effect of guanine and adenine nucleotides on bombesin ... · novel targets for the development of...

(CANCER RESEARCH 50, 5257-5262, September 1, 1990] Effect of Guanine and Adenine Nucleotides on Bombesin-stimulated Phospholipase C Activity in Membranes from Swiss 3T3 and Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells1 Yoav Sharoni, Jean Viallet, Jane B. Trepel, and Edward A. Sausville2 NCI-Navy Medical Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20814 [Y. S., J. V., J. B. T., E. A. S.]; Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben- Gurion University of the Neger, Beer-Sheva, Israel [Y. S.]; and Department of Medicine, Division of Medical Oncology, Vincent T. Lombardi Cancer Research Center, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC 20007 fE. A. S.J ABSTRACT In |3H|inositol-labeled membranes prepared from Swiss mouse 3T3 and human small cell lung carcinoma cells, (Tyr4|-bombesin stimulated production of water-soluble inositol phosphates. The reaction was stim ulated by guanosine 5'-O-[3-thiotriphosphate] and was specifically inhib ited by both [Leu13-^-CH2NHLeu14l-bombesin and the antibombesin antibody 2All. (Tyr4|-homhcsin-ind uccd activation of phospholipase C is most apparent in Ca2+-depleted conditions (<1 pM |Ca2*|frM). The kinetics of activation by ligand also demonstrate that |Tyr4]-bombesin-dependent phospholipase C activation is most apparent at |M¡r+|i,,,of ~0.2 MM.At millimolar concentrations of [M¡r *]rr«, there is considerably less depend ence on [Tyr4)-bombesin for activation of phospholipase C. ATP is not necessary for initial activation of phospholipase C, and /3,-Hmidoadeno- sine-5'-triphosphate does not inhibit the reaction. These results demon strate that in these cell types [Tyi^J-bombesin activates phospholipase C in conjunction with guanine nucleotides. Phospholipase C-coupled guan- ine nucleotide regulatory proteins would be appropriately considered as novel targets for the development of therapeutic strategies in small cell lung carcinoma. INTRODUCTION Bombesin is an amphibian-derived tetradecapeptide which is homologous to the 27-amino acid human GRP3 (1). The latter peptide is produced in 30-60% of human SCLC tumors and derived cell lines (2, 3). Bombesin-like peptides function as secretogogues in gut, pituitary, and pancreas. Bombesin-like immunoreactivity has an extensive distribution in the mam malian central nervous system (4). Mitogenic activity of bom- besin-like peptides has been demonstrated in the case of Swiss mouse 3T3 cells (5), and bombesin congeners can also stimulate clonogenic growth of SCLC in serum-free soft agar (6). Bombesin and GRP stimulate increases in [Ca2+]¡ and PI turnover in Swiss 3T3 cells and SCLC cell lines (7-12). The latter events occur after activation of a hormone receptor- coupled phospholipase C activity, which causes initial hydrol ysis of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate. Inositol tris- phosphates and inositol tetrakis-, bis-, and monophosphates Received 3/1/90; revised 5/24/90. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. ' Supported in part by Biomedicai Research Support Grant RR 5360 to Georgetown University School of Medicine from the NIH. 2To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at Medicine Branch, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bldg. 10.. Room 12N228, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892. 