: “affordability; reliability,

including both customer and system-wide perspectives; customer service quality, including satisfaction,

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 60

engagement and empowerment; environmental performance, including carbon reduction and beneficial

electrification; and cost effective alignment of generation and load, including demand response.”291 This

order, issued in January 2019, also established a stakeholder engagement process, including several

stakeholder workshops and opportunities for written comments.

The workshops were held from March to May 2019 and were open to all interested parties. The Great

Plains Institute (GPI) advertised the meetings through an official notice in the docket and through direct

outreach to a list of 200 stakeholders. At the first stakeholder workshop, GPI convened over 30 energy

system stakeholders to discuss nearly 100 proposed performance metric topics, grouped under the

MNPUC-specified outcomes.292 Stakeholders were split into groups to discuss each category of metrics,

with the goal of deciding which metrics to propose to the Commission.

Workforce diversity was not originally included under one of the five MNPUC-designated outcomes. The

City of Minneapolis proposed in its written comments to require Xcel to track and report on the diversity

of its workforce.293 Its proposed metrics under this outcome area included:

• Demographics of utility workforce; • Number of suppliers of energy and other utility contractors that are female-owned, minority-

owned, veteran-owned, small businesses, and local, as compared to the total; and

• Funding for suppliers of energy and other utility contractors that are female-owned, minority-owned, veteran-owned, small businesses, and local, as compared to total.

At the end of the stakeholder engagement process, the stakeholders proposed dozens of metrics to the

MNPUC, and on September 18, 2019, the MNPUC issued an order establishing metrics for each outcome

identified in the January 2019 Order. Among the adopted metrics were several related to affordability:

• Average monthly bills for residential customer • Total arrearages for residential customers

• Total disconnections for nonpayment for residential customers

The MNPUC notes in its Order that while “the Commission is not adopting an affordability metric

specific to the topic of equity, affordability is a key indicator of equity and the four metrics it has

adopted collectively address the issue.” With one in three U.S. households facing a challenge in paying

energy bills,294 requiring Xcel to track and report these data sets up an opportunity for the utility,

communities, and the MNPUC to identify ways to address this crisis. Solutions may include the

development of performance incentive mechanisms that, if proven useful in Minnesota, could be

replicated in other jurisdictions throughout the country.

Findings and impact

Through this docket, the Commission has adopted several metrics aimed at affordability that relate to

equity. While the Commission did not adopt reliability metrics related to equity for implementation

currently, it directed Xcel and stakeholders “to determine an appropriate method to measure and report

on equity, which could include geography, income, or other benchmarks relevant to reliability.”295

Similarly, the Commission did not adopt metrics related to workforce diversity proposed by the City of

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 61

Minneapolis, but it has directed Xcel “to work with stakeholders to develop a metric to measure

workforce and community development impact, which may include workforce diversity, safety,

compensation, or other relevant factors” because “diversity and community engagement and impact

are important topics that require additional stakeholder work.”296 Finally, the Commission directed “Xcel

to propose, in consultation with stakeholders, metrics relating to equity in customer service quality.” 297

The Commission ordered Xcel to work with stakeholders to develop procedures for calculating, verifying,

and reporting the metrics, and in October 2019, Xcel submitted its proposed metric methodology and

process schedule.298 Next, Xcel will begin tracking and reporting data on the adopted metrics, and the

stakeholders will eventually reconvene to discuss the development of incentive mechanisms, if


Applicability and replicability

This docket is notable for the pace of the proceeding. While dockets on performance-based regulation in

other jurisdictions have moved faster, this docket relied on a seven-step process proposed by the Office

of the Minnesota Attorney General.299 The seven steps are: (1) articulate goals; (2) identify desired

outcomes; (3) identify performance metrics; (4) establish metrics and review; (5) establish targets, as

needed; (6) establish incentive mechanisms, as needed; and (7) evaluate, improve, repeat. In the

January 2019 Order, the MNPUC adopted this process with an initial focus on Steps 1 through 4. It

further ordered that the stakeholder workshops and opportunities for written comments occur during

Steps 3 and 4. This process allows stakeholders to extensively consider and debate the development of a

wide range of performance metrics and lends itself as a model for developing incentive mechanisms


The deliberately slower seven-step process allows stakeholders to see what the utility reports during its

initial tracking of the adopted performance metrics before stakeholders develop financial incentive

mechanisms. It also allows time and attention to avoid unintended outcomes, such as setting incentives

that are too easy for the utility to meet or that encourage the utility to overbuild or underspend. 300

While the Minnesota docket to develop performance metrics is commendable in its efforts to make the

stakeholder engagement process inclusive, there are inherent challenges with inclusivity in dockets on

performance-based regulation. The topic of performance-based regulation is complex and requires a

substantial base of knowledge. While actions like providing funding for resource-limited stakeholders

can help make the docket more accessible to a wider range of stakeholders, the process requires

substantial time and staffing commitments that many organizations may find difficult to meet.

Articulate goals

Identify desired


Identify performance


Establish metrics and


Establish targets, as


Establish incentive

mechanisms, as needed

Evaluate, improve,


Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 62

Extending a performance-based regulatory framework to municipal utilities and cooperatives may prove

challenging. Municipal utilities and cooperatives operate under a different business model than

investor-owned utilities: They are community-owned and self-regulated, whereas investor-owned

utilities like Xcel are regulated by the state. Nonetheless, public pressure to develop and track

performance metrics could push municipal utilities and cooperatives to do so.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 63


Many opportunities for improving equity exist within the energy sector, as well as at the junction of

energy with other sectors (broadband, transportation, and water). Below we discuss promising areas for

future research.

● Transportation and energy: Transportation is the source of a large portion of air pollution that affects low-income and marginalized communities (especially in more urban areas). Electrifying the transportation sector holds tremendous opportunity for lowering exposure to harmful air pollution. RAP and others have written extensively about policies that can lead to improvements through

transportation electrification.301 The case study on RGGI discusses the TCI transportation initiative and the opportunities presented by TCI to reduce criteria and GHG pollution from transportation in low-income and rural areas. Future research could examine opportunities to build on the TCI experience, e.g., expanding to other states and regions. Other research should examine potential system changes in state transportation planning to promote community involvement in transportation electrification and expanded mobility options for rural areas. Or, another promising area for research is how to structure state energy infrastructure changes linked to transportation infrastructure (e.g., rate designs and electricity infrastructure, especially for EV charging) to improve outcomes for low-income communities and communities of color.

● Broadband and energy: The transformation of the energy sector requires data collection on energy use and generation (if on-site renewable energy is part of a home or commercial or municipal building). Access to data on electricity and other fuel use in homes enables the occupants to manage their energy use and their bills. Further, access to information about usage enables consumers to lower their usage and bills during peak periods, which is key to lowering systems costs for all users. It also enables rate designs and energy management measures and tools to lower residential bills. There are many efforts underway to improve access for consumers to their energy data, and efforts to expand access to broadband would enable improved equity in rural areas through access to data and technology.302 Many rural co-ops see this opportunity and are offering broadband to their customers as part of their service—Taos, New Mexico being one example.303 The Institute for Market Transformation has worked with many communities on better data practices for commercial and residential buildings to enable energy efficiency and better building management to lower energy costs.304 Building benchmarking, rating, and labeling policies are a good start and should be expanded from the commercial building sector to the municipal and residential building sectors as

Photo by Luis Quinteroon Unsplash.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 64

soon as possible. Initiatives to further collaborations between co-ops and non-government organizations, with a focus on energy, broadband access, and equity would be fruitful.

A related project could research how deploying different technologies could reduce costs and improve maintenance of rural electricity infrastructure. These technologies might include: broadband; distribution assets that anticipate faults; and microgrids305 that could help improve reliability of energy services through the use of storage, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. A pilot in its third year by Green Mountain Power to use batteries (some paired with renewable energy) for grid support in rural residences in Vermont provides one example that could be a starting point.306

• Water and energy: Pumping and treating water consume large amounts of energy at the municipal level—as much as a third of a community’s energy budget—and that means less money is available for other community needs and services.307 There are considerable opportunities for improving the efficiency of treatment facilities. Research assessing energy, water, and cost savings to municipalities as a result of implementing best practices in efficient water treatment and water supply facilities would be useful.

