sm^****-*-^ »**•> •^*ht. h|.i.i»rm.x'.^j duplicate this...

,&"" *»tf¥ii**'.-rf« 3 PR' if-i>" : s a .•=:?-- •«-«&s!JC#: ,«W?ls K»cri llaf --hi*-.. f •'-if' m- if" F5lf « f 3|*;^nft; "life s ftie«m;M ^r:?;^r.^';so g. SM^****-*-^ »**•> « te«K* ,»§28?2~fr«*i>i?* •««»»*' w*« «iww»»»w. i»**.»it.j^i -m •JkJS&tUfifca^-.. e^^SKUSS^S^UUi-fiJ-te^'i' ^ o - 4 ^ : ?- #*• ggffite!ia •;-,-• •HIM I ^ *ifnT*liilli.iI^II>»L_1-MI.IA -i -t TJZ. '•^^"^^^^^•^••BBWWMWBiia m t mm •^*Ht. lh|.i.i»rm.X'.^J , );. l^*. l T/HH»S©AY &ms tot ««Kw»jii^ * to «m&» «&*&<* WTaatn^aMniffiiiK^i^waareha^ 1'he Fearl Department Store in Brush- e s will be open every Wednesday, Pri- : 4*y,to*}SMtifday evenings uotHfuEtber 1 soMee. fl dv B&vival services are being held this week in the Brushtoa MethodistChureh. 'Mmijtmiiiimuii •)in<iu»»iia '#////# WW, l»r»i>woiwiiut»iiiiu mmmitm n geveauasni yen «ilt MOM* tsm© germ n£gw&te-1b&&B& fe&t Amerfes 1st to a tad w&yfts*bel- ter ana !»«£&& tm. wlftfeemad© tofe*Itfett tie sifetaftfofciB H te estimate* tliat W.Q0O _ €1 got a neve tpina& ta fk'%* ate e*gsg£$& f<Mtadi 'Hts "df afi c&tjr pauses IBIS de^% _'_fjte mm$ ti&b&i&ek. IM«^ jb&e&.gl&e©e! la Hie KKQ^-- Gm ©f - ftesfr problems faetag, pr&ja£% lall&S&g is^gsTPmimeist ae» S^^smm^: ^©i^^ gat -t^ -so far ^ r t&s e^is^js 'fluiA&Uflal Cotton BaD, sponsored by €he Senior Class of Brighton Sigh Ssbeol vtill beheld ThUrtday eyeriiog. Miss Frances Powder, spent the week- end in Potsdaa*, fche gaest of Mr. and Ma,Ffed U, l*yoo. 1*be Fear! Dppartment Store will be eiostd nest Monday and Tuesday, in ob- Sfeftauee of the Jewish Holidays. It will i*eopen Wednesday,'October 6th. Mm. Edwin Olmstead,of Belmont was % guest at the borne of Mrs. Frederick Flint fast week and called on friends in town. Mm* Mary Barrett, formerly of Utica, has moved to Brushton. She %ill make fe©r home with her sister, Miss Nellie s Tha Fort Covington High School foot-' b&tt team defeased the Bru&hton Higb School team-there last Friday with a score of 36 - 12. '} Mrs. John Pickering returned to the Koyai Vietoria Hospitol, in Montreal where she will undergo a major opera- tion. k son,Thomas Craig, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams of Albany September 21st. Mrs. Williams ijfthe former Miss Tillie King of Brushton. We have added to our stoc^ several very attractive all-steel base and dish eablaets and two-deor wardrobe?. Also a few oil-burnirg space beaters. Come in and see them. Armstrong's, Brushton. Adv. - i - Duplicate This Pictfoe and Save Money! f '**s3SS8»ii»;!£»afifc - -.-' C jFka %*flLt: «i.i No greater indication of the nece^ sity for more home canning need he cited than, the U. S. Department of Agriculture campaign for 20 million home gardens in 1948, an increase of three million over last yearns goal. The department says adequate home gardens iare needed i;o increase the domestic food supply when many ai'eas of the world will desperately isHhlEhe food .comitty can yds em L set: % '• a picfeure Ji&j£v.-^&r "one. ahoKe: " in:, yostr own kitchen, Mrs. fion^ewife,. he sure to do so and yew wiE have plenty of nourishing^ Jayoi I home-canned fruits and ye^etaMes for ye«r fam- ily ? is nse " n ^ : TOnter, And you'll be able to -'boWex^ your food budget against high prices! •1 , : ~0hat& courtesy Ball Bros. So Keep at supply «l yoar "favorite fruit JarSj -caps, lids Und? rubbers; on hand; then yon can pat up fruits and ^ vege^ables^sas soon as piey eome fropi t h e gifcd^en .or your grocer get§ a fresh sijpply. Select clean, sound, fully ripe fruits, young, tender, "gard- en-fresh vegetables, and can them according to yoar fruit jar manu- facturer's instructions. f-S a VILLAGE OF BRUSHTON •'•Ibe eosts -feipass &ggji£. fe gosv- maemsei ''$&& fee are sp©^' •erssiejit. tweas ^e seafef a^sal €0^ m sfetply passed; o a to s^sysr. Use gm&zmmmit can't faJracJes, but it es&i levy tases. If^s fee object of fed-ersl feoas- ssg- ^ sk&s fe eiear away sliims, Ibea I s^y let eot^fr^goMies im which i&esr h&& secStais. Sosoe cM^ fescue- afeeasiy pM: slisu dearasee ;gogrg?yys- is&> eSeef, wt&oiit eaB- ing