dwight 1986


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Dwight 1986


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Page 2: Dwight 1986

Achievem ent Tests 1984-85

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Table o f Contents

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To: Mr. W'. Goodin Re: DedicationFr: Dwight Senior Class o f 1986

Dear Will,You have won a silver Jaguar in the Dwight Publishers Sweepstakes. Since

we know that you will not be satisfied with this prize alone, you will also receive the coveted Dwight Dedication o f the 1986 yearbook. You might want to know why your name has been singled out o f millions fo r this distinguished honor. Come rain or shine, every morning we can be assured o f a friendly (?!), warm greeting and a pleasant smile. Even more so, it is because o f the example o f dean living and conservative views that you have set; views which have helped to provide a mode o f living fo r impressionable students like us.

Thank you fo r your time.Sincerely yours.

The Class o f '86

2P.S. — Thank you fo r being our friend!

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Two thousand years ago a man asked a wise teacher, what is your exceptional merit? The teacher responded, "I have a fishpond, and when I find a pupil negligent in his studies, I bribe him with some o f the fish so that he comes regularly to learn. "

/ hope I have provided a little sustenance to you over the years.

With fondest memories,Stephen H. Spahn Headmaster

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Edward F. Engle"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I

understood as a child, I thouffht as a child, but when / became a man, I put away childish things. "

- S t Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians


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Elizabeth Callaway

Dean o f Admissions College Guidance

Committee Yearbook Advisor

The most completely lost o f all days is one in which we have not laughed!

Thomas Murphy

Dean o f Guidance Health

As Moses walked down the mountain with the Ten Com­mandments cradled in his arms, he heard a loud voice say: "Take those two tablets and call me in the morning. "


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Claudette Taylor


Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again, wisely improve the present fo r it is thine,3 0 fourth to m eet the shadowy future with fear and with a manly heart.

April Bernhardt

Administrative Assistant

"A little rebellion now and then is a good thing. ”

- Thomas Jefferson

EUeer) Quinn


With all its shame, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.- Desiderata by Max Ehrmann



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Kathleen Ellis

English Department Chair­man


There is always enough time to read

Ryna T. Bab

English III

"They can because they think they can."


Lori Rosner

English 7,8

Buses like great orange an­imals move through the early light to school.

- William H. Glass


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Keith V. Sacher

English /

Mini JV Basl<etball, JV Soft­ball

Junior Model UN

Lost time is never found again; and what we call time enough, always proves little enough.

Ben Franklin

Kathleen KoHar

English / /

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.

Mark Twain

Joyce E/derfield

English IV

This above all, to thine own self be true,And it must follow as the night and day.Thou canst not then be false to any man.

William Shakespeare

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William Goodin

Chairman History Department Economics Humanities

"Let us dare to read, think, speak and w rite."

■ John Adams

Gregg Anderson

History VII, IX Introduction to Algebra

"Be yourself" is the worst advice you can give to some people."

- Mark Twain -

Tica Simpson

History 11 Modern European History

"Because it's there."


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Jennifer Collins

History 9 Topics in Mathematics

Advisor - M odel United Nations

"Take it easy - but take it.- Woodie Guthrie


Bruce Sibley

History 10 Topics in Mathematics

Strive for happiness and happiness will by yours. Strive fo r wealth, and happi­ness may fall by the wayside.

Eugenie H. Engle

History 9

Never measure the height o f a mountian, until you have reached the top. Then you win see how low it was.

- Markings by Dag Hammarskjold



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Elaine Chambart

Chairman Language Department

French lll,IV,V Director o f Special Studies

La connaissance dissipe I ’i- norance et Augment la lu- miere.

Melissa Dodge

French 1,11,7 English 11

Poor lay zanglay ung jo o r vare meedee ger p ree loto- bus p oor la porte Changpa- ray. Eel aytay congplay, praysk. . .

- Raymond Queneau

Nila Long

French 11,111

A coeur vaillant, rien d ' im­possible.

1 ■-


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Vivian Barondess

Spanish 1,11,111, IV

"Salud, Amor, y Pesetas para Gorzalos"

Sara Rayburn

Latin 1,11,111,1 sponsor - Junior Classical

League Advisor ■ Junior Model

United Nations

Habent Sua Fata Libelli - "Books have there own

(strange) adventures."• Terentianus Maurus

(2nd Century A.D.)

Elizabeth Rose


"Cursing the quest, courting distaste, measureless nights abode. Moments o f rest, glimpses o f laughter are treasured along the road. Along the road your steps may stumble, your thoughts may start to stray, but through it all a heart held humble levels and lights your way. "

- Dan Fogelberg


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5(ysa/7 M. Damiano

Algebra I Mathematics 7 Honors

Never hesitate to hold out your hand;Never hesitate to accept the outstretched hand o f another. "

- Pope John XXIII

Mindy Kolatch

Chairman Mathematics Department

Probability and Statistics Algebra H and Trigonometry

Geometry Honors

“The years teach what the days cannot know."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


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Martin Eastman

Director o f Computer Center

Pre-Calculus Calculus

Advanced Placement Calculus

Example is not the main thing in influenceing others it is the only thing.

• A lbert Schweitzer

eMarjorie Rende

Algebra II and Trigonometry

Geometry Algebra II and

Trigonometry Honors

Never lose sight o f the fact that just "being is fun."

Nicholas Didl<ovsl<y

Introduction to Algebra Geometry

Computer Science

The more you know the more you know you don't know what you know.

- David Allen


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Stephanie Kupin

Science 9 Biology Heaitt) 9

"It takes at least ten years to get used to how old you are . "

- Unknown -

Anthony Foster

Chairman Science Department Biology Physics

Dare to be wise!


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Laurie Seminara


Science is no illusion. But it would be an illusion to suppose that we could cfet anywhere else what it can not give us.

- Sigmund Freud


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Henry Cadra

Director o f Athletics

No one cares i f the dam is d e a d . . . they only know that the zoo is dosed.

Edith-Marie Parker

Physical Education Health 8

I ’m feeling good from my head to my shoes Know where I'm going and know what to do. I've tightened up my point o f v i e w. . .I've g o t a new attitude. I'm in control, my worries are f e w . . .I've g o t a new attitude.

■ Patti Labelle

Jeffrey S. yusi<o

Physical Education

"These guys just kicked our butts and they don't even give a darn — ” — the reaction o f Dalton J. V. to Dwights 2- 0 Soccer victory

Carolyn Pizzuto

Physical Education Science 7

Radamir Kovacicic


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Henry Yeager

Literary Honors Outward Bound

Carpe diem.

fsMarina Tichotsky

Music and Drama Direc­tor

Music History Math 7

Dying is easy. Comedy is hard.

Drama Assistant

Never put o ff until tomorrow what you can do today . . . it may be prohibited.

sEdward Brown

Technical Director -

Drama and Film

" . . . M y destiny calls a n d !3 0 ; and the wild winds' o f fortune will carry me onward, on whither-so-ever they blow. Whither-so- ever they blow, on­ward to glory / go!"

- Don Quixote

Oksana Cehelsky

A rt Director 7th & 8 th Grade A rt

A rt History

"And God stepped out on space, and he looked around and said: 'I'm lonely — I'll make me a world’ "

- James Weldon Johnson

Alex Read


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Jose Rivas

Frank Bommer

Jose Encarnacion


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Stephen H. Spahn Edward F. Engle Elizabeth Callaway

Thomas Murphy Claudette Taylor Eileen Quinn April Bernhardt

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Eugenie Hamilton Engle Elizabeth Simpson Bruce Sibley

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LanguageC O F F £ ^ ? - j L

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Dr. Elaine Chambart Vivian Barondess Melissa Dodge

Nila Long Sara Rayburn Elizabeth Rose



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Mindy Cappell Susan Damiano Nicholas Didkovsl<y

Martin Eastman Eileen Quinn

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Anthony Foster

Stephanie Kupin Laurie Seminara

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Henry Cadra Edith-Marie Parl<er Carolyn Pizzuto

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Oksana Cehelsky Henry Yeager

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CAN BE FOUND ...odUe anderson - being[ bubblyd e n is e b la te - in d u b m e d

C h ris to p h e r b o ie s - in a d e c e n t s u it

C ris tin a b o rn s te in - a t th e p a lla d iu m

S te p h e n b o s s y - in a tu r tle n e c k

michelle breslaw - being maternalmelissa cahiU - imitating elton Johnyoung chang - in kung fu moviesC lif fo rd c h in - h a n g in ' o u t

holly cohen - apologizingJames deleonardis - in the locker roomrichard dickson - in aca joeJodi diskin - abusing her authority to the maxalicia dwek - in hystericsmelissa ehrenreich - getting back to naturebrian erdheim - can be foundkenny estes - being analyticalkelli fidlow - on modeling auditionsHz fink - two blocks from schoolamal flores - being ethnicelyse gamsu «being "one o f the guys"laura good - in chicagoJessica goodman - down to earthmarcy gordon - defending her accentdark graebner - in seventeenbrett harris - being liberally fashionabemeredith hudson - pulling on her hairCaroline Jaeger - wearing "guess"Jordan Jacobs - in video david Josephson - can't be found tania kalika - in queens lynn kaplan - with highlights Jennifer kehoe - with enthusiasm gary laden - brushing his hair miles ladin - drawing


