daily 'colonist .thtcadzo rest to dress neatly is an art · 2015-01-13 · rh1mi r j w...

rH1Mi r J w tli'J8 ' fi .v ot " .4'f i ' $ ) ; 1 'WI " " : .fTfI ' 'J l ; 1'f ' ; tw ,' ti ; ' i'ii 1tB 11-rP'bJlf ( 't tiM ' : ' ' . 'I .' . ' - I- IIr : : ' ) ! : ' : " < ' ' . : : '- I- : " . , " " . . " " : " ' . " " : ' : " " " " ' ' : " ' { ' ) ' ' ' . . . ' .- 1 , . . . ; ' ' ' ' . " . , . , " ' " . 'I . " " \ " " ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : : ': ' ' ' . . .- lr " " . : i : . , . , . : . ; : : ' . : . , . . . . ; . . , . ' . . . . . . : . . , r ' : ' . , : : . , . " ' ' , \ , ' ' ' ' . : " " ' , . , < . . . . ,1 " W: :: :: . : < : t h ( . " ( . VICTORIA ' 'DAILy : ' COLONIST ' TUESDAY " MAY 19 : 1896r ' ' r , , ; . ; t . ' ' . . , . , . . _ . , " ' . . , . ' . ' _ , " . _ f ' : ' .THt"CADZO " W'FO \ REST " i . r . . Story : of the ' Lost Ship Revived by ' , ° ' . the Finding of JWl'ct.kagc : . ' .i ; ' . . . . ' . : : ; ', ' : Steamship " Tacoma " SailsDairy- i ; d i ' . _ . Cattle in Transit From Port .f ' laud to Hongkong :. { , . ' I : ; ' In regard to the fate of the missing : . \ Oadzow Forest the News Advertiser of , f Sunday says there is now scarcely any doubt but that she has been wrecked and all hands drowned . The Cadzow Forest left San Francisco for Portland , Ore ., to load ' grain and was Seen off the mouth ' of the Columbia river bar , where she took on a pilot . A storm came up and she was driven out to sea and never seen again . She had but little ballast in her at the time and was in no shape to en- counter storm , and as time rolled on and no tidings were heard of her , ship ping.men shook their heads and whis pered that there was but little hope for her . The Dominion government steamer Quadra was sent to search for her , but her search was fruitless and then all hope for her safety was abandoned . Yesterday the Methodist missionary steamer Glad Tidings arrived in port from u cruise amongst the Indian mis sionary stations on Vancouver Island and the Northern coast , and the information brought by her undoubt edly seals the fate ot the Cadzow Forest . While at China Hat , in Albcr- nl district , some Indians showed a life-buoy bearing the name . ' Cadzow . Forest , which tbcy had picked upon one beacl 'the day , before . The Indians also stated that there was a quantity of wreckage etrewn along the shore . As the Glad Tidings had several mission aries on board who were on their way to conference , there was no time to make further inquiries . It would appear that the Cadzow Forest was driven by the storm on the treacherous shores of Bar clay sound , on the West coast of Van couver Island , where a good many yes eels have met with disaster , and as no- thing has been heard of her crew , all hands , including the Columbia river pilot , probably perished . The Cadzow Forest was a British barque of 1,068- tons . DEPARTS FOR JAPAN . Purser Campbell did not resume his old place on board the Northern Pacific liner Tacoma . when the latter called ' here en route to the Orient on Sunday . He is still unable to discharge his i duties although since entering the Jubilie hos- pital , a week or moro ago , he has been steadily improving in health . The Ta- coma arrived from the Sound in the forenoon and remained In port until six in the evening , receiving from Victoria besides considerable miscellaneous freight eight Chinese passengers , mak- ing - her total steerage number 38 , In her saloon Mrs . L . C.Kelly and two chil- dren ¬' , from Duluth ; G . L . Melhuish , Northern Pacific agent at Yokohama ; Mrs . G . L . Meihuish and child , J . B . Bearl! , Mrs . Wheeler , and J . W. Adams . The steamship carries a shipment of ten head of dairy cattle in transit from Port land to Hongkong where , owing to the recent plague , there is said to be a great scarcity of such stock . MARINE NOTES . The Barbara Boscowitz sailed for Naaa River and way ports last evening , carry ing besides a large quantity of cannery supplies , sixteen large fishing boats on deck . She calls at Vancouver en route North . Captain Daly of the sealing schooner Louis Olsen , when at Nuchatlitz a week or so ago heard of a large sail belonging to some schooner being picked up at Tatchu Point . It is nut known to what vessel the sail belonged . The bark Addenda arrived in Eequi- malt ; from Honolulu last night to goon the marine ways for an overhaul . She made the voyage . here in 32 days . The steamer Quadra \\'Illieave for Car- manah Point this morning to bring down the bodies of the captain and crew of the lost shin Janet Cowan . The R . M . S . Empress of Japan is due from the Orient this morning . ENTERED . StrCharmer.from Vancouver . " City of Kingston " Port Townsend . II Rosalie . ' . ... . " " " " Walla AValla . . . " " . II Tacoma . .. . . . . " Tacoma . " Umatilla . . . . . . . . . ' San Francisco . II R . P . Uithct . .. . " Westminster . " Evangel . . . . . . . .. " Port Angeles . : : Rainbow ! . . . . . . . . " Albernl I . Sadie .. . . .. ...... " Sooke . : : Mexico .. . . . . .. . . . " Coinox . Daisy " Clirmainus . . Lome ' . : : : : : : : : ' : : " Vancouver . CLEARED . 