For residents, the energy used by water-consuming appliances such as clothes washers or showers may be a large part of a household budget. For those without access to municipal water and sewage systems, energy costs to pump water to and within the home can be very high. Energy efficient appliances typically reduce water needs. For example, an Energy Star washer can use up to 40 percent less water and 25 percent less energy.308 Campaigns to raise awareness of energy efficiency related to water use could free up money within household budgets and municipal funding for other purposes. Research is needed on the benefits (e.g. improvements in health, reduction in stresses, reduction in costs) for those with high energy burdens from public awareness campaigns on the relationship between water and energy use in the home.

Other potential research projects include:

● Rate designs: How modifying rate designs from traditional rates (those that rely on a fixed charge and add-ons based solely on volumetric use) with more consumer protections for rural areas, low-income communities, and communities of color can improve equity. Time-of-use rates can help avoid the peak period consumption that increases system costs and rates, increases air pollution, and drives needs for additional

generation at the system level.309 More research is needed on how low-income

Photo by CDC on Unsplash.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing 65

communities/communities of color fare under time-of-use rates and how education about those rates could affect their uptake in those communities.

● Financing: Alternatively, how offering renewable energy with alternative financing (pay-as-you-save, for example) in these communities along with revised rate structures can lower energy burdens. Working with electric co-ops on these issues could be especially fruitful.

● Non-wires alternatives: IRP processes should be advanced and updated to address resiliency and lowering environmental impacts in low-income communities, rural areas, and communities of color. IRPs do not always examine thoroughly how non-wires alternatives (demand reduction strategies like energy efficiency or distributed resources including storage) can lower environmental impacts to the targeted communities and reduce costs. A research project could consider the effectiveness of integrated resource planning with expanded scopes and alternatives analysis in ensuring that non-fossil fired alternatives are considered thoroughly when looking at upgrading energy infrastructure. Such expanded scopes would consider environmental issues in more detail, like the propensity for increased heat and wind events and the performance of different resources types under these conditions. Such integrated resource planning would be an alternative to improved environmental impact statements. It would allow regulatory agencies charged with permitting (e.g., air quality agencies) to be involved earlier in the process, rather than working with communities to mitigate the impacts of infrastructure imposed on the public without thoroughly investigating alternatives.

● Education: Expanding and examining the impact of advocates’ public education efforts in low-income communities and communities of color, such as those being done by the Partnership for Southern Equity.310

● Partnerships: Encouraging and documenting collaborations between labor unions and environmental and environmental justice advocates (e.g., the Transportation Climate Initiative in the Northeast, Laborers’ International Union of N. America (LiUNA) in the Midwest). These collaborations can promote local hiring standards for renewable energy construction jobs and for wage and benefit levels that were historically part of the energy infrastructure (as in mining jobs). They can also promote options for ensuring a just transition in mining areas and within Tribal communities who have benefited from coal infrastructure but are interested in transitioning to clean energy. Research in this area should document best practices in collaborations between labor and energy justice advocates and document their effectiveness in promoting enduring economic solutions, in particular for communities in transition away from fossil fuel dependence.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing A-1


This report describes our national study of: (1) how the electricity and natural gas sectors work—

including key influencers, decision-makers, policies, financing flows, and practices within the

energy/electric ecosystem; (2) connections/impacts to equity, opportunity, health, and wellbeing; and

(3) promising points of intervention to improve equitable outcomes related to social and economic

opportunity, health, and wellbeing for low-income people, communities of color, and smaller places

(rural communities, towns, small and midsize cities).

The research included a literature review, in-person meetings, web forums, and interviews. The web

forums, meetings, and interviews focused on addressing barriers to improving health equity, and the

most critical decision points and policy options for doing so. Our respondents included a wide range of

stakeholders, including those who have recently risen out of poverty and those with first-hand

experience working with the populations of interest (Community Action Agencies), key decision-makers

in the electric and gas utility space (Public Utility Commissions, Public Advocates, and Utilities; Air

Quality Regulators), organizations active in this topic, and other key stakeholders and decision-makers.

Appendix B provides the names of those interviewed and their organizations.

We also developed case studies using interviews and secondary research to address a range of energy

sources, pathways, regions, demographics, and remedies. The subject matter for the case studies arose

from the meetings and interviews. We chose case studies that collectively reflect a wide geographic

distribution, a range of population densities, types of inequity, and various levels of government. In

addition, the case studies highlight innovative approaches to creating greater health equity.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing B-1



Below is a list of individuals who shared their broad insights and diverse regional perspectives with us

for this report. No specific report content is attributed to any individual.

Air quality agencies

• Akron Regional Air Quality Management District: Sam Rubens, Administrator

• Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality: Will Montgomery, Policy & Planning Branch Manager, Office of Air Quality; Spencer Stuart, Associate Director, Office of Air Quality

• Colorado Department of Health: Megan McCarthy, Air Quality Planner

• National Association of Clean Air Agencies: Miles Keough, Executive Director

• Oregon Department of Environmental Quality: Ali Mizrakhalili, Administrator

• Puget Sound Clean Air Agency: Craig Kenworthy, Executive Director; Erik Saganić, Technical Analysis Manager

• Virginia Air and Renewable Energy Division: Mike Dodd, Director

Community action agencies

• Community Action Agency of Siouxland (IA): Jean Logan, Executive Director

• Community Action Agency of South Alabama: Kris Rowe, Executive Director

• Community Action Partnership of Oregon: Keith Kueny, Energy Policy Coordinator

• El Paso CAP, Project BRAVO (TX): Laura Ponce, Executive Director

• FiveCAP Inc. (MI): Mary Trucks, Executive Director

• Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission (CA): Brian Angus, Chief Executive Officer

• Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority: Joyce J. Dorsey, President & CEO

• GLEAMNS HRC, Inc. (SC): Shunna Vance Jeter, CEO

• Greater Erie CAC (PA): Danny J. Jones, CEO

• I-CARE, Inc. (NC): Bryan Duncan, Executive Director

• Iowa Community Action Association: Lana Shope, Executive Director

• Little Dixie CAA (OK): Becky Reynolds, Executive Director

• NC Community Action State Association: Sharon Goodson, Executive Director

• Northeast Florida Community Action Agency, Inc.: Berneitha McNair, Executive Director

• Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency (MI): Heather Zeigler, Deputy Director for Health, Housing, and Nutrition

• Oklahoma Association of Community Action Agencies, Inc.: Michael Jones, Executive Director

• People Incorporated of Virginia: Robert G. Goldsmith, President & CEO

• South Central Community Action Partnership, Inc.: Ken Robinette, CEO

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing B-2

• Southeastern Community & Family Services, Inc. (NC): Dr. Ericka Whitaker, CEO

• York County Community Action Corporation (ME): Carter Friend, Deputy Director

NGOs and experts

• AARP: Bill Malcolm, Senior Legislative Representative, State Advocacy & Strategy Integration

• Cascadia Law Group: Dennis McLerran, Attorney (former EPA 10 administrator)

• Cliburn Associates: Jill K. Cliburn, Community Solar Value Project Manager

• Critical Consumer Issues Forum: Katrina McMurrian, Executive Director

• Democracy and Regulation: Jerry Oppenheim, Esq.

