Page 1: SM^****-*-^ »**•> •^*Ht. h|.i.i»rm.X'.^J Duplicate This*be Fear! Dppartment Store will be eiostd nest




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1'he Fearl Department Store in Brush­e s will be open every Wednesday, Pri-

:4*y, to*} SMtifday evenings uotHfuEtber1

soMee. fldv

B&vival services are being held this week in the Brushtoa MethodistChureh.

'Mmijtmiiiimuii •)in<iu»»iia

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l»r»i>woiwiiut»iiiiu mmmitm

n geveauasni yen «ilt MOM* tsm© germ n£gw&te-1b&&B& fe&t Amerfes 1st to a tad w&y fts* bel ­ter ana !»«£&& tm. wlft fee mad© to fe*I tfett tie sifetaftfofciB

H te estimate* tliat W.Q0O

_ €1 got a neve tpina& ta fk'%* ate e*gsg£$& f<Mtadi

'Hts "df af i c&tjr pauses


d e ^ % _'_fjte mm$ ti&b&i&ek. IM«^ jb&e&.gl&e©e! la Hie KKQ --

Gm ©f - ftesfr problems faetag, pr&ja£% lall&S&g is^gsTPmimeist ae»

S^^smm^: ^©i^^ gat -t -so far

^ r t&s e^is^js

'fluiA&Uflal Cotton BaD, sponsored by €he Senior Class of Br igh ton S igh Ssbeol vtill behe ld ThUrtday eyeriiog.

Miss Frances Powder, spent the week­end in Potsdaa*, fche gaest of Mr. and M a , F f e d U, l*yoo.

1*be Fear ! Dppartment Store will be eiostd nest Monday and Tuesday, in ob-Sfeftauee of the J ewi sh Holidays. I t will i*eopen Wednesday, 'October 6 th .

Mm. Edwin Olmstead,of Belmont was % guest a t the borne of Mrs. Frederick F l in t fast week and called on friends in town.

Mm* Mary Bar re t t , formerly of Utica, has moved to Brushton. She %ill make fe©r home with h e r sister, Miss Nellie

s Tha F o r t Covington High School foot-' b&tt t e a m defeased the Bru&hton Higb School team-there las t Friday with a score of 36 - 12. '}

Mrs. John Pickering re tu rned to the Koyai Vietoria Hospitol , in Montreal w h e r e she will undergo a major opera­tion.

k son ,Thomas Craig, was born to Mr. and Mrs. T h o m a s Will iams of Albany Sep tember 21st. Mrs. Williams ijfthe former Miss Tillie King of Brushton.

We have a d d e d to our s toc^ several very at t ract ive all-steel base and dish eablae ts and two-deor wardrobe?. Also a few o i l -burn i rg space beaters . Come i n and see them. Armstrong's , Brush ton . • Adv.

- i -

Duplicate This Pictfoe and Save Money!


'**s3SS8»ii»;!£»afifc - -.-'

C • jFka %*flLt: «i.i

No grea te r indication of the n e c e ^ sity for more home canning need he cited than, t he U. S. Depar tment of Agricul ture campaign for 2 0 million home gardens in 1948, a n increase of three million over last yearns goal. The depar tment says adequate home gardens iare needed i;o increase the domestic food supply when many ai'eas of the world will desperately

isHhlEhe food .comitty can

yds em L set: % '• a picfeure Ji&j£v.-^&r "one. ahoKe: " in:, yostr own kitchen, Mrs. fion^ewife,. he sure to do so and yew wiE have plenty of nourishing^ J a y o i I h o m e - c a n n e d f rui ts and ye^etaMes for ye«r fam-ily?is nse " n ^ : TOnter, And you'll be able to -'boWex^ your food budget against high prices!


, : ~0hat& courtesy Ball Bros. So

Keep at supply « l yoar "favorite f rui t JarSj -caps, lids Und? rubbers; on hand ; t h e n yon can p a t u p frui ts and ^ vege^ables^sas soon as piey eome fropi the gifcd^en .or your grocer get§ a fresh sijpply. Select clean, sound, fully r i p e fruits, young, tender, "gard­en-fresh vegetables, and can them according to yoa r frui t j a r manu­facturer ' s instructions.




