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Page 2: Emerging Asian NGO Leadership Framework - · PDF fileAsian NGO leaders towards better appreciation and ... the picture might serve as a guide or inspiration to chart their own


I. Background

Th e Asian NGO Leader’s Dialogue started in 2003 as an expression of shared

commitment to sustainable rural development. It was participated by NGO leaders of

diverse cultures, ideas, and experiences across the region and spanning generations.

Since the fi rst round of dialogue in Cyberjaya, Malaysia to the next dialogue in Chonburi,

Th ailand, the activity have provided a venue for dialogue and exchange among NGO

leaders on issues which relates to their exercise of leadership towards the pursuit of a

just, prosperous and harmonious life in rural communities amidst the challenges of


AsiaDHRRA saw the richness of the dialogue and the deep insights in the stories of

leadership personally written by the leaders themselves as well as the many lessons drawn

from the case studies of innovative leadership practices in selected countries. From all

these rich sources, the network felt obliged to weave them together in one document that

will capture the trends and patterns – the emerging Asian NGO leadership framework.

Th e emerging Asian NGO leadership framework is an initial attempt to consolidate

the insights generated from the two rounds of leaders’ dialogue, leadership stories and

case studies. It is inevitably impressionistic and is limited to the perspectives of few

leaders who may not represent the entire range of Asian NGO leaders. Yet hopefully, it

does sketch a picture of what an Asian NGO leadership meant. It is still an unfi nished

framework. We believe that there are a lot more stories and cases which needs to be

listened and heard which could sharpen and enrich our collective understanding of an

“Asian NGO Leadership”. However limited, the emerging leadership hopes to contribute

in improving the quality and standards of rural development work by focusing on the

leaders as relevant agents for change. In addition, the emerging framework can serve as a

living document which hopes to inspire NGO leaders to look deeper into their leadership

stories and practices towards nurturing the commitment for an empowered, sustainable

and happier communities in rural Asia.

II. Asian NGO Leadership

In a region as diverse as Asia, defi ning leadership particularly NGO leadership is like

weaving a tapestry of various colors, shades, shapes, and fabrics. Amidst the diverse yet

rich cultural heritage of Asia and the disparity in the stages of economic development and

political maturity, there still seem to be common thread that binds Asian NGO leaders.

Emerging Asian Ngo Leadership Framework: Trends And Patterns

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Th is section hopes to present an initial collection of symbols and images of leadership

gathered from the sharing and voices of Asian NGO leaders. It hopes to put forward

a picture or a characterization of an Asian NGO leader – its vision, principles, core

values and qualities. Th e characterization is aimed at distinguishing the attributes of

Asian NGO leaders towards better appreciation and understanding. For young NGO

leaders, the picture might serve as a guide or inspiration to chart their own leadership

path. For seasoned NGO leaders, this abstraction hopes to provide them with something

they can resonate. It is an unfi nished work which hopefully will invite them into deeper

introspection and further abstraction of their experiences.

a. Defi nition, Symbols and Vision

a.1 Leadership is an active catalytic response which involve drawing out and mobilizing

the capacities of the people towards positive change for common good and happiness.

I chose the soil as a symbol of leadership because a leader gives opportunities for plants to grow, to develop. It can absorb all materials and digest it to give back to the plant. Th e soil doesn’t choose the plant but provides to all. --– Soetrisno

I chose a round table. For me, leadership is a function of analyzing a problem and situation and coming up with solution through participatory processes - involving many people with diverse capacities. –-- Rachel

I chose people as a symbol of solidarity and working together for the common good. –- Sil Vineth

I drew a happy face beside another happy face. First I believe leadership is something you do that generates goodness and happiness. Drawing it near another face symbolizes that leadership can involve more than just one individual.-– Dulce

As a response, it entails participatory and empowering processes catalyzed by a leader

who is able to animate, inspire, challenge, infl uence, mobilize and draw people together to

defi ne what they want and move forward towards a shared goal.

