evening star. (washington, d.c.). 1941-10-18 [p a-12]

Synod Opens Tuesday At Cathedral With 200 Expected Bishops From Dioceses Of Third Province To Attend Session The diocese of Washington will be host to more than 200 members of the synod of the Third Province of the Episcopal Church when it meets at the Washington Cathedral for three days beginning Tuesday. Bishops from all the dioceses of the province, members of the clergy, laity and visitors will come to the Capital from Virginia, Maryland. Delaware. West Virginia and Pennsylvania. Bishop Wvatt-Brown of Harrisburg, president of the Third Province, will preside. The service of the installation of the Right Rev. Henry St. George Tucker, presiding bishop, in his seat In the Cathedral on Wednesday will he the high light of the meeting. The synod will open Tuesday at J pm, with a devotional service in St. Alban's Church. Dinner for the deputies will be served in Satterlee Hall of St. Alban's Church at 6 p.m. and Bishop Strider of West Virginia will he the speaker at the service In the Cathedral at 7:45 p.m. Bishop and Mrs. James E. Freeman will be hosts at a reception in the Bishop's House at 9:15 p.m. On Wednesday, in addition to the Installation of the presiding bishop, will be the synod banquet at the Shoreham Hotel at 7 p.m. The synod will close on Wednes- day after noonday prayers and benediction pronounced by Bishop Freeman, followed by a luncheon in Batterlee Hall. All Souls' Unitarian Services Announced “Are You Missing Something?” is the subject of a sermon to be given bv Rev. Dr. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, minister of All Souls’ Unitarian Church, at 11 a m. tomorrow. ■Rpfore the current problems class at 10 a m. Dr. Donald M. Dozer of the University of Maryland will apeak on Diplomatic Lessons From the Last Peace." The speaker before the compara- tive religion class at the same time will be Dr. Joseph S. McAllister, Catholic University, on •’Thomas Aquinas and His Philosophy.” A staff meeting of the teachers and officers of the church school will take place at 8 p.m. Monday. Tuesday a meeting of the Rainbow group is scheduled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Watts. "Books for Christmas Giving” will be re- viewed at a meeting of the Women's Alliance Friday. Dr. Briggs to Preach At Fifth Baptist At Fifth Baptist Church tomor- row morning Dr. John E. Briggs will preach on “The Mast Popular and Unpopular Subject in the World." In the evening the junior minister, the Rev. J. Herrick Hall, will speak on "The Next Step.” The Darlington Berea Class will be taught by John M. King, the Baraca Class by the Rev. J. Herrick Hall and the Philathea Class by Mrs. Elizabeth Moonev. The Berea Bible Class picture will be taken at 10:30 a m. Next week members will partici- pate in a visitation campaign in preparation for th^ revival October 26 through November 2. Dr. J. O. Williams of the Sunday School Board of Nashville, Tenn., will be the preacher. Missionary Circles will meet as fol- lows: Monday. George Grepn. with Miss Lillian Ferris: Olive Riddell, with Mrs. Maye Smith: Rose Mar- low, with Miss Bradley Thompson. Tuesday. Kate White, at the church: Elizabeth Johnson, at the church at 3 p.m. Wednesday. White Cross, at the church at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Susan Anderson will meet. Hamline Will Observe Annual Joash Chest Day Hamline Methodist Church will observp 13th annual Joash Chest Dnv at 11 am. tomorrow. A brief address by Dr. H. W. Burgan will be on "Our Church.” At 9 45 a m. Representative Spark- man of Alabama, the newly elected teacher of the Brotherhood Bible Class, will give his series of Bible studies, using for his subject "The Holy Spirit. Our Helper.” The Young A #4'11 TTrtl 1 An 'fls will Un n rl rl eoer orl at 9:45 a m. by Dr. E H Orr and will meet again at 6 p.m. for fellowship and tea. The women's adult classes will be taught by Mrs. Edward Stevens and Mrs. Thomas F. Law. The young people will meet at 7 pm. The Red Cross will meet at 10:30 *.m. Tuesday. The Washington West district will hold its annual booth festival at this church Friday night. Christian Science “Doctrine of Amusement” Is the subject of the lesson sermon in all the Churches of Christ, Scientist, tomorrow at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday school is at 11 a.m. All are Invited to attend the church serv- ices Including the Wednesday meet- ings at 8 p.m. Among the citations which com- prise the lesson sermon is the fol- lowing from the Bible: “The sacri- fices of God are a broken spirit; b broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise.” (Psalms 11.17.) The lesson sermon also includes the following passage from the Christian Science textbook. “Science and Health, with Kev to the Scrip- tures.” by Mary Baker Eddy; “One sacrifice, however great, is insuffi- cient to pay the debt of sin. The atonement requires constant self- immolation on the sinner's part.” (Page 23.) Theosophical Society The Lightbringer Lodge of the Theosophical Society will meet at 920 Seventeenth street N.W. Sunday afternoon. Dr. Pieter Koest of Chi- cago and Leydon. Holland, formerly a national lecturer for the Theo- sophical Society, will oiganize a ■tudy class. For the present, activities at the Iodgeroom are scheduled for Sun- days, the following program having been established: 3 tn 4 p.m., mem- bers' meeting: 4 30 to5:30p.m..open forum: 7:30 to 8.30 p.m., class by Dr Roest. The forum on October 19 will be •depressed by Dr. Roest. I «•* News of the Bible Classes Activities of Interest to Local Organizations Bv PAGE MrK. FTCHISOX, President Organized Bible Class Association. Representative John Sparkman of Alabama will be teacher of the Brotherhood Bible Class of Hamline Methodist Church. He will be presented to the class by the Rev. Dr. Harry W. Burgan, pastor, tomorrow | morning. Charles H. Cooke will lead the discussion group on adult Bible class wont ai a meeting oi tne sunaav School Association tomorrow eve- ning in Mount Vernon Place Metho- dist Church. The Women’s Bible Class of North Washington Baptist Church will have Miss Thelma E. Fryer as pnpst teacher to- morrow morn- ing. She will speak on "The Holy Spirit. Our Comforter.” Attorney Ed- win C. Dutton will be the guest speaker to the Men's Bible Class of Eld- brooke Method- ist Church to- morrow. Presi- XJ. kj. xyci. 1 1 son will preside. Mr- Et»hi*on. Mrs. William S. Abernethy will continue the study of the Gospel of Mark at the meeting of the Burial Class of Calvary Baptist Church to- morrow morning. Mrs. Minnie Cal- ton will lead the devotional service. The L. F. O. Class of Brookland Methodist Church will be taught to- morrow by Mrs. Eva Hess. The Philathea Class of Petworth Baptist Church elected as officers; Miss Cora Croft, teacher; Mrs. Nellie Yaden, assistant teacher; Mrs. Katherine Johnson, president; Mrs. Nora Pearson, first vice presi- dent; Mrs. Bertha Kiser, second vice president; Mrs. Ruth Davis, recording secretary; Mrs. Pearl High, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Thelma Duff, class secretary, and Mrs. Esther Tinsley, treasurer. Mrs. Carlos Bell, regional director. < il ic iv ail lieu uiuoo. » ui optewv iu the Wesley Men's Bible Class of Bright w ood Park Methodist Church tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. P. M. Bar- rows will preside. The Lydia Bible Class of Ninth Street Christian Church will meet Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Louise Chase. Officers will be elected. The Euzelian Class of First Bap- tist Church was organized in 1922 and now lias 221 members. Euzelian means "zeal for the work." and the class motto is “Study. Service and Sociability.” John Ruthven will leach the lesson tomorrow morning. He has been the class teacher for 17 years. The Men’s Bible Class of Mount Rainier Christian Church will be taught tomorrow by Carl Brock. The class will sponsor a motion picture program on Friday at 8 p.m. Miss Mabel Nelson Thurston will teach her class tomorrow morning