•'•Ibe eosts -feipass &ggji£. fe gosv-

maemsei ''$&& fee

a r e sp©^ ' •erssiejit. t w e a s ^ e sea fe f a ^ s a l € 0 ^ m s fe tp ly passed; o a to

s ^ s y s r . U s e gm&zmmmit c a n ' t faJ racJes , but it es&i l e v y

t a s e s .

I f ^ s fee o b j e c t of fed-ersl feoas-ssg- ^ s k & s fe e i e a r a w a y s l i ims , I b e a I s ^ y l e t eot^fr^goMies im which

i&esr h&& s e c S t a i s . Sosoe c M ^ fescue- afeeasiy pM: s l i s u d e a r a s e e ;gogrg?yys- is&> eSeef, wt&oi i t e a B -i n g em. O a n g r ^ s s fisr l e s fe ia t ios . € t e r l e ^ s l §&w^mrn?Mft c^& So mmeh to

feg i ^ B g e g ^ ©%si^s t a i s e e t good stasdMKis* fe^" earn afeo

T& a ^ ? f ^ e feat- GssigFes^. wi fe a _ " " -&^m - ei

s^ms? m tak&tg, s *Ff?ei^ w i B ^ w s y s b e s c s a e e M e r ansi l ^ s expeff j^re iaaisiwg, E & mat­ter fe^r a ^ ^ t w e i s a y IHEPM. "But If yG® tak& € ^ a r g e «sf S i e & s wi fe i r e s j few i s ^ B m ^ ggi3 pat- ffaem fe

T h e n e x t regular meet i i g of the Brasti&n W . C . T U . will be held at home of Mrs. E l i sabe th Best on Tuesday, n e t . f ® » s t 2:§9ofel*>ok.TJitizensl3ip will be 6he ssbjjeet of she meet ing, with Mrs Best in charge.

T h e Tillage Store , o v n e i and oper­ated by* Neil G. F-int, in Moira is open o n Wednesday, Friday, and Saturdav evenings, where you can purchase furni­t u r e , electrical appliances, and talk over your insurance problems. The store is also open every day from 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. You are a lways welcome. adv

Mrs. Viaeent Reynolds and Miss Flor­ence Baldwin enter ta iced last Saturday afternoon a t the la t te r ' s home at a bridal shower in honor of Miss Barr ie t Wright . Miss W r i g h t ' s mar r iage to Mr. Keith Wilson of Schenectady will t ake place Friday afternoon a t 3:00 o'clock st tht Ohi is t ian Church .

Mr. and Mrs. Joe King celebrated their 62nd Wedding Anniversary last Sunday, September 26th. They received many lovely gifts aiid congratulations from friends and relatives. Among the out-of-town relatives who were present were: a son, Charles Iving and his son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs- Fred Downes and their daughter ; Mrs. Rose King and

- ^ I f e J 0 ^ 1 ' ^ ' ^ Tf t e ^ - { i t e r d a n - h t e r and husband, Mr and_Mrs

s t s s i f l i a s is a hem&&oi w a y to- * gefe^ssreHfor-Jeifig-less! Ymt see,

Treasure rs Repor t OoVelring Fiscal Year 1947.

Receipts Net Balance March 1, L947 __$366.21 Recepits Taxes Proper ty T a x $1,672,50 Per Capita Assistance 449.881 Mortage T a x .35.92 Franchise T a x _- 73.45

Total Fire Depar tment Short T e r m Loan

$2,231.68 .___$ 219.95 .___$1,500.00

Total receipts $4,317.84 D I S B U R S E M E N T S

General Government Bankirt'Gf charge -

fee Mfcw «fe> €^SBS less Is better em

What W&m gsm B&

Witz and their children, all of Syracuse; a grssd^on, Charles Jesmer, his wife and baby , of Malone; and a granddaughter,

4rs. Reginald Jenkins and husband, of A g$SM& hmB^mg W&- m$M&~ m -m 'Massena- Mr.anr Mrs. Bernard King, Mr.

wag m$mw& ffe£ hms^g s&prtsge* &.'&0-i^•-'%&&& for.'

t ^ jafees ^^g.. jb^jfag^alegialg ' '

