dreamforce 2013 - christine nurnberger 50 shades of clarity


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In her Dreamforce 2013 presentation, Christine Nurnberger, VP of Marketing at Sungard, details a CMO's guide to marketing metrics and ROI.


PowerPoint Presentation

www.sungardas.com 2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYAre you effectively executing marketing efforts in alignment with your strategic business initiatives?Thats the ultimate question you need to be able to answer and support with quantitative proof.To do so, you must assess your current processes and capabilities acknowledge and deal with any limitations and problems and clear the way for better approaches. Im Christine Nurnberger, VP of Marketing from SAS. And Im here to share our story. I call it 50 Shades of Clarity: A CMOs Guide to Marketing Metrics and ROI.


2DRIVE business value Leverage TECHNOLOGY to improve processesINTEGRATE marketing activities 2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYWhen Marketing works well, you can readily demonstrate how your efforts are supporting sales based on revenue growth related to specific initiativesYou can show how youve been able to leverage technology to help improve processes.This includes integrating and tracking all related marketing campaign activities, which puts you in a better position to adjust performance, innovate and drive business results and value2FY Revenue Target : $10,000,000Avg. Deal SizeConversion Rates# of Deals NeededCalculate Marketing Contribution Marketing Budget AllocationAvg. Cost per Lead, MQL, SQL, Oppty. WonLead and Opportunity Conversion RatesBreakdown:# of Deals per MonthSales Cycle (months)Estimate Sales Impact from Marketing:Estimate # Sales OpportunitiesAvg. Oppty. Close Conversion: 30%Expected Marketing Contribution: 17%INPUTS FOR PRODUCT LINE A3

FYI12 incremental revenue goal for Product Line A:$10MMarketing quota:17%Marketing actual:32%Marketing total contribution to revenue:$3.2MTop-down and bottom-up analysis3Xreturn on marketing 2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYWith these capabilities and insights, you can make the transition from a cost center to a profit center, and clearly show (series of clicks through to Marketing total contribution) how your organization has met objectives and contributed to the bottom line.This involves setting specific revenue goals for individual products (click) and analyzing results against a comprehensive set of inputs. (click)When you can function like this, you can move your business forward, fast. Its what we needed to do, but it was far from what was possible when I joined SAS in 2012.


4Cost per conversion?Cycle time?Pipelinecontribution?ROI? 2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYWhen I tried to shine a light on what Marketing actually had been able to accomplish, I was grasping in the darkFor example, while there was some attempt to measure and prove ROI, many questions remained unanswered (pick or choose a couple of questions among those being presented and/or summarize in your own words at a higher level)With all these gray areas, it was hard to assess the true effectiveness of any Marketing initiativelet alone trust or improve results going forward.



Outdated content

Imprecise targeting

Unqualified leads

Insufficient analysis capabilities

No integration among support systems 2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYThe fact is, we were creating and running campaigns like we were working in the Dark Ages:(click) We had no relevant content; we were on the receiving end of old white papers and other outdated materials that we force-fit into specific campaigns(click) These were sent to prospects using a one-size-fits-all approach(click) Resulting in a high volume, but low-quality, of leads.Improving results would require greater analysis into ongoing efforts, as well as better coordination with Sales:(click) But we didnt have comprehensive analytical tools to see precisely where results were falling short.(click) And a lack of integration with supporting systems such as Salesforce made it difficult to obtain and incorporate information vital to the overall process. Meanwhile, related manual workarounds added to costs and delays.



Spray campaignsReactive modeInability to determine effectivenessNo closed loop to revenue 2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYFor all intents and purposes, our Marketing efforts were broken:We were in reactive mode, using whatever content was on hand rather than strategically developed content.We engaged in spray campaigns made ineffective through poor targeting and data hygiene, so the right decision-makers werent being contacted.And reporting was sketchy at best since critical metrics werent in place to gauge effectiveness across multiple levels.With so much out of sync, there was no way to speed the process, or more importantly, close the loop to revenue.


7 2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYAs you can imagine, this situation eroded our relationship with Sales.We needed to be able to capture and analyze the right data in order to clearly understand the impact of campaigns and other marketing activitiesSo we could operate with greater clarity to support Sales along every step of the buying cycle.

7IMPLEMENTED MARKETO IN < 45 DAYSENABLED SSO AND INTEGRATED REPORTING WITH SALESFORCE8Easy migration of clean lead and contact dataEnhanced collaborationSTEP 1: Marketing Automation And Integration

2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYWe tried to upgrade our existing Eloqua system to address integration issues and the inability to perform closed-loop reporting. After one quarter and no results, we implemented Marketo instead.The result? A smooth implementation, completed within 45 days.Now we can provide SSO and integrated, automated reporting between our Marketo and Salesforce systems, making it easier for Marketing and Sales to be productive and share information.


NEW CAPABILITIES AND INSIGHTSMapping lead activity to marketing assets9Real-time tracking and alertsPowerful analyticsSTEP 1: Marketing Automation And Integration

2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYThis has made it possible to gain real-time insights and report on what is actually happening to each specific piece of content involved in a demand-gen campaign.(click to screen shot) For example, we can track when a particular item was opened and how much interest it has generated compared to other materials.We can also track related costs associated with the item to understand the marketing return on investment.


Offers:Easy integrationQuick implementationStability10Supports:Complex tacticsMultiple channels (Web, email, social media, e-commerce)Comprehensive reporting and analysisReal-time insights 2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYAs you evaluate a marketing automation solution, be sure it can deliver the new capabilities you need while also leveraging and preserving your investment in other critical marketing systems.