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CAN BE FOUND . . .eric taster - atoning for his sinsvivian lubin - switching schoolsmelissa lawrence - under her hairronald mccants - in the cloudsjm mandel - in hightopstamara miller - listening to her walkmanJackie morgan - in bloomiesdanny morris - in a tantrumJennifer naramore - in love with someonerobert neu - in brooks brothersChristina ohiy - in Vermont (in spirit)drew partikian - in reverieChris phillips - listening to his own musicJohn porges - braggingmichael prince - apathetickyle pritchett - playing the drumsgary robbins - playing squashben rubin - being a Jewish grandmotherall samii - with reagan (in spirit)allyson san fillipo - trying to find her feetgennifer saul - with a tanillysia Schindler - being trendydennis scully - saying “i ’m not anthony michael hall”Caroline shaw - in Switzerlandanthony shimkin - in blackdavid somerstein - supplying OPECdouglas stern - in Israelhillary strauss - with chris, buying his clothesmelissa vaughn - denouncing dwightJennifer warwick - in a cabwayne weisglass - bothering ms. tJennifer wiener - in the soup kitchendaniel winnell - doing his hairS ta c e y w u e s te - in th e g y m

andrew yerys - in a corner


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CLASS PROPHECIES.. . DWYTASTYHi! This is Dennis Scully, Welcome to the 6:00 edition o f SCULLY'S SOAP SCREENING SECRETS, brought to

you by our own Ivory Girl, Jenny Wiener. Tonight I'll be delivering a narration o f the new series, DWYTASTY.As the conflict begins, the faint sound o f a Marimba band grows louder as the camera scans the deep,

secluded jungle o f exotic Bora Bora. The music's intensity increases, and you realize that you are approaching an elusive hide-away. Club Med. Candlelight brightens the way to couples dancing cheek-to-cheek. The only one sitting alone is the down-and-out talent scout, Jacqueline Morgan. A fte r her last (and tenth) disaster in the music world (the failure o f Odile Anderson as Chippendale's choreographer) she knew that she had to get away from the dog-eat-dog world o f the music business. As she becomes absorbed in the music, her mind goes wild with anticipation. “I could make my comeback with them! I have to m eet them." Before the set was over, the one single seat was empty. She had gone to the Chief o f the Village to find out what she needed to know. The Chief, Michael Prince, was hesitant. They were dirt cheap and he didn't want to lose them. Jackie offers him her Ylang-Ylang earrings and he accepts with a licentious look. "Kyle Pritchett and Drew Partikian are the members o f the band."

Break to a commercial - we see a shadow brushing his hair. It is Gary Laden endorsing Gary's Great Grooming Goop. Not only can you use it on your hair but also on 50 other parts o f the body.

The scene flashes over to a smoked- filled room in Washington D.C. The atmosphere is tense. The subject is the National Debt, which is now $60 zillion. The incumbents are in a heated argument. The semi-highly respected Wayne Weisglass, in charge o f the National Debt, battles it out with the honorable Vice-President, David Josephson. Then all o f a sudden, the doors o f the Oval O ffice burst open, crushing the doorkeeper, and in walks the infamous Daniel Winnell. "I'm a writer from The Enquirer and I'd like to know, is it true, Mr. Weisglass, that you have been using the services o f Allyson San Fillippo, notorious girl-of-the-streets and plaything o f the Canadian Mounties?"

Break to a commercial - "Hi! I'm Jennifer Warwick. I've been to Bumble & Bumble, Bruno Dessange and Leslie Blanchard, but nothing works better on my hair than L'Oreal. Sure it's a bit more expensive, but I'm worth it."

Commercial - Standing inside Madison Square Garden is Elyse Gamsu, the first female player fo r the New York Rangers. She's about to make a crucial shot, she looks up and says, " It’s not easy playing on the New York Rangers, so to keep in shape I go to Denise Blate's Exercise Studio every night."

New York City - The fashion capital o f the world. Above the clouds in a penthouse suite Spiffi Dicki Clothing Inc, owned by Richard Dickson, is showing its new fall line o f spandex clothing with top fashion models, Meredith Hudson and Gennifer Saul. Mr. Dickson is frantic. " If this line doesn't sell. I ’ll be ruined.”

"Don't worry," says AH Samii, " I’ll always be your major shareholder.’’The phone rings and Lynn Kaplan, Mr. Dickson’s faithful assistant, rushes to answer it."Mr. Dickson, Miles Ladin is on the phone. ’’"I'll g e t it in the back," he whispers hoarsely."I didn't receive your last payment," Miles, a business man, i.e. - employer o f Allyson San Fillippo, says."You'll g e t the money as soon as I get the drop-o ff from the Arabian connection," replies Mr. Dickson."! supplied you with Allyson’s services, and now you have to pay." A t which point Miles slams the receiver

down.A quick flash to the Arabian suns o f the hot desert - Amal Flores, leader o f the Shiite Moslums, is in the

middle o f deciding the fate o f Gary Robbins who has been arrested fo r the indecent exposure o f tacky clothing. Suddenly the quietness o f the desert wind is shattered by the ripping open o f the tent flap. Danny Morris, star o f Rambo X, bursts in atop a wild camel. Amal, infuriated by this intrusion, claps his hands, and Ronald McCants, wearing a flaming pink turban, battle-ax in one hand and a basketball in the other appears. Danny dismounts, while simultaneously brandishing a machine gun. A dash o f metal - and then all that is left


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CLASS PROPHECIES.. . DWYTASTYare a few stray bullets and a half-deflated basketball. Then, from outside o f the tent, vails trailing behind him, walks John Forges, famous female impersonator. He throws him /herself at Amal's feet, yelling, "I'm not incurably conceited! I ’m not!”

Amal, disgusted by the situation, exits. Meanwhile back at the tent, a voice is heard from behind the ruin. A small voice cries out, "Help! Help!” Douglas Stern had been kidnapped in Israel by Shiite Moslems. He had been transported to the desert by Vivian Lubin, Amal's right- hand lady.

Enter McEnroe and Conners, blowing horns and announcing the arrival o f their master, the oldest spokesperson for "17”, Clark Graebner. He is wearing the latest in Spiffi Dicki Sportswear and is boasting a gold tennis raquet. Throwing down the raquet, he rips o f f his tight-fitting outfit revealing a bright scarlet "J” and announces that "Super Jock” has arrived and will save the day. He whisks Douglas Stern o f f on his back and flies him away, leaving behind a cheering crowd.

Back on Bora Bora, Jessica Goodman screams, "EUREKA I ’ve just discovered the first rhubarb-flavored life saver. Jessica's excitement is interrupted by a rustle o f seaweed and gurgles o f seawater. The long-lost Cristina Bornstein has washed ashore. She stumbles to Jessica's feet and with imploring eyes asks, "Is this the Palladium?” Jessica comforts her with a rhubarb lifesaver and explains that they are on the far end o f Bora Bora and points to where she can find sanctuary in Club Med.

Suddenly Stephen Bossy emerges from betwixt the palm trees. The two girls inquire as to why he has stumbled upon them. He was told that there was a strange and exotic plant on Bora Bora which when processed makes an everlasting turtleneck that never needs to be washed. The three sit and mull over their situation and decide to go to Club M ed where Jessica will introduce her gourmet flavors o f lifesavers, Cristina will dance the night away, and Stephen will continue his search.

Abruptly, Kenny Estes drops his new book on The Life and Times o f Newton and announces that Newton’s theory is wrong and that 2 + 2 DOES equal 5. Then, realizing that this was the day that Jessica was to have completed her experiments, he meets the trio with open arms and goes with them to Club Med.

By the poolside o f Club M ed we find Young Chang and his associates Cheech, Chong, and Chin (formerly Mr. Clifford Chin) relaxing after their last movie, CHEECH, CHONG, CHIN AND CHANG GO TO CZECHOSLOVAKIA TO CHECK UP ON THE CHICKEN TRADE IIL

Bryan Erdheim then gets up onto the stage and announces that Stephen Spahn Productions presents the first and only live Cabbage Patch Kid in captivity. Holly Cohen. With a flash o f bright lights, the stunning Holly appears on the stage. A fte r doing her vegetable tease. Holly exits stage left.

Jessica excuses herself from the show and takes Robert Neu (who is now in search o f a copyright for his book 101 THINGS TO DO WITH ARGYLE) by the hand and walks o f f in search o f a ship to take them back to the States. Suddenly, out o f the audience emerges Jenny Naramore who joins the expedition to the States. She has just been contracted by Warner Bros, to star in a remake o f Wonder Woman.

Kelli Fidlow, the cruise director on the S.S. Dwightonian, greets the three travelers fo r a joyfu l reunion. Robert Neu, while boarding the ship, tosses a penny into a nearby bum’s hat. The bum, in a tattered business suit, stands up and drops the empty bottle o f Mo^t-Chandon and exclaims, " It’s me!” The trio turn bewildered to the vagrant and ask, "Who?” He drops to his knees and says, "Chris Boies!” The trio then sweeps him up onto the ship. Once on board, Chris gets cleaned up. He goes to the barber, James DeLeonardis, and gets the latest bouffant-do.

Leaving the barber shop, Chris goes fo r a facial to Melissa Ehrenreich, famous fo r her seaweed and tree sap facia! cream.

