development template (infant_&_toddler)[1][1] healthy dev


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Page 1: Development template (infant_&_toddler)[1][1] healthy dev

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The Infant Years (0-4 Months) How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental Domain

Answer (Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples from your reports) (Cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book) (cite your references)


According to norm, it seems that Ometh’s development is quite typical and he is meeting his physical developmental milestones.

Ometh is active and curious while examining objects about his environment. He is able to focus his eyes on me. He is gaining his weight. Sleeping during the night. (virtual child report)

By four months follows moving objects or person. (Ages and stages new born to one year –yellow book) Wiggles and kicks with arms and legs. (Ages and stages yellow book) Sleeping about six hours before waking during night. (Ages and stages yellow book)

Social / Emotional

Ometh is meeting his social and development milestones.

Ometh tends to cry when introduced to new people or situations, and when he is hungry or wet. He is showing more intense interest in his surroundings. Ometh smiles at familiar people and toys, he is able to laugh at surprising or funny things. (virtual child report)

By four months babies cry with tears to communicate pain, fear, discomfort, or loneliness. (Ages and stages yellow book) By four months babies returns smile (Ages and stages yellow book)


It seems that Ometh’s intellectual development is quite typical and he is meeting his developmental milestones.

I noticed that Ometh can learn a thing or two. He is interested in objects such as rattles, mobiles and stuffed toys. (virtual child report)

By four months babies explore objects with mouth (Ages and stages book) Plays with fingers, hands and toes. Reacts to sound of voice, rattle, bell (Ages and stages book)

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The Infant Years (5-8 Months) How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental Domain

Answer (Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples from your reports) (cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book) (cite your references)


Ometh is already crawling and pulling up to stand. I think Ometh is advanced in his physical development.

Ometh can sit alone. He has been in very good health and interested in trying new solid foods, even pizza crusts. He is advanced in his gross motor and fine motor skills and enjoys crawling, pulling up to stand and manipulating objects. He Sleeps through the night. (virtual child report)

By eight month sits alone without support. Enjoys some finely chopped solid food. Rises up on arms and knees into crawling position, rocks back and forth. Uses finger and thumb to pick up an object. May sleep 11-13 hours at night. (Ages and stages yellow book)

Social / Emotional

He is typically in average limit of his social emotional development.

Ometh shows a preference for me over others (especially when distressed) Ometh is cautious and shy in most new situations or with new people He becomes quite, an upset and clings to me whenever he is in a new situation or meeting new people. (Virtual child report)

Responds to distress of others by showing distress or crying. Responds differently to strangers and family members. Shows mild to severe anxiety separation from parent. (Ages and stages yellow book)


Ometh is meeting his intellectual development

Ometh is able to find hidden objects. He really likes hiding games and shows by his interest that he wants it repeatedly. He cried when given the vaccination, but calmed down rather quickly. (virtual child report)

Learn by using senses like smell, taste, touch, sight, and hearing. Searches for toys hidden under the blanket, basket or container. Cries in different ways to say he is hurt, wet, hungry, or lonely. (Ages and stages yellow book)

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The Infant Years (9-12 Months) How does your baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains compare to the developmental milestones patterns? Is it typical?

Developmental Domain

Answer (Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples from your reports) (cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book) (cite your references)


Ometh is already walking and running He started to walk at 9 months) He is consistently into everything therefore I think he is above the average physical development stage.

Ometh learned to walk early (9 months). He is even knows how to climb. He is consistently into everything. He is running and climbing onto the back of the couch. Generally he has positive reactions to new foods and tolerates changes in routines.

Walks holding into furniture for support. Needs 3 meals a day with 2 snacks, begins to eat finger food. (Ages and stages yellow book)

Social / Emotional

Comparing to social developmental milestones patterns, Ometh is meeting his average milestones.

