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  • How to Make Friends and Influence Giving With Google Campaigns and Appeal Codes
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  • Temple University Philadelphia, PA 39,000 students 285,000 + alumni 17 schools/ colleges Decentralized model
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  • RIP: 2006-2012
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  • So You Want to Make a Gift?
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  • Friendless for a Reason
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  • New Sites = New Opportunities Designations function Customized Giving forms Added Value
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  • Whats in it for us? Improved User Experience Increased Tracking User behavior and path analysis
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  • Technological Treasure Hunt iModules Giving Form Functionality Custom Giving URL with Designation IDs Appeal Codes Google Campaigns Vanity URLs
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  • Step 1: Giving Form 2.0 Leveraged iModules designation functionality Integrated with our payment gateway Offered our users a better experience
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  • Step 2: Custom Forms: Making the Friends By adding some text to the URL string, we show only specific designations to display to the user General Giving Form URL: id=705&gid=1&pgid=3813&cid=5100 Custom Giving Form URL: pxsid=705&gid=1&pgid=3813&cid=5100&bledit=1& dids= The numbers starting at 49 and separated by . represent the encompass IDs assigned to each designation in the iModules system
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  • Step 3: &appealcode=Giving_Is_Fun Placed at the end of the entire URL string When a gift is made, this code populates in the giving report Used for tracking purposes ving/2col.aspx?sid=705&gid=1&pgid=38 13&cid=5100&bledit=1&dids=49.155.13 8.256.307.5 + &appealcode=WEBG_FOXsite = 2col.aspx?sid=705&gid=1&pgid=3813&cid=51 00&bledit=1&dids= pealcode=WEBG_FOXsite
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  • Step 4: Google Campaigns Method of identifying how users discover your site Track online advertisements, promotions, and marketing programs See how individuals are finding our giving forms and from what places the most traffic comes
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  • Tracking Made Easy Google Campaign Link Builder: 138.256.307.5&appealcode=WEBG_FOXsite&utm_source=general&utm_medium=fox&utm_campaign=customgivingu rls Source: general Medium: fox Campaign Name: customgivingurls With the addition of the Google campaign, we now have the following URL:
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  • Google Analytics: A Home for the Campaigns Campaigns feed right into your Google Analytics infrastructure Source, Medium, and Campaign Name correlates to the generated URL Tracking data for the URL
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  • Step 5: Making Marketable URLs Go to your long URL as an administrator and find the iModules link builder
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  • Making Marketable URLs Choose your link name and you will then have a full integrated custom giving URL New link name: Printable Web link Trackable
  • Slide 18
  • Huge URL Vanity URL =705&gid=1&pgid=3813&cid=5100&bledit=1&dids= ce=direct&utm_medium=givingurl1001&utm_campaign=c ustomgivingurls
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  • New Vanity URL
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  • What ACTUALLY Happens? User clicks on Vanity URL User clicks on URL Google Analytics captures click Put Vanity URL on your website or into the world User does not abandon form Appeal Code is captured User completes giving form via vanity URL Appeal is attributed to gift by user Information HOW the user made their way to your form Giving report is run Number of clicks to form via a particular link Opportunity to place this type of link across multiple platforms to find out from where to most traffic is coming
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  • Ingenious vs. Insanity Consider your resources Limitless Opportunities Consider using a spreadsheet to keep track
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  • Conclusion: Wins: Internal relationships Improved user experience Tracking
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  • Cheers! Angela Prendergast [email protected] @AngelaPrendie Vivienne Dobbs [email protected] @VivDobbs

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