cops nab bizarre prospect park poachers

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  • 8/4/2019 Cops Nab Bizarre Prospect Park Poachers


    This man was caught poaching

    last year.

    Community Newspaper Group / StephenBrown

    Wildlife advocates Anne-Katrin

    Titze and Ed Bahlman

    discovered turtle traps last year.

    555Like 116

    July 29, 2011 / Brooklyn news / Park Slope / Meadows of Shame

    Cops nab bizarre

    Prospect Park poachersBy Natalie ONeill

    The Brooklyn Paper

    Cops have busted a group of oddball poachers in Prospect

    Park a band of vagrants that was trapping and eating ducks,

    squirrels and pigeons.

    Parks officers wrote four tickets two for killing wildlife and

    two for illegal fishing totaling $2,100 in fines during atwo-day period last week.

    The city would not immediately release details of the incidents, which occurred on July 17 and 18

    just days after park-goers told rangers about a Beverly Hillbillies-like scene on the southeast

    side of the lake, near the ice skating rink.

    This is a dodgy group, said park-goer Peter Colon, who spotted one of the men catching a pigeon

    while his friend started a fire. They are the most threatening people in the park.

    The disheveled and possibly homeless tribe in question uses makeshift fishing poles and

    traps to catch the critters, then grills them over the fire, according to park watchdogs.

    One woman uses a net to bag the ducks, said wildlife advocate Johanna Clearfield.

    Wildlife advocates have long pushed the Parks Department to crackdown on illegal hunting and

    fishing in Prospect Park especially after a stunning array of cases in which geese and cygnets

    were injured by illegal barbed fishhooks and lure.

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    MEAN STREETS: City: Brooklynleads the cycling boom

    MUSIC: What you want babyshe got it!

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    In the most-dramatic case, a plucky little goose who lost the top half of his beak to a fishhook

    earned him endless sympathy and the nickname, Beaky.

    The fishing and hunting ticket blitz comes while park-goers collect and document large mounds of

    fishing wire, claiming waterfowl are frequently get tangled.

    And its not the first time that poachers have been busted. Last year, park-goers confronted a man

    after spotting him catching fish and secreting them into a bag a violation of the citys catch-

    and-release rules.

    After being confronted, the man dumped the dead fish back into the lake.

    The new poaching busts bring to mind last years wave of animal murders by the so-called Butcher

    of Prospect Park, whose death toll included waterfowl, chickens, turtles and a goat.

    For now, wildlife advocates were hailing this months busts.

    The fact that theyre ticketing is great its so badly needed, said goose lover Mary Beth Artz.

    I hope they keep it up.

    2011 Community Newspaper Group



    PattyA from Manhattan says:

    Another reason why it is so important for people to monitor and be aware of what is happening in

    public parks.

    Bravo to the aware park goers for bringing these matters to light and demanding that wildlife be

    protected and law breakers penalized.

    And thanks to the "watchdog" Brooklyn Paper for exposing and covering these critical matters --

    including the roundup and gassings of 368 geese from Prospect Park last year.

    Saskia from Kensington says:

    Ticketing helps? Really? I don't know how i would approach it but i can not imagine these "bizarre

    poachers" caring much about tickets.. ..

    David from PLG says:

    Maybe the hillbillies would consider geese?

    kron from prospect park says:

    Anne thought you were in Paris last week buying shoes. Interesting.

    Peter Colon from slope says:

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    I said that man looked like he was going to grab pigeon but left when he noticed I was watching.

    That people with makeshift pole people were from different group than group man was from you

    have pictured. This is not a makeshift pole.

    caption says:

    The poacher in the photi is from last year.

    caption says:

    The poacher in the photo is from last year

    Kaitlynn from Blooklyn says:

    Calling black people nabs is racist and anachronistic. And why do you assume all criminals are

    black? I'm sure that some aren't.

    Ellen from Ditmas Park says:

    Maybe they were hungry.

    Drew from Fort Lauddy says:

    I am the Pigeon. The Eagle. The eye.


    Aisha from world says:

    Poaching... ? hunting fools! We need food for survival!!! Shame on those locked in a capitalist


    Ann from Park Slope says:

    I have noticed a real diminishing of the squirrel population in the park and blamed it on last winter's

    severe weather. Who are these nuts? And why were they not arrested? They have no money anyway

    so what is a ticket to them? There are charities and soup kitchens. Anyone who feels they have to

    eat wildlife has an agenda. They should be in prison or in a mental hospital.

    MW from park slope says:

    These people are just hungry. . . what's the big deal?

    NY from SoSlo says:Stupid hipsters.

    Scott from Manhattan says:

    They were probably just trying to eat... Its better than them robbing and panhandling... Not everyone

    can afford food... What r they suppose to do?

    Rina Deych, RN from Boro Park says:

    Only tickets? They should have been arrested. To my knowledge, poaching of wildlife is a

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    misdemeanor. It SHOULD be a FELONY, like torture and abuse of (albeit certain) companion

    animals is. We are a speciesist society. Most of us love our little FiFis and FooFoos but don't are

    blissfully ignorant to the suffering of farm animals or wildlife. I hope that we, as a species, evolve

    to include all animals in our circle of compassion.

    Rina Deych, RN

    Vegan Nurse / NY State Wildlife Rehabilitator

    NYC Parent from PLG says:fishing totaling $2,100 in fines during a two-day period last week."

    Great response from do nothing "law enforcement" in P Park.

    Writing tickets to homeless people does absolutely nothing. They will be ignored, unpaid, and

    provide no deterrence.

    The Park "Officers" apparently couldn't be bothered to make an arrest, which is the only way that

    there would be any consequence.

    Reminder: how many tickets were written in all of Prospect Park for the flagrantly illegal BBQs innon BBQ areas in the past two years?

    A: Zero (as covered in this paper).

    The illegal BBQs also actually kill century old trees, in addition to being a garbage nightmare.

    I've asked Park Officers about this, and I've been told directly "We're told not to write tickets for


    Someone needs to look into why no one enforces the law in Prospect Park.

    Are the Park Officer jobs essentially "no show" political favors?

    Why is this force so ineffectual and unmotivated?

    Rina Deych, RN from Boro Park says:

    Scott, what they are supposed to do is go to a soup pantry and apply for assistance (shelter, food

    stamps, etc.). I have a friend who is homeless. He WORKS and buys his own (vegan) food. In spite

    of his homelessness, he works tirelessly to help others (both people and other animals). Granted, he

    is a rarity, but certainly they can find SOME help without killing the wildlife and destroying the


    Rina Deych, RN

    Rich from Brklyn says:

    Welcome to Obama's Amerika

    Rich from Brklyn says:

    PS get used to it!

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    Devin from Oregon says:

    Out here we murder animals all the time for food. We call it hunitng and we never go hungry. It's

    about time you city people learned some skills to keep you alive during the coming Obama greatest


    Gene from Manhattan says:

    People are more importannt than animals.

    Jon from Manhattan says:

    Rina, you sound like a crazy person.

    Why is killing pigeons and squirrels a problem, especially if they get eaten in the end?

    Fred from NY, NY says:

    Useless cops stopping homeless from eating, yet another violation of our rights. Add it to the list of

    govt violations of our rights:

    They violate the 1st Amendment by placing protesters in cages, banning books like America

    Deceived II and censoring the internet.They violate the 2nd Amendment by confiscating guns.

    They violate the 4th and 5th Amendment by molesting airline passengers.

    They violate the entire Constitution by starting undeclared wars for foreign countries.

    Impeach Obama, vote for Ron Paul.

    (Last link of Banned Book):

    William from The South says:

    I'm a hillbilly, although not a Brooklyn one. There needs to be a place there when you can fish and

    keep the fish. Why not make it so at that park? The state dept. of fish and game can keep it stockedwith catfish. It's the way the rest of the country does it.

    Spanky from Kenya says:

    Clearly, this is Bush's fault.