em. Oangr^ss fisr lesfeiatios. €ter le^sl §&w^mrn?Mft c^& So mmeh to feg i^Bgeg^ ©%si^s ta iseet good stasdMKis* fe^" earn afeo T& a^?f^e feat- GssigFes^. wife a _ " " -&^m - ei s^ms? m tak&tg, s *Ff?ei^ wiB ^wsys be scsae eMer ansi l^s expeffj^re iaaisiwg, E& mat- ter fe^r a ^ ^ t w e isay IHEPM. "But If yG® tak& €^arge «sf S i e ^ &s wife iresj few i s ^ B m ^ ggi3 pat- ffaem fe The next regular meet i i g of the Brasti&n W.C.TU. will be held at home of Mrs. Elisabeth Best on Tuesday, net. f ® » s t 2:§9o f el*>ok.TJitizensl3ip will be 6he ssbjjeet of she meeting, with Mrs Best in charge. The Tillage Store, ovnei and oper- ated by* Neil G. F-int, in Moira is open on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturdav evenings, where you can purchase furni- ture, electrical appliances, and talk over your insurance problems. The store is also open every day from 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. You are always welcome. adv Mrs. Viaeent Reynolds and Miss Flor- ence Baldwin entertaiced last Saturday afternoon at the latter's home at a bridal shower in honor of Miss Barriet Wright. Miss Wright's marriage to Mr. Keith Wilson of Schenectady will take place Friday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock st tht Ohiistian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King celebrated their 62nd Wedding Anniversary last Sunday, September 26th. They received many lovely gifts aiid congratulations from friends and relatives. Among the out- of-town relatives who were present were: a son, Charles Iving and his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs- Fred Downes and their daughter; Mrs. Rose King and - ^IfeJ 0 ^ 1 ' ^ ' ^ T f t e ^-{iterdan-hter and husband, Mr and _ Mrs stssif lias is a hem&&oi way to- * gefe^ssreHfor-Jeifig-less! Ymt see, Treasurers Report OoVelring Fiscal Year 1947. Receipts Net Balance March 1, L947 __$366.21 Recepits Taxes Property Tax $1,672,50 Per Capita Assistance 449.881 Mortage Tax .35.92 Franchise T a x _- 73.45 Total Fire Department Short Term Loan $2,231.68 .___$ 219.95 .___$1,500.00 Total receipts $4,317.84 DISBURSEMENTS General Government Bankirt'Gf c h a r g e - fee Mfcw «fe> €^SBS less Is better em What W&m gsm B& Witz and their children, all of Syracuse; a grssd^on, Charles Jesmer, his wife and baby, of Malone; and a granddaughter, 4rs. Reginald Jenkins and husband, of A g$SM& hmB^mg W&- m$M&~ m -m 'Massena- Mr.anr Mrs. Bernard King, Mr. wag m$mw& ffe£ hms^g s&prtsge* &.'&0-i^•-'%&&& for.' t^ jafees ^^g..jb^jfag^alegialg'' M& "s^^teW'sStffeS Timor m- take, ftm tsfym •&$&£ $&mdg\\<m%%s mem wm$A &&&«»&&-&&& U ,-ym W80 im &M to mM&iion ^rafe tym^m. t&.g&.Wt ® yen-moat risk ffe&se &s®mwm&& wtsMe Wm&- gem t%e&?m% & &mtmg &$ "Mt- mtijp j$m#: m¥& to 4*- ^& *&* ^ mm Notice of Fifing Completed Asses* mmt<*RoU With Clerk AFTER GRIEVANCE DAY (Tax Law, Sec. 29) Notice is hereby given that the Assess- ment Bo H for the town of Moira in the Cosinty of Franklin for the year 3 948, bag been fiaally completed by the under- matted Assessors, and a certified ropy tbemot was filed in the office of the Town Cle^k, at the Town Clerk's office of Moi- ra, SLY., where the same will remain open %0 ptiblie teepee< ion U v fifteen d&\ s. g.0ated this 0th day of September, 1948 L. P. Cady Bert H. Turner Clifford Peck &me%tom&i the Town of Moira, N. Y. ' B?m& mm mm^m » imvmm •mom tm mmm&$& is&m mmt 4 mmi dl Alfalfa Yield mm $m£&^$& *®sm f&m U~±Ail«Jlil]>i|IU"T -~T 1 ' f """"'''"'"""""^ mmm m* £$mm Seem we &*&• ««« \i i' IIJBI t«mm >"i k>*n'*mm torn M lJfflJg<K>'>l<Wy t0W te mi n ._• WMT iiiBOWXW ««<:immmf)-»»mvv» mmmm Jlle# *<»!*qjMm'»^y i * t && «a^*£^ TsSSS^^sff-i^-iW^? > and Mrs. Jesse KiPg, and Mr. and Mrs Joe King, Jr., of Brushton, were also present. #* fp Wsfct, L-fl^, FoBad, To ikmt, For 8a IP »a<l oiber like mM&m inserted ucde? Htf$ liasd for ono cent a word ea^eh w«ek Oaeb with ordsr. ^mmvm 0hw&e 25 Genu. 00% SAL-IS—Ho use plant .second-hand imftiiUff end stove*, a full line of elild- g&B T B md l&diSn' dreagef. Watson Manning 3%m® YOUR CALVIS to the eattie- fm4 i& Bru»hie-n every Tuesday and 1Bmm$£f f », ro. t o %p.m,; Saturday $ a, m* t& i% »«OP« Mew Yor| Market f*fie&tV8i$ f Afgelo Bau^la, .' •, "lo» 141* Brnshten, N. Y. wtmiwjfniji«ut.4g>«l.i'i.W9,"y' /jUfTBf» l s O bUY—A few gocd ssed <?