engineers without borders' annual report 2009

1 Annual Report Focused. Innovative. Ready. 2009

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We are pleased to present our 2009 Annual Report


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Annual ReportFocused. Innovative. Ready.


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Letter from our Co-CEOs

In Africa:Our Approach

The Opportunity to Thrive


In Canada:Our Approach

Engineers Serve the World


Operational Excellence

Financial Summary













COVER PHOTO: Dorothy is Bvekelani’s wife, the Village Chairman of Tchale, Malawi. She and her husband hope to sell the maize they grow at the market to earn an income and build a stronger future for their family.Photo: Anna-Marie Silvester

Bvekelani Nthala’s irrigation-fed, dry season maize crop towers over him near his home in Tchale, Malawi. Photo: Anna-Marie Silvester

Maize sits ready to be processed.Photo: Duncan McNicholl

Bvekelani Nthala is a maize farmer, the father of two school-age children, and the Village Chairman of Tchale, a rural community in Malawi. Despite the persistent threat of food shortages and limited access to clean water in his community, Bvekelani leads Tchale with dignity.

Last year under Bvekelani’s leadership, the community built a system of canals to bring water to Tchale’s farmers, allowing them to grow maize even during Malawi’s dry season. Soon they will harvest the first dry season maize, in what is usually the hungriest time of the year in Malawi.

This is a community that aspires to do more. Bvekelani, his wife Dorothy and the other community members envision expanding their canal gardens, growing more maize, and accessing markets in which they can sell their surplus harvest. They dream of dramatically improving their lives.

Tchale is but one of thousands of communities across rural Africa that share this vision. Every day we work with people who, like Bvekelani and Dorothy, seek the opportunity to build a prosperous future. They are forward-thinking, entrepreneurial, and hard-working. These remarkable people are central to what we do and why we do it.

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Each spring, the small-scale farmers we know in Ghana’s Northern region prepare their farms and pray for the arrival of the rainy season. Here, the food supply hinges on the rains. In years when the rainy season is late or barely arrives, crops are stunted and harvests inadequate. Seeds are often the only thing left to eat when the next planting season arrives.

Despite these conditions, we have met farmers—exceptional in their determination, work ethic and ingenuity—who simply won’t be discouraged. They plant more cassava or yams, which grow in dry soils; they stretch their existing food stock to make it last; and they adopt new techniques to grow in even the harshest conditions. These exceptional farmers were our inspiration in 2009.

We focusedIn January 2009, we gathered key EWB leaders for a strategy

meeting to discuss the year ahead. We identified two issues that would be critical determinants of EWB’s success in 2009 and we resolved to tackle them head-on.

The first of these issues—slowing revenue growth—was certainly not unique to EWB. Traditionally our year-over-year revenue growth averaged 20%, but signs indicated this would come to a full stop in 2009. We knew to move forward as planned would spread our resources too thin.

Cutting any program is a difficult choice and paring-back staff is agonizing. But we decided to concentrate our resources where our impact would be greatest. In Africa, we wound-down two programs and reallocated resources to the remaining five. In Canada, we focused our work around three key areas for creating change—Connecting Canadians to Africa, Developing Globally Responsible Engineers, and Advocating for Improved Government Policies toward Africa—and prioritized National Office resources

A Letter from Co-CEOs George Roter and Parker Mitchell

Detailed revenue growth from the past 5 years Page 22


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toward a small number of program areas.

The second issue was more complex. In the previous year we sensed a slow drift away from the unmatched energy and entrepreneurialism that characterized EWB’s early years. We were unwilling to accept that this was inevitable in a maturing organisation. We knew that innovative, talented, intelligent and driven people who characterized EWB would simply not be attracted to a staid and stale organisation.

So we took some risks.

At our 2009 National Conference, we stood before 600 EWB leaders and burned our mission statement—a mission that no longer reflected our operations and direction. To say we were nervous is an understatement—we didn’t know what would replace it, nor did we know how members would react.

What we did know was that EWB needed renewal. So, with hundreds of EWB members participating, we began a 10-month process of collectively developing a clear organisational direction, a more focused strategy, and an articulated set of values.

We also created space for new ideas to emerge. In Africa, we increased our investment in pilot projects to test and prove innovations. In Canada we launched the Social Change Entrepreneurship Program to incubate and provide seed funding for nine leaders’ ideas. Our reduced staff capacity required creative solutions to maintain support for our Canadian Programs, so we launched National Program Teams that reengaged talented and proven EWB leaders in a new set of volunteer roles.

In hindsight, our response to these issues allowed us to emerge

“We were certain that the change we aspire to would require the most innovative, talented, intelligent and driven people we could find.”

Social Change Entrepreneurship and other innovations Page 17


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from 2009 focused, energized, and with more engaged leaders than ever before.

We Innovated and DeliveredIn the midst of organisational change, EWB’s core purpose

never wavered; we remained committed to creating opportunities for rural Africans. We are proud of EWB’s impact in 2009 and the Canadian and African leaders who made it possible.

We are proud of our staff and volunteers in Africa who partnered with local businesses, NGOs and governments to increase their capacity and effectiveness. Volunteers like Mark Hemsworth, an engineer from Calgary, who helped Forest Fruits, a Zambian honey company, increase their production capacity and double the selling price of one of their products.

We are proud of the EWB leaders who influenced consumers to make choices that contribute to opportunity in Africa. Leaders like Sarah Grant and her Ghanaian partner Moses Tia, who piloted the Eat Ghana Rice marketing campaign that contributed to a 50% increase in demand for local rice. We are proud of student chapter leaders who, during one day in March, introduced 30,000 Canadians to Fair Trade products, changing their shopping behaviours and contributing to sold-out stocks of Fair Trade Certified coffee and bananas across Canada.

And we are proud of those who recognized that EWB’s growing expertise and decade of experience could be used to influence system-wide change. In Canada, we captured the lessons we’ve gained from delivering globally-focused engineering curriculum in three published papers. In Ghana, our Governance and Rural Infrastructure team

Full list of our volunteers Page 30

The Eat Ghana Rice Campaign Page 12

“We are proud of EWB’s impact in 2009 and the leaders who made it possible.”

More than ever, we are focused, thinking innovatively and ready to contribute to widespread change in rural Africa.

Engineers Serving the World Page 15

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“We made tough decisions, refocused our approach, laid the foundations for a strong future, and had tremendous impact.”

Planned 5 Year Revenue Growth Page 22


wrote three position papers that influenced the community of institutional donors and policy-makers in West Africa.