I drew water as represented by the river. Water is clear. Leadership is making a clear picture of a dream and how to get there together. --- Rezki

Th e drawing of faces of men and women represents my idea of leadership. Th e symbols are from the clear to the very clear, the processes of self-reliance, participation and solidarity. --- Bambang

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I chose an arrow. Leadership is about dreams and potential. Th e tip of the arrow is a symbol of leadership, which changes in thickness depending on the journey. It is always moving. --- Rahayu

Th e circle is not two-dimensional. People emerge from the circle as leaders. It comes out gradually because mobilizing of resources takes place in phases. –-- Wenchi

I chose the logo of NATCCO because it represents people with common vision who have the inspiration to achieve their goal. –- Gil

a.2 Leadership is an act of service, an exercise rooted in one’s spirituality which enriches

oneself and others.

Under this defi nition, a leader may not be someone who is always on the frontline

and has power or authority. A leader may be someone who gets things done by working

behind the scene or providing necessary supportive environment to accomplish certain


I chose the coconut tree because the tree symbolizes spirituality. By giving of oneself, one grows. Th e coconut tree is versatile – all of its parts can be used. It generates new life – in giving I also receive. –-- Paul

I chose the symbol of the cross, which is made up of the vertical and horizontal lines. Leaders are also of vertical and horizontal lines. Th eir source of motivation can be from above or below. Th e horizontal ways can be physical, whether I use my head or foot. I also want an Asian context, a cultural element.—Dr. Boy

I drew a small ant. I heard that before the tsunami, people witnessed ants coming out of the ground. Ants have wisdom; they are sensitive to the environment. Leadership sometimes cannot be seen but the work is going on even though the leader is not visible. –--Rev. Kya Mu

We work for the people because we love to do this. We do not do this for power or money but as an extension of oneself --- Supachai

a.3 Leadership is providing clear direction by eff ectively managing decision-making

processes and effi ciently maximizing resources towards achievement of concrete results.

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I drew a fl ock of birds in fl ight. Th ere is a leader that has sense of direction but there are changes that happen that create disequilibrium and natural leaders emerge. Th ere is wisdom in nature and from experiences we get lessons in life. – John

I drew a natural farmer who knows well his own resources and the environment and nature. It also represents decision-making and maximizing of resources.--- Ryoko

My symbol is a river because for me leadership is about the achievement of results. Th ere is a process and just like the river, it has direction – from source to destination. Th e process gives life to people and it can evade problems. With hindrances, if it has to be violent or cruel it can be by destroying those in its path.--- Ange

My drawing refers to the exercise of leadership. Th e environment where now there are clouds and later there will be none. Behind a thick cloud is the sun but on the other side is the start of thunder and lightning. Leadership is as natural as the chemistry of forces inter-acting with each other. And because it is natural, there is a tendency for friction and then there is lightning or rain. In a day I may practice more of management than leadership depending on the forces of nature – the call of the times. --- Cres

Under this defi nition, to be able to lead eff ectively, a leader has to possess certain expertise. Th is expertise will help people to fi nd effi cient and eff ective solutions to problem.

I drew a computer with a big capacity. In it one can be creative and multi-level. It has a set of programs that run and can solve problems autonomously. - Anh

A notebook and pen represent lessons that are written out and passed on-– Dr.Toan

a.4 Leadership is an attribute and a manifestation of the inner strength, passion, clarity of

vision and positive outlook which captures the attention of people and inspires them to

move towards a common direction.

Under this defi nition, a leader is perceived as product of one’s environment, her/his

exercise of leadership is highly defi ned by both his/her personal and societal context. A

leader rises above from a situation of crisis or an opportunity. Her/his “charisma” provide

sense of light, hope and direction to people.

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I drew a happy face because leadership exudes confi dence and positive outlook. Th ere is also clarity in direction and knowing you can deliver. Th e outlook is borne of inner strength and the ability to build good relationships. – Marl

I chose a dot. A dot ends a sentence and yet it also starts something new. It is a hole made up of an atom that makes all things. It is simple, naturally subtle and not grand, but can hold together and also stand-alone. One can be a leader because of who you are. –-- Angge

Mine is a crooked arrow for leadership is a process depending on abilities. If we want to achieve goals start from the very fi rst step, we need to do hard work through coaching. –--Ouch

I drew a lamp with a moth nearby. Jose Rizal, a Philippine hero, inspires it. Leadership as both being a lamp giving light, but can also be the moth that is ready to be burned and consumed because of its passion. – Lany

b. Asian leadership values

b.1 leadership Values rooted in religious teachings

Most Asian leaders constantly goes back to their faith/religion and its teachings when

asked about their concept of leadership and its values. Th ese are the type of NGO leaders

who where inspired by their initial exposure during their student life to certain mentors

who have inspired them to do pastoral or social action work in rural communities.