The reunited friends all go to dinner together, Chris looking dean, but thin. Michelle Breslaw, in a granny dress and flaunting a new silver wig, tinted blue, comes over to the table. "Bubbala! You look sickly thin! Have


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CLASS PROPHECIES.. . DWYTASTYsome matzah ball soup; i t ’ll put some meat on your bones!” AH o f a sudden all eyes are turned to the spotlight Ben Rubin comes out in the appropriate attire and starts singing, "How do you do - I see you’ve m et my faithful handyman . . . ” and out pops Melissa Cahill, alias Rif-Raf.

Eric Laster, the captain, passes more potatoes to Hillary Strauss, the business manager o f Play girl Magazine. She drops the potatoes and screams, "Poopykinsl I t ’s my Chris!” Chris and Hillary run to each other, and Hillary calls out fo r the nearest rabbi to join them in holy matrimony. Out o f the audience pops Tamara Miller, who is in charge o f keeping L L Bean kosher. Tamara asks i f anyone objects to this marriage. Alicia Dwek stands up and says, "/ do! I thought that Hillary was supposed to marry Beowulf”

Ben and Melissa exit after their act is over. The next act comes in wearing nothing but two paper bags and Dippity-Do. The strange figure recites a medley o f bad jokes, and at the end o f the act the enigmatic figure removes his paper garb and-lo and behold-it is David Somerstein.

He receives a standing ovation. Then the attention is drawn to the doorway and, with a flicker o f flashbulbs, enters Prince Andrew o f England. He gives a sweeping gesture and lllysia Schindler floats into the room wearing the latest dress from Spiffi Dicki Evening Wear and seven mismatched earrings. The newlyweds take a seat, lllysia is bombarded by questions. "How do you feel being the First half-Jewish Princess o f England?”

The lights dim and a screen rolls do wn on the stage. The M. C. Jordan Jacobs announces the main attraction: an autobiographical film on the life o f Andrew Yerys - A Rebel Without A Cause. Andrew walks up onto the stage, wearing a tuxedo shirt and jeans, and thanks Jackie fo r producing his movie.

When the boat docks in New York City, the passengers are g reeted by a group o f dignitaries, one o f whom is Christina Ohiy, Senator o f Vermont, and her campaign manager, Melissa Vaughn. Tania Kalika is also there and announces that Queens is now a Communist community and that she is dictator. There are also numerous celebrities. Chris Phillips, who started his own band, TEARS FOR CHRIS’S FEARS, is there, as is Laura Good. Laura has started a new Woodstock located in Chicago. Jodi Diskin, who is the head o f public relations fo r the project, is running around telling everyone what to do. Melissa Lawrence is designing the wigs fo r the production, while Brett Harris is designing the costumes. Stacey Wueste, the spokeswoman fo r Wueste’s Wheaties, is handing out free stalks o f wheat to prom ote the cereal, while Jill Mandel, spokeswoman fo r Wella Rastafarian, is also handing out free samples.

On the edge o f the pier, a paper boy screams, “Extra! Extra! Marcy Gordon indicted fo r cornering the gold market! ”

O ff in a distant, smoky Senate hearing room Marcy Gordon is conversing with her lawyer, Jennifer Kehoe, as the Chairwoman o f the committee. Senator Liz Fink, questions Caroline Jaeger. Caroline, a stockbroker formerly employed by the now defunct E. F. Hutton, is accused o f selling Marcy an incredible amount o f gold bullion at below market prices.

Then, suddenly, the guard, Anthony Shimkin, is crushed by the violently flung open door, and in cavorts Gary Laden exclaiming, “This isn’t a bathroom!” Suddenly, out o f the crowd rises a tall dark figure. He presents himself as Stephen Spahn and explains, "This WAS the bathroom, but / delegated Frank to slightly alter its function. ”

And so ends my narration o f the season's spectacular premier o f Dwytasty. I would like to thank Caroline Shaw, the host o f SCULLY'S SOAP SCREENING SECRETS at our sister station in St. Moritz, Switzerland. Tune in next week-same soap screening time, same soap screening station-and find out i f Jackie can clean-up her reputation, i f Richard makes the Arabian connection, ifA m al regains his power, if Wayne can borrow enough money from his old Dwight friends to pay the National Debt, if the S. S. Dwightonian ever gains enough recognition fo r its own TV. show, if Marcy can uncorner the market, and more sensational secrets.


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Odile Anderson

Don’t be afraid - especially don’t be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe that as you 3ive to the world, the world will give to you

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VDemse Blate

Even when your heart bursts like the sun. Never 3 'ive up on a dream.

- Rod Stew art

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Christopher Boies

Good things come to those who w ait Better things come to those who worl< for it.

What the mind can conceive, man can achieve.

- ■

M?Wt"Hillaty-I Love You!'

Page 73: Dwight 1986

"Like a thief in the night, / see the world by candleliffht"

Page 74: Dwight 1986

a b o u t fh is w a s te d time., E a 4 l e s ' f ' I \ *■

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Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall AH you've got to do is call And I'll be there . . .You’ve go t a friend.

Michelle BreslawMom, Dad, Sheryl,I ’ll always be your baby. / love you!

They say time flies.They say w e’ll grow these are no lies —

Now I k n o w . . .Once a new face.Now a trusted friend.The year’s just started, And i t ’s about to end. Friendships made.Classes attended.The path’s been laid: Childhood's ended.We've grown so much. We've come so far. We've learned a lot About who we are.The memories we have. We will always hold dear As time passes - Year after y e a r . . .The fun we've had. Fabulous friends . . .AH win be remembered A fte r the year ends.

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"Put down those notebooks, what g o o d are note ­books, they won’t help you survive. ”

- Talking Heads

So there’s no need fo r turning back, cause all roads lead to where you stand, and / believe I ’ve walked them all no m atter what / may have planned.

Melissa Cahill

Wait only fo r my boot heels to be wanderin’, I ’m ready fo r to fade into my own parade, cast your dancin ’ spell my way. / promise to go under i t

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Young Chang“The road goes ever on and on out from the door where it began.Now far ahead the road has gone,Let others follow it who can. "

- Bilbo Baggins

Behold this dream­er cometh.

- Genesis 37:19 " if you have the guts to be your­self, other p eo ­p le ’ll pay your price."

- John Updike "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the un­dertaker win be sorry. "

- Mark Twain

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The closest to perfection a person comes is when he fills out an application form

Stanley J. Randall

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom always to tell the difference

Thinking never hurt anyone, but I don’t want to take any chances

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HoHy CohenThough we rush ahead to save our time We are only what we feel

Neil Young

You who are on the road Must have a code that you can live by And so become yourself Because the past is just a good-bye

Graham Nash


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James De Leonardis

Night o r day, whate’er befall I must walk that desert land Until I dare my fear, and call The Hon out to lick my hand!

James Stephens


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So you can g e t on with your search, baby - And / can g e t on with mine.And maybe someday we win find - That it wasn’t realty wasted time.

- The Eagles

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There is so much left to know And I'm on the road to find out

Come 3row old with me The best is yet to be

Alicia DwekSome friends you like Some friends you love But we are forever

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Melissa Ehrenreich

'*5ociefie^ wU dtsfirt^uish then&eNe^ fey thcif" te icrencc cfea tu ,

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Bryan Erdheim

For tons you live and hi^h you fly and smiles you’ll give and tears you'll cry and all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be.

Pink Floydtf


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Kenny, what in the name o f decency are you doing?

- TJ.

V! ' “ ' -p.

We are holding this gun to your head so that you do not hurt yourself

- Ed Brown

Kenneth Estes

To every W consistent recursive class K o f formulae there correspond recursive class sign R, such that neither v Gen r nor Neg (v Gen r) belongs to Flag K where v is the free variable o f r.

- Kurt Godel

Styrofoam cups are just like clouds. It is a fine night for sleeping- Marina 'Who said that' Tichotsky ■ Dr. Seuss


Page 87: Dwight 1986

keUi. . . kelli.X

.. kelli.. .ki"I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. / will face my fear. / will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the innereye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only / will remain. "

- Frank Herbert/Dune

"And these children that you spit on as they try and change their world, are immune to your consolation, they're quite aware o f what they’re going through. ”

- David Bowie/Changes

There’s a starman waiting in the sky H e’d like to come and meet us But he thinks he’d blow our minds There’s a starman waiting in the sky H e’d told us not to blow it. Cause he knows i t ’s all worth while

he told me:Let the children lose it Let the children use it Let the children boogie

- David Bowie/Starman

Though, nothing will keep us together We can spend time Just for one day We can be heroes just for one day What ya’ say?

- David Bowie/Heroes

Checkin’ ignition, and may G od’s love be with you- David Bowie/Starman

luv to:E.D.L.


Camp sisters

M and D83

Page 88: Dwight 1986

Liz FinkCommitment is what transforms a promise into reality.It is making the time when there is none, Coming through time after time after time, year after year after year.

Looking out at this road rushing under my wheels,I don't know how to tell you just how crazy this life feels,I look around fo r the friends that I used to turn to pull me through, looking into their eyes I see them running

too.- Jackson Browne

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'‘Don't complain and d q n i explain.” ‘ •

- Ephraim

‘This path leads to no p l^ 'e ■

eventually."- The Land o f M Ski B e li^ ^ •

? is .« .


• r


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A*.0 Laura Good

“If that damn cat meows one more time . . . ”

"Toto, i have a feeling w e’re not in Africa anymore!”

causes you know how time fades a w a y . . .

