democritus -greek philosopher 450 bc. aristotle -born 384 bc -greek philosopher, educator &...

Democrit -Greek philosopher 450 BC

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Democritus -Greek philosopher 450 BC


-born 384 BC

-Greek philosopher,educator & scientist

-student of plato

Lavoisier-French chemist 1700’s -“Law of Conservation of Mass”

2 Mg + O2 2 MgO 10.0g 6.58g 16.58g

16.58g 16.58g

Joseph Proust-1754-1826

-French Chemist

-Law of Definite Proportions

H20Looking at …


-English school teacher & scientist

-Early 1800’s

-Atomic Theory of Matter

-Law of Multiple Proportions

Dalton’s Periodic Chart

Dalton’s Model of an Atom

William Crookes


-English Chemist

-developed the cathode ray tube

Cathode Ray Tube in Action

Cathode Ray Tubes

Michael Faraday-1791-1867

-English chemist and Physicist

-Electromagnetic induction


Ben Franklin


-scientist, inventor, statesman

-looked at electrical charges

Chadwick-studied alpha particles to discover neutrons

-English physicist early 1900’s

-Worked with cathode ray tubes

JJ Thomson

Electron Beam in CRT










Plum Pudding Model

Ernest Rutherford-New Zealand Scientist early 1900’s -Alpha scattering experiment

98% of the particles passes straight through 2% of the particles deflected off at varying angles 0.01% of the particles bounced straight back



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Rutherford’s Model of an atom

Max Planck-German Physicist


-studied light emitted from objects

E = h v

Planck’s Theory … What does it mean?

Photoelectric Effect

Albert Einstein


Niels Bohr

-Danish physicist early 1900’s

-Used Rutherford’s planetary idea

-Used Plank’s idea of “quanta”

Planetary model of an atom

Robert Millikan-1868-1953

-American physicist

Werner Heisenberg


-Uncertainty Principle

Erwin Schrodinger

What’s that? Sign your planner?We’re talking quantum mechanics here folks …

Schrodinger wave model of an atom


Henri Becquerel

Marie and Pierre Curie

Henry Moseley


-Rutherford’s student