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  • 8/16/2019 EMA AssignSpr11



    Home Lighting and HVAC

    Systems 48531 Electromechanical Automation 

    AQUINO, John 10859799 

    LOOSLI, Jeremy 10856983


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    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 3

    Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4

    Purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 4

    Scope .................................................................................................................................................. 4

    Sources and Methods .......................................................................................................................... 4

    Background ......................................................................................................................................... 4

    Lighting Control and HVAC Systems ......................................................................................................... 5

    Lighting Control Systems ..................................................................................................................... 6

    HVAC Systems ..................................................................................................................................... 6

    Integration Systems ................................................................................................................................. 7

    Occupancy Sensors .............................................................................................................................. 7

    Passive Infrared Sensors ...................................................................................................................... 7

    Photosensors ....................................................................................................................................... 9

    Ultrasonic Sensors ............................................................................................................................. 10

    Timers ................................................................................................................................................... 13

    Thermostat ........................................................................................................................................... 14

    Controllers ............................................................................................................................................ 15

    PID Controllers .................................................................................................................................. 15

    Direct Digital Controllers .................................................................................................................... 17

    Simulations/demonstrations/illustrations ...................................................................................... 18

    Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 19

    References ............................................................................................................................................ 20

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    Executive Summary

    This report investigates the various autonomous systems that are currently being used in common

    households to reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy through the use of sensors, timers,

    and controllers in lighting systems along with Heat, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems.

    Lighting and HVAC systems are among the main components that exhibit large amounts of power

    consumption within the average household. Through the use of autonomous systems, power efficiency

    in these devices can be improved until it is possible for engineers and pioneers to find a more efficient

    system or more efficient and environmentally friendly energy sources.

    The implementation of optimised, autonomous systems in the household can result in more energy

    efficient day to day living and minimising environmental and economic household costs.

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    The purpose of this report is to explore alternative systems that can be utilised to improve the energy

    efficiency of common household lighting and HVAC utilities.


    This report considers the application of several automotive techniques that can be considered in the use

    of lighting and HVAC systems to improve energy efficiency. The optimised use of sensors, timers,

    controllers and integrated systems are aimed to reduce average domestic power usage, although having

    limitations that may appear disadvantageous in some environments.

    Further research and experimentation may be able to resolve several of these limitations.

    Sources and Methods

    Information in this report was gathered from professional journal articles, internet websites,

    encyclopaedias, professional reports, and material collected from lectures.


    Energy conservation has proven to become one of the most important issues in the 21st


    Statistics have shown that domestic lighting and HVAC are two major components that are responsible

    for household energy consumption.

    Through basic applications such as sensors, timers, thermostats and controllers; integrated systems can

    be developed to reduce the amount of energy being consumed, and hence enabling the average

    household to be more energy efficient.

    This report will examine sensors, how they operate and how they can be applied to domestic lighting

    and HVAC systems.

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    Lighting Control and HVAC SystemsTypical home automation systems are often classified depending on the control of lighting and HVAC

    systems. These systems accommodate sub-devices that vary on their functionality depending on design

    factors based on the applicable environment.

    Comfort and Ease of use are one of the major advantages achieved through the use of autonomous

    systems apart from the major decrease in energy consumption. One example is a user-interface that

    allows users to control and lighting and/or HVAC systems anywhere in the household from a single or

    multiple terminals where the user-interface is located. This implementation can range from one single

    system to a group of systems located within different areas of the house. Energy benefits from

    implementing a more effective lighting and HVAC control system could result in a 15-30% decrease of

    energy usage in lighting systems with a 20% decrease from HVAC.

    Figure 1: An example of a central controlled Lighting and HVAC system

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    Lighting Control Systems

    Lighting Control Systems refer to the innovation of integrated systems in order to use and control

    lighting and devices, alone or as part of a system. Advantages from lighting control systems come from

    the ability to control a single unit or a network of lights at any given time along with the function to

    change the ambience and colour of the light via electronic dimmers and electric illumination levels at

    any given time through a governing automation system.