at the Covenant-First Presbyterian Church. She will speak on "The Holy Spirit Our Helper." The class has an afternoon group, composed of volunteers to sewr for Gallinger Hospital. Justice Bolitha J. Laws will speak to the A. B. Pugh Bible Class of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church tomorrow morning on "Up- holding Family Ideals." The Homebuilders’ Class of Na- tional City Christian Church Plerted the following officers; G. P. Walkpr, 'president; Brook L. Haines, vice president; Mrs. R. J. Avenette, secretary, and Aldert Molenear, treasurer. The Fidelis Class of the Kenil- worth Presbyterian Church will hold its annual banquet at Friendship House on Thursday at 7 p.m. Mrs. John Breckrnridge Kinnear will begin 51 years as teacher of the Kinnear Class of Calvary Bap- tist Church tomorrow morning. The class will attend the morning church service in a body. The O. W. L. Bible Class of Cove- nant-First Presbyterian Church will be taught tomorrow by Charles C. Haigh. Topic, "How the Books of the Old Testament Were Written." The Harrison Bible Class of Con- gress Street Methodist Church will hold its annual father-and-son ban- quet in the social hall Friday at 6:45 p.m. The adult Bible classes of the Gunton Temple Presbyterian Church will hold a joint session tomorrow morning. Page McK. Etchison will be the guest teacher. Evangelist Clifford Continues Services There will be a continuation of the evangelistic services at Metro- politan Baptist Church through next week Evangelist B. D. Clifford will speak tomorrow at 11 a m. on "The Seven Hells" and in the evening on "A Stopping Place on the Road to Catastrophe." The five young people’s groups meet at 6:30 pm. Following the evening service there will be a hymn sing. The pastor and deacons will meet daily at 7 p.m. for the duration of the evangelistic services to inter- view' any who wish to come into the church membership. On Wednesday at 10 am. the Ladies’ Aid meets. The Red Cross unit meets at 1:30 p.m. The ladies’ prayer group meets on Thursday at 9:30 am. Lutheran Church To Hold Communion Holy communion will be cele- brated at the Takoma Lutheran Church by the Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer tomorrow in connection w'ith the annual harvest home service. Members of the Sunday school and church will bring food and clothing which will later be dis- tributed to the needy on the lists of the Washington Lutheran Inner Mission Society. The Junior Luther League will meet at 6 p.m. The Senior Leaguers will go to Baltimore tomorrow aft- ernoon to attend the annual con- vention of the Baltimore Federation of Luther Leagues of the Eastern District of the American Lutheran Church. The Women’s Guild will attend the annual convention of the At- lantic District of the Women’s Mis- sionary Federation of the American Lutheran Church on October 23 at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. One of the groups will present a "gay 90s" party Friday evening. Schedule of Activities in Washington Churches Baptist Taknma Park. The Rev. William E. La Rue will speak tomorrow morning on "Mo- tive Power.” In the evening Howard D. Rees will give a special address to young people. Baptist Ministers. Tire Baptist Ministers Conference will meet Monday in Calvary Bap- tist Church at 11 a.m. The Rev. Newton H. Simmonds will preside. There will be a general discussion of denominational plans and prob- lems in which all who desire may participate, led by Dr. Rufus W. Weaver. Bronkland. “Advice on Going to Law” will be the topic of the Rev. M. C. Stith at 11 a.m. All departments of the Training Union hold meetings at 6:45 p.m. At 7:45 p.m. the pas- tor's topic will be "A Deserved Re- buke.” West Washington. The Rev. Charles B. Austin will preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. The F. I. Greene Bible Class will meet at the home of Mrs. Bessie T. Volkman Monday evening. The pastor will speak Thursday ev&ning on “A Deacon at Work.” East Washington Heights. "Spiritual Birth" will be the theme at 11 a.m. by the Rev. Glenn B. x auv.cu. dii cue evening iniegiaLcu service which starts at 6:45 p.m. with a five-part training program for the entire family, the closing part beginning at 7:45, will center about the illustrated drama sermon, "The Kings of Kings.” Bethany. "Taking Religion for Granted” Is the pastor's subject tomorrow morning and in the evening "Oranges and Diamonds.” The Sunday school will have charge of the midweek devotional service. Kendall. Evangelist Dale Crowley will as- sist the pastor, the Rev. Len Stevens, in a series of revival services begin- ning tomorrow at 11 a m. aan con- tinuing through the week each eve- ning at 7:45 o'clock, except Saturday. Wisconsin Avenue. "Let Your Light So Shine” will be the topic at 11 a m. by the Rev. Clarence Ray Ferguson, and "Suf- fering After Death” at 8 p.m. Anarostia. The Rev. Charles E. Wilkinson of Philadelphia, Pa., will display models of the Tabernacle of Israel and the Temple of King Solomon October 22. 24 and on October 26 The models are built to scale smd composed of ovpr 12.000 parts. All the services are planned for the members of the whole family. First (Colored). A harvest home dinner will be served this Saturday afternoon. The Rev. T. Ewell Hopkins will give the 79th anniversary message at 11 a.m. Sunday. At 3 p.m. Dr. C. T. Murray, pastor of Vermont Avenue Baptist Church, will be guest speaker. Mrs. Julia West Hamilton will speak at 7:30 p.m. and the mortgage burning will follow. The anniversary will be climaxed by a five-night cam- paign. This revival will begin Mon- day night. The Rev. W. B. Ball of Richmond, Va., will be the guest evangelist. McKinley Memorial (Colored). Dr. S. Geriah Lamkin will preach at 11 a.m. on “Growing in Grace.” Holy communion at 4 pm. Union services conducted by the Rpv. C. H. Hamilton, the Rev. G. E. Galloway and others at 8 p.m. Zion (Colored). At 11 a.m. the Rev. A. Joseph Ed- wards delivers the final message in the series on “The Earthly Choices of the Soul.” The sermon is “Three Fundamentals of the Christian Life.” At 8 p.m. the pastor will preach. New Bethel (Colored). Installation services of the pastor at 11 a.m. and ending October 31 with a reception. At 3:30 p.m. the Rev. Robert An- derson will be the guest speaker. At 8 p.m. the Rev. Earl R. Boone will preach. Friendship (Colored). The Rev. R. Randall will preach at 11 a.m. Holy communion at 3 p.m. Pilgrim (Colored). “How to Win Men” will be the subject of the Rev. John S. Miller at 11 a.m. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated and new’ members re- ceived at 4 p.m. At 8 p.m. the “Ten Virgins" will be dramatized. On Wednesday at 8 p.m. the Rev. S. Moss of the Southern Baptist Church w’ill preach. Tire Rev. Mr. Miller will preach Thursday at 8 p.m. at the new Mount Olivet Bap- tist Church. Second lColored). Dr. J. L. S. Halloman will preach at 11 a m. on "The Quality of the Forgiveness of God.” The Flower Club will conduct a pew rally at 4 p.m. In the evening the pastor will preach on “The Man With the Legion.” Mount Rrthel (Colored). Dr. K. w. Roy will .preach a spe- cial sermon at 11 a.m. In observance of Christian influence day on “Friendship.’' Regular service at, THE REV. H. B. CENTZ. Three Christian Jews To Talk at Tabernacle Three Christian Jews will conduct services and tell of conditions in foreign lands throughout next week at the Non-Sectarian Tabernacle, 6440 Piney Blanch road N.W., of which Dr. John McNeill is pastor. The speakers are Dr. Joseph H. Cohn, general secretary: the Rev. H. B. Centz and the Rev. A. B. Machlin, field evangelists of the American Board of Missions to the Jews, with headquarters in Brook- lyn. N. Y. The meetings will begin tomor- row and continue through Octo- ber 26. Admission is free. 8 pm. On Tuesday night Dr. Roy will preach in the installation service of the New Bethel Church, Good Will Colored). Dr. A. Clayton Powell, sr., pastor- emeritus of the Abyssinian Baptist Church of New York City, will be the guest speaker at the $5,000 rally at 8 p.m. At the morning service Dr. James L. Finn will speak on "The Steadfast Purpose.” Vermont Avenue (Colored). Dr. C. T. Murray will preach at 11 a.m. on "What Jesus Thought About Human Relationships” and at 8 p.m. on ‘‘The Rogues of the Bible.” Third (Colored I. Dr. George O. Bullock will preach at 11 am. on "The Way to Our Heavenly Home.” Holy communion I will be observed. There will be a musical program at 8 p.m. The Christian Endeavor Societies will meet as follows: Juniors. 