^JC«*'8S~-K'0#alts, B i o e tries, Ofcarlrs B. ^mitb, Bxvtbuln'i <*w * KM unToj Drives You Mai ire ij Office expenses - Cler'r:;- _._ Collectors Salary Treasurers Salary —$ 6.00 53.37 . . . 50.00 .__ 25.00 .__ 25.00 Brashtori Honjie Bureau : i The next regular meeting of the Home Bureau will be held nextiMonday night at 6:30 inthe cafeteria at tiie Brushton High Sehooly Mrs. Fn iderick Flint and Miss Martha McCuHoigb will give the lesson Oti "iBufldfhg R, ^sistanee." Eaeh membepTis rec nested to- bring tablesetviee^bi^bshouldinelude a des- sert dish and as^lad plate. Brushjon Beaver 4„H Club - Total - Fire Deartment Fire Apparatus, equip- ment including re-' pairs $ 277.61 Maintenance and re- pairs of building _ 243.18 of Fire .$159.37 The Brushton Beaver 4-H Club held I a. a met ting at Brushton High School on September ^1,1948. Wejwere vfsited b-, Wayne Brooks of Malojne, who gave us a talk on guns. We werej also visited by the Baeonville 4-H Club- During the meeting we decided to ijoin clubs and have only one. The next meeting will be October 2nd, when we will elect officers for the new yerr. Merjvin Bellows 4-H NJews Reporter Great Is'fihe Goal The PacMe^Northwest forest in- dustry is carrying forward a pro- gram of forest practice, aimed to perpetuate and increase the timber supply of the area^ It seeks to find' markets and rnethods of manufac- ture wbie.ii mH use,Jsmaa trees, slabs, broken and. .low-grade logs and other material, which will in- crease the total amount"of forest products returned from the land.. imM memorial mm n Modem Metal Alloys The wonders of modern metal alloys are- well -known. But alloys are- not new. Men began using mix- tures of two or more metals in pre- historic times. The earliest -alloy was .bronze, probably discovered when copper and tin were acciden- tally melted together and allowed to harden. Harwoods Corners lee Cabe Production An electrical device just patent- ed achieves mass fifcoduction of. ice cubes by a new method. A column of ice" is frozen in a tube. As it moves upward, a cutter slices off cubes into a dispenser. The Ma- chine c a n r b e set for any predeter- mined number of cubes. Purchase House --. Storage for Truck __ Insurance _. Fi- re 1,500.00 122.56 133.96 Total Health Health Officer __,.__ Vital Statistics Rent of Dump Labor of Cleaning - Dump $2,277.31 $ 50.00 _ 30.35 _ 100.00 - 31.20 Total Highways Salaries & Wages Materials & Supplies _ 194.40 Snow & Ice Re- moved 122.10 -$211.55 -$302.95 Total Street lighting interest on Tempor- ary Loan $619.45 $696.00 $ 18.75 Total Total Total Disbursements -$3,982.45 Recetpis $4,317.84 Disbursements 3,982.43 Net Bal. Feb. 28, 1948 —$335.41 Dated - Sept. 20, 1948 Esther Westurn, Treasurer. New Religious Broadcasts "Great Scenes from Great Plays", an entirely new departure in religious radio program^ sponsored by the Episcopal families of. .Brushton, will be-broadeast for the first time on Friday evening Oct- ober,I, from 8:00 to 8:30 p m , Eastern Standard Time over Station WIGY and every Friday evening thereafter. Marcell Richards is working on Earl Tr udell's farm. \ Mrs- Electa Bakin called on Mrs. Fred Mar tin. Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Montroy and children called at Fred Martin's Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Martin were callers Wednesday at Mrl and Mrs. Leon Jond- reu^' of North Bangor. AUares>rry *o haar that Ira Wood is in the Malone Qospitail- Mr. Woods lived here for a numder o r years. Mr. Wallace Je3mer, Sr. visited his daughter, Mrs. Howard Montroy and" family north of Brushton Sunday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Joe MeBHsrain and tlieir son .Alfred, his wife and family, of North Bangdr, were Sandfly visitors at thajiome of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martlin. St Peter's Episcopal Church