    System performance is improved when the use of movement detection, sound, light and temperature

    sensors are implemented alongside the traditional manual control of light and temperature output

    levels in order to minimise energy consumption whilst maintaining user comfort.

    Components of these systems can be categorised into three main areas: the first area involves electronic

    integration devices, directly applied to households, governing and controlling a set group and/or sub-

    systems. These integration devices include clocks, switches and occupancy detectors through sound and

    visual sensors. They can all be applied individually to suit their own purposes or merged together in the

    formation of a more intricate system.

    The second of these components involves interface devices that provide the necessary control required

    in order for the user and system to communicate with one another. Some examples include remote

    controls, computers and mobile phones, all of which will transfer user inputs to the control system

    whereby the desired action will be carried out and achieved.

    The last of the three devices and perhaps the most important of them all, are the controllers, in which

    the lighting, electronics and other loads are all processed and connected to one another. These devices

    communicate either through a hard line connection, radio and/or infrared frequencies.

    HVAC Systems

    HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning) refer to the automation technology used to adjust or

    maintain the desired temperature of the environment for comfort and saving energy purposes. HVAC

    systems have been design based on the principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat

    transfer and have been widely used during intolerable weather (i.e. Winter and Summer seasons) in

    order to regulate temperature and humidity in the dwelling environment.

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    Integration Systems

    Occupancy Sensors

    Occupancy sensors are devices commonly utilised in lighting and HVAC autonomous systems that detect

    and measure the physical attributes and quantities of the surrounding environment and converts this

    information to be used as feedback to be read by the controller or the user. Examples of common

    occupancy sensors include passive infrared (PIR) sensors, photo-sensors, and ultrasonic (ULT) sensors.

    The implementation of sensors into lighting and HVAC systems can help improve the energy efficiency

    by using feedback controls to achieve the optimal environment for the user.

    Passive Infrared Sensors

    Passive infrared (PIR) sensors are occupancy sensors which detect infrared (energy that is invisible to the

    naked eye) lighting radiation from objects. PIR sensors are a part of an integrated circuit; these circuits

    are composed of the following elements: a lens, a pryoelectric sensor, an amplifier and a comparator.

    The circuit makes use of a Fresnel lens; the Fresnel lens is responsible for the detection of infrared

    energy in the system. The Fresnel lens is a specialised lens which is thinner and flatter than most lenses,

    hence allowing it to capture more oblique light from light sources. Furthermore, its special shape

    enables it to sufficiently condense light, hence providing infrared detection from a higher range; shown

    in the diagram below.

    Fig. 2 Fresnel lens

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    The infrared captured from the lens is then detected by the pyroelectric sensors. The infrared (IR) filters,

    are placed behind these Fresnel lens so that it can filter any mid-infrared wavelengths or noise that the

    Fresnel lens may have captured, this is important at it reduces the generation of false alarms that thesystem may experience.

    Pyroelectric sensors are composed of pyroelectric and piezoelectric materials which are characterised as

    having a stochastic electrical polarisation, which can be modified by temperature changes. As the light

    emitted from an object determines the object’s temperature, through the use of pyroelectric sensors,

    temperature changes and hence infrared light changes can be detected. After being detected, these

    pyroelectric sensors convert these temperature changes into electrical signals.

    These electrical signals are then transferred to an amplifier, and then transmitted to a comparator. The

    comparator then detects the voltages that are received, if there is an instantaneous change in voltage,

    the comparator will cause the light to turn on. Below is a diagram of the PIR sensor system, in this image

    it is evident of how the structure of this integrated circuit plays such a significant role in the PIR sensor


    Figure 3: Passive Infrared-motion sensor block diagram

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    Photosensors are devices capable of controlling and altering a light’s output depending on the amount

    of light of the surrounding environment. In areas or periods of high luminance, photosensors will dim

    the lighting by altering the control circuit’s current flow to allow more current within the control circuit,

    leading to lower voltages which will in turn decrease the amount of light produced. Likewise, when low

    luminance is detected, current flow varies and decreases, allowing for higher voltages and thus larger of

    amounts of light. The use of a photocell allows the photosensor to alter the amount of current flow in

    the circuit.

