etwin and ning in spain

Etwin and Ning in Spain - Come on Ning!Let’s get on this couch! It goes to Spain! - Hurray!!

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This is the story of Etwin and Ning, two etwinning characters, in Spain.


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Etwin and Ning in Spain

- Come on Ning!Let’s get on this couch! It goes to Spain! - Hurray!!

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-Look Etwin!-Said Ning -What’s that? Is it a man? Is it a Monekey? Where are we?- Asked Etwin. -This is the Prehistory time in Spain!- They shouted.

After a long trip Etwin and Ning arrived at Spain…

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-Don’t be afraid,- said the cave man. – You are in the Paleolithic time and I want to show you how we lived thousands of years ago. Look! Come with me.

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Etwin and Ning were very surprised. And followed that strange man. He showed them the vestiges of the prehistory in Spain.

- The Prehistory time in Spain had got three main Periods. This is the first one. The Paleolithic Period. People were nomads. They recollected fruit and roots. They were excellent fishermen and hunters.- Explained the cave man.

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- And this are Altamira Caves, in the north of Spain, in Cantabria. They are beutiful. They are from the Neolothic Period, the second period of the Prehistory time. Men used to paint in the walls and the cells of the caves. And they painted scenes of hunting, or people dancing. Do you like it? – Asked the cave man.


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- And this is Atapuerca!! In Burgos! These are the first Caves of the Prehistory Time in Europe! As you can see, cave men worked with metals and they made their own tools.- Explained the strange man.


Etwin and Ning continued their trip…. Now, they went to the Next Period. The Ancient Times. Bye bye,

Cave man!

Thanks for all. You have been a great teacher!

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-Look! A Celitc Village! – Said Etwin. -It has got houses but it hasn’t got streets. – Said Ning. -Let’s go in!- Said Etwin

Now Etwin and Ning are in The Ancient Age…

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-Look at the houses!! - They are round and


And Etwin and Ning continued their trip across the Ancient Time…

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LooK at that people!

What are they doing?

- Look! – Said Etwin. - They are merchants. I think they are Phoenicians. – Said Ning. -Look at their clothes. They are selling and buying swords. – Said Etwin. -There is a fight over there! Let’s go to see what is happening.- Said Ning.

They are

selling things. Phoenicias came from Asia in the 7th

century BC. They setteld down in Andalusia.

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Look at that men! They are fighting! Be careful Etwin!

They are carthagini


Etwin and Ning were frightnened. That men seemed dangerous… Then they saw soldiers very strange…

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I am Hannibal! A victorius


Let’s fight aganist the Romans! We want

the land of Hispania.

Oh no! My elephant is


Carthaginias came from Africa! They had elephants. They arrived to The Iberian Peninsula in the 3rd century BC. They fought aginst the Romans.

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-This is the map of Europe durign the Roman Times.- Said Etwin. - Oh! The Roman Empire was very big! They arrived to Spain in the year 218 BC.- Said Ning.

The Romans wanted to control the whole of the Mediterranean Sea. Their main rivals were the Carthaginians, who had settled on the peninsula. The Romans and the Carthaginias fought each Other in the Punic Wars. In 218 B.C. the Romans disembarked in Ampurias. They quickly Defeated the Carthaginian army, lead by Hannibal. In the 19B.C, The Roman Conquest of Spain was completed. Romans introduce their laws , their language and their religion.

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Roman houses were square and they had got lots of rooms and a big garden. They were excellent builders.

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-Look, this is Segobriga! A Roman City. And this is a Roman Circus, where slaves fought against lions and tigers. Poor Slaves! – Said Ning. -People came here to have fun. – Said Etwin.

Run! Etwin, Run! There is a Lion over there!

The Romans built many towns. Rich people lived in towns, In houses called domus. The Romans built many public buildings, such as theatres, Amphetheatres, circuses, baths and temples.