Brushton, New fork The Rev. j . Alan di Pretioro, Rector Sunday, October 3- 1948 Holy Eucharist and Sermqn, 9:00 a. Tuesday Evenings—School of Religion m. Brushton Chrlstlani Church Rev, Alfred Scott, pastor €heese!jJ$e$ams Value . The vitamin A value of cheese corresponds to that of t h e milk from which it is made, with the cheese retaining a very high proportion of the vitamins present in the milk. The vitarnin A content of cheese does not appear to/ vary 'significantly during ripening and storage.. Notice of School Tax Collector f^oording M I k f>fetirres, I Call 2481 for details s and appointment ELECTRIOAM Dofei a particular class of wptk for a particular £ : '! ^Ias$ ef peop'e. m Surfacing Contractor %Oiie= , CA80L mTCEim PHONE 2481 MOltA, N. ¥* MOIMXA^ Hsre's one of the greatest to tonics you can buy to T AKE NOTICE—I, the undersigned collector of school taxes for Union Free. School District No. 1, Town of Moira, Franklin County; State of New York, have received the taxroii and warrant for the collector of taxes levi- ed for the present year and beginning September 4th, 1948, I will afctesd at Flint's Store on Washington Street in the Village of Brushton every day ex- cept Sundays-until October 4th, 1948 for the purpose of receiving taxes as- sessed upon such roll, at one per cent fee. Dated at Brushton, N.Y., • September 4th, 1948. ' ETTA C. FLINT, School Tax Collector. Morning Worship 9:45 Sunday School 10:45. ; Pray ef Cottage Meetings ^aeh Wednes- day at 7:S0p.m. Christian Science Services Sunday, 11:00 a. m. at llB\E. Main St. MaloEe * October 3rd, 1948 II sions Vt$F£temi fow&tiul, penetrating yfiMW® toeraid; Gih The very first &g$$$$m Btemld give yo» censforting gmj^md a lew short treatnjejits con* ir|ff«irjr#H #at fmi have at hm found t$kg w^Ji^&srme&m^^ intense*|6eMng ^ll^^-fi^^i^n^^mgralfOjilseasy p$ilt$$ffi$g to »'^~-proniores ; 'Aealing.-- Atk |W gmi druggist for MoQire*s |^#Mf^Jf^?M«^!oaQrmjmeyback. p* ^^ -o BAU. ZINC CAPS end Rubber Rings hav* been favorite* lor genera- tions. They *eaf «U Mason |ars. Easy to use! ~^6h$ SIilPtiiS|^plIA You girls m& IWQm&i who may be &m ioMekr^ilepd- iron? v ^tsQ do\^ ISydii E. PinkliaiBSs B a s i l s ; erne one of ttte vmfW^^sM-iamys to ttelp bitfKJ MpJetf%1 bod to get more strei^ai iaaidleisetgy— in sneh c^gls. M&gi&at a doubt t h e # - ^ ? ; ^ j £ the greatestfolood-ifoafinffesyou ean buy todayjgee O^aa, too, don't remar^aMy benefiti Pirikham'5Wabjetssme also a very pleasant ^tomaenic tonic! All cbjugsfcorr Lydia E, Pirskham's .^'jm.; \ You fnjoy Clean, Refreshing Shaves.,. Save Money, Keanesf, toJigesN tosim^ tow^rice Blades en the Market^ BACICACHE Bor quick comforting- "help fat Backgcue, Ehemnatic Pams, GefctiBgrTtfp Kiglite, strong clouds - urine^irnfcatliig^passage^Ijeff Pains* circles under eyes, and swollen ankles, <iue to nott-orgaaic-ariinoii-systsmie Kifineyand Bladder trou&Ies, try Cysfex. QuicS, complete satisfaction or xaxwsj back guaraateecL 4sfc your druggist for CysfexJo&igv I' . -' .J-- V Z--d r 7J --'• : -^>,' -''"':% W" " ; ' s 0ejBB'iB"andTfeft ^nr 1 1 Beds - Mattresses >.- :-|£p$£n£8 «• I NEILC.FL|i I Oetieral Ins«fi»cfe 1 Phose263l MOIRA, N , Y , i THE VILLAGE 3TOB& - &xm^&&mtm^^&F!&iWKmBimmmBbK*> ASTHMA Don't let cot^hiiiff, TsheezSng, xecnxiing at» taess of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep-and energy -sitfcous trying MESB&CO, which •jvoris-Shnx tha blood. %o reach bronchial fcubes?aaoi.teBgs. Xfea^ElyJielps nature quickly remoye ihicfc, sticks maous. Thus alfevJates coughing; and aids freer Jsreathmgand better Sleep. <Sefc MEKDAGQ-ixom draggii*. Satis* iacwon «r jaosey bac& gaaranteed* - f M the Printing Ogl# ^f Facts and Fallacies - Biushton Wfeere aHlrfuis of Printing is <^>ie aod ^ &op& RigUtl flNIIPfflf I » SERVE YOU PUICKLV fJVTCRESTEOlY CFFICJEN1LY SIDG. uf * m » i:3M£S* ®tfmes T>og Res&j&eh Ge&tefc* iff. IF. 0*- T t J afl^j. -«¥.^ *r*A **£t ~ ^^tC 1. ^ tr - X 4 IJWM***' 1 "^- XHK—xit is~r* 4 -«B^«^«>V ^'%&&&'&^jn5~tf&£, \ -rr^^a£T^i.tBt- 2*v ' r - > * S ^ ? » ^ '^ •r^-*!S£»rfc -4 „«l ^-*)V_^wji V* ^ J^*~%^. __ 4fc-