    Photocells have behaviour that is characteristic of a resistor with its resistance being dependant on the

    amount of light being transmitted onto the cell. As photocells can be treated as a type of resistor, it is

    thus capable of altering the current and voltage within a circuit allowing it to control the amount of light

    to be emitted by the light source. The circuit diagram below illustrates how the photocell is responsible

    for the circuits varying resistance and its parallels to a voltage divider as when the resistance of the

    photocell increases, less voltage is supplied with lower resistance resulting in higher voltages.

    Photosensor systems are found and used in open-loop and/or closed-loop feedback systems. In open

    loop systems, the photosensors are able to control a large number and grouping of lights due to the

    photosensors being situated and located distantly from areas of high light transmission. With open loop

    Figure 4: Photocell analogy diagram

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    systems, the photosensors adjust the amount of light emitted from the light source in relation to the

    amount of its surrounding light.

    In the case of closed loop systems however, the photosensors are positioned in areas where the light

    source is being controlled, meaning the photosensors will not only measure the ambient environmenttemperature and lighting but also the light being produced and regulated through the electrical lighting

    circuit. Ultimately, this means that closed-loop systems can only control a handful amount of lights.

    Depending on the surrounding levels of light, photoswitches will turn the lights on or off accordingly and

    are more commonly used in outdoor environments to ensure that light is only supplied during night

    time when it is needed.

    Dimming photosensors are occupancy sensors that adjust the amount of light that a light source may

    emit depending on the amount of ambient light detected. There are two main types of dimming

    photosensors: manual dimmers and automatic dimmers.

    Manual dimmers need to be controlled manually through remote control while automatic dimmers

    typically have time-delay and timer settings to the frequency at which the photosensors will re-adjust

    itself to the surrounding light levels.

    Time delay settings are vital in the operation and use of this system as interfering noise from natural

    environment and other devices may cause the photosensors to rapidly and constantly adjust the l ight

    levels emitted and must be accounted for when the system is being programmed.

    Location is also another essential factor that determines a photosensor’s effectiveness, as indoor 

    photosensors are best located in a position to receive direct sunlight, whilst outdoor lights are meant to

    be placed in areas of minimal sunlight.

    Ultrasonic Sensors

    Ultrasonic (ULT) sensors are better at detecting occupancy. Ultrasonic sensors operate similarly to radar

    and sonar, whereby it emits a high-frequency ultrasound to an area to observe the signals it receives

    from the area. Ultrasonic sensors are known to be more expensive than other light sensors but it is able

    to give more coverage than most sensors.

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    Through the activation of a piezoelectric crystal, ultrasonic sensors are able to release a high-frequency

    ultrasonic wave; in return the ultrasonic sensors will receive an echo back from the sensor. Piezoelectric

    crystals are small scaled energy sources; they are applied in this system as they are able to generate

    small voltages when they are subject to vibration.

    Hence if there is a motion from the objects(s) then the frequency of the wave sent from the ultrasonic

    sensor will slightly change (the Doppler Effect), causing the piezoelectric crystal to generate a voltage

    and sending that message to the ultrasonic sensors. The ultrasonic wave will be able to then determine

    the distance of the object through calculating the period of time between the signal it sent and the

    signal it received.

    The diagram shown below is a basic model to display the elements that are involved in an ultrasonic

    sensor circuit. In the ultrasonic sensor circuit shown below there are two transducers (energy converting

    device): one transducer emits an ultrasonic wave and the other detects and collects reflections from the

    objects surrounding that area.

    The reflected waves are then transmitted to the receiver in constant phase if the objects at the area are

    stationary. If movement is detected, then the signal detected will experience a phase shift. A phase

    comparator detects the shifted phase and transmits a triggering pulse to the alarm.