• Laborers’ International Union of North America: Kevin Pranis, Minnesota & North Dakota Marketing Manager

• National Consumer Law Center: John Howat, Senior Energy Analyst

• Partnership for Southern Equity: Nathaniel Smith, Founder & CEO; Chandra Farley, Just Energy Director

• Public Utility Law Project of New York: Richard Berkley, Executive Director

Regulators, consumer advocates, and localities

• Hawaii Public Utilities Commission: Jennifer Potter, Commissioner

• Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor: Bill Fine, Consumer Counselor

• Iowa Consumer Advocate: Mark Schuling

• Kentucky Public Utilities Commission: Andrew Melnykovych, Public Information Officer

• Maryland Office of People's Counsel: Paula Carmody, People’s Counsel

• Maryland Public Service Commission: Odogwu Obi Linton, Commissioner

• Montana Office of Consumer Counsel: Robert Nelson, Consumer Counsel

• South Carolina Public Service Commission: Butch Howard, Commissioner

Utilities and utility organizations

• Great River Energy (electric generation & transmission cooperative): Gary Connett, retired executive; Chairman, Beneficial Electrification League

Large Public Power Council: John Di Stasio, President

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-1

Appendix C. END NOTES

1 Jenkins, Kirsten, Darren McCauley, Raphael Heffron, Hannes Stephan, and Robert Rehner. “Energy justice: A conceptual review.” Energy Research & Social Science. January 2016. Volume 11: 174-182.

2 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2018. “One in three U.S. households faces a challenge in meeting energy needs.” Available at:

3 Ibid.

4 Ross, Lauren, A. Drehobl, B. Stickles. 2018. The High Cost of Energy in Rural America: Household Energy Burdens and Opportunities for Energy Efficiency. ACEEE.

5 Goodkind, Andrew L., C. W. Tessum, J. S. Coggins, J. D. Hill, and J. D. Marshall 2019. “Fine-scale damage estimates of particulate matter air pollution reveal opportunities for location-specific mitigation of emissions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Available at:

6 Thind, M., C. Tessum, I. Azevedo, and J. Marshall. 2019. “Fine Particulate Air Pollution from Electricity Generation in the US: Health Impacts by Race, Income, and Geography.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53, 23, 14010-14019. November 20, 2019.

7 Jessel, Sonal, S. Sawyer, and D. Hernadez. 2019. “Energy, Poverty, and Health in Climate Change: A Comprehensive Review of an Emerging Literature.” Frontiers in Public Health. 7:357.

8 Extraction includes drilling, conventional extraction, and hydraulic fracturing a/k/a fracking. Fracking is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the injection of fluid into shale beds at high pressure in order to free up petroleum resources (such as oil or natural gas).” See:

9 Jenkins, Kirsten, Darren McCauley, Raphael Heffron, Hannes Stephan, and Robert Rehner. “Energy justice: A conceptual review.” Energy Research & Social Science. January 2016. Volume 11: 174-182.

10 Bakke, Gretchen. 2016. The Grid: “The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future.”

11 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2019. “Electricity in the United States - Energy Explained, Your Guide To Understanding Energy - Energy Information Administration,” accessed March 15,

12 Wind and solar have minimal operational costs, and their installed costs have dropped dramatically as the technologies have matured. The levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for wind, ranges from $32 to $62 per kWh; in comparison, the LCOE for new pulverized coal generation ranges from $55-97 per kWh. (Jeffrey Logan, et al, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, “Electricity Generation Baseline Report”, NREL/TP-6A20-67645, January 2017. Retrieved from:

13 The term “storage” or “battery storage” is applied to technologies and appliances that can store electricity to be used later. Storage can be large-scale or customer-scale, and can be used to dampen high energy prices, to provide backup for emergency purposes, and/or to provide electricity when renewable generation is not operating (e.g., at night when solar is not generating,

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-2

or during periods of calm winds). Batteries (e.g., Tesla Powerwall), pumped hydro, ice, hot water heaters, and electric vehicles can be used as storage.

14 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2019. “EIA Monthly Survey Tracks U.S. Power Plant Additions - Today in Energy,” accessed March 27. Available at

15 Bloomberg New Energy Finance. 2018. “U.S. Coal Plant Retirements Near All-Time High.” Retrieved from:

16 Pfeifenberger, Johannes. “Investment Trends and Fundamentals in US Transmission and Electricity Infrastructure,” n.d., 19.

17 Vasquez, Christian. “Renewables beat coal for 1st time ever on quarterly basis” EnergyWire. April 2, 2020.

18 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. 2019. Available at:

19 This description includes liquified natural gas or LNG.

20 Colburn, Theo, et al. 2011. For the public health impacts of chemical exposure from natural gas operations. "Natural gas operations from a public health perspective." Human and ecological risk assessment: An International Journal 17.5: 1039-1056. Colburn, Theo, et al. 2014. For an exploratory study of the air quality impacts of natural gas operations in a rural western Colorado area. "An exploratory study of air quality near natural gas operations." Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal 20.1: 86-105.

21 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2018. “The United States now produces nearly all of the natural gas that it uses.” December 3. Available at:

22 One example of a jurisdiction implementing a policy to reduce reliance on natural gas is the City of Berkeley, California, which recently approved a law banning natural gas infrastructure in new low-rise residential buildings. Other California cities are considering electrification ordinances. (Musulin, Kristin. 2019. “Berkeley sets historic law banning natural gas from new buildings.” Utilitydive. July 18. Available at: On the state level, New Jersey’s draft Energy Master Plan seeks to end natural gas use in buildings by 2030, and clean electricity policies have sprouted up in eight states plus Washington DC and Puerto Rico. (See also: Myers, Amanda. 2019. “As Cities Begin Banning Natural Gas, State Must Embrace Building Electrification Via Smart Policy.” Forbes. 2019. Available at:

23 The global warming potential of natural gas is 21 times higher than CO2 in a 100-year timeframe:

24 Henchen, M., and K. Kroh. “A New Approach to America’s Rapidly Aging Gas Infrastructure.” January 6, 2020. Rocky Mountain Institute. Available at:

25 National Association of State Energy Officials and Energy Futures Initiative. 2019. The 2019 U.S. Energy & Employment Report. Available at :

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-3

26 Ibid.

27 Ibid.

28 Ibid.

29 Ibid.

30 Christopherson, S., N. Rightor. 2015. Confronting An Uncertain Future: How US Communities are Responding to Shale Gas and Oil Development. Book chapter in Our Energy Future: Socioeconomic Implications and Policy Options for Rural America, Don E. Albrecht, editor. Routledge Studies in Energy Policy series. Oxford, UK and New York: Routledge.

31 1.3 million excludes employment in retail trade (gasoline stations and fuel dealers). National Association of State Energy Officials and Energy Futures Initiative. 2019. The 2019 U.S. Energy & Employment Report. Available at :

32 IndexMundi. Access to electricity (% of population – North America., accessed April 3, 2020.

33 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2019. “Average Frequency and Duration of Electric Distribution Outages Vary by States - Today in Energy,” accessed March 26,

34 Larsen, P., K. LaCommare, J. Eto, J. Sweeney. 2015. “Assessing Changes in the Reliability of the U.S. Electric Power System.” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

35 Avista Corp. 2019. 2018 Electric Service Reliability Report.

36 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2019. “Average U.S. Electricity Customer Interruptions Totaled Nearly 8 Hours in 2017 - Today in Energy.” Accessed March 26.

37 Kenward, A., U. Raja. 2014. “Blackout: extreme weather, climate change and power outages”. Found at:

38 American Society of Civil Engineers 2017. 2017 Infrastructure Report Card: Energy. Available at

39 Proximity to transmission lines is also a significant consideration for new, utility-scale renewable assets.

40 Wilson, A., Patterson, J., Fink, K., Wasserman, K., Starbuck, A., Sartor, A., Fleming, J. 2011. Coal blooded: putting profits before people. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People: Baltimore, MD.

