
An Introduction to Health and Physical EducationAn Introduction to Health and Physical EducationTed TemertzoglouTed Temertzoglou Paul Challen Paul Challen

ISBN 1-55077-132-9ISBN 1-55077-132-9

Exercise ScienceExercise ScienceSection 2: Section 2: The Skeletal SystemThe Skeletal System

Learning Objectives for Chapter 2

• The differences between the human male and female skeletons• The role and functions of the skeleton in the human body• The human skeleton’s basic structure and composition• The five types of human bones• The names and locations of the body’s key bones and bone structures• The concepts of bone landmarks and insertions, and key landmark/insertion sites throughout

the body• The process of ossification and bone formation• The process of bone remodelling• Epiphyseal or growth plates of bones• Bone fractures and their three main categories• How bones heal• Bone disease, stress fractures, and the effects of aging on bone

Musculoskeletal System• Composed of 3 distinct yet

interdependent components; bones, joints, muscles

• Each have own contribution- the interaction of these systems allow human movement

• Bones form a rigid skeletal framework with numerous joints that can be moved as a result of the forces produced by the attaching muscles

• As the muscles pull against the bones, the bones act as levers.

The Skeleton- ‘skeletal’- greek for skeletos= ‘dried up,’ truth it only appears this way as they are actually composed of living tissue- fat, bone cells and blood vessels and nerves- non-living material- water and minerals

-made up of bones

- 300 at birth 206 by adulthood. WHY?

-some fuse over time as growth takes place (ex. Plates in the skull and lower parts of the vertebral column)

The main functions of the skeletal system are:

Structural support -support for muscles and skin

Protection -protects the sensitive/delicate parts of organs(brain, heart, lungs,etc)

Growth centre for cells -red blood cells and platelets

Reservoir for minerals -stores calcium and phosphorus

Movement - Muscles attach to bones by tendons. Muscles contract and move bones to facilitate movement

Shape Example Skeleton-purpose

Long Femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, radius, ulna, metatarsals, metacarpals, phalanges

- Proximal and distal enlargements

- appendicular

Short Carpals, tarsals (bones of the wrist and ankle)

- Serve as good shock absorbers

- Appendicular

Flat ScapulaClavicalRibs, sternumFrontal, parietal, occipital, mandible- Bones of skull and scapula

- Appendicular- Appendicular- Axial- Axial- Protect underlying

organs and provide areas for muscle attachment

Sesamoid Patella -Shaped like a pea and found wrapped in tendons- glide over surfaces-appendicular

Irregular Facial bones of skull, vertebraePelvis

- Axial- Appendicular

Bone Shape Cont…

• Workbook Exercise 2.4-pg.22 Using page 11 in your text, label each one of these bones, and provide a short description

Long bone

-found in arms and legs

Short bones

-commonly found in wrists & ankles

-serve as shock absorbers

Flat bones

-flat and thin

-protect vital organs

Irregular bones

- “odd-looking” bones not otherwise classified

Sesamoid bones

-small, flat and wrapped in tendons

-glide over body surfaces

Axial Skeleton: comprised mainly of the vertebral column (spine), much of the skull, and the rib cage. -most of the body’s muscles originate from the axial skeleton, since it is medially located with respect to the appendicular skeleton. -Most muscles anchor or originate here and insert on the appendicular skeleton.-muscles which attach here are referred to as “core muscles” as they are centrally located and provide the body with stability and support.

Appendicular Skeleton: Includes movable limbs and supporting structures (girdles) -Plays a key role in allowing us to move-upper limbs attached to pectoral girdle (shoulder girdle) lower limbs attached to the pelvic girdle (hip girdle)

About Bone …About Bone …

Bone is very strong for its light weight Major components- calcium carbonate, calcium

phosphate, collagen, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, iron, chlorine and water

Calcium Compounds- make up approx. 60-70% of bone weight- provide much of bones stiffness and resistance to pressing or squeezing forces.