Supachai, a Th ai Credit union Leader and a Buddhist, mentioned the fi ve merits as

the foundation of his understanding of leadership. He said in his exercise of leadership

particularly in organizing credit union, these values are very important. Th ese merits/

values are:

1. Honesty

2. sacrifi ce

3. responsibility

4. sympathy

5. trustworthiness

For both Bambang, an Indonesian NGO leader and Cesar, a Filipino NGO leader, they

mentioned that they are inspired by catholic teaching as embodied by Jesuit priests who

played major infl uence in their involvement in social development. Th e leadership values


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6. love of Neighbor / Service / Social mission

7. Justice

8. Excellence

9. Dedication to duty

b.2 Leadership values rooted in social movement

Aside from religious infl uence in leadership values, most Asian NGO also understands

leadership in terms of the collective values of the social development movement they

belong. Most of these movements revolve around certain theme which include human

rights, agrarian reform, peace, environment, food security, women etc. Th ese values


10. Empowerment / Democratic participation

11. Gender sensitivity

12. Peace

13. Respect for diversity / pluralism

14. Sustainability

15. Equity

16. Freedom

Th e abovementioned values greatly infl uence the positioning of NGO leaders as

they engage other development players in the society. It is often times the basis of many

position papers, declarations and statements issued by civil society. Th ese values can

then be classifi ed as distinctive values of an NGO leader. However, these values are not

uniquely of Asian NGO leaders. Th ese are treasured values shared among NGOs globally.

b.3 Leadership values rooted in “Asian Culture”

What might distinguish an Asian NGO leader from other civil society leader can be

traced from the unique cultural values of Asian. Among these values are:

17. “Musyawarah” – dialogue of life / non-confrontational engagement

18. sense of family / hospitality / fellowship / solidarity

19. Integrity – sense of “hiya” or shame for doing inconsistent behavior

Most Asian NGO leaders have strong preference for non-confrontational and usually

consensus approach during discussions. Some criticize Asian NGO leaders for being too

slow in decision-making due to this approach. However, this approach have been crucial

in forging collaborative partnership which fl ourishes in Asian civil society. Th is “Asian

Culture” which gives primacy on relationship building is one important value which in

maintaining the solidarity amidst diversity among NGO leaders.

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c. Qualities of an Asian NGO Leaders

Asian NGO leadership can be best explained by the describing the qualities they possess.

Below are twelve important qualities which characterizes NGO leaders. Some of these

qualities are actually demonstrated by the leaders themselves while some are list of what

NGO leaders want to develop in themselves:


- not limited by existing reality, condition of oppression and poverty does not limit

NGO leaders to think of better alternatives

- proactive

- not afraid to dream big dreams

- have watchful eyes for opportunities

- Taking on a challenge even when there is no guaranteed solution on sight


- do not spread self too thinly

- develop expertise


- persevere despite diffi culty

- consumed by passion to accomplish the task at hand


- With sharp assessment of situation and acts on things with speed and prudence

- able to take on risks


- open and welcomes new ideas

- try new ways of doing things; new strategies & approaches

- have thirst for continuing learning / good and eager learner

- Tackling problems that challenge one’s values

- not limited to one’s comfort zones.


- listens well and empathizes with people

- maintain direct contact to communities to ensure rootedness to realities on the



- Mobilizing the involvement of others

- Uses Team leadership in a multi-stakeholder setting

- Able to harness the expertise and resources of stakeholders


- Motivated to lead from one’s sense of values and the inclusion of the values of


- Sharing the vision with others and testing it with competing views

- Does not discriminate people

- Exudes charisma / inspire people to work together

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- recognize the contribution of both men and women

- provide equal opportunity for both men and women


- Able to synthesize information and articulate it in simple and useful form

- Clarifi es issues


- nurtures the habit of maintaining quite moments for refl ection

- able to recognize mistakes and make amend


- manages time effi ciently / balances work and family concerns

- keep self physically fi t through exercise, healthy food, creative breaks

- devoid of wasteful and extravagant lifestyle

In a nutshell, one NGO leader describes a picture of a good NGO leader as someone

with well-proportioned HEAD (wisdom and knowledge), HEART (values, spirituality,

relationship) AND HAND / LEGS (skills and expertise).