41 There are also concerns downwind of the plant, as air currents can carry air pollution hundreds of miles away.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-4

42 See, as examples: Los Angeles Times. August 9, 2016. PG&E is found guilty of obstructing

investigators after deadly 2010 pipeline blast. Available at: New York Times. May 7, 2019. After Gas Explosions in Massachusetts, Gas Company Settles for $80 Million. Available at:

43 For a map of shale gas plays, see:

44 The Conversation. 2017. Trucks are destroying our roads and not picking up the repair cost. Available at:

45 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2019. “Investor-owned utilities served 72% of U.S. Electricity customers in 2017.” Today in Energy. Available at

46 2013. Natural Gas Distribution. Available at:

47 U.S. Department of Energy Office of Policy. 2015. Quadrennial Energy Review First Installment: “Transforming U.S. Energy Infrastructures in a Time of Rapid Change.” Available at

48 In states where utilities both generate and distribute electricity, the link from customers (or ratepayers) to power plant owners is direct. In restructured states, however, the impact of development, construction, and maintenance on the rates that consumers pay can be less direct. Electricity prices in restructured states are determined in wholesale markets, in procurements for standard offer service by the utility or state (power supply offered by electric utility companies to a customer who does not choose an alternative, competitive electricity supplier) or in markets for retail power supply. For more information on restructuring, see National Regulatory Research Institute, “The Electric Industry at a Glance,” William Steinhurst, PhD, Synapse Energy Economics, January 2011, available at

49 See, Regulatory Assistance Project. 2015. Smart Rate Design for a Smart Future,

50 Lazar, J., P. Chernick, W. Marcus, M. LeBel. 2020. Electric Cost Allocation for a New Era: A Manual.

51 American Society of Civil Engineers. 2017. 2017 Infrastructure Report Card: Energy. Available at ASCE’s 2017 Infrastructure Report Card (blog), accessed March 25, 2019,

52 Lazar, J. 2016. “Electricity Regulation in the US: A Guide. Second Edition.” Montpelier, VT: The Regulatory Assistance Project. Retrieved from regulation-in-the-us-a-guide-2.

53 In many places, ratepayers who own rooftop solar systems are credited for the excess solar energy they provide to the grid through net metering. Net metering refers to a process where consumers who install their own renewable energy generation are paid for that generation – though the amounts and how the process works (bill credits or cash payment) varies a great deal across locales. In many places, there is an ongoing conversation about how much consumers selling solar

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-5

energy back to utilities should be compensated. This is a particularly salient issue for investor-owned utilities that are facing decreased revenues and the potential for obsolescence as a result of small-scale power generation.

54 U.S. Department of Energy. “Electricity 101.” Accessed March 15, 2019.

55 Ibid.

56 Nebraska has a public service commission, but it does not regulate electricity.

57 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1990 Clean Air Act Amendment Summary. Accessed December 31, 2019. Lazar, J. 2016. Electricity Regulation in the US: A Guide. Second Edition. Montpelier, VT: The Regulatory Assistance Project. Retrieved from regulation-in-the-us-a-guide-2.

58 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. History of the Clean Water Act. Accessed December 31, 2019.

59 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Summary of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Accessed December 31, 2019.

60 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Summary of the Clean Air Act. Available at:

61 U.S. EPA. Summary of the Clean Water Act. Available at:

62 U.S. EPA. Summary of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. Available at:

63 U.S. EPA. Superfund. Available at:

64 Elliott, Elise G., et al. 2017. "A systematic evaluation of chemicals in hydraulic-fracturing fluids and wastewater for reproductive and developmental toxicity." Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 27.1: 90.

65 Natural Resources Defense Council. 2018. We Could Do a Lot More to Regulate Fracking. Available at: See also: U.S. EPA. 2019. “Unconventional Oil and Natural Gas Development,” available at:

66 See, as examples: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. 2016. Marcellus Shale. Available at: Reuters, October 7, “Pennsylvania adopts new fracking regulations.” Available at: New York Times, 2014, “Citing Health Risks, Cuomo Bans Fracking in New York State,” December 17. Available at:

67 FERC. August 14, 2018. What FERC Does. Available at:

68 FERC. August 15, 2018. Federal Statutes. Available at:

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-6

69 Importantly, the FERC can overrule state and local decisions. See Archibong, Miriam and Russell

Kooistra. First Circuit Finds FERC Certificate Preempts Application of Local Ordinance to Deny Gas Pipeline Project Permit. Blog post: April 3, 2019.

70 American Geosciences Institute. June 1, 2018. “Transportation of Oil, Gas, and Refined Products.” Available at:

71 U.S. Department of Transportation. February 26, 2018. “Fact Sheet: Marine Terminals.” Available at:

72 U.S. BLM. “Oil and Gas Leasing.” Available at:

73 The District of Columbia and Puerto Rico also have commissions.

74 States have broad discretion for small air quality sources (some do not regulate them at all), and states with unhealthy air quality typically require more stringent emission standards and conditions than the federally required minimum.

75 RAP conversations with air quality regulators, October 2019.

76 See, for example: The Boston Globe. October 1, 2015. “In fight over local pipelines, US usually gets its way.” Available at:

77 There is currently no consumer advocate dedicated to matters before FERC, so those proceedings do not routinely include representatives of the public unless one or more state commissions or state consumer advocates intervene. (Lazar, J., 2016. Electricity Regulation in the US: A Guide. Second Edition. Montpelier, VT: The Regulatory Assistance Project. Retrieved from regulation-in-the-us-a-guide-2.)

78 This study considered participation by African-Americans in the governing process of the cooperatives for which information was available and verifiable in the southern United States, including the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. While the study does not appear to be peer-reviewed, it suggests an area that needs further investigation.

79 The negative health effects of various pollutants, and the timeframe over which those effects occur, may likewise not be understood. For example, mercury emissions from a power plant build up slowly in human tissue, while fine particle pollution increases mortality over both the short and long terms. The research on the serious impacts of fine particle pollution dates back over 20 years. Harvard’s ”Six Cities” study was one of the first to show increased mortality and other health impacts from fine particles. Fine particles are created from combustion of any fossil fuel. Background at:

80 The Vogtle plant in Georgia is one example which is being opposed by the Partnership for Southern Equity. See: Lynn Freehill-Maye. 2019. “Vogtle opponents get new chance to press case in court as plant manager reprimanded for firing whistleblower.” Utility Dive, October 31. Available at:

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-7

81 Some materials provide guidance on effectively navigating the decision-making process. See, e.g.,

“Building an Effective Community Natural Gas Task Force,” available at

82 It is notable that many of the consultants hired by project proponents worked for the agency or commission previously. Government agencies and commissions cannot match the pay scales of the private sector, and attrition is common. This can result in undue influence on the PUC and on the outcomes of proceedings. For more on regulatory capture, see:

83 Energywire. July 16, 2019. “Tribes accuse BLM of shutting them out on drilling decisions.” Available at:

84 In 2018, about 26 million acres of federal land were under lease to oil and gas developers. See: U.S. BLM. “About the BLM Oil and Gas Program.” Available at:

85 For example, see: Earthjustice. December 7, 2018.” Ignored and Infuriated, Pawnee Stop Illegal Fracking Plans on Tribal Lands.” Available at:

86 Bhattacharya, J., et al. 2003. "Heat or eat? Cold-weather shocks and nutrition in poor American families." American Journal of Public Health 93.7: 1149-1154.

87 Kontokosta, C., V. Reina, and B. Bonczak. 2019. “Energy Cost Burdens for Low-Income and Minority Households.” Journal of the American Planning Association, DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2019.1647446.

88 Drehobl, A., L. Ross. 2016. Lifting the High Energy Burden in America’s Largest Cities: “How Energy Efficiency Can Improve Low Income and Underserved Communities.” ACEEE.

89 Energy insecurity is the inability to adequately meet basic household heating, cooling, and energy needs over time. Hernandez et al. describe energy insecurity as a multi-dimensional problem, reflecting physical elements (deficient and inefficient housing structures), economic elements (disproportionate share of household income allocated to utility expenses), and coping elements (energy-related coping strategies that could potentially compromise the quality of the home environment and have negative health consequences). (Hernandez, D., Y. Aratani, Y. Jiang. 2014. Energy Insecurity among Families with Children. National Center for Children in Poverty.)

90 One study of homelessness in Kentucky found that over 20% of homeless were made so because they were unable to pay their energy bills and had had their service disconnected. See: Woods, W. K., et al., "Homelessness and Low-Cost Housing in Northern Kentucky," Northern Kentucky Coalition for the Homeless and Applied Information Resources, 1990, cited in J. Howat and Jerrold Oppenheim, Analysis of Low-Income Benefits in Determining Cost-Effectiveness of Energy Efficiency Programs, National Consumer Law Center, p. 41, footnote 67, Boston, April 1999, available at

91 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2018. “One in three U.S. households faces a challenge in meeting energy needs.” Today in Energy, September.