Collagen(protein)- gives bone its flexibility, and contributes to its ability to resist pulling and stretching forces Bones of children are significantly more pliable than those of

adults With aging, collagen is lost progressively and bone becomes

more brittle Human body consists of 60% of water, bone only contains

approx. 20% (20-25%) total bone weight Resists compression and tension Bound by joints (through ligaments) Muscles attach to bone (through tendons) to produce


Anatomy of a Long BoneAnatomy of a Long Bone Complete Workbook Exercise 2.3 on Pg.21


Compact bone


Cancellous bone

Medullary cavity




Anatomy of a Long BoneAnatomy of a Long Bone


Compact bone


Cancellous bone

Medullary cavity




Workbook Exercise 2.2

• Write the definitions of the seven terms from the above diagram in the chart on Pg.19

Anatomy of a Long Bone• Articulating Cartilage – allows smooth movement (articulation) within joints while

protecting the ends of the bones-no blood supply or nerve endings• Periosteum – outer connective tissue of bone(covers entire length of bone), does not connect

to articulating cartilage, periosteum fibres and those of ligaments and tendons unite to connect bone to bone or muscle to muscle.

• Medullary(marrow)Cavity – inside the diaphysis(shaft) of the bone and filled with red(blood-cell formation) and yellow(adipose-fat) bone marrow

• Compact Bone/Cortical Bone – 5-10% porous(low), VERY strong and stiff,- less flexible and can resist greater stress- responsible for structural integrity of the bone.

• Epiphysis – ends of the bone- outer surface made up of compact bone, and the part that articulates with another bones is covered with cartilage.

• Diaphysis – thickest part of the bone, the shaft• Cancellous/Spongy Bone/trabecular – very porous (50-90%)there fore how it gets

its spongy name- NOT dense- very weak and not stiff- found at ends of long bones and areas where shock absorption and a better ability to change shape are important i.e. vertebrae

• Mineral storage, red blood cell regeneration• Interior core- contains network of bony plates and rods (trabeculae) that results in

a lattice look- mesh with blood vessels and the bone marrow• Cortex- exterior layer of bones- dense and smooth- varying thickness depending on

type of bone.

• What bones strengthen with exercise?


Complete and study the following handouts!

Human Human SkeletonSkeleton

Anterior Anterior viewview

Human Human SkeletonSkeleton

Posterior Posterior viewview

Bone Landmarks

• Workbook Exercise 2.5 (Pg.25-35)– Using your textbook (Pg.16-28) start familiarizing

yourself with the major bone landmarks and muscle origins and insertions associated with these landmarks


Bone Landmarks (Cont’d)

• Workbook Exercise 2.7– Colour code the important landmarks– Pay attention to the names of the landmarks ex

Supraspinous fossa, Infraspinous fossa, Medial border, Lateral border

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protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.

This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise

Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education

(Temertzoglou/Challen) is the

The Skull – Anterior ViewThe Skull – Anterior View

Frontal bone

Parietal bone

Temporal bone


Nasal bone


Zygomatic bone

The Skull – Lateral ViewThe Skull – Lateral View

©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.

This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education (Temertzoglou/Challen) is the required textbook.

Frontal bone

Zygomatic bone


External auditory meatus

Mastoid process

Nuchal line

Occipital bone

Temporal bone

Parietal bone


The Vertebral Column – Lateral ViewThe Vertebral Column – Lateral ViewAtlasAxis

Seventh cervical vertebra

Intervertebral disk

Twelfth thoracic vertebra

First lumbar vertebra

Fifth lumbar vertebra



Cervical region

Thoracic region

Lumbar region

Sacral and coccygeal region

Composed of 36 bones.-7 cervical (neck) vertebrae- first two named atlas (C1) and the axis (C2)-12 Thoracic (chest) vertebrae-5 Lumbar (lower back) vertebrae-1 Sacrum- (midline region of buttocks) made up of 5 fused vertebrae-1 coccyx (tail bone) made up of 4-5 fused vertebrae

Vertebral Column• Arranged in cylindrical column

interspersed with fibrocartilaginous (intervertebral) discs

• Forms a strong and flexible support for the neck and trunk

• Point of attachment for back muscles• Protects the spinal cord and nerves, but

also provides support for the body and the ability to keep the body erect.

• Intervertebral discs- absorb shock when the load increases- allowing the vertebrae to move without causing damage to other vertebrae or the spinal cord.