    Fact from LA says:

    A mans gotta eat.

    Fact from LA says:I pretty sure animals were placed on earth for hungrey people to eat.

    Fact from LA says:

    Now if they were killing for sport give them a ticket.

    Regulas says:

    We have a bunch of nuisance geese in our local park you can gladly take. All the do is crap


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    Pablo from Suburban says:

    Give them credit -- @ least they had the initiative to do something for themselves rather than

    standing in a street corner waiting for a handout

    Patrick from Louisville,KY says:

    About the only thing wrong with the Hillbillies hunting is using fishing gear to catch the water fowl.

    Just about any city is loaded with ducks, geese, squirrels and rabbits. THAT IS FOOD.Have a moratoreum on food stamps for a month and let everyone experience a little self suffiency.

    Unca Mike from Bklyn Hts says:


    bandejo from brooklyn says:

    Pigens are a nuisance and there are far too many of them in the city. These people are hungry aqnd

    are eating food that is available. They could eat pigeons for all three meals for the next 100 yrs and

    would not put a dent in their population.

    It is not like they are killing eagles or other endangered species. Squirrels and fish--Give me a breaklet them be self sufficient and provide their own food. They are innovative and not lazy.Leave them


    To clarify my position I feel that all beggers and panhandlers should be gotten off the street and

    begging shoucd be prohibited. If you are going to allow it as we have these people are within their

    rights and should be left alone. Ban it or live with the consequences.

    Critter from Outside of DC says:

    Urban Survivalists are urgently needed in Virginia. Please send them here and let them live in peace

    so we can be rid of all these stinking geese.

    Fran from Shawnee says:

    I wish I could get rid of the entire population of squirrels, chipmunks, possums and rodents.

    Good for the poachers!

    Rodney from Pennsylvania says:

    Instead of harassing the Beverly Hillbillies, you people might want to watch and learn. Because

    no matter whats happens in DC this weekend, this economy is going to implode, and you people

    will have no idea how to feed yourselves.

    Fran from Shawnee says:

    Geese and ducks need a control, namely a gun

    louie from sheepshead bay says:

    How are vagrants going to pay a fine ?

    Fran from Shawnee says:

    These people would be rewarded in my neighborhood. They are only trying to feed themselves and

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    not doing it out of spite.

    The earth worshipers, yeah the 60s crowd and their children, should go to another planet!

    tater says:

    Anyone that says that they have a homeless friend isn't much of a friend.

    john doe from indiana says:

    Don't worry after obama gets done with this country we will all be out scavenging for food.

    VagrantsEatery from ThePark says:

    If desperate for something other than possum, the ticketing officials might be good eats if desperate.

    Wonder what the fine is for that one?

    Come on, in the old days, most of us lived like this and being a theoretically a rich NYer was

    extremely rare if ever and now it's the reverse.

    If things gets worse, what is NY residents going to do with few backup economic plans to follow


    Allan W from Berbs says:

    Hungry vagrants are feeding themselves. What's the problem with that? They wouldn't need to hunt

    game and fish for food if the local people would feed them. If the locals are not willing to do that,

    let them shut their faces and not complain about how others feed themselves.

    Nativam from Fresno says:

    Yes, Pablo, let's give them that much credit. Now the next step, with that much initiative, is to get

    serious about getting a job or starting a business and pay the fine. If that's too much to bear, then

    they need to stand in line at the soupkitchen and wait to be served.

    Sal from Williamsburg says:

    They are in trouble now. Michele Obama doesn't approve of their high fat meal. Next time, eat the


    Bryon from Yelm says:

    I say good for them, they are taking care of themselves. For those of you that have a problem with

    homeless people feeding themselves maybe you can encourage your elected officials to stop

    sending BILLIONS of dollars to countries that HATE us and put it to good use in our own country.

    JamesD from Topeka says:

    At least they were getting their own food and not looting my tax dollars with food stamps and

    welfare. And you yanks are nuts. You had an injured animal named Beaky going around without a

    beak? Thought it was cute? You should have put it out of its misery. That's sick. Anyhow, leave the

    homeless alone. Someone actually complained because they were catching and eating pigeons?


    Steven from NYC says:

    Oh yeah, tickets will surely put a stop to this. I'm sure the bizarre poachers are warning all their

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    bizarre poaching friends right now and telling them to stop poaching....or they'll get a ticket too.

    Nativam from Fresno says:

    You got a point Sal from Williamsburg.

    allan from Toronto, Canada says:

    What do you want from these folks? They are hungry and they need to eat. It reminds me of the way

    British royalty and land-owners would forbid the poor from hunting on their lands in Britain! I say to

    hell with the government and let these people hunt and forgae for their food.

    JohnRalph from Texas says:

    Obama, just like all of histories great Socialist (Gods) leaders. Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min,

    Hitler. who brought death and misery to tens if not hundreds of millions of humans.

    Allan W from Berbs says:

    Rina, you are threat to humanity. You ought to be locked up in a cage so your life-threatening ideas

    are not allowed to spread like a malignant disease.

    Randy from Glendale says:

    There are is enough federal, state and local taxes going to provide food for anybody who wants. In

    addition, there are numerous non-profit and church locations that give away food so there is nobody

    in this country that should be hungry. This was their choice to break the law, but we live in a mostly

    lawless society, so they can get away with it with a ticket that will never get paid.

    Mike from Georgia says:

    Poor people have a right to eat. You would not arrest a starving child for stealing an Apple, why

    arrest a homesless person for eating a duck? Have a heart.

    Mel from Virginia says:

    Let them hunt. It's part of Obama's hope and change.

    I'm surprised Bloomberg isn't checking if they are applying too much salt to the squirrel.

    Sunny from Meadowlands says:

    I'm annoyed by the name calling, "hillbilly". If he was a minority and was being described using a

    minority slur, most of you would be very vocal about it. How come it's all right to call a white man

    a hillbilly?

    Oh, and atleast he's doing something about his dire situation. If you can't afford food, you hunt for


    blancojoe from Texas says:

    Squirrels are tree rats. Anyone who wants to kill them and eat them is alright by me. By the way,

    doesn't Brooklyn have lots and lots of places where the so-called "homeless" can eat all the freebies

    they want?

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    M from Earth says:

    When the aminals are all gone, these folks will start eating the fine upstanding citizens currently

    ranting at them. Hilarious good thing ya'll ain't coming out to the country when this civilization fails.

    RodT from Wyoming says:

    There might be a plan here. Get caught catching the gov fish and get a ticket, dont pay and go to

    jail where you get 3 meals a day and free medical care, TV, a weight room, clean cloths and a placeto sleep! No longer homeless!

    Mel from Virginia says:

    I grew up in Queens and now live in rural Virginia where

    squirrel hunting, deer hunting, rabbit hunting are very popular even among people with MDs and


    Their equipment is more upscale and the food prep is more impressive as well as the taste.

    As the economy continues to slide, those who can handle a hunting rifle or shotgun will have a leg

    up on the urban elite.

    GoGreen from Greenlawn says:

    Well isn't that what the enviros like WWF and Greenpeace want us to do? Al Gore's minions want

    to eliminate nearly all energy use and return to a hunter gatherer society, so I'd see these folks as the

    vanguard of the Al Gore future. Their progeny will rule the earth as the rest of you soft modernists

    will not survive without Safeway, Kroger, or Piggly Wiggly. Look and learn America!

    Entitled says:

    At least they are working to get food! Not waiting for dole outs from the government :-)

    Nativam from Fresno says:

    Allan from the Burbs: Rina is no threat to me. Are you out there destroying the park which was built

    by the sweat of the people of Brooklyn for their children and future generations?

    Palin Smith from Saneville, NY^ says:

    When everyone is homeless, destitute and hungry, the police will be shooting their own squirrels to

    feed their families. Don't get in their way!

    Nativam from Fresno says:

    Blanco Joe from Texas, squirels and rats are two different animals. That's why I don't feed the rats.