We are proud of the leaders who made EWB’s impact in 2009 possible. They found new ways—whether by increasing our partners’ capacity, changing individual consumption behaviours, or influencing sector leaders—to contribute to opportunities for rural Africans.

We are ReadyIn 2009, we made tough decisions, refocused our approach,

laid the foundations for a strong future, and had tremendous impact.

In 2010 we will maintain this discipline and focus, and we will be more ambitious than ever before. We will deliver on our five programs in Africa, each with sophisticated three-year strategies to affect transformative change. Our leaders and chapters in Canada will influence the behaviours of individual Canadians and our institutions through our innovative programs at a local and national level. We will continue to put innovative management rigour, both in what we do and how we do it, at the heart of EWB. And to accomplish this, we will grow our financial resources by 30%.

We begin 2010 focused, innovative and ready. Thank you for making this possible.

Yours sincerely,

George Roter Parker Mitchell Co-Founders & Co-CEOs, Engineers Without Borders Canada

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“If one farmer’s son or daughter decides to study to be a doctor and another a farmer that is okay. What is important is that they have the opportunity to decide.”

Victoria Anamooh is a well-respected Agricultural Extension Agent with Ghana’s Ministry of Food and Agriculture, a mother of five, and a community leader. Her words reflect the purpose of our work: everyone deserves the chance to lead a life of dignity and opportunity.

To make this possible, EWB works in partnership with government, business, and non-governmental organisations to foster the opportunities rural Africans need to thrive. We work in the water, agriculture, and infrastructure sectors—ar-eas where our approach can add the greatest value.

Our Approach: In Africa


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We address the critical challenges African communities are facing with innovative and lasting solutions.

“Sakiko Fukuda-Parrformer Director of the UN HumanDevelopment Report

EWB’s approach is doing more to take capacity development as an objective systematically than any other development organisation I have seen.

Sofo Abdulai (left), an Agriculture Extension Agent with thirty years of experience, stands with the Afaapel farmer group in Gumbo, Ghana.Photo: Meghan Dear

THINk INNOVATIVELYAs engineers we are trained to have analytical skills and a creative problem solving mindset. We bring these tremendous assets to the complex challenge of tackling extreme poverty. We work to deeply understand the root causes of the challenges rural Africans face, and then pilot innovative solutions. Through ongoing iteration, we are able to refine these ideas and scale them up to have widespread impact.

AMPLIFY IMPACTBy working in partnership with local government, business and non-governmental organisations, we are able to magnify EWB’s investment. Our volunteers work to support local leaders, improve our partners’ operational capacity, and embed innovative approaches. This approach allows our impact to be lasting and to leverage existing organisational resources for much greater reach than we would be capable of alone.

UNDERSTAND FIELD REALITIESBy learning local languages, living alongside their African co-workers, and spending time in rural villages, our volunteers are able to develop a deep understanding of field realities. This allows our volunteers to identify more appropriate solutions and to have open, two-way communication with our local partners. We use this knowledge to influence major development institutions and donors to ensure their strategies take these field realities into account.

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Agriculture is the cornerstone of Ghana’s economy, yet in Northern Ghana a vast majority of farmers struggle to grow enough food to feed their families, let alone to generate a profit. These farmers are critical drivers of prosperity in rural Ghana, and improved business skills will allow them to achieve their potential.

Understanding ChallengesTwo years ago, in partnership with the Ghanaian Ministry of

Food and Agriculture (MoFA), we began testing approaches to help farmers increase their crop yields and earn a lasting income.

Ten EWB volunteers worked with hundreds of farmers in count-less communities, and what they consistently saw were hardwork-ing and entrepreneurial farmers without the business skills, access to credit, and market opportunities needed to run profitable farms.

The Opportunity to Thrive

The prize harvest of a farmer in northern Ghana is featured at

National Farmers’ DayPhoto: Nadia Berger

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Farming as a BusinessIn response, we developed the Agriculture as a Business

program—an innovative curriculum of workshops imple-mented by MoFA’s far-reaching network of field staff. The program works with farmer groups and provides training to better plan harvests, track profits, and mitigate plant-ing risks—among other critical business skills for farm-ers. As a group, farmers are able to generate collateral and access credit to expand their farms.

For thousands of farmers in Ghana, the Agriculture as a Business program is giving them practical and lasting skills and tools to change their lives.

In Wiiga, the Asongtaaba farmer group is certainly no exception. Impressive changes have taken place since the group implemented Agriculture as a Business just one year ago. Farmers’ newly acquired business skills have led to greater profits, which are gathering in their re-cently opened savings account at a bank—funds that are being accumulated for future investments in their farms.

A year ago, many farmers in Wiiga could only hope for change. The Agriculture as a Business program has given them the tools to increase their incomes and build more prosperous futures.

Scaling-up in GhanaIn 2009, we began scaling-up the program with MoFA throughout Northern and Upper Eastern Ghana. In the coming year we will continue to improve the program’s effectiveness and increase its reach.

In Ghana, we help a growing number of farmers access the skills and opportunities they need to turn their humble farms into

profitable businesses.


Number of farmers positively impacted by

the program

Number of farmer groups

Number of farming groups that are

planning businesses




“The AAB program is practical and tangible. It’s based on theory but it focuses on real life issues that farmers are dealing with.“

- TahiruYahaya

MohammedAgricultural Extension

Agent, MoFA

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Innovations in African Programs

Monitoring Sources of Clean WaterCONTEXTIn Thyolo, Malawi, district officials had limited information available to identify when clean water taps stopped working. Because of this, officials could not quickly manage repairs to ensure safe water for hundreds of families.

INNOVATIONEWB volunteer Owen Scott helped the district use the existing network of water tap fee collectors to increase the flow of information on the functionality and location of water sources.

GOING FORWARDOwen and EWB’s Waterpoint Team is helping to implement a similar concept in three other districts, working with a network of health care workers to gather information on a quarterly basis and identify which clean water sources are working.

Promoting Local Rice CONTEXTThe local market for Ghanaian rice was stifled by the perception that locally-produced rice was low quality, leaving local farmers and processors without a market from which to earn a living.

INNOVATIONAlongside the Ghanaian Ministry of Food and Agriculture, EWB leader Sarah Grant launched a pilot marketing campaign called Eat Ghana Rice to promote the health benefits and high quality of locally-grown rice. The campaign was the first of its kind in the region.

GOING FORWARDWith billboards, flyers and a catchy radio jingle, the Eat Ghana Rice campaign influenced consumer habits which led to increased demand for local rice producers. Now, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture is investing in a national launch of the campaign.