When strangers want to hold Ometh, he is crying and is inconsolable until the person returns him to me. Friends of mine visited and Ometh imitates her words. Ometh is happier and more willing to try new things when I am around him. (Virtual child report)

Express fear or anxiety toward strangers. Imitates adult actions. (Chronological approach P-173) Wants caregiver or parent to be in constant sight (Ages and stages yellow book)


Ometh is typically in average level of his intellectual development.

Ometh is able to imitate new words and actions now. Friends of mine who speak mandarin visited and named a few things around the place, Ometh tried to imitate the words. His attempts sounded more like English than Chinese. Enjoys throwing every toy out of his crib and watching what happens. (Virtual child report)

Says first word, say da, da, ma, ma, or equivalent. (Chronological approach P-169) Pays attention to conversations (Ages and stages yellow book) Uses hands, mouth, and eyes to explore objects. (

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The Toddler Years (2 Years old) How is your child progressing based on typical toddler development?

Give specific examples in the areas of Physical, Social / Emotional and Intellectual domains.

Developmental Domain

Answer (Your original thoughts)

Prove It (give examples from the report (cite your references)

Example (give examples from the book) (cite your references)


According to an early childhood specialist’s assessment report, Ometh is advanced in his gross motor skills and I believe comparing his other physical activities he is above average on his physical development.

Ometh has tremendous drive to use his motor skills, he can throw a ball. Sometimes prefers quiet activities and sometimes likes more active games or sports. He is riding his hot wheels tricycle a lot. Very healthy Ometh is toilet trained now Ometh is enjoying climbing, throwing, and catching a ball. (Virtual child report)

By age three can throw a ball. (Ages and stages yellow book) Like to play simple chase game like tag. ( Can pedal a small tricycle. ( Three year old) (Ages and stages yellow book) Many children will learn to use toilet. (Ages & stages) Love to run, throw, and climb.(Three years old-Ages and stages yellow book and

Social / Emotional

According to the norm Ometh is meeting his average social/ emotional developmental milestones.

Ometh has recently become resistant sometimes to my requests for cooperation ex: he says “no” or refuses things uses the word “me” a lot and wants to do things himself. He imitates actions or words that he has heard. Interested in music and often dances in rhythm. Gets frustrated when he can’t do something difficult. Shy, smiles when asked to be in photographs, looking guilty when he breaks something, embarrassed when he has potty accident. Doesn’t need a lot support and guidance to get basic things done such as putting on his slippers. He knows his gender.

By two year like to be independent and self awareness Use short phrases like “that mine”, “no”. Like to imitate parents. Enjoy simple stories, rhymes, and songs, hums and tries to sing. Easily frustrated. A child self –esteem is his overall view of himself. It determines whether he likes, accepts and respects himself. They may be able to put on their shoes, slippers but may put them on the wrong foot. ( By preschool age they Know their gender. (According to Toronto pediatric notes and Chronological approach p-277)

When I compare his activities with his average milestones I think some

Ometh seems to be aware of basic categories such as big or little and blue or red.

Identifies common colors such as red, blue, yellow. (Three year old –Ages and stages)

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activities he is almost above his average age. Ex: he is aware of basic categories. So I believe Ometh is above average range in his intellectual development.

Tries to clap or sing along with songs and dance. Often studies things in his environment, performs little “experiments” ex: he pushes his bath toys under water at varies depths and delighted watches how high they pop back. Speaking mostly in two to three word “telegraphic “ sentences He can remember recent experiences and provides simple descriptions of what happens. Ometh sometimes like to explorer the different ways that toys and blocks can be stacked or manipulated and sometimes just stacks them the same way over and over again. Started to solve problems such as how to get toys or objects that are hidden or out of reach. (Virtual child report)

Enjoys singing and can carry a simple tune. (Three year old-Ages and stages) Exploring their surroundings and curious about everything that they see. ( Uses 2-3 word sentences ( They remember more because their memory is getting shaper. (Three years old) They like to play with nesting toys and stacking toys they can identify the patterns ( Know pretty well where things are located in and around the house or hunt for a toy and remember where saw it last, and may be able to solve problem through trial and error. (Three years old – Ages and stages yellow book and