    Citizen Soldier from USA says:

    More evidence of change you can believe in.

    Baillie from Entropy House says:

    Homeless (assumed)= vagrants

    Hungry (fact) = heartless

    Value = zero until Election Day

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    Judgment: Let them eat Mud and Old Boots!

    Who Is John Galt? from Galt's Gulch says:

    So, how's that "Hope and Change" working out for you?

    Gloating Rich Guy from Chelsea says:

    It was Michael Vick.

    Doug from Oklahoma says:

    Im siding with the animal murders I myself have killed and eaten a large variety of animals, quail,

    fish, rabbits, not to mention the animals I have eaten that other animal murders have killed for me,

    beef, deer, shrimp, duck, etc. Ive never eaten squirrel, geese or pigeons, but Ive never been

    homeless and starving, I would like to condemn the vagrants myself, but Im not sure what my future

    holds in this new economy that our politicians have created for me, it may well be that I will be in

    the park in the future murdering animals to survive.

    Fran from Shawnee says:Geese in the city are nothing but a nuisance! They road block, honk and do their refuse all over! Kill


    steve smith from NYC says:

    Dont be stupid. The people are clearly homeless and hungry. Id eat ducks and pidgons too if I were

    hungry. True testimony of our "economic recovery."

    fishergirlusmc from rockaway says:

    I only wish all the people who have been getting free breakfast and lunch for their kids for 10

    YEARS would learn from these "hillbillies" They actually come around in trucks and go to theparks to make sure the little monsters eat. If little Shaniqya does not like her free breakfast and

    lunch, she throws it right on the ground. Give her a fishing rod and a net and show her how to fish!

    Let them live off the land. Mayor Doomberg is rounding up all the geese and gassing them anyway,

    why not let them be eaten?

    Nativam from Fresno says:

    Michael Vick ate pit bulls.

    Joe from Eastside says:


    These people should have the right to hunt and kill anything they want. If they aren't allowed to do

    so, then the govt needs to give them three square meals....I mean lets get back to nature here....they

    are just trying to survive. Remember, it could be you out there, so always be careful what you wish

    for.....dont think it couldnt happen to you.

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    Fran from Shawnee says:

    "And that goes for your little pigeons too!!"

    Edgar from Hunts Point says:

    How many of these "poachers" are illegal aliens?

    Fran from Shawnee says:

    "Nativam from Fresno says:

    Michael Vick ate pit bulls."


    Nativam from Fresno says:

    To Steve Smith from NYC: yes, they are clearly homeless and hungry but that's probably by choice.

    Robin from Kentucky says:Jail(house) them, and provide at our expense food, heat, A/C, hot water, medical, education,

    entertainment et al


    maybe we should do that for our citizens first rather than felons

    Lynn from not a hillbilly says:

    Ahhh the hope and changed we were promised.

    Thanks Obama!

    Patriot's Dad from Fla. "GATOR Country"... says:

    Modern day Robin Hoods; nothing more & nothing less persecuted by the Sheriffs of Gotham...

    Doug from Oklahoma says:

    I think a government approach should be taken, double the fines! And when they clearly cant pay,

    the community can pay to jail them, and when a judge determines they dont have enough room in

    the prison for petty criminals and they are released, and go back to trapping tree rats and mud

    turtles and are caught again then triple their fines! And start the process all over.

    Ak from Parkside says:

    Before the crackheads moved into the neighborhood, all we had to worry about was the gunshots. So

    keep your eyes open, they trance around with their puppies now.

    Teresa from Brooklyn says:

    "Murder" is a term applied only to human beings. The writer of this article needs to open a

    dictionary or go back to school.

    Vegan Bacon from America says:

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    Beverly Hillbillies? These are New Yawkers! They are foraging from their new settlement. Call it

    Obamaville. Welcome to your future.

    Baillie from Entropy House says:

    Perhaps they could be restricted to rats? (With a caution that "rats" means the four-legged variety.

    Otherwise, local politicians might go missing.)

    But no, this is NYC: there's probably a Rat Catchers Union...

    dan from brooklyn says:

    and just how many pigeons are there...a few grilled to help someone hungry should be just

    fine...frickin liberals...will walk on a homeless family to help an animal

    anon says:

    stock the parks with chickens

    Hank Henshaw from Park Slope says:How are homeless people going to pay the tickets? Will they even bother to try? This is a lousy


    Nativam from Fresno says:

    To Patriot's Dad: Be very discerning about that Robin Hood crap we've all seen and heard. He was

    glorified by his fellow thieves and by people who are thieves at heart. The money he stole was for

    himself, first of all. To ease his conscience, he gave some to people more miserable than himself.

    Even a Marxist friar went along with it. (Of course he didn't know he was a Marxist since Karl Marx

    came later.) And I doubt that Robin Hood looked like or was as dashing as Errol Flynn.

    Lee from Everywhere says:

    Starving homeless people will eat what they can to survive. These are not people who choose to be

    homeless and eat wild animals, they are dealing with the situation they are in. This is the breakdown

    of society and it will become much worse.

    Nativam from Fresno says:

    "Obamaville". That's good.

    FredJohnson from Jamiaca says:

    I wouldn't protest this too much. These guys will simply get a court order allowing them them to ply

    their trade...and then every Tom, Dick, and Harry will join them.

    Let them have their lifestyle - we're all TOLERANT now, aren't we?

    Doug from Oklahoma says:

    When the dollar is severely devalued, when our credit rating goes down, and interest rates rise,

    when Obama is reelected, then we will see some truly interesting things. Like people poaching

    Buffalo from Yellowstone State Park, Shanty towns along major rivers, people living in the National

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    Parks, its going to be great!

    Lauren from America says:

    People gotta eat.. I'd probably ask them to teach me how to trap something. If the economy tanks

    and grocery stores don't have food on the shelves, these guys would be just fine. I say live and let

    kill. Every other species does it.

    Lauren from America says:

    People gotta eat.. I'd probably ask them to teach me how to trap something. If the economy tanks

    and grocery stores don't have food on the shelves, these guys would be just fine. I say live and let

    kill. Every other species does it.

    Hunter Gatherer from The Earth says:

    When I was laid of last year, we turned our suburban front yard into farm land, crops... chickens,

    etc. I turned my roof into a garden and created a grey water system. We kill squirrels and deer and

    eat them. We are sometimes forced to kill possums when they come after the chickens.

    There is little point in living in NYC if the animals do not observe property boundaries, and...

    filologo from minneapolis says:

    Pigeons are wild life? Give me a break! There should be an open hunting season for pigeons; they

    are city pests and surely they are not wild life. Poachers should be paid for each pigeon they grill.

    Allan W from Berbs says:

    Nativam, how is eating wildlife ruining the park?

    There is one improvement that could be made. Because these people must fish and hunt

    surreptitiously they are forced to use primitive means that cause more suffering to their prey than

    need be. if they were allowed to use proper methods of hunting their prey would suffer less. There

    are a number of ways this could be done without injuring other park users.

    Kati from FL says:

    Wait didn't it say they were possibly homeless? So ticketing them..... .. because they so care about

    that. How about more time is spent watching those areas and offering to A) take the persons in

    question to a food kitchen if they are hungry, or option B) arresting them. Maybe if more money

    were invested in helping tackle homelessness some of these problems would become lesser. If they

    aren't homeless and just out illegally hunting /fishing, check to see if they have prior unpaid tickets.

    If so arrested them. If not ticket and forcibly remove them from the park. Post their pictures in the

    park so other park goers can have a look. Nothing like a little public shame.

    Nativam from Fresno says:

    To Lee from Everywhere: Many of the homeless choose to be homeless, like the trappers in the

    park. They are obviously physically and mentally able to hunt and gather. Working is a bit more

    stressful and that's what they are avoiding, viz. stress. But stress can make us stronger too. I believe

    the Pilgrim Father's had it right. Their rule was that HE WHO DOESN'T WORK, DOESN'T EAT.

