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Rosymay Catlady lost 35lbs




Defat America

DeFat America Challenge


Welcome to the very first Fighter Diet Challenge specifically designed for those of you who are heavier than the doctor's recommended weight! I am proud of you for making this commitment. My ambition is to show you the way to a healthier lifestyle with Fighter Diet. Thank you for giving me the privilege to be your guide!

Breast Cancer

Colon Cancer

Gallbladder Disease

Uterus Cancer

Prostate Cancer

High Blood Pressure

Heart Disease



Joint Disease

Sleep Apnea

Impotence (for Men)

Metabolic Syndrome abdominal obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated blood cholesterol & insulin resistance


If you do get pregnant, your child is at greater risk for developing obesity and diabetes

Do you really need more reasons to feel motivated to make a change?

Why a lifestyle change? We all want to look good naked but that’s not what this challenge is about. It will come as a bonus and by sticking to the program, over time you WILL feel great and LOOK great, but I want to emphasize you must have patience.

What do you gain by choosing a healthier lifestyle?Obesity is an assault to your body in many ways and impacts your organs, joints and bones. Even your eyes can be damaged.



Defat America

How to Measure Progress Every WednesdayWhen taking progress photos make sure to record your current stats as well.

What to ExpectThe first weeks you will most likely struggle with the new foods and workouts. Hang in there! Do not expect to drop weight like the Biggest Loser participants: they are training for hours a day and eating very little. Usually they regain the weight and even extra pounds.

It took you a long time to gain the excess weight, allow plenty of time to lose it once and for all! If you aren't seeing changes but you feel better, have more energy and sleep better, you KNOW you're on the right track! The visual changes are on the horizon.

Do Not Feel Overwhelmed Focus on making the right choices each day.

Buy the right food

Don’t skip meals

Drink about 1 gallon of water daily

Do your workouts

Fighter Diet PrinciplesThe major principle of Fighter Diet is: Prevent Overeating by Overeating. That sounds like something we can all do, right? Great! Now, prepare yourself for friends and family, colleagues, and strangers to criticize your new healthier lifestyle.

USE A TAPE MEASURE FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS: Waist, belly button, hips, upper arm, neck, calf, chest/back.Record the numbers each week.

BLOOD PRESSURE: use a home device and measure first thing in the morning before any coffee or tea.

HEART RATE: To be taken in the morning before getting up from bed.

WEIGHT: step on the scale first thing in the morning.


Defat America

What Foods We Eat & WhyVegetablesThe foundation of Fighter Diet is vegetables. They are our beloved carbs. Vegetables are a health elixir and people have not and will not get fat from eating unrefined, non deep fried vegetables. Any time you are hungry, ALWAYS eat more vegetables.

Keep some veggie snacks in your purse and refrigerator at all times. These are great to nibble on:

ProteinThe second group of foods is protein. Protein satisfies your appetite, builds muscle, burns calories, regulates your blood sugar and provides the building blocks necessary for healthy skin and hair.

You will MOST likely hear:

“You won’t be able to stick with it”

“You look better when you’re heavier”

“When you go off your diet you’ll regain anyway so why bother?”

“You are no fun anymore!”

“You don’t have to eat like that to lose weight” said the skinny friend who never had a challenge with her or his body weight.

“You will never look like a fitness model”

“You’re too old to get in shape”

“Hey, you got to live a little” says the friend and offers you a slice of pizza.

Ignore it all and stay strong!

I want you to forget everything you think you know about dietingFood propaganda and marketing fools you about what foods to eat when you’re overweight. You might even eat healthy already but regardless the weight is not coming off. This is due to the fact healthy food is not the same as low calorie food.

The foods we eat on Fighter Diet allow us to eat larger quantities which will curb your appetite and kill cravings. Hunger is your enemy because when you are hungry you make poor food choices.

Cocktail Tomatoes

Sugar Snap Peas




Celery Stalks


Defat America

There is one special omega 6 fatty acid which many of us are short on; GLA. GLA is easiest to get from a supplement made of borage oil or primrose oil, but Hemp oil is a good source as well.

Conclusion: a little bit of added omega 3 from fish oil and a supplement with GLA are a great combination for a healthy body.

On the meal plans you will also find some healthy grains like oat bran and oat meal. The old plate model you’ve been taught is wrong.

This is what your lunch and dinner should look like:

Big bowl of veggies with a side of lean protein.

NO room for rice, potatoes, bread, pasta etc unless it’s miracle noodles/shirataki noodles which are fibers, not starch or sugary carbs.

Only ONE meal per day with grains (first meal of the day)

FatsThe third group is good fats: omega 3 and omega 6. These two fatty acids are essential in our diet for the body to property function.

Omega 3 is found in fatty fish and in some seeds like chia and flax seeds. Omega 6 comes in both “good” and “bad” versions, so let's simplify omega 6 from fatty beef, chicken, turkey, pork and fatty dairy products should be consumed in moderation.