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Page 1: SM^****-*-^ »**•> •^*Ht. h|.i.i»rm.X'.^J Duplicate This*be Fear! Dppartment Store will be eiostd nest




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,»§28?2~fr«*i>i?* •««»»*' w * «

« iww»»»w. i»**.»it . j^i -m •JkJS&tUfifca^-.. e^^SKUSS^S^UUi-fiJ-te^'i' ^ o - 4 ^ :




• ; - , - • •H IM I ^ * i f n T * l i i l l i . i I ^ I I > » L _ 1-MI.IA -i - t TJZ. ' • ^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • ^ • • B B W W M W B i i a


•^*Ht. lh|.i.i»rm.X'.^J ,);. l^*. l


&ms tot ««Kw»jii

* to «m&» «&*&<* WTaatn^aMniff i i iK^i^waareha^

1'he Fearl Department Store in Brush­e s will be open every Wednesday, Pri-

:4*y, to*} SMtifday evenings uotHfuEtber1

soMee. fldv

B&vival services are being held this week in the Brushtoa MethodistChureh.

'Mmijtmiiiimuii •)in<iu»»iia

' # / / / / # WW,

l»r»i>woiwiiut»iiiiu mmmitm

n geveauasni yen «ilt MOM* tsm© germ n£gw&te-1b&&B& fe&t Amerfes 1st to a tad w&y fts* bel ­ter ana !»«£&& tm. wlft fee mad© to fe*I tfett tie sifetaftfofciB

H te estimate* tliat W.Q0O

_ €1 got a neve tpina& ta fk'%* ate e*gsg£$& f<Mtadi

'Hts "df af i c&tjr pauses


d e ^ % _'_fjte mm$ ti&b&i&ek. IM«^ jb&e&.gl&e©e! la Hie KKQ --

Gm ©f - ftesfr problems faetag, pr&ja£% lall&S&g is^gsTPmimeist ae»

S^^smm^: ^©i^^ gat -t -so far

^ r t&s e^is^js

'fluiA&Uflal Cotton BaD, sponsored by €he Senior Class of Br igh ton S igh Ssbeol vtill behe ld ThUrtday eyeriiog.

Miss Frances Powder, spent the week­end in Potsdaa*, fche gaest of Mr. and M a , F f e d U, l*yoo.

1*be Fear ! Dppartment Store will be eiostd nest Monday and Tuesday, in ob-Sfeftauee of the J ewi sh Holidays. I t will i*eopen Wednesday, 'October 6 th .

Mm. Edwin Olmstead,of Belmont was % guest a t the borne of Mrs. Frederick F l in t fast week and called on friends in town.

Mm* Mary Bar re t t , formerly of Utica, has moved to Brushton. She %ill make fe©r home with h e r sister, Miss Nellie

s Tha F o r t Covington High School foot-' b&tt t e a m defeased the Bru&hton Higb School team-there las t Friday with a score of 36 - 12. '}

Mrs. John Pickering re tu rned to the Koyai Vietoria Hospitol , in Montreal w h e r e she will undergo a major opera­tion.

k son ,Thomas Craig, was born to Mr. and Mrs. T h o m a s Will iams of Albany Sep tember 21st. Mrs. Williams ijfthe former Miss Tillie King of Brushton.

We have a d d e d to our s toc^ several very at t ract ive all-steel base and dish eablae ts and two-deor wardrobe?. Also a few o i l -burn i rg space beaters . Come i n and see them. Armstrong's , Brush ton . • Adv.

- i -

Duplicate This Pictfoe and Save Money!


'**s3SS8»ii»;!£»afifc - -.-'

C • jFka %*flLt: «i.i

No grea te r indication of the n e c e ^ sity for more home canning need he cited than, t he U. S. Depar tment of Agricul ture campaign for 2 0 million home gardens in 1948, a n increase of three million over last yearns goal. The depar tment says adequate home gardens iare needed i;o increase the domestic food supply when many ai'eas of the world will desperately

isHhlEhe food .comitty can

yds em L set: % '• a picfeure Ji&j£v.-^&r "one. ahoKe: " in:, yostr own kitchen, Mrs. fion^ewife,. he sure to do so and yew wiE have plenty of nourishing^ J a y o i I h o m e - c a n n e d f rui ts and ye^etaMes for ye«r fam-ily?is nse " n ^ : TOnter, And you'll be able to -'boWex^ your food budget against high prices!


, : ~0hat& courtesy Ball Bros. So

Keep at supply « l yoar "favorite f rui t JarSj -caps, lids Und? rubbers; on hand ; t h e n yon can p a t u p frui ts and ^ vege^ables^sas soon as piey eome fropi the gifcd^en .or your grocer get§ a fresh sijpply. Select clean, sound, fully r i p e fruits, young, tender, "gard­en-fresh vegetables, and can them according to yoa r frui t j a r manu­facturer ' s instructions.




•'•Ibe eosts -feipass &ggji£. fe gosv-

maemsei ''$&& fee

a r e sp©^ ' •erssiejit. t w e a s ^ e sea fe f a ^ s a l € 0 ^ m s fe tp ly passed; o a to

s ^ s y s r . U s e gm&zmmmit c a n ' t faJ racJes , but it es&i l e v y

t a s e s .