M& "s^^teW'sStffeS Timor m-

take, ftm tsfym •&$&£ $&mdg\\<m%%s

mem wm$A &&&«»&&-&&&

U ,-ym W80 im &M to mM&iion

rafe tym^m. t&.g&.Wt ® yen-moat

risk ffe&se &s®mwm&& wtsMe Wm&-gem t%e&?m% & &mtmg &$ "Mt-

mtijp j$m#: m¥& to 4*- & *&* ^mm

Notice of Fifing Completed Asses* mmt<*RoU With Clerk


(Tax Law, Sec. 29)

Notice is hereby given that the Assess­ment B o H for the town of Moira in the Cosinty of Franklin for the year 3 948, bag been fiaally completed by the under-matted Assessors, and a certified ropy tbemot was filed in the office of the Town Cle^k, a t the Town Clerk's office of Moi­r a , SLY., where the same will remain open %0 ptiblie teepee< ion U v fifteen d&\ s. g . 0 a t e d this 0th day of September, 1948

L. P . Cady Ber t H. Turner Clifford Peck

&me%tom&i the Town of Moira , N. Y.

' B?m& mm mm^m » i m v m m •mom tm mmm&$& is&m mmt 4

mmi dl

Alfalfa Yield

mm $m£&^$& *®sm f&m

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« a ^ * £ ^ TsSSS^^sff-i^-iW^? >

and Mrs. Jesse KiPg, and Mr. and Mrs Joe King , J r . , of Brushton, were also present .

# * f p

Wsfct, L-fl^, FoBad, To ikmt, For 8a IP »a<l o iber like mM&m inserted ucde?

Htf$ l iasd for ono cent a word ea^eh w«ek Oaeb with ordsr. ^mmvm 0hw&e 25 Genu.

00% SAL-IS—Ho use plant .second-hand imftiiUff end stove*, a full line of e l i ld-g&BTB md l&diSn' dreagef.

Watson Manning

3%m® YOUR C A L V I S to the eatt ie-fm4 i& Bru»hie-n every Tuesday and

1Bmm$£f f », ro. t o %p.m,; Saturday $ a , m* t& i% » « O P « Mew Y o r | Marke t f*fie&tV8i$f Afgelo B a u ^ l a , .' • , "lo» 141* Brnshten , N . Y . wtmiwjfniji«ut.4g>«l.i'i.W9,"y'

/ jUfTBf» l s O bUY—A few gocd ssed <?^JC«*'8S~-K'0#alts, B i o e tries,

Ofcarlrs B . ^ m i t b , Bxvtbuln'i <*w

* KM

unToj Drives You Mai

ire ij

Office expenses -Cler 'r :;- _._ Collectors Salary Treasurers Salary

— $ 6.00 — 53.37 . . . 50.00 .__ 25.00 .__ 25.00

Brashtori Honjie Bureau — : — i

T h e next regular meeting of the Home Bureau will b e he ld nextiMonday night a t 6:30 i n t h e cafeteria a t tiie Brushton High Sehooly Mrs. Fn iderick Fl in t and Miss M a r t h a McCuHoigb will give the lesson Oti "iBufldfhg R, sistanee."

E a e h membepTis rec nested to- bring

t ab l e se tv i ee^b i^bshou ld ine lude a des­sert dish and a s ^ l a d p la te .

Brushjon Beaver 4„H Club

- Total -Fire Dear tment Fire Apparatus , equip­

ment including r e - ' pairs $ 277.61

Maintenance and re­pairs of building _ 243.18

of Fire


T h e Brushton Beaver 4-H Club held I a.

a met t ing a t Brushton H igh School on September ^1,1948. Wejwere vfsited b-, W a y n e Brooks of Malojne, who gave us a talk on guns. We werej also visited by the Baeonville 4-H Club- During the meeting we decided to ijoin clubs and have only one. The next meet ing will be October 2nd, when we will elect officers for the new yerr .