“ Fats are very dense in calories. You need to be meticulous with the portions you consume. No matter how healthy they are, they will still keep you fat if you consume them in excess. ”

Fats are needed to absorb vitamins, provide building blocks for cell membranes, improving the immune system and many other benefits.

It’s important to get a balance between omega 3 and omega 6. If you don’t consume fatty fish regularly, a daily supplementation of omega 3 is recommended. Omega 6 is abundant in most our foods and is usually not deficient in our diets.


Defat America

Why Keep a Food Journal If You Follow a Meal Plan?Because writing down what you eat makes it harder to eat bad. We simply don’t want to write down the French fries we accidentally ate in traffic or the cookie we nibbled on the way back from grocery shopping.

“ It’s normal and expected for you to struggle with the food volume. ”

Eat in the following order when that happens: Protein source followed by the veggies.

The meal plans will exclude calorie counting and macro breakdowns. You can look up the foods you want using databases like USDA’s food search or

Note that they will all give slightly different information. Don’t worry when you choose the foods on Fighter Diet. A carrot is a carrot and will always be a carrot regardless of what calorie information we find.

Excluding the calories and macros does in no way mean I don’t believe or practice it, but let’s remember what went wrong

Will you never eat rice, potatoes, fruit and bread again? What about regular junk?Yes you will! But the first phase is to get the weight off so your body can process sugars and carbs well. On Fighter Diet you will have refeeds, which are strategic meal changes where you can consume all those sugary carbs you love.

On Fighter Diet we also practice treat meals. These are strategic meals of your favorite dish. I will guide you on how to use them without sabotaging your progress.

Remember this is a lifestyle, so you will learn how to work it into your life!

The Meal PlansThis challenge provides meal plans for you to follow. You can swap out foods as needed, but please get approval by me or a moderator to make sure you choose the right items and keep a food journal to keep track of your accountability and progress.


Defat America

burden on your shoulders and to keep it off for life without starving yourself. Being hungry every day is not life quality, but most regular food consumption without restrictions or rules will overfeed you.

Doubt me? Look at our society. If our way of eating worked, then we would not have an epidemic of obesity.

How to Navigate Grocery Stores Like a ProNever go grocery shopping when you’re hungry unless you want that Kit Kat bar or snickers to hijack your cart!

The list will only provide the foods on the menus to avoid confusion and to provide you a shopping list which is the GREEN one. The red one is to warn you about some foods I don’t want in your grocery cart at all.

Quick yes and no list shopping (listed in green and red chart back to back

and why you chose this challenge. You did not count calories, no, but you also ate food you know was not low calorie food! I want you to focus on the food and not numbers. At a later stage in your journey, yes, counting allows you to freely swap and alter menus. For now, we focus on getting on a roll!

In every challenge I have I get the same questions about certain foods: why not daily fruit, why not olive oil squirts, peanut butter on rice cakes , why not this and that.

The foods chosen on this meal plan are there for a reason. Please respect it and tweak only as needed, again with approval by me or the mods.

The challenge is meant to guide you into a fitter lifestyle. You need to learn the rules and follow the rules until you can freestyle and design your own menus according to your preference. I like to think of Picasso the painter; he didn’t get famous for his simple cubism right off the bat, he painted classic work first.

Remember, if you keep doing it the way you want, you’ll end up with the result you already have. You’re in this challenge to try a way that allows you to lose this

Defat America

Zevia soda (optional)

Cottage cheese, plain 1% fat

Turkey bacon

Protein Powder (whey, casein, egg white or vegan)


Nut butter (no added sugars or oil)

Lilys’ chocolate baking chips (sweetened w/Stevia)

Erythritol or Stevia (sweeteners, optional)

Sea salt or Himalayan red salt

Almond milk (unsweetened)



Butternut squash




Herbs, spices without added sugars or oil



Bell peppers


Mustard (yellow, spicy brown,horse radish or jalapeño (beware added sugars!)

Dill Pickles (without added sugar)

Jello-Pudding (sugar free, fat free in strawberry or cherry, NOT chocolate or vanilla)

Green peas

Soy Sauce (regular, no sugar added. Optional)

Lifetime Cheese, fat free (special kind)

Salsa (no sugar added)

Olive Oil

Vegetables. Fresh, frozen (specific items below)

Egg whites


Oat bran

Wheat Bran


Chicken Breast

Turkey breast

Ground turkey breast

Ground Chicken Breast


Pink Salmon, canned

Wild Caught Red Salmon



Venison, ground


Chia seeds

Non fat Greek yogurt, plain

Cinnamon, Ceylon


Mrs. Dash

Cooking Spray (coconut, canola or sunflower)


Cabbage, shredded or whole


Miracle Noodles (optional)

100% Cocoa powder (Hershey’s)

100% dark chocolate bar (Hershey’s)

Green tea bags (optional)

The Green List (Yes!) The list is long and you will not consume all in one week. Look at the biweekly menu and shop only what’s on that.


