Page 1: Time Management and Organization 101

Time Management and Organization

101What is your personal style?

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Are you a Hopper? Easily distracted Like to be busy Enjoy variety, change of pace Immediate gratification

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Rewards and ChallengesRewards Excitement Multi-tasking

Challenges Procrastinatio

n Overwhelmed

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Are you a Perfectionist Plus? High standards or superhuman

expectations People pleaser Do everything yourself

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Rewards and ChallengesRewards Praise More

responsibility Efficiency

Challenges Right way vs.

wrong way Project high

expectations on others

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Are you Allergic to Details? Only think “big picture” Too impatient to follow up Resist routine tasks

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Rewards and ChallengesRewards Not bogged

down by details

Accomplish more

Challenges Miss important

points Don’t convey

desired results

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Are you a Fence Sitter? Afraid to make wrong choice Don’t know what you want Not sure how to get started Afraid of the unknown

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Rewards and ChallengesRewards Never make

wrong choice

Challenges Miss favorable

outcomes Give others


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Are you a Cliff Hanger? Wait till the last minute Work well under pressure Stress helps performance Time estimates inaccurate

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Rewards and ChallengesRewards Exhilaration of

“just making it”

Last minute motivation

Challenges No

“complications cushion”

Inspiration may not come in time

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Solutions by Type


• Eliminate distractions• Structure your day

Perfectionist Plus

• Say “no”• Look at bottom line

Allergic to Details

• Create basic routines• Post reminders

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More Solutions by Type

Fence Sitter

• Go with your gut• Small step decisions

Cliff Hanger

• Cushion deadlines• Create mini-goals

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No matter your “type,” clutter will keep you from your Time Management and Organizational Goals

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Create a “Clean Sweep” When in doubt, throw it out Use it or lose it Handle it once Recycle A place for everything and everything

in it’s place Do something

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Keys to Success Identify your “type” Combat your challenges Reward yourself Clear your clutter

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