Th e 12 qualities mentioned above can be used in developing personal leadership

growth monitoring tool. Such tool can help leaders to identify areas for improvement.

III. Tracing the roots of involvement and leadership in NGO work

Tracing the roots of Asian NGO leaders of diverse cultures, ideas, and experiences across

the region and spanning generations will provide us rich insight on how to develop

second liners. By identifying the roots of their involvement, we can then build mechanism

to nurture those roots so that new leaders will emerge.

Th e call to work for rural development work can be classifi ed into four major factors


a. Experience of poverty

Poverty, oppression and injustice whether personally encountered or experience

through exposure and integration with rural communities is one of the major factor that

motivated many NGO leaders to work for rural development.

Many leaders came from poor families. Th e hardships they experienced in their own

family and community made them want change and they saw that change would occur

if and only if they promote that change themselves. Th is motivated them to be leaders of

their respective communities towards the pursuit of sustainable development.

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My interest in rural development work began over 30 years ago, after my fi rst trip to India, where I observed the most wretched living conditions. I also developed strong environmental convictions. – Dr. John Ferchak

I come from a poor coconut-producing family in Bicol – one of the most depressed regions in the Philippines today. Such Experience plus my involvement in apostolic work – some community work outside the school encouraged me to work for Rural development. I was also introduced to the national issues and the cause oriented groups that worked against the dictatorship of the Marcos Regime. In the process, I got to know the Director of the Social Action Center of the Archdiocese of Caceres that would later play an important role in my introduction to social development work. – Cesar Belangel

b. Family infl uence nurtured by peers

Family is an important infl uence to the choice of career of most people. Parents and other

key members of the family served as role models for children. Some NGO leaders come

from a family whose parents exposed them to community work.

Once engaged in rural development work, friends and co-workers also play important

role of sustaining the involvement to the work.

My family background played a vital role in my interest in rural development issues. I come from a farming family in a rural town. Many of the people I know were in agricultural related fi elds. My great grandparents were farmers; my grandfather was a veterinarian working for the local township government. My maternal grandparents were farmers. My father was not a farmer, but he was with the Forestry Bureau. I never had the experience of working on the farm, but had always felt quite close to farmers or people who live in the rural area. As a kid, I enjoyed the chance to visit people who live on the farm. Being the eldest child in my generation, I had the opportunity of always following my grand parents to visit relatives who live on the farms.

One of the key persons that aff ected my entering into the fi eld was my uncle, who was a general manager in the local Farmers’ Association. I admired my uncle’s work as the general manager for the association very much and took his words seriously. -- Dr. Wenchi

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I grew up in a predominantly rural and agricultural community in the southern part of the Philippines. My childhood and teenage life was nurtured by a simple family of six, in an environment of natural beauty– seas and paddy fi elds. --- Marlene Ramirez

Th ese personal experiences taught me something about the reasons for poverty. It is linked with the unjust and unequal economic situation. Here was a big multinational company making big profi ts but paying very little to its workers. Th us the workers had barely enough money to make ends meet.

My father was a Trade Union leader. He fought for the rights of the workers in my community. He used to tell me stories of how he fought with the management even to the extent of trashing the offi ce and hitting a supervisor. My Grandfather told me stories of his fi ght with management. People with problems used to come to my house to meet my father. My mother and grandmother took care of them. When they didn’t have money they used to give the little jewels they had to help the poor. My father was also one of the leaders of the local church. Th rough my own family members I began to understand the meaning of helping the poor--- Paul Sinnapan

c. School Courses / Activities / Teacher

School and other formal learning institutions became potent breeding ground for

developing the interest for social development. Discussion and exposure of rural

development issues and ideas might not be included in the offi cial school curriculum

but the presence of progressive teachers are important source of inspiration. School

organization (e.g. student catholic action etc.) at certain point in the history of Philippine

social development movement played crucial roles in exposing students to social realities

which in turned increased the social awareness and heightened the idealism and desire to

work for rural development.

