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Republican Party

Republican Party



The Mottos

Believe in America-Mitt RomneyWe promise equal opportunity, not equal outcomes

We built it


The party of opportunity.

They believe in a stronger and freer America.

They want a smaller and smarter government.

Change they way how government uses budgets, taxes, and how it regulates.

Help out small businesses to create jobs.

Platform Continued

They want to make taxes simple and fair.Reform and protect pensions.Expand options for education and health

care.Protect public safety and our national


Political World

They believe that the government should have limited power and more independence for

people to live more freely.

Issues on the Political World

ImmigrationThe government should support on building a

border fence and government should not allow more illegal immigrants to enter.

What they don’t believe: Illegal immigrants should not be allowed to the United States and offered the same benefits as a U.S. citizen.

Issues on the Political World

War The government should continue the war to

stimulate the economy and its necessary to defeat communism and create patriotism.

What they don’t believe: They don’t believe they should be involved in any foreign interventions or conflicts.

They are conservative because they support a strong military power and strict regulations on border security.

Economic World

Republican emphasize the role of free market and individual achievement

Free Market

Issues in the Economic World

High Taxes The government should decrease taxes and

spend less money. What they don’t believe: The government shouldn’t provide more welfare and support

for the less fortunate. They believe the charities should be responsible for assisting

the less fortunate.

Issues in the Economic World

BusinessesRepublicans believe that the employer-

employee relationship of the future will be built upon employee empowerment and workplace flexibility.

What they don’t believe: Government shouldn’t raise minimum wage because it will lead to less jobs and hurt businesses.

Republicans are conservatives because they oppose high taxes and excessive government control of business.

Social World

Republicans support common-sense reforms.

Issues on the Social World

Health CareGovernment should ensure quality health

care to Americans that deserve it.

What they don’t believe: Government shouldn’t run health care programs because they wont protect the physician-patient relationship.

Issues on the Social World

EducationGovernment should maintain a world-class

system of primary and secondary education with high standards.

What they don’t believe: Government should not be in the business of originating student loans and stop pouring so much money into schools.

Republicans are conservatives because education should be controlled by the private sectors with high standards of education.

Cultural World

The republican party believe in equal rights and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, age, and sex.

Issues on the Cultural World

AbortionThe government should promote more

adoption instead of abortion clinics. The government should not allow abortion because they believe that an unborn child have their natural rights.

What they don’t believe: No one has the right to take another persons life.

Issues on the Cultural World

Death PenaltyThe government should use the death penalty as

punishment for criminals. The government should not waste tax money on criminals that are on death row.

What they don’t believe: They believe that everyone should equal opportunity. Tax payers should not be paying for the criminals in jail.

They are conservative because they believe that everyone has the equal right to live and equal opportunities.

Famous Republicans

Abraham Lincoln Ronald Regan

Theodore Roosevelt George W. Bush

Conservative Liberal(Political Views)Prefer smaller government, less regulation, most services to be provided by the private sector in a free market, and a literal interpretation of the Constitution.

Prefer more regulation and services like free universal health care to be provided by the government to all citizens.

(Economic Views)Government should tax less and spend less. Cutting spending to balance the budget should be the priority. Higher income earners should have an incentive to invest(credits). Charity is the responsibility of the people.

Government should provide more services to the less fortunate (like health care) and increase taxes if necessary. High-income earners should pay a larger percentage of their income as taxes

(Social Views)Opposed to gay marriage, abortion and embryonic stem cell research. Support the right to bear arms, death penalty, and personal responsibility as an individual.

Gay couples to get equal rights like everyone else (e.g. marriage); abortion should be legal; support embryonic stem cell research. Support restrictions and regulation around the right to bear arms.

(Personal Responsibility)Individuals should exercise personal responsibility and it is the governments role to hold them accountable even with severe penalties. Laws are enacted to reflect the best interest of the society as a whole.

The people should look to the government to provide a structure. Laws are enacted to protect every individual for an equal society sometimes at the expense of economic freedom if necessary.

Contact Information

310 First Street NEWashington, D.C. 20003

(202) 863-8500