Defat America


Bread sticks



Baked goods

Fish sticks

Ground beef (unless 96% fat free)



Candy bars

Granola bars

Breakfast bars

Pop Tarts








Taco shells

This is in no way a complete list, but this is the golden rule: FOOD you buy must either come without nutrition label, like fresh vegetables, OR have an ingredient list that you understand. The fewer ingredients the better! Exception to the rules are some protein powders, sugar free chewing gum, the clear jell-o puddings etc. These do contain some preservatives, emulsifiers etc.

Frozen dinners

Ice cream




Rice Cakes


Fruit Juice

V8 Juice


Dried fruit

Roasted nuts

Corn nuts

Energy bars


Cereal (any crunchy kind)


Fruit (only the ones on the menu and remember this is not a free food to snack on whenever you want. ONLY vegetables are approved)

Liquid Coconut Aminos

Vegan Fake patties or burgers

Vegetables with cheese sauce


Milk (skim, whole, 2% of regular cow milk is not approved)

Fruit yogurt


Coffee creamer


The Red List (No!)



Defat America

you’re dealing with a bad food. Some exceptions exist but those you don’t have to worry about.

The second label is the list of ingredients. It has a list on everything put into the product. THIS is the important one! ALWAYS take a good look.

Suggested Kitchen Supplies1. Kitchen scale (measures in oz and g)

2. Cutting board

3. Non-stick skillet

4. Glass or ceramic microwavable bowls

5. Measuring cups (optional)

6. Sharp Knife (Utensils)

How to Read a Label!On the back of the container you find two sections: Nutrition facts and Ingredients:

The nutrition facts give you information about one serving of the product. This is very misleading in many cases since it’s debatable what one serving really is. You could eat the whole bag of cookies, right? It would be one serving! Always look at how many servings are in the container or how big the portions are. Grams or oz are listed. Generally speaking, if the food item gives you a serving size and it’s small


Defat America

Food has a Thermic Effect!What is THERMIC EFFECT? means you burn calories while digesting food! This is why vegetables are superior for fat burning: they make your body work hard!

If you can not handle the volume of food now, be aware this will most likely not be the case once you start losing a lot of fat. Your hunger will skyrocket! In the mean-time, take things slow and remember… You can do this!

NO juicing veggies to allow a bigger volume of veggies. Chewing is part of fat loss and hunger management. Your brain needs chewing to register fuel coming in.

How to Cook FoodMicrowave: use glass or ceramic bowls.

Stove top: ceramic pans or stainless steel

Oven: ceramic pots or glass.

Steamer: appropriate equipment

When you stir fry or make anything in a pan, do so on low or medium heat. Coat the pan with cooking spray or water as needed.

DO NOT pour oil over your food during cooking! It adds TONS of calories!

Food MeasurementsThe reason for using grams rather than measuring cups or oz: it is universally recognized and easy to convert.


1 oz = 28 g

1 lb = 454 g

5 g Oil = 1 tsp

14 g Oil = 1 tbsp

WEIGH ALL FOODS ONCE and take notes for the correct measurement to use. For instance, a cup of raw oat bran can weigh between 90-140 grams (3-4.5 oz). Only rely on weighing the food to learn proper serving sizes based on weight wise; not volume!

Troubleshooting Issues with Fighter Diet FoodIt is normal and expected to experience bloating and gas while acclimating to a higher volume of veggies. ALWAYS steam, microwave or sauté (with water or your allotted oils on the menu) or (you can use cooking spray) your worst offenders: cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kale.

The reason you experience gas with these veggies is the sulphur content in addition to regular increased demands on digestion.

Defat America

9. Wear tight clothes. It makes it almost

impossible to eat too much.

10. If you happen to eat more than you planned

on, don’t go into all out I-blew-it-so-I-will-just-

binge-all-night-mode! One high calorie occasion

will NEVER make you fat. Pick up where you left

and go straight back to your strict menu.

1. If you KNOW you have a calorie rich dinner

coming up, cut down on the other meals to make up.

2. Drink lots of sparkling water

3. Only go for second helpings if it starts with V

and ends with S. Tricky? ;-)

4. Special order as much as you want, the

restaurant is there to serve the customer. You

feel embarrassed, then pretend you have some

unknown food intolerance to butter and sugar.

5. Order extra veggies for 12 people. That usually

ends up to about a decent Fighter Diet dinner.

6. The combo of ‘protein plus veggie’ can never be

wrong. You CAN do portion control method, but then

it’ll be tougher to get satisfied and you’ll run low

on some important muscle performance minerals

like potassium. (Veggies are rich in potassium)

7. Do not do the bread. They serve it to fill you

up, it’s cheap and yeah it spikes your insulin

encouraging fat storage.

