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  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam



    Mamdouh ASHMAWY

    Risk Consultant

    Automatic control engineerand computer IT specialist. Has high technical IT skills in coding indifferent programming languages due to around 20 years of experience. He mainly uses Aprogramming !SAS certified developerfrom A Institute" and Javade#eloping. He $orkedas a A teacher in %usiness & 'ecision for %ase A courses ()undamental and ad#ancedincluding macro language(* +, programming and C, language.-xpert in 'ataase manipulation and ETL tools. He $orked $ith A tales* A cues!/''%"* racle* '%2 and Informix dataases.orked $ith different platforms indo$s* AS4 mainframeas $ell as !ni".He $orked in different usiness domains $ith 10 years experience in anking ut also 3harma*Airlines* retail.

    peaks fluently -nglish and )rench and little 4erman.




    Computer and Automatic Control -ngineer Ain7hams :ni#ersity7Cairo 7-gypt

    155;71552001 A>ehound !Tracking e Traffics" !2 days" A Institute

    12>2000 /arketic1 !CR/ tool" !2 $eeks" /arketic1 7 3aris

    05>2000 Train the trainer !To enhance his capacity as a teacher" !1556 A>/otore !,A3 model designed y A Institute 7 Italy"!< days"

    A Institute



    A certified in 'ata /anagement !%ase A /acros 4raph"* Application 'e#elopment !A>C," and A -I

    Rue Tomalles 2? 9101 @emeppe ur /euse D ;2 !0"9 26? 1; >home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam



    !-nterprise Information ystem /''%"


    Spo$en Written

    )rench )luent )luent

    'utch @unior @unior

    -nglish )luent )luent

    4erman @unior @unior

    Araic /other Tongue /other Tongue

    E Consultant Rue Tomalles* 2? 7 9101 @emeppe ur /euse 7 %elgiumhttp>>home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam



    S$ill Matri"% E"perience and &no'ledge at a glance

    (unctional domains Years Level

    BI-CPM-EIM Domains

    /ass Reporting 2 Ad#anced

    Ad7hoc Reporting < Ad#anced

    /ultidimensional Analysis < Ad#anced

    'ata +uality 1 Ad#anced

    /eta 'ata < Ad#anced

    Consolidation 2 Ad#anced

    RIM Domains (Risk Management)

    perational Risk 1 Intermediate

    Assets & ,iailities 1 Intermediate

    Falue at Risk 1 Intermediate

    -conomic Capital 1 Intermediate

    tress Testing 1 Intermediate

    %asel II 9 Intermediate

    Pro)ect Phases Years Level

    %usiness ReBuirements Analysis 9 Ad#anced

    %usiness 3rocess /odeling>Change /anagement 2 Intermediate

    'ata /odelling ; Intermediate

    )unctional Architecture 10 Intermediate

    Technical Architecture 20 Ad#anced

    Application design>Tool CustomiGation 20 Ad#anced

    3rogramming 20 -xpert

    Testing < Ad#anced

    %usiness Cases 10 Ad#anced

    'ata /anagement 20 -xpert

    E Consultant Rue Tomalles* 2? 7 9101 @emeppe ur /euse 7 %elgiumhttp>>home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam



    Technical s$ills Module*+ersion Years Level



    %usiness ects 9 Ad#anced

    A %I>'I 1 Intermediate


    /arketic1 1 @unior


    A Credit Risk /anagement 1 Ad#anced

    Programming Languages

    @a#a; Ad#anced@a#ascript 1 Intermediate

    C ; Ad#anced

    A 1< pecialist

    C%, 6 pecialist

    )RTRAE ; Ad#anced

    @2-- 1 Intermediate

    cheme !dialect of ,I3" ; Ad#anced

    -T, 1< pecialist

    +, 1< pecialist


    '%2 9 Ad#ancedracle ; Ad#anced

    Informix 2 Ad#anced

    3,>+, 1 Intermediate


    ' 10 pecialist

    indo$s 1< pecialist

    /F !I%/ /ainframe" < Ad#anced

    :nix < Ad#anced

    A>F !'ata 4eneral minicomputers"

    ? pecialist

    ,ndustries Years Level

    %anking 10 Ad#anced

    Airlines 1 Ad#anced

    Retail ; Ad#anced

    Telco>/edia>utilities ; Ad#anced

    3harma>%iomedical 2 Intermediate

    E Consultant Rue Tomalles* 2? 7 9101 @emeppe ur /euse 7 %elgiumhttp>>home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam


    A) application that includes se#eral risk modules stress7testing*market historical FaR* acktesting* 3&, result reakdo$n* potential future

    exposure* credit FaR* regulatory capital.

    esponsi5ilities ne of the de#elopment team

    Environment A>-T,* A>/acro* A>A) !C, language"

    /< 2ec /< Tester S6E#MA= SA(A6

    ;roup> 7 Milmort

    Mission*Pro)ect 1 day testing A Installation


    E Consultant Rue Tomalles* 2? 7 9101 @emeppe ur /euse 7 %elgiumhttp>>home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam



    esponsi5ilities Check the integrity of A Installation.