As a graduate student in science, I felt that I could make a contribution through work in appropriate technology -- Dr. John Ferchak

I met a priest from the Netherlands named Father John Dijkstra, SJ. He attracted me with his words and activities. Unlike other priest who talked more on religion and evangelization, Father Dijkstra’s talked more on social economy, empowerment, about helping “those who have little”, and “why and how poverty happened”. I got involved in his activities and journeys. Finally, I expressed that I wanted to join the community empowerment movement and promised to get involved totally in such activities after my study – Bambang Ismawan

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when I studied in West Germany where I met Prof.Takuya Marumoto, he encouraged me to join Ja-Dhrra because there was no social scientist member in it - Dr. Yatani

Th e Study in SEARSOLIN, Philippines encouraged me to work for rural development – Paul Sinnapan

d. Exposure to socio-pastoral work of the church

Many NGO leaders particularly those from Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia found

their roots of involvement to rural development work through exposure and participation

to socio-pastoral work of the church.

My personal experiences at home and in my community sharpened by my involvement in my Parish created in me the desire to work for rural development. I became more enlightenment with the following encounters:

• contact with my Parish Priest Fr.Caroff O.M.I at the age of 15 helped me to understand the Bible, the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church, Liberation Th eology and basic social work concepts. Before that my faith was limited to saint worship and community religious celebrations.

• Joining the Young Christian Students Movement (YCS). Using the See, Judge and Act framework to organize students in the Secondary School to help themselves. Organizing tuition classes for poor student and savings groups among poor students. Discussions with the YCS Chaplains such as Fr. Micheal Pinto, Fr. Lequane.

• Joining the Parish Social Action Group started by Fr. Caroff O.M.I. to help the poor and to organize the women, youths and children in the rural areas.

• Growing with the French Missions who started the Social Workers Network among the Plantation Tamil Communities in Malaysia. ---- Paul Sinnapan

e. Socio-political environment

Many leaders were a creation of their times. Th eir involvement in rural development

work is a response to the spirit and calls of the time. Many NGO leaders got involved in

rural development work as a direct response to turbulent socio-political situation (e.g.

martial law in the Philippines, etc.)

When I was a child of 6, I witnessed a time of great sorrow, the worst situation of food insecurity for the people in Vietnam’s history. Together with some other poor children of the village I followed my parents to the fi eld where they buried those who died from hunger. We formed groups of children who made dramas of these terrible funerals. I was often the head of these groups.

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When the North Vietnam was completely liberated in 1954 the new regime, the socialist one, was built up. Th e South was still under the French and afterward the US. We poor children in the rural areas had the opportunity to go to school and enjoy our childhood together. We were brought up in freedom by our new socialist regime. At the age of 16 I was accepted to be a member of the Vietnam Communist Youth Union for 4 years running. I was chosen as head of the Union of my class and my secondary school --- Dr. Toan

For some leaders, the confl uence of all four factors reinforced the call to work for

rural development. Th e key then to developing more NGO leaders is to enhance those

institutions nurturing the desire for rural development. Enhancing it would mean

establishing mechanisms to link rural development programs to those institutions like the

school and the church.

IV. Coping with Dilemnas and Issues of Asian NGO Leaders

Much of the sharing during the second dialogue centered on dilemnas faced by Asian

NGO leaders. Dilemna was defi ned as a tension point, a situation which entails question

of values or priority. Th ese dilemnas when not properly managed become causes of

frustration and strains in their commitment to development work. Dilemnas at both

personal, organizational and societal level are highlighted below.

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Levels Dilemnas/Issues Coping mechanism/


Personal Frustration when CHANGE

does not happen in the


It helped me to remember what one of my mentor Fr. Gauthier M.E.P. (the director of NOHD then) clarifi ed to me that “I am only an instrument in the Hands of God; God will fi nally make things happen.” – Paul Sinnapan

Some leaders said that it helps to

keep an eye on the long-term vision

of sustainable development but make

some realistic targets which are

workable within the project period

based on the capacity and limitations

of the stakeholder in the community

Frustration when the people

you trained betrayed the

organization and became

source of disunity within

the organization

Practice the principle of hating the sin and not the sinner. I still maintain good relationships with these people giving them more time to grow and understand.-Paul Sinnapan

Struggle to practice what

we preach: the pursuit of

an Alternative lifestyle and


- Th ere are times when living up to the values we uphold becomes a source of internal and personal strain. e.g. upholding becoming victim of consumerism and materialism -- Paul