    Figure 5: Ultrasonic sensor diagram

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    The advantages of the ultrasonic sensor is that it is very sensitive, hence enabling it to have a fast

    response time. Furthermore, as it is so sensitive, it has full coverage on the whole are it is placed in.

    However the disadvantage of the ultrasonic sensor is that it is so sensitive so that it tends to fall

    susceptible to interference and noise from its surroundings. Below is an example of a ULT Sensor driven


    Figure 6: Ultrasonic light sensor

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    TimersTimers are simple, inexpensive control devices used to control lights or other electric appliances for the

    duration of short and predictable periods of time. Disadvantages of these devices are that they would

    have to be reset for certain events such as daylight savings, holidays and weekends. The resetting

    process can be either manual or automated through special devices or a program.

    There are two types of timer clocks: the mechanical time clocks and the electronic time clocks. The

    timers can work alone if it runs on daily schedules or if it is to be connected with a controller system for

    weekly and special event schedules. Mechanical time clocks have a dial with trippers to open and close

    switches; this allows users to set their desired time. The mechanical timers are less expensive and are

    relatively easier to set up in comparison to electronic timers and are highly suitable for normal

    households with settle daily schedules. However, electronic time clocks are more sophisticated and

    complex as it can be to be programmed and set up through the use of control systems. Some electronic

    timers have time-out warnings to let users know of a shutdown.

    The above figure is an example of one type of timer that is available for use in household lighting


    Figure 7: Figure of a household

    light timer sensor

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    A building in need of temperature control, utilizes HVAC control system technologies in order to switch

    between cooling and heating functions to maintain a standard desired temperature. Thermostats offer a

    viable method of sensing environment temperature via electronic or mechanical means.

    A thermostat is a device which maintains the temperature of a system, adjusting the temperature

    relative to a chosen set point. A digital programmable thermostat is designed as a control mechanism to

    adjust the temperature according to the user’s settings that take effect at different times of the day.

    The advantage of using a programmable thermostat is its increased versatility, allowing for different

    options. It allows the user to program various temperature set points throughout the course of the day,

    for example: having one setting for the morning and another for the evening.

    This programmed timing feature can be used to its full extent, being able to plan various temperature

    controls for weekdays and weekends and amount of time for cooling/heating apparatus to operate.

    One can also save energy by creating constraints in which the thermostat is allowed to operate. For

    example, the user may set the thermostat such that cooling/heating can only be operating for a

    maximum of 30 minutes at a time, with 15 minutes in between operation times.

    Another constraint that can be used is to prevent operation unless the ambient temperature is within a

    threshold of the set point temperature (± 5⁰C). This sort of careful programming allows energy to be

    saved as opposed to having a system that is constantly cooling or heating.

    An example of a common household thermostat is shown below.

    Figure 8: Household Thermostat

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    ControllersControllers are devices that have a form of processing system along with a set of inputs and outputs.

    The controller’s input collects information on its surroundings such as temperature, air flow, and aur

    pressure. The controller’s output controls the other parts of the system in response to its surroundings.

    There are 2 essential controllers used in lighting and HVAC automation; these are Proportional- Integral-

    Derivative-Controllers (PID) and Direct Digital Controllers (DDC)

    PID Controllers

    More advanced technologies used in thermostats include the PID controller. It allows the thermostat to

    record the ways the system will react to certain changes, allowing for the thermostat to ‘learn’ the most

    efficient method of reaching the desired set point. For example, if the thermostat is set to 20⁰C at 1:00

    PM, then the PID controller will have to use the information, and calculate how long before 1:00 PM itneeds to operate so that the temperature reaches 20⁰C exactly at 1:00 PM. This sort of process, in which

    previous conditions and characteristics of the system are ‘remembered’, creates this ‘optimal start’.

    PID controllers are essentially, control feedback loop systems. The basic circuit of a PID controller is

    shown in the figure below. The purpose of the control is to ensure that the process variable (in this case

    y) follow the desired set point (in this case r).