    Environment indo$s and A F5 Installation

    3ct /? 7 2ec /? 3LAP designer and #oatch ,6; -an$ 7-russels

    Mission*Pro)ect Ariadne

    2escription /ulti 'imensional reporting :tility

    esponsi5ilities /amdouh designed and put the layout of the ,A3 system and coached a seniorconsultant to complete the proect. He $orked 2 days a $eek for ; months.

    Environment indo$s and %ase A* A>-I* A>H,A3 and /''%.

    Jan /? 1Jan /8 Anal:st and SAS developer (3T,S -an$ 7 #rediteporting

    Mission*Pro)ect /ARC !/anagement Analysis and Reporting on Credits and rganiGation"

    2escription /ARC is used to support the central Credit Reporting department $ithconsolidated information through all )ortis %ank.

    esponsi5ilities 'e#elop the -T, part $ith A on the main frame and then transfer to yase toe exploited y users y %.

    Environment A>-T, /F>T>@C, !@o Control ,anguage of main )rame"* A>/acro* A>A)!C, language"* % !%usiness ects"

    6ov // 1Jan /? Java developer Janssen Pharma

    Mission*Pro)ect Jantipe !)ixed price proect"

    2escription Jantipe proect is con#erting a A>A) application into a e application. Anapplet had een created as a 4:I uilt y @%:I,'-R 6.0 soft$are. The applet

    passes the screen parameters to A C, program and accesses the A data sets#ia @'%C.

    esponsi5ilities 'esign and de#elop the @a#a applet.

    Environment @uilder !@a#a platform"* A>A)* indo$s.

    2ec /0 13ct // Java developer ;- =#arrefour> 7-russels

    Mission*Pro)ect CAT/AE

    E Consultant Rue Tomalles* 2? 7 9101 @emeppe ur /euse 7 %elgiumhttp>>home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam



    2escription The application is a @a#a interface to Informix dataase. The target is to compareand analyse the sales figures in different ranches of Carrefour7%elgium.

    esponsi5ilities 'esign and de#elop the @a#a applet and the er#let that connects to the dataase#ia @'%C.

    Environment @uilder !@a#a platform"* A3'-F tudio !-% A)"* indo$s* @'%C.

    Apr /0 16ov /0 SAS developer ;- =#arrefour> 7-russels

    Mission*Pro)ect C'/ !Customer 'ata /anagement"

    2escription The purpose of C'/ !A>A)" is to analyGe the customer data collected $henscanning the articles and fidelity card !Happy days". Then a Buery tool to let useranalyGe the data. The Buery tool permits to fulfil a metadata for tales and definethe oin columns !ame as A>'I ut efore 'I launching".

    esponsi5ilities 'e#elop the application $ith A>A) using C, language.

    Environment %ase A* A>A)* indo$s* olaris :nix and Informix dataase.

    Ma: / 1Mar /0 SAS developer Janssen Pharma 7-eerse

    Mission*Pro)ect C/3A

    2escription Compass is a e application for the @R) !@anssen Research )oundation"department. Through the application* decision makers can follo$ the differentphases of a ne$ medicament and the costs already paid and estimated to end.

    This helped decision makers to decide to continue the medicament research or tostop.

    esponsi5ilities Responsile for creating a series of standard reports in HT/, formats eing used

    #ia their $e site. The reports are created y %ase A procedures using the '!utput 'eli#ery ystem".

    3rior to that* /amdouh prepared the data used to create the A reportsemanating from the 3roect Costing 'ata arehouse for the @anssen )inance'epartment. This huge proect* called @R) C/3A* is destined for gloal accessand usage $ithin the @ohnson & @ohnson group $orld$ide. It is proect7managedy 3!oft$are product er#ices n.#." $ith a large 3 team* of $hich /amdouhis an important memer.

    Environment %ase A* HT/, and racle dataase.