4 p.m.; intermediates, 5 p.m., and seniors, 6 p.m. Mount Horeb (Colored). At 11 a m. sermon by Dr. Charles H. Fox; 8 p.m., a sermon in songs. Rehoboth (Colored). In the morning the Rev. Mr. Johnson will preach from the text “By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them.” In the afternoon there will be a program under the auspices of the Endowment Society. “The Fellowship of the Saints" will be the topic in the evening. Trinity (Colored). “The Significance of Baptism” is the subject of the Rev. J. S. Lucas at 11:30 a m. There will be bap- tizing. At 3:30 p.m. the Rev. W. H. Gibson, pastor of the Glendale Baptist Church, and his congrega- tion will worship. Reception of new members and the Lord's supper will be served. Christian Third. An installation service will be held in the Bible school at 9:45 a m. The Rev. C. N. Williams will preach at 11 a m. on “My Place in God's Plan." The Lord's supper will be observed. Fifteenth Street. At 11 a.m. sermon by the Rev. Leslie L. Bowers on “The Extra Good.” Youth Fellowship groups at u.ou p.111. At 8 p.m. the young men in the service of our country will be \ honored by a Christian patriotic service during which Mrs. J. H. Hansbrough, mother of two bovs in the service, will present a United States Army service roll. The pastor will speak on "Christian Soldiers.” Congregational People's (Colored I. Guest day tomorrow. The Rev. A. F. Elmes will speak on "Lad- ders” at 11 a.m. Arrangements for the transportation of shut-in mem- bers of the church are being made, and a number of service men will be guests at dinner after the morn- ing service. Paul’s poem on "Christian Love’’ will be the basis of the discussion next Thursday night with the min- ister leading. Plymouth (Colored!. The Rev. Arthur D. Gray will have for his subject "Wines Over Jordon." At 3:30 pm. the Inter- denominational Ushers' Union will hold services. The minister will speak on "Three Levels of Life.-' The Youth Circle will meet at 6 p.m. Lincoln (‘Colored!. Dr. R. W. Brooks will speak on “The Terms of a Stabilized Life." The Men's Brotherhood will rr^et at 10:15 am. The guest speaker, Mrs. Flaxie H. Pinkett. director Northwest Settlement House, will discuss "A Program for Juvenile Delinquency.” Church of the Epiphany. Dr. Z. B. Phillips will preach twice tomorrow. There will be morn- ing prayer and sermon at 11 a.m. and at 8 p.m. the Girls' Friendly Society will have a service of reded- ication. Dr. Phillips will preach. There will be holy communion at R a.m. and Junior Bible Class at 9:30 am. The Young People's Fel- lowship will meet at 6:30 p.m. St. Agnes. Young people of the parish who are members of the Servants of Christ the King will keep a day of intercession and prayer on Tues- day as a part pf the Nationwide American Church Union Cycle of Prayer. There are masses on Sun- day at 7:30. 9:30 and 11 am. The Sunday evening service is at 7:30 p.m. Church of the Ascension. Services tomorrow will be: 8am holy communion: 11 a.m., morning prayer and sermon by Canon Ray- mond L. Wolven. The Young Peo- ple's Fellowship will be held at 7 p.m. Holy ('omfnrler-St. Andrews. The Young People's Group will meet at 6 p.m. in the parish hall. The Girls’ Friendly Society will meet Monday at 7:30 pm. The Sunday schedule of services: Holy communion, 7:30 a.m.; sermon and service, 11. The Rev. Howard S. Arnold is rector. Church of Our Saviour. There will be a celebration of the holy communion at 7:30 a.m. which will be a corporate communion for the Daughters of the King: 9:30 am., junior church service: 11 a.m., morning prayer and sermon by the Rev. Alvin Lamar Wills: 6:30 p.m., Young People's Fellowship: 8 p.m.. the confirmation lecture will be given; At 8 pm. Monday the Woman's Guild will meet with Mrs. Ella Wood. The Woman's Auxiliary will meet in the parish hall on Tuesday at 1:30 pm. Lutheran Inner Mission Society. The Lutheran Inner Mission So- ciety will hold services tomorrow in the following institutions: Miss Miss Frances Dysinger will be the teacher in the Bible class In the T. B. ward of Gallinger Hospital. Mi's Frances Dysinger will conduct the sendee at the House of Detention. The young people from Luther Place Church will have charge of the service in Children's Hospital. St. Mark's. “What Does Religion Mean to You?" will be the theme of the Rev. J. Luther Frantz at 11 a.m. The Luther League is at 6:30 p.m. Atonement. “Sanctification" will be the sub- ject of the Rev. Howard E. Snyder at 11 a.m. At 8 p.m. the Rev. Carl F. Yaeger. pastor of Resurrection Lutheran Church in Virginia, will be the guest preacher. The Broth- I erhood wdll attend this service in a body. There wdll be a meeting of the congregation Monday at 8 p.m. in the parish hall. St. Stephen's. “To Be Christian—Is It Passible?” is the theme of the Rev. George K. Bowers at 11 am. The Senior and Junior Epworth Leagues meet at 7 pm. On Friday at 3:30 pm. the con- j firmatlon class will meet. The I Luther Leaguers will join in the District rally at Holiday House on Saturday at 2 p.m. Mount Olivet (Colored). “Forgiven for Service” is the sub- ject of the Rev. W. Schiebel at 11 a.m. Raymond Fowler will show a I moving picture of his trip through the Holy Land at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Paul Kavash will preach at 8 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Schiebel will preach at Amaranth, Pa., at 8 p.m. Christian education meeting for adults is Tuesday night and for young people Monday night. Methodist Me Kendree. The Rev. Charles F. Phillips will preach at 11 am. on “Why Go to Church” and at 8 p.nr. on "Some Sins of a Churchman.” The young adults and youth fel- lowship groups meet at 7 p.m. Congress Street. The Harrison Bible Class will meet tomorrow at 9:45 am. Fred R. Stephens, second vice president, will preside. John Haje will have charge of the lesson. The Rev. Dorsey K. (Continued on Pa«e A-13.) Huguenot Society Will Hold Annual Cathedral Service Wreath Will Be Placed At Tablet to Memory Of Gaspard de Coligny The annual remembrance service of the Huguenot Society of Wash- ington will be held at 3:30 p.m. to- morrow at Washington Cathedral. The Rev. Merritt F. Williams, canon alomoner, will conduct a service for the members of the society prior to the regular 4 o'clock evensong in the Cathedral. A feature of the service will be the laying of a wreath at the tablet erected by the society just outside the entrance of the Chapel of St. Joseph to Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, who was assassinated In Paris in the massacre on thp eve of St. Bartholomew, August 24, 1572. Miss Carolina V. Sudler, president of the Huguenot Society of Washington, is in charge of arrangements for the service. The Rev. Theodore O. W'edel, canon chancellor, will preach at the 11 a m. service. The evensong ser- mon will be delivered by Canon Williams. Services will bp held throughout the week daily at 7:30 a.m., noon and 4 p.m. Pastor to Continue Series From Book of Cotossians The Rev. G. G. Johnson of the : National Baptist Memorial Church will preach at 11 a m. tomorrow on "Your Full Life—Its Cultivation,” the fifth in the series from the book of Colossians. The Rev, A. Lincoln Smith, assistant minister, will speak at 8 p.m. on "Cheerfulness That Abides.” The Board of Christian Education will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday. The young men's class will hold its annual banquet at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday. The speaker will be Rep- resentative Patrick of Alabama. The intermediates will have a fel- lowship at 7:30 pm. Wednesday. The Wilma Bucy Chapter of Co- lumbian Girls will meet with Mrs. Frank McKenzie at 8 pm. The Roger Williams Chapter of the Co- lumbian Girls has a dinner and meeting at 6 pm. Thursday. The officers and teachers meet at 7 p.m. 