environmental terms - esl worksheet

Environmental Terms biodegradable A. a long period when there is little or no rain climate change B. a layer of air high above the Earth, which prevents harmful ultraviolet light from the sun from reaching the Earth deforestation C. able to decay naturally and harmlessly drought D. a gradual increase in world temperatures extinction E. the cutting down of trees in a large area global warming F. damage caused to water, air etc. by harmful substances or waste greenhouse effect G. to extract and reuse useful substances and waste ozone layer H. the modification of general weather conditions found in a particular place pollution I. unwanted material of any type, which is left after useful substances or parts have been removed recycle J. an increase in the amount of polluting gases in the atmosphere that prevent heat from escaping into space

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Post on 25-Nov-2015




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a worksheet about the environment


Environmental TermsbiodegradableA. a long period when there is little or no rain

climate changeB. a layer of air high above the Earth, which prevents harmful ultraviolet light from the sun from reaching the Earth

deforestationC. able to decay naturally and harmlessly

droughtD. a gradual increase in world temperatures

extinctionE. the cutting down of trees in a large area

global warmingF. damage caused to water, air etc. by harmful substances or waste

greenhouse effectG. to extract and reuse useful substances and waste

ozone layerH. the modification of general weather conditions found in a particular place

pollutionI. unwanted material of any type, which is left after useful substances or parts have been removed

recycleJ. an increase in the amount of polluting gases in the atmosphere that prevent heat from escaping into space

wasteK. the process of dying out, having no living representative

Choose one of the following options for the statements below:

will happen (in the next 50 years)

could happen (in the next 50 years)

wont happen (in the next 50 years)

1) Most cars will be electric.

2) Nuclear Energy will end.

3) Alternative energy will be more important than oil.

4) We will recycle all your bags, cans and paper.

5) Almost all the rainforests will disappear.

6) People will continue to sunbathe.

7) The climate will get worse.

8) The next generation will care more about the environment than the present.

9) In elections, Green Issues will become more important than any other.

10) People will destroy the earth.


What human activities have the biggest impact on the environment?

What types of pollution do you know about?(land, air, water, noise, light) Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the government? Explain.

What renewable energy sources do you know about? Does your country rely on any of them? (wind, solar, tidal/waves, geothermic) Do you think nuclear energy is too risky?

Do you think we will be able to stop global warming?

Do you think we will have to colonize other planets in the future?

Do you agree with cloning animals? Should we clone endangered species to prevent them from becoming extinct?