    Of course other people wanted to support them VOLUNTARILY they could.

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    SSN 042-68-4425 from CONNECTICUT says:

    Why does the number above belong to Barry?

    He NEVER lived in CT.

    Another 5 letter word for fraud...





    Nativam from Fresno says:

    Right on, Doug from Oklahoma.

    Plainandtall from homeland says:

    "animal murders"?!! The word "murder" applies to humans only, NOT animals. This world is

    becoming a scary place when people equate animals to humans- it's sick. Also, "fishing wire"?! I've

    done some fishing in my life and have always used "fishing LINE"- who writes this crap?!

    AGRICULTURE should be a required class for EVERY student in high school. People think grocery

    stores magically produce food and don't have a clue where their food actually originates from-


    Craig from Michigan says:

    Those wildlife advocates happily go buy a Five Guys fat burger for lunch after ticketing the

    homeless people using traditional methods to put food on the table. Pure hypocrites. Hunting and

    fishing is perfect. Get out there.

    Craig from Michigan says:

    "Wildlife advocate" = HSUS = Animal Rights organization looking for free press and donations to

    pay their pensions.

    Jim from Crescent bay says:

    I think most of you city dwellers may find that poaching small animals may become the new norm.

    Hard to say for sure what this " new economy/ summer of recovery " will bring to us goingnforward

    but it would seem to this suburban dweller that it will not be pretty...just consider for a moment

    what your street/ neighborhood/ city would look like after a week with no power or food deliveries.

    Having shot and eaten small game you might wanna pay attention to how it is done as the

    opportunity to use this skillet may arrive sooner than you think....

    Good luck to all.

    Nativam from Fresno says:

    To Hunter Gatherer from the Earth: Good for you, sir!! The neighbors and the city have no business

    telling you that you can't grow food on any part of your property, especially when you have been

    laid off.

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    Kathy from Indiana says:

    My great-great-grandfather got in major hot water (articles in Brooklyn Eagle) for grazing his cattle

    in Prospect Park. Looks like some things never change!

    HPS from Ingels Park says:

    Leave them alone at least they are WORKING for their food.. hunting for food is as old as the

    caveman.. At least these people are smart enough to know if you want food you have to work forit.. hunting IS work..

    norman west from forest hills says:

    the bums should be thrown in jail to eat 3 bologna sandwiches a day or have their hands cut off and

    fed to the squirrels......

    sailordude from Realityville says:

    So many thoughts about this....

    First it's in a community paper but if it had happened under Bush, AP news would be running it.

    Under Obama, lets keep it low key.Second These people sound like the same people who dumpster dive for thrown out supermarket

    food. I thought being cheap was a good thing to the communists who hate our capitalist system?

    Pigeons are free and taste good. I've ordered them in restaurants before.

    Third, when I grew up in NYC in the 60's and 70's, people fished in the Hudson and kept the stuff

    they caught (mostly eels), you can't do that anymore? Give me a break.

    Fourth, expect more trends like this to take place if you stupid serfs keep reelecting Obama and his

    crony liberals.

    Tom from El Playon says:

    That's what you guys get for closing Tavern on the Green....

    Nativam from Fresno says:

    Allen from the Burbs, sir: A neighborhood park with its sweet animals is a refuge, a little retreat for

    the hard-working families and their children and many adults who want a little break. They enjoy the

    wildlife and didn't come to watch a lot of foul mouthed rude squatters dirtying up the place.

    LCSOBadBoy from Cleveland says:

    They gave homeless people tickets for eating wildlife-well now they will have toliet paper!

    Larry from Alabama says:

    Dang, they got ticketed for that? I shoot squirrels and birds in my yard every day and cook them for

    dinner. Oh thats right, ya'll folks in Brooklyn actually voted to have your freedoms taken away.

    TN outdoors from Rural area says:

    Before all is said and done,we all just might be out fishing,hunting for food.leave it to Obama.

    Laura from Sanity says:

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    Get off your high horse and give these people some credit. They're doing something for themselves

    instead of begging for it or sucking on the government teet. They're one step above people living in

    government housing and on food stamps and welfare payments if you ask me. Still able to do

    something for themselves instead of expecting complete strangers to do it for them. When the

    welfare state collapses, there's gonna be a lot of people wishing they'd learned how to do this.

    Naja from The Wrong Planet says:

    As a child when we didnot have any food to eat my auntie went into the woods and brought backrabbits, squirrel, muskrat and other wildlife that was advailable for the seven us of us could eat.

    The U.S. had been in receivership since 1933 and according to The Bankruptcy of the U.S.(look-it

    up on google) of the people are living in a communistic/socialist society. We are going back to

    feeding ourselves any way that we can. It's servival time.

    barry from sunset park says:

    how could this happen

    Obama is President people were saying all will be right with the world

    Pastor GR from VA says:

    I don't normally comment on any article, because it's usually an emotional outcry from one side or

    the other. However, I feel that I must give my 2 cents worth on this one.

    I have read so many replies that talked about if they were homeless or couldn't afford food then

    there are soup kitchens for that, or that they could apply for aide and food stamps. Now

    understanding that these are completely viable options, I also understand that the premise behind

    succumbing to this means of provision goes against the principles of what this great Nation was

    founded on and fought numerous wars to uphold.

    How far our thinking has been moved from the days when John Smith said "you don't work you

    don't eat". What would have happened to the settlers and founders had they waited for a handout.

    Now fast forward to today's problem we see in our legislature. How much crisis would be averted if

    someone reminded Americans that their rights of freedom were life, liberty, and the pursuit of

    happiness. These are individual rights, not rights for someone else to give to them. Let me "splain"

    that a little better for some of you. All of these require action on the individual's part. Otherwise are

    you not merely existing?

    I am not condoning the breaking of laws, especially in the case where these laws are in place to

    protect the God given rights of other individuals. I am saying however that if in fact these folks were

    homeless and in fact taking their own initiative to feed their families and themselves (all of which is

    speculation), then I say they should be headlined across America. Saying look citizens of the great

    United States of America, let these men and women remind us that with ingenuity and self

    accountability we can and will persevere and continue to be great!

    Max from Nowhere near NY! says:

    You can't murder animals.

    You can, however, deny people food, which is the rich man that ignored Lazurus the beggar outside

    the gate, and wound up in hell - the rich man had his good things in this life and cared not for

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    another. Luke 16:19-31.

    I read these stories to see if there is repentance, or what is coming. For some, nope, not yet!

    Doug from Oklahoma says:

    If Nativam ever found himself down on his luck he would never trap those poor sweet animals

    in the park. He would prefer to trap the human animal; he would do it by an honest means, like

    filing a lawsuit against a neighbor, or getting a government check, getting in on a littleredistribution of wealth from our pockets to his? Hard working people have what is called

    empathy for humans first, then animals, Im sorry, the vagrants have destroyed your view of the

    park, and by the way I like sweet animals too, they are the best served hot on my plate.

    Rocco from Williamsburg says:

    Starving homeless people who can't afford to buy their food from the price-gouging industrial

    complex have every right to eat any way they can. The city DOES NOT OWN the animals living in

    or landing in the park. And what do these morons do? They give them a ticket. THEY'RE

    HOMELESS! They're killing their own meals! With what money are they going to pay these fines?

    Mindless idiots...

    Liberal Lester from Lost says:

    We can learn from these people. Then when the big crash comes, we'll be ready.

    Ferdo from from the Shore says:

    As long as they don't huntig humans, leave them alone.

    Dusty from 3rd street says:

    City doesnt care if they can pay or not, debts owed = money in the bank or rather black on the

    balance sheet. How many parking tickets do you think actually get paid?

    Ivan Yurkenov from Colorado says:

    If these "oddball poachers" were instead, shop-lifting bread and peanut butter from your

    neighborhood grocery, you bleeding-hearts would be lining up to justify THEFT from a merchant.

    BUT, because these "band of vagrants" are harvesting food from God's breadbasket, you scream

    bloody murder.