'Character' to Be Theme At North Washington "Character Building” is the gen- eral theme Sunday at the North Washington Baptist Church” and "Presentable Men” is the subject selected by the Rev. Henry J. Smith for tomorrow morning. In the eve- ning he will speak on "God Places Men.” The Baptist Training Union groups will meet at 6:45 p.m. The weekly devotional service will be held Thurs- day night at Highlands Church. The Rev. Mr. Simmonds will speak. The women will meet for Red Cross sewing Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Law. Francis Asbury Methodist Dr. Robin Gould will preach at 11 am. on "So Good. So True!” and it 8 p.m. on "Christian Enthusiasm.” At 6:45 p.m. the young people, intermedates and young adults will meet. On Monday from 1 to 3 pm. the women will sew for the Red Cross and on Friday from 10 a m. to 3 p.m. At 8 p.m Friday, WWDC will give a cooking school demonstration sponsored by the P. W. Jeffries Bible Class. Mt. Vernon Methodist Church Programs Announced &r. John W. Rustin to Give Sermons at Morning Services Dr. John W. Rustin will preach at Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church at 9 and 11 am. tomorrow 1 on "Building the City of God." He will leave in the afternoon for Salisbury, Mti., to participate in the rededication service Monday of the Trinity Methodist Church, of which he was at one time minister. The Rev. Nelson Pierce will preach at 8 p.m. on "And It Didn’t Cost Him a Cent." The buffet supper for all young people will be served in the social hall at 6 p.m. Senior and young peo- ple’s departments will meet at 7 p.m., the Young Adult Fellowship will have their evening program in the church parlor at 7 p.m. The Woman’s Society of Christian Serv- ice will meet at 11 a m. Tuesday. Dr. Rustin will speak at 8 p.m. Thursday. The fellowship will fol- low the service. Bishop Arthur J. Moore, in charge of the Episcopal area of the Method- ist Church in Georgia and Florida, will preach at 11 a.m. October 26. The moving picture to be shown at the church Saturday evening will be "Melody of the Plains.” There will also be short subjects. This program is free for children of the neighborhood. Rev. J. Harold Mumper To Continue Sermons The Rev. Dr. J. Harold Mumper, pastor of Keller Memorial Lutheran Church, will continue a series of sermons at 11 a m. tomorrow on the general question, “What Think Ye?” speaking on “What Think Ye of Man" At 7:45 pm. the assistant pastor, the Rev. Cedric w. Tilberg. will speak on "Christ Looks at Deeper Needs.” The Senior Young People’s meet- ing is at 6:30 p.m. At the service held in conjunc- tion with, the Leadership Training School Thursday evening. Dr. Mumper will continue his series of studies on 'Great Hymns of the Bible,” speaking on "The Bene- dicts” Four classes of the Leader- ship School will meet simultaneously at 6:45 and again at 8 p.m. The Luther League will present in a piano recital. Robert H. Fischer, director of the Male Chorus of the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, Pa., Tuesday evening. Trinity Methodist The Rev. Daniel W Justice will preach on “The Life Is More than the Book” at 11 am Methodist Youth Fellowship meetings are at 6:30 p.m. At 8 p.m. the pastor will continue the series on “Living Messages From the Books of the Bible," speaking from the Book of Exodus on "A Na- tion Goes Forth." At 3 p.m. October 19 the pastor will speak at the Masonic and East- I ern Star Home on "Christ's Cure for Troubled Hearts.” The Fellowship Committee of the Womens Society of Christian Serv- ice will serve a luncheon on Tuesday at 12:30. All planning to attend bring a covered dish. On Wednes- day at 8 p.m. an informal reception will be given to the pastor and his family. On Thursday, meeting and Bible study in co-operation with the Woman's Society of Christian Serv- ice. The pastor will speak on "The Unity of Humanity in God.” Psalm, xlvii. A Lesson for the Week Secret Agent on Side of Those Fighting for Right By WILLIAM T. ELLIS. ■'The stars in their courses fought against Ribera." That, familiar comment upon an ancient Hebrew battle expresses an eternal truth. There are imponderable and intangible forces at work in the universe for the maintenance and progress of right and truth. Most thoughtful persons are agreed that in the present stupendous world struggle. Hitler cannot win, even though the material odds have been heavily with him. He is on Ova ii-rnnn 1 A._ ..O battle between mankind’s spiritual Interest and the selfish advantage of one group or persons. This present' was in an acute expression of the eternal strife be- tween the higher and lower natures of man. Ancient Persia's religion saw all life as a continuous struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, the higher and the lower. That strife still rages in the indi- vidual human breast, as well as in the world of affairs. The Scrip- tures abundantly affirm the same teaching, which is inwrought in es- sential Christianity. This truth is the profound basis of our present confidence during the contemporary world upheaval. There is a Divine force buttressing our highest expectations and aspirations. It matters not how we name it. It may be called the Higher Power, the Eternal Principle, the Spirit of the Infinite, or simply God Himself. However designated, it signifies that there is a mysterious somebody or something who works with and for man's best purposes and efforts. It is the same Spirit who moved upon Chaos at the creation; who was promised as a Substitute for Him- self by Jesus in His farewell ad- dress; and who is today moving upon the hearts of all sorts of people everywhere, to give them glimpses and hopes of a better world. Thrice blest is he to whom is given, The instinct that can tell, That God is on the battlefield When He is most invisible.” This sublime truth of the Holy Spirit is one of the deepest mys- teries of our faith. It is often neglected, and often perverted. The high brow who iisj attl/uill of the Spirit's ac tivity is equal- ly in error with the u n t u tored emotionalist who j a 11 r i b utes his physical contor- : tions to the Spir- j it. Many persons have erroniously j believed that the presence of the Spirit is revealed by seasons of prstflrv* fnrppt- ting that ecstacy is always tempo- "’. T Elll». rarv, whereas the Spirit is an abid- ing force. We have heard misguided Chris- tians boasting of the gift of the Spirit, as if this were a special per- sonal ornament. Dr Charles R. Erdman sagely observes, "I really believe that the men truly filled w-ith the Spirit are the men least con- scious of the fact.” Paul clears up this point, having in mind the Master's word that a tree is known by its fruit: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuflering. gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temper- ance; against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affec- tions and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” For Life’s Everydayness. It would be an inadequate religion which did not offer all of its benefits to all of its disciples. We freely concede the Spirit's aid in the preaching of a great sermon, in the great decisions of statecraft, or in the writing of a great book. What we often forget is that this Divine Helper Is an ever-present aid in the everydayness of life. He enables a farmer to drive a straighter furrow: a stenographer to type a neater letter; a cook to pre- pare a finer meal; a woman to be a wiser mother; a salesman to sell a larger bill of goods: a machinist to turn out a better job at his lathe. As the letter to the Ephesians ex- presses it: "For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and right- eousness and truth.” "There are diversities of gifts, but one Sprit.” We may have the highest Help for the lowliest task. To this Source we look for the loveliness of life. Grace and graces are imparted together. There is no charm that a woman can possess to equal the winsomeness of a spiritual character. The secret of strength in men lies in the depth of their spirits, where another Spirit | dwells. The Quaker teaching of "the Inner Light”—often diluted in modern meetings to a mere exalta- tion of personality—was given by George Fox only as a name for the in-dwelling Spirit of Christ. In a special degree the truth of l the helpful Holy Spirit is a Christian possession, the farewell bequest of Jesus. The Man About to Die de- scribed the Spirit and His office most fully. (John xiv.16—20, 26.