essay on freedom and les mis (religion grade 12)

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Amanda IliadisJanuary 21st 2014Ms. TymsHRE4M

The Gift of FreedomFreedom as a capacity outlines the abundance one utilizes the freedom they have. One can either do good or bad with that freedom and it is up to them to determine how they exercise that amount of liberty. The capacity has almost been granted to them, and now everything they do will be within limits of that given capacity. Les Miserables, a novel written in 1862 has a prime example of how individuals each have a capacity of freedom. For example; Jean Valjean, a peasant condemned to 19 years of slavery in prison for the crime of stealing a loaf of bread to feed a starving nephew knows that he should be free. He did not actually commit a crime because there are far worse crimes in the world than stealing food for a child. He is then, but is given a yellow ticket of leave which he has to show in every new town he visits. No one will employ an ex-convict; so he tears up his ticket in frustration, changes his identity, and goes on the run for a new life. This is how he utilizes his freedom as a capacity. In Iliadis2my opinion, he utilizes it well. Of course outside of the novel, there are examples of those who have not used this capacity of freedom for good. Pontius Pilate for example, was a prefect of the Roman province of Judea. With this much power, authority and freedom, he could do as he wanted in whichever way he pleased. He condemned Jesus to be crucified, it was his and the peoples complete decision. It is stated that he reluctantly sent Jesus to his death; so this goes to show how the capacity of what to do with his freedom could have been altered. He could have chosen to do the right thing. In my life, being the age that I am, it is difficult to have much choice in what I use the extent of my freedom for. But if I am given the freedom to decide something for myself whether it be the Universities I want to apply to, or the subject I want to study, I do the best I can to fully utilize that freedom and choose what I would prefer the best. Freedom as capacity is a difficult thing to keep under control and utilize in the right ways.Freedom as free will is having the ability to choose; it is what God gave us from the beginning of humanity and it is what determines the sort of person we Iliadis3become. This free will can be seen in Les Miserables with the armies of the French Revolution. The French Revolution ended the age of absolute monarchy in France, but was followed by the Reign of Terror, a violent spell in which rival factions dueled it out for power, resulting in the executions of nearly 40,000 people. What emerged from the rubble sparked the events in Les Mis. The soldiers however could choose to either fight or remain uninvolved in the conflict. Most chose to fight for their country, and that choice is a prime example of freedom as free will. Free will being, freedom of choice. On the other hand, someone who has used his free will for evil was Adolf Hitler. He used his power and therefore his ability to make important decisions and decided to take control over Germany and exterminate the impure Jewish people living in Europe. Hitler believed he was doing good things for Germany, but for anyone who was not a follower, he was starting a horrible execution that would last for years and only bring heartache and uproar to the world. In my life, I have done both good and bad using my free will. I have done things I am not proud of, and other things I could never regret. A prime example of this Iliadis4was my decision to write. With that decision has come a change within me that is so great and powerful, I could not ever regret it. Freedom and the ability to have free will, both come at a harsh price and that is why it is imperative that our choices are for good and never for malice intentions.Freedom of working within limitations is defined as having freedom but only within the confines of either society or religion. In Les Miserables, every single character has limited freedom. Jean Valjean must be weary of every move he makes for it might incriminate him since he already changed his identity. Officer Javert is consistently obsessed with finding and killing Valjean and therefore his freedom is limited within his soul. He will not feel free until he catches him. Fantine has limited freedom because she is bound by the constructs of society and her role within it. Cosette is limited in her freedom because all she has ever known is her father Jean Valjean; and she is reluctant to explore the world around her and find other love. The list goes on, but every character is tried with their limited freedom. In my life, I have limitations within my freedom such as when I study, where I spend my Saturday night, or Iliadis5who I choose to date. They may be small, very trivial circumstances; however they are all dependant on others and my own motivation as a person.Freedom as capacity, as free will, and within limitations work hand in hand with one another. The important thing is knowing how to utilize ones freedom to better their life and improve their self image.