    At least these "oddball poachers" and "band of vagrants" show a little gumption and fend for

    themselves instead of relying on the Government to take from me that which I earn, in order to give

    it to them.

    I'll never understand New Yorkers -- and that's a GOOD thing!


    PeterP from Neverland says:

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll be well fed in prison.

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    Critter from Outside DC says:

    At least they aren't eating road kill. In

    Tennessee it's legal to do that now.

    Roni from Sac Town says:How is ticketing these people really going to accomplish anything? The story is talking about

    vagrants that catch the animals and eat them. Do these officers think these people can pay for a

    ticket when they can't even afford food. Why not try to help them find a near bye shelter or soup

    kitchen instead?

    Ivan Yurkenov from Colorado says:

    Laura from Sanity says:

    Get off your high horse and give these people some credit. They're doing something for themselves

    instead of begging for it or sucking on the government teet. They're one step above people living in

    government housing and on food stamps and welfare payments if you ask me. Still able to do

    something for themselves instead of expecting complete strangers to do it for them. When the

    welfare state collapses, there's gonna be a lot of people wishing they'd learned how to do this.

    Today, 2:06 pm

    Ivan says: Right on, sister, RIGHT ON!!!

    May God smile on you while you journey on!


    stonedome from jersey says:

    beverly hillbillies? more like brooklyn's the end result of the leftist lack of common

    sense when dealing with vagrants and the "homeless"

    Doug from Oklahoma says:

    The right to exist trumps all other laws, Declaration of Independence unalienable rights, that

    among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. People will give up their Liberty for

    Life, we are hardwired to try to exist, Mao Zedong and others instituted a lot of laws, I would

    violate one and all laws to try and feed myself and my family if it did not endanger my fellowhuman beings. I would starve myself before I would take bread from another man to feed myself, if I

    were hungry, killing a pigeon in a park would not violate my conscience, no matter what the law. I

    value human life above animal life, animals are pretty, but many of them are also food, they like

    some who have posted here dont have souls. Ive been hungry, Ive seen what hungry people will

    do, human being suffering brings out the truth in a person, and it reveals them for what they truly are

    good or evil.

    testeburger from Maui says:

    People in this county SHOULD be trying to take care of themselves by hunting and fishing when

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    they don't have enough $$ for food. It's better than asking for a hand out from our (not so rich)

    Uncle Sam. Its really very sad that you people value a goose over a hungry person....

    Ivan Yurkenov from Colorado says:

    I stand by all of my comments, and as I am a life-long member of PETA -- PEOPLE EATING

    TASTY ANIMALS -- I know of what I speak!!!


    DivineMoments from Twitter says:

    They sound self-sufficient to me! They don't want any government handouts.. Leave them alone!

    bitters from the real world says:

    What a bunch of pathetic do know that there are people in THIS nation who are short

    on resources to buy food..let alone, provide a proper place to prepare it.

    I had heard you were all bleeding hearts..guess not so much..especially when it gets smelly and

    nasty in YOUR neighborhood.

    Your 'quality of mercy' certainly isn't possess none.

    Wolfen from Brooklyn says:

    If you really want to ban pouching you need to be serious about the fines. Just fine them $1000 for

    a initial creature and then $500 and for each additional after that. Cannot pay? Well, check their

    source of income, and get it from there. You got to be serious about it of you really want things


    Bruce Hemming from ND says:

    speciesist= MADE up word the animal rights fruitcake use. Let's see the country is heading for the

    Great Depression 2 and all you people are crying about animals and fish.???? You know the Eco

    cults have sue the Government over fake endangered species have collected in 1 five year period

    4.7 Billion dollars from the tax payers. No wonder the country is going broke and starving people

    are eating fish and animals.

    Colorado says:

    bitters from the real world says:

    What a bunch of pathetic do know that there are people in THIS nation who are short

    on resources to buy food..let alone, provide a proper place to prepare it.

    I had heard you were all bleeding hearts..guess not so much..especially when it gets smelly and

    nasty in YOUR neighborhood.

    Your 'quality of mercy' certainly isn't possess none.

    Today, 2:49 pm


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    Ivan replies:

    Careful there, bitters, it's near blasphemy to call out those tolerant, bleeding-heart Liberals for being

    the hypocrites that they are.

    Keep you powder dry, and that third eye in the back of your head always vigilant from here on out.


    Elmarco from Hackensack says:

    When the $#!^ hits the fan and people are starving and the Government doesn't have the means to

    assist... then watch what will happen. A good reminder is to watch the movie 'The Cinderella Man'

    where Russel Crow played the boxer Jim Braddock who beat Max Baer during height of the

    Depression of 1930's. Think it can't happen again? In the word of "MISTER T"... Pity The Fool....


    Nativam from Fresno says:

    Doug from Oklahoma, you've judged me all wrong. About 10 years ago, I was broke and homeless.

    I began sleeping in alleyways or alongside a freeway below an underpass. And yes, I went on

    welfare for a couple of months. I found myself getting fat and lazy. So I began showing up for work

    at 5:00 AM for temporary work at Labor Connection. I bought a tent. I gave back my welfare card

    against the objections of the social(ist) worker. Almost a year later I found steady work and I moved

    into my motorhome.

    My point is: there wouldn't have been anything wrong if I had been hungry enough to hunt when I

    was homeless. But doing that in a park is disrespectful to the park neighborhood. There are plenty

    of other places to live outdoors and catch food or find food in a city.

    john ghent from brooklyn says:

    Gods bounty feeding people,this is how nature intended things to be. These folks arent taking more

    than they can eat..........To the animal wacko nuts,you should be ashamed for allowing these people

    to go hungry in the first place. If you were in their place youd be eating lil BEAKY TOO!

    Adam from LIC says:

    I saw a homeless guy carrying a pigeon in Central Park recently... it must be more wide spread.

    This is nothing new...,_Central_Park

    . Olmsted and Vaux believed that the introduction of sheep enhanced the romantic English quality of

    the park and to re-enforce the quiet nature of the Greenward, 200 sheep were added in 1864. The

    flock of pedigree Southdown (and later Dorset) [7] sheep were used and housed in a fanciful

    Victorian building or "Sheepfold" created by Jacob Wrey Mould under the direction of Calvert

    Vaux.[7] The animals served a practical purpose as wellthey trimmed the grass and fertilized the

    lawn. A Sheep crossing was built across the drive in 1870 and twice a day a shepherd would hold

    up carriage traffic, and later automobiles, as he drove the animals to and from the meadow. Sheep

    grazed the meadow until 1934, when Robert Moses, the city's parks commissioner, moved them to

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    Prospect Park, Brooklyn and then to the safety of the Catskill Mountains.[8] There was fear for the

    sheep's safety by hungry folk during the great depression. Officials were concerned that starving

    men would turn the sheep into lunch.[9] After the sheep had been banished to Brooklyn the

    Sheepfold was converted into what later became the Tavern on the Green restaurant.

    shawn from global hobo says:

    they are free people

    they hunt they live the way they want..... hunting is a human right

    people who say they should be thrown in jail or in prison...are idiots....the world is changing and

    you better get with it...even in so called america its going fast give it ten years and you will be

    eating rats or each other

    when the bottom comes collapsing out of the world these people will survive

    you !!

    mutants who live off genetic modified foods.... cows so amped up on hormones and antibotics will

    not survive two weeks

    Doug from Oklahoma says:

    My apologies Nativam, I have judged you wrong, you do seem to have a respect for human life

    which is laudable and which I share. We seem to differ only on the responsibilities of a citizen to the

    state, or a mans responsibilities to his community.