> The Spirit is an Advocate, a Strength- ener, a Comforter, the plenipo- tentiary Ambassador of Christ; the Paraclete, as He is called in the Greek. Wo imnortc ciictoinimr cfronrrtVi In trials little and great. He gives overcoming endurance and power in persecution. He enables the disciple to bear witness to his faith. He fills life with peace and joy amidst all conditions. He reveals the mind of Christ. He is the Source of all the kindliness, helpfulness and right living of Christians. The Holy Spirit is religion's Great E.-sentiai. provided by the Saviour. Scruff of the Neck Aid. Once a distinguished layman was telling his religious experience. “I am grateful for scruff-of-the-neck providences which have delivered me in great temptations. It has seemed as if the Spirit has saved me by main force, in spite of myself. And in the long run of my life, as I look back upon whatever services I have been able to render the Kingdom. I now see that only the Great Enabler has made these pos- sible. I can say with Zachariah. 'not by might not by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.’" In like manner may all of us rev- erently acknowledge that there has been a force in our lives, outside of ourselves yet within us. which has made for whatever righteous- | ness we possess It has checked the angry word and inspired the kindly word: It has quickened our natural laziness into doing what we ought to do; it has implanted in our hearts a love for the good, the true and the beautiful: it has permeated our j democracy until as a nation we sense the divinity of the great objectives of freedom and loyalty and broiher- hood. Now. in the supreme test of all time, we rely upon that same Spirit of God to bring us forth triumphant into a new Kingdom order of life. The Sunday school lesson for October 19 is. “Some Great Christian Teaching: The Holy Spirit Our Helper**—John iii.5-8; Acts I.R: Romans viii.26; Gala- tians v.22-2fi. Women's Missionary Federation to Meet At St. Matthew’s Lutheran Hospital Director From India Will Be Speaker The biennial convention of th» Atlantic District Womens Mission- ary Federation of the American Lu- theran Church will be held at St Matthew’s Lutheran Church on Thursday. Dr. Charles Muthaiya, chief of staff of the American Lu- theran Hospital in Madras. India, will be the speaker at 7:30 pm. Local clergy participating in this service will be the Rev. G. E. Lenski, J. A. Pfeiffer and T. P. Fricke. Miss Katherine Lehman. Colum- bus, Ohio, president of the national organization, will bring offi"ial greet- ings at 10 a m. with Mrs. C. G. Wolf, Baltimore. Md., presiding. Theme studies on The Abundant Life W’U be presented by Mrs. John Kroll, representing St. Matthew’s Mission- ary Society. Mrs. C. R Strarhler of New York City will give a book review. Tire afternoon will include a play- let by St. Matthew’s Junior Mission Band under the direction of Mrs. E, Behrens. The missionary socie- ties of Faith Church. Arlington. Va., and Christ Church. Bethesda, Md., will introduce programs. The Rev. Theo P. Fricke will preach tomorrow morning on "He Hath Opened Mine Eyes.” At 1:45 p.m. the Luther Leagues will leave the church for a young people’s con- vention at Perry Hall. Md. The special Bible lecture course will con- tinue Friday evening with Mr. Fricke speaking on "New Testament Epistles.” M ii < # ^ capiisi iunaay xnoois Holding Training Classes A city-wide Sunday school train- ing week, under auspices of the Baptist Sunday Superintendents’ Association, is being held at the Petworth and Second Baptist Churches. It will continue through October 31. The schedule is the same at each church. Classes are being held at 7 o'clock every night for cradle roll and beginner workers, primary and junior workers, intermediate work- ers. young people and adult workers and for general officers. There will be reports from the classes at 7:45 o clock and addresses before adjournment at 9 o'clock. Groups to meet at the Petworth Church will be from the Fifth. First, Temple, Bethany, Calvary, Bethesda, Highland. Brookmont, Chevv Chase. Takoma Park, Silver Spring. West Washington. North Washington, Wisconsin Avenue. National Me- morial and Luther Rice Memorial Churches. At Second Church representa- tives of Grace. Kendall, Brookland, Anacostia, Centennial. Hyattsville. Metropolitan. Wilson Avenue, Cap- itol Heights. First Riverdale. Mary- land Avenue. Congress Heights. Fountain Memorial, Church of the Redeemer and East Washington Heights Churches will meet. Shuler Bible Lectures Enter Fourth Week A special lecture on “What and Where Is Hell?” tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. will mark the opening of the fourth week of the Shuler Bible lec- tures at the Bible Auditorium on Eastern avenue at the end of the Georgia avenue car line. Every Tuesday night is devoted to health questions, answered by a Washington doctor, followed by a 20-minute health lecture by another doctor. This. In turn, is followed bv a 30-minute demonstration by- graduate nurses. Mr. Shuler is devoting a special service on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. to the answering of question*. Dr. Hollister to Preach On 'Religion in Focus' Dr. J. H. Hollister will preach to- morrow morning at Chevy Chas° Presbyterian Church on “Religion in Focus.” The young adults are spending this week end at Capon Lake, Inter- mont. W. Va. The fireside group will meet at 7:30 p.m. The Hearth- stones will meet at 6:45 p.m and the Collegians at 7:45 p.m. Dr. Charles W. Eliot. 2d, director National Resources Planning Board, will be the guest speaker Thursda" evening. He will speak on “Creating and Using World Resources.” Salvation Army Meetings tomorrow’ are: Temple Corps, 606 E street N.W.— The divisional staff will conduct services at the Temple Corps. Mrs. Maj. James Longino will speak at 11 am. and Maj. Longino at 8 p.m. on "His Bounteous Mercies." Colored Branch, 1501 Seventh street N.W.—The young people will be in charge of the services at 11 a m. and 8 p.m. Misses Doris and Norma Roberts will lead the group. Southeast Corps, 733 Eighth street S.E.—Capt. Lonnie Knight will speak at 11 a m. At 8 p.m. a special service will be held, at which a number of Corps Cadets will be presented with certificates. Adj. William L. Devoto will speak on "The Reward." Georgetown Corps. 1075 Thomas Jefferson street N.W.—Capt. Ben Jones will speak at 10 a m. on “I Am Thine,” and at 8 p.m. on "For Me to Live.” Northeast Corps, 715 Eve gtreet N.E.—Lt. Dorothy Summey will speak at 11 a m. on "The Higher Life.” At 8 p.m. Maj. John Camp- bell will speak on “Victory in Salvation." Waugh Methodist At the 11 a m. service the Rev. Samuel E. Rose will continue his series of morning sermons on “Far- ing Our Everyday Difficulties" by preaching on "The Ghost of Fail- ure.” At 8 p.m. he will give the third sermon in the series on "Love and Marriage,” the topic being "Court- ship: Love's Adjustments.” Special music by the vested young people'* choir. The Young People’s Leagues meet at 6:45 p.m. Dutch supper by the Omega Men’s Class in the parish hall on Tuesday at 6 p.m. The Mothers' Class mpets with Mrs. Robey on Tuesday at 8 p.m, Halloween party by the Epwortb League at the home of Miss Mstf Ellen Shepherd on Saturdsv it p.m.