6tr . Charmer . ... . . . .. lor Vancouver . . City of Kingston " Port Townsend . Rosalie . . . . .. . ' . .. " " " ' . Mexico . . . . . . . " " " " Uinntillii . . . . . " " " " Walla Wnlla . . . . " Sun Francisco . " R. P . Rithet . . . . " Westminster . " Evangel . . . . . . . " Port Angeles . " Barbara Boscowitx " Port Simpson . II Rainbow . . . . . . .. " Sookc . . . Sadie . . . . . . . . . . . . " II . Capilano . . . . . . " .Haddlngtou I'd " Lorne . . . . .. . ... . " Vancouver . . RICHARD MANSFIELD , conceded to be Americas greatest actor , will make his first visit to Victoria next Friday . lie companyfrom the Garrickandwill at tlie Victoria theatre be seen in his strongest play , "Beau Brummell . " There is no work of this great artist's that , serves better to reveal the quality of his art and the pre cision and wizard force ! of his dramatic power. Mr. Mansfield's characteriza tion is , to say the least , a remarkable creation . It was Mr . Mansfield's first great success , and still remains one of his most brilliant triumphs . It is plea- sant - to note that this great play has been , assigned for Mr . Mansfield's ap- pearance in this city , and those who . fail to witness his remarkable imperson ation will rnies seeing the greatest achievement in character acting known to the Englishspeaking stage . I DR. VYOOD'8 NORWAY PINE SYRDP cures Coughs , Colds . Asthma , Bronchitis , HoursvncM and Consumption if taken la time . l'rlco2Gc . , I all druggists . > * Baby ,, Carriages , the latest models from till American Rattan Co . , can be seen at Weiler Bros ., 61 to 55 Fort street . x , . " . . ) . . ' . . . , ; , .o/.iflV " , ' , '" _ 'rn . I . LEAGUE ' BASEBALL ; : , Tacoma Now Leads In the Series Instead of the Portland ' . DIen . " Glad to get back - agaln ? " That was the query addressed to Captain ' Klopf when he stepped on the dock soon after the Rosalie came in yesterday morning . " Glad to get back again ? " ho repeated , well , I should ' say so . It has been rain , rain and nothing but rain ever since we left . In Portland we played knee-deep in the mud , and Seattle and Tacoma have been little better with their constant drizzle and unseasonable cold . " The undisguised pleasure ex- pressed by Captain Klopf is shared by the rest of the team , for they say that the weather has been most unfavorable for good ball playing , and to , the damp , chilly state ' of the atmosphere can be chiefly ascribed the large scores . Klopf is not at all dissatisfied with Victoria's standing in the pennant race . Although Victoria is in last place , it should be brne in mind that the local team was playing its matches on foreign grounds . They were further handicapped in the pitching department . Devereaux did not put in an appearance and Pitt was u disappointment , and all the twirling therefore had to be done by . Darby . Vic toria will soon be more than a match for the other nines , as soon as Fanning and Hughes ( get into shape . Pitcher Darby said last night that Fanning and Hughes will pitch winning ball , and that they will prove as good men as any in the league . Pitt and second baseman O'Neil have been released . O'Neil unfortunately hurt his knee very badly , and will not be able to do any ball playing this year . The men went out for pracitce yester day afternoon at the Caledonia grounds . Fanning did a lot of pitching , though at no lime did he put on much speed , as he is trying to coax his arm into its old-time cunning . If Fanning succeeds in reaching anything near his form of a few years back , then the hearts of the local fans will be made glad . Hughes is very speedy and has sharp curves . He is also steady and cool , and will come off all right after a few games . Now that O'Neil has gone it has been necessary to bring in Pequig- ney from left . Pequigney plays the bag in grand style , covering much ground and going for everything . lIe is no record player . Patton and Downs are not in the best of condition , both suffering from sprains received sliding . They expect to be in prime condition for the opening game to-morrow with the Gladiators . " " Baby " Whaline at first is putting up great ball , and al- though the spell of wet weather has put somewhat of a damper on his jovial temperament , there is a faint trace of a smile as he gathers in Klopf's and Babbitt's line throws across the diamond . It will take just a few more sunshiny days like :yes- terday - and Victoria's big first baseman will be as happy as of yore . Tomor row's league game between tlie Victoria nine and Glenalvin's Gladiators " should be u hard fought contest . Darby will be in the box for Victoria . Darby's day , according to the record thus far , should be Victoria's day . If Victoria doesn't win it will not be through Dar by's fault , or through the fault of the balance of the team , as every man is out to lower Porlhllld's colors . The league battle has only begun , and a few vic tories by Victoria and a few reverses for the lenders will considerably alter the aspect . Borchers , , s star , will be in the box for the web-footers , and this will make Captain Klopf and his men put forth extra exertions to take a feather out of Glenalvin's headgear . Victoria in its last game with Seattle ' could do nothing at all with Van Grie- son . Glenalvin had four pitchers , and he decided to let one go . He kept Balz , Birches , and Fennimore , and Manager Leadly promptly signed Van Grieson as soon as he was free from his Portland contract . Victoria only made three hits off Seattle's new pitcher , and the game ended 14 to 1 in favor of Seattle . Hughes pitched steadily , but did not re- ceive the best of support . The only game played yesterday was one between Tacoma and Portland . The batteries were Brandenburg and Dono van for Tacoma , and Balz and Frishie for Portland . Portland was defeated by a score of 14 to 9 . The Tacoma team are developing great slugging powers , and the visiting pitchers ' records are suffer- ing - . Darby has been the only pitcher so far to bailie the Tacoma men . THE RACE FOR TUE I'ENNANT . Wan . Lot Tacoma . . . . . . .. . ... . . ...... . .. . 