    Leonard from Montana says:

    Despite the well fed, but still ugly animal rights activists, the wooded regions of New York City

    have an abundance of fish,fowl,game to support a limited number of homeless people. People need

    not starve to protect the self-admiring blabberings of yogurt suckers. " Hunt, fish, trap and join the

    NRA.Those "officials" in Albany don't care if you starve.


    ha from Not NYC says:

    I'm not for unnecessary harm or cruelty to animals. That being said, I would like to point out that

    there is no such thing as an animal "murder." Second, you may have hit several hundred bugs when

    driving your Prius today, so have some compassion for the homeless people trying to eat. The

    outsized influence your insane city has on our country is (honestly!) alarming. I know there are tons

    of good people there, but there are also a lot with very little common sense who seem to think they

    know everything and wish to impose that everything on everyone else.

    Freddy The FREELOADER from CENTRAL PARK says:

    Ferdo from from the Shore says:

    As long as they don't huntig humans, leave them alone.

    Yepper reminds me of that story about DONNER PASS!


    Besides I wonder how these PETA people might taste cooked on one of our fires! Perhaps a bottle

    of sherry cooking whine,lightly seasoned on their screaming tounges........and a cigarette blown in

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    their holier than thou faces as the dried DOG feces fed fire consumes their yells........

    Id rather eat central park ducklings, but whining PETA human flesh can be good too! A word to the

    ambulance crews and the city morgue.......bring your road kill to central park........we got our own

    funeral pier fire waiting!

    Oh and bring some ciggys! We hate bloomingidiot too!

    Bruce Hemming from ND says:

    What is the problem anyways these people are all members of PETA People Eating Tasty

    Animals...... I thought all you people in NYC were members of PETA LOL

    ramon lee says:

    I think you murder people - animals are killed, as I recall. Sounds like these wildlife advocates don't

    consider humans to be animals. Funny how they don't mind hawks killing pigeons, but object to

    humans doing so. In other words, they are complete hypocrites.

    Put these "wildlife advocates" out in the wild, away from their air conditioned condos and see how

    long they last before resorting to "murdering" wildlife. This is disgusting. Human being haters,


    Really Renya? from NYC says:

    Your friend... and buys his vegan menu items.. Wow... that sounds like BS... He is

    your friend, but you let him remain homeless. With fiends like you who needs enemas...

    By the way, If we were not suffering under the Obama Depression then maybe these folks could

    afford their vegan menu as well. But you hammerheads keep voting Demoncrats in office and then

    wonder.. Hmmm why is the economy so bad after three years of Obama "fixes"... and conclude with

    sooo mucth in intelligence...Must be Bush's fault. With that high level thinking you all should have

    been brain surgeons.

    Yehuda Cohen from Not in New York, Thank G-D! says:

    my goodness! New Yorkers are too far gone politically! a left wing cesspool!

    these people ate animals because they are hungry, and wild animals under God's law are

    PROPERTY of mankind.

    all of you animal rights extremists get a life. I am a proud member of PETA. People Eating Tasty


    That leftist RN nurse does not belong in a hospital.....

    August from Downtown says:

    If the homeless shelters & homeless system was not so DISRESPECTING, PRISON-LIKE,

    HORRIFYING, the homeless could get off the streets and become productive.

    You people would be running out of the homeless shelters after one-hour, screaming in horror of

    what you just went through & looking for the nearest liquor store to drown that experience

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    away....THEY ARE THAT BAD!

    VIETmanesePetboardingsociety from LILchinatown says:

    To those who have need of cheaper pet boarding services please contact us.

    We have free pick-up service of your wanted and unwanted pets.

    We employ only the homeless and strive to encourage our fellow New yorkers to instill faith in theirability to become substantial gainful citizens again.

    And dont miss our famous central park cook-off this saturday in central park.

    Original Vietmanese Cooking, House specialties always.....

    Special cooking classes for the homeless and those nearing a homeless status.

    This message brought to you by ROADKILL ADVERTISING OF GREATER NEW YORK.

    Virtual Vigilante from Borough says:

    Pardon me for making too much sense, but how does spending resources ticketing a homeless

    person solve anything?

    He'll only use it as kindling for his next pigeon flamb.

    BTW, where will they send the overdue notice when the fine isn't paid?

    August from Downtown says:

    The only reason there are not mile-long soup kitchen lines on every city block in the USA is

    because of food stamp cards.


    JoBlo from USA says:

    Let them hunt for their food. Is is survival these days and these people know how to survive and can

    teach others how to survive.

    And ban lasik, prk, lasek doctors too. They are blinding alot of americans who need their eyes to


    jOHN eNGLES from QUEENS says:

    You forgot,Miss pelosi and reid and obama stole 6 billion from the foodstamp program to fund

    Michele Obamas war on the obese!

    Heres one of the laws their kind wanted to enact:

    Mississippi Legislature

    2008 Regular Session

    House Bill 282

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    House Calendar | Senate Calendar | Main Menu

    Additional Information | All Versions

    Current Bill Text: |

    Description: Food establishments; prohibit from serving food to any person who is obese.

    Background Information:

    Disposition: ActiveDeadline: General Bill/Constitutional Amendment

    Revenue: No

    Vote type required: Majority

    Effective date: July 1, 2008









    Nativam from Fresno says:

    Thank you Doug, my friend. We are constantly made to feel that we need to provide a place for the

    homeless. The City of Fresno has tried it. It became a filthy, drug infested place full of prostitutes. I

    can understand why some of them want to go into the neighborhood parks. But there are clean

    soupkitchens for them at least.

    Families know best who to support and who not to support.

    satanta from a stone`s throw from Canada says:

    Yikes! Can`t imagine eating anything, animal or vegetable that grows anyplace in NYC!

    But living in NYC requires a very special type of individual. Even amomg the very special

    inhabitants of NYC, some are obviously MORE SPECIAL than others.(with apologies to George


    FreddyTHEfreeloader from central park says:

    Smoke a ciggy in the park and get a nites stay at the bloomberg hilton.....

    Free meals,free lodging and a cot!

    A freeloader can survive!

    Use the system,its what its there for.

    gainfullyemployed from Bronx says:

    Free parking services!

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    We require full coverage insurance to all clients!

    Nativam from Fresno says:

    Virtual Vigilante from Bourough: It's the thought that counts.

    Karl from Houston, Texas says:

    You can thank the Obama Administration for the poaching. This is what happens when people are

    trying to stay alive.

    Buttered Biscuit from GA says:

    I am so glad I live in a RedState. BlueCity New Yorkers giving tickets to people (at the top of the

    food chain) who are desperate and homeless shows just how bad communal living is...and how it

    doesn't work.

    Buy local.

    Be self-sufficient.

    Abandon (D)ependence on the government for answers

    milse from st louis says:

    my german and polish immigrant ancestors in St Louis did this back from the 30s-50s. times are

    tough and food is food.

    TC from WA St says:

    At least they aren't hunting people.

    The ARBITER from Van Nuys says:

    So, in STUPID LIBERAL-VILLE, it's okay to marry a SODOMITE ANAL ABUSER, it's OKAYTO MURDER A BABY IN A WOMANS STOMACH, but it is not okay to catch and eat FOOD.

    Liberals are the spawn of satan.

    freddyTHEfreeloader from wall street says:

    TC from WA St says:

    At least they aren't hunting people.

    I moved office........waiting for the jumpers this comming week!

    Get the fire going fresh meat on the way!

    andy from GA says:

    i notice how all the "leave the poor survivalists alone" idiots totally ignore the part of the article that

    says these people are threatening to other people ....but then i guess that would get in the way of the

    more bizarre anti-Obama bs that has nothing to do with the actions of some potentially dangerous


    Lawrence E from Lakeview, Chicago says:

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    Most "hunters" kill animals for the sadomasochistic thrill they get out of ending a life. It's more

    about sex than food. These bums need to stay out of the public parks. They need to be in the deep

    woods with the rest of the animals.

    DieselSnowmobile from NY says:

    Fine them 1 trillion dollars.. Payable to the fed. The fed will assume they will get paid and borrow

    against it. Budget problems solved.. DC can now go home.

    andy from GA says:

    WOW....ARBITER bringing his anti-gay hysteria into this? some of you need help, and fast

    GWB from Manhattan says:

    "Anyone who feels they have to eat wildlife has an agenda"

    Yep- MMMMMMMMMMM, smacksmacksmack. Pass the gravy, eh??