8. If you choose between alcohol and a dessert...

Go for the alcohol and count it as your carb. If

you KNOW it’s coming up, reduce something

from your menu.

10 RULES ON HOW TO WORK ITWhat If You Have to Eat Out?



Defat America

Meal #3454 g Cabbage, Shredded

228 g Mushrooms

1 can Pink Salmon, Boneless

1 tsp Coconut Oil


Garlic Powder Or Other Spices

DIRECTIONS: Microwave the cabbage in a glass bowl 4-5 min on full effect. Stir fry the mushrooms with the coconut oil and spices. Mix the two and add the canned salmon. Splash it with mustard to taste!

Meal #4170 g Nonfat Greek Yogurt, Plain

10 g Cocoa Powder

1 scoop Fighter Diet Chocolate Whey Protein

Stevia or Erythritol to Taste

½-1 cup Water

28 g Lily’s Unsweetened Chocolate Chips

DIRECTIONS: mix yogurt, cocoa powder, sweetener listed, protein powder and water until smooth. Sprinkle the chips on top. Enjoy!

“Free foods”: any raw veggie can be snacked on any time you like!

Menu Week 1-2Meal #1¾ cup Oat Bran (Raw Measure)

1 scoop Fighter Diet Vanilla Whey Protein

10 Almonds

1 tbsp Chia Seeds

About 2½ cups Water

DIRECTIONS: put oat bran, chia, cinnamon and water in a big glass bowl, add water and cook in microwave on full effect five minutes. Stir around and let it cool down for a while or do this the night before. Add whey protein to the mix. You might need to add more water to mix it.

Meal #2454 g Butternut Squash (Cubed)

120 g Chicken Breast (Cooked Measure)

300 g Broccoli

1 tbsp Cold Pressed Virgin Olive Oil

DIRECTIONS: steam or bake the squash and broccoli. Season to taste. Cut the chicken into strips, grill, bake or steam them. Measure the oil with a spoon and poor over the vegetables.


Defat America

Meal #3454 g Shredded Broccoli

1 cup Egg Whites

1 Whole Egg

DIRECTIONS: Steam the broccoli and season with spices. Coat a ceramic pan with cooking spray and scramble the egg and egg whites. Watch how to steam broccoli here:

Meal #41 cup Cottage Cheese (1% Fat Content)

10 Almonds, Raw & Chopped

Cinnamon To Taste

DIRECTIONS: Simply mix the ingredients and eat!

Menu Week 3Meal #1¾ cup Oat Bran (Raw Measure)

1 scoop Fighter Diet Chocolate Whey Protein

10 g Cocoa Powder

14 g Lilys’ Chocolate Chips

About 2 cups Water

DIRECTIONS: cook oat bran and the cocoa powder with the water in a big glass bowl. Let cool and add the protein powder and chips. You can also add the chips when the oat bran is warm, it will make them melt nicely.

Meal #2454 g Green Beans

120 g Ground Turkey Breast (93% Lean)

150 g Red Onion

1 tbsp Olive Oil

DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Pat green beans dry with paper towels if you need to. Oil the pan with a brush, using your allotted oil. Season with sea salt and pepper. Roast in the preheated oven until the beans are fully cooked, about 20 to 25 minutes. Chop the onions and fry in a ceramic pan coated with cooking spray. Fry the turkey breast in a ceramic pan on medium heat with some water so it doesn’t burn. Add spices!


Defat America

1 pack Wilshire Farm Uncured Turkey Bacon

2 bags Spinach Miracle Noodles

Sunflower or Coconut Cooking Spray

DIRECTIONS: Microwave the cabbage in a glass bowl for 3 minutes. Coat a ceramic coated frying pan with cooking spray and warm up to medium heat. Fry the onions, bell peppers and mushrooms, making sure they don’t get burnt by adding some water now and then. It’s sautéed without much oil that way.

Rinse the miracle noodles with hot water and let them dry up a bit. You can prepare this a few hours ahead of time too. Cut the bacon in pieces and fry on medium heat in a ceramic pan, making sure it does NOT burn. Stir frequently.

When you have all ingredients cooked, mix them in a big glass bowl. Season with basil, garlic and any other herbs you like!

Meal #48 Egg Whites

1 whole Egg

10 g Cocoa Powder

¼ cup Water

Cooking Spray

Erythritol to Taste

DIRECTIONS: whip the egg whites, egg, water with the cocoa powder. Coat a ceramic pan with cooking spray and heat up to medium heat. Bake it like a pancake!

Menu Week 4Meal #1170 g Non-Fat Greek Plain Yogurt

100 g Raw or Unsweetened Frozen Blueberries

1 scoop Fighter Diet Vanilla Whey Protein

1-2 tbsp Chia Seeds

A little bit of water

DIRECTIONS: Mix yogurt with protein powder, chia seeds and water as needed to make it into smooth pudding. Let it swell for 30 min or overnight. Add berries or put them into mix right off the bat.