    2ec 0999 1Apr / S:stem anal:st and SAS developer The Post =-russels>

    Mission*Pro)ect A%C !Acti#ity %ased Costing"

    E Consultant Rue Tomalles* 2? 7 9101 @emeppe ur /euse 7 %elgiumhttp>>home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam



    2escription The A%C application $as created for the -/7Taxipost $ith A>A) in 155?. Itneeded then to e updated using the ne$ A>A) features and enhancements ofA F8. A ne$ reporting tool $as needed and it $as decided to e achie#ed using

    A>/''% and A>-I.

    esponsi5ilities )or updating the A%C !Acti#ity %ased Costing" application and adding morefunctionality.

    /amdouh completed phase I* $hich $as to enhance the performance of A%C andautomate the data entry procedures. This included reading some data from -JC-,files and from />ACC- dataase. Also some graphical reports $ere added!A>4raph".

    The second phase $as to create an -I application. !-xecuti#e Informationystem"* using A>-I. This included preparing a A 'ataase using /''%!/ulti'imensional 'ata%ase"* $hich is exploited y the -I.

    Environment indo$s* %ase A* A>4raph* A>/''% and A>-I.

    Ma: 0999 16ov 0999 SAS developer A6HYP -an$=Ant'erpen>

    Mission*Pro)ect /onthly Reports Creation

    2escription Automating a monthly process exploiting the data mart to create different reportsconcerning more than -I and /''% training course.

    2escription Automating a monthly process exploiting the data mart to create different reportsconcerning more than >home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam



    esponsi5ilities Contriuted to the de#elopment of a 3 internal proect ased on A and $asresponsile for preparing and modifying the 3 course on A>-I* $hich he

    teaches as $ell.

    /amdouh also took some off and used his free time to do some self7study andpassed $ith honours the A Institute certification program as KCertified ACE:,TAETL.

    Environment indo$s* %ase A* A>-I and /''%.

    Ma: 0999 Anal:st !-S -an$ 7 urich7S'itBerland

    Mission*Pro)ect -I proect prospectus

    2escription /aking a study for 1 day of ho$ to automate a reporting process using -I.

    esponsi5ilities He studied the usiness needs and descried the technical reBuirements.

    Environment A>-I and A>C,.

    Jun 099C 12ec 099C SAS #onsultant ;enerale de 5anDue 7-russels

    Mission*Pro)ect /IR !/arketing Information and Reporting"

    2escription An ,A3 application for marketing managers to analyse the market profitailityanalyses and capitals analyses.

    esponsi5ilities As a memer of the A :ser upport team at the /I department of the ank*

    /amdouh de#eloped additional features to the /IR !/arketing Information and

    E Consultant Rue Tomalles* 2? 7 9101 @emeppe ur /euse 7 %elgiumhttp>>home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam



    Reporting" system* as $ell as pro#iding general support to the #arious users fromthe marketing departments.

    He also de#eloped ne$ ilingual applications in -I>/TR- for the analysis of#arious market segments and products of the ank such as performance ratios*capital reBuired per client per segment* charts representing these analysis* etcM

    He managed to find a 'a: to reduce the dis$ space ta$en 5: oneapplication involving millions of records 5: C? F 'ithout reducing theresponse time.

    Environment indo$s* I%/7/ainframe /F !I3)* @C,* T"* %ase A* A>-I andA>/otore*.

    3ct 099C 1Ma: 099C Anal:st7Programmer ;enerale de 5anDue 7


    Mission*Pro)ect /IR !/arketing Information and Reporting"

    2escription An ,A3 application for marketing managers to analyse the market profitailityanalyses and capitals analyses.

    esponsi5ilities /amdouh de#eloped during the first 2 months and in tandem $ith a senior-I>/TR- expert contracted y 3* additional modules to the /IR proect forthe ankNs marketing department. 'uring this initial de#elopment phase* 6 ne$analyses $ere made in a #ery short time* $ith con#ersion to indo$s ET.

    At the same time* con#ersion programs $ere de#eloped y the dual 3de#elopment team to accommodate a ne$ data extraction for handling tens ofmillions of records on '%>2 in /F mainframe.

    The modifications also allo$ the 100 daily users from the commercial departmentto access the 'ata $arehouse on7line on a dedicated ET client7ser#er.

    /amdouh stayed on the account on long7term contract for maintenance* furtherde#elopment and user support. uch further de#elopment entails ne$ client7ser#er functionality in -I and connection of the application to the %ankNs Intranet.ome A3I programming $as done to achie#e this.

    He also de#eloped ne$ tools to automate se#eral processes.