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Look Etwin! What a beautiful wall tile!

Yes, it is! It’s beautiful.

-This is Carranque, a vestige of Roman Times in the province of Toledo. – Said Etwin. -It has got honrs and a long beard. – Said Ning.

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Etwin and Ning continue their trip through the Middle Ages. They saw two soldiers far away…

Look! This men come from the Norht of Europe.

They have got swords and shields. Is there a

war in Spain?

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-Look Etwin! Who is that man? - Said Ning. -Let’s ask him. –Said Etwin. -Hi! Hello! We are Etwin and Ning. We are travelling through the time. Who are you? Are you a King?- They said. -Yes. I am a Visigoth King. My name is Liuvigild. I arrived at Spain by the year 400 A.D and founded a Kingdom with Toledo as its capital. I come from the North of Europe.

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-Look! It is another King! Who is he?- Said Ning. -He is another Visigoth King, his name is Recaredo! – Asnwerd Etwin. -Come here children! We need to find a place to go in because I can see some troops over there. I think they are the Moors! They are very dangerous! Come on! Run! Let’s go into the Castle!- Souted the king. -It is better you go to the north of Spain. There, Don Pelayo can help you to be safe. – Suggested the king.

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In 711 A.D an army of Moors arrived from Africa and invaded the Visigoth Kingdom. In just a few years they conquered the whole of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. The Moors called this territory Al- Andalus and establish their capital in Cordoba.

Etwin and Ning went to the Norht of Spain…

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At the same time, the Cristians, In the north of The Iberian Península organized themselves into Kingdoms and wanted to overthrow The Moors of the Iberian Peninsula.

-Look Ning! Who is this?- Asked Etwin. -He is Sir Pelayo. The King of Asturias! He started to fight against the Moors to conquer the Iberian Península again!- Asnwered Ning. -You know a lot of History of Spain. –Said Etwin. -I like reading history books!- Said Ning.- You should read a little more. Ther is a bautiful city in the Center of Spain caleed Toledo. Let’s go there. It is called the city of the three cultures – Said Ning.

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-Look Etwin! It is a Medieval Castle. Let’s go in. Said Ning. -From this tower I can see the city of Toledo! There is a market over there! Let’s visit it! – Said Etwin. -Ok. Let’s go. – Said Ning.

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-Look Etwin! This is the market!. – Said Ning. -Look Ning! It’s bread! I’m hungry! - Said Etwin! -Come on Etwin! Hurry up! I want to go to that building! – Shouted Ning.

Wait a minute, please!

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-Hello!- Said Etwin. -Hello! – Said the guard. -Can we come in? – Asked Ning. -Yes, of course. – Said the guard. -Where are we? – Asked the children.

-You are in the Translators school of Toledo. -Then he is Alfonso X, “El Sabio”. – Said Ning. -Yes, I am Alfonso X. In the school of Translator we translate a lot of works and books. – Said the king.

It is fantastic!

Thanks. Bye bye. Have a

nice day!

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Toledo became a peaceful

town, where people from

different cultures and

religions lived in peace.

I`m a Jewish

I’m a Christian

I’m a Muslim

That’s great!

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The two children continued their trip. They saw a man riding a horse. He was the King James I, the Conqueror. He conquered a lot of Territories to the Moors, such us the Balearic Islands and the Taifa Kingdom of Valencia.

I am going to conquer the Taifa

Kingdom of Valencia. Taifa kingdoms are confronting each

other and I can take advantage.

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-Look Etwin! What a beautiful building!- Said Ning. -Is it a Castle? Is it a palace? Who lives there?- Asked Etwin. -Ning you don’t know anything! It is The Alhambra of Granada! Boabdil, a Moor, lives here. But the Catholic Monarchs want him to go away. Answerd Ning.

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These are Isabel y Fernando, The Catholic Monarchs. They were very important in the Spanish History , with them finished the Middle Ages and started the Modern Era here, in Spain.