3The abbreviations used are: GRP, gastrin-releasing peptide; App(NH)p, ßy- imidoadenosine-5-triphosphate; [Ca2*]fr„, free calcium concentration; [Ca2*]¡, in- tracellular free calcium concentration; EGTA, [ethylenebis(oxyethylene nitrilo)] tetraacetic acid; G protein, guanine nucleotide-binding protein; (;,. inhibitory guanine nucleotide-binding protein of adenylate cyclase: G,, stimulatory guanine nucleotide-binding protein of adenylate cyclase; GDP/3S, guanosine 5'-O-[2- thiodiphosphate]; GTP^S, guanosine 5'-O-[3-thiotriphosphate]; IPj. inositol tris- phosphate; 1P2, inositol bisphosphate: IP,, inositol monophosphate; [Mg2*]fr„, free magnesium concentration; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; PI, phos- phatidylinositol; PMSF, phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride; SCLC, small cell lung carcinoma; [Tyr'j-BN. [Tyr4]-bombesin. are subsequently formed. Determination of whether autocrine stimulation of these events in SCLC depends only on secretion of active peptides or whether deregulation of cellular responses to GRP is present in SCLC requires an understanding of the intracellular effectors of GRP action in SCLC. In a variety of systems where hormonal activation proceeds through increases of [Ca2+]¡, including 5-hydroxytryptamine- stimulated blowfly salivary glands (13), thrombin-stimulated platelets (14), vasopressin-stimulated liver (15, 16), thyrotro- pin-releasing hormone-stimulated anterior pituitary cells (17- 19), and chemoattractant-stimulated polymorphonuclear neu- trophils (20), activation of phospholipase C appears to be mediated by a G protein (21, 22). The participation of a G protein in bombesin-mediated signalling had initially been sug gested by Letterio et al. (23), who demonstrated that pertussis toxin blocked bombesin-induced but not PDGF-induced in creases in c-myc and DNA synthesis in Swiss 3T3 cells. This finding raised the possibility that a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein regulated bombesin-induced intracellular responses. Subsequent studies have clearly shown, however, that pertussis toxin does not efficiently inhibit early events after bombesin stimulation, such as increases in [Ca2+]¡ or inositol phosphates in Swiss 3T3 or SCLC cells (24, 25). Thus, whether a G protein participates in bombesin-mediated activation of phospholipase C has been unclear. We therefore undertook this study to determine if phospho lipase C activation by bombesin in human SCLC as well as in murine fibroblasts proceeded through a guanine nucleotide- sensitive process. This was accomplished by studying the effects of guanine nucleotides on bombesin agonist-specific activation of phospholipase C in cell membrane fractions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Reagents and Cells. [Tyr"]-BN was purchased from Peninsula; myo- [3H]inositol (16 Ci/mmol), [3H]IP„[3H]IP2, [3H]IP3, and Aquassure scintillation fluid from New England Nuclear; and GTP-yS and GDP/3S from Boehringer Mannheim. App(NH)p, ATP, and all other reagents unless indicated were from Sigma. The bombesin antagonist [Leu13-^- CH2NH-Leu'4]-bombesin (26) was a gift from Dr. J. Moreau (Biomea- sure, Hopkinton, MA). Antibombesin monoclonal antibody 2A11 (27) was a gift of Dr. Frank Cuttitta (NCI-Navy Medical Oncology Branch, Bethesda, MD). Swiss mouse 3T3 cells were grown as monolayers in 175-cm2 flasks in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 units/ml penicillin, 100 ug/m\ streptomycin, and 20 Mg/ml amphotericin. Human SCLC cells NCI-H345 and NCI- N417 were established from clinically derived specimens (2) and main tained in suspension in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 20 m\i 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-l-piperazineethanesulfonic acid, 5 Mg/ml insu lin, 10 Mg/ml transferrin, 0.03 MM sodium selenite, and the same antibiotics as above. Membrane Preparation and Phospholipase C Assay. For preparation of labeled membranes, 3T3 cells were plated in 150-mm plates (6 x IO5 cells/plate) and grown for 6 days. The cells reached confluence by the 4th to 5th day. During the last 3 days, the medium contained 10 5257 on June 3, 2021. © 1990 American Association for Cancer Research. cancerres.aacrjournals.org Downloaded from