- Neil Young

Believe it i f you need it, i f you don’t just pass it on.

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Jessica GoodmanHappiness is no Don Y look solaushins matter. evil, smile.

■ Richard Whately - Anon


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Marcy Gordon

Thanks fo r everything - Mom, Kone, Brad, Leon, and I can't forget my shadow, Marmaduke,

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J J ]U -W ,

Page 95: Dwight 1986

Ce meiUeur des mondes possibles!

- Panglass

Shower the people you love with love. - James Taylor

Kenneth Robert Gurney"The stores are a free show, it don’t cost anything to use your eyes. ”

- Bozo

Page 96: Dwight 1986

Bye to: Chris O. Melissa V. Drew Clark Amal Eric John P. Elyse G. Courtney

Ariana Brooke Genny Andy K.JimJenny W. Cindyand especially


Thanks for everything Mom and Dad, Andy and Dede, bye Jamee, London and Mad Max, Nanny Eve, Nanny El and Esther. Poppy Sam - You're the greatest!



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Meredith HudsonBrins on the n ijh t. Relax, now we're all alone.I couldn't stand another hour o f daylight - Rod Stewart

- Stins

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startA lbert Schweitzer ■ “

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Tell me a story.Make me dream life. Make me live the dream.

- Queveda

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Life’s just a cocktail Party on the s tree t

- The Rollins Stones

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The finished man o f the world must eat o f every apple once.- Emerson

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Dear D - We missed you this year, and I love you.P. & T. - I f I never told you, I love you very much.Dear M. & A. - May you find happiness wherever you are.Dear J. - Thanks for beings the best! I couldn't live without you.

Jennifer Kehoe

Where am / going? / don’t quite know. What does it matter wherepeople go? Down to the wood where blue-bell grow -Anywhere, anywhere, I don’t know.

A. A. Milne

And I ’d say to myself as / looked so lazily down at the sea:"There’s nobody else in the world, and the world was made fo r me. ”

- A. A. Milne

The world is so full o f a number o f things.I ’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.

- Robert Louis Stevenson


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They say I ’m crazy- But whocares? I ’m having fun.

I f at first you don’t succeed,try, try again. Then q u it There's no use being a damn foot about i t

W. C Fields

So before we end and then beginWe’ll drink a toast to how i t ’s been . . .

Billy Joel

Gary Laden

I ’ve seen a lot o f troubles all around I ’ve had my shares o f ups and downs But that’s all over now, because I ’m free.

- Roger Daltrey

You sail across the seas o f long-past thoughts and memories Childhood’s end, your fantasies merge with harsh realities.And then as the sail is hoisted,You find your eyes growing moistAll the fears never voicedSay you have to make your final choice.

- Pink Floyd

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To dream o f the person you’d like to be is to waste the person you are.

- Anonymous

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/ am what I am thank G o d . . . Some people don’t understand.J.H.

Eric LasterWell the kids don’t eat The d03 can't sleep There’s no escape from the music in the whole damn street.

The WHOMusic is to me the perfect expression o f the soul.

Robert Schumann

K.F.F. There's no one quite like you. K.M.P. - What a time w e’ve had!The funny thing is that it's only beginning.


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Ronald McCants

Money won't change you, but time will take you on.

- James Brown


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Just one voice singins in the darl<ness.AH it tal<es is one voice. Shout it out and let it ring Just one voiceft tal<es that voice and every­one win sing.

Baby, baby it's a wild world.It's hard to get by just upon a smile.

Jill Mandel

t t i

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Tamara Miller

U . V ' . ' P

o " *(,■

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Jackie Morgan

Thanks fo r the times that you've given me,the memories are all in my mind . . .

- The Commodores

If you can’t be right, be wrong louder than everyone else.

- Anonymous

To Mommy and Stanley, Daddy and Amy,Thanks fo r all your love, help, and support and fo r being there when I needed youl I couldn’t have

done it without you! WE MADE IT!

Love forever. Me

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I f a man takes no thought about what is distant, he win find sorrow near at hand.

■ Confucius

He's g o t to mal<e his own mistal<esAnd learn to mend the mess he makes H e’s o ld enough to know what'a rightBut young enough not to choose itH e ’s noble enough to win the world But weak enough to lose it ■

- Rush

You don’t g e t something fo r nothing You don’t g e t freedom fo r free You won’t g e t wise With the sleep still in your eyes No m atter your dream might be.Waiting fo r someone to call And turn your world around Looking fo r an answer to The questions you have found Looking fo r An open door

- Rush

Sweet memories, flashing very quickly by Reminding me, giving me a reason why / know that my goal is more than a thought I ’ll be there, when I teach what I ’ve been taught.

- Rush

The o ld ones speak o f winterThey young ones praise the sunAnd time just slips awayRunning into nowhereTurning like a wheelAnd a year becomes a dayWhenever we dreamThat’s when we flySo here is a dreamFor just you and A

- Ronnie James Dio

You can’t think and hit at the same time.- Yogi Berra

Danny Morris

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Jennifer Naramore

/ want to wander, / want to be free I can’t go on making nothing o f my life A nd I l<now there’s something there fo r me

It seems like time will stand fo r those who wait But / can’t wait, the sand’s almost gone People cry, when they hear, the thunder clouds break And / smile, i t ’s my song

/ know its m ine/and it may take some time / want to find /m y place in the sky - then I ’m free

I ’ve gone too far, funny, never thought I could Time won’t wait, fo r your dreams to come true I thought once, that I could turn back time But i t ’s only in the memories o f you

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The Importance o f Looking Proper- The New York Times

Robert T.Neu

Winning isn’t everything; i t ’s the only thing.- Vince Lombardi

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning o f the end. But perhaps it is the end o f the beginning.

- Sir Winston Churchill

I t ’s Casual ■R.T.N.

The ones that make it in this world are not necessarily the smartest or the strongest but the ones who outlast and perservere.

- Fran Tarkenton

AH animals are created equal but some animals are more equal than others.

- George Orwell

It ain’t over till i t ’s over.- Yogi Berra

There’s a sucker born every minute.- P. T. Barnum

Life is a Negotiation.

Page 116: Dwight 1986

Christina Hallo well Ohly LI.

Though much is taken, much abide:, and thoughWe are not now that strength which in o ld daysM oved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;One equal tem per o f heroic hearts.Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

- Tennyson

Rome was not built in a day, persecution will come your way, but the harder the battle you see,the sweeter the victory.

- Jimmy Cliff


In the tranquil landscape, and especially in the distant line o f the horizon,Man beholds somewhat as beautiful qs hjs own nature


Much love to . . .The Hammers, Ohiys, G.A.S; W T - Gold­mans - Esp. K.ca*, M.D., M,C,B,J,K,y. . . I win miss you . . .

Bon Chance!



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S 'd L J h " Traffic ‘•Get Back Jo Jo ”

- Lenon, McCartney "Stop Making Sense"

- Talking Heads

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f t jCi (W ffe


1 U

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John Porges

What lies behind us.And what lies before us;A re only tiny matter Compared to what lies within us.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Michael Prince


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I'm like a connoisseur o f champagne cognacThe perfume nearly beats the taste./ eat the oyster and / feel the con­tactBut more than one would be a waste.Some people want an endless line that's trueBut all I have is a little time with you.A smile sets relinYour kiss I ’m stealingYour love is like heroinThis addict is mellowingI'm can't p retend that I'm toughJust a little is enough.

- P.T.

Thanks . . . M o m , D a d , L a u r a , S h e l l e y ,

’C D i m , W e n d y a n d T i m .

Kyle M. Pritchett

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Page 123: Dwight 1986

And I ’ve been wai­ting for this m o­ment fo r all my ///e. Oh Lord.

Phil Colit

Strange gam\ Faulkien, tht winning mo\

>f to play. Wari

M & D - I l d

Peace is not a dream but a goal^ to strive fo r

Through early morning fo g / see a vision o f what life could be.


Don't give up, keep run­ning, keep high, don’t giveup i f you know you’re right.

Phil Collins



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/ know I ’ve dreamed you a sin and a lie / have my freedom but I don't have much timeFaith has been broken, tears must be criedLet's do some living after we die.

The Rolling Stones

And those children that you spit on As they try to change their world Are immune to your consultations They’re quite aware that they’re going through CHANGES

David Bowie

Allyson VictoriaSan Fiiippo

Don’t give me none o f your aggravation, I ’ve had it with your discipline . . .

Elton John

It is the evening o f the day,/ sit and watch the children play.Doin’ things I used to do they think are new, I sit and watch as tears go by.

The Rolling Stones


Page 125: Dwight 1986

/ • K '

' ^ the mighty fathers helm Is far ^ ' for his son.