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Good bye, now we go to another age

Good bye!

This way, Etwin and Ning said good bye to people in the Middle Ages and they followed the Catholic Monarchs to Granada and to the Modern Age

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While they were having a walk

along Granada they found an

interesting man.

-Hello. Who are you?

-Hi, I'm Christopher Columbus.

-Where are you from?

-I'm from Italy but I came from

Portugal and I'm here to see the

Catholic Monarchs.

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The thing is, magestic, that the Earth is not plain but round, so I could find a shorter and cheaper route to India.

Christopher Columbus persuaded the Queen and she, on her own, financed the trip.

That sounds interesting

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It was a very long and hard journey along the Atlantic ocean on three carabels called “Pinta, Niña and Santa María”. Some times they thought that they never arrived anywhere. But one day…

Land ho!!!

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- Ufff... at last we arrive to India!! But I can't see too much people.

Columbus always thought that they were arriving to India. Only after Columbus death, Americo Vespucio, another Italian sailor working under the Spanish Crown, realized that those lands really were a new continent and it was called America.

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In America, conquerors found different kind of peoples. Some were warriors and fought hardly… although they were finally defeated.

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Other peoples were friendly and peaceful and not longer, they melt with the conqueror peoples.

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Other peoples like Inca, Aztec or Maya had got advanced ans sofisticated cultures…

They know a lot about

the stars

And they’ve got a very accurate

calendar too

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This game looks fun

Pass me!

…And played interesting games like tlatchtli

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At the beginning, they thought

they were wild peoples,

- Look at this village, they are

as civilized as we are.

- They wear clothes of many


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It is said that the Sun never set in the Spanish possessions

Thanks to the discovery of America, the

Spanish Empire spread all around the world.

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But few years and too many bad rulers later…

Oh my God!

The Spanish Empire falls down!!!

However, culturally speaking, it was

the most brightly age in the history

of Spain. In fact, it was called…

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Look at those painters and writers Quevedo, Góngora Lope de Vega, El Greco, Velazquez,…

and this is me, Miguel de Cervantes


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It’s my pleasure to meet you my

two most important characters:

Don Quijote and Sancho Panza.

Nice to



Between the end of the XVI century and the beginning of the XVII, Cervantes wrote The Quixote

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About that time, Madrid became a more and more important city.

Etwin and ning are visiting the “Alcala Gate” with Velazquez. Next, they are going

to go to “El Prado”

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-Look, what a marvellous

picture Etwin!

-Yes, it is!

- Oh, thank you. It’s called “Las

Meninas”. Here, I painted the

king’s daughter and her court. I

painted myself in the picture

too. Can you see me behind

one of the girls, wearing a

black suit?

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In the next room, Etwin and Ning

meet Goya giving last touches to

his work “The Clothed Maja”.

It’s wanderful!

I like Spanish

painting so much

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-Look Ning, this is Cadiz, in the south of Spain. Here, the Constitution of 1812 was born and the Spanish Contemporary Ages too. -It is being a difficult time too, but as compensation they’ve got Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Federico García Lorca, Pedro Almodóvar…

-Perhaps we should come back to meet them, shouldn’t we?

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Bye Spain.

We must go

back to Italy

We’ll come back, I


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Pupils from 5th class Ángel Jesús Gastón Ángela María María Isabel Rocío Alejandro Angelino Jaime Andrea Julio Antonio Alba Rubén Inés Stefan Jesús Jose Vicente Isabel Marta Ihor

Pupils from 6th class Marco Antonio Noelia Estela del Valle Roberto David Aranzazú Javier Jose Antonio Carlos Diego Pablo Alicia Nicolás Pedro Gerado Patricia Eduardo Elena Antonia

CEIP MIGUEL DE CERVANTES, EL TOBOSO, TOLEDO, SPAIN Teachers: Rosario Hidalgo and María Jesús Parra