eco-schools at beacon rise primary school. beacon rise primary school- england

Eco-Schools at Beacon Rise Primary School

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Beacon Rise Primary School

Beacon Rise Primary School- England

United Kingdom

• The United Kingdom (U.K) is surrounded by water and is part of Europe.

• The U.K is made up of 4 countries; England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Beacon Rise is in the South West of England in a place

called Bristol.Bristol is approximately 150 miles away from London

Bristol is one of the biggest cities outside of London.


London is the capital of England. Here are some well known

features of London

Queen Elizabeth II is our Queen

The Houses of Parliament are where important laws are made

This is Big Ben- A famous clock in London

David Cameron is our Prime Minister

We are hosting the Olympic games in 2012


• The canteen recycles all our tins and cardboard.

• Classes recycle paper, cardboard and fruit peelings.


• We recycle all our ink cartridges also all of our paper.

• The office shred and recycle their paper.

Our Greenhouse

• Our Greenhouse is made from recycled bottles.

• We will grow all kind of fruit and vegetables.

• The children of Beacon Rise built the greenhouse with the help of some parents and Barrie, our caretaker.

Compost Bins

• Nursery, Year 1 and Year 2 all have fruit. This is why we need compost bins so we can recycle all our fruit and vegetables.

We have raised beds for growing flowers and vegetables.

Fruit, Vegetables and Plants We Grow!

• We grow tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers and courgettes.

• We also sell most of our food.

No Weeds

• This is a bed which we have layered with paper to recycle and stop weeds from growing .

• We will plant over the newspaper.

We have a great Conservation Area now with a wildlife pond.


• In the Conservation Area we have a pond to attract lots of wildlife such as: frogs, tadpoles, toads and pond skaters.

We made bird feeders and minibeast homes to encourage

wildlife in the conservation area.


We have lots of birds on the school field; Jays, Robins, Magpies, Ravens, Blackbirds and Sparrows.

Our Seating Area.

• This is our seating area we have two of them .

• We love to work outside in the fresh air.

We have made great changes to our play areas. A woodland area has been

created with logs and bark.

ChickensWe have two pet chickens in our school they are called Salt (the white one) and Pepper (the grey one).

In the spring we hope they will lay eggs for us.

Our Trees

• We have planted trees.

• When they are bigger they will be shared around the local community.

Litter Picking

• To keep the school clean we collect all the litter that is on the ground.

• We use a litter picker to pick up all the rubbish.

This is our Eco School Display.

Eco Reps

• We are the Eco Reps at Beacon Rise.

Hope you enjoyed it