- fieming I

/ love you both, and will always love you, forever. '

I f I were hung on the hlgh-\ est hill, mother o'mine,'mother o'mlne, I whose love would me still, mother mother o'mlne.

know follow o'mlne,

- kipling

. : ^ h a , halU b enetto n . . . I

I taly. . . r i d . . . aas . . . |

V * - ]^lth the socks^ g la s s e s . . . and, o f

\dburse, the clothesl . . . the clothes fo r \

' me!!! . . . !!!: t' a . . . a . . ! . ! .


for there Is no friend like a sister,^ in calm or stormy weather, to ch eer' one on the tedious way, to fetch one i f one goes astray, to lift one i f one totters down, to strengthen whilst on stands. - rossetti (1862) thank you goli, fo r your love and sup

port, and fo putting up wit me

rid . . . dmb . . . mih . . . cb .+ 1 . . . a l l . ■ . together!!! I

help . . . thank you!!!\ love . . . hate . . . friend­

ship . . . enemityfriendship. . . m e . . . you \

. . . we!!! hearty e s . . . c r y . . . ye s . cry . . . no . . . laugh \

. . . ye s . . . friends. we . . . forever .

together!!! .

mama mahin, man hameeshe fekre shoma-ra meekonam.


this is not the end. this Is not even the beginning o f the end. but it is, perhaps, the end o f the beginning.- churchill (1942)

AH Samii

Page 126: Dwight 1986

We’ve still g o t a long,


Luv you guys 4-ever!

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tZ ks for all you have done for me. You have helped me sro w up and I hope you relize how much I love and need you.

I was a childwho ran full o f laughterI was a childwho lived fo r todaymy eyes full o f sunshinemy heart full o f smilesI was a child fo r a daybut we're setting olderas time goes bya little older with every dayWe are the children o f yesterday

Don't walk in front o f me and expect me to follow Don’t walk in back o f me and expect me to lead Just walk beside me and and be my friend

We live a life o f fact and fantasyWe alter circumstance to fit our needsWe gain in fortune but we lose in timeOne door will open and one will close behind

- Billy Squier -

Take me disappearin’ through the smoke rings o f my mind Down the foggy ruins o f time,Far past the frozen leaves,The haunted, frightened trees Out to the windy beach Far from the twisted reach o f sorrowyes, to dance beneath the dia­mond skyWith one hand wavin’ free, Silhoueted by the sea.Circled by the circus sands.With memory and fate Driven deep beneath the waves. Let me forget about today until tomorrow.


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It is the cracked one that let the light through.

! " . ' J..: "''j" ,■*'

i f -

1/ r doubts in fne,

%r souls with fine cocaine.

-Billy Joel

i l © f r ’ ' S ' ' ' ' ’ " "

' 'W i , §4., '■ *

.' ' i , ’’” ‘‘.- *'

An excellent plumper is infinitely more admira­ble than an incompetent philosopher. A society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity and tolerates shoddiness in philos­ophy because it is an exalted activity will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water.

i ar4 the music makers w6 are the dreamers

M sups.

124 Dennis ScuUV

Page 129: Dwight 1986

Caroline Shaw

For Ions you live and hi^h you fly and smiles you’ll give and tears you’ll cry and all you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be.

- Pink Floyd

/ 3e t by with a little help from my friends,- The Beatles

Much love to Mom and Dad, Claude, Niccholas and Marita, 0 ,A ., MM,, R.B., HX., B.E., LF. LG., J.M., and I.S.

- I ’m miss ya.

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17th Precinct/NYPD

Anthony Shimkin


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Where do we 30 from here? Which is the way that's clear?



. Rocl< onDavid Essex

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.JIfc ps


W E I ^ I

c ? 5

» O A T


Page 133: Dwight 1986

Mom and Dad - Thank ya fo r always being there

Hillary StraussIf the sun refused to shine I would still be loving you When mountains crumble to the sea There will still be you and me

I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow If I fail,If I succeedat least I ’ll live as I believe

George Benson

Chris - “only you'

Page 134: Dwight 1986


cThougmjnothing can keep us to$ethe0 ^ e can steal time. Just for d ^ e day, v/e can be fm o esfo i-im ran d ev^ W ^

’ David Bowie


j i tHavewo eva-

aI haven’t known a s wasn't fundamental! as dirt.

- Tenne ffiams

Au revoir C.H.O., D .^f. Bon chance and I fo^e yo>

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"And in the sweetness o f friendship let there be laughter and the sharing o f pleasures."

- Kahlil Gibran

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Wayne Weisglass

I'm just a simple guy / Hve from day to day


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Jenny Wiener

"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essen­tial is invisible to the eye ."

- The Little Prince -133

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Where can! 30 and be back again, by the time tom orrow comes?. . . Do you wanna g e t away?. . . Do you wanna escape?. . . Yes / wanna g e t away.

- Shannon

We always wish fo r money,We always wish fo r fame,We think we have the answers. Some things ain’t never gonna change.

-John Waite

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If you can win here, you can win anywere.

- Hemin3way

Go fo r it!

Stacey Colleen Wueste

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Welcome back my friends,To that show that never ends. I ’m so 3 lad you could attend. Come inside, come inside . . .

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Seniors RevengeMrs. Bab - a discussion with Alicia Dwei< and Lisa Greenberg

About Beowolf and Macbeth Mrs. Callaway - a Harvard admission; a bad mood Mrs. Cappell - a mathematically minded child Ms. Cehelsky - a better equipped art room Doctor Chambart - a night with Don Johnson Ms. Collins - the 1960’s; a top 40 hit Mr. Eastman - a weekend with lllysia Mrs. Elderfield - a perfectly written college essay Mrs. Ellis - a decent Library Mr. Engle - a memory for people's first names Mr. Foster - a platinum American Express card Mr. Goodin - a silver Jaguar; a house in Hoboken Ms. Kupin & Ms. Seminara - 4 more high school years Alex Reed - something constructive to do in the office; age Ms. Rende - a weekend with Ben Rubin and Wayne Weisglass Radimir - a lesson on capitalism; date with Andrew

PollackMr. Sibley - another Bennetton argyle; an older woman Ms. Simpson - a relation to the Roosevelt family Ms. Taylor - a new hat; a girls dress code Ms. T - someone who can pronounce her last name; another

nervous breakdown Doc Yeager - a better smelling lunch

Page 142: Dwight 1986

Sen ior WillsOdile Anderson - pessimism Denise Blate - a G.O,Christopher Boies ■ a failing gradeCristina Bornstein - her own male haremStephen Bossy - a t-shirtMichelle Breslaw - a doctor and 2.5 childrenMelissa Cahill - Tom Petty's childYoung Chang - a 4 page term paperClifford Chin - a good jokeHolly Cohen - something mean to sayJames Deleonardis - the Paramus MallRichard Dickson - a bum's clothingJodi Diskin - a day without sarcasmAlicia Dwek - a new pair o f lee'sMelissa Ehrenreich - her own art exhibitBryan Erdheim - authorityKenny Estes - a spaceshipKelii Fidlow - a normal sneezeLiz Fink - an infinite stareAmal Flores - an ethnic backgroundElyse Gamsu - the first female player for the RangersLaura Good - a rowdy dayJessica Goodman - a real newspaper staffMarcy Gordon - a Brooklyn accentClark - Graebner - WimbledonKenny Gurney - an insultBrett Harris - a debating teamMeredith Hudson - unmanageable hairCaroline Jaeger - a sense o f directionJordan Jacobs - a stress-free dayDavid Josephson - a full academic yearTania Kalika - extra-curricular activitiesLynn Kapian - mathematical skillsJennifer Kehoe - a real jobGary Laden - his own rap recordMiles Ladin - appreciationEric Laster - a world o f music


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Senior WillsMelissa Lawrence - short hairVivian Lubin - everything she wantsRonald McCants - a small handJill Mandel - a place in the NBATamara Miller - a copyright to her last nameJackie Morsan - a trip to J.A.P.anDanny Morris • a life without violenceJenny Naramore - her own castle and happiness alwaysRobert Neu - socks that are not arsyleChristina Ohiy - her own ski slopeDrew Partikian - the 1960'sChris Phillips - modestyJohn Porges - facial hairMichael Prince - enthusiasmKyle Pritchett - a recording contractGary Robbins - a 1-way ticket to BowdoinBen Rubin - a depressantAH Sam a - a Jewish nameAllyson San Fillipo - a pastureGennifer Saul - pale skinlllysia Schindler - an American boyfriendDennis Scully - a major motion picture; people who take him seriouslyCaroline Shaw - another languageAnthony Schimkin - exclusive rights to the color blackDavid Sommrstein - the old days at LenoxDouglas Stern - more trips to IsraelHillary Strauss - smaller eyesMelissa Vaughn - fond memories o f DwightJennifer Warwick - a health food store; stud earringsWayne Weisglass - a Broadway show and something nice to say about someone

(whichever one comes first)Jennifer Wiener - a nightclub Daniel Winnell - Whitney Huston Stacey Wueste - a door with a higher opening Andrew Yerys - a smile


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Page 145: Dwight 1986

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The 1985 Dwight Varsity Soccer Team finished this year's season with 10-2-2 record. We were the league champions with a 6-0 league record. This was Dwight's best out-of-division season. We defeated Riverdale, Staten Island - Academy, Martin Luther, and slaughtered the N. Y, Friends Squad.

Our powerhouse offense was led by our leading goal soccer, Chris Stauss. Also, tw o seniors, Eric Laster and Drew Partikian contributed to our goal scoring punch. As a team Dwight scored 50 goals this season.

This year, Mr. Goodin was faced with filling up every position on defense. The "D" was led by Brett Harris and goal-keeper Amal Flores. Our opponents were held to a mere 1.4 goals p e r game.

AH in all, this season was a great success, despite losing the finals o f the playoffs. But, we never played a better second half the entire season, than in our losing e ffo rt in the finals.