Merjvin Bellows 4-H NJews Repor ter

G r e a t Is'fihe Goal The P a c M e ^ N o r t h w e s t forest in­

dus t ry is c a r r y i n g fo rward a pro­g r a m of fores t p r a c t i c e , a i m e d to p e r p e t u a t e a n d i n c r e a s e t h e t i m b e r supply of the area^ I t s e e k s to find' m a r k e t s and rnethods of manufac ­t u r e wbie.ii m H u s e , J s m a a t r e e s , s l abs , b roken and. . l ow-g rade l o g s a n d o the r m a t e r i a l , wh ich wil l in­c r e a s e t h e to t a l a m o u n t " o f fores t p roduc t s r e t u r n e d f rom the land..

imM memorial

mm n

M o d e m M e t a l Alloys T h e wonder s of m o d e r n m e t a l

a l loys a r e - well -known. Bu t al loys are- not new. Men b e g a n using mix­tu r e s of two or m o r e m e t a l s in p re ­his tor ic t imes . The ea r l i e s t -al loy w a s .bronze, p robably d i scovered when copper and t i n w e r e acciden­ta l ly me l t ed toge the r and al lowed to h a r d e n .

Harwoods Corners

l e e Cabe P roduc t i on An e lec t r i ca l dev ice j u s t pa ten t ­

ed a c h i e v e s m a s s fifcoduction of. ice cubes by a n e w method . A column of ice" is frozen in a t u b e . As it m o v e s upward , a cu t t e r s l ices off cubes into a d i spenser . The Ma­chine c a n r b e s e t for a n y p rede t e r ­m i n e d n u m b e r of c u b e s .

Purchase House -- .

Storage for Truck __

Insurance _.



122.56 133.96

Total Health Health Officer __,.__ Vital Statistics Rent of Dump Labor of Cleaning

- Dump


$ 50.00 _ 30.35 _ 100.00

- 31.20

Total H ighways Salaries & Wages Materials & Supplies _ 194.40 Snow & Ice Re­

moved 122.10



Tota l Street l i g h t i n g interest on Tempor­

ary Loan

$619.45 $696.00

$ 18.75

Total Total

Total Disbursements -$3,982.45 Recetpis $4,317.84 Disbursements 3,982.43

Net Bal. Feb. 28, 1948 —$335.41 Dated - Sept. 20, 1948

Es the r Westurn , Treasurer .

New Religious Broadcasts

" G r e a t Scenes from Grea t P l ays" , an entirely new depar ture in religious radio p rogram^ sponsored by the Episcopal families of. .Brushton, will be-broadeast for the first t ime on Friday evening Oct­ober , I , from 8:00 to 8:30 p m , Eastern S tandard Time over Station WIGY and every Friday evening thereafter.

Marcell Richards is working on Earl Tr udel l ' s farm. • \

Mrs- E lec ta Bakin called on Mrs. Fred Mar t in. Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Montroy and children called a t Fred Mart in 's Sunday.

Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Mar t in were callers Wednesday a t Mrl and Mrs. Leon Jond-reu^' of North Bangor.

A U a r e s > r r y *o haar t h a t I ra Wood is in the Malone Qospitail- Mr. Woods lived here for a numder o r years.

Mr. Wallace Je3mer, Sr. visited his daughter , Mrs. Howard Montroy and" family north of Brushton Sunday. ^

Mr. and Mrs. Joe MeBHsrain and tlieir son .Alfred, h i s wife and family, of North Bangdr, were Sandfly visitors a t thajiome of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martlin.

St Peter's Episcopal Church Brushton , New f o r k

T h e Rev . j . Alan di Pretioro, Rector

Sunday, October 3- 1948

Holy Euchar is t and Sermqn, 9:00 a.

Tuesday Evenings—School of Religion


Brushton Chrlstlani Church

Rev, Alfred Scot t , pa s to r

€heese!jJ$e$ams Value . T h e v i t amin A va lue of cheese

c o r r e s p o n d s to t h a t of t h e m i l k f rom which i t i s m a d e , wi th t h e cheese re ta in ing a ve ry h igh propor t ion of the v i t a m i n s p r e s e n t in the mi lk . The vi tarnin A content of cheese does n o t a p p e a r to/ v a r y 'significantly dur ing r ipening and s t o r a g e . .