Percentage of target audience reached:

Increased functionality of two water taps:



Population positively impacted in three districts by 2012:

2,000,000to 4,000,000

Number of water points monitored and repaired in three districts by 2012:

11,000 to


Percentage of target audience switching to Ghanaian rice:


Percentage demand increase for rice processors:



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Our Approach:In Canada

Hundreds of EWB volunteers urge Canadians to buy Fair Trade Certified products in a dramatic way after an outreach event in Toronto.

Photo: Paul Blondé

Although he lives 8,200 kilometers from Canada, Cuthbert Kuupiel knows that Canadians can have a positive impact on rural communities in Ghana. As the Project Manager for Community-Driven Initiatives for Food Security, Cuthbert has seen that Canada is falling short of its potential to have positive impact. “Canada is not a donor country that is leading the way to implement innovative aid in Africa,” he says.

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DEVELOPING GLOBALLY RESPONSIBLE ENGINEERSWe engaged 12,000 future engineers through our curriculum enhancement initiatives giving them the skills to become globally-minded problem solvers.

ADVOCATING FOR IMPROVED GOVERNMENT POLICIES TOWARD AFRICAWe talked with 50 Members of Parliament about Canada’s role in Africa with the overarching goal of improving the effectiveness of our country’s aid.

CONNECTING CANADIANS TO AFRICA We promoted opportunities for economic growth in Africa by introducing over 90,000 Canadians to Fair Trade Certified products.

We connect Canadiansto their important role in Africa’s future.

Like Cuthbert, we know that Canadians can play a positive role in creating opportunity in Africa—and the delivery of effective devel-opment aid is just the beginning. Canadian consumers, educators, leaders, engineers, and businesses all affect the ability of Africans to lead the lives they hope for, free from persistent poverty.

Across Canada, our 34 university chapters and city networks drive our work forward by engaging engineers and engineering companies, politicians, and the public. In 2009, the impact of our chapters was extensive.

Our model gives each of our chapters the freedom to innovate and develop their own programs, while uniting together under a common national strategy. Because of this, our work remains unique and capable of having a widespread impact.

We aspire to see leaders like Cuthbert identify Canada as a coun-try that promotes dignity and prosperity for Africans in thousands of rural communities. More than ever, we are poised to help make this happen.

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Equipping Engineers to Serve the World

Ten years ago, EWB was founded on the belief that Canadian engineers have a unique skill set enabling them to tackle even the most complex problems—extreme poverty is certainly no exception. Yet many engineers do not connect their skills and training to the tremendous potential they hold to address global challenges.

We have long targeted this disconnect at its root, work-ing with Canadian universities to integrate the principals of global engineering and social change into their courses. For example, our McMaster University chapter worked with professors to deliver a Root Causes of Poverty workshop to every first year engineering student to help them learn to analyze complex systems. As a result of our collaboration with engineering schools, over 50,000 engineering students have been exposed to the power of their problem solving skills when used in a broader global context to date.

In 2009 we began expanding our focus from course-by-course to a more far-reaching approach. With this in mind, we seek to bring global concepts to Canadian engineering education as a whole.

Influencing Engineering FacultiesIn 2009 we partnered with engineering faculties, including those at the University of Toronto, University of British Columbia and University of Waterloo, to help faculty integrate global engineer-ing concepts into their broader curriculum strategies. Through these collaborations we helped to incorporate the political, social and economic context of technical challenges into learning mod-ules and curricula at these schools.

Publishing Key LearningWe have taken great strides to influence academic spheres more

The concept of the global engineer is presented to students on the University of Toronto campus.Photo: Mina Shahid

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broadly by capturing our curriculum enhancement ap-proach and experiences in academic and professional journals. In 2009 we authored three well-received papers highlighting our work across Canada, and suggesting inno-vative teaching approaches and course content.

Creating a Network of LeadersIn 2009, we brought key engineering leaders together

through our Global Engineering Network of Educators committee. These six engineering educators are at the forefront of integrating global engineering concepts and initiatives into their classrooms, and are important col-laborators with EWB, as well as exceptional role models for engineering schools across Canada.

This systematic approach to influencing Canada’s en-gineering schools is working. In 2009 we reached 12,000 engineering students with global engineering curriculum changes at 27 Canadian universities. In 2010, we will ex-pand our efforts to introduce 75% of all first year engineer-ing students in Canada to global engineering concepts. Along with our partner universities we will support pilot programs, such as global engineering courses and degree options.

Our work is poised to help foster a Canadian engineering sector that is both defined by what it builds, and what posi-tive change it creates for the world.


Number of professors working in partnership

with EWB:


Target number of engineering students to

be reached in 2010:


We strategically integrate global concepts into engineering training to unleash the power of the profession to address extreme poverty.

Target percentage of first year engineering students to be

reached in 2010:

75% “

“Yu-Ling ChengDirector of the UofT Centre for Global Engineering & Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry

EWB brings a global perspective that complements engineering faculties’ technical expertise. The collaboration promises to lead to a more interdisciplinary education for engineering students, and to better link their technical education with global challenges.

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Innovations in Canadian Programs

CONTEXTEWB is an organisation of hundreds of social change leaders with innovative ideas. Many have the potential to drive positive social change, yet lack the financial support and mentorship necessary to move their ideas forward.

CONTEXTMost Canadians don’t recognize the potential positive impact their daily choices can have on rural communities in Africa, and often fail to take simple actions—such as purchasing Fair Trade products—that positively contribute to opportunities for economic growth in Africa.

INNOVATIONIn 2009 we launched a Social Change Entrepreneurship Program to incubate and test the ideas of nine select EWB leaders. For one year, the program provides them with seed funding and ongoing capacity building from leading organisations, including McKinsey & Company.

INNOVATIONOn March 1, 2009, our members spent the day in grocery stores and coffee shops across the country to educate Canadian consumers on the positive impact they could have just by purchasing Fair Trade products—helping change purchasing decisions and contributing to sold-out stocks of Fair Trade Certified coffee and bananas across Canada.

GOING FORWARDEWB’s first group of Social Change Entrepreneurs continues to develop their ideas—including the Run to End Poverty, the youth-focused Beanstalk Project, and the ‘Development Quarterly’ publication. In the coming year, projects with impact and strong alignment to EWB’s mission have the potential to receive further investment.

GOING FORWARDWorking with TransFair Canada, we have developed a Fair Trade University standard. Our student chapters are working on a unified strategy to have 20 Canadian campuses with Fair Trade purchasing policies by 2012.

