csh coverage report

Publication: Friday Country: UAE Circulation: 123444 Size: Full Page Date: 15 th Oct. 2012 Page No.: 70 & 71 Colored: B&W: Arabic Headline Summary: Press Cutting

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CSH coverage report


Page 1: CSH coverage report

Publication: Friday

Country: UAE

Circulation: 123444

Size: Full Page

Date: 15th Oct. 2012

Page No.: 70 & 71

Colored: B&W:

Arabic Headline Summary:

Press Cutting

Page 2: CSH coverage report

Arabic Headline Summary:

Publication: Friday

Country: UAE

Circulation: 123444

Size: Full Page

Date: 15th October. 2012

Page No.: 72

Colored: B&W:

Press Cutting

Page 3: CSH coverage report

Publication: Alitiihad

Country: UAE

Circulation: 94275

Size: 5x4

Date: 11th Oct. 2012

Page No.:

Colored: B&W:

Arabic Headline Summary:

Press Cutting

Page 4: CSH coverage report

األوسط مستشفى الكندي التخصصي یدعم المؤتمر السادس للتأمین الصحي في الشرقال للجھود الحثیثة التي یقوم بھا المستشفى على تلبیة اإلحتیاجات الصحیة في الكندي التخصصي، الذي یعد أحد أكبر المستشفیات الخاصة في دبي والذي یعمل ستمرارا للمؤتمر السادس للتأمین الصحي في الشرق منطقة الشرق األوسط، أظھر المستشفى الكندي كبیرا ودعما األوسط الذي عقد في مول اإلمارات في التخصصي تعاونا

.أكتوبر الجاري 11و 9الفترة ما بین

وكان "حقیقیة تحویل تحدیات وإحتیاجات الرعایة الصحیة والتأمین الصحي إلى عوامل نمو ركز ھذا الحدث، الذي قامت بتنظیمھ میدیل إیست إنشورانس ریفیو، علىوالھیئات الحكومیة مشارك یمثلون شركات التأمین 100یومین، خدمات طبیة مجانیة ألكثر من قد قدم خالل المؤتمر وعلى مدارالمستشفى الكندي التخصصي

.اإلدارة ومقدمي خدمات اإلدارة الصحیة وغیرھم والمستشفیات ومؤسسات الرعایة الصحیة وإستشاریین في مجال

:فى الكندي التخصصي خالل الحدثوكان من بین الخدمات الطبیة التي قدمھا المستش قیاس ضغط الدم• قیاس السكر في الدم• .قیاس الكولیسترول•

تواصل دبي دعم مكانتتھا كمركز طبي إقلیمي وھو ما یتماشى مع رؤیة القیادة" :قال الدكتور حیدر الزبیدي، الرئیس التنفیذي للمستشفى الكندي التخصصي وقد

إلى تقدیم خدمات طبیة متمیزة. وأتوجھ بالشكر العمیق إلى زمالئي الرشیدة في اإلمارات العربیة المتحدة. ونحن في المستشفى الكندي التخصصي في نسعى دائماالتأمین ین المؤسسات الطبیة وشركاتبما فیھ فائدة للقطاع كذلك لتعزیز العالقة ب الفریق الذین یقومون بدورھم على أكمل وجھ. لقد كان ھذا الحدث منصة ھامة


Arabic Headline Summary:

Publication: Ameinfo.com

Country: Internet

Circulation: NA

Size: NA

Date: 14th Oct. 2012

Page No.: NA

Colored: B&W:

Press Cutting

Page 5: CSH coverage report

Canadian Specialist Hospital Supports 6th Middle East Healthcare Insurance Conference

Dubai, 11 October 2012: Canadian Specialist Hospital (CSH), one of the largest private hospitals in Dubai catering to the tertiary health care needs of the Middle East, collaborated and showed their support at the 6th Middle East Healthcare Insurance Conference that took place this week at the Pullman Mall of the Emirates. The event, held during 9-11 October was organized by Middle East Insurance Review, and focused in the theme of 'Turning Challenges and Needs in Healthcare & Health Insurance into Real Profit Drivers'. Canadian Specialist Hospital offered free medical services to over 100 attendees at the two-day conference. It was attended by insurance companies, government bodies, hospitals, healthcare providers, management consultants, managed care service providers, etc.

The medical services offered by CSH included:

Blood Pressure

Blood Sugar

Cholesterol check

Publication: Zawya.com

Country: Internet

Circulation: NA

Size: NA

Date: 14th October. 2012

Page No.: NA

Colored: B&W:

Press Cutting

Page 6: CSH coverage report

Dr. Hayder Al Zubaidy Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Specialist Hospital said, "Dubai continues to strengthen its position as a regional medical hub, which is in line with the vision of the UAE's leadership. At CSH, we always stand for going beyond routine and traditional medical services, and I would like to thank my team for implementing this so well. Today's event was developed to benefit the community the medical industry, as well as strengthen the relationship between medical institutions and healthcare insurance providers."


Page 7: CSH coverage report

Canadian Specialist Hospital supports 6th Middle East Healthcare Insurance Conference

CSH conducting health check at the event

Canadian Specialist Hospital (CSH), one of the largest private hospitals in Dubai catering to the tertiary health care needs of the Middle East, collaborated and showed their support at the 6th Middle East Healthcare Insurance Conference that took place this week at the Pullman Mall of the Emirates.

The event, held during 9-11 October was organized by Middle East Insurance Review, and focused in the theme of ‘Turning Challenges and Needs in Healthcare & Health Insurance into Real Profit Drivers’. Canadian Specialist Hospital offered free medical services to over 100 attendees at the two-day conference. It was attended by insurance companies, government bodies, hospitals, healthcare providers, management consultants, managed care service providers, etc.