92 Ibid.

93 Ibid.

94 Predominantly minority neighborhoods are defined as census block groups where the percentage of non-Hispanic white population is less than the citywide average. (Kontokosta, C., V. Reina, and B.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-8

Bonczak. 2019. “Energy Cost Burdens for Low-Income and Minority Households.” Journal of the American Planning Association, DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2019.1647446.)

95 This study defined high energy burden as spending more than 10 percent of income on utilities, and high rent burden as more than 30 percent of income on rent. (Hernandez, D., Y. Jiang, D. Carrion, D. Phillips, Y. Aratani. Housing hardship and energy insecurity among native-born and immigrant low-income families with children in the United States. J Child Poverty. 2016 ; 22(2): 77–92).

96 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2018. “One in three U.S. households faces a challenge in meeting energy needs.” Today in Energy.

97 Hernandez, D., Y. Aratani, Y. Jiang. 2014. Energy Insecurity among Families with Children. National Center for Children in Poverty.

98 Carliner, M. 2013. Reducing Energy costs in rental housing, Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University, research brief; found at:

99 Hernández, D., S. Bird. 2010. “Energy Burden and the Need for Integrated Low-Income Housing and Energy Policy,” Poverty & Public Policy 2, no. 4 (November 2010): 5–25,

100 Ross, Lauren, A. Drehobl, B. Stickles. 2018. The High Cost of Energy in Rural America: Household Energy Burdens and Opportunities for Energy Efficiency. ACEEE.

101 Ross, L. et al., 2018.

102 Eichelberger, L. Palen. 2010. Living in Utility Scarcity: “Energy and Water Insecurity in Northwest Alaska.” American Journal of Public Health: Vol 100, No. 6.

103 Kallay, Jennifer, A. Napoleon, M. Chang. 2016. Opportunities to Ramp Up Low-Income Energy Efficiency to Meet State and National Climate Policy Goals. 2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings Conference paper.

104 Ibid.

105 Bird, S., D. Hernández, “Policy Options for the Split Incentive: Increasing Energy Efficiency for Low-Income Renters,” Energy Policy: 48 (September 1, 2012): 506–14,

106 Hernández, D. “Sacrifice Along the Energy Continuum.”

107 Sabol, Patrick. From Power to Empowerment: Plugging Low Income Communities into the Clean Energy Economy.

108 In setting time-of-use rates, it is important to consider impacts on vulnerable populations to avoid negative health impacts on these groups. (White, L. and N. Sintov. 2019. “Health and financial impacts of demand-side response measures differ across sociodemographic groups.” Nature Energy.)

109 Lazar, J. 2016. Electricity Regulation in the US: A Guide. Second Edition. Montpelier, VT: The Regulatory Assistance Project. Retrieved from regulation-in-the-us-a-guide-2.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-9

110 Whited, M., T. Woolf, J. Daniel. 2016. Caught in a Fix: The Problem with Fixed Charges for Electricity.

Synapse Energy Economics:

111 Power System Engineering, Inc. 2014. Survey: Electric Cooperative Fixed Cost Recovery. Available at

112 Whited, Melissa, Tim Woolf, and Alice Napoleon. 2015. Utility Performance Incentive Mechanisms: A Handbook for Regulators. Synapse Energy Economics.

113 Utilities in Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina are allowed to request that ratepayers pay for construction costs before a plant is completed. This is referred to a “construction work in progress” or CWIP. Such practices are not consumer-friendly, as the PUC relies on the utility to determine what costs are justifiable. Steve Mufson, December 2017, “Georgia Regulatory Staff Calls the Last Nuclear Project in the U.S. Uneconomic.” The Washington Post. Retrieved from:

114 Trabish, H. August. 2019. “As co-ops struggle with stranded fossil fuel assets, Tri-State may finally embrace the energy transition.” Utility Dive.

115 Gheorghiu, I. 2019. “Rural co-op transition to renewables impeded by coal financing obligations, NGOs find.” Utility Dive. July 8.

116 As an example of this, Sunflower Electric Power Corp. and Mid-Kansas Electric Company recently merged. “Sunflower Electric Power Corp. and Mid-Kansas Electric Company merge.”

117 Lazar, J. 2016. Electricity Regulation in the US: A Guide. Second Edition. Montpelier, VT: The Regulatory Assistance Project. Retrieved from regulation-in-the-us-a-guide-2.

118 LIHEAP Clearinghouse. “Energy Assistance Includes Utility Programs.” Available at:

119 Tonn B., Rose W., Hawkins B., Conlon B. 2014. “Health and household-related benefits attributable to the weatherization assistance program.” Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Env Sciences Division. ORNL/TM-2014/345. See also, E4TheFuture, "Occupant Health Benefits of Residential Energy Efficiency."

120 All-cost-effective mandates require the utility or other program administrator to pursue all savings which the value of their benefits meets or exceeds their costs (as opposed to setting a budget first, and then determining how much savings are achievable for that funding amount).

121 Natural Resources Defense Council. February 27, 2017. Report: “Low-Income Renters Face Barriers to Clean Energy.” Available at:

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-10

122 See RAP. 2013. “Recognizing the full benefit of energy efficiency.” Available at:

123 Cost-effectiveness testing compares the value of a unit of energy saved to the cost of supplying that unit using conventional, grid-based resources.

124 For example, in areas with Energy Efficiency Resource Standards, utilities are able to claim the savings toward their goals.

125 Woolf, Tim, W. Steinhurst, E. Malone, and K. Takahashi 2012. Energy Efficiency Cost-Effectiveness Screening: How to Properly Account for ‘Other Program Impacts’ and Environmental Compliance Costs. Synapse Energy Economics. Available at:

126 ACEEE web portal on low-income energy efficiency programs:

127 Weston Berg et. al., October 2018 “The 2018 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard.” American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. Retrieved from:

128 Non-energy benefits include externalities such as improvements in air quality, lower health costs, reduced arrearages and bad debt, reduced costs of shutoffs, higher productivity, and improved comfort. (RAP. 2013. “Recognizing the full benefit of energy efficiency,” available at:, and Woolf, Tim, E. Malone, F. Ackerman. 2014. Cost-Effectiveness Screening Principles and Guidelines for Alignment with Policy Goals, Non-Energy Impacts, Discount Rates, and Environmental Compliance Costs. Synapse Energy Economics for Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships. Available at

129 EPA’s benefit per kilowatt tool:

130 See RAP. 2013. “Recognizing the full benefit of energy efficiency.” Available at:

131 Migden-Ostrander, RAP, personal communication.

132 For example, Vermont’s ”one touch” program coordinates lower income families receiving energy upgrades with health and social services. More information is available at:

133 See also, ACEEE web portal on low-income energy efficiency programs:

134 For more information on joint energy and health programs, see VEIC 2019. Energy-Plus-Health Playbook. Available at

135 For example, the Philadelphia, PA/Wilmington, DE-based Energy Co-ordinating Agency (ECA) focuses on structural repairs to homes that then enable residents to take advantage of energy efficiency programs. Many low-income households (up to 65% in Philadelphia) live in dwellings that are structurally unsound such that they cannot be weatherized. The ECA projects also improve the health of residents, as leaky and structurally unsound buildings also are correlated with many

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-11

negative health effects. ECA also provides job training services for local residents. (Energy Coordinating Agency, main web portal. Retrieved from:

136 Financing programs are likely not a good option for the lowest-income Americans, whose debts

typically exceed their assets and who generally have little liquidity.

137 California Public Utilities Commission. CSI Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing (MASH) Program. Available at, accessed January 3, 2020.

138 Environmental Defense Fund. February 2018. Low-Income Energy Efficiency. Retrieved from

139 Zahra, February 2016. “Connecticut Program Makes Solar Affordable to Low-Income Families.” Inside Climate News. Retrieved from:

140 Clean Energy Group, December 2016. “McKnight Lane: A Rural, Low-Income, Zero Energy Solar+Storage Housing Project.” Retrieved from:

141 Michigan energy co-op; and Steele-Waseca co-op, free water heater with solar panel:

142 Steele-Waseca co-op, Minnesota. Retrieved from: and

143 Personal communication with Janine Migden-Ostrander of Regulatory Assistance Project, former Ohio Consumer Advocate. February 8, 2019.