7 0 Seattle .. . . . . . . .. , . . .. . . . 5 3 Portland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Victoria1 7 TilE GAME IN THE EAST . At Buffalo-Buffalo , 6 ; Willesbarre , 3 . At Syracuse-Syracuse , 3 ; Spring- field - .1 . At Rochester-Rochester , 11 ; ; Provi dence , 5 . At Cincinnati-Cincinnati ; Phila delphia , 6 . At Louisville-Washington , 5 ; Louis ville . 3 . At Chicago Chicago , 15 ; New York 3 . : Any tire is good until something hap- pens - to it , then you wish you had aG :.C J . All Ramblers and No . land 3 Ideals are fitted with G . & J . tires . Weiler Bros . , agents . x E O rKNflLY \ ' p 9 d " v 7 ® ' t II n very romlUkBble remedy , boor for IN- wonderull - . PAINKILLER ! min taro rev Snro ( Mils Dlnl.I"rn . l'srteSCaluwus , , ( holes . , ; . III.U Lunal CuwiWuu , PAINKILLER ! TlI1 . ILI.ST rein ? : , lnnon fur S0 n rhon.d . . ' ] C3r.tue , ' ' l'uJ&ul'n PAINKILLER , , the weft , I4r and rhoMertrnurr , ia " tall duure wonlhR . R 11I1.11110.1\11) ' . .t hand , , and un Tn USE hlcruIIU or cxlci'imlly v/lih c.rulntr orr-II.r . .nlb.o"l'EBIlY " . . . ha , , ' 'La4 .. ! f . , . , , ' . , To ; Dress ' : ' ' Neatly , Is an Art . But it doesn't take an artist to appreciate at first glance the superior quality , superb style , ' excellent finish and low price of the Clothing and Furnishings handled by, ' us . Ofcourse ' you are preparing for the 24tlI ' and you will probably need a new outfit , or part of one . Have a look at our . . . ' . . . B'oaU9 ' > ; uitS , T ellis ; uitS , Bieyele t uits , T Outilq glirts t- &raw , ads , lB'elts , Etc . The latest thing in SWEATERS to be found here-the only store in British Columbia that has them-the Laced ' Sweater with large sailor collar . . . . . \3 Always up to date with the latest in Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishings . . . . Geo . R . Jackson , Five Sisters Block , ,Government Street . THE ONTARIO : ' i MUTUAL , LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , ESTABLISHED 1STO . ' The Only Purely Mutual Company in Canada . Income.8144gr6.goReserve ::: : : : :: :: : : : I I | :: : : : :: : :: :: : : : : DPI it No restrictions , travel or occupation LIBERAL rUUUl CONTRACT . and refI [ ono year . Every desirable plan written at low rates . BEAU MONT BOGGS , 1.0 . Box llr'tt , Victoria , JlO . apl0 GENERAL AGENT Bank of British Columbia (Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1862 . ) 83,930,000RESERVE ) , HEAD OFFICE , GO LOMBARD STREET , LONDON , ENGLAND . BRANCHES : IN BRITISH COLUMBIA : I THE UNITED STATES : I IIN Victoria , Vancouver , New Westminster , Son Francisco , Nanalmo Kamloops and Nelson , I Portland , ( kootenay Lake ) . Seattle and Tacoma . iln Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce , Merchants ' Agents and Correspondent S 1 ( Bank of Canada , The Molsons Bank , Imperial Bank of Canada , Bank of Bank of Canada . In United States-CanadIan Bank of Commerce ( Agency ) New York ; Bank of Nova Scotia , Chicago . In Australia and New Zealand Bank of Australusla In Honolulu Bishop & Co . Savings Bank Department . Deposit * received from $1 upwards , and interest allowed ( I'rosentr est 3 1'EH CENT. J'EK A.AfJi UM . Gold Dual purchased and every description ot Banking Business transacted . Victoria , B.C . , July 1, 1893 . , GEO ' GILLESPIE Manager . RAUTENBERG ' $ ELECTION RETURNS . Score ' Cards : , For the Dominion of Canada , with official returns of I89I . RICE15c . . ; Hibben . & CO ' . ; . . " , , . \1 I No trouble to furnish information about Splendid Service offered via The NorthWestern Line " from Min- neapolis - and St . Paul to Mil waukee and Chicago its a plea sure . If ' you contemplate a trip East , please drop a line to T . W. ,I Teasdale , General Passenger Agent St . Paul ,' 'Minn ., and re- ceive Illustrated Folder free , with detailed information about the superb trains leaving Minneapolis and St . Pnul every day in , the week , , together with any special information you may desire . Your Home Agent will sell you tickets via tills first-class line and reserve you Sleeping Car Berths . In advance on application . FW . 