(Speak more in depth to points listed on slide as desired.)10


2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYWith new automated capabilities in place, we needed to also make sure that we could produce campaigns that hit the mark.We sought a marketing services partner to help with strategy, planning and execution.26 interviews later, we selected Bulldog: their fresh approach and knowledge of the Marketo platform was key.Working with Bulldog, we implemented our first automated nurture campaign where customized content was delivered to prospects based on their activity in the buy cycle.(click)Using this approach, we put prospects on a path with progressive profiling, where each action triggers another offer or moves them to another step in the nurture cycle.11


Infographic 2,846 clicks1,055 social sharesSurvival manual 2,405 clicks962 social sharesSurvival kit200 giveaways 2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYFundamental to our success was a shift from producing solution-driven content to compelling content focused on customer-specific needs.A timely and edgy direction also helped ensure campaigns would stand out from the noise and get real results.Our Zombie Apocalypse/World War Z campaign was a prime example. (We met and exceeded our goals for click-throughs, shares and overall interest.)



Overcome the noise

Build internal capability

Make smart partner selections 2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYYour campaigns and content will be more successful when you:

Make smart partner selections: Interview multiple partners until you find the right fit of industry and technical expertise to fill in any gaps in your current capabilities and skills:-- Fully understand how they will help you design, implement and support campaigns, and what youll be able to track as a result.-- Be sure they can integrate their solution with any related marketing systems, so you dont waste cycles trying to fix or implement solutions that will never be a good fit.

Build internal capability: Content plays a strategic role in meeting campaign/business objectives. Designated Marketing Content Managers are a valuable/critical addition to your team.

Overcome the noise: Develop campaigns that leverage provocative content.


14WEBSITE AND PR OVERHAULVisual refreshTruly optimized website contentComprehensive planning and preparednessContent roadmap and strategy guidance

BEST-PRACTICE TIPSExtend the customer focusCreate a better user experienceBe ready for anything

2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYAt the same time, were working to apply a fresh approach to both our Website and PR activities.Specifically, weve brought on new partners to help us rebuild our website so that it is more responsive and visually appealing to users and more effective from an SEO and SEM standpoint.Meanwhile, since we began working with a new, more progressive PR firm, weve:-- Trained 46 SMEs,-- Developed bios and talk tracks,-- And established a comprehensive crisis plan.Were also benefiting from ongoing insights from CIO-populated Learning Labs, which we use to inform our content strategy.As you consider making similar improvements in these areas, remember to keep your customers front and center. Leverage any messaging around customer pain points youve developed for demand-gen in your Web site- and PR-related content.Provide a Web site that speaks to your desired audience and is easy to navigate. And when a PR crisis or opportunity arises, be prepared to respond with the right plan and the right message at the right time.14

15Improvements to pipeline, revenue, deal sizePipeline up 132% YOY3X increase in direct pipeline contribution30% increase in revenue from marketing30% increase in average deal size from marketing leadsAlignment with strategic business objectivesDefined KPIsAssigned quotaShift from cost center to profit centerAbility to influence key business initiativesThe right opportunitiesThe most efficient speedThe optimum path to revenue

2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYWith the right processes, tools and support, you can perform demand-gen activities in a more enlightened and proactive way adjusting and employing new and improved tactics in real time.As a result, youll get strategic, measurable results that (click Improvement to Pipeline) demonstrate the quantifiable impact of your demand-gen effortsAnd (click) youll be able to prove your alignment to strategic goals and change the perception of your organization(click) which puts you in the perfect position to influence strategic company/sales initiatives going forward.In the end, youll be able to more easily identify the right opportunities and respond quickly to grow and build revenue streams.


16An Executive Dashboard View

2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYWeve also made it easier for management to analyze and view revenue results through an executive dashboard tool. For example, this report shows the results for a number of individual product lines listing the annual goals for KPIs and comparing them against actual results for items such as Leads, Marketing Qualified Leads, and Opportunities.Being able to report on marketing activities to this level of granularity helps us demonstrate in real terms the value that Marketing is actually bringing to the table.16

17Dig in and fully assess current processes

Own up to whats wrong

Clearly communicate what will be fixed

Bring on qualified partners to provided needed expertise

Effectively monitor and report on results

2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYIf you want to make a visible change to your Marketing efforts, you have to put in the time while diplomatically handling any detractors along the way:Dig in and fully assess current processes:-- Where are the gaps-- Whats broken beyond repair?

Own up to whats wrong, so you can mend and rebuild relationship with Sales:-- Clearly communicate what will be fixed (and in what time frame)

Bring on qualified partners to provided needed expertise-- Just as we did in the areas of marketing automation, PR and Web

And then effectively and continuously monitor and report on results


18CMO ideas will always get challenged unless they have a seat at the revenue table. If you want it to work, sign up for a quota and deliver it as direct contribution to revenue.- Christine Nurnberger, VP of Marketing, SunGard Availability Services

2013 SunGard. | INTERNAL USE ONLY CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYThank you for coming to my presentation today.

I hope youve seen that it is possible to turn around less-than-ideal demand-gen and related marketing functions, and that youve gotten some specific ideas about what you can do in your own organization to make improvements.

Just remember (click):CMO ideas will always get challenged unless they have a seat at the revenue table. If you want it to work, sign up for a quota and deliver it as direct contribution to revenue."