RESULTS & FUTURETotal investment

in the program to date:

Total funds raised through the Run to End Poverty

Number of Canadians engaged around Fair

Trade on March 1, 2009:

Number of EWB members that participated on

March 1:





Number of Social Change Entrepreneurs:



Total number of Canadians engaged around Fair Trade

in 2009:


Fostering Social Entrepreneurship

Promoting Fair trade

“MichaelZelmerCommunity Relations Manager, TransFair Canada

The effort of EWB’s members represents one of the most organised, grassroots, and geographically broad-scale Fair Trade campaigns I’ve seen in this country.

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Operational Excellence in 2009EWB has built a reputation for generating innovative ideas and applying creative problem-solving. Yet over the years, we have learned that great ideas mean little if they are not effectively implemented. To achieve this, we maintain a strong focus on man-agement rigor and operational support—combining private sector discipline with our passion for lasting social change.

In 2009, we continued to take extensive efforts to build the strength and sustainability of EWB’s operations. We focused on three dimensions of our internal operations, each critical to the long-term effectiveness of our work.

Planning & Reporting

“I see my involvement in EWB as an investment in Canadian leadership. It is an investment to support an idea and a cause, but more importantly it is an investment in results. EWB combines the focused pursuit of a true win-win between the ideals of a better world and real day-to-day and week-to-week impact.

Patrick PichetteCFO, Google Inc., EWB board membersince 2002


Page 19

Page 20

Page 21

Financial Management

People & Leadership Pipeline

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Planning & Reporting

Future Projections

EWB is not about band-aid solutions—we are committed to long-term strategies that address the root causes of persistent poverty in Africa. The nature of this approach demands deep analysis and strategic thinking to ensure that we are taking the right approach, as well as detailed monitoring to ensure that we are learning and adapting.

Meeting the goals of our teams in Africa will require a substantial increase in personnel. In 2010 alone, we plan to increase volunteer months by 30%.

Common to all our work are the incredible contributions of EWB’s volunteer network. In Canada, over 600 EWB leaders have formal job descriptions and contribute 10+ hours per week.

Their contributions are clear: EWB employs 23 full-time staff, but the cumulative

contribution of our most active volunteers is equivalent to 145 full-time employees.

23 145

Full Time Staff

Full Time Staff Equivalents of Volunteer Contribution











IN AFRICAEach of our teams in Africa developed comprehensive three years strategies to guide their work and allocate resources, as well as to indicate the critical milestones to reach along the way to 2012.

IN CANADAWe improved reporting and planning tools for our 34 university chapters and city networks. In 2009, they reported data on 3,000 activities, providing a comprehensive picture of our footprint across Canada.

Volunteer Months in Africa

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EWB prioritizes strong financial management and disciplined spending. At $16,600 per volunteer for each 14 month placement, our volunteer sending program is among the most cost-effective in the sector.

But financial management is about more than maintaining low costs—we are dedicated to maximizing the impact of each dollar. In 2009 we went further to identify the return on our spending.

We prioritized high-impact spending by phasing out two programs in Africa and narrowing our scope in Canada. We also cut fundraising activities with low return rates. In 2009 we reduced our direct mail expenses by 80% and increased lower-cost online fundraising. Since, total contributions and the number of individuals donating have both increased—more than replacing a decrease in direct mail contributions.

In the next three years, we are focused on achieving aggressive financial growth to support the change we know is possible. By 2012, this will require that we raise double our 2009 revenues.


See a detailed breakdown of volunteer costs Page 23

Direct Mail Expenditures 2007-2009

Revenue Source 2006-2009

Planned Financial Growth2009-2012

2007 20092008 2006 20092008

Financial Management


1 2

Future Projections

2009 2010 2011 2012$0M









African ProgramsCanadian ProgramsOperational Expenses


Online donationsContributions by mail




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EWB’s effectiveness and impact depends on our ability to attract, engage and maintain exceptional people. In 2009 we expanded opportunities for these leaders to contribute in high responsibility and high impact roles.

In Canada, we piloted national leadership teams, such as the Social Change Entrepreneurship Program, and the Youth and Corporate Engagement Teams. These teams, composed entirely of volunteers, have provided opportunities for alumni and experienced leaders to contribute in a high-impact role.

In Africa, we created opportunities for career progression and professional development by adding new responsibilities and learning opportunities to second and third year volunteer placements.

People & Leadership Pipeline

African Volunteer

Social Change Fellow

Junior Fellowship

Pathways of Engagement


Pathways of Engagement


Professional Junior Fellow

African Volunteer

Social Change Entrepreneur

Social Change Fellow

National Youth

Engagement Team

Global Engineering Innovation Team

National Fair Trade

Universities Team

Cross-Canada National

Conference Team

Office Staff

Chapter Leadership

Chapter Leadership

Office Staff

Future ProjectionsWe will continue to remain dedicated to engaging exceptional people.

In 2010 we will:

• Evaluate the success of our piloted National Leadership Teams to determine how we can improve and expand this model.

• Develop resources to improve communication and connection across nationally-distributed teams, including the launch of myEWB2.0.

• Continue to enhance our National Leadership Program that supports chapter leaders.

• Launch a Leadership and Management Training program for EWB staff.

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In the wake of the financial crash, 2009 was the first year in our decade-long history where EWB’s revenue growth neared 0%. Given the tough financial environment, we are proud to have maintained our financial position and grateful to everyone who invested in our work.

Despite the challenging environment, we remained committed to our independence. This level of independence, crucial to our innovative approach and steadfast focus on impact, is made possible by the diversified group of supporters who financially contribute to our work.

Thank you for your support.

In 2010, as we seek to return to our previous revenue growth rates, we will remain committed to maintaining this diversified group of funders, ensuring that we never become over reliant on any single contributor.

Financial Summary

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009$ 0

$ 500 000

$ 1 000 000

$ 1 500 000

$ 2 500 000


$ 2 000 000

Individual Donations$417,078

Corporate Support$365,601

Foundation Support$391,080

Government Support$515,079

National Conference$344,053

Chapter Fundraising$564,256

Other Income$54,287

Revenue Growth

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In 2009, for every $100 you contributed to EWB, $60 was spent directly on African programs, and $23 on Canadian programs.

These activities are funded separately through

the fundraising efforts of our chapters and conference team.

In 2009, 94 EWB volunteers worked in Africa—every donation to EWB goes a long way to support their work. EWB maintains one of the most cost-effective volunteer sending programs in the sector, spending approximately $16,600 per volunteer for a 14 month placement.