The medical services offered by CSH included:

Blood Pressure.

Blood Sugar.

Cholesterol check.

Dr. Hayder Al Zubaidy Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Specialist Hospital said, “Dubai continues to strengthen its position as a regional medical hub, which is in line with the vision of the UAE’s leadership. At CSH, we always stand for going beyond routine and traditional medical services, and I would like to thank my team for implementing this so well. Today’s event was developed to benefit the community the

Publication: Albawaba.com

Country: Internet

Circulation: NA

Size: NA

Date: 15th October. 2012

Page No.: NA

Colored: B&W:

Press Cutting

Page 8: CSH coverage report

medical industry, as well as strengthen the relationship between medical institutions and healthcare insurance providers.”

Page 9: CSH coverage report

MENA FN Canadian Specialist Hospital supports 6th Middle East Healthcare Insurance


CSH conducting health check at the event

Canadian Specialist Hospital (CSH), one of the largest private hospitals in Dubai catering to the tertiary health care needs of the Middle East, collaborated and showed their support at the 6th Middle East Healthcare Insurance Conference that took place this week at the Pullman Mall of the Emirates.

The event, held during 9-11 October was organized by Middle East Insurance Review, and focused in the theme of ‘Turning Challenges and Needs in Healthcare & Health Insurance into Real Profit Drivers’. Canadian Specialist Hospital offered free medical services to over 100 attendees at the two-day conference. It was attended by insurance companies, government bodies, hospitals, healthcare providers, management consultants, managed care service providers, etc.

The medical services offered by CSH included:

Blood Pressure.

Blood Sugar.

Cholesterol check.

Dr. Hayder Al Zubaidy Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Specialist Hospital said, “Dubai continues to strengthen its position as a regional medical hub, which is in line with the vision of the UAE’s leadership. At CSH, we always stand for going beyond routine and traditional medical services, and I would like to thank my team for implementing this so well. Today’s event was developed to benefit the community the

Publication: Menafan.com

Country: Internet

Circulation: NA

Size: NA

Date: 15th Oct. 2012

Page No.: NA

Colored: B&W:

Arabic Headline Summary:

Press Cutting

Page 10: CSH coverage report

medical industry, as well as strengthen the relationship between medical institutions and healthcare insurance providers.”

Page 11: CSH coverage report

Canadian Specialist Hospital supports 6th Middle East Healthcare Insurance Conference

CSH conducting health check at the event

Canadian Specialist Hospital (CSH), one of the largest private hospitals in Dubai catering to the tertiary health care needs of the Middle East, collaborated and showed their support at the 6th Middle East Healthcare Insurance Conference that took place this week at the Pullman Mall of the Emirates.

The event, held during 9-11 October was organized by Middle East Insurance Review, and focused in the theme of ‘Turning Challenges and Needs in Healthcare & Health Insurance into Real Profit Drivers’. Canadian Specialist Hospital offered free medical services to over 100 attendees at the two-day conference. It was attended by insurance companies, government bodies, hospitals, healthcare providers, management consultants, managed care service providers, etc.

The medical services offered by CSH included:

Blood Pressure.

Publication: Ameinfo.com

Country: Internet

Circulation: NA

Size: NA

Date: 15th Oct 2012

Page No.: NA

Colored: B&W:

Arabic Headline Summary:

Press Cutting

Page 12: CSH coverage report

Blood Sugar.

Cholesterol check.

Dr. Hayder Al Zubaidy Chief Executive Officer of Canadian Specialist Hospital said, “Dubai continues to strengthen its position as a regional medical hub, which is in line with the vision of the UAE’s leadership. At CSH, we always stand for going beyond routine and traditional medical services, and I would like to thank my team for implementing this so well. Today’s event was developed to benefit the community the medical industry, as well as strengthen the relationship between medical institutions and healthcare insurance providers.”

Page 13: CSH coverage report

«صحتك.. مفتاح إبداعك«الدفاع المدني بدبي والمستشفى الكندي التخصصي ینفذان حملة |

2012 أكتوبر 11 لنشر: الخمیستاریخ ا مفتاح ..صحتك“المدني بدبي، بالتعاون مع المستشفى الكندي التخصصي مبادرة بعنوان تنفذ اإلدارة العامة للدفاع - (دبي (االتحاد

شتركة، التي المؤسسات الحكومیة والخاصة من خالل المبادرات الم ، والتي تأتي في إطار التكامل المؤسسي الذي تنتھجھ كافة”إبداعك .الخطط التنمویة المتعلقة بالصحة العامة تسھم في تطویر

الفنیة، لفحص العاملین وتقییم طبي متكامل من المستشفى بزیارة جمیع مراكز الدفاع المدني واإلدارة والورش وبموجب الحملة یقوم فریقالباطنیة اظ على صحتھم، ویشمل الفحص الشامل للبدن، أمراضباتخاذ ما یلزم لضمان الحف وتوثیق حالتھم الصحیة بشكل دقیق، وتوجیھھم

الشامل لألسنان، والكشف عن أمراض الضغط والسكر والصدریة واألنف واألذن والحنجرة، والبصر وأمراض العیون، والفحص .طبیة، وإتاحة خدمات أخصائي التغذیة والكولیسترول، وتقدیم نصائح

Publication: aliithad.com

Country: Internet

Circulation: NA

Size: NA

Date: 11th Oct 2012

Page No.: NA

Colored: B&W:

Arabic Headline Summary:

Press Cutting