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  • (CANCER RESEARCH 50, 5257-5262, September 1, 1990]

    Effect of Guanine and Adenine Nucleotides on Bombesin-stimulated Phospholipase

    C Activity in Membranes from Swiss 3T3 and Small Cell Lung CarcinomaCells1

    Yoav Sharoni, Jean Viallet, Jane B. Trepel, and Edward A. Sausville2

    NCI-Navy Medical Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20814 [Y. S., J. V., J. B. T., E. A. S.]; Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Neger, Beer-Sheva, Israel [Y. S.]; and Department of Medicine, Division of Medical Oncology, Vincent T. Lombardi Cancer Research Center,Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC 20007 fE. A. S.J


    In |3H|inositol-labeled membranes prepared from Swiss mouse 3T3and human small cell lung carcinoma cells, (Tyr4|-bombesin stimulatedproduction of water-soluble inositol phosphates. The reaction was stimulated by guanosine 5'-O-[3-thiotriphosphate] and was specifically inhibited by both [Leu13-^-CH2NHLeu14l-bombesin and the antibombesinantibody 2All. (Tyr4|-homhcsin-ind uccd activation of phospholipase C ismost apparent in Ca2+-depleted conditions (


    ml /7iyo-['H]inositol. Human SCLC cells were labeled for 5 days inKI'MI 1640 medium formulated without inositol, supplemented asdescribed for cell culture, with addition of 5 ¿¿Ci/mlmj-o-[]H]inositol.

    SCLC were harvested by centrifugation, and 3T3 cells were scrapedinto their media, washed once in 0.15 M NaCl, 0.015 M Na phosphate,pH 7.4, and once in a buffer containing 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 1miMEGTA, 2 mM MgCl2, 2 Mg/ml leupeptin, and 0.5 miviPMSF. Cellswere resuspended at 4°Cin 2 ml/plate homogenization buffer formu

    lated as above but with 20 mM Tris-HHCl. After 10 min, the cellsuspension was homogenized with a Teflon and glass homogenizer andcentrifuged at 800 x g for 5 min. The pellet was homogenized again inhalf the original volume and the combined supernatant was centrifugedat 40,000 x g for 10 min. The pellet was resuspended in 40 mM Tris-HCl (pH 6.9), 1 mM EGTA, 10 mM LiCl, 4 //g/ml leupeptin, and 0.5mM PMSF. Membranes were maintained on ice and used directlywithout freezing.

    Incubation of the membrane suspension for measurement of phos-pholipase C activity was done essentially as described by SträubandGershengorn (28). Unless otherwise noted in the figure legends, 20 ¿il(20-50 ng of membrane protein) of membranes were added to obtain100 n\ with the following conditions: 40 mM Tris (pH 6.9), 2 mMEGTA, 2 mM EDTA, 10 mM LiCl, 2 ¿ig/mlleupeptin, 0.5 mM PMSF,1 mM ouabain, 2 mM dithiothreitol, 2 mM ATP, and 6 mM MgCl2 (2mM [Mg2+'fr„or no added MgCl2 (0.2 UM [Mg2*]fre«).[Ca2*]frrewasadjusted to 0.1 ¿¿Mwith CaCl2. The [Ca2*]fr„and [Mg2*)rretwere calcu

    lated using the computer program described by Jean and Klee (29).All components except the membranes were preincubated at 37°C

    for 2 min. After addition of the membranes, the reaction was continuedfor 1 min unless otherwise indicated and was terminated by addition of1 ml of CHC13/CH,OH/HC1 (100/100/1). Phases were separated byaddition of 0.25 ml of 0.01 M EDTA, vigorous mixing, and centrifugation. An aliquot (0.7 ml) of the aqueous phase was added to 5 ml ofHjO, neutralized with 50 ^1 of l M NaOH, and adsorbed to Dowex 1as described (30). IP, was eluted with 0.1 M formic acid/0.2 M ammonium formate, IP2 was eluted with 0.1 M formic acid/0.4 M ammoniumformate, and IP3 was eluted with 0.1 M formic acid/0.75 M ammoniumformate. Six-mi fractions were mixed with 12 ml Aquassure and conversion to dpiii accomplished using a series of quenched standards afterscintillation counting.