'PAnKKn , Puget Sound Agent , Seattle . . ' ' oxJD toFort : :: I . particularsapply trc t - ap24 , 0 ' . R . & N . E . McNEIL , RECEIVES . ' AND UNION PACIFIC . ( THE OVERLAND ROUTE ) s. U.H. Clark , Oliver W. Mink,E . Ellery Ander- son ¬ , John W . Dcmno , Frederic R Coudert , Receivers . IS THE DIRECT LINE TO THE EAST ViA SALT LAKE CITY , DENVER , OMAHA , OR KANSAS CITY . LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES . Ocean Steamers leave Portland every flvo days for SAN FRANCISCO ' European Steamship Tickets for sale via all lines . For full details call on R . HALL , Passenger Agent , Victoria , B.C . Or address ' W . II . HURLBUT , Gen . Pass . Agent , ap21 Portland , Oregon . Liverpool to Victoria . r The Magnificent British Ship MANX KING , " 1751 toni register , clashed 100 Al Lloyd's ( K A KUAN , Master ), will begin loading In Liverpool about 1st May for this port , and having the greater portion of her cargo engaged will hare quick dispatch . For rates of freight and other particulars ap- lytoBALFOUR , WILLIAMSON . & CO. , Liverpool . ROBERT WARD & CO . , LTD . . aplO-lm . Victoria . PACIFIC COAST ss . Coe Despatch a Steamer every five days for Ban Francisco , carrying lien Majesty's mails . from Outer Wharf . at 8 p.m . Umatllla . May 22 , FOR ALASKA . And , May 12 . City of Topeka , May 17 , Jane 1 anl 16 . ' Queen , Juno 6 and 21 . B.P. RITfiET & CO . , Agent . S yi4r RUNS 2 TRAINS DAILY2 re- ST . PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , DULUTH , FARGO , GRAND FORKS , CROOKSTON , WINNIPEG , HELENA , SPOKANE . I The only line runnIng TWO dally trains across the continent . The Only All-Rail Route to the Una ! ; Gold Fields THROUGH TICKETS To Chicago , IFtiihinffton 2'liiladel- pMa , NeeD Fork . Beaten , and ad Points Blue and South . Alsoto CHINA AND JAPAN Via the Northern Pacific SS. Co . For full information , time cards , maps , eta call on or aadrees E. E . BLACKWOOD , Freight and Passenger Agent , Victoria , B.C . A . D CHARLTON , Asst . ( 225 Morrison St , ear . fh1ds6taud \ , Or . CITY OF VICTORIA . COURT OF REVISION . Notice is hereby given that the Court of Re- vision - for the purpose of hearing all complaints against the assessment for UOG , as made by the Assessor of the City of Victoria , will bo held at the Council Chamber , City nail , Victoria , on Tuetiday , the : lId day of June , J8SHI , at 10 o'clock a.m . WELLINGTON J . DOWEEB . 28th April , 1800 . [ap29 ] C.JI.C . NOTICE Tho following streets are closed to public traffic : Blanchard street , between Fort street and Kane street , and Kane street , between Blanchud and Quadra streets . E.A. WILMOT , ap22-tl city _ Engi- nccrNOTIOE Notice is hereby given that at the next sitting the Board of Lfcenslug Commissioners the Iof of Victoria , B.C . , I shall apply for n Iran of the license I now held by mo to sell spirit ¬ uous or fermented liquors by retail at the I Calc donlan Hotel , corner of Store and Cormorant streets , to Robert Chadwlck . Victoria , B.C ., May tn1l8irNRY my9-lm GAEUDES . " WHEN YOU . TRAVEL : ' " TAKE THE CANADIAN'AEIFIC ' t RAILWAY * THE ONLY LINE Running Through Sleep jug , Dining and Day Coaches to BOSTON , MONTREAL ,. TORONTO , ST . PAUL , , , mINNEAPOLISAND The Eastern States and Canada TEE . HEADS THE LIST FOR Beautiful Scenery , Fast Time and Magnificent Trains . The Only Direct Line to the . Kootenaj and Cariboo Gold Fields si . Through Tickets to all points in Europe via New York or Montreal , connecting with ALL ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES . Berths reserved on application . European baggage checked to destination without cus- toms . - - examinations . For further information apply to . GEO . MCL BROWN , Dist. Pass . Agent , bEO . L . COURTNEY , Vancouver . Agent , Cor . Fort and Gov't 8ts , Vict- oriaEsquimalt&NanaimoRy . TIME TA.HLE Ko . HB, To take effect at 8 a.m . on Saturday , lurch 21 18'Jfi . Trams run on Pacific Standard Time . GOING NORTH . Sat . e Daily Sun . Lv . Victoria for Nanaimo and A.M . P.M : . Wellington . .. . . .. . . . 8:00 4:00 ; : Ar.Nanaimo . . .. . . . . .. . 11:37:25 Ar . Wellington . . . . . . . . . . . 12:00 : 7:45 GOING SOUTH . _ -4 n : Lv . Wellington for Victoria . . 8:20 : I-- ; : Lv . Nanalnio for Victoria . . . . 8U5 ; : Ar. Victoria . . . . .. . .. .. . 12:20 ; : For rates and Information apply at Company's offices . A. DONSMUIR , JOSEPH HUNTER, President . Gent Supt . H . K . PRIOR, General Freight and Passenger Agent . 0(29 Oregon-Asiatic Steamship Line . For Honolulu . . . . China g Japan . S8 , ALTMUKE-3wn tons dead weight . Due 20th May . aa . AliZOUN--4.SOO tons dead weight Due 20th Juno . . Puget Sound & Central America SS . Co . 88 . T/iXJV3ZT-8ailtng monthly or Central American ports . For freight and particulars apply to F . C. DAVIDGE & CO ., Agents . F , 0 . DAVIDGE & GOT, Comainioi Bercliati aid Shipping Ageili , IMPORTERS 01- JAPANESE RICE , SILK AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE Board of Trade Building , Victoria . NOTICE . _ I hare this day sold my insurance , collecting , and commission , business to the well known *, firm of Munu , Holland & Co. who have been appointed agents for the Union Assurance Society of Londou , England . Whilo thanking my numerous clients fur hid patronage in the . past , would respectfully ask a continuance of iho tame for my successor . J . tiT. CLAIR BLACKETT . Victoria , April 15th , 18M . aplV J u m . / r . . CHAS . . HOWARD \ , Funeral fate and Emiialmer '' 52 Uoyornogd ( sued , Victoria. : : ' I : Tb4 largest and bert nppn'lntod Under . . taking Kstabllfchimtiit iu the I'rewlitce. } i , , ji:1