As NGO leaders mature and grow in

the rural development work , more

creative and constructive ways of

expressing their value for alternative

lifestyle is explored. “Th is happens

when personal change is manifested

not only in the physical level but more

on the quality of relating, the way of

thinking of and feeling for others”

- Getting angry, making decisions without much consultation, not being gender sensitive all the time are some of my failures. Changing these tendencies is one of my dilemmas -- Paul

Th e constructive criticism sessions I go through with my family and with my leaders have been very helpful to me. I do speak to Priests and Religious to help me to change --- Paul

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Levels Dilemnas/Issues Coping mechanism/


Striking the balance

between family and work

- tensions in relationship

among family ties due

to the demand to fulfi ll

family obligations.

- Marital confl ict arising

from diff erences in

perceptions pertaining to

parenting, child rearing

or fi nancial matter is a

source of pressure and


Attending gender studies and family life education proved to be helpful in gaining a more gender-sensitive view of parenting.—Paul

Organizational policy should respect

time for the family (e.g. avoid

organizational activity on week-ends)

Organizational Visionary vs irreverence

with fellow NGO advocates

- the accusation of being

rent-seekers and coopted

by the system is a source

of tension for those NGO

leaders who dared to

explore the innovative

schemes for bringing

opportunities from

the government and

even the market to the

development work ( Peace

Bond case)

- maintain transparency in the

conduct of any innovative strategy

- strengthen support mechanism by

securing organizational mandate

from your constituency

- report the progress of work as well as

the gains generated

- ensure inclusive benefi ts for the

gains generated

Absence of second liner

- fewer young people

have felt called to rural

development work. Th e

decline in student activism

is perhaps one major

factor for this trend

- develop internship program linked

with schools/ universities

- coordinate with local formation

center of university re: propose

training design for student formation

- network with student and youth


Exacting standard and

accountability to co-worker

vs maintaining fellowship

& harmonious relationship

with fellow co-worker

Develop organizational policy and

systems with strong consultation with

staff to defi ne what is meaningful and

just compensation and benefi t package

Encourage and provide opportunities

to staff to do volunteer work that will

enhance their skill and commitment to

development work

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Levels Dilemnas/Issues Coping mechanism/


Role of Pioneer Leader

- Am I indispensable as Pioneer leader?

- Even though I was able to reduce my role in the movement but I was not able to let go completely. While handing over responsibilities to other leaders I was not satisfi ed with their work.—Paul Sinnapan

Mobilize Pioneer leaders to anchor

straining of new leaders

- my involvement in the 2nd and 3rd generation training of ACCU made me feel comfortable with my role as pioneer leader. Now, I don’t look for perfection from the work of new leaders. I am able to accept their mistakes. I give more time for them to grow. Because it also took me time to grow in leadership --- Paul


and economic


Financial Sustainability and

Relationship with Donor

- convincing developed

country people of the

needs of developing


- raising money and report


- prioritization of Donor

also dictates the

prioritization of NGO

Pursue continuing dialogue with


Explore alternative tour packages for

tourist of donor country as means to

educate them of the development work

in the country, thus increasing the

base of informed constituency of our

partner donors

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Levels Dilemnas/Issues Coping mechanism/


Shifting / readjustment

of paradigms due to new

development terrain

ushered by globalization

- It seems to me that I understood my community and work well in the 70s and 80s and early 90s. But now I am having some diffi culty in understanding the new society. Lots of changes are taking place and they are happening fast. Society is becoming more complex, complicated and sophisticated. Th e impact of globalization is very powerful. I cannot understand the present youth and their behavior. Society is becoming more self-centered. Th ere are less people interested in community development work.—Paul Sinnapan