144 Caperton, R., M. Hernandez. 2013. The Electrical Divide: “New Energy Technologies and Avoiding an Electric Service Gap.” Center for American Progress.

145 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2016. “EIA data show average frequency and duration of electric power outages.” Today in Energy, September 12. Available at:

146 Personal communication with Janine Migden-Ostrander of Regulatory Assistance Project, former Ohio Consumer Advocate. December 17, 2019.

147 “Frompower_to_empowerment.Pdf,” accessed March 26, 2019,

148 Sunter, D. A., S. Castellanos, D. M. Kammen, 2019. “Disparities in Rooftop Photovoltaics Deployment in the United States by Race and Ethnicity,” Nature Sustainability 2, no. 1 (January 2019): 71–76,

149 Some of these differences can be attributed to household income and lower rates of home ownership. However, one study found that these differences do not account entirely for the differences in solar adoption. Correcting for median household income, this study found that census tracts with an African American racial majority have installed 69 percent less rooftop PV compared with tracts that do not have a racial majority. Hispanic-majority census tracts have installed 30 percent less than no-majority tracts, while white-majority census tracts have installed

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21 percent more. The authors find a similar result when correcting for home ownership: compared to no-majority census tracts, African American-majority census tracts installed 61 percent less rooftop PV; Hispanic-majority tracts have installed 45 percent less; and white-majority census tracts have installed 37 percent more. One theory to explain lower adoption among African American communities is that majority African American Census tracts are more likely to have no households with rooftop solar, and therefore there is less social exposure to the concept, leading to lower adoption. The researchers found that Latino tracts are about as likely as white tracts to have any solar installations, and therefore Latino tracts may be moving towards greater adoption. The researchers also hypothesized that fewer African American people employed in the solar industry may also be limiting adoption in these communities. (Sunter, D. A., S. Castellanos, D. M. Kammen, 2019).

150 For example, in Maine electric utilities cannot shut off any customer’s power between Nov. 15 and April 15 without permission from the Maine Public Utilities Commission because of health and safety concerns during cold-weather months. (

151 Maui Smart Grid Project. Managing Distribution System Resources for Improved Service Quality and Reliability, Transmission Congestion Relief, and Grid Support Functions. Available at

152 Goodkind, Andrew L., C. W. Tessum, J. S. Coggins, J. D. Hill, and J. D. Marshall 2019. “Fine-scale damage estimates of particulate matter air pollution reveal opportunities for location-specific mitigation of emissions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Available at:

153 Thind, M., C. Tessum, I. Azevedo, and J. Marshall. 2019. “Fine Particulate Air Pollution from Electricity Generation in the US: Health Impacts by Race, Income, and Geography.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53, 23, 14010-14019. November 20, 2019.

154 Tessum, C., J. Apte, A. Goodkind, N. Muller, K. Mullins, D. Paolella, S. Polasky, N. Springer, S. Thakrar, J. Marshall, and J. Hill. "Inequity in consumption of goods and services adds to racial-ethnic disparities in air pollution exposure." PNAS March 26, 2019 116 (13) 6001-6006.

155 Yale University. June 2013. “Coal Pollution and the Fight for Environmental Justice, an interview with Jacquline Patterson of the NAACP.” Yale Environment 360, available at:

156 Hernández, D. 2015. “Sacrifice Along the Energy Continuum: A Call for Energy Justice,” Environmental Justice (Print) 8, no. 4 (August 18, 2015): 151–56,

157 Vollet K. 2015. “The health impact of fracking: occupational risks.” MOJ Public Health; 3(1):219–225. Available at:

158 These constraints exist for water and air quality regulation. According to a report by the Environmental Law Institute, more than half of the states had “no more stringent” provisions in their laws – meaning they cannot be more stringent than the Federal Clean Water Act. (Environmental Law Institute. 2013. “State Constraints: State-Imposed Limitations on the Authority of Agencies to Regulate Waters Beyond the Scope of the Federal Clean Water Act”).

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-13

159 Reid, H., M. Alam, A. Berger, T. Cannon, S. Huq, and A. Milligan. 2009. “Community-based

adaptation to climate change: an overview.” Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change. International Institute for Economic Development.

160 Klinger, C., O. Landeg, V. Murray. 2014. “Power Outages, Extreme Events and Health: A Systematic Review of the Literature from 2011-2012.” PLOS Currents Disasters, January 2, available at

161 Ibid.

162 Milken Institute School of Public Health. 2018. Ascertainment of the Estimated Excess Mortality from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.

163 Querolo, Nic and Brian K Sullivan. 2019. “California Fire Damage Estimated at $25.4 Billion.” Bloomberg, Oct. 28.

164 Del Valle, Gaby. 2018. “The fires in California highlight — and worsen — the state’s income divide.” Vox. Nov. 15.

165 RAP webinar with air quality regulators, October 2019.

166 Of the states that do consider broader issues with the siting of facilities, a few states, like Washington, also include smaller facilities for these reviews in sectors like power plants. See,

167 California Assembly Bill 617, 2017. Retrieved from:

168 California Air Resources Board, “Community Air Protection Blueprint” web portal,

169 California Environmental Protection Agency, “California Climate Investments to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities” web portal,

170 The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. 2018. “Investment of RGGI Proceeds 2016.” Retrieved from:

171 James, Chris and Ken Colburn. 2017. Retooling Regulation: Integrating Environmental and Energy Planning through a Multi-Pollutant “E-Merge” Approach (presentation).

172 St. John, J. 2019 “California Proposes $100M in Energy Storage Incentives to Boost Wildfire Resiliency.” Greentech Media, August. Retrieved from:

173 Washington Senate Bill 5116, signed by Governor Inslee July 2019.

174 Roberts, D. 2019. “A Closer Look at Washington’s Superb New 100% Clean Electricity Bill.” Vox, April (written before the bill was enacted, but only minor changes in language occurred between

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-14

when this article was written and when it was signed by the Governor). Retrieved from:

175 Synapse Energy Economics. 2019. Net Zero Energy Roadmap for the City of Burlington, Vermont. Burlington Electric Department. Available at:

176 For an example of tools that are available to communities seeking to reform co-op practices, see: Rural Electric Cooperative Election Toolkit:

177 Hodge, Legal review concerning the use of health impact assessments in non-health sectors. The health impact project and ASU O’Connor school of law,

178 E4TheFuture. 2019. Energy Efficiency Jobs in America. Available at

179 Ibid.

180 Forbes. April 22, 2019. “Renewable Energy Job Boom Creates Economic Opportunity As Coal Industry Slumps.” Available at:

181 Environmental Defense Fund. 2018. “In Demand: Clean Energy, Sustainability, and the New American Workforce.” Available at:

182 Solar Foundation. 2019.,

183 Muro, Mark, A. Tomer, R. Shivaram, J. Kane. April 2019. Advancing inclusion through clean energy jobs.

184 Forbes. December 3, 2018. “Plunging Prices Mean Building New Renewable Energy Is Cheaper Than Running Existing Coal.” Available at:

185 Greentech Media. November 1, 2018. Report: “US on Track for Record Coal Retirements in 2018, With More on the Way.” Available at:

186 For an exploration of the effects of natural gas operations on regional employment and income, see: Weber, Jeremy G. "The effects of a natural gas boom on employment and income in Colorado, Texas, and Wyoming." Energy Economics 34.5 (2012): 1580-1588.

187 U.S. DOE Office of Policy. 2017. Transforming the Nation’s Electricity System: The Second Installment of the QER. Chapter V.

188 Forbes. 2019. “Renewable Energy Job Boom Creating Economic Opportunity As Coal Industry Slumps.”

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-15

189 Haggerty, J., M. Haggerty, K. Roemer, J. Rose. August 2018. Planning for the local impacts of coa l

facility closure: Emerging strategies in the U.S. West.