2009 Expenditures

Management | 6%

Fundraising | 7%

Chapter Activities | 8%

National Conference | 14%

Canadian Programs | 18%

African Programs | 47%

Monthly Stipend | 28%

Program Management | 22% Training & Reintegration | 18%

For three years I have donated to EWB because I firmly believe in their ability to turn a donation into impact. EWB leverages a massive volunteer base, ensuring that the impact of every dollar donated is amplified – meaning that my donation has a disproportionately large affect where it matters most.

ShayneSmithPresident of Wardrop Engineering, EWB Board of Directors

Travel & Insurance | 32%

Volunteer Placement Costs

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2009 Summarized Financial Statements

Auditors’ Report on Summarized Financial Statements

To the Members of Engineers Without Borders (Canada) / Ingénieurs Sans Frontières (Canada)

The accompanying summarized balance sheet and summarized statement of operations are derived from the complete financial statements of Engineers Without Borders (Canada) / Ingénieurs Sans Frontières (Canada), (the “Organization”) as at October 31, 2009 and for the year then ended on which we expressed a qualified opinion with respect to the completeness of donations, in our report dated December 4, 2009. The fair summariza-tion of the complete financial statements is the responsibility of management. Our responsibility, in accordance with the applicable Assurance Guideline of The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, is to report on the summarized financial statements.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements fairly summarize, in all material respects, the related complete finan-cial statements in accordance with the criteria described in the Guideline referred to above.

These summarized financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Readers are cautioned that these statements may not be appropriate for their purposes. For more information on the Organization’s financial position, changes in fund balances, results of operations and cash flows, reference should be made to the related complete financial statements.

Chartered AccountantsLicensed Public AccountantsToronto, OntarioDecember 4, 2009

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Summarized Balance Sheets Summarized Statement of Operations

As at October 31, 2008 2009 2008

Assets $ $


Cash 479,846 307,112

Accounts Receivable 48,107 176,462

Prepaid Expenses 150,841 95,766

678,794 579,340

Capital assets - 2,409

Intangibles 41,627 104,300

720,421 686,049


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities

154,209 144,297

Deferred revenue 209,282 65,912 363,491 210,209

Deferred revenue - 44,800

363,491 255,009

Fund BalancesInvested in capital assets - 2,409

Unrestricted 356,930 428,631

356,930 431,040

720,421 686,049

Year ended October 31, 2008 2009 2008

Revenues $ $

Government support 515,079 626,512

Individual donations 417,078 555,457

Foundation support 391,080 321,979

National conference 344,053 306,761

Corporate contributions 365,601 202,542

Other income 24,647 24,400

Membership fees 29,640 26,050

Chapter fundraising

Donations 338,235 280,177Canadian University support 225,941 281,428

Other chapter income 80 2,433

2,651,434 2,627,739

Direct Project CostsOverseas programs 1,285,318 1,125,139

Canadian programs 697,938 738,804

National conference 377,796 381,650

2,361,052 2,245,593

Operating ExpensesManagement and general 175,736 143,280

Fundraising 188,756 209,112

2,725,544 2,597,985

Excess of revenues over expenses (74,110) 29,754

ON THE WEB Full audited financial statements are available online:

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Monthly DonorsRaviraj AdveEjaz AhmedMary Laureen AllenAnonymousDave ArnsdorfDoug AspAnna BarettoMatt BarrPat BayesLynda BeachDanielle BerrutDaniel Beutelkimberly BowmanNathalie BrunetBrent CameronJeffrey CampbellAllan ChambersRaymond ChanJohn ChengJustin ChengJustin ChiaRoger ChownTimothy ChurchMichael ClarkeAllison ClavelleMark CoadyLianne CockertonSteve ConquergoodChristopher CorbinDavid CorriveauJames CoutoIrene CoyleCatherine CrawfordJohn & Meagan Cuddihy Paulina CzajkowskiDennis DanchukDavid DaresBill DiddensLisa DoigNora DryburghBrett DyregrovElizabeth EdwardsDavid ElzingaRandy EresmanChristopher EvansMark EwanchynaRon FernetGraham FlackTrevor FreemanMelony FreiBarry Gallagher

Sonja GallagherShyam Ganeshkurt GibbEdward GillespieJeanette GlassPhyllis GoertzBenjamin GreenRuss GrovesA.M. Harold Gutekkelsey Hargreaveskatrina HarrisMary HartDwayne HarvieLee HaustJohn HazlettHoward HeffermanDallas HeislerNicolas HesseBryan HillMark HorodnykJohn HullJane Hunterkolika HuqStephen HyattCarlos IrioudoJustin Jacques &

Laura BerthiaumeYorwearth JaminWalter JanzenCharles Johnson &

Marilyn WellesRebecca JonesGary & Daisy karasekHamed karimiConrad katholJessie keithJoseph kendallDesmond kernahanMarion kilgourAndria klattChristopher LalchanPaul LapointeAnnie LarriveeBrad LarsonBernadine &

Tom Lassuken LeimerMichael LewchukAlison LoatChris LongsonDavid LubellCas LukayPatricia Lupton

Mark MacLachlanJohn MacLeodDarrell Martindaleken MartynSean MascarenhasAlex MatanMary McGinnessTim MckeeMike McManusMichelle McMillanLeonid MikhailovskyRobert MillarAnnelise MillerBruce MillerPhilip MillerDaphne MitchellDavey MitchellSammie MooreMichael MorgenrothColin MorrishBrian MuirRonald NalewajekMichael OlynikBarbara J. OwnSteve PatitsasBill PatrickBryan PeckJill PedersonAvonwy PetersGerald PetersJennifer PickBradley PickeringDanny PolifroniByron PoschwattaGreg PowellLiam Quinn Susan & Don Quinn David QuirkPavel RahmanMais RahmatallaLance RidehalghMoness RizkallaRocky MoutaineerDiego RomeroMarwa SalaheldinTodd SampsonGillian Savage-knightNikolas SchruderRobert SelbyArlin Simonson Rachel SmithRobert SmolkaLia Squires

Brian SteinkeRenee StewartJason StusickAndrew SullivanShauna SylvesterMark TimlerTetsuo TorigaiLinda van GastelRene VermetteMichael VolkerScott WalbridgeAlan WalfordDenise WalshRebecca WatchornMatthew WebsterThomas WernerPaul WheatonBrett WhelerLuanne WinchiuLeland WindreichHelen WojcinskiJanet & Ronald Wortel Diana YensonGraeme YoungStephen YoungVictor Yung

$50,000 +AeroplanCanadian International

Development AgencyCanadian Energy Pipeline

AssociationR. Howard Webster

FoundationWardrop Engineering Inc.Young Fund at Hamilton

Community Foundation

$25,000 - $49,999John Edward BrockhousePatrick & Tamar PichetteViconics Electronics Inc.