    Dryden01 from Seattle says:The sentiment of these urban survivalists is "you gotta eat." At the rate the Obama Administration

    is going, we will all be chasing pigeons around the park with a butcher knife.

    Buttered Biscuit from GA says:

    I am sure that people hunting for food is what New Yorkers find "threatening" (to their belief that

    could never be them.)

    You might be wise to wonder what happens if you can't get any money out of an ATM...or nobody

    can take your card-swipe...or the bodega has no power for 3 days.

    Who's gonna survive?

    You people in your rich towers will give up and die before you lower your standards to wild squab.


    NOTLIBERAL IDIOTS from Anywhere but NYC says:

    Lawrence E from Lakeview, Chicago Most "hunters" kill animals for the sadomasochistic thrill they

    get out of ending a life.

    LOL didn't the Nazi say that. We all know the real lunatic fringe is right? sadomasochistic that stick

    up for women right to murder her baby will crying about animals. DUH no wonder you live in a big


    amplitude jones from heights says:

    What about the evil pig marxists who caused so many folks to be homeless and hungry? THEY

    should cough up some money to feed these people. They ARE people after all. I do not find

    life,liberty pursuit of happiness for pigeons in our constitution! EVIL DEMOCRATS are ALL of our

    troubles those evil parasites!

    Buttered Biscuit from GA says:

    The Christian thing to do would be to offer these poor souls basic supplies, barbecue tools, and

    help ... but New Yorker's wouldn't want to touch that FILTH. Quick, call Big Government to control

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    those unsightly hillbillies who have invaded the greenspace.


    Buddy from vegetable garden says:

    Where are those "poachers" when we need them. My vegetable garden has been invaded by quails -

    - but quails are not on my diet, so any help will be appreciated. If there's one "cute" fat little quail

    here, there are hundreds.

    Where is the Liberal compassion for people from Not in Marxist NYC says:

    Hey Buddy quail are great eating taste better then chicken. Serious.

    TIM from USA says:

    people better get used to eating squirrel and rabbit and tweety birds cause by the time the america

    hating traitor in the white house is through with us we will be lucky to be able to kill and eat a nice

    fresh squerril

    Jam from st louis says:Welcome to Obamaville, USA- home of those liberated by the liberal amerikan government.

    Ken from PA says:

    For those of you who disagree with hunting based upon moral conviction, there's a reason we are

    omnivores, and all the veggies in the world won't change that. Some of us do it not for the "thrill,'

    only for the meat. When things go down the crapper, people like me won't be there to help you, so

    don't come to us for help. Just stay away and keep your ignorance on your side of the spectrum.

    Nativam from Fresno says:

    Amplitude Jones from heights: you know those Marxist piggies like Chucky Schumer and HillaryClinton and Barbara Boxer cough up VERY LITTLE of their own money for charity. They're ready

    to borrow a BIG chunk of money for their welfare "charity" and charge it to us and our kids and

    their kids and on and on and on.

    Ohiggins51 from Texas says:

    I know you city folks may find this odd, but wild duck and squirrel is tasty.

    Bohica from Brooklyn says:

    Ticketing those who may be homeless. Yeah, that's real smart. How many of you animal rights

    freaks are taking food out to these homeless people to keep them from killing your precious

    vermin? Or after you save said vermin, do you just ignore them and their hunger?

    krusatyr from Fresh Flesh Fetish says:

    Organic, free range varmints healthier than hormonally enhanced bio-hybrids and reinvigorates

    hunting instinct.

    Now must develop parallel stealth skills.

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    Hominids go wilding: next find art on the walls of their caves and lean-tos. These bravados could

    sell tickets to adventures in trapping and dining Brooklyn game cuisine.

    NealinNevada says:

    Alright you homeless people, here is some advice. Move out into rural Connecticut and you can

    live off of the land easy. Hell, we use to drop deer anytime we needed to supplement the vittles. Do

    yourself a favor, venison has it all over squirrels and ducks in the park.

    Pakkratt from ohio says:

    Soon cattle, sheep, chickens and horses and even humans will be vanishing. Hunger is a force that

    can not be stopped by a fine...when paper money means nothing in a corrupt Nation trillions in debt.

    Doug from Oklahoma says:

    Andy from GA There are many ways human beings are threatening for example, you may find

    many posted opinions here threatening or as Obama says troubling and if you were in charge

    or as your hero would say would be tempted to take matters in your own hands. But I digress, and

    will revert to common sense (meaning the way free minded people think) Do you really believe agovernment that will ticket homeless people for poaching pigeons, would leave truly threatening

    people in the park? Im surprised they havent been rounded up and dropped off in the desert. What

    they really need to do is claim that they are illegal aliens, then they would get all the government

    services they need, and if they go on the other end of the dysfunctional coasts, Gov Brown of

    California would give them a college education for free!

    yoadrian balboa from calif says:

    No way! Theyt aren't going hungry, have you seen these people? The one is fat as a pig, he's

    definitely not starving. I dont care how F'in hungry these people are, they shouldnt be eating the

    wildlife in the park no matter what, whats the matter with you idiots. There are places for them to goto get food, not feeding off the neighborhood pets.

    Yukiko from Tribeca says:

    The dictionary defines a vagrant as one who wanders from place to place without a permanent home

    or a means of livelihood. I may not be the sharpest pin in the cushion but I don't think ticketing a

    vagrant will do much good. Are the police going to go to his/her house when they fail to pay their

    fines? The very meaning of vagrant tells us they are somewhat low on cash. I'm sure paying a fine

    isn't high on their list of ways to spend what little money they have. The police could have done as

    much good by giving them a stern look and vigorously shaking their fingers at these people.

    joe lacy from east side says:

    These people are starving.....if they cant afford a big mac they certainly not going to pay for a


    you elitist asses

    Smokyjoe from Texas says:

    Ahhh animals murder aint it wonderful, now someone pass me another sausage!

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    Pete from Governors Island/Red Hook says:

    Goat? Who got the goat?

    DD from MD says:

    The homeless people will just use the tickets as toilet paper---so what's the point? More power to


    yoadrian balboa from calif says:

    How is that liberal lifestyle working for you? This is life run by liberals, everybody loses,

    EVERYBODY, while those who make the laws triple their personal wealth and give nothing to

    charity. This is the liberal life period, same when carter was in office only worse. How many of you

    want to keep electing these loser liberals bacause you have shot yourselves in the foot big time and

    you probably dont even know it. The choice is obvious, elect liberals and go broke and starve or

    the opposite have a job and have money as well. DUH idiots, do you think you can figure this one

    out on your own or are you going to F'ck this one up as well!

    old sarge from So CA says:I,m a hillbilly from Arkansas. During the great depression I became a connisuer of possum, squrrel

    and duck. With the Obama commies in power I am glad I Knows how to prepare them, as I expect to

    have to go back.

    George from Halihood says:

    You can fine them a million dollars, they have no money! when they don't pay the fine, you can put

    them in jail and the few remaining taxpayers can pay to feed them.

    Megaflunky from Kentucky says:

    These people are hunting and fishing for food. They are sustaining themselves by living off the land

    as mankind has done for centuries. These animals are not pets but they were placed on this planet

    as a food source. These dowdy people are not downtown asking you arrogant people for the bit of

    bread you would offer them but they are out trying to live and keep some sort of pride I would

    guess. To kill a wild animal for food is not murder you arrogant jerk. Remember the phase There

    but by the grace of God go I do you feel that you or the government owns all the animals of the

    world? Whoever casts dispersions on these people should look in the mirror and come to grips with

    the fact that just because you pay taxes you are still your brothers keeper. Paying taxes does not

    absolve you of guilt or your responsibilities.