Meal #2600 g Asparagus

1 tsp Coconut Oil, Cold Pressed

120 g Wild Caught Red Salmon, Fresh/Raw Measure

Spices, To Taste

DIRECTIONS: bake or steam the salmon with the oil. Steam or grill the asparagus. Enjoy! Read how to steam asparagus here: how to cook red salmon here;

Meal #3300 g Shredded Cabbage

300 g Crimini Chopped Mushrooms

200 g sliced Bell Peppers

200 g Red Onions


Defat America

Meal #3908 g Cauliflower Rice

120 g Beef Eye Of Round

1 tsp Coconut Oil

1 cup Salsa

Ground Pepper, Sea Salt To Taste

DIRECTIONS: use a food processor to cut the raw cauliflower into rice. Spray a ceramic pan with cooking spray or use the allotted oil. Stir fry the rice and then the beef too. Add the salsa!

Meal #42 scoops Egg White Protein Powder(Jay Robb, Vanilla)

Cinnamon, Erythritol

12-16 oz Water

Cooking Spray

DIRECTIONS: Blend the egg white protein powder with water. Heat up a ceramic pan and when hot, add the badge. Lower the heat to low medium. When the egg whites are almost firm, fold it over and let cool. To avoid it getting too dry it’s important the pancake is not fully cooked through when you fold it. Add the spices to taste.

Menu Week 5-6Meal #1½ cup Oats, Old Fashioned

1 cup Water

1 cup Egg Whites

20 g Chopped Almonds

Cinnamon, Erythritol To Taste

DIRECTIONS: coat a ceramic pan with cooking spray and warm up to low heat. Toast the almonds lightly, then add the oats and toast them too. Add water as needed, a bit by bit so it doesn’t burn. Add the egg whites and cinnamon and give it a stir. Let cool.

Meal #2454 g Spinach

1 tbsp Coconut Oil

240 g Shrimp, Cooked Measure

DIRECTIONS: coat a ceramic pan and stir fry the spinach. Throw the shrimp on top! Season to taste. You can eat the spinach raw if you choose to but cooking them reduces the volume which can come in handy at times.


Defat America

Meal #3300 g Cod Fillet

500 g Carrots, Shredded

200 g Parsnips,sliced Or Shredded

1 tsp Coconut Oil

Spices To Taste

DIRECTIONS: cook the cod in aluminum in the oven until firm. Coat a ceramic pan with the oil and stir fry the carrots and parsnips. You can bake them too!

Meal #4100 g Chicken Breast, Cooked

30 g Organic Peanut/Almond Butter

DIRECTIONS: bake the chicken breast and eat it with the nut butter. You can also freeze the nut butter in small “dots”. Fun to eat!

Menu Week 7-8Meal #11½ cup Kefir, Low Fat Or Fat Free

1/3 cup Wheat Germ

½ cup Blueberries, Unsweetened

10 Almonds, Chopped

Cinnamon, To Taste

DIRECTIONS: mix and enjoy!

Meal #22 large Portobello Mushrooms

1 Turkey Patty (93% Fat Free)

1 tsp Coconut Oil

2 slices Beef Tomato

Onion Rings, Raw


1 slice Lifetime Cheese Fat Free Cheese

DIRECTIONS: Cook the patty on medium heat and when almost done, add the cheese slice on it. Add the other ingredients and make it a hamburger with the portobello as buns.


Defat America

Meal #3700 g Zucchini

1 tsp Coconut Oil

200 g Shrimp, Thawed

Curry Powder, Sea Salt To Taste

Garlic Powder, To Taste

DIRECTIONS: make spaghetti with a zucchini noodle maker. Coat a ceramic pan with the oil and stir fry the zucchini on medium heat. Add thawed, peeled shrimp and spices.

Meal #412 oz Cold Coffee or Tea, Decaffeinated

1 scoop Fighter Diet Vanilla Whey Protein

1-2 cups Water

Stevia To Taste

Ice Cubes, To Taste

DIRECTIONS: mix the protein powder with the water and then mix with the coffee and ice cubes. Drink with a straw!

Menu Week 9-10Meal #1¾ cup Oat Bran (Raw Measure)

1 scoop Fighter Diet Chocolate Whey Protein

10 g Cocoa Powder

14 g Lilys’ Chocolate Chips

About 2 cups Water

DIRECTIONS: cook oat bran and the cocoa powder in a big glass bowl. Let cool and add the protein powder and chips.

Meal #2454 g Cabbage, Shredded

120 g Chicken Breast, Cooked

Mustard, To Taste

Stevia Or Erythritol, To Taste, Optional


Cooking Spray

DIRECTIONS Coat a ceramic pan with cooking oil and stir fry the cabbage. Add spices. Cut the chicken in strips and mustard to the cooked cabbage. Mix and enjoy!