    Phospholipase C in Membrane Fractions. In a typical membrane preparation incubated without other additions for 1 minat 37°C,the ['HJinositoI label in the IP, fraction did not change,

    while the IP2 and IP., fractions increased from 14 to 22% and5 to 6% of the label, respectively. While accumulation of IP2may reflect direct hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol-4-phos-phate, IP2 may also arise by degradation of IP.,. The latterprocess was clearly evident in the membrane preparation, because addition of ['H]IP, demonstrated a rate of hydrolysis ofIP., to IP2 of 0.1 pmol/min with 1 ¿¿MIP, and no added Mg2*and 40 pmol/min with 10 MMIP.i and 2 mM [Mg2+]frcc.Thus,our results will be presented as dpm in the inositol polyphos-phate (IP2 plus IP.,) fraction after agonist treatment.

    Stimulation of Phospholipase C by Bombesin and GTP-yS.Fig. 1 demonstrates that addition of the bombesin agonist [Tyr4]-BN (100 nM) to ['Hjinositol-labeled Swiss 3T3 membranes inthe absence of added Mg2+, followed by incubation for I min,

    causes a small increase in inositol poly phosphates, as does 10Õ/MGTPiS. However, GTP>S and [Tyr4]-BN at the above

    concentrations together act to increase inositol polyphosphatesto a 2-fold greater extent than the sum of the separate effects.

    Stimulation of phospholipase C by [Tyr4]-BN in the presenceof 10 n\\ GTP-yS is concentration dependent, with maximalactivation at about 1000 n\i and half-maximal activation at 10nM (Fig. 1). Activation of phospholipase C by [Tyr4]-BN and

    10 100 1000

    [Tyr4-BN] nMFig. I. Stimulation of phospholipase C activity by [Tyr4]-BN and GTP-yS:

    inhibition by a bombesin antagonist. [3H|Inositol-labeled Swiss 3T3 membranes(32 >S was detected as early as 8 s (not shown), which was theshortest possible time for the assay. The capacity of 100 nM[Tyr4]-BN to increase phospholipase C activity is specificallyinhibited by 10 MMof the antagonist [Leu"--¿-CH2NH-Leu14]-

    bombesin. The inhibition by this antagonist is partially reversedby increasing the [Tyr4]-BN to 1000 nM.

    As shown in Fig. 2, [Tyr4]-BN also activates phospholipase

    C in membranes derived from the SCLC cell line NCI-H345 inthe presence of 10 MMGTP-yS. Fig. 2 also demonstrates the

    specificity of the interaction of these membranes for the bombesin agonist. Inclusion of the monoclonal antibody 2AI1 (50Mg/ml) directed against bombesin in the incubation completelyabolished the ligand-stimulated phospholipase C activity, reducing it to the value achieved with 10 MMGTP7S alone. Thisinhibition was evident up to a concentration of 100 nM [Tyr4]-BN but was partially reversed by an increase of the [Tyr4]-BN

    concentration to 1000 nM.Effect of GDP/3S and Fluoride. The experiments presented in

    Fig. 1 suggest that an element responsive to guanine nucleotideparticipates in bombesin-mediated signal transduction. Fig. 3demonstrates using Swiss 3T3 membranes that the inclusion of1 mM GDP/3S inhibits basal phospholipase C activity and theactivity stimulated by [Tyr4]-BN alone, by GTP-yS alone, and


    on June 3, 2021. © 1990 American Association for Cancer Research. cancerres.aacrjournals.org Downloaded from



    6000 -i • no addition

    ! ÃœGDPUS ImM


    CUrç 600 -

    800 -

    400 -

    200 -

    basai Tyr4BN GTPyS GTP|S +

    l|iM lOuM Tyr BN


    Fig. 3. Inhibition of basal, [Tyr4)-BN-stimulated. and GTP-xS-stimulatedphospholipase C activity by GDPfÃ-S.Reactions with ['Hjinositol-labeled Swiss3T3 membranes (28 ng) were conducted in duplicate, as described in the legendto Fig. 1. Incubations under the control conditions (basal) or with the indicatedconcentrations of [Tyr4l-BN and GTP-yS were with 0.2 »IM|Mg!*]fr„.For the[ALF4|~ complex (Al-F), 10 UM AlClj and 10 mM NaF were incubated in areaction with 2 mM [Mg2*)fr„in the absence (darker bars] or presence of I mM

    GDP0S (lighter bars).