    A tool to load data to ET ser#er for a specific analysis on specific time !often at

    night to a#oid disturing others". A tool to log the most freBuently accessed dimensions permitting to optimiGe

    the data structure. A tool doing the same o on another ,A3 application !A>-I /''%"

    A tool to maintain the ilingual formats used in /IR to guarantee the

    consistence. /IR $as also connected to the 47%ank Intranet.

    Environment indo$s* I%/7/ainframe /F !I3)* @C,* T"* %ase A* A>-I and A>C,.

    Jul 0998 1Sep 0998 SAS Anal:st7Programmer SA-E6A =-russels>

    E Consultant Rue Tomalles* 2? 7 9101 @emeppe ur /euse 7 %elgiumhttp>>home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam



    Mission*Pro)ect )ER !)lo$ Eet Re#enue"

    2escription 'e#elopment of a ne$ marketing data analysis application in a :nix en#ironment.

    )ER is a marketing tool to analyGe and compare the eha#iour of aena agencies.

    esponsi5ilities Contriuted to the de#elopment of a ne$ marketing data analysis application in a:nix en#ironment* at short notice and tight deadlines.

    His assignment* $hich $as performed in tandem $ith a senior consultant from3* $as conduci#e to a ne$ marketing strategy that helped A%-EA to rene$$ith profits.

    Environment %ase A* :EIJ* A>C,.

    Apr 09987Jun 0998 SAS Anal:st7Programmer E!3#LEA =-russels>



    esponsi5ilities 'uring his secondment to other A consultants from the company* he upgradedsome applications from A ?.08 to A ?.12* including enhancements of theapplication performance using ne$ tools in the A ?.12 release. He alsomaintained and added some functionality to existing A applications.

    Environment indo$s* %ase A* A>C,* I%/7/ainframe /F !I3)* @C,* T"

    Ma: 0998 SAS Anal:st7Programmer #3MA6 =E!PE6> Mil$Products



    esponsi5ilities 'uring this short assignment* /amdouh installed and customiGed A ?.12 in aclient>ser#er en#ironment

    Environment indo$s* %ase A* A>C,.

    2ec 099G7Mars 0998 SAS #onsultant SPS =Europe>=Ant'erpen>



    esponsi5ilities /amdouh $as responsile for the de#elopment of a A>-I course in A #ersion?.12* the production of the course material* the preparation of the exercises andgetting it appro#ed y the : training manager. The -I course is no$ gi#en in the: as $ell.

    He super#ised the In7house upgrade of A ?.11 to ?.12.

    E Consultant Rue Tomalles* 2? 7 9101 @emeppe ur /euse 7 %elgiumhttp>>home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam



    He also de#eloped a timesheet tracking system in A for 3.

    Environment indo$s* %ase A* A>C,* A>-I.

    3ct 09C97Apr 0990 S:stems Engineer M2S =Saudi Ara5ia>

    Mission*Pro)ect /iddle7east 'ata ystems


    esponsi5ilities Responsile* at this national dealer of 'ata 4eneral minicomputer systems* first asystems -ngineer and from August 50 as - /anager* for operating systems*

    net$orking applications* and dataase de#elopment. 3ro#ided on7site user trainingand customer support.

    Environment '* R'* 'ata 4eneral A>F

    Apr 09CG7Sep 09C9 Anal:st * Programmer SA!2, TELE+,S,36=Saudi Ara5ia>

    Mission*Pro)ect pening the audi Ad#ertising 'epartment for the first time


    esponsi5ilities 'e#eloped a numer of ne$ applications in C%, from scratch in the ad#ertising

    department and channel 2 on 'ATA 4-E-RA, /F>9000. 'esigned and de#elopedin Interacti#e C%, !IC%," a ne$ application to automate the administrationof the audi TF ad#ertising department.

    Environment 'ata 4eneral A>F and C%,

    Apr 09CG7Sep 09C9 S:stems Engineer TEA #omputers Eg:pt

    Mission*Pro)ect pening the audi Ad#ertising 'epartment for the first time


    esponsi5ilities Responsile at this 'ATA 4-E-RA, agent in -gypt for the de#elopment of ne$applications such as a ne$ communication protocol et$een EFA7; and /F>9000using )RTRAE IF and a graphics package using the '4 programming language)66.

    3ro#ided customer support of R' operating system* '-T3 machines runningA and /F machines running A>F. Trained customers to use the '4>'%/dataase system.

    E Consultant Rue Tomalles* 2? 7 9101 @emeppe ur /euse 7 %elgiumhttp>>home.ase.e>#t?268261>main.htm

  • 7/24/2019 CV Ashmawy Mam


    Environment 'ata 4eneral A>F and )RTRAE