I f ^ s fee o b j e c t of fed-ersl feoas-ssg- ^ s k & s fe e i e a r a w a y s l i ims , I b e a I s ^ y l e t eot^fr^goMies im which

i&esr h&& s e c S t a i s . Sosoe c M ^ fescue- afeeasiy pM: s l i s u d e a r a s e e ;gogrg?yys- is&> eSeef, wt&oi i t e a B -i n g em. O a n g r ^ s s fisr l e s fe ia t ios . € t e r l e ^ s l §&w^mrn?Mft c^& So mmeh to

feg i ^ B g e g ^ ©%si^s t a i s e e t good stasdMKis* fe^" earn afeo

T& a ^ ? f ^ e feat- GssigFes^. wi fe a _ " " -&^m - ei

s^ms? m tak&tg, s *Ff?ei^ w i B ^ w s y s b e s c s a e e M e r ansi l ^ s expeff j^re iaaisiwg, E & mat­ter fe^r a ^ ^ t w e i s a y IHEPM. "But If yG® tak& € ^ a r g e «sf S i e & s wi fe i r e s j few i s ^ B m ^ ggi3 pat- ffaem fe

T h e n e x t regular meet i i g of the Brasti&n W . C . T U . will be held at home of Mrs. E l i sabe th Best on Tuesday, n e t . f ® » s t 2:§9ofel*>ok.TJitizensl3ip will be 6he ssbjjeet of she meet ing, with Mrs Best in charge.

T h e Tillage Store , o v n e i and oper­ated by* Neil G. F-int, in Moira is open o n Wednesday, Friday, and Saturdav evenings, where you can purchase furni­t u r e , electrical appliances, and talk over your insurance problems. The store is also open every day from 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. You are a lways welcome. adv

Mrs. Viaeent Reynolds and Miss Flor­ence Baldwin enter ta iced last Saturday afternoon a t the la t te r ' s home at a bridal shower in honor of Miss Barr ie t Wright . Miss W r i g h t ' s mar r iage to Mr. Keith Wilson of Schenectady will t ake place Friday afternoon a t 3:00 o'clock st tht Ohi is t ian Church .

Mr. and Mrs. Joe King celebrated their 62nd Wedding Anniversary last Sunday, September 26th. They received many lovely gifts aiid congratulations from friends and relatives. Among the out-of-town relatives who were present were: a son, Charles Iving and his son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs- Fred Downes and their daughter ; Mrs. Rose King and

- ^ I f e J 0 ^ 1 ' ^ ' ^ Tf t e ^ - { i t e r d a n - h t e r and husband, Mr and_Mrs

s t s s i f l i a s is a hem&&oi w a y to- * gefe^ssreHfor-Jeifig-less! Ymt see,

Treasure rs Repor t OoVelring Fiscal Year 1947.

Receipts Net Balance March 1, L947 __$366.21 Recepits Taxes Proper ty T a x $1,672,50 Per Capita Assistance 449.881 Mortage T a x .35.92 Franchise T a x _- 73.45

Total Fire Depar tment Short T e r m Loan

$2,231.68 .___$ 219.95 .___$1,500.00

Total receipts $4,317.84 D I S B U R S E M E N T S

General Government Bankirt'Gf charge -

fee Mfcw «fe> €^SBS less Is better em

What W&m gsm B&

Witz and their children, all of Syracuse; a grssd^on, Charles Jesmer, his wife and baby , of Malone; and a granddaughter,

4rs. Reginald Jenkins and husband, of A g$SM& hmB^mg W&- m$M&~ m -m 'Massena- Mr.anr Mrs. Bernard King, Mr.

wag m$mw& ffe£ hms^g s&prtsge* &.'&0-i^•-'%&&& for.'

t ^ jafees ^^g.. jb^jfag^alegialg ' '

M& "s^^teW'sStffeS Timor m-

take, ftm tsfym •&$&£ $&mdg\\<m%%s

mem wm$A &&&«»&&-&&&

U ,-ym W80 im &M to mM&iion

rafe tym^m. t&.g&.Wt ® yen-moat

risk ffe&se &s®mwm&& wtsMe Wm&-gem t%e&?m% & &mtmg &$ "Mt-

mtijp j$m#: m¥& to 4*- & *&* ^mm

Notice of Fifing Completed Asses* mmt<*RoU With Clerk


(Tax Law, Sec. 29)

Notice is hereby given that the Assess­ment B o H for the town of Moira in the Cosinty of Franklin for the year 3 948, bag been fiaally completed by the under-matted Assessors, and a certified ropy tbemot was filed in the office of the Town Cle^k, a t the Town Clerk's office of Moi­r a , SLY., where the same will remain open %0 ptiblie teepee< ion U v fifteen d&\ s. g . 0 a t e d this 0th day of September, 1948

L. P . Cady Ber t H. Turner Clifford Peck

&me%tom&i the Town of Moira , N. Y.

' B?m& mm mm^m » i m v m m •mom tm mmm&$& is&m mmt 4

mmi dl

Alfalfa Yield

mm $m£&^$& *®sm f&m

U~±Ail«Jlil]>i|IU"T -~T 1 ' f """" ' ' ' " ' """""^

mmm m* £$mm Seem we &*&•

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t0W te mi

n ._• WMT iiiBOWXW ««<:immmf)-»»mvv»

mmmm Jlle#


« a ^ * £ ^ TsSSS^^sff-i^-iW^? >

and Mrs. Jesse KiPg, and Mr. and Mrs Joe King , J r . , of Brushton, were also present .

# * f p

Wsfct, L-fl^, FoBad, To ikmt, For 8a IP »a<l o iber like mM&m inserted ucde?

Htf$ l iasd for ono cent a word ea^eh w«ek Oaeb with ordsr. ^mmvm 0hw&e 25 Genu.

00% SAL-IS—Ho use plant .second-hand imftiiUff end stove*, a full line of e l i ld-g&BTB md l&diSn' dreagef.