Page 149: Dwight 1986

Dwight 1986-87 Varsity Soccer Team Brett Harris, Andrew Yerys, Eric Laster, Drew Partikian, Chris Stauss, Clark Graebner, Amal Flores, Justin Meyers, Danny Krieger, Peter Sawner


Page 150: Dwight 1986


/o sr oVars




Top Row: Paul Hayes, David KHenman Middle Row: Jeffrey Yusko, Doug Greenberg, Josh Upson, Jeremy Sloan, Matt Pannepinto, Chris Bloom, Jason Ressler, Danny Krieger, John Burger, Adam Simon, Chris D'agostino Bottom Row: Todd Cahme, Jimmy Houseman, Justin Meyers, Josh Eden, Beau Bernstien, Cord Himmelstien


Page 151: Dwight 1986

Top Row: Geoffrey Meeker, Etienne Bernstein, Trevor Seffren, Kirk Samson, Oliver Miller, Adam Palminteri, Jerre Holleivder, Steve Williamson, Tae-Jin Park, Anthony Foster. Bottom Row: Kierman Costello, Alex Ross, Seth Dolce, Adam Gratheim, David Brakce





Page 152: Dwight 1986

B Bo ay ss k



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Page 153: Dwight 1986


Page 154: Dwight 1986


Top Row: Jeffrey Yusko, James Lasow, Todd Camhe, Keith Weisglass, Danny Krieger, David KHenman, Peter Sorner, Paul Hayes Bottom Row: Jon Berger, Adam Simon, Josh Upson, Doug Greenberg, Rodney


Page 155: Dwight 1986


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Page 156: Dwight 1986
Page 157: Dwight 1986

- 1 ;

Page 158: Dwight 1986






Top Row: J e ff Yusko, Danny Lehmann, Jeremy Sloan. Bottom Row: Alex Dank, Clark Graebner, Chris Stauss


Page 159: Dwight 1986

Top: Caroline Shaw, Jenny Blick, Holly Cohen. Bottom: Chris Ohiy, Michelle Breslaw, Jackie Morgan, Liz Fink


/rI T s e





Page 160: Dwight 1986
Page 161: Dwight 1986


Page 162: Dwight 1986

Boys Varsity Softball

Top Row: John Rories, Steven Grobman, Elyse Gamsu (Manager), Josh Eden, Gary Robbins, Gres Strauss, Drew Partikian Middle Row: Amai Flores, Beau Bernstien, Danny Morris, David Friedman, Lee Klosty, Gary Ladin Bottom Row: Doug Greenberg


Page 163: Dwight 1986


Page 164: Dwight 1986




Top Row: Cindy Schultz, Stacey Wueste, Kim Wuests, Bonnie Silberstein, Jennifer Schneider. Bottom Row: Melissa Haddad, Jenny Saul, Tamara Miller, Jill Mandel, Elyse Gamsu, Denita Hall, Jennifer Kehoe.

Page 165: Dwight 1986


Page 166: Dwight 1986



Top Row: Casey Bernstein, Lisi Fleishman, Karen Richardson, Bottom Row: Marissa Demoura, Rae Goldring, Ariana Urbont, Jamie Westin

Page 167: Dwight 1986

W A V/f

J o p Row: Lotti Rumble, Allison Levine, Jill Aronsky, Amanda Hudson Bottom Row: Marina Gurin, Jamie Aronson, Jenny Blick, Jennifer Taylor.







Page 168: Dwight 1986




V01 /


Page 169: Dwight 1986

Top Row: Lisa Wolf, Elyse WoUand, Kim Merrit, Jenny Traina. Bottom Row

Page 170: Dwight 1986
Page 171: Dwight 1986
Page 172: Dwight 1986

i 3

Page 173: Dwight 1986
Page 174: Dwight 1986


Guys & Dolls

Page 175: Dwight 1986


Some o f the crkfi-shooters.

Nathan and Jimmy Ali


Page 176: Dwight 1986



Barefoot in the Park




Page 177: Dwight 1986


Mr. Velasco laments his broken toe to a d\ Banks. i ■

Mr. Velasco gelk to ^ m o w O o ^ Bratter, his

neiahbOi:- / M \


Page 178: Dwight 1986


Barefoot in the Park


Page 179: Dwight 1986


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum was presented by the Dwight Actors Company as their winter production. A cast o f about twenty portrayed all sorts of zany characters in the musical based on the comedies o f the Roman play write Plautus. The production was presented in conjunction with the Latin Club which supervised the informative program and the authentically Roman refreshments.


Page 180: Dwight 1986


Top Row: Odile Anderson, lllysia Schindler, Jessica Goodman, Elli Tatum, Allyson Seffren. Bottom Row: Stacey Lerman, Miss T., Jenny Naramore, Jenny Warwick, Laura Kossoff, Marina Gurin.

Page 181: Dwight 1986


Top Row: Steven Laino, Barry Seldin, Jordan Jacobs, Elli Tatum, Stephen Bossy, Steven Grobman, Gre3 3 Strauss. Bottom Row: Jon Frith, Jenny Blick, Jon Traister, Michael Chessler, Alix Strauss, Oksana Cehelsky.

Page 182: Dwight 1986



'J > ! ^ S « « “ ' V ”


Page 183: Dwight 1986


Page 184: Dwight 1986

Junior Model unmd Ihwons

Page 185: Dwight 1986

Top Row: John Porges, Chris Boies, Hillary Strauss, Rob Nev, Mark Bloom, David Brandt Bottom Row: Jimmy Hausman, Allyson San Fillippo, Zara Cooper, Jeremy Sloan, Jim Goldstein.

Top Row: Alison Spitzer, Wendy Greenberg, Joanne Kolker. Bottom Row: Kevin Weaver, Weston Almond, James Felder, Billy Estes.

Page 186: Dwight 1986

Blue Key Club

Top Row: Brian Osias, Jonah Goldberg, David Brandt, Drew Partil<ian, Amal Flores, Chris Phillips, Je ff Goldin, Cristina Bornstein, Denise Blate, Richard Dickson, David Williams, Odile Anderson, Jennifer Naramore, Andrea Lack, Lisa Wolf, Allison Sefren, Jonathan Frith, Andrew Koestler. Middle Row: Stewart Katz, Mark Bloom, Jim Goldstein, Michelle Breslaw, Hillary Strauss, Robert Neu. Bottom Row: Cristina Ohiy, Marni Andres, Jayme Lindenbaum, Crissy Sloan, Elyse Wolland, Jeremy Sloan.

Page 187: Dwight 1986

Entrepreneur Club


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Top Row: Billy Gotiieb, , Henry Kasindorf, Andrew Kossof, Melissa Haddad, Cindy Schultz, Violette Bittichi, Jon Schwartze. Bottom Row: Jonathan Frith, Gregg Sandler, Laura Kossof, Ellen Schinderman, Steven Dubroff, Cliff Boro, Justin Meyers.

Page 188: Dwight 1986

The 1985-86

Co-Editors Jodi Diskin

lllysia Schindler

Layout Editors Jennifer Naramore

Copy Editor Daniel Winell

Chris Otily

Co-Business Editors Hillary Strauss and Jennifer Kehoe

Business Staff Lynn Kaplan

Richard Dickson Allyson San Filippo

Tamara Miller

Art Editor Miles Ladin

Assistant Art EditorJonathan Frith

Page 189: Dwight 1986

Yearbook Staff

Art Staff Melissa Ehrenreich Melissa Lawrence

Denise Blate

Photography Editor Danny Morris

Asst Photography Editor Tania Kalil<a

Photography Staff AH Samii

Stephen Bossy Jayme Lindenbaum

Sports Editor Stacey Wueste

Layout Staff Jennifer Warwicf<

Melissa Cahill

Page 190: Dwight 1986
Page 191: Dwight 1986
Page 192: Dwight 1986
Page 193: Dwight 1986
Page 194: Dwight 1986
Page 195: Dwight 1986
Page 196: Dwight 1986
Page 197: Dwight 1986
Page 198: Dwight 1986

' \

Page 199: Dwight 1986


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Page 200: Dwight 1986

a t ^ o n d

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Page 201: Dwight 1986

jP a t ^ o n 6

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& £ j P a A i k ia n

W u r ie i & W i l i S a n d L

Wr. S e L i n

^ t ' e a o r u ^ t r a u A A

Page 202: Dwight 1986

Dear Stacey,you've enjoyed

California Minne­sota


And have been successful there, too. It's been wonderful and we've received many positive feelings because o f i t Many thanks!

Continuous love and support. Mom, Dad and Kim

P S .

Please tell your classmates that the surf (opportunity) is up and now is the time to 3 0 for it


Page 203: Dwight 1986

TM e



f f i t

e i i i f r a

lll^ eve.


j i . i i . j i .

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f i l l e d w ith

f /^ o i^ a it ie 5

^ k e J ^ i n q 5 O iwn

Page 204: Dwight 1986

5/20/86Dear Guys,

I cannot possibly explain to you how sad I am that you are leaving. You have been the best friends / could have had. You have shown me the true meaning of friendship, a lesson / will never forget. As you go into the world to fend for yourselves remember that there is always a smiling face here that loves you very much.If / have been half as good a friend to you as you have been to me, / know that / have done my job well. Thank you for all the good times and even some of the bad. I love you guys. You will be missed.


m c r r a i c n


_ o u c m e

V i200

Ccnfiratulaticns . . . ycu finally made it!!