    O basal

    • GTPyS+Tyr4-BN

    10"'10 10



    Fig. 4. Effect of |Ca2*] on phospholipase C activity. Reactions with [JH|inositol-labeled Swiss 3T3 membranes (22 ng) were conducted in duplicate, asdescribed in the legend to Fig. 1. To achieve [Ca2*]rretat or below 10~' M, 8 mMEGTA was added. Two mM EGTA was used at all other |Ca2*| concentrations.The MgClz concentration was adjusted to give about 2 mM [Mg2*]r„,at all Ca2*concentrations. Incubations were with no additions (O) or with 10 UMGTP-ySplus 1000 nM [Tyr'l-BN (•).

    by [Tyr4]-BN plus GTP7S. Inhibition of the basal activity andof the [Tyr4]-BN-stimulated activity by GDP/3S to a similar

    level suggests that phospholipase C activation achieved withoutaddition of GTP7S is probably attributable to the presence ofendogenous guanine nucleotides in the membrane fraction.

    Phosphatidylinositide hydrolysis can be stimulated in a li-gand-independent fashion by [A1F4]~.This species is postulated

    to activate G proteins by mimicking the terminal phosphate ofGTP, without being subject to hydrolysis, resulting in persistentG protein activation (31). It can be seen in Fig. 3 that theactivity in the presence of 10 ^M AlClj and 10 mM NaF wasnot significantly inhibited by GDP/3S.

    Effect of Ca2* and Mg2*. Phosphatidylinositide hydrolysiswas specifically activated by guanine nucleotides and [Tyr4]-bombesin only when [Ca2*]freewas below 10~6M (Fig. 4). Higher

    calcium concentrations increased the basal activity to suchlevels that the addition of GTP7S and [Tyr4]-BN did not cause

    any additional effect. Activation of phospholipase C by GT?7Splus [Tyr4]-BN was evident ad [Ca2+]freebelow 10~9 M, which

    was achieved with 8 mM EGTA. This activation was maximalat about 10~7M [Ca2+]free,which is the concentration used in all

    other experiments.Since guanine nucleotides may act as a Mg-GTP complex,

    the effect of [Mg2*] on the activation of phospholipase C was

    examined (Fig. 5). In membranes from Swiss 3T3 cells, basaland GTP7S-stimulated phospholipase C activity was greater inthe presence of 2 mM [Mg2*]frcc,as compared with 0.2 /¿M[Mg2*]frec.However, [Tyr4]-BN-dependent stimulation of phospholipase C was much more evident at 0.2 /tM [Mg2*]frccthan




    3000 -i

    2000 -

    1000 -

    I basal

    D GTPyS



    GTPyS + Tyr -BN

    [Mg: 0.2nM 2mMCell line: Swiss 3T3


    0.2nM 2mMNCI-N417

    Fig. 5. Effect of Mg2* on phospholipase C activation in Swiss 3T3 and SCLCcell lines. Reactions with ['Hjinositol-labeled membranes were conducted in

    triplicate, as described in the legend to Fig. 1. Results are the average ±SE of 10experiments with Swiss 3T3 cells, 6 experiments with NCI-H345, and 2 withNCI-H417. The results were normalized to the same total radioactivity in membranes per assay to allow calculation of average and SE and to allow comparisonof the three cell lines.

    at 2 mM [Mg2+]free.With 2 mM [Mg2+]free,addition of 1 n\t[Tyr4]-BN causes only small additional stimulation of the activity (1.4-fold that evoked by GTP>S alone). By contrast, at 0.2fiM [Mg2+]frce,the addition of [Tyr4]-BN caused a larger stimu

    lation (3.5-fold the activation by GTP7S alone). Entirely analogous results, particularly the dependence on low [Mg2*] fordemonstration of optimal [Tyr4]-BN activation, are shown inFig. 5 for the bombesin-responsive SCLC cell line NCI-H345.In contrast, in the bombesin nonresponsive SCLC cell lineNCI-N417 the activation by GT?7S is similar to the other twocell lines, but there was no response to bombesin of the membrane fraction at either 0.2 ¿ÌMor 2 mM [Mg2+]free.