Thoracic Cage – Anterior ViewThoracic Cage – Anterior View

Seven true ribs

Three false ribs

Two floating ribs

Xiphoid process

Sternal Body



First thoracic vertebra-12 pairs of ribs- made up of bone and cartilage thus giving strength to the chest cage and permit it to expand-Upper 7- true ribs (attaching to both the vertebrae and the sternum)-8-20- 3 pairs are false ribs- (attaching to the sternum indirectly)-11-12= floating ribs- only attach to the vertebrae column-All 12 ribs articulate with the 12 thoracic vertebrae, posteriorly

Thoracic Cage – Posterior ViewThoracic Cage – Posterior View



Left Scapula – Anterior ViewLeft Scapula – Anterior View

Acromion process

Coracoid process

Glenoid cavity

Subscapular fossaLateral border

Medial border

Inferior angle

Left Scapula – Lateral ViewLeft Scapula – Lateral View

Coracoid process

Supraglenoid tubercle


Glenoid fossa

Infraglenoid tubercle

Subscapular fossa

Lateral border

Inferior angle

Left Scapula – Posterior ViewLeft Scapula – Posterior View

Coracoid process

Acromion processScapular notch

Glenoid cavity

Infraglenoid tubercle

Infraspinous fossa

Lateral border

Superior angle

Supraspinous fossa

Scapular spine

Medial border

Left Humerus – Anterior ViewLeft Humerus – Anterior ViewGreater tubercle

Lesser tubercle

Intertubercular (bicipital) groove


Lateral epicondyle


Radial fossa

Coronoid fossa

Medial epicondyle



Deltoid tuberosity

Left Humerus – Posterior ViewLeft Humerus – Posterior View


Lateral epicondyle



Deltoid tuberosity

Olecranon fossa

Medial epicondyle

Left Ulna – Anterior ViewLeft Ulna – Anterior ViewOlecranon

Trochlear (semilunar) notch

Radial notch of ulna

Olecranon process

Coronoid process

Ulna tuberosity

Styloid process of ulna

Left Radius – Anterior ViewLeft Radius – Anterior View


Radial tuberosity

Styloid process of radius

Left Hand – Anterior ViewLeft Hand – Anterior View

UlnaScaphoid bone

Lunate bone

Triquetrum bone

Pisiform bone

Carpals (proximal)


Phalanges (Digits)


Hamate bone

Capitate bone

Trapezoid boneTrapezium bone

Carpals (distal)

Sesamoid bone

Proximal phalax (of thumb)

Distal phalanx (of thumb)

Proximal phalanx (of finger)

Middle phalanx (of finger)

Distal phalanx (of finger)

Pelvis (Male) – Anterior ViewPelvis (Male) – Anterior View


Sacroiliac joint

Anterior superior iliac spine

Anterior inferior iliac spine


Obturator foramen

Symphysis pubis

Crest of ilium




Superior ramis of pubis

Inferior ramis of pubis

Os coxae

Pelvis (Male) – Posterior ViewPelvis (Male) – Posterior View

Fifth lumbar vertebra



Posterior superior iliac spine

Posterior inferior iliac spine

Ischial spine

Ischial tuberosity

Right Femur – Anterior ViewRight Femur – Anterior View


Greater trochanter

Intertrochanteric line Lesser trochanter


Adductor tubercle

Medial condyle

Lateral epicondyle

Patellar groove

Medial epicondyle


Right Femur – Posterior ViewRight Femur – Posterior View



Greater trochanter

Lesser trochanterGluteal tuberosity

Pectineal line

Linea aspera

Adductor tubercleIntercondylar fossa

Lateral epicondyle

Lateral condyle

Medial condyle

Medial epicondyle

Intertrochanteric crest


Right Fibula and Tibia – Anterior ViewRight Fibula and Tibia – Anterior View

Lateral condyle

Tibial tuberosity

Anterior crest


Medial malleolus

Intercondylar eminence

Lateral condyle of tibia



Lateral malleolus

Medial condyle of tibia

Intercondylar eminence

Medial condyle

Tibial tuberosity

Right Foot – Superior ViewRight Foot – Superior View



Cuboid Navicular

Medial cuneiform

Intermediate cuneiformLateral cuneiform



Proximal phalanx

Middle phalanx

Distal phalanxProximal phalanx (of great toe)