Lcve,Aicm & Dad

i - Stace,Good luck. I ’ll

miss y o u . . . no academy.


Page 205: Dwight 1986

we are

on , , ,

d e a re s t p a r e n t a l unitd,

^ a Let i^ou re ju s t ad dLocLed ad ^ a m til a t

a t tliid p o in t i.e . lii^li dcltool arcicluciti

f l o w iooL, J L now til a t 3 k ave Leen a n ^ tk in q Lut

an i d e a l Son a n d ^ a m qen u in ei^ dorr^ ^or a i i the t i med

til a t 3 k a d to tr^ the l^oLert ^ r o d t m e tk o d o f i i f e ( t a k in a

tke p a t h ledS t r a v e le d ) Lut th in k o f a i i we ve ie a r n e d a n d

a i l i ou ve ta u q k t m e,

J a L o L now th a t i t 6 h a r d to t e f l fro m tke wai^

^ a c t th a t ^ rea lity do love ^ou w e l l ^ d o ! ! ! O . J C .

(f3 u t ^ t)o n t Q u o te IfHle O n ^ l i a t . . .

til anLd i ou tw o fo r ([^veri^tkin^.

i our don


^ t ) e n n i s ^ r .


Page 206: Dwight 1986

We know that your enthusiasm will continue forever.You’ve made us very proud.

To promisins futures . . . for you and your class!

Daddy, Amy, Alyssa & Aija

Page 207: Dwight 1986


Ai/t <-y^ /


\ f

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oacrs Lca203

Page 208: Dwight 1986

Wayne, you will always be our star. Love and congratulations to

you and the Class of ’86.

Mom, Dad, Gary and Keith


Page 209: Dwight 1986

(Soti i'aiufationi a n d G o o d aC uck


^ t a n fnorrii.

lAJli/t iove,

Tl^jom , H ^ a J , a n d ^ l i i

T o t h e s r a d u a t i n g c l a s s o f

1 9 8 6 :

Lexington Rea! Estate Co. - T r e s B i e n

Inc. - L o s M e j o r e s D e s e o s

370 Lexington Ave. - A u g u r i

New York City, New York In a n y l a n g u a g e Best Wishes10017 in t h e f u t u r e

Sales, commercial leasingand management

Tel: (212) 532 - 2300

iDvoeL & Linen 9jppl\j c q me


Page 210: Dwight 1986

For uuorking so hard and making me so proud oP you uuith heartfelt memories of tlie past and great ones to come for the future.


Page 211: Dwight 1986

^ a n e t j ^ o k n


n a n

( a n d to o )

C ^onqratu iate

^ e n n i ^ e r

^ k e (^ia55 o f 1986

^ u cced d kappinedd to a ii .


Page 212: Dwight 1986

Congratulations, Jennifer. You're the greatest.

With much love, great pride, and a lifetime of best wishes

mom and John

Page 213: Dwight 1986

Dear Uuys,1 thought after all we have been through together I should dedicate a page to those of you who have

helped me in so much during the time that 1 have known you.Mom:you have been the driving force in my life and 1 have learned so much from you. i'll be sorry to leave

you for college, but we all have to grow up sometime right? You know I'll always be there for you as you have been for me. 1 love you more than you think and don't forget to write. P.S. I'll still buy you the mansion 1 promised when 1 was five (1 know you won't stop bothering me until I do.)

Jen, Daniel and Jen: 1 think this is the hardest thing that I've had to do all year. Daniel, you've been my oldest friend. We grew up together and have grown closer all the time. You're never going to get rid of me because after overcoming all the obstacles we have it would be like forgetting a part of my life 1 never want to; my childhood. Thank Qod we got rid of Miss Muffet she almost ruined us. We stuck together through all and came out better people and better friends. You're a wonderful person and you and 1 will go on forever because 1 really really love you. Jen, We have always known about this time but writing this 1 have to face the fact that for the first time in our friendship I'm not going to be able to run to you with every little problem or story 1 have. What haven't we done together? We've flown, drunk, passed out, laughed, cried, shared ideas, gotten mad, swum, gotten sunburned, sick, driven, gone on dates, played sports, shopped, waited, and SAT together. I'm sure we'll think of new and exciting things to brighten our boring life together. Thank you for always being there and putting up with my moods and everything else you've put up with from me. 1 hope wherever we end up it won't be far because 1 don't want to lose the part of me that is you. Understand? 1 guess I'm avoiding the real reason for this passge; to tell you good-bye and that in the long three years I've known you you've taught me how to have fun and be myself whether anyone likes it or not. Don't ever leave me or whom wdll 1 have when Sally comes??? Jen, we've had some pretty strange times huh? I've seen you change from the insecure girl to an independent person. Though we have had our times of "strife " I'm glad we became so close. 1 hope 1 helped you as much as you helped me this year. You are one of the few people 1 can honestly say is a good friend. 1 know we w/ill stay in touch because friends like us just do. Stay close because you are my favorite mooch. I'm glad you were there at Balducci's with me because together we learned how to be a little independent. Don't forget Elmer, Mark, Frank, Dominick or Joey. Ciao for now and I'll see you this summer. Bye sweetie.

Jess and Baby Z: Z, I'm sorry I'm leaving you. If I had a choice I'd take you with me. In these modern times though there is such a thing as transportation and wherever 1 end up, 1 expect you to come and keep me sane. 1 don't think my life would have been complete without all the intellectual discussions we had. You've always kept my feet on the ground and 1 see no reason why you should stop now. You're great and Je t'aime. P.S. Take French already . . . Jess, you helped me through the hardest time in my life. I'm sorry we drifted for a while but it made me realize how much 1 miss and need you. You are also one of my few practical friends and 1 hope we re near each other next year so we can keep on having the great times we've had. I'm glad you're my friend and keep sailin'. You're a very special person and I'm glad someone else realized it. We make a great team. There's so much more to say but not enough room or time so I'll leave you with this thought bog and I Love you!!

Jodi, Melissa, Dennis, Kieran: Kieran, my twin. I'm glad we have each other's problems right? You've been my psychiatrist and confidante when 1 needed one and I'm sure we'll stay in touch because you sure know how to cheer a person up. Dennis, I'm really sorry we got to be such good friends only in this year. You have seen me at some of my worst times and if you can still put up with me after all that, 1 think we have a great friendship. Thanks for trying to keep me sane. I'll miss you! Melissa, this makes twelve and the final year of our school years together. We were best friends for our elementary years and I'll never forget when you came up to me in first grade and became my friend. I'll miss you next year because though we weren't always close we could always pick up the threads and keep going. I'm sure graduation won't change that. Jodi, as 1 sit here and watch you go crazy because the final deadline is tomorrow, I remember lots that we have experienced. You were always the first to insult me but you were also the first to help me out when I was feeling less than great. I've seen you change so much in the last twelve ones and I hope you'll keep changing. You know I love ya and I'm kidding. I'll be calling you when I raise the capital for our island. Don't forget to call me when you eat animal crackers and say "Zebra Zebra Zebra All I can say is that I'm glad it's over. We were so close during our insane period (i.e. during yearbook), I was really happy and I felt you were the one person who understood how much 1 was going through. Since it's the night before the final deadline 1 can't say it's over yet, but I'm sure we'll get it out and it'll be better than any other year. Please stay in touch because we work well together (when we work). I guess I better get on with this huh?

Jenny Weiner, Kelli, Chris Kleiner, Cristina Kesten I love you all and you have made my years here complete. Each of you has added something to my life which 1 won't forget. I'll miss you all! To the rest of my friends whom I leave behind (you know who you are). 1 never thought I would graduate but 1 was wrong. Don't worry your day will come. I'll visit and stay in touch.

Luv, Illysia


Page 214: Dwight 1986

Congratulations to con

Robby and the Class of’86

Happines is having a brother/son named


Love,Jeff, Leslie and Mom

o e, 0

Page 215: Dwight 1986

For Jodi

P U R 6 J O V "

Congratulations Dad, Ellen and Sean

^Congratulations Liz! Aii our love for a very special girl.

Mom, Dad and Steven


^Congratulations to t tt-)e senior class ^ From Pamela & Richard Estes Billy & Jessica

(5 i— _

Page 216: Dwight 1986

B a b y , Y o u ’v e

g o t w h a t i t t a k e s .

Dear Denise,Oiir congratulations for all of your efforts - you have truly aehieved excellences Keep on being beautifulsGood luck to you and to the Class of ’86.

We love you,Mom, Dad and Shalimer

To Odile and her classmates

Congra tula tions and

bonne chance Love always,

June, Bill, Lincoln Anderson


Page 217: Dwight 1986

Jen, in the beginning there were telephones and make - up. So what else is new?

Thanks for being our shining star. We love you.Mom, Dad and Gabe

Page 218: Dwight 1986

Best Luishes tn ... Elgse Gsmsu

snd the □Ibss of 'BE

f r n m

Hennij Gnrdnn snd


Congrades!It wasn’t so hard

next year same time same place

Shannon Kelly Sher


Page 219: Dwight 1986

Ccnsratulaticns tc the Senicr

Class! Jennifer Saul

Congratulations to Kenny Estes from Granny

Congratulations, David wishing you the very best!