Watson Manning

3%m® YOUR C A L V I S to the eatt ie-fm4 i& Bru»hie-n every Tuesday and

1Bmm$£f f », ro. t o %p.m,; Saturday $ a , m* t& i% » « O P « Mew Y o r | Marke t f*fie&tV8i$f Afgelo B a u ^ l a , .' • , "lo» 141* Brnshten , N . Y . wtmiwjfniji«ut.4g>«l.i'i.W9,"y'

/ jUfTBf» l s O bUY—A few gocd ssed <?^JC«*'8S~-K'0#alts, B i o e tries,

Ofcarlrs B . ^ m i t b , Bxvtbuln'i <*w

* KM

unToj Drives You Mai

ire ij

Office expenses -Cler 'r :;- _._ Collectors Salary Treasurers Salary

— $ 6.00 — 53.37 . . . 50.00 .__ 25.00 .__ 25.00

Brashtori Honjie Bureau — : — i

T h e next regular meeting of the Home Bureau will b e he ld nextiMonday night a t 6:30 i n t h e cafeteria a t tiie Brushton High Sehooly Mrs. Fn iderick Fl in t and Miss M a r t h a McCuHoigb will give the lesson Oti "iBufldfhg R, sistanee."

E a e h membepTis rec nested to- bring

t ab l e se tv i ee^b i^bshou ld ine lude a des­sert dish and a s ^ l a d p la te .

Brushjon Beaver 4„H Club

- Total -Fire Dear tment Fire Apparatus , equip­

ment including r e - ' pairs $ 277.61

Maintenance and re­pairs of building _ 243.18

of Fire


T h e Brushton Beaver 4-H Club held I a.

a met t ing a t Brushton H igh School on September ^1,1948. Wejwere vfsited b-, W a y n e Brooks of Malojne, who gave us a talk on guns. We werej also visited by the Baeonville 4-H Club- During the meeting we decided to ijoin clubs and have only one. The next meet ing will be October 2nd, when we will elect officers for the new yerr .

Merjvin Bellows 4-H NJews Repor ter

G r e a t Is'fihe Goal The P a c M e ^ N o r t h w e s t forest in­

dus t ry is c a r r y i n g fo rward a pro­g r a m of fores t p r a c t i c e , a i m e d to p e r p e t u a t e a n d i n c r e a s e t h e t i m b e r supply of the area^ I t s e e k s to find' m a r k e t s and rnethods of manufac ­t u r e wbie.ii m H u s e , J s m a a t r e e s , s l abs , b roken and. . l ow-g rade l o g s a n d o the r m a t e r i a l , wh ich wil l in­c r e a s e t h e to t a l a m o u n t " o f fores t p roduc t s r e t u r n e d f rom the land..

imM memorial

mm n

M o d e m M e t a l Alloys T h e wonder s of m o d e r n m e t a l

a l loys a r e - well -known. Bu t al loys are- not new. Men b e g a n using mix­tu r e s of two or m o r e m e t a l s in p re ­his tor ic t imes . The ea r l i e s t -al loy w a s .bronze, p robably d i scovered when copper and t i n w e r e acciden­ta l ly me l t ed toge the r and al lowed to h a r d e n .

Harwoods Corners

l e e Cabe P roduc t i on An e lec t r i ca l dev ice j u s t pa ten t ­

ed a c h i e v e s m a s s fifcoduction of. ice cubes by a n e w method . A column of ice" is frozen in a t u b e . As it m o v e s upward , a cu t t e r s l ices off cubes into a d i spenser . The Ma­chine c a n r b e s e t for a n y p rede t e r ­m i n e d n u m b e r of c u b e s .

Purchase House -- .

Storage for Truck __

Insurance _.



122.56 133.96

Total Health Health Officer __,.__ Vital Statistics Rent of Dump Labor of Cleaning

- Dump


$ 50.00 _ 30.35 _ 100.00

- 31.20

Total H ighways Salaries & Wages Materials & Supplies _ 194.40 Snow & Ice Re­

moved 122.10



Tota l Street l i g h t i n g interest on Tempor­

ary Loan

$619.45 $696.00

$ 18.75

Total Total

Total Disbursements -$3,982.45 Recetpis $4,317.84 Disbursements 3,982.43

Net Bal. Feb. 28, 1948 —$335.41 Dated - Sept. 20, 1948

Es the r Westurn , Treasurer .

New Religious Broadcasts

" G r e a t Scenes from Grea t P l ays" , an entirely new depar ture in religious radio p rogram^ sponsored by the Episcopal families of. .Brushton, will be-broadeast for the first t ime on Friday evening Oct­ober , I , from 8:00 to 8:30 p m , Eastern S tandard Time over Station WIGY and every Friday evening thereafter.

Marcell Richards is working on Earl Tr udel l ' s farm. • \

Mrs- E lec ta Bakin called on Mrs. Fred Mar t in. Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Montroy and children called a t Fred Mart in 's Sunday.

Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Mar t in were callers Wednesday a t Mrl and Mrs. Leon Jond-reu^' of North Bangor.

A U a r e s > r r y *o haar t h a t I ra Wood is in the Malone Qospitail- Mr. Woods lived here for a numder o r years.

Mr. Wallace Je3mer, Sr. visited his daughter , Mrs. Howard Montroy and" family north of Brushton Sunday. ^

Mr. and Mrs. Joe MeBHsrain and tlieir son .Alfred, h i s wife and family, of North Bangdr, were Sandfly visitors a t thajiome of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martlin.