Defat America

Meal #3300 g Squid, Raw Measure

1-2 bags Shirataki Noodles

500 g Bell Peppers

200 g Onions

228 g Mushrooms

1 tsp Coconut Oil

Spices To Taste

DIRECTIONS: The day before this meal, rinse the shirataki noodles with hot water and let it dry up overnight. Cut the veggies into strips or slices. Coat a ceramic pan with the coconut oil and stir fry the vegetables and the squid. Season to taste!

Meal #42 scoops Fighter Diet Chocolate Whey Protein

2 tbsp Chia Seeds

1½-2 scoops Water

10 g Cocoa Powder

14 g 100% Dark Chocolate, Chopped

DIRECTIONS mix all ingredients in a bowl and put in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

Menu Week 11-12Meal #11 cup Oat Bran, Raw

2 cups Water

1 scoop Fighter Diet Vanilla Whey Protein

1 tsp Almond Butter


1 tbsp Chia Seeds

DIRECTIONS: cook the oat bran with water in a big glass bowl for 5 minutes. Add cinnamon and the nut butter. Stir and add the chia seeds. Put in the refrigerator for an hour or overnight. Enjoy!

Meal #2600 g Kabocha Squash

300 g Scallops

1 tsp Coconut Oil

DIRECTIONS: slice the squash in wedges. Steam it until soft. Coat a ceramic pan with the oil and stir fry the scallops on medium heat. Add spices to taste.Watch how to bake winter squash


Defat America

Another way of rewarding yourself responsibly and without sabotaging is with treat meals. These too must be practiced with caution. Remember it’s not an all you can eat buffet. You can easily undo a lot of hard work when you forget the key word ‘moderation’.

Refeed Menu 1 of 2 (after week 4)Meal 1100 g Bread, Any Kind

100 g Deli Meat, Turkey Breast, Chicken Breast, Ham Or Roast Beef

2 slices Lifetime Cheese, Fat Free

Tomato slices


1 cup Orange Juice

DIRECTIONS: make a sandwich or toast the bread and add toppings. If you prefer to eat fruit, then do so instead of juice.

Meal 2200 g Rice, Cooked, White/Brown/Basmati

1 cup Beans, Cooked

100 g Ground Beef Or Venison (96% Fat Free)

½ Avocado

DIRECTIONS Cook rice and beans or use canned beans. Stir fry the ground beef or venison in a ceramic coated pan on low medium heat to avoid burning. Add water as needed. Add avocado.

RefeedsRefeeds are a strategic hiatus from our normal weight loss promoting diet. They can help you re energize, lose more weight and get motivated. It’s utmost important not to abuse refeeds by justifying ‘oh I feel low, so I’ll refeed’, because by doing so you’ll get stuck losing and re-losing the same initial pounds.

Refeeds are carb rich, low fat and lasts for one day only. Treat meals are mixed foods, any you like, but in conservative amounts. Having a dinner without gorging on bread, wine and dessert = a responsible treat.Go eat junk food from morning to night, gulping down 5000 calories plus = not good at all.

“ Do not store the refeed items in your home. It’s easy to forget the rules and eat them when you’re not supposed to. ”

ONLY buy what you need or ONLY buy foods you can consume without losing control.

I will guide you and give you approval for refeeds. Do not attempt to do them without supervision from me and the moderators. It’s just too easy to mess up too much.


Defat America

Refeed Menu 2Meal 12 cups Yogurt, Fruit Flavor, Fat Free

1 Granola Bar

1 large Apple

1 Skinny Latte (Or Equivalent Fat Free Milk For Your Coffee Or Tea Drink)

DIRECTIONS: Not much to say here but eat and enjoy!

Meal 2½ pack Turkey Bacon

1 whole Egg

2 slices Bread

1 tsp Butter, Raw

4 big Pickles

DIRECTIONS Chop the turkey bacon and fry it in a ceramic pan coated with cooking spray. Fry the egg. The bread you can toast and put the teaspoon of butter on it. If you rather have peanut butter instead of raw butter, you can. Add pickles!

Meal 3Sushi, 8 Pieces (California Roll Or Other Rice+Fish Without Creamy Sauce/Fried Onion/Tempura)

COMMENT: note the rules!

Meal 3300 g Pasta, Cooked Measure

200 g Lifetime Cheese, Mozzarella, Grated

300 g Mushrooms

DIRECTIONS: cook the pasta and let it dry out a bit. While still hot, add the Lifetime mozzarella and mix. Let it sit for a while if you want it to melt. Stir fry the mushrooms in a ceramic pan coated with cooking spray. If you don’t want mushrooms with the pasta, you can skip it or add another vegetable.

DessertYOUR CHOICE of 500 calorie treat (get approval by me or mods).


