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Specyfics in transition of students with mental

disability to world of work.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Page 2: Transition of students with mental disabilities to world of work-PL

Employment of students with mental disabilities

Mild mental disabilities - like students in mainstream school :-no special support (career orientation)

-special vocational school

Moderate and severe mental disabilities

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Mild mental disabilities

Occupations available for students with mild mental disability:

-car mechanic-shop assistent-cook-confectioner-hairdresser-gardener-hotel staff-………..

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Special job-training schools are three-year schools, with the option of extension up to the age 24. A graduate from a special job training school receives a school-completion and job-training certificate. No further schooling is anticipated after completion of such a school.

The learning in such schools should prepare the student to carry out the activity of working within the sheltered (supported) employment (sheltered workshops, occupational workshops, occupational therapy workshops)

Moderate and severe mental disabilities

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There they can attend - artistic, motor skills, and integration workshops. The goal of the workshop therapy is to maximise motor, intellectual and physical skills. The day room, first of all is an alternative to staying locked at home and is a chance of contact with other people and a chance of being active.

What’s next ….. ??? Common Therapeutic Room Facility.

Mentally disabled people who are waiting to be placed in occupational therapy workshops and who want to acquire the skills which are essential for taking up the job, can attend the common therapeutic room facility.

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Occupational therapy workshops (WTZ)

These institutions are meant for the disabled who cannot start any form of employment, i.e. people with high - and in the case of people with intellectual disability and mental disorders - with medium degree of disability. Workshops conduct all forms of rehabilitation, focusing mainly on social and vocational rehabilitation striving to achieve the highest possible physical, psychological, social and vocational improvement which leads to achieving more independence.

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The work becomes the goal in itself, a value but not a purpose to gain security or economic stability.

Many workshops, however, try to find employment for those participants who have successfully finished their process of workshop rehabilitation and are able to take up work.

Workshops provide vocational rehabilitation at the level of career advice and vocational training.

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The aim of the CIS is the social and vocational reintegration.

CIS is an institution that has an educational character, and one of the elements of education may be the work of participants within the business, service or manufacturing.

Between the CIS and the participants of CIS there is no employment relationship. The participants of CIS have the status of unemployed, and receive „integration benefit” from the CIS of unemployment benefits.

Social Integration Centre

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Employment in the open labor market

Employment on special terms

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Standard manufacturing facilities.

Supported employment.

Self running business

Employment in the open labor market

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A disabled person can be employed in standard manufacturing, service, agriculture facilities and civil service facilities just as any other fully capable worker.

This is called employment on competitive terms. Only privileges that disabled person has are only those which are connected with general rules of employment. These are: shorter time of work, longer leaves, working only at the day and adjustment of workspace.

Standard manufacturing facilities.

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In this type of employment a disabled person, especially one with high level of disability, is employed on personalized terms with additional person dispatched to help him or her.

Assistant or instructor assigned to a disabled person helps him or her to adjust to his or her job. Assistant shows him/her how the facility works and provide him or her with knowledge about the job. This help is due to the moment of gaining full working ability on job by a disabled person.

Wage of an assistant is refunded by a County Labor Office. Supporters of this form of employment point out that its cost is relatively low and it is beneficial in terms of social integration.

Supported employment.

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Running own business is a chance to work mainly for those people who live in areas with high unemployment rate or small towns where finding a job is difficult.

Self running business including agricultural business.

This type of employment requires a fulfilment of some conditions which a disabled person has to implement in running the business. First of all they have to possess the minimum knowledge and skills needed in business. Marketing, management, book keeping, taxes, etc. Knowledge of the field in which the business will operate is also crucial.

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Sheltered workplaces (ZPCh)

Occupational workshops (ZAZ-Department of

Professional Activity)


A remote work

Employment on special terms

Social Integration Clubs

The Social Cooperative

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Sheltered workplaces (ZPCh)They are created on the basis of a contract that the state makes with employers who commit themselves to fulfil certain obligations and criteria.

In return, employers receive a set of tax exemptions and subsidies from the state fund. The employer must maintain between 30 and 40 per cent of employees with disabilities, depending on their degree of disability.

The sheltered workplace must be adapted to the needs of people with disabilities; have available emergency and professional medical care, and offer guidance and rehabilitation.

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The goal of the ZAZ is to prepare disabled people to integration with society and help them in conducting (as it is possible and adequate to their abilities) active and independent life.

Their main purpose is to offer employment to people with significant disabilities to prepare them for life in an open environment, through social and vocational rehabilitation and support for a complete, independent and active life.

Vocational workshops (ZAZ-Department of Professional Activity)

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Occupational workshops can be established by districts or communes, or by NGOs whose statutory purpose is the social and vocational rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

They must attain the required disabled employee ratio, with the proportion of employees with a significant degree of disability in relation to other employees depending on the activity of the enterprise.

Occupational workshops (ZAZ-Department of Professional Activity)

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This is a typical form of employment, is performed on the basis of a civil contract which has a similar character to the contract work.

It has the base in making the goods by the contractor, or performing various services on provision but with the materials provided by the employer.

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A remote work is a work with using the infrastructure of telecommunications technology. It is made outside the office, for instance at home, at the hotel at the airport.

A remote work known as "an office at home" is also the form of the company organisation which provides the work outside the place of the enterprise buildings also when contacting with supervisors and co-workers . Devices which are used - computers, phones, telefaxes, videphones etc.

A remote work

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Social Integration Clubs

They work in the field of social employment. They are carried out activities with a therapeutic and employment-related purposes.

Implement temporary employment programs are intended to help those the most vulnerable to social exclusion in finding a job. This may be a job for a definite period or while performing work in full or part time. Clubs conduct legal counseling, support errands living, including housing.

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The Social Cooperative

It is a specific form of work co-operatives. The main objective of the cooperative is to provide jobs for its members. Social cooperatives come under the same laws as the company, however, they are also privileged.

They learn the difficult art of economics and responsibility for their own company. The object of the social cooperative is to carry out a joint venture based on the personal work of members.

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