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Synod Opens Tuesday At Cathedral With 200 Expected

Bishops From Dioceses Of Third Province To Attend Session

The diocese of Washington will be host to more than 200 members of the synod of the Third Province of the Episcopal Church when it meets at the Washington Cathedral for three days beginning Tuesday. Bishops from all the dioceses of the province, members of the clergy, laity and visitors will come to the

Capital from Virginia, Maryland. Delaware. West Virginia and

Pennsylvania. Bishop Wvatt-Brown of Harrisburg, president of the Third Province, will preside.

The service of the installation of the Right Rev. Henry St. George Tucker, presiding bishop, in his seat In the Cathedral on Wednesday will he the high light of the meeting.

The synod will open Tuesday at J pm, with a devotional service in St. Alban's Church. Dinner for the deputies will be served in Satterlee Hall of St. Alban's Church at 6 p.m. and Bishop Strider of West Virginia will he the speaker at the service In the Cathedral at 7:45 p.m. Bishop and Mrs. James E. Freeman will be hosts at a reception in the Bishop's House at 9:15 p.m.

On Wednesday, in addition to the Installation of the presiding bishop, will be the synod banquet at the Shoreham Hotel at 7 p.m.

The synod will close on Wednes- day after noonday prayers and benediction pronounced by Bishop Freeman, followed by a luncheon in Batterlee Hall.

All Souls' Unitarian Services Announced

“Are You Missing Something?” is the subject of a sermon to be given bv Rev. Dr. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, minister of All Souls’ Unitarian Church, at 11 a m. tomorrow.

■Rpfore the current problems class at 10 a m. Dr. Donald M. Dozer of the University of Maryland will apeak on Diplomatic Lessons From the Last Peace."

The speaker before the compara- tive religion class at the same time

will be Dr. Joseph S. McAllister, Catholic University, on •’Thomas Aquinas and His Philosophy.”

A staff meeting of the teachers and officers of the church school will take place at 8 p.m. Monday. Tuesday a meeting of the Rainbow group is scheduled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Watts. "Books for Christmas Giving” will be re-

viewed at a meeting of the Women's Alliance Friday.

Dr. Briggs to Preach At Fifth Baptist

At Fifth Baptist Church tomor- row morning Dr. John E. Briggs will preach on “The Mast Popular and Unpopular Subject in the World." In the evening the junior minister, the Rev. J. Herrick Hall, will speak on "The Next Step.”

The Darlington Berea Class will be taught by John M. King, the Baraca Class by the Rev. J. Herrick Hall and the Philathea Class by Mrs. Elizabeth Moonev. The Berea Bible Class picture will be taken at 10:30 a m.

Next week members will partici- pate in a visitation campaign in

preparation for th^ revival October 26 through November 2. Dr. J. O. Williams of the Sunday School Board of Nashville, Tenn., will be the preacher.

Missionary Circles will meet as fol- lows: Monday. George Grepn. with Miss Lillian Ferris: Olive Riddell, with Mrs. Maye Smith: Rose Mar- low, with Miss Bradley Thompson. Tuesday. Kate White, at the church: Elizabeth Johnson, at the church at 3 p.m. Wednesday. White Cross, at the church at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Susan Anderson will meet.

Hamline Will Observe Annual Joash Chest Day

Hamline Methodist Church will observp 13th annual Joash Chest Dnv at 11 am. tomorrow. A brief address by Dr. H. W. Burgan will be on "Our Church.”

At 9 45 a m. Representative Spark- man of Alabama, the newly elected teacher of the Brotherhood Bible Class, will give his series of Bible studies, using for his subject "The

Holy Spirit. Our Helper.” The Young A #4'11 TTrtl 1 An 'fls will Un n rl rl eoer orl

at 9:45 a m. by Dr. E H Orr and will meet again at 6 p.m. for fellowship and tea. The women's adult classes will be taught by Mrs. Edward Stevens and Mrs. Thomas F. Law.

The young people will meet at 7 pm.

The Red Cross will meet at 10:30 *.m. Tuesday.

The Washington West district will hold its annual booth festival at this church Friday night.

Christian Science “Doctrine of Amusement” Is the

subject of the lesson sermon in all the Churches of Christ, Scientist, tomorrow at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday school is at 11 a.m. All are

Invited to attend the church serv- ices Including the Wednesday meet- ings at 8 p.m.