190 Meter, Ken, Megan Phillips Goldenberg. 2015. Critical Analysis of Economic Impact Methodologies. Illinois Public Health Institute. Available at:

191 Muro, M., A. Tomer, R. Shivaram, J. Kane. April 2019. Advancing inclusion through clean energy jobs.

192 Laborers’ International Union of North America 2019.

193 Muro, M., A. Tomer, R. Shivaram, J. Kane. April 2019. Advancing inclusion through clean energy jobs.

194 Ettenson, L. March 18, 2019. Clean Energy Jobs Still Lead, But Worker Diversity Needed. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. Available at:

195 City of Austin, Texas, Press Release, “Community Grant Program Aims to Increase Access to Austin’s Green Jobs”, August 2019. Retrieved from:

196 CSI Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing (MASH) Program. Available at:

197 GRID Alternatives. January 2019. Single-family Affordable Homes (SASH) Program: Semi-annual Program Status Report. Available at:

198 (p. 11); Heeter, J., L. Bird, E. O'Shaughnessy, S. Koebrich. 2018. Design and Implementation of Community Solar Programs for Low- and Moderate-Income Customers. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-6A20- 71652., p. 5.

199 The semi-annual report says: “SASH installation includes either a team of volunteers from the local community or graduates from job training programs. In addition, each sub-contracted installation requires at least one job trainee to participate in the project, as a paid worker learning valuable skills.” (Grid Alternatives 2019. Single-family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH) Program: Semi-annual Program Status Report).

200 Available at: See also Patti Poppe’s, CEO of Consumer’s Energy Michigan, speech on working on job transitions in October 2019, available at

201 Harris, R. August 2019. From an Extraction Economy to an Attraction Economy. Available at:

202 Interview with Kevin Pranis, Minnesota & North Dakota Marketing Manager, Laborers’ International Union of N. America.

203 For example, the EPA Region 10 office initiated an effort to work with tribal governments, especially those in Alaska, using coordinators. The utility that serves the tribe could also initiate such an effort. The coordinator should be physically located in the tribal nation, and preferably be a member of the tribe themselves.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-16

204 Sterling, J. et. al. 2013. “Treatment of Solar Generation in Electric Utility Resource Planning .”

National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Report number: NREL/TP-6A20-60047, December 2013. Retrieved from:

205 The Partnership for Southern Equity has Just Energy Circles designed to help advocates understand energy policy and siting decisions. See,

206 California Code GOV Section 65040.12. Available at: See also, a web portal describing California’s environmental justice requirements is available at:; Washington State Environmental Policy Act (1971) available at:; Overview of WA SEPA available at:

207 “Environmental Justice Comments on the Millennium Bulk Terminal Draft Environmental Impact Statement”, submitted by Stand, Sierra Club and Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility to the Washington Department of Ecology and the Cowlitz (WA) County EIS team. Available at: Originally six coal export terminals were proposed for Washington and Oregon ports. The involvement of environmental justice and environmental advocates has resulted in zero of these terminals being permitted, with some cities passing a ban on such facilities. For history see: “Permitting Coal Export Terminals in the Pacific Northwest”, the Sierra Club, Available at:

208 The citizen science movement is gaining momentum with advances in air monitoring technology. We highlight two efforts to educate student and parents here. One effort has just begun on air monitoring at 13 Denver elementary schools in the Love My Air program. See: Another involves teaching students in grades 6-8 about energy use and water quality with a civic engagement focus. This is documented by Condon (Loyola) and Wichowsky (Marquette) in ”Developing Citizen Scientists – effects of an inquiry based scient curriculum on STEM And Civic Engagement” in the Elementary School Journal, Vol 119, Number 2, Oct 19, 2018, U of Chicago press.

209 Personal knowledge of and over 35 years of air quality experience by James, C. RAP.

210 See, Whited, Melissa, Tim Woolf, and Alice Napoleon. 2015. Utility Performance Incentive Mechanisms: A Handbook for Regulators. Synapse Energy Economics. See also, Littell, David, Camille Kadoch, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Max Dupuy, Brenda Hausauer, Carl Linvill, Janine Migden-Ostrander, Jan Rosenow, Wang Xuan, Owen Zinaman, and Jeffrey Logan. 2018. Next-Generation Performance-Based Regulation.

211 For a comprehensive report on performance-based ratemaking, see: Aggarwal, S., E. Burgess. 2014. New Regulatory Models. Available at: For a more recent primer on outcome-based, program-based, and action-based performance incentive mechanisms, see: Woolf, T., J. Hall, M. Whited. 2018.” Earnings Adjustment Mechanisms to Support New York REV Goals:

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-17

Outcome-Based, Program-Based, and Action-Based Options.” Synapse Energy Economics. Available at:

212 See,

213 These alternatives include energy efficiency, renewable energy, and new technology like electrification (e.g., converting from fossil fuel heating to heat pumps that offer heating and cooling with improved efficiency using electricity that will improve over time as the grid becomes cleaner).

214 The Institute for Market Transformation is one NGO that is focused on building efficiency and making data accessible and available for tenants and building owners through codes, data systems, and data analysis. Their efforts to explore landlord/tenant relationships can be explored here


216 RGGI website,

217 Yale University. 2020.

218 Hibbard, PJ., S.F. Tierney, P.G. Darling, S. Cullinan. 2018. The Economic Impacts of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative on Nine Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States. The Analysis Group. Available at:

219 Abt Associates. 2017. Analysis of the Public Health Effects of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, 2009-2014.

220 Analysis Group, 2018. Available at

221 A recent study shows a variety of terms and definitions in use by RGGI states to denote disadvantaged communities and consumers, including: low income, working poor, asset-limited, income restrained, socially vulnerable with regard to climate change impacts, environmental justice communities, minority, socially disadvantaged or disadvantaged communities, under-represented or under-resourced, residents with a high health disparity or health inequities (Herb, J. and M. Kaplan. 2019. Field Notes: Equity & State Climate Policy. Prepared for the RGGI Project Series: The Environmental Analysis & Communications Group, Rutgers University Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, and the Rutgers Climate Institute, p. 39. Available at:

222 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Inc. 2019. The Investment of RGGI Proceeds in 2017.

223 States use a variety of environmental justice definitions, building from the U.S. EPA’s Environmental Justice‐Related Terms As Defined Across the PSC Agencies ( (MA, NJ, NY, and MD).


225 Herb, J. and M. Kaplan, 2019.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-18

226 Herb, J. and M. Kaplan, 2019, p. 34.

227 Id, p. 2.

228 Id, p. 27.



231 Abt Associates. 2017. Analysis of the Public Health Effects of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, 2009-2014.

232 Acadia Center. 2017. Strengthening RGGI to Improve Public Health. Available at

233 Transportation and Climate Initiative of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States.



236 Virginia’s adopted RGGI rule includes a requirement that the state “evaluate impacts of the program…including economic, energy, and environmental impacts on vulnerable and environmental justice and underserved communities” as well as a plan that ensures “increased participation of environmental justice communities in the (program) review” (Herb, J. and M. Kaplan. 2019, p.36)

237 The current PIPP electric rules are located at: The current PIPP gas rules are located at Both sets of rules are going through a proceeding (as of November 2019), with revisions expected to be finalized by early 2020.

238 The current PIPP electric rules are located at: The current PIPP gas rules are located at Both sets of rules are going through a proceeding (as of November 2019), with revisions expected to be finalized by early 2020.

239 Background notes based on personal conversation on 15 November 2019 between Christopher James (RAP) and James Williams (Ohio Consumer Council).

240 James interview of PIPP staff.

241 The exact definition of “third party” will be included in the regulatory revisions. But a “third party” could be a CAA, a church, or another family member who could pay the utility bill on behalf of the PIPP customer.

242 Cost-effectiveness tests present an opportunity area in Ohio (and in many states) in terms of the types of tests that states use and their analytical procedures. Excluding societal benefits and looking at costs and benefits by each measure, rather than bundling them to reflect how programs actually operate, often makes individual measures “fail” cost-effectiveness tests, especially for measures applied to rental properties. For non low-income customers, EE cost-effectiveness tests apply, and measures with benefit-cost ratios less than 1.0 are not deployed.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-19

243 Energy Choice Ohio web site comparing rate plans of companies providing natural gas services to

residential customers. Available at:

244 Brockway, N., J. Kallay, E. Malone. 2014. Low-Income Assistance Strategy Review: Options for the design and implementation of ratepayer-funded assistance programs for low- income electricity customers. Prepared by Synapse Energy Economics for the Ontario Energy Board.