Distal phalanx (of great toe)


Bone FormationOssification (Osteogenesis): the process by which new bone is produced

Osteoblasts –bone forming cells

2 Forms:1) Compact bone (long bones)

-begins as cartilage

3 steps:

1)hormones excite osteoblasts

2) gelatin-like(osteoid) substance discharged from osteoblasts in cartilage

3) minerals deposited in gel and harden into bone

2) Cancellous bone (flat bones of skull)

-begin as fibrous membranes

-osteoblast release osteoid into membrane which forms a sponge-like bundle of fibres

-new bone forms “outward” from centre of bundle

- converts “soft spots” at birth into bone because bone formation is still incomplete

Bone Remodelling • Bones do not just grow by osteoblasts laying down new bone. Instead, it is more a process of give and take

• Actually, it’s more TAKE and GIVE



• bone-resorbing cells

• remove old bone by releasing acids and enzymes

• protein secreting cells (osteoblast) deposit new tissue (bone)

Birth to ~ 35 deposition > removal = growth

After 35 deposition < removal = shrink

Epiphyseal Plates and LinesEpiphyseal Plates and Lines

Epiphyseal plates (growth plates) Occur at various locations at the

epiphyses of long bones Growth possible X-rays pass through cartilage and they

appear as black spaces between the diaphysis and epiphyses

Epiphyseal lines Occur when epiphyseal plates have fused

or come together Growth not possible X-ray shows a solid epiphysis Epiphyseal


Epiphyseal line

Epiphyseal Plates and LinesEpiphyseal Plates and Lines

Bone Fractures Bones, like all other structural supports need to contend with 4 different types of forces:

TENSION: pulling apart or stretching force

COMPRESSION: pushing together

TORSION: twisting force


What happens if one of those forces becomes too great?

©Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc. 2003. All material is copyright

protected. It is illegal to copy any of this material.

This material may be used only in a course of study in which Exercise

Science: An Introduction to Health and Physical Education

(Temertzoglou/Challen) is the

Bone Fractures::

• Problems with the skeletal system can be associated with many factors; nutrition, infection, physical accidents.

• Young children have weaker bones since calcification is still incomplete, older people have weaker bones because of the loss of calcium associated with aging.

• Fractures are bone “breaks,” and are normally divided into two types:

1. Simple Fractures there is no separation of the bone into parts, but a break or crack is detectable “hairline/greenstick fracture”- bone is not exposed to the air through the skin.

2. Compound Fractures Occurs when the bone breaks into separate pieces. Bones is exposed to the air through the skin. Result of a major blow.

• If bone breaks through the skin there is usually more serious complications i.e. muscle and ligament damage

3. Comminuted Fracture Occurs when the broken ends of the bone have been shattered into many pieces.

Bone Fractures:


• sharp pain and tenderness when palpated

• swelling and discolouration

• grinding sound on movement

• inability to use


•bones heal using the same process as remodeling

•if dealt with correctly, the process will go smoothly

•result may be an even stronger bone

-video- Bob and Claude

Types of FracturesTypes of Fractures

Compound fracture•Bone breaks into separate pieces

Comminuted fracture•Bone shatters into many pieces

Types of FracturesTypes of Fractures

Stress Fracture•Most difficult to detect

•Muscles become too fatigued to absorb shock•Transfers impact to bone which results in tiny crack

Simple fracture•No separation (hairline/greenstick fracture)

Effects of Aging – Skeletal SystemEffects of Aging – Skeletal System

Remodelling declines from fourth decade onward Process of bone remodelling reverses – resorption occurs Results in a 5–10% loss in bone mass per subsequent decade Affects overall calcium levels in the body

Osteoporosis (low bone mass and deterioration of the bone tissue) may result from resorption Leads to bone fragility Increased susceptibility to bone fractures

Preventative measures include: Balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, and a healthy lifestyle Weight-bearing exercises Bone density testing and medication when appropriate

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