Need to redefi ne frameworks and

paradigms through open and critical

exchange of ideas among civil society

leaders, government and even business


- consensus building towards

systematic paradigm-building

- identify alternative models of

globalization, document and

popularize it

- study local realities and experiences

and from there, draw out elements of

new perspectives

Need for new strategies and tools of


• a menu of tools for analysis (tool

box) must be shaped based on the

new paradigm which integrates the

sustainable development framework

as the standard measure or tool for


• these new tools must incorporate an

understanding of power in relation

to gender, class, citizenship, ethnicity

Rise of Information


- with globalization

propelled by the

information revolution,

the emergent is

the increasing

homogenization of culture

Th ink globally, act locally

- make use of the information

technology to improve the exchange

of information in support of our

local initiatives

- ensure access and capacity of POs

to maximize the use of information


Fragile democracy Continue to build autonomous People’s

Organization to widen the base for

democratic participation

Sustain advocacy for participatory


Engage government in constant

dialogue and pursue on ground

collaborative and principled


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V. Nurturing Asian Leadership

a. Sustaining growth in Leadership

a.1 Take responsibility for your personal growth in leadership

a.1.1 identifying and expanding sources of joy

It is important for Asian NGO leaders to take responsibility over one’s growth as a leader.

An essential part in this quest is to discover one’s sources of joy as an Asian NGO leader.

A happy heart will certainly endure challenges ahead. We should not allow our heart to

grow cold and tired. Re-discovering our sources of joy will gives us renewed energy and

passion. Below is a sample of the sources of joy of some Asian NGO leaders.

What sustains my continuing NGO work is the wish to create a better world in which human beings of diff erent cultural and religious backgrounds live together in peace and justice and in harmony with ecology. My source of joy as an NGO worker is to make direct person-to-person friendships with people who also carry out NGO activities.

My greatest motivation is the inspiration I get from villagers whose lives are immeasurably improved by what seems the smallest of interventions – clean drinking water systems, primary schools, latrines, small scale irrigation, animal revolving funds, rice banks, and trainings in both social and technical areas which improve relationships and generate income for poor families.

-I have always found joy in my profession, it always bring me incomparable pleasure. Any little achievement of a work could delight me. For instance, when there is a meeting in a village, there is a problem and the people can fi nd a solution. From such a meeting, an initiative to promote life and empower the community exists, like how to farm more effi ciently, save money and manage eff ective business eff ectively

a.1.2 other personal tips in sustaining growth in leadership

• Grow with certain spirituality (Th is does not mean religion, but establishing a value

system for yourself.)

• Continuously analyze the issues of the community you work with

• Grow with a team. Share with them your joys, sorrows and frustrations

• Have a clear vision, mission and goals (VMG) for your work. (Based on certain

ideologies, gender)

• Keep constant touch with the poor by going and staying in the community

• Evaluate your work constantly (with your team and the community itself )

• Keep updated with development trends

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• Listen to stories of success and failures in community development work

• Keep your own mentors and communicate with them regularly

• Continue reading. Do some research work

• Be healthy and fi t – fi nd time for exercise and relax with family and friends

a..2 Institutional mechanisms to sustain growth in leadership

Aside from personal eff ort to nurture leadership, complementary eff orts at

organizational level as well as at the bigger community of civil society should be pursued.

Asian NGO leaders identifi ed the following mechanism:

• Continue with the exchanges and dialogue: leadership circles for sharing, value-

based leadership development program

- Replicate the experience of dialogue at the local level

- Sustain leaders’ dialogue at regional levels – it provides venue for building


• Call to writeleadership stories and facilitate sharing and popularization of these


• Exchange programs

• Develop formaand systematized leadership training programs e.g. Leadership

Learning Institute

- Second liner / new leader

- Pioneer leader

• Continue abstraction of Asian NGO leadership framework

• Invest or mobilize resources on how to support elderly leaders

b. Accounting for leadership performance

Nurturing Asian leadership is one task but equally important is accounting for

leadership performance. One potential use of the emerging leadership framework is the

development of tools for monitoring growth and performance of Asian NGO leaders. Th e

following tools / instruments can be drafted to improve the standard and quality of rural

development through setting of leadership standards.

b.1 Developing Code of Ethics/ Conduct / Oath of an Asian NGO leader

An Oath of Asian NGO leaders can be drafted to serve as guide and common mantra

for Asian NGO leaders

b.2 Develop Leadership Growth monitoring tool

Leadership growth monitoring tool can also be developed based on the qualities of

Asian NGO leaders. AsiaDHRRA and AWCF have developed a similar tool which can be

used as sample.

Page 20: Emerging Asian NGO Leadership Framework - · PDF fileAsian NGO leaders towards better appreciation and ... the picture might serve as a guide or inspiration to chart their own