245 Ibid.

246 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, State PBF/USF History, Legislation, Implementation: Colorado, 2016.

247 Consolidated Edison, “Help Paying Your Bill,”

248 The Total Resource Cost (TRC) test is applied; EE measures must achieve a TRC ratio of 0.91 or higher to be eligible for installation on low-income customers. While this ratio does allow consideration of measures that are not cost-effective (i.e., measures with a ratio of 1.0 or higher would provide more economic benefits than their cost to install), it would exclude some measures that would help to reduce low-income customer’s energy bills. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), “Guidelines for Low-Income Energy Efficiency Programs.”

249 It is likely that the straight-forward payment terms will be adjusted to make them more attractive and beneficial to customers.

250 Rocky Mountain Institute. 2015. A Small Iowa Town Embraces Energy Independence. Available at

251 United States Census Bureau. 2019. American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Available at (Reported data are for 2017.)

252 Rocky Mountain Institute. 2015. A Small Iowa Town Embraces Energy Independence. Available at

253 The City of Bloomfield Iowa. 2019. Residential Energy Use Map. Available at

254 The City of Bloomfield Iowa. 2019. Utility Rates. Available at

255 Wind, T., J. Logan, B. Haug. 2014. Energy Independent Community. The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities for the City of Bloomfield, IA.

256 Ibid.

257 Ibid.

258 Ibid.

259 Ibid.

260 Rocky Mountain Institute. 2015. A Small Iowa Town Embraces Energy Independence. Available at

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-20

261 Wind, T., J. Logan, B. Haug. 2014. Energy Independent Community. The Iowa Association of

Municipal Utilities for the City of Bloomfield, IA.

262 Rocky Mountain Institute. 2015. A Small Iowa Town Embraces Energy Independence. Available at

263 Wind, T., B. Haug. 2014. Energy Independent Community. The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities for the City of Bloomfield, IA.

264 Wind, T., J. Logan, B. Haug. 2014. Energy Independent Community. The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities for the City of Bloomfield, IA.

265 Ibid.

266 Ibid.

267 Rocky Mountain Institute. 2015. A Small Iowa Town Embraces Energy Independence. Available at

268 Ibid.

269 The City of Bloomfield Iowa. 2019. “Residential Energy Use Map.” Available at

270 Wind, T., J. Logan, B. Haug. 2014. Energy Independent Community. The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities for the City of Bloomfield, IA.

271 Wind, T., J. Logan, B. Haug. 2014. Energy Independent Community. The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities for the City of Bloomfield, IA.

272 The City of Bloomfield Iowa. 2019. “Solar Array Production.” Available at; The City of Bloomfield Iowa. 2019. “A Journey to Energy Independence.” Available at

273 Aaberg, A., M. Donahue, J. Farrell. 2019. Voices of 100%: “Small Iowa Town Pushes for Energy Independence.” Institute for Local Self-Reliance. Available at

274 Wind, T., J. Logan, B. Haug. 2014. Energy Independent Community. The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities for the City of Bloomfield, IA.

275 The City of Bloomfield Iowa. 2019. Residential Energy Use Map. Available at

276 Aaberg, A., M. Donahue, J. Farrell. 2019. “Voices of 100%: Small Iowa Town Pushes for Energy Independence.” Institute for Local Self-Reliance. Available at

277 Ibid.

278 The U.S. Corporation for National and Community Service. City of Bloomfield FY 2015 Operation AmeriCorps. Accessed December 26, 2019. Available at

279 Ibid.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-21

280 Aaberg, A., M. Donahue, J. Farrell. 2019. Voices of 100%: Small Iowa Town Pushes for Energy

Independence. Institute for Local Self-Reliance. Available at

281 Ibid.

282 American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. “On-Bill Energy Efficiency.” Accessed December 31, 2019.

283 Wind, T., J. Logan, B. Haug. 2014. Energy Independent Community. The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities for the City of Bloomfield, IA.

284 Wind, T., J. Logan, B. Haug. 2014. Energy Independent Community. The Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities for the City of Bloomfield, IA.

285 Ibid.

286 Ibid.

287 Xcel also delivers natural gas to customers in Minnesota and four other states.

288 Drake, T., D. Scott. 2019. Performance Metrics for Xcel Energy’s Electric Utility Operations. Great Plains Institute. Available at:

289 Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes. 2019. 2019 Minnesota Statutes: 216B.16 Rate Change; Procedure; Hearing. Available at:

290 Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. 2017. Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Order. Available at:{ECF405E1-C848-4D03-BBE3-91BA3DD17B96}&documentTitle=20176-132748-01. Docket No. E-002/CI-17-401, In the Matter of a Commission Investigation to Identify and Develop Performance Metrics and, Potentially, Incentives for Xcel Energy’s Electric Utility Operations.

291 Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. 2019. Order establishing performance metrics. Available at:{0082456D-0000-CA1F-9241-23A4FFF7C2FB}&documentTitle=20199-155917-01.

292 Drake, T., D. Scott. 2019. “Performance Metrics for Xcel Energy’s Electric Utility Operations: 2019 Stakeholder Engagement Process, Meeting 1 Summary Report.” Great Plains Institute. Available at:

293 Havey, K. 2019. “Re: Xcel Energy Performance Metrics.” The City of Minneapolis, Division of Sustainability. Available at:

294 U.S. Energy Information Administration. 2018. “One in three U.S. households faces a challenge in meeting energy needs.” Today in Energy. September 19. Available at:

295 Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. 2019. Order establishing performance metrics. Available at:{0082456D-0000-CA1F-9241-23A4FFF7C2FB}&documentTitle=20199-155917-01.

296 Ibid.

Energy Infrastructure: Sources of Inequities and Policy Solutions for Improving Community Health and Wellbeing C-22

297 Ibid.

298 Xcel Energy. 2019. Proposed Metric Methodology and Process Schedule on Performance Metrics and Incentives. Available at:{A025276E-0000-C611-824F-D1573C3FE154}&documentTitle=201910-157094-01.

299 Scott, D. 2018. Summary of e21 Roundtable Meetings convened by the Great Plains Institute. Great Plains Institute. Available at:

300 Call with Stacy Miller, Program Coordinator in the Division of Sustainability for the City of Minneapolis.

301 Farnsworth, D., Shipley, J., Sliger, J., and Lazar, J. 2019. Beneficial electrification of transportation. Montpelier, VT: Regulatory Assistance Project. Retrieved from

302 Pressgrove, J. 2019. “Investing in Digital Equity: The Case for Broadband Expansion.” Governing, October 25. Retrieved from

303 Kit Carson Electric Cooperative. n.d. “About Kit Carson Internet.” Retrieved from

304 Institute for Market Transformation. n.d. “Putting Data to Work Toolkit.” Available at

305 “A microgrid is a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid. A microgrid can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid-connected or island-mode.” Berkeley Lab. (2019). “About Microgrids.” Available at:

306 Green Mountain Power’s Resilient Home pilot:, accessed Feb. 28, 2020.

307 Using ARRA funding in 2007 and later, MassDEP demonstrated the viability of reducing municipal energy costs for water supply and treatment in a number of towns. This work has since been expanded in other states, e.g., New Hampshire and beyond. Available at, accessed Feb. 28, 2020.

308 U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR. “Energy Efficient Products: Clothes Washers.”, accessed Feb. 28, 2020.

309 The rate structure used by Fort Collins, Colorado is a good example. Fort Collins uses a rate structure that provides one rate for any usage up to 700 kwh per month with a low customer fixed charge less than $7 and an on peak charge for limited hours that is four times the off-peak rate that varies with summer and winter.

310 Partnership for Southern Equity. “Just Energy Circle.”, accessed Feb. 28, 2020.