    Kinetics of Phospholipase C Activation by GTP7S and |Tyr4]-

    BN. Since the experiments of Fig. 5 suggest an importantinfluence of Mg2+ in regulating response to [Tyr4]-BN, furtherexamination of the role of Mg2+ was undertaken. In order to

    follow the onset of activation, the incubation temperature wasreduced to 25°C,since at 37°Cthe reaction was at maximal

    velocity at the earliest possible measurement (8 s; not shown).At 0.2 fiM [Mg2+]fre(.and with GTP7S alone, a significant lag

    phase is observed prior to phospholipase C activation (Fig. 6a).In contrast, at 0.2 ¿IM[Mg2+]fre


    a. |Mg++M).2uM

    time (sec)Fig. 6. Time course of activation of phospholipase C by [Tyr']-BN and GTP>S.

    Reactions with [JH)inositol-labeled Swiss 3T3 membranes (33 jjg) were conductedin duplicate, as described in the legend to Fig. 1 but at 25°C.The experiment

    shown is one of three similar experiments. The IP2 plus IP3 formed in the controlincubation at the indicated time points was subtracted from the results with 10>iMGTP-xS (O) or with GTP>S plus 100 nM [Tyi"]-BN (•).



    500 -i


    1000 H

    500 i




    ATP no ATP APP(NH)PFig. 7. Effect of adenine nucleotidcs on phospholipase C activation. Reactions

    with [3H]inositol-labeled Swiss 3T3 membranes (27 ^g) were conducted in dupli

    cate, as described in the legend to Fig. 1. The omission of ATP was taken intoaccount when calculating the concentration of [CaI*]r«.and |Mg!*]r,„.The|Mg2*]r,„in a and b is shown. App(NH)p was added at the same concentration

    as ATP (2 mm).

    the absence of ATP, especially with high [Mg2+]frce,whereas thebasal activity is 2-fold higher in the presence of ATP. Theactivation of phospholipase C by GTP7S and [Tyr4]-BN was

    not affected by the omission of ATP. The replacement of ATPby App(NH)p, a nonhydrolyzable analogue of ATP, does notinhibit the GTP^S- and [Tyr4]-BN-stimulated activation of

    phospholipase C.


    Although it is clear that bombesin-like peptides transducesignals using a calcium- and inositol-related signal transductionpathway (7-12), the mechanism of this process has not yet beenelucidated. Initial experiments showed that pertussis toxin inhibited bombesin-mediated DNA synthesis (23) but not phospholipase C activation (11, 24, 25). Inhibition by pertussis toxinof bombesin-stimulated DNA synthesis was partially reversedby concomitant insulin treatment (24). These results could beinterpreted to indicate that a G protein-mediated step occursafter phospholipase C activation. However, Fischer and Schon-brunn (32) have demonstrated a decrease in the affinity ofbombesin congeners for membranes from a variety of cell types

    by incubation with guanine nucleotides. Inhibition by guaninenucleotides of agonist binding was not reversed by treatmentwith pertussis or cholera toxin. These latter results, therefore,argue in favor of the existence of a cholera and pertussis toxin-insensitive G protein which would participate in bombesin-induced signal transduction. Further evidence in favor of thispoint of view includes the recent observation (33) in permeabi-lized Swiss 3T3 cells that nonhydrolyzable guanine nucleotideanalogues potentiate the appearance of bombesin-dependentand protein kinase C-mediated M, 80,000 protein phosphoryl-ation. Hasegawa-Sasaki et al. (34) have also shown stimulationby GTP of bombesin and vasopressin but not PDGF-stimulatedinositol phosphate production in WFB rat fibroblast membranes.