Among the citations which com-

prise the lesson sermon is the fol- lowing from the Bible: “The sacri- fices of God are a broken spirit; b broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise.” (Psalms 11.17.)

The lesson sermon also includes the following passage from the Christian Science textbook. “Science and Health, with Kev to the Scrip- tures.” by Mary Baker Eddy; “One sacrifice, however great, is insuffi- cient to pay the debt of sin. The atonement requires constant self- immolation on the sinner's part.” (Page 23.)

Theosophical Society The Lightbringer Lodge of the

Theosophical Society will meet at 920 Seventeenth street N.W. Sunday afternoon. Dr. Pieter Koest of Chi- cago and Leydon. Holland, formerly a national lecturer for the Theo- sophical Society, will oiganize a

■tudy class. For the present, activities at the

Iodgeroom are scheduled for Sun- days, the following program having been established: 3 tn 4 p.m., mem- bers' meeting: 4 30 to5:30p.m..open forum: 7:30 to 8.30 p.m., class by Dr Roest.

The forum on October 19 will be •depressed by Dr. Roest. I


News of the Bible Classes Activities of Interest to Local Organizations

Bv PAGE MrK. FTCHISOX, President Organized Bible Class Association.

Representative John Sparkman of Alabama will be teacher of the Brotherhood Bible Class of Hamline Methodist Church. He will be presented to the class by the Rev. Dr. Harry W. Burgan, pastor, tomorrow

| morning.

Charles H. Cooke will lead the discussion group on adult Bible class wont ai a meeting oi tne sunaav School Association tomorrow eve-

ning in Mount Vernon Place Metho- dist Church.

The Women’s Bible Class of North Washington Baptist Church will have Miss Thelma E. Fryer as pnpst teacher to- morrow morn-

ing. She will speak on "The Holy Spirit. Our Comforter.”

Attorney Ed- win C. Dutton will be the guest speaker to the Men's Bible Class of Eld- brooke Method- ist Church to-

morrow. Presi- XJ. kj. xyci. 1 1

son will preside. Mr- Et»hi*on.

Mrs. William S. Abernethy will continue the study of the Gospel of Mark at the meeting of the Burial

Class of Calvary Baptist Church to- morrow morning. Mrs. Minnie Cal- ton will lead the devotional service.

The L. F. O. Class of Brookland Methodist Church will be taught to-

morrow by Mrs. Eva Hess.

The Philathea Class of Petworth Baptist Church elected as officers; Miss Cora Croft, teacher; Mrs. Nellie Yaden, assistant teacher; Mrs. Katherine Johnson, president; Mrs. Nora Pearson, first vice presi- dent; Mrs. Bertha Kiser, second vice president; Mrs. Ruth Davis, recording secretary; Mrs. Pearl High, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Thelma Duff, class secretary, and Mrs. Esther Tinsley, treasurer.

Mrs. Carlos Bell, regional director. < il ic iv ail lieu uiuoo. » ui optewv iu

the Wesley Men's Bible Class of Bright w ood Park Methodist Church tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. P. M. Bar-

rows will preside. The Lydia Bible Class of Ninth

Street Christian Church will meet

Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Louise Chase. Officers will be elected.

The Euzelian Class of First Bap- tist Church was organized in 1922 and now lias 221 members. Euzelian means "zeal for the work." and the class motto is “Study. Service and Sociability.” John Ruthven will leach the lesson tomorrow morning. He has been the class teacher for 17 years.

The Men’s Bible Class of Mount Rainier Christian Church will be taught tomorrow by Carl Brock. The class will sponsor a motion picture program on Friday at 8 p.m.

Miss Mabel Nelson Thurston will teach her class tomorrow morning at the Covenant-First Presbyterian Church. She will speak on "The Holy Spirit Our Helper." The class has an afternoon group, composed of volunteers to sewr for Gallinger Hospital.

Justice Bolitha J. Laws will speak to the A. B. Pugh Bible Class of Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church tomorrow morning on "Up- holding Family Ideals."

The Homebuilders’ Class of Na- tional City Christian Church Plerted the following officers; G. P. Walkpr,

'president; Brook L. Haines, vice president; Mrs. R. J. Avenette, secretary, and Aldert Molenear, treasurer.

The Fidelis Class of the Kenil- worth Presbyterian Church will hold its annual banquet at Friendship House on Thursday at 7 p.m.

Mrs. John Breckrnridge Kinnear will begin 51 years as teacher of the Kinnear Class of Calvary Bap- tist Church tomorrow morning. The class will attend the morning church service in a body.

The O. W. L. Bible Class of Cove- nant-First Presbyterian Church will be taught tomorrow by Charles C. Haigh. Topic, "How the Books of the Old Testament Were Written."

The Harrison Bible Class of Con- gress Street Methodist Church will hold its annual father-and-son ban- quet in the social hall Friday at 6:45 p.m.

The adult Bible classes of the Gunton Temple Presbyterian Church will hold a joint session tomorrow morning. Page McK. Etchison will be the guest teacher.

Evangelist Clifford Continues Services

There will be a continuation of the evangelistic services at Metro- politan Baptist Church through next week Evangelist B. D. Clifford will speak tomorrow at 11 a m. on "The Seven Hells" and in the evening on "A Stopping Place on the Road to Catastrophe."

The five young people’s groups meet at 6:30 pm. Following the evening service there will be a hymn sing.

The pastor and deacons will meet

daily at 7 p.m. for the duration of the evangelistic services to inter- view' any who wish to come into the church membership.

On Wednesday at 10 am. the Ladies’ Aid meets. The Red Cross unit meets at 1:30 p.m.

The ladies’ prayer group meets on Thursday at 9:30 am.

Lutheran Church To Hold Communion

Holy communion will be cele- brated at the Takoma Lutheran Church by the Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer tomorrow in connection w'ith the annual harvest home service. Members of the Sunday school and church will bring food and clothing which will later be dis- tributed to the needy on the lists of the Washington Lutheran Inner Mission Society.

The Junior Luther League will meet at 6 p.m. The Senior Leaguers will go to Baltimore tomorrow aft- ernoon to attend the annual con- vention of the Baltimore Federation of Luther Leagues of the Eastern District of the American Lutheran Church.

The Women’s Guild will attend the annual convention of the At- lantic District of the Women’s Mis- sionary Federation of the American Lutheran Church on October 23 at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. One of the groups will present a "gay 90s" party Friday evening.

Schedule of Activities in Washington Churches Baptist

Taknma Park. The Rev. William E. La Rue will

speak tomorrow morning on "Mo- tive Power.” In the evening Howard D. Rees will give a special address to young people.

Baptist Ministers. Tire Baptist Ministers Conference

will meet Monday in Calvary Bap- tist Church at 11 a.m. The Rev. Newton H. Simmonds will preside. There will be a general discussion of denominational plans and prob- lems in which all who desire may participate, led by Dr. Rufus W. Weaver.

Bronkland. “Advice on Going to Law” will

be the topic of the Rev. M. C. Stith at 11 a.m. All departments of the Training Union hold meetings at 6:45 p.m. At 7:45 p.m. the pas- tor's topic will be "A Deserved Re- buke.”