$10,000 - $24,999C U Media Inc.J.W. McConnell Family

FoundationSteve LautManitoba Council for

InternationalCooperationPaul O’Connor

Rocky MountaineerRyerson University -

Faculty of EngineeringPaul SchreiberShayne & Pamela SmithTamaratt Endowment

Fund at The Calgary Foundation

Michael TuckerUniversity of Toronto -

Engineering Society University of Western


$5,000 - $9,999AMECAthena Resources Ltd.Bealight FoundationCapital One Services Inc.Concordia University –

Dean of EngineeringConsulting Engineers of

OntarioDigital RapidsÉcole Polytechnique de

MontréalEnCana CorporationMark & Jenny GuibertHonda CanadaFoundationLa Siembra Co-operative

Inc.Brian SchofieldDonald & Norma

ThurstonBirks Family FoundationUniversity of British

Columbia - Faculty of Applied Science

University of Toronto - Engineering Alumni

University of Waterloo - Dean of Engineering

ZJ Solutions


Page 27: Engineers Without Borders' Annual Report 2009


$1,000 - $4,9992keys CorporationAndrew Peller Ltd.AnonymousAppliedcom Inc.Aspin kemp & AssociatesAssociation ofProfessional Engineers

and Geoscientists of Manitoba

Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of New Brunswick

Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan

klohn Crippen Berger

John BesterdRobert BlanchetteBLG FoundationRut BootsAndrew & Barbara

BrennekM.G. BrittonTimothy BrodheadRobert CalderisiCanadian

Geotechnical Society - Southern Ontario

Avi CaplanAnne ChanStephen ChanCity of CalgaryCity of Mississaugakerry CrozierDalhousie University -

Faculty of Engineeringken & Gail DambergerMaury Drage

eBay CanadaÉcole Polytechnique de

Montréal - Département de Génie Mécanique

Lorna Jean EdmondsJudi ForbesEncana Cares FoundationEnermodal EngineeringEnvironicsCommunications Inc.Layne GardnerJacques GérinGloucester North Lions

ClubJames GoertzGoogle Matching Gifts

ProgramGoto Sargent Inc.Hamilton Community


Lorne & ElsieHankinsonDarlene HargroveHatch Group Social

CommitteeDorian HausmanJohn HealyAnne HillJared HoustonDan HoyWilliam IpJacques Whitford

Stantec Ltd. Jordan Engineeringkanduit Electric Ltd. Louis klinckSharon LazareVernon & Ingrid LoboM&M Meat ShopsVivian and JimMcFarlandMcGill University

McMaster University – Engineering Society

McMaster University – Office of the Dean of Engineering

Roger McMechanMemorial University of

Newfoundland – Faculty of Engineering

Memorial University of Newfoundland – Student Affairs

klara MichalMicrosoft Giving

CampaignR.V. MistryModu-Loc Fence

RentalsMontreal Rotary Clubkatharine MorrisonDr. Vernon &

Margot NeisOntario Power

GenerationRobert PennerPHH Petroleum

Consultants Ltd.Ingenia PolymersSara Prescot-SpencerPrudential Steel Ltd.Pulse EnergyQueen’s University -

Applied Science Dean’s Donation Fund

Real Property Institute of Canada

Roche CanadaRotary Club of Calgary

Heritage ParkSam Vesta Inc.Nancy SaulnierUniversity of Calgary -

Schulich School of Engineering

Shell Canada EnergyJohann SigurdssonT.A. SimonsAlim SomaniGeoffrey SpencerGary SpraakmanJohn Steinerkerry StirtonSt. John’s Board of Trade

UB Foundation Activities Inc.

UPS Canada Ltd. United Way of Calgary

and AreaUniversité LavalUniversity of British

Columbia - Engineering Undergraduate Society

University of Calgary – Students’ Union

University of Manitoba University of Manitoba –

Agriculture Endowment Fund

University of Manitoba – Engineering Endowment Fund

University of Manitoba – Students’ Union

University of New Brunswick - Associated Alumni

University of Regina - Engineering Department

University of Toronto – Department of Chemical Engineering

University of Toronto – Department of Civil Engineering

University of Toronto – Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

University of Toronto – Department of Engineering Science

University of Toronto – Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

University of Waterloo - Dean of Science

University of Waterloo - Department of Chemical Engineering

University of Waterloo - Department of Electrical Engineering

University of Windsor - Alumni Association

University of Windsor -

Faculty of EngineeringUniversity of Windsor -

Students AllianceUrban SystemsVeolia Water

Solutions & Technologies

Will WarrenThe Willow GroupRobert van GinkelMarla VancoughnettWestern Ventilation

Products Ltd.Sean WhitfieldStephen WhitmoreEdward WolowichXL DesignProfessionalYork University –

Federation of StudentsYork University –

School of EngineeringYork University –

Student Centre for Leadership & Development

$250 - $999Carl & karen AbbottMark AbbottZafer Gedeon Achikelly AckermanAECOMAgriteam CanadaAinley GroupGeorgia AlbertChris Algeokarim AllanaAravin AmirthalingamAnderman-Donaldson

FamilyErin AntcliffeHenry ArmstrongSimon & AnnArmstrongHoward AronsonAssociated EngineeringHoward Atkinkimberley AtkinsonJonathan AuldDavid AustenCharles Baconken Balderson

AeroplanSince 2006, Aeroplan and its members have donated more than 26 million Aeroplan Miles to EWB. Last year alone, we used 12 million miles to get EWB volunteers where they needed to be.

We extend our sincere thanks to the generous donors and committed leaders who supported EWB in 2009. Your contributions have ensured that EWB will have a

continued positive impact on many vibrant African communities in the coming year.