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Page 1: DAILy 'COLONIST .THtCADZO REST To Dress Neatly Is an Art · 2015-01-13 · rH1Mi r J w tli'J8 'fi.v ot ".4'f i ' $); 1 'WI"": .fTfI ' 'Jl; 1'f '; tw,' ti; ' i'ii1tB 11-rP'bJlf(

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" ( . VICTORIA ''DAILy : '


MAY 19: 1896r' '

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r . . Story: of the ' Lost Ship Revived by'


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. the Finding ofJWl'ct.kagc:.

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', ': Steamship " Tacoma " SailsDairy-i;



._ .

Cattle in Transit From Port.f ' laud to Hongkong: .{

, .

' I:; ' In regard to the fate of the missing: . \ Oadzow Forest the News Advertiser of

, ff Sunday says there is now scarcely anydoubt but that she has been wrecked andall hands drowned . The Cadzow Forestleft San Francisco for Portland , Ore . , toload ' grain and was Seen off the mouth

' of the Columbia river bar , where shetook on a pilot . A storm came up andshe was driven out to sea and never seenagain . She had but little ballast in herat the time and was in no shape to en-counter storm , and as time rolled onand no tidings were heard of her , shipping.men shook their heads and whispered that there was but little hope forher . The Dominion government steamerQuadra was sent to search for her , buther search was fruitless and then allhope for her safety was abandoned .

Yesterday the Methodist missionarysteamer Glad Tidings arrived in portfrom u cruise amongst the Indian missionary stations on Vancouver Islandand the Northern coast , and theinformation brought by her undoubtedly seals the fate ot the Cadzow .Forest . While at China Hat , in Albcr-nl district , some Indians showed a


life-buoy bearing the name . ' Cadzow ;.1 Forest , which tbcy had picked upon

one beacl 'the day , before . The Indians Ialso stated that there was a quantity ofwreckage etrewn along the shore . Asthe Glad Tidings had several missionaries on board who were on their way toconference , there was no time to makefurther inquiries . It would appear thatthe Cadzow Forest was driven by thestorm on the treacherous shores of Barclay sound , on the West coast of Vancouver Island , where a good many yeseels have met with disaster , and as no-thing has been heard of her crew , allhands , including the Columbia riverpilot , probably perished . The CadzowForest was a British barque of 1,068-

tons .

DEPARTS FOR JAPAN .Purser Campbell did not resume his

old place on board the Northern Pacificliner Tacoma . when the latter called


en route to the Orient on Sunday . Heis still unable to discharge hisi dutiesalthough since entering the Jubilie hos-pital , a week or moro ago , he has beensteadily improving in health . The Ta-

coma arrived from the Sound in theforenoon and remained In port until sixin the evening , receiving from Victoriabesides considerable miscellaneousfreight eight Chinese passengers , mak-ing


her total steerage number 38 , Inher saloon Mrs . L . C.Kelly and two chil-dren

¬ '

, from Duluth ; G . L . Melhuish ,

Northern Pacific agent at Yokohama ;;

Mrs . G . L . Meihuish and child , J . B .

Bearl! , Mrs . Wheeler , and J . W . Adams .

The steamship carries a shipment of tenhead of dairy cattle in transit from Portland to Hongkong where , owing to therecent plague , there is said to be a greatscarcity of such stock .


The Barbara Boscowitz sailed for NaaaRiver and way ports last evening , carrying besides a large quantity of cannerysupplies , sixteen large fishing boats ondeck . She calls at Vancouver en routeNorth .

Captain Daly of the sealing schoonerLouis Olsen , when at Nuchatlitz a weekor so ago heard of a large sail belongingto some schooner being picked up atTatchu Point . It is nut known to whatvessel the sail belonged .

The bark Addenda arrived in Eequi-malt;from Honolulu last night to goon themarine ways for an overhaul. She madethe voyage . here in 32 days .

The steamer Quadra \\'Illieave for Car-manah Point this morning to bring downthe bodies of the captain and crew of thelost shin Janet Cowan .

The R . M . S . Empress of Japan is duefrom the Orient this morning .


StrCharmer.from Vancouver ." City of Kingston " Port Townsend .II Rosalie . ' . . . . . " " "" Walla AValla . . . " " .II Tacoma . . . . . . . " Tacoma ." Umatilla . . . . . . . .

