Page 1: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?


Page 2: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Species in danger

Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak

Can you name?

Can you name animals?

Can you name WILD animals?

Can you name some WILD animals?

Page 3: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Extinction: nesli tükenme, soyu tükenmeSpecies: tür,türler

The extinction some species

Threat: tehlike

The threat of extinction: nesli tükenme tehlikesi

Under the threat of extinctionNesli tükenme tehlikesi altında

Some animals are under the threat of extinction.

Page 4: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

The problem of extinctionNesli tükenme problemi

Human beings: insan oğlu, insanlarThreaten (v): tehdit etmek

Human beings THREATEN wild animals.

Wild animals are threaten by human beings.

There is NOTHING unusual.

There is NOT ANYTHING unusual.

Be + v3 pasifThreaten: tehdit etmek

Be threaten: tehdit edilmek

Page 5: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

No species is IMMORTAL.

Immortal: ölümsüz, ebedi, sonsuz

Mortal: fani, ölümlü, ÖLDÜRÜCÜ

25 % 25 percent12 % 12 percent

25 percent of mammal species12 percent of bird species

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M a m m a l s p e c i e s

Page 7: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?
Page 8: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Cause : neden olma, yol acma, sebebiyet verme

Human activities CAUSE all extinctions today.

All extinctions today ARE CAUSED by human activities.

Survive (v): hayatta kalmak, sağ kalmaksurvivAL (n): hayatta kalma

SpeciesAnimal species

The survival of animal species

People THREATEN the survival of animal species. tehdit etmek

Page 9: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Chop down (v): ağaç kesmek

By chopPING down: ağaç keserek

By chopping down the forestS

Habitat (n): hayvan veya bitkinin yetiştiği doğal ortam

ForestS are their habitat.

By chopping down the forests which are their habitat.

Forests where animals liveHayvanların yaşadığı ormanlar

Page 10: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?


Animal species are NOT ONLY dying out, BUT ALSO many species of plants are disappearing.

Not only are animal species dying out, But also many species of plants are disappearing.

Die out: yok olmak, ortadan kalkmak

Disappear: gözden kaybolmak, kaybolmak

Page 11: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Population: nüfusincreasing population

Because of increasing population

Keep on (v): continue, devam etmek

Keep on building housesKeep on building factories

Destroy (v): yıkmak, harap etmek

We destroy

We destroy a habitat

When we destroy a habitat

Page 12: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

When we destroy a habitat

All species in the habitat will disappear.All species in that place will disappear.

All species in IT will disappear.

Page 13: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?


All the species are dying out, because they are losingtheir homes.

All the species

Page 14: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

R e p t i l e s: sürüngenler




Page 15: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

I n s e c t S

Page 16: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Animals are dying because of OVERhunting.

Tibetan Antelope is becoming extinct. Because poachers have been hunting it down for its skin.

Tibetan AntelopePoacher: kaçak avcı

Page 17: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Elephants are also killed because people have been usingtheir tusks for jewellery and medicine.

A tusk

A tusk

Page 18: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

The danger of extinction

Face (v): karşı karşıya gelmek, yüzleşmek

Face the danger of extinction

Start to face: yüzyüze gelmeye başlamak

startED to face: yüzyüze gelmeye başlaDI

Some types of whales started to face the danger of extinction.

Page 19: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Polluting: kirletME

Polluting the air havayı kirletme the water suyu kirletme the soil toprağı kirletme

Polluting the air, water and soil causeS some species to die.

Dump (v): boşaltmak, atmak

Factories dump the waste into rivers.

The waste is dumped into rivers.

The waste from factories is dumped into rivers.

Page 20: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

The fish that live in the river

Poison (n) (v): zehir, zehirlemek

Be + v3: passive (pasif)

Be poisonED: zehirlenmek

Get poisonED: zehirlenmek

Be poisoned = get poisoned

the poisoned fish: zehirlenmiş balık

Page 21: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

The birds that eat the poisoned fish

Oil spills POLLUTE the seas.

The seas are pollutED by oil spills.

Oil spills CAUSE terrible damage.

Ecology of the coast

Ecology: çevre bilim, ekolojiCoast: sahil, deniz kıyısı

Fragile: kolay kırılan, kırılgan

The fragile ecology of the coast

Page 22: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

The birds living there: orada yaşayan kuşlar

The birds singing songs: şarkı söyleyen kuşlar

Populations of most species are DECLININGbecause of water pollution.

Population: nüfusDecline (v): azalmak, düşmek

Page 23: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Endanger (v): tehlikeye atmak

endangerED animals: tehlikedeki hayvanlar

Endangered = in danger of becoming extinctYok olma, nesli tükenme tehlikesinde

Speed up: hızlanma

Speed up = accelerate

Speed up extinction: yok olmayı hızlandırmak

Extinct species = no longer existNesli tükenen türler = artık var olmayanlar

Page 24: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Ecosystem: Belirli bir alanda bulunan canlılar ile bunları saran cansız çevrelerinin

karşılıklı ilişkileri ile meydana gelen ve süreklilik arz eden ekolojik sistemlere

ekosistem denir.

Page 25: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Blue whale


A sea otter

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A mountain gorillaora






Page 27: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

African snow leopard


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Peregrine falcon

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Page 30: UNIT 6. Species in danger Name (n) ad (v) adlandırmak Can you name? Can you name animals? Can you name WILD animals? Can you name some WILD animals?

Sentence Structures

Lots of species will have been lost before we take some seriousPrecautions.

The sea otter will have faced extinction by the time we take action toSave them.

AS LONG AS we don’t take any precautions,As long as we see each other,As long as you study,As long as you do your job well,

NOT ONLY these species BUT ALSO others will totally disappear.

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Because of the ban: yasaktan dolayı

Because of the ban ON huntingAvlanma yasağından dolayı

Because of the ban ON overfishing.Aşırı balık avı yasağından dolayı

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By the time scientists succeed in inventing cheapartificial ivory,

By the time chimpanzees learn to use sign language,

Until we find wintering habitat for Trumpeter swans,

When laws are passed to protect them,

They will have finished their meal by the time we arrive there.

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