St Peter's Episcopal Church Brushton , New f o r k

T h e Rev . j . Alan di Pretioro, Rector

Sunday, October 3- 1948

Holy Euchar is t and Sermqn, 9:00 a.

Tuesday Evenings—School of Religion


Brushton Chrlstlani Church

Rev, Alfred Scot t , pa s to r

€heese!jJ$e$ams Value . T h e v i t amin A va lue of cheese

c o r r e s p o n d s to t h a t of t h e m i l k f rom which i t i s m a d e , wi th t h e cheese re ta in ing a ve ry h igh propor t ion of the v i t a m i n s p r e s e n t in the mi lk . The vi tarnin A content of cheese does n o t a p p e a r to/ v a r y 'significantly dur ing r ipening and s t o r a g e . .

Notice of School Tax Collector

f^oording M Ik f>fetirres,

I Call 2481 for details

s and appointment

ELECTRIOAM Dofei a particular class of

wptk for a particular £: '! ^Ias$ ef peop'e.

m Surfacing Contractor

% O i i e =

, CA80L mTCEim PHONE 2481 MOltA, N. ¥* M O I M X A ^

Hsre's one of the greatest to tonics you can buy to

T A K E N O T I C E — I , the undersigned collector of school taxes for Union

Free. School Distr ict No . 1, Town of Moira, Franklin County ; S ta te of New York, have received the taxroii and w a r r a n t for the collector of taxes levi­ed for t h e present year and beginning September 4 th , 1948, I will afctesd at Fl in t ' s Store on Washington St ree t in the Village of Brushton every d a y ex­c e p t Sundays -un t i l October 4th, 1948 for the purpose of receiving taxes as­sessed upon such roll, a t one per cent fee.

Dated at Brushton, N .Y. , • September 4th, 1948.

' E T T A C. F L I N T , School Tax Collector.

Morning Worship 9:45 Sunday School 10:45. ; Pray e f Cot tage Meetings ^aeh Wednes­

day a t 7:S0p.m.

Christian Science Services

Sunday, 11:00 a. m. at llB\E. Main St . MaloEe *

October 3rd, 1948

II sions

Vt$F£temi fow&tiul, pene t ra t ing yfiMW® toeraid; Gih T h e very first &g$$$$m Btemld give yo» censforting gmj^md a lew short treatnjejits con* ir|ff«irjr#H # a t fmi have at hm found t$kg w^Ji^&srme&m^^ intense*|6eMng ^ l l ^ ^ - f i ^ ^ i ^ n ^ ^ m g r a l f O j i l s e a s y p$ilt$$ffi$g to »'^~-proniores;'Aealing.--Atk | W gmi druggist for MoQire*s | ^ # M f ^ J f ^ ? M « ^ ! o a Q r m j m e y b a c k .

• p* ^


Rubber Rings hav* been favorite* lor genera­tions. They *eaf «U Mason |ars. Easy to use!


SI i lP t i iS |^p l IA You girls m& IWQm&i who

may be &m ioMekr^i lepd-iron?v^tsQ do\^ ISydii E.

PinkliaiBSs Basils; erne one of ttte vmfW^^sM-iamys to ttelp bitfKJ Mp Jetf%1bod to get more strei^ai iaaidleisetgy— in sneh c^gls. M&gi&at a doubt t h e # - ^ ? ; ^ j £ the greatest folood-ifoafinffes you ean buy todayjgeeO^aa, too, don't remar^aMy benefiti

Pirikham'5Wabjetssme also a very pleasant ^tomaenic tonic! All cbjugsfcorr

Lydia E, Pirskham's . ^ ' j m . ;


You fnjoy Clean, Refreshing Shaves.,.

Save Money,

Keanesf, toJigesN tosim^ tow^rice Blades en the Market

BACICACHE Bor quick comforting- "help fat Backgcue, Ehemnatic Pams, GefctiBgrTtfp Kiglite, strong clouds- urine^irnfcatliig^passage^Ijeff Pains* circles under eyes, and swollen ankles, <iue to nott-orgaaic-ariinoii-systsmie Kifineyand Bladder trou&Ies, try Cysfex. QuicS, complete satisfaction or xaxwsj back guaraateecL 4sfc your druggist for CysfexJo&igv

I ' . -' .J-- V Z--dr7J --'•:-^>,' • -''"':% W" " ; 's0ejBB'iB"andTfeft ^ n r 1

1 Beds - Mat t resses >.- :-|£p$£n£8 «•

I NEILC.FL|i I Oetieral Ins«fi»cfe 1 Phose263l M O I R A , N , Y ,

i T H E V I L L A G E 3 T O B & -


ASTHMA Don't let cot^hiiiff, TsheezSng, xecnxiing at»

taess of Bronchial Asthma ruin sleep-and energy -sitfcous trying MESB&CO, which •jvoris-Shnx tha blood. %o reach bronchial fcubes?aaoi.teBgs. Xfea^ElyJielps nature quickly remoye ihicfc, sticks maous. Thus alfevJates coughing; and aids freer Jsreathmgand better Sleep. <Sefc MEKDAGQ-ixom draggii*. Satis* iacwon «r jaosey bac& gaaranteed*

- f

M the Printing O g l # ^f

Facts and Fallacies - Biushton Wfeere aHlrfuis of Pr in t ing i s <^>ie aod

^ &op& RigUtl



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