Page 28: Engineers Without Borders' Annual Report 2009


$250 - $999 (continued)Jason BalsdonDonald A. Bamfordkyle BaptistaH. Douglas BarberBC Hydro - Hydrecs FundRichard BeattieGilbert BeaudinJohanne BelamgerPatrick BelisleBruce BennettChantal & Winslow

BennettAnnette BerndtGreg BestBF Scientific Inc.Barbara & John

BlackstockAllan BlakeneyJason BlechtaBonner Family FundAndrew BosiljevacBPR Energie Inc.Tom BrownChristopher CampbellMegan Campbell Melanie & AlanCampbell Murray CampbellElizabeth CannonJohn CapeceLester CardDavid & kathrynCareyCH2M Hill Canada Ltd.Noel ChabotYannick ChampollionAidan ChopraBarry CiwkoMiriam ClarkDonald ClarkeLorraine CleynJanuary CohenJohn ColeDavid & Wendy ColpittsPaul CompllinConcrete FloorContractorsAssociationCon-Drain Company Ltd. Paul ConnellyCorey Copeland

Ashley CourtRemi CyrRichard DagenaisRob DalesDalhousie University -

Student UnionAndrea DallasJeff DambergerLarry DavidsonJanet DaviesMichelle DawsonFrancis A.k. DearDelphi GroupDessaukevin DicksonDillon Consulting Ltd.Guy DionnePaul DoyleAgnes DriedigerArend DronkersRobert DuimeringDanielle DupontJohn DurrantSusan EastwoodShehla EbrahimÉcole Polytechnique de

Montréal - Département de Génie Chimique

Bruce EdmondN. Murray EdwardsSara EhrhardtDavid ElzingaENCON Group Inc.Engineers CanadaHavva Balevi EstelleMargaret EvansFalcon Engineering Ltd.Garth FallisBasil FavisEmily FayBernard FishbeinAndrew FisherP. Cam FisherPam FletcherJudy FountainChantal FournierRodney FradetteGrace FrankFransen EngineeringGerald and

Debra FreemanJames FreemanMichael and

Sharon FreemanJennifer Freudenthal &

Michael RehakCristin FrodellaFroudes

Construction Ltd.G.D. Jewell

Engineering Inc.Dean & Jean GeddesGENIVARGeoTerre Ltd.Stephen GeorgeDana GiacobbiCourtney GibsonBruce GillJamey GillisJane GlasscoHolly GouldingThomas GourleyAndrew GrahamJeffrey GrassMarkus GruppHans S. HagaAaron HailmanIvan HallRichard HammondJohn Hampton &

Grace FrankHarbinger FoundationJess HardingClifford HargroveHatch MottMacDonaldAdam HedayatAnn HeeneyTom HemsworthJulia HenreyLawrie & Margaret

HenreyJoseph HeyinckCatherine HicksonHighway Construction

Inspection Ontario Inc.Don & Cheryl HockinAdam HooperCraig HoweBen & Linda HubertDerwyn HughesAlan HumphriesZachary HynesIgnite Excellence Inc.Intek EngineeringBrigid Isenor

ITE Southern AlbertaStephen JackBethany JacksonNuzhat JamalVytas & ConnieJasinskasMarvin E. JerniganBill JohnsonSharon JohnsonAleks JohnstonDonald JohnstonPhilip JourdeyGilles kaars SijpesteijnPaul kaethlerRene kahawitaRod kariusDouglas kempSheila kerrCheryl khouryTimothy kitagawa

Aaron & Liz klassenWade kozakShirley kozelNicolas kruchtenNadine LaCasseJanet LangdonLori LarsenRay LarsenJoannah LawsonMarc Lebelkitty LeeChi LeeMaria LefasDwayne LeffersBrian LeggPierre-Elliott LevasseurSian LittleBrad LoganLloyd LongAlex LothianLouise MacCallum &

Michael Barnstijn Sonja MacfarlaneAl MacLauchlanMonica MadillMark MageeJohn MagillPierre MaheuxJoAnn MajerovichPhilippe MaldineyD. Jeanne MancheeVirginia May McCann FamilyJohn McCleanMcCormick RankinCorporationMcGill University –

Engineering Undergraduate Society

McGill University – Students’ Society

Mike MckoneMcMaster University

- Department of Civil Engineering

McMaster University – Department of Engineering

McMaster University – Department of Me-chanical Engineering

McMaster University – Engineering & Society Program

Memorial University of Newfoundland – Student Union

Christine MeslinRyan MichaudRosaline MirandaDavid MitchellMMM Group Ltd.

Wardrop EngineeringWardrop Engineering was an exceptional partner in 2009. They funded 1 overseas volunteer placement, sponsored our National Conference, and ran a national campaign in Wardrop offices across Canada to engage their employees in our work.


Page 29: Engineers Without Borders' Annual Report 2009


Dawna Monk VanwyckJeff MoodyFlavia MordenRichard A. MorganBrad J. MorrisColin MorrishMorrison Hershfield Ltd.Don MoulsonAlan MurrayIan MylesMeghan MylesOryst MyroniukChristine NeilsonNiagara Community

FoundationJoan NicholRon NicholRyan Nicollkristina NilssonCharles NygrenOntario Association of

Certified Engineering Technicians & Technologists

Nanquette OdileJohn OgilvyGeoff OlsenGreg & Laurie OlsenRandi OlsenOntario Concrete Pipe

AssociationOntario General

Contractors Association

Ontario Society of Professional Engineers

Orange PineapplePhotographyTim OsmondFrederick & Helen OttoGordon PallettMaureen PallettRon PalmerPark Manor Senior

SchoolSteve PatitsasBob & Dee PearsonMatthew PedlyBernard PerronSushee PerumalPeto MacCallum Ltd.JohnPaul PortelliMichael J. Primiani

Brent StuartJason & Erin TeixeiraTerraprobe Ltd.The Chance To Enhance

Inc. Phillip & Barbara Jean

ThorpeTransCanadaTrinity Presbyterian

Churchken TrumbleBruce TunnaChris TworekNauman UmarUnited Way of Alberta

Capital RegionUnited Way ofSaskatoon and AreaUniversité Laval – Zone

Coopérative University of Toronto

– Department of Materials Science Engineering

University of Regina - Engineering Students Society

University of Regina - International Students Success Office

University of Waterloo - Department of Envi-ronmental Engineering

University of Water-loo - Department of Mechanical/ Mecha-tronics Engineering

University of Waterloo - Engineering Society

Andrew van BerkelGeneva van DorpRosemary VenneBradley ViragSheena VivianTasneem WafaiBettina WahlDonald WallaceRichard & Mona WardTrevor WasylykJohn WatsonDavid WeizenbachWestmontrose Farms


Queen’s University - Alma Mater Society

R2EPMonty RaisinghaniRick ReichardBeth RetallackW.D. RoachJonas RobertsDavid RobertsonSean RobertsonDavid RochelleVlad RojanschiDavid RoseRotary Club of St.