1 Sushi Roll (Regular Rice With Fish, Not Tempura Or With Sauce

Or 2 glasses of Wine, 3 oz Dark Chocolate

Or 1 Hamburger With Cheese


Defat America


Since you will not eat lots of dairy, it’s important to supplement with calcium.1000 mg Calcium With Vitamin D3 (Yielding 1000 mg Calcium and 2000 iu)

Figher Diet Greens, 1 scoop Per Day

Fighter Diet Protein Powder For Recipes

Requiring It

Fish Oil, 3 Caps Daily

NAC, 500 mg X 2 Daily

Burn (Pre Workout Only)

20 Signs of Diet DepressionFirst time you give it your ALL to lose the bulge is the hardest time. You don’t know what to expect.

In my challenges around week 3 and 4, the ladies have made quite some progress losing fat and getting stronger, but NOW their brains are starting to question ‘WHO IS THIS PAULINE WHO’S telling us to lose weight?’This is when the BIG DIET DEPRESSION has arrived. I know this so I’m there watching over my little chicks like Mama Goose, and fight for you to STAY THE COURSE. THIS TOO WILL PASS. I know by experience.

It’s NATURAL and NORMAL to go through this phase, but I want you to be aware of the symptoms so you KNOW nothing is WRONG with you.

Meal 42 Bananas

28 g Lily’s Unsweetened Chocolate Chips

DIRECTIONS: Cut banana peel lengthwise half way in at both ends. Open peel wider to form a pocket. Fill each with 1 the chocolate chips. Grill, covered, over medium heat for 5-10 minutes.

Meal 5YOUR CHOICE of up to 500 calorie treat. (get approval by me or mods)


Pasta Bolognese (1 Dinner Plate)

Or 1 Candy Bar (1 Snickers)

Or 2 cups Ice Cream

COMMENT: remember there’s portion control on here. Do not sabotage yourself by going over your “calorie budget”

Defat America


9. You just want to go hide from the world.

8. Even though you’ve lost several sizes in clothes you just can’t appreciate it. You don’t know why (but I do, it’s the diet depression).

7. Caffeine pills or coffee just doesn’t boost your energy anymore. (I don’t know how it works but when you’re too depleted NO matter the caffeine intake you STILL don’t feel it. Remember caffeine can not fix your underlying cause of fatigue, it can only HELP when you’re ready for it).

6. You don’t want to move at all. Even getting up to grab a remote feels like a marathon.

5. You want to nap all day long.

4. Your husband/wife/partner irritates you a lot more than usual.

3. You don’t want to eat at all even though you’re hungry.

2. You doubt that you will ever succeed.

1. Your heart rate is lower than usual and you’re feeling cold.

20. You feel sad.

19. You feel like someone died.

18. You miss your old life (your brain makes sure you’re selective here though so you don’t reminisce how FAT you felt but only the wonderful days of you dancing with cookie jars on cloud 9.

17. You want to shoot someone. Because everyone’s a freaking PAIN IN DA BUTT.

16. You’re dragging your feet to work out. This is an attempt by your brain to SLOW DOWN THAT CALORIE EXPENDITURE and HALT fat loss.

15. You wake up during the nights. You’re restless.

14. You think about going to Dunkin Donuts to eat dinner.

13. You’re SO HUNGRY you can’t think about anything but food.

12. You feel like your skin looks worse, getting more dimples

11. Your feel weak and have headaches

10. Your sex drive is now at the North pole.


Defat America

6. Do not worry about loose skin from big, big weight loss. Skin will tighten up but it takes time. If it’s STILL loose after 2 years maintaining a healthy diet and workout regimen there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having surgery. YOU did YOUR part of the job, now we have surgeons to do the rest you can’t fix on your own.

7. Remember that time flies when you stop focusing on getting results yesterday. Imagine what your great commitment to be fit will have you in 3 months and in 6 months from now. It’s like watching grass grow, but you still see a huge difference, don’t you? It

just didn’t happen in an hour!

Do you have a lot of weight to lose and feeling discouraged? Feeling like it’s going to take so long time it’s not worth it? Here are 7 things I want you to know to cheer you up:

1. You will not have to “diet” forever. When you get LEAN your body’s metabolism changes. It means LEANER bodies can eat MORE. Focus on getting to the dieter’s Nirvana: it’s when you suddenly can afford more calories without seeing fat gain. It will come with more muscle and starved fat cells!

2. Working out WILL become easier! When you SEE the muscles suddenly pop up you WILL get more energized.

3. Stop blaming yourself for all the years you let yourself go. You can’t change it. You CAN change the outcome of it by CHANGING your lifestyle.

4. Focus on the POSITIVE effects that aren’t weight related. Strength increase, better stamina, LESS out of breath, looser fitting clothes. All these PRECEDE the big changes you see in the mirror.

5. Change how you perceive your new healthy food. It’s not a diet prison, it’s not a chore. It’s a blessing and reward you CAN eat healthy and give your body only the best.

When Your Feel Like Giving Up?



Defat America

No workouts Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday (unless you need to train on these days and not the others but PLEASE pick up activity from the ‘Bonus List’.