Notice of School Tax Collector

f^oording M Ik f>fetirres,

I Call 2481 for details

s and appointment

ELECTRIOAM Dofei a particular class of

wptk for a particular £: '! ^Ias$ ef peop'e.

m Surfacing Contractor

% O i i e =

, CA80L mTCEim PHONE 2481 MOltA, N. ¥* M O I M X A ^

Hsre's one of the greatest to tonics you can buy to

T A K E N O T I C E — I , the undersigned collector of school taxes for Union

Free. School Distr ict No . 1, Town of Moira, Franklin County ; S ta te of New York, have received the taxroii and w a r r a n t for the collector of taxes levi­ed for t h e present year and beginning September 4 th , 1948, I will afctesd at Fl in t ' s Store on Washington St ree t in the Village of Brushton every d a y ex­c e p t Sundays -un t i l October 4th, 1948 for the purpose of receiving taxes as­sessed upon such roll, a t one per cent fee.

Dated at Brushton, N .Y. , • September 4th, 1948.

' E T T A C. F L I N T , School Tax Collector.

Morning Worship 9:45 Sunday School 10:45. ; Pray e f Cot tage Meetings ^aeh Wednes­

day a t 7:S0p.m.

Christian Science Services

Sunday, 11:00 a. m. at llB\E. Main St . MaloEe *

October 3rd, 1948

II sions

Vt$F£temi fow&tiul, pene t ra t ing yfiMW® toeraid; Gih T h e very first &g$$$$m Btemld give yo» censforting gmj^md a lew short treatnjejits con* ir|ff«irjr#H # a t fmi have at hm found t$kg w^Ji^&srme&m^^ intense*|6eMng ^ l l ^ ^ - f i ^ ^ i ^ n ^ ^ m g r a l f O j i l s e a s y p$ilt$$ffi$g to »'^~-proniores;'Aealing.--Atk | W gmi druggist for MoQire*s | ^ # M f ^ J f ^ ? M « ^ ! o a Q r m j m e y b a c k .

• p* ^


Rubber Rings hav* been favorite* lor genera­tions. They *eaf «U Mason |ars. Easy to use!


SI i lP t i iS |^p l IA You girls m& IWQm&i who

may be &m ioMekr^i lepd-iron?v^tsQ do\^ ISydii E.

PinkliaiBSs Basils; erne one of ttte vmfW^^sM-iamys to ttelp bitfKJ Mp Jetf%1bod to get more strei^ai iaaidleisetgy— in sneh c^gls. M&gi&at a doubt t h e # - ^ ? ; ^ j £ the greatest folood-ifoafinffes you ean buy todayjgeeO^aa, too, don't remar^aMy benefiti

Pirikham'5Wabjetssme also a very pleasant ^tomaenic tonic! All cbjugsfcorr

Lydia E, Pirskham's . ^ ' j m . ;


You fnjoy Clean, Refreshing Shaves.,.

Save Money,

Keanesf, toJigesN tosim^ tow^rice Blades en the Market

BACICACHE Bor quick comforting- "help fat Backgcue, Ehemnatic Pams, GefctiBgrTtfp Kiglite, strong clouds- urine^irnfcatliig^passage^Ijeff Pains* circles under eyes, and swollen ankles, <iue to nott-orgaaic-ariinoii-systsmie Kifineyand Bladder trou&Ies, try Cysfex. QuicS, complete satisfaction or xaxwsj back guaraateecL 4sfc your druggist for CysfexJo&igv

I ' . -' .J-- V Z--dr7J --'•:-^>,' • -''"':% W" " ; 's0ejBB'iB"andTfeft ^ n r 1

1 Beds - Mat t resses >.- :-|£p$£n£8 «•

I NEILC.FL|i I Oetieral Ins«fi»cfe 1 Phose263l M O I R A , N , Y ,

i T H E V I L L A G E 3 T O B & -


ASTHMA Don't let cot^hiiiff, TsheezSng, xecnxiing at»

taess of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep-and energy -sitfcous trying MESB&CO, which •jvoris-Shnx tha blood. %o reach bronchial fcubes?aaoi.teBgs. Xfea^ElyJielps nature quickly remoye ihicfc, sticks maous. Thus alfevJates coughing; and aids freer Jsreathmgand better Sleep. <Sefc MEKDAGQ-ixom draggii*. Satis* iacwon «r jaosey bac& gaaranteed*

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M the Printing O g l # ^f

Facts and Fallacies - Biushton Wfeere aHlrfuis of Pr in t ing i s <^>ie aod

^ &op& RigUtl



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