effort, recognition & feedback mitzi hoback esu 4 april 17, 2012

Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

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Page 1: Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

Effort, Recognition & FeedbackMitzi Hoback

ESU 4April 17, 2012

Page 2: Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

Today’s Goals

O Examine ways we can:OProvide feedback that is

meaningfulOTeach and reinforce effortORecognize and celebrate


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Every word from adult to student sends a message.

Page 4: Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

“Feedback is among the most powerful influences on

achievement. The simplest prescription for improving

education must be ‘dollops of feedback’.”

Researcher John Hattie1992

Page 5: Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

Think to yourself…

OConsider ideas that you think would be helpful regarding feedback.OIf you are the student you want…OIf you are the teacher you hope…OKey strategies that you think make

feedback work

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Have you ever received feedback like this?

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What makes for effective feedback?

OTimelyOSpecific and clearOCorrectiveOFosters a growth mindset

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Feedback is most effective when it happens in a low-threat environment.

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Feedback should include the learner’s reflection on effort and preparation and foster a growth mindset.

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Effective Praise and Verbal Feedback (Fixed Theory)

Types to avoidOReferences to permanent

characteristicsO“How good, bad, nice, naughty you

are…”O“You are the best, my favorite, very

smart, not very smart, very bright, quick to learn, not very good when it comes to…”

Marzano, Pickering & Heflebower, The Highly Engaged Classroom, 2011.

Page 11: Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

Feedback on a Task Well Done (Growth Theory)

Reference how a student engages in a task.

OYou did a nice job on this assignment. It’s clear that you did a lot of work on this.

OYou tried very hard on this—nice job.OYou put a lot of effort into this.OYou were well prepared.OYou came well informed—very good.Marzano, Pickering & Heflebower, The Highly Engaged

Classroom, 2011.

Page 12: Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

Feedback Tips

OGoldilocks PrincipleONot too much, not too little, but just

right. OVaries case by caseOTeachable momentsOPoint out at least as many strengths

as weaknessesOQuick and Quiet FeedbackOIn-class Conferencing

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FeedbackOYour report is late! What’s the

matter with you?OYour report is the best one in the

class! You can have a “free pass” for your homework.

OYour details strongly support your claim that we should recycle newspapers. That’s great. Where did you find all of those details?

OI like the way you organized your paper by time of day.

OWay to go!

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“It was only when I discovered that feedback was most powerful when it

is from the student to the teacher that I started to understand it better.”

John Hattie, Visible Learning, 2009

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Feedback StrategiesOFist to FiveORed-Green-Yellow Response CardsOThink-Pair-Share-SquareOTake Off – Touch DownOStump the AudienceORock, Paper, Scissors

O The teacher asks a question and each student discusses it with a partner. Students do rock, paper, scissors, and the winner has to give the response to the teacher on behalf of the team (pairs or trios).

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Tech Tools for Feedback

OQuizlet http://quizlet.com/OTeachingChannel https

://www.teachingchannel.org/OLinoit - http://en.linoit.com/OClickersOGoogle Docs

Page 17: Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

Rock, Paper, Scissors

OWhat thoughts, questions, challenges, or ideas do you have?

OForm a group of three, share your responses and determine who will share out using Rock, Paper, Scissors.

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Reinforcing effort

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OThink of a time when you succeeded by continuing to try even when a task was difficult.

OFind a partner and share your story.

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What does the research say?

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ONot all students know the connection between effort and achievement.

OAchievement increases when teachers show the relationship between an increase in effort to an increase in success.

ORewards should be directly linked to successful achievement towards a goal.

OAbstract or symbolic recognition has more impact than tangible things.

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Fixed GrowthMindset Mindset

O Belief that your intelligence and abilities cannot be changed

O Talents are carved in stone

O Fear making mistakes.

•Belief that your abilities and intelligence can change through effort and learning

•View mistakes as learning opportunities.

Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,2007

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My Progress in Writing Process—Content and Organization




Page 24: Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

Scale for Effort and Preparation

Score 4.0 To be sure I accomplish my goal, I’m trying harder and preparing more than I think is necessary.

Score 3.0 I’m trying hard enough and preparing well enough to accomplish my goal.

Score 2.0 I’m trying hard but not preparing as well as I could.

Score 1.0 I’m not trying very hard or preparing very well.

Score 0.0 I’m not really trying or preparing at all.

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Effort Rubric 4. I worked on the task until it was complete. I pushed myself to continue working on the task even when difficulties arose or a solution was not immediately evident. I viewed difficulties that arose as an opportunity to strengthen my understanding.  

3. I worked on the task until it was completed. I pushed myself to continue working on the task even when difficulties arose or a solution was not immediately evident. 

2. I put some effort into the task, but I stopped when difficulties arose.

1. I put very little effort into the task.

Page 26: Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

Assessing Effort

OOccasionally have students assess their effort and achievement on a task and discuss the relationship between the two.

Have students create a class

effort rubric.

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Are mindsets permanent?

Mindsets are an important part of your personality, but you CAN change them.

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So how shall we respond?

ONot... “Wow, you got nine of ten correct. You must be really smart.”

OInstead— “You got nine right. That’s a really good score, and you must have worked really hard.”

Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,2007

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The message to students should always be that if you try hard and prepare well you can accomplish great things.

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Technology ToolsORubiStar

O http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php

O iRubricO http://www.rcampus.com/


OValues Commercials/PostersO http://www.values.com/

Page 31: Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

One WordOWrite one word that summarizes

reinforcing effort on a sticky note.OForm a group of fourish and share

your words.

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Provide recognition and celebrate growth!

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Tips for Providing Recognition

OUse concrete symbols OMake it personal

•Focus on achievement!

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Use Concrete Symbols O123 Certificates


OCertificate CreatorOhttp://www.certificatecreator.com/

OCertificate StreetOhttp://www.certificatestreet.com/

index.htmlOBig Huge Labs


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Make it Personal O Document Classroom Activities

O Digital CameraO Flip VideoO iMovieO iPhotoO Animoto

Ohttp://animoto.com/O Wikispaces.com

Page 36: Effort, Recognition & Feedback Mitzi Hoback ESU 4 April 17, 2012

oFred Flintstone • Everyone say, “Yabba, dabba,


oSilent Crowd Cheer• Wave arms make motions with

mouth, and clap without making a sound.

Fun and easy ways to celebrate

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oFinger SnapsOSimply snap fingers

oSitting OvationsOUse both arms to form the letter and say,

“Ohhhhhh . . . .”

oPower WhooshOClap hands three times, push hands

outward toward individual receiving affirmation, and say “Whooooooosh!”

More ways to celebrate . . .

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CheersO http://bit.ly/nDD0RTO Google “classroom cheers” and “boy

scout cheers”

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How do you provide recognition for

your students?

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Thanks for the difference you make each day!