    In the diagram below there is only one disturbance factor represented as e; e is defined as e=r-y. As the

    PID controller has to ensure that variable y is equivalent to the set point r, there is a variable u (on the

    diagram) which is a variable in the circuit that has a purpose of ensuring that variable y does not stray

    from its set point, u is manipulated by the controller.

    Figure 9: Basic PID circuit

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    The figure below is an extension of the basic circuit above, as it shows how PID controller is involved in

    counteracting the change or error that the system may experience. The PID controller counteracts this

    change through three steps, proportional control, integral control and derivative control.

    Proportional control is involved with the changes to the output; these changes are proportional to the

    error value. The Integral control is relative to both the time period and magnitude of the error. Lastly

    the derivative control describes the rate of change of the error over time. These three elements are

    essential to the feedback system; this is evident through the diagram below and the equation:

    Figure 10: PID equation

    Figure 11: PID circuit

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    Direct Digital Controllers

    Aspects of HVAC that are to be considered, such as humidity, ventilation and air circulation are

    accounted by digital controls. These parameters are measured by the programmable thermostat and

    the most efficient method of reaching the desired temperature is performed. For example, the

    thermostat may calculate that it is more time efficient to increase air circulation, or decrease humidity

    using installed fan systems or allowing hot air to rise, as opposed to using the less energy efficient air

    conditioning unit.

    Communication over the internet or via various network connections are available to some digital

    thermostats, this in which can alert the user of various issues, such as when the air filters may need to

    be changed. This communication system also offers the thermostat to be remotely programmed.

    Efficiency of that system is greatly impacted with the function of remote control of HVAC systems in

    buildings. This system allows rooms that are currently not in use to be switched off as opposed to

    leaving air conditioning appliances constantly running even when not in use. As a result this would

    particularly save a lot of energy in workplaces where the usage of the building varies due to time as a

    result from only having a day shift (e.g. local libraries).

    Through the use of a central computer, the automated control ‘Direct Digital Control’ (DDC) is able to

    process and display all information to the user with the use of a computer interface. The centralized

    computer system takes analog signal inputs in such as temperature, humidity, pressure etc. and present

    the needed output in order to reach the desired conditions.

    Similar to the thermostat, the output response of the DDC can be programmed. However the program is

    installed onto the main computer which is automated or can be manually operated in real time.

    Available functions which the user can manually control include varying the temperature, humidity,

    pressure in any part of the building, including turning it off completely. This as a result makes sure that

    energy is not being wasted unnecessarily in rooms that are currently unoccupied by people.

    Automatic use of the HVAC operations can be used through the use of light and sound sensors which is

    used to detect whether or not patrons are occupying those rooms and with the addition to effective use

    of DDC technology.

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    1. Temperature over time. The thermostat detects indoor changes corresponding to the red and blue,

    which indicate periods of heating and cooling. 

    2. Screenshot of program used for Direct Digital Control (DDC). Shows the layout of the building, all

    parameters within them, and options to control those parameters,

    Figure 12: The graph of daily temperature & time from the thermostat

    Figure 13: Screenshot of program used for Direct Digital Control (DDC)

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    The figure below is an example of how DDC systems can control both light and HVAC systems in a



    In conclusion, it is evident that there are available alternative lighting and HVAC systems for household

    usage, such as sensors, timers, thermostats and controllers.

    Sensors have been proven to be simple yet an effective method to implement in domestic lighting. The

    simple structure suggests that it can be easily manipulated into integrated lighting systems to establish a

    more energy efficient lighting and HVAC system.

    Timers are very simplistic systems which can be easily manipulated and controlled, although through the

    integration of this system with other control systems we can create a complex system that is capable of

    controlling the lighting systems in households.

    Thermostats are also simple systems that control its ambient temperatures through the detection of its

    surrounding temperatures and ensuring that the ambient temperatures are kept to the controller’s

    desired set point.

    Controllers are complex systems that involve feedback loop systems, to counteract changes in its

    surrounding environment. They are advantageous because of their sensitivity to ambient changes and

    their rapid responses to these changes.

    Therefore through the use of these systems, a more energy efficient system can be established.

    Figure 14: DDC control system

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