Catherines LakeshoreSol RoterRoyal City RotaryEvelyn RussellDerek SahotaMark SalomonsSchaeffer & AssociatesCatherine SchaapAlex W. ScheuermanTina SchiavoneAaron SchroederGordon ScottLaura Seaman & Scott

kempElza SeregelyiLaurence SetonSheel Shahkhalil ShariffDev SharmaWilliam ShawAlex ShermanMike & Rhu SherrardSherwood Forest

School - Grade 5 ClassSteven SimpsonSinclair-CockburnFinancial GroupJung Yeun SongSostratus Engineering

Ltd.Mike SpendloveSpriet AssociatesCurtis StangMike StevensEdward StewartDoug StonemanCaitlin StoreyDeb StratasJerry Stroobach

Robert WieselAdrian Wildsmith &

Linda HarlosRhonda Workmankathy WrightJens WrogemannHai Nien YongStephen YoungDan ZazelenchukEmily Zhang Jeffrey ZhangLeon Zupan

2010 Conference Sponsors

Host ($25,000)Memorial University of


Lead ($25,000)Hatch

Platinum ($20,000 - $24,999)

Shell Canada Inc.Statoil

Gold ($15,000 - $19,999)BombardierChevronFluor CanadaWardrop Engineering Inc.

Silver ($10,000 - $14,999)Enbridge

Bronze ($5,000 - $9,999)GE CanadaHJ O’ConnellInternational

Development and Research Centre

Nalcor EnergyNexen Inc.Research in Motion

Maple ($2,000 - $4,999)CH2M HillHeritage CanadaProfessional

Engineers and Geoscientists of Newfoundland and Labrador

Suncor Energy

Pine ($500 - $1,999)City of St. John’sNewfoundland

Transshipment Ltd. Pennecon Ltd.

We extend our sincere thanks to the generous donors and committed leaders who supported EWB in 2009. Your contributions have ensured that EWB will have a

continued positive impact on many vibrant African communities in the coming year.

Page 30: Engineers Without Borders' Annual Report 2009


Thulasy BalasubramaniamTroy BarrieJon BealeDan BeckElisabeth BoilyRobert BorzychowskiAlex BouchardCharles CauchonRosanne ChabotRyan CoelhoMeghan Dear

Volunteers in Africa

Catherine DenisColleen DuncanSuzanne FishAshley GoodGato GourleyMark HemsworthAmanda HenryHans HesseJen HiscockAlynne IversenNick Jiminez

Zafer Achi,Director, Mckinsey & Co.

J. Edward BrockhouseFounder, Brockhouse & Cooper

Robert ChambersResearch Associate, Institute of

Development Studies, University of Sussex

Rupert DuchesnePresident and CEO, Groupe


Sakiko Fukuda-ParrPast Director, Human

Development Report, UNDP

Advisory Board

David JohnstonPresident, University of Waterloo

Donald JohnstonSecretary General, OECD

Dato’ Ir. Lee Yee CheongPast President, World Federation

of Engineering Organisations

Maureen O’NeilPresident, Canadian Health

Services Research Foundation

Dr. James OrbinskiPast President, Médecins Sans


Betty PlewesPast CEO, Canadian Council for

International Co-operation

John Ralston SaulEssayist and Novelist

Scott RutherfordManagement Consultant,

Rutherford Development Strategies

Ian SmillieInternational Development

Consultant and Author

Frances StewartDirector, Development Studies,

Oxford University

Romesh kahawitaSarfraz khanEileen knowlesArthur kongGraham LettnerShea LoewenSimon MichaudWayne MirandaAude NanquetteNoémie ParadisMegan Putnam

Enam RabbaniAshley RaesideEtienne Renaud-RoyMary RoachGarrett SchmidtOwen ScottAnna-Marie SilvesterJean-François SoublièreRobin StratasShamir Tanna

Trina AbrutoMilka AnabesseAnn ArmstrongChristian BeaudrieAnnette BerndtBen BestSean BootsRon BrittonTim Brodhead Anthony CandelarioTracy CarewAdrian ChanEmmanuel CharbitYu-Ling ChengNicolas ClermontChelsea DavisCatherine DenisMaria DoyleAndrew DSouza

General ThanksThank you to those who contributed their time and support in 2009.

Jason FangNada FaratMin FengAndy FisherAlex FoxIan FroudeJoshua GornerDanny GrahamRuss GrovesAlden HadwenJoel HilcheyAnna HopkinsBinnu JeyakumarNick JimenezArani kajenthiraNina LothianCourtney Macauley

EdwardsHeather Mackenzie

Laura McGrathJohn MiersDaniel Millerkristy MinorChris MongHeidi Morris Sandra MurreP. Alejandra PeñaLori PeterDanielle PhaneufJohnPaul PortelliSean PoulterCherie RatteJean-Luc RiverinScott Rutherfordkhaled SalehSalvatore SalpietroPaul Schreiber

Jane SimmonsJessica Sinclair Andy SobchakMike SpendloveAmy SturgePearl SullivanMadavine TomMike TuckerAndrew WebsterJustin WhelerZaren Healey White Dr. Mark WiseStephen Young Newfoundland Eastern

District School BoardOntario Professional

Engineers Foundation for Education


Page 31: Engineers Without Borders' Annual Report 2009


Mary Lynne Forestell, CA (Treasurer)Sr. Director IT Finance, Bell Canada

Jacques Gérin, P.Eng.Former Chair, International Institute for

Sustainable Development

Parker MitchellCo-Founder and Co-CEO, Engineers Without


Jamaal MontasserBusiness Analyst, Deloitte

Patrick PichetteChief Financial Officer, Google Inc.

George RoterCo-Founder and Co-CEO, Engineers Without


Brian SchofieldRetired Director, Mckinsey & Co.

Jane Polak ScowcroftEngineer-In-Training, Wardrop Engineering


Shayne SmithPresident, Wardrop Engineering Inc.

Don Thurston (Chair)President, Selkirk Portfolio Management Inc.

Board of Directors

Thank You

BACK COVER PHOTO: Bvekelani and his wife Dorothy proudly stand amongst the crops that they have worked so hard to cultivate near their home in Tchale, Malawi.Photo: Anna-Marie Silvester

Bvekelani Nthala, the Village Chairman of Tchale, Malawi works in his maize fields, implementing the latest farming techniques to build a better life for himself, and his family.Photo: Anna-Marie Silvester

Page 32: Engineers Without Borders' Annual Report 2009


366 Adelaide Street West Suite 601Toronto, Ontario M5V 1R9 CANADA

Telephone: 1.416.481.3696Toll Free: 1.866.481.3696Fax: 416.352.5360Email: [email protected]

Charitable Registration Number: 89980-1815-RR0001