. ' San Francisco .II R . P . Uithct . . . . " Westminster ." Evangel . . . . . . . . . " Port Angeles .

: : Rainbow! . . . . . . . . " AlbernlI .Sadie . . . . . . . . . . . . " Sooke .

: : Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . " Coinox .Daisy " Clirmainus .. Lome

'. : : : : : : : : ' : : " Vancouver .


6tr . Charmer . . . . . . . . . lor Vancouver .. City of Kingston " Port Townsend. Rosalie . . . . . . . ' . . . " " " '

. Mexico . . . . . . . " " "" Uinntillii . . . . . " " "" Walla Wnlla . . . . " Sun Francisco .

" R. P . Rithet . . . . " Westminster .

" Evangel . . . . . . . " Port Angeles ." Barbara Boscowitx " Port Simpson .II Rainbow . . . . . . . . " Sookc .. . Sadie . . . . . . . . . . . . " II. Capilano . . . . . . " .Haddlngtou I'd" Lorne . . . . . . . . . . . " Vancouver ..RICHARD MANSFIELD , conceded to be

Americas greatest actor , will make hisfirst visit to Victoria next Friday . lie

companyfromthe Garrickandwill at tlie Victoriatheatre be seen in his strongest play ,

"Beau Brummell . " There is no workof this great artist's that , serves better toreveal the quality of his art and the precision and wizard force! of his dramaticpower. Mr. Mansfield's characterization is , to say the least , a remarkablecreation . It was Mr . Mansfield's firstgreat success , and still remains one ofhis most brilliant triumphs . It is plea-sant

-to note that this great play has

been , assigned for Mr . Mansfield's ap-pearance in this city , and those who

. fail to witness his remarkable impersonation will rnies seeing the greatestachievement in character acting knownto the Englishspeaking stage .


DR . VYOOD'8 NORWAY PINE SYRDP curesCoughs , Colds . Asthma , Bronchitis , HoursvncMand Consumption if taken la time . l'rlco2Gc .

, I all druggists . >

* Baby ,, Carriages , the latest models fromtill American Rattan Co . , can be seen atWeiler Bros . , 61 to 55 Fort street . x


. " . . ) . . ' . . ., ; , .o/.iflV ",' ,'" _ 'rn . I



Tacoma Now Leads In the Series Instead ofthe Portland '

. DIen .

" Glad to get back - agaln ? " That wasthe query addressed to Captain ' Klopfwhen he stepped on the dock soon afterthe Rosalie came in yesterday morning ." Glad to get back again ? " ho repeated ,

well , I should ' say so . It has beenrain , rain and nothing but rain eversince we left . In Portland we playedknee-deep in the mud , and Seattle andTacoma have been little better withtheir constant drizzle and unseasonablecold . " The undisguised pleasure ex-pressed by Captain Klopf is shared bythe rest of the team , for they say thatthe weather has been most unfavorablefor good ball playing , and to , the damp ,chilly state ' of the atmosphere can bechiefly ascribed the large scores . Klopfis not at all dissatisfied with Victoria'sstanding in the pennant race . AlthoughVictoria is in last place , it should bebrne in mind that the local team wasplaying its matches on foreign grounds .

, They were further handicapped in the' pitching department . Devereaux didnot put in an appearance and Pitt was udisappointment , and all the twirlingtherefore had to be done by . Darby . Victoria will soon be more than a match forthe other nines , as soon as Fanning andHughes (get into shape . Pitcher Darby saidlast night that Fanning and Hughes willpitch winning ball , and that they willprove as good men as any in the league .

Pitt and second baseman O'Neil havebeen released . O'Neil unfortunatelyhurt his knee very badly , and will notbe able to do any ball playing this year .

The men went out for pracitce yesterday afternoon at the Caledonia grounds .

Fanning did a lot of pitching , though atno lime did he put on much speed ,

as he is trying to coax hisarm into its old-time cunning . IfFanning succeeds in reaching anythingnear his form of a few years back , thenthe hearts of the local fans will be madeglad . Hughes is very speedy and hassharp curves . He is also steady andcool , and will come off all right after afew games . Now that O'Neil has goneit has been necessary to bring in Pequig-ney from left . Pequigney plays thebag in grand style , covering muchground and going for everything . lIe isno record player . Patton and Downsare not in the best of condition , bothsuffering from sprains received sliding .

They expect to be in prime conditionfor the opening game to-morrow withthe Gladiators . " " Baby " Whalineat first is putting up great ball , and al-though the spell of wet weather has putsomewhat of a damper on hisjovial temperament , there is afaint trace of a smile as hegathers in Klopf's and Babbitt's linethrows across the diamond . It will takejust a few more sunshiny days like :yes-


and Victoria's big first basemanwill be as happy as of yore . Tomorrow's league game between tlie Victorianine and Glenalvin's Gladiators "should be u hard fought contest . Darbywill be in the box for Victoria . Darby'sday , according to the record thus far ,should be Victoria's day . If Victoriadoesn't win it will not be through Darby's fault , or through the fault of thebalance of the team , as every man is outto lower Porlhllld's colors . The leaguebattle has only begun , and a few victories by Victoria and a few reverses forthe lenders will considerably alter theaspect . Borchers , , s star , willbe in the box for the web-footers , andthis will make Captain Klopf and hismen put forth extra exertions to take afeather out of Glenalvin's headgear .