    The experiments presented here extend these observations tomembrane fractions derived from murine Swiss 3T3 cells andhuman SCLC cells. In addition, the experiments presented heredemonstrate that, in membranes from both types of cell, poten-tiation of phospholipase C by bombesin and GTP-yS occurredwith greatest dependence on added ligand at


    phospholipase C. Bombesin, however, did not induce this phos- REFERENCESphorylation. Margolis et al. (42) have demonstrated that thetyrosine kinase antagonist tyrphostin inhibited epidermalgrowth factor-induced increases in [Ca2+]¡in HER cells but notthe increase in [Ca2+]¡induced by bombesin or bradykinin. In

    contrast, Cirillo et al. (43) have presented evidence that bombesin treatment of Swiss 3T3 cells results in tyrosine phos-phorylation of a M, 115,000 membrane-associated protein.Isacke et al. (44), however, did not observe increases in totalcellular tyrosine phosphates after bombesin treatment, andaffinity cross-linking studies (45, 46) have clearly shown thatbombesin cross-linked to a M, ~75,000 heavily glycosylatedspecies. A clear demonstration of kinase activation as an obligatory step in bombesin-mediated signalling has, therefore, notyet been shown. In our experiments, the inclusion of ATP or anon-hydrolyzable analogue of ATP did not influence bombesin-stimulated phospholipase C activation. While this result isconsistent with the observations of Margolis et al. (42), adetermination of whether a kinase participates in bombesinreceptor-mediated signalling must await better structural characterization of the receptor.

    The influence of bombesin or its antagonists on the proliferation of SCLC is controversial. Takuwa et al. (47) and Laytonet al. (48) demonstrated no influence of bombesin agonists onDNA synthesis of SCLC grown in liquid mass culture. Thebombesin antagonists [D-Arg',D-Phes,D-Trp7-9,Leu"]-substanceP and [D-Arg',D-Pro2,D-Trp7-9,Leu"]-substance P inhibitedDNA synthesis at high (~10~4M) concentrations (47-49). Thebombesin antagonist [Leu"-i¿-CH2NH,Leu'4]-bombesin inhib

    ited SCLC proliferation at 1 /¿Mconcentration [where it wasshown to inhibit bombesin-mediated signal transactions (50)]only in serum-free soft agar cloning and did not inhibit SCLCproliferation in liquid media.4 An inherent difficulty, however,is the stability or accessibility of bombesin-related antagoniststo the bombesin receptor in the liquid culture system, becauseSCLC tend to grow in large clumps of adherent cells. Also, asoutlined by Takuwa et al. (47) and Woll and Rozengurt (51),SCLC can respond biochemically to a variety of neuropeptides.Thus, blockade of several receptors may be necessary to inhibitgrowth-stimulatory influences definitively. Definition of elements of the bombesin-related signal transduction pathwaycould reveal a common pathway of activation used by otherneuropeptides.

    The experiments presented here offer independent corrobo-ration of the importance of a guanine nucleotide-mediatedpathway in bombesin-induced signalling in murine fibroblastand lung carcinoma cell lines. [Tyr"]-BN in the presence of the

    nonhydrolyzable GTP analogue GTP7S potentiated phospholipase C activity, which was specifically inhibited by a bombesinantagonist and a bombesin-specific monoclonal antibody.GDP0S inhibited this process. The presence or absence of ATPor App(NH)p did not influence the reaction. Further experiments will focus on identifying the G protein active in thetransduction of the bombesin signal. Therapeutic agents whichcould disrupt the coupling of this G protein to intracellularsignals or uncouple it from the hormone receptor could be ofgreat interest in the development of novel approaches to thetherapy of SCLC.


    The authors acknowledge the support of Drs. Marc Lippman andJohn Minna during the course of this work and the thoughtful comments of Drs. Jorge Laborda and Peter Worland.

















    ' J. Viallet, unpublished results. 26.


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  • 1990;50:5257-5262. Cancer Res Yoav Sharoni, Jean Viallet, Jane B. Trepel, et al. from Swiss 3T3 and Small Cell Lung Carcinoma CellsBombesin-stimulated Phospholipase C Activity in Membranes Effect of Guanine and Adenine Nucleotides on

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