Love,Mom, Dad and Ethan


Page 220: Dwight 1986

Congratulations Marcy - Thanks for being such a special S ir L

Best wishes to the Class o f 86. Love,Mom, K, Brad, Lee, Grandma and Sutton

Congratulations 1986 GraduatesThe Erdheims


Page 221: Dwight 1986

There are so many people that have meant so much to me over the years.I love you all and hope you know how much your love and support has meantto me. I will miss you all terribly next year, but I know that you're alwayshere for me i f I need you - as 111 always be for you.Mommy - Through thick & thin -you're the best. I hope you know, no matter

what happens or where I am, how much I love and need you.Dad & Ellen - You Ve given me so much - 1 want you to know that through

it all you mean so much to me.Sean - You are my only brother - 1 could not ask for one that could possibly

make me prouder.Melissa - We finally made it. It hasn’t always been easy - but somehow we’ve

always managed to come out ahead.Illysia - 1 don’t know how we ever got this book out - but we did. We might

not always be able to communicate in words, then again, you don Y always have to.

Jenny N. - You area terrific friend & one that I never hope to lose no matter how estranged we ever become. I always knew that you were there i f I needed you.

Jenny W. - I t ’s never easy to say good-bye and I hope we never have to. No matter how far apart - we’ll always be friends.

Zara - What can I say? I love you dearly and your advice and friendship meant more to me than you could ever imagine. I hope you don’t think that I am leaving you, because this is the last thing that I would ever do.

Jessica - From weekend of crying to fits of hysterical laughter - you are the one of the most giving peole that I know. Keep your chin up and remember that I am always here i f you need me.

Jordan - We’ll always be friends and no matter what I ’m always here i f you need me! Go after what you want - and never look back!

Dennis - One of my best friends - and so much more! I never want to be without your friendship (it’s fate!)

Ms. ''T” - Thanks for everything! I love you and I ’ll never forget you!The Original Seven - We made it - together! Through all of the people,

changes, and teachers - we are still together - and somehow we always will be!

Love always,Jodi


Page 222: Dwight 1986
Page 223: Dwight 1986

Dear Gary^You have always been a delisfht and joy,We've really enjoyed be ins parents o f such a terrific boy.A student, salesman, a squash p l a y e r n o matter the team, Thank you for sharing your hopes and your dreams.Our hearts are filled with love and with pride.As you so forth into the w orld . . . we win ever be at your side.

MOM AND DADWe’ll miss ya.

Happy Trails, Face

Three cheers to Missy

and the Class o f ’86 Consratulations!

Maribeth & Shelly Lawrence

Congratulations Jim and

The Class o f 86 Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence De Leonardis

Paul, Lisa and Mark

Missy,Have a ball

On your golden day!Brandy


Page 224: Dwight 1986

Dear Christina, Congratulations,

good lucl in your future.Thanl s for

being there. Love,



Love,Mom Adam

CongratulationsUUayneDon't forget to sQve tujo tickets for us in tlie first rouj. UUe ore proud of you. Love,Meme & Bop

Congratulations and best

wishes to the Class of '86 Mr. & Mrs.

Martin Hausman &


To dearest Allysou,Witli love and best wishes for a bright and beautiful forever after.

Mom, Dad and K.im Grood luek to the Class of


Page 225: Dwight 1986

To our #1A iJ\ HOLIC



TheACAJ ( K Team

Page 226: Dwight 1986

To ChristinaYou've come a long way, baby. And now you’re on your own . . . Congratulations from Mom, Arthur, Granma &Granpa


Page 227: Dwight 1986

Vincent Andrews Management Corp.

Financial Management & Advisory Services

New Yorl< Beverly Hills


Page 228: Dwight 1986

everything a boy should be, the kind of man that boy should becon

Page 229: Dwight 1986

J e w e i n

A . n i m a ted, a mi a Ue ,aJorul)fe,acAtlictic,aJmit'al}ie,a tlJefic

r i nJ,Ln owfeJcjea I M i i ia l,fe

I nte{iigent,inJepenJent,iJea{iitic

xci ting,em pathetic,enchanting

o f this in iuch a petit pachage, ^achie, our pride and joi ,

who mahei ui happg that ihe ii ouri.

(^ood rrjCuch ^ (^ongratufationi to the (^iaSi o f 1986

W e iove

Worn. S i an, ^ ^now h aii

Page 230: Dwight 1986

To our baby "Goobs",


You really do light up our lives . . .

We're so proud of you.

All our love- Mom, Dad and


Page 231: Dwight 1986




a n d







Page 232: Dwight 1986


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Page 233: Dwight 1986


fe w i l

guideAH love

t * Dad

Page 234: Dwight 1986


Congratulations to the Class o f 1986

From the Forges Family230

Page 235: Dwight 1986

m i j L l a u ^ k t E X a n d [ y s i t f z U n c l ,

a l l L v i t l i i j o u i i a i /n o a ^ A i^ " m a n t j i n i i U i a n d rn E m o i.L Z 5.,

l o t i o f a n d I z L i i s i , t l i £ o c c a i i o r ^ d t ^ a x , a n d l o a d i

o f ^ O l L i j l .

^ ' I d t c l i i n ^ i j o i i d z iT z l jo l i i n t o t k z [ o w e L ^ u jo m a n i j o u a z s

k a i ( jz £ .n a lo a u z z o f j 2 z id £ t o n iE \ y o u x c o u z a ^ E , d i ^ n i t ^ , a n d c v o n

i £ n i £ o f k u m o T k a v s o f s n ( z E j i t itze ^ o t n g .

c z ^ n d i j i z a J z i n ^ o f o i n ^ . . . . cz/ ^ x e ij o u ^ o l n ^

"Q V Iu n tf is ^ou2^ g z t i in u ^ , tksi tou^fz ^ o ik o j i j i in ^ . ...

x a t n i . - -




T h e r e t u r m c e s k . . .


LuOK AT N0TH1N 5. . .



T ouch h o t h i n & ! ^



^ WHEW THE S O N Q r 15 SO ^




[o x a n i j a d j i c z fo x p .s x t i j z a x . . . .

J lz t ' t m E .a t L \ j a ( ^ !


O a m ( jz x i j j i x D u d o f y o u . D L r l i j o u fo x tfiE I ’o i j . i J c a n ' t Im a ^ L n E

m i j [ if z v j i t k jD u k t j o u a n d t o o k fo w tia x d to m a n y m o x E t x i j i i t o ^ ( d n g - ^ l^ a n g ,

a n A f u n c k z i a t ^ z l f o c i v i n ^ z x i .

m i j [ o w e , < c z f\i\o m

Page 236: Dwight 1986

Dear Hillary

We remember when you were all washed up, but you sure made a great comeback!!

All our love,Mom & Dad

Page 237: Dwight 1986

Dear Michelle,We remember you when - and aren’t we glad. Congratulations and lots of love,

Fran & Vic Strauss

To Chris - Congratulaionsand

lots of love to our first mate!

From the parents of | your first mate.

Page 238: Dwight 1986

^J4e ^ou ^u- i - ( ^ou know who ^ou afe.j

%iJe made it. ^ou are the qreateit. ^Itede have heen the qreateit three ^eari

life . 3 love i ou and 3 m reaiii^ m iii ^ou next ^ear. ^ood iuch, dta^ cooi

and keep in touch.

rJlove ^a -

Jennifer f] .

p.s. - ^/4nd to that dpeciai j^unior who wai aiwa^A th ere - 3 love i ou - and 3 m not ieavinq


^ o d i -

^ o u a re p n d e a n d -

^ o u a iw a ^ A h ave Leen

a n d ^ou a iw a ^ A w i i i L .

J c,oue


Page 239: Dwight 1986

Congratulations to Jessica and Sarah Goodman

andThe Coke Generation


Page 240: Dwight 1986

Consulting and Planning Accounting — Taxes

Computer Applications


22-55 31st Street Long Island City, N.Y. 11105

(718) 274-1974

Page 241: Dwight 1986

B R F RL u B l M

Lou Addesso



Page 242: Dwight 1986

Your graduation is the reason for this wish . . . You are the reason for the love it brings -

Congratulations lllysia Love,

Barbara, Lowell, Whitney & Doug


Page 243: Dwight 1986

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Page 244: Dwight 1986

To Ali«;ongratulations

Herlichste Gluckwunsche Meilleurs Voeux

We love you, Mommy, Daddy & Goli

Congratulations to the class o£ ’86 and thank you to the faculty Cor all your help.

Dr. and Mrs. Samii


Page 245: Dwight 1986

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Page 246: Dwight 1986

AMICAS SALESKim Wueste Joshua Eden Alex Flass Ellen Schinderman Chris Bloom Cliff Boro

oayi Conffratulates the classof 1986 and wishes them success

in their future endeavors,MAIN OFFICE1441 THIRD AVENUE SUITE 21ANEW YORK, NY. 10028 1-212-472-8980

Kids who won't wait for the future.

Dealers of:ConverseDunham at NY, schools everywhere Eastpak

EQJWB !7QjmP W iM t iE IM L H ffiflSe f flM S

f f l a a e

Page 247: Dwight 1986




Page 248: Dwight 1986

31Ludia ,J t wad love a t diqkt.

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E o l E eG e r m a n

Page 249: Dwight 1986


Page 250: Dwight 1986
Page 251: Dwight 1986
Page 252: Dwight 1986

Achievem ent Tksts 198485

Page 253: Dwight 1986

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Page 254: Dwight 1986

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