Victoria in its last game with Seattle'

could do nothing at all with Van Grie-son . Glenalvin had four pitchers , andhe decided to let one go . He kept Balz ,Birches , and Fennimore , and ManagerLeadly promptly signed Van Grieson assoon as he was free from his Portlandcontract . Victoria only made three hitsoff Seattle's new pitcher , and the gameended 14 to 1 in favor of Seattle .

Hughes pitched steadily , but did not re-ceive the best of support .

The only game played yesterday wasone between Tacoma and Portland . Thebatteries were Brandenburg and Donovan for Tacoma , and Balz and Frishiefor Portland . Portland was defeated bya score of 14 to 9 . The Tacoma team aredeveloping great slugging powers , andthe visiting pitchers ' records are suffer-ing


. Darby has been the only pitcherso far to bailie the Tacoma men .


Tacoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0Seattle . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 5 3Portland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4Victoria1 7


At Buffalo-Buffalo , 6 ; Willesbarre , 3 .

At Syracuse-Syracuse , 3 ; Spring-field


. 1 .

At Rochester-Rochester , 11 ;; Providence , 5 .

At Cincinnati-Cincinnati ; Philadelphia , 6 .

At Louisville-Washington , 5 ; Louisville . 3 .

At Chicago Chicago , 15 ; New York 3 .

:Any tire is good until something hap-pens

-to it , then you wish you had a G :.C

J . All Ramblers and No . land 3 Idealsare fitted with G . & J . tires . WeilerBros . , agents . x

E O rKNflLY\ '

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II n very romlUkBble remedy , boor for IN-wonderull -.

PAINKILLER! min taro rev Snro(Mils Dlnl.I"rn . l'srteSCaluwus, ,( holes . , ;. III.U Lunal CuwiWuu ,

PAINKILLER! TlI1 . ILI.ST rein? :, lnnon fur S0 nrhon.d..

' ]C3r.tue, ' 'l'uJ&ul'nPAINKILLER , , the weft ,I4r andrhoMertrnurr,

ia " tall duure wonlhR. R 11I1.11110.1\11)' . .t hand ,, ,and un Tn USE hlcruIIU or cxlci'imlly v/lihc.rulntr orr-II.r .



. . ha ,,''La4 .. !f . , . ,

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To; Dress ':



Is an Art.But it doesn't take an artist to appreciate atfirst glance the superior quality , superb style ,

'excellent finish and low price of the Clothingand Furnishings handled by,

' us . Ofcourse' you are preparing for the 24tlI ' and you willprobably need a new outfit , or part of one .

Have a look at our . . .'

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B'oaU9 '>;uitS ,

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ads , lB'elts , Etc .

The latest thing in SWEATERSto be found here-the only store in BritishColumbia that has them-the Laced ' Sweaterwith large sailor collar . . . . .

\3 Always up to date with the latest in Clothingand Gentlemen's Furnishings . . . .

Geo . R. Jackson ,

Five Sisters Block ,

,Government Street .





The Only Purely Mutual Company in Canada .

Income.8144gr6.goReserve::: : : : : : : : : : : III

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DPI it No restrictions , travel or occupationLIBERAL rUUUlCONTRACT . and refI[ ono year . Every desirableplan written at low rates .


1.0 . Box llr'tt , Victoria , JlO . apl0 GENERAL AGENT

Bank of British Columbia(Incorporated by Royal Charter , 1862 . )





IIIINVictoria , Vancouver , New Westminster , Son Francisco ,Nanalmo Kamloops and Nelson , II Portland ,

( kootenay Lake ) . Seattle and Tacoma .

iln Canada Canadian Bank of Commerce , Merchants 'Agents and Correspondent S 1( Bank of Canada , The Molsons Bank , Imperial Bank ofCanada , Bank of Bank of Canada . In United States-CanadIan Bank ofCommerce ( Agency ) New York ; Bank of Nova Scotia , Chicago . In Australia and New ZealandBank of Australusla In Honolulu Bishop & Co .

Savings Bank Department .Deposit * received from $1 upwards , and interest allowed ( I'rosentr est 3 1'EH CENT. J'EKA.AfJi UM .

Gold Dual purchased and every description ot Banking Business transacted .

Victoria , B.C . , July 1 , 1893 . , GEO ' GILLESPIE Manager .



Score'Cards :,

For the Dominion of Canada ,

with official returnsof I89I

. RICE15c. .



Hibben . & CO'. ;




, . \1I

No troubleto furnish information aboutSplendid Service offered via TheNorthWestern Line " from Min-neapolis


and St . Paul to Milwaukee and Chicago its a pleasure . If ' you contemplate a tripEast , please drop a line to T . W .

, I Teasdale , General PassengerAgent St. Paul ,' 'Minn . , and re-ceive Illustrated Folder free , withdetailed information about thesuperb trains leaving Minneapolisand St . Pnul every day in , theweek , , together with any special


information you may desire .

Your Home Agent will sell youtickets via tills first-class line andreserve you Sleeping Car Berths

. In advance on application . FW .'PAnKKn , Puget Sound Agent ,

Seattle . .

''oxJDtoFort: :: I

.particularsapplytrc t - ap24 ,

0 '. R. & N .




s . U . H . Clark , Oliver W. Mink , E . Ellery Ander-son


, John W . Dcmno , Frederic RCoudert , Receivers .