    Bob from prospect park says:Hi, I'm Bob, one of the people in the park. I'll have you know that YES it is ture, we ate the ducks

    and pigeons, but we did NOT eat any of the squirrels. The ducks weren't bad, a little tough, but

    tasty. Now you can keep the pigeons, contrary to what anyone might tell you they do NOT taste like

    chicken. If any of your females care to join me, I have a bottle of MD2020 that we are going to

    open with tonight's duck. - Bob

    Lonestar Yankee from Texas says:

    Comments from "liberals" are sickening. Arrest the hungry to save the animals that God placed here

    for FOOD? You progressive morons (apparently concentrated in the northeast, DC and west coast)

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    need to have a taste of your own medicine. Well, soon enough. Wait for it. Or..... practice what you

    claim to preach and feed the poor. Fat chance.

    Wolfgang from Texas says:

    How dare these homeless people try to slaughter the poor little animals in the park and eat them.

    Who gives them the right to do this? I think the Cops should lock em up and beat them every half

    hour until they confess who put them up to this. I bet it was one of those Republicans, maybe Scott

    Walker from Wisconsin. Perhaps they should just go ahead and shoot these scumballs.

    Jason from Bushwick says:

    Sounds like Prospect Park's got the makings of a mighty tasty stew! These vagrants are really onto


    Pakkratt from Ohio says:

    I agree with you old sarge. Obama voters will be eating each other in the cities, as possum, squirrel,

    and duck will be in short supply soon after any disaster.

    Dick from NY says:

    Leave it to the Drudge people to dumb the comments down a bit.

    We have laws for a reason.

    Being homeless does not give one the right to disregard said laws.

    Stop blaming Bush and Obama for your problems, they're your own fault. Grow up and accept


    Maybe the park goes should enforce their own form of justice upon these savages.

    I'm sure residents wouldn't complain about the homeless population mysteriously disappearing.

    If you can't follow the rules you don't deserve to be a part of society.

    Jane from Midwest says:

    Shame on those people for hunting and fishing to feed themselves. Didn't they get the memo that

    Obama is the "food stamp" POTUS? The state cannot tolarate self-sufficency!

    Folks, our country is in the toilet. There will be more and more people doing whatever they can to

    feed themselves and their families. At least these folks have developed some of the skills to

    survive. What will you do when the grocery store shelves are empty, dial 911?

    doug from nadda says:

    Demonize people for trying to feed themselves.... I think i'm going to go catch a fish and eat it


    Pakkratt from Ohio says:

    Dick from NY says:

    yea.. I'm really am a Dick from NY.....

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    cyn says:

    People are hungry, I guess the fish, ducks ect.. are more important..

    R. Czech from Ogden says:

    White elitists are at it again. Oh, we'll feed the poor, but have them go to the soup kitchens so that

    we don't have to see them. "Don't you know hunting on the king's land means death?" - Sir Guy of

    Gisborne, another elitist.You see, privileged whites like to ignore the existence of poor people. College students are

    supposedly our 'poor', despite having laptops, cars, and cell phones. We ignore people so poor that

    they can't get a car or computer. And when they become so visible that we can no longer ignore

    them, we call for the cops to haul them away. Because it is better to imprison poor people than to

    help them. Or, in this case, let them help themselves. Is there some shortage of squirrels or pigeons

    in New York? Not that I've ever heard of.

    White people with a bit of money can go out to Yosemite or a thousand other parks and sleep

    outdoors as long as they please. If a homeless guy wants to sleep on a park bench for one night, he's

    tossed in jail. Because important white people might see him and wrinkle their noses at the sight or

    the smell.

    Sam from brooklyn says:

    Stranger than what they did is that someone would actually call it murder. I've heard it all now.

    Catherine from Maine says:

    God Forbid hungry people should eat. Let them eat cake, I guess.

    Nando from Woodhaven says:

    What's wrong with eating pigeons and geese? They are a pain in the butt and the city goes out of its

    way to get rid of them. These people should be commended. If we can get them to hunt and eat rats,so much the better.

    I wouldn't eat any of the fish out of that lake, though.

    Jake from California says:

    Great job. We need to throw the book at those hillbillies. How would they like it if they were hunted

    and roasted over a fire? They need to get a job and step into the 21st century.. oh wait.. THERE

    ARE NO JOBS!!!!

    Catherine from Maine says:

    Oh, and I'm white. Please don't blame all white people for this. We have plenty of poor whites inAmerica too. This is about rich vs. poor not white vs. everyone else.

    Catherine from Maine says:

    Oh, and I'm white. Please don't blame all white people for this. We have plenty of poor whites in

    America too. This is about rich vs. poor not white vs. everyone else.

    Megaflunky from Kentucky says:

    To DICK from NY (rightly named I might add) I guess that you would never break the law if your

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    belly was empty. When people are forced to not follow the rules to live and eat then society has

    failed has it not. I can tell who and what you are but attacking people who disagree with what you

    think is right. Have you ever walked in anybody else's shoes?

    Bohica from Brokklyn says:

    Pathetic and disgusting Liberals. They all have their panties in a bunch because some homeless

    people would rather try sustain themselves than grovel to one of their socialist programs. You libs

    are such a cancerous pox on America. You would rather see your fellow humans starve than seethem eat.

    Pakkratt from Ohio says:

    R. Czech from Ogden says:

    Oh yea..I'm a white guy too.


    Catherine from Maine says:

    Jake, I hope you are being sarcastic with your comment about them not liking being killed and

    eaten. They weren't committing cannibalism. They were hunting and eating animals, not people.

    That said, there are probably people who would find it less offensive for a person to kill and eat

    another person as opposed to killing and eating a prey animal.

    Baillie from Entropy House says:

    @ jOHN eNGLES from QUEENS

    RE: Mississippi Legislature2008 Regular Session

    House Bill 282

    True? So THAT's how they want to solve the Medi-care/caid issue.

    Just google "obesity paradox heart failure" .. .

    ...while keeping in mind that many people with heart failure didn't get fat until they couldn't move

    fast enough to burn a reasonable amount of calories, or may be fat but have inherited heart

    problems, such as dilated cardiomyopathy.

    (Since most people don't know this, coronary heart disease and heart failure are not the same thing.)

    But I doubt if our hungry vagrants are fat enough to get thrown out of restaurants. They probably

    wouldn't be allowed to go IN one.

    Unless it was election season and

    someone else was paying the bill.

    LiberalsStarving People from Not NYC says:

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    Dick from NY Good name perfect to describe you. First you whine like a spoiled brat about laws

    then toss it out the window using braindead liberal logic lets be vigliannes and kill homeless people.

    You voted for Obama no doubt. Next time keep your mouth shut and people will doubt you are fool

    instead of proving you are.

    HeteroNproud from Redmond says:

    The politicaly incorrect will really be out of sorts if someone tells these hillbillies that the LGBT

    tastes just like fried chicken!

    Paul Revere from Earth says:

    So you'd rather these people starve to death? You libs are the reason they don't have jobs in the first


    Feste from Normal America says:

    The story refers to a case of an animal "murderer."

    The term "murder" has historically been preserved to describe the illicit killing of human beings.

    Applying this term to the KILLING of animals is an absurd bastardization of the English language.

    Animal are not human beings regardless of what your liberal pseudointellectualism holds.

    Judy from Blue Ridge Mountains, GA says:

    Out of all the people on here that have slammed the homeless, how many of you have offered them

    food? Or money to buy food?

    catherine from redmond says:


    those are part of those 400,000 Americans who lost their jobs every single WEEK FOR THREE

    YEARS...... every single WEEK for THREE years..........


    the unemployed are the Jews of this Holocaust

    the media can't talk about those homeless and unemployed in nice terms because then OBAMA



    HOMELESS............jobless numbers ARE the problem people - they are taking us right into the

    depression..........THAT SMALL STUFF IS JUST THE BEGINNING......... ....they are hungry, DO


    imagine if Bush were president