Barbell with plates

Adjustable Bench

Exercise bands

Gym ball (the big kind)

Workout ScheduleIf you’re fit enough to train more than listed, please do! **We do not add training until week 2!

Start each session with:20 min of walking, biking or elliptical machine according to your ability

How to read the programPicture with arrows show what is a set and reps. Rest as little as possible between sets according to your ability

Weight training is built on the foundation that muscles respond to stress. You need to lift more weight over time! One day your body weight will not be enough for squats for example. At that time you need to add a barbell!


Defat America

Week 9-12 Monday, Wednesday, Saturday4 X 15 Reps Romanian Deadlifts

4 X 15 Reps Squats

3 X 15 Reps Glute Thrust On Floor

3 X 15 Reverse Grip Barbell Row

3 X 15 Dumbbell Wrist Extension

3 X 15 Reps Bent Over Rear Dumbbell Raise

3 X 15 Reps Unilateral Dumbbell Row

3 X 20 Reps Bird Dogs (Leg And Arm Up In The Air On All Fours)

3 X 30 Secs Plank On Knees

3 X 15 Reps Push-Ups

BONUS Workouts I encourage you to include in addition to the workout schedule:

*Walk As Much As Possible

*Take The Stairs

*Park Your Car Far Away

*Carry Groceries

*Watching TV? Do 20 Squats Each Commercial Break


What to do when the challenge is over? Join a new one or keep on with your new lifestyle to keep on changing your body and mind!

Week 2-4 Monday, Wednesday, Saturday3 X 15-20 Reps Body Weight Squats

3 X 10-20 Reps Push-Ups On Knees

3 X 15 Reps Seated Or Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press

3 X 15 Reps Unilateral Dumbbell Row

3 X 15 Reps Biceps Dumbbell Curls

3 X 15 Reps Flat Bench Dumbbell Press

3 X 20 Reps Bird Dogs (Leg And Arm Up In The Air On All Fours)

Week 5-8 Monday, Wednesday, Saturday3 X 15-20 Reps Stationary Lunges

3 X 10-20 Reps Push-Ups On Knees

3 X 15 Reps Seated Or Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raises

3 X 15 Reps Barbell Row

3 X 15 Reps Biceps Hammer Curls

3 X 15 Reps Incline Bench Dumbbell Press

3 X 15 Reps Bent Over Rear Dumbbell Raise

3 X 20 Reps Bird Dogs (Leg And Arm Up In The Air On All Fours)

3 X 20 Crunches

No workouts Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday (unless you need to train on these days and not the others but PLEASE pick up activity from the 'Bonus List'.


Defat America






Defat America






Defat America





Defat America

FDXtreme PUMP is designed to fuel your performance and motivate you for productive workouts. Fighter Diet’s FDXtreme PUMP blend of ingredients is perfect for anyone wanting to exercise longer with less muscle fatigue.

FD CREATINE has been shown to:

• Increase Power (increased sets/reps)

• Increase Muscle Strength

• Increase Lean Muscle Mass

• Increase Energy for Muscles

• Decrease Recovery Times

FD BETA-ALANINE Elevated muscle carnosine levels lead to:

• Extended Endurance*

• Quicker Muscle Recovery*

• Greater Muscle Strength*

• Increased Peak Performance Capability*

Fighter Diet Greens is the most complete greens supplement there is. With over 70 different fruits, vegetables, and vitamin superfoods, there simply isn’t anything more you can want! Our quality greens powder can help with digestion, detoxifying the body, as well as being anti-inflammatory by nature and packed full of probiotics, equivalent of 10 servings of vegetables!

FD BCAAs • Triggers protein synthesis

• Stimulates growth & repair

• Reduces muscle breakdown and fatigue

FD WHEY Protein This product comes from grass fed, hormone free cows according to strict EU Standards. Great tasting and mixes easily!

• Non-gmo

• Low-fat

• Naturally sweetened

• No artificial flavors or colors

• No preservatives

FDXtreme BURN is vital for those seeking to build muscle while staying lean. With BURN, your body experiences increased metabolism and a higher rate of fatty acid mobilization. Green tea extracts provides the perfect environment for fat burning. Fighter Diet’s FDXtreme BURN alerts your mind before any strenuous exercise so that you can concentrate your efforts.


Defat America

Please visit for continuous updates!

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All material and images on this website/e-book are copyright protected, and any unauthorized duplication and/or distribution will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. This eBook is designed to provide information about the subject matter covered. The information contained herein is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended as medical advice nor is it a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any disease or condition. Consult your physician or health care practitioner before beginning any nutrition, supplementation or exercise program. Fighter Diet, Inc. (“Fighter Diet”) does not assume any liability for the information provided herein. Any application of the recommendations or use of the information contained herein is at your discretion and sole risk, and you specifically waive any right to make any claim against Fighter Diet, its officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives, as the result of the use of such information.

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