Ocean Steamers leave Portland every flvodays for

SAN FRANCISCO'European Steamship Tickets for salevia all lines .

For full details call onR . HALL ,

Passenger Agent , Victoria , B.C .Or address '

W . II . HURLBUT , Gen . Pass . Agent ,II

ap21 Portland , Oregon .

Liverpool to Victoria .

r The Magnificent British Ship


1751 toni register , clashed 100

Al Lloyd's ( K A KUAN , Master ) ,

will begin loading In Liverpool about 1st Mayfor this port , and having the greater portion ofher cargo engaged will hare quick dispatch .

For rates of freight and other particulars ap-lytoBALFOUR


& CO . ,Liverpool .

ROBERT WARD & CO . , LTD . .aplO-lm . Victoria .


Despatch a Steamer every five days forBan Francisco , carrying lien Majesty'smails . from Outer Wharf . at 8 p.m .

Umatllla . May 22 ,


And , May 12 .

City of Topeka , May 17 , Jane 1 anl 16 .'Queen , Juno 6 and 21 .

B . P . RITfiET & CO . , Agent .

S yi4r








The only line runnIng TWO dally trainsacross the continent .

The Only All-Rail Route to the Una! ; Gold Fields


To Chicago , IFtiihinffton 2'liiladel-pMa , NeeD Fork . Beaten , and adPoints Blue and South .


Via the Northern Pacific SS. Co .

For full information , time cards , maps , etacall on or aadrees

E . E . BLACKWOOD ,Freight and Passenger Agent ,

Victoria , B.C .A . D CHARLTON ,

Asst . (225 Morrison St , ear . fh1ds6taud\ , Or .



Notice is hereby given that the Court of Re-


for the purpose of hearing all complaintsagainst the assessment for UOG , as made by theAssessor of the City of Victoria , will bo held atthe Council Chamber , City nail , Victoria , onTuetiday , the : lId day of June , J8SHI , at10 o'clock a.m .


28th April , 1800 . [ap29 ] C.JI.C .

NOTICETho following streets are closed to public

traffic : Blanchard street , between Fort streetand Kane street , and Kane street , betweenBlanchud and Quadra streets .

E . A . WILMOT ,

ap22-tl city_Engi-nccrNOTIOE

Notice is hereby given that at the next sittingthe Board of Lfcenslug Commissioners the

IIof of Victoria , B.C . , I shall apply for n Iranof the licenseII now held by mo to sell spirit ¬

I uous or fermented liquors by retail at theI Calcdonlan Hotel , corner of Store and Cormorantstreets , to Robert Chadwlck .

Victoria , B.C . , May tn1l8irNRYmy9-lm GAEUDES .









Running Through Sleepjug , Dining and Day

Coaches to





The Eastern States and Canada


Beautiful Scenery , Fast Time andMagnificent Trains .

The Only Direct Line to the.

Kootenaj and Cariboo Gold Fieldssi.

Through Tickets to all points in Europe viaNew York or Montreal , connecting with ALLATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES .

Berths reserved on application . Europeanbaggage checked to destination without cus-


- -

examinations .

For further information apply to .


Dist. Pass . Agent , bEO . L . COURTNEY ,

Vancouver . Agent ,

Cor . Fort and Gov't 8ts , Vict-




To take effect at 8 a.m . on Saturday , lurch 2118'Jfi . Trams run on Pacific Standard Time .


Sat . eDaily Sun .

Lv . Victoria for Nanaimo and A.M . P.M: .Wellington . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 4:00;:

Ar.Nanaimo . . . . . . . . . . . 11:37:25Ar . Wellington . . . . . . . . . . . 12:00: 7:45


Lv . Wellington for Victoria . . 8:20: I--;:

Lv . Nanalnio for Victoria . . . . 8U5 ;:

Ar. Victoria . . . . . . . . . . . .

12:20 ;:

For rates and Information apply at Company'soffices .A. DONSMUIR , JOSEPH HUNTER ,

President . Gent Supt .H . K . PRIOR ,

General Freight and Passenger Agent .0(29

Oregon-Asiatic Steamship Line .

For Honolulu . . . .

China g Japan .

S8 , ALTMUKE-3wn tons dead weight . Due20th May .

aa . AliZOUN--4.SOO tons dead weight Due20th Juno .


Puget Sound & Central America SS . Co .

88 . T/iXJV3ZT-8ailtng monthly or CentralAmerican ports .

For freight and particulars apply toF . C . DAVIDGE & CO . , Agents .

F , 0 . DAVIDGE & GOT,Comainioi Bercliati aid Shipping Ageili ,


Board of Trade Building , Victoria .

NOTICE ._I hare this day sold my insurance , collecting ,

and commission, business to the well known * ,

firm of Munu , Holland & Co. who have beenappointed agents for the Union AssuranceSociety of Londou , England . Whilo thankingmy numerous clients fur hid patronage in the .

past , would respectfully ask a continuance ofiho tame for my successor .

J . tiT. CLAIR BLACKETT .Victoria , April 15th , 18M . aplV

Ju m . / r .

. CHAS . . HOWARD\ ,

Funeral fate and Emiialmer ''

52 Uoyornogd ( sued , Victoria.: :


:< Tb4 largest and bert nppn'lntod Under .


taking Kstabllfchimtiit iu the I'rewlitce. }



