don’t be late part two with the angry family right. here we are and it’s only quarter past...

Don’t Be Late part two With the Angry Family

Upload: clarisa-rozario

Post on 23-Jan-2016




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Dont Be Latepart twoWith the Angry Family

Right. Here we are and its only quarter past one!!! WERE EARLY!!!Vale Aqu estamos,y slo es la una y cuarto!LLEGAMOS TEMPRANO!!!

Half an hour later...Media hora ms tarde


Im bored. Me aburro.

Fourteen minutes later...Catorce minutos ms tarde



Hmm, nadie ha venido todava y tenemos an un minuto. Miremos dentro.

Hmm, no-ones here yet and weve still got one minute. Lets have a look inside.

I hope this ends soon. At Seven Oclock Im going to the library.Espero que acabe pronto. A las siete en punto me voy a la biblioteca.

You never go to the Library! Anyway at quarter to six Ive got an appointment at the hairdressers.T nunca vas a la biblioteca! De todos modos, a las seis menos cuarto tengo cita en la peluquera.

What!? Hairdressers? Im going to the cinema at half five, the film starts at five to six.Qu!? Peluquera? Yo voy al cine a las cinco y media, la pelcula empieza a las seis menos cinco.

Aaah!Eleven minutes later at ten past twoOnce minutos ms tarde , a las dos y diez



Llegasteis tarde, OTRA VEZ. Esta es la ltima oportunidad de ver a vuestra amiga en una pieza. Nos vemos en vuestra casa a las tres y veinticinco. Por qu siempre llegis tarde?

You were late AGAIN. This is your last chance to see your friend in one piece. Meet me at your house at 25 past three. Why are you always late?



Right, its exactly 25 past three. Wait whats that?Vale, son exactamente las tres y veinticinco. Espera, qu es eso?

Carrot cake?! NOOOOOOO!!!!Pastel de zanahoria?! NOOOOOOO!!!!

Wolfman no! Dont eat it! That cake is our carrot.Wolfman, no! No te lo comas! Ese pastel es nuestra zanahoria.


Audio after music15

Hello, do you like my new hair style? Ive been trying to meet you all day.Hola, os gusta mi nuevo corte de pelo? He estado intentando encontraros todo el da.

... by the way, I made you a cake.... por cierto, os he hecho un pastel.


Expresiones de tiempoAlwaysSiempreNeverNuncaSoonProntoTo be earlyLlegar tempranoTo endAcabarTo startEmpezarHalf an hour laterMedia hora ms tardeYetTodavaAll dayTodo el daLastltimo,-a AgainOtra vez

Time phrases

PlacesPost OfficePolice StationHairdressersLibraryCinemaHouse

Oficina de CorreosComisaraPeluqueraBibliotecaCineCasa


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