West Washington. The Rev. Charles B. Austin will

preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.

The F. I. Greene Bible Class will meet at the home of Mrs. Bessie T. Volkman Monday evening.

The pastor will speak Thursday ev&ning on “A Deacon at Work.”

East Washington Heights. "Spiritual Birth" will be the theme

at 11 a.m. by the Rev. Glenn B. x auv.cu. dii cue evening iniegiaLcu service which starts at 6:45 p.m. with a five-part training program for the entire family, the closing part beginning at 7:45, will center about the illustrated drama sermon, "The Kings of Kings.”

Bethany. "Taking Religion for Granted” Is

the pastor's subject tomorrow morning and in the evening "Oranges and Diamonds.” The Sunday school will have charge of the midweek devotional service.

Kendall. Evangelist Dale Crowley will as-

sist the pastor, the Rev. Len Stevens, in a series of revival services begin- ning tomorrow at 11 a m. aan con-

tinuing through the week each eve-

ning at 7:45 o'clock, except Saturday.

Wisconsin Avenue. "Let Your Light So Shine” will

be the topic at 11 a m. by the Rev. Clarence Ray Ferguson, and "Suf- fering After Death” at 8 p.m.

Anarostia. The Rev. Charles E. Wilkinson of

Philadelphia, Pa., will display models of the Tabernacle of Israel and the Temple of King Solomon October 22. 24 and on October 26 The models are built to scale smd

composed of ovpr 12.000 parts. All the services are planned for the members of the whole family.

First (Colored). A harvest home dinner will be

served this Saturday afternoon. The Rev. T. Ewell Hopkins will give the 79th anniversary message at 11 a.m.

Sunday. At 3 p.m. Dr. C. T. Murray, pastor of Vermont Avenue Baptist Church, will be guest speaker. Mrs. Julia West Hamilton will speak at 7:30 p.m. and the mortgage burning will follow. The anniversary will be climaxed by a five-night cam-

paign. This revival will begin Mon- day night. The Rev. W. B. Ball of Richmond, Va., will be the guest evangelist.

McKinley Memorial (Colored). Dr. S. Geriah Lamkin will preach

at 11 a.m. on “Growing in Grace.” Holy communion at 4 pm. Union services conducted by the Rpv. C. H. Hamilton, the Rev. G. E. Galloway and others at 8 p.m.

Zion (Colored). At 11 a.m. the Rev. A. Joseph Ed-

wards delivers the final message in the series on “The Earthly Choices of the Soul.” The sermon is “Three Fundamentals of the Christian Life.” At 8 p.m. the pastor will preach.

New Bethel (Colored). Installation services of the pastor

at 11 a.m. and ending October 31 with a reception.

At 3:30 p.m. the Rev. Robert An- derson will be the guest speaker. At 8 p.m. the Rev. Earl R. Boone will preach.

Friendship (Colored). The Rev. R. Randall will preach

at 11 a.m. Holy communion at 3 p.m.

Pilgrim (Colored). “How to Win Men” will be the

subject of the Rev. John S. Miller at 11 a.m. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated and new’ members re- ceived at 4 p.m. At 8 p.m. the “Ten Virgins" will be dramatized.

On Wednesday at 8 p.m. the Rev. S. Moss of the Southern Baptist Church w’ill preach. Tire Rev. Mr. Miller will preach Thursday at 8 p.m. at the new Mount Olivet Bap- tist Church.

Second lColored). Dr. J. L. S. Halloman will preach

at 11 a m. on "The Quality of the Forgiveness of God.” The Flower Club will conduct a pew rally at 4 p.m. In the evening the pastor will preach on “The Man With the Legion.”

Mount Rrthel (Colored). Dr. K. w. Roy will .preach a spe-

cial sermon at 11 a.m. In observance of Christian influence day on “Friendship.’' Regular service at,


Three Christian Jews To Talk at Tabernacle

Three Christian Jews will conduct services and tell of conditions in foreign lands throughout next week at the Non-Sectarian Tabernacle, 6440 Piney Blanch road N.W., of which Dr. John McNeill is pastor.

The speakers are Dr. Joseph H. Cohn, general secretary: the Rev. H. B. Centz and the Rev. A. B.

Machlin, field evangelists of the American Board of Missions to the

Jews, with headquarters in Brook- lyn. N. Y.

The meetings will begin tomor- row and continue through Octo- ber 26. Admission is free.

8 pm. On Tuesday night Dr. Roy will preach in the installation service of the New Bethel Church,

Good Will Colored). Dr. A. Clayton Powell, sr., pastor-

emeritus of the Abyssinian Baptist Church of New York City, will be the guest speaker at the $5,000 rally at 8 p.m. At the morning service Dr. James L. Finn will speak on

"The Steadfast Purpose.”

Vermont Avenue (Colored). Dr. C. T. Murray will preach at

11 a.m. on "What Jesus Thought About Human Relationships” and at 8 p.m. on ‘‘The Rogues of the Bible.”

Third (Colored I. Dr. George O. Bullock will preach

at 11 am. on "The Way to Our Heavenly Home.” Holy communion I

will be observed. There will be a

musical program at 8 p.m. The Christian Endeavor Societies

will meet as follows: Juniors. 4 p.m.; intermediates, 5 p.m., and seniors, 6 p.m.

Mount Horeb (Colored). At 11 a m. sermon by Dr. Charles

H. Fox; 8 p.m., a sermon in songs.

Rehoboth (Colored). In the morning the Rev. Mr.

Johnson will preach from the text “By Their Fruits You Shall Know Them.” In the afternoon there will be a program under the auspices of the Endowment Society. “The Fellowship of the Saints" will be the topic in the evening.

Trinity (Colored). “The Significance of Baptism” is

the subject of the Rev. J. S. Lucas at 11:30 a m. There will be bap- tizing. At 3:30 p.m. the Rev. W. H. Gibson, pastor of the Glendale Baptist Church, and his congrega- tion will worship. Reception of new members and the Lord's supper will be served.

Christian Third.

An installation service will be held in the Bible school at 9:45 a m. The Rev. C. N. Williams will preach at 11 a m. on “My Place in God's Plan." The Lord's supper will be observed.

Fifteenth Street.

At 11 a.m. sermon by the Rev. Leslie L. Bowers on “The Extra Good.” Youth Fellowship groups at u.ou p.111.

At 8 p.m. the young men in the service of our country will be \ honored by a Christian patriotic service during which Mrs. J. H. Hansbrough, mother of two bovs in the service, will present a United States Army service roll. The pastor will speak on "Christian Soldiers.”

Congregational People's (Colored I.

Guest day tomorrow. The Rev. A. F. Elmes will speak on "Lad- ders” at 11 a.m. Arrangements for the transportation of shut-in mem- bers of the church are being made, and a number of service men will be guests at dinner after the morn-

ing service. Paul’s poem on "Christian Love’’

will be the basis of the discussion next Thursday night with the min- ister leading.

Plymouth (Colored!. The Rev. Arthur D. Gray will

have for his subject "Wines Over Jordon." At 3:30 pm. the Inter-

denominational Ushers' Union will hold services. The minister will speak on "Three Levels of Life.-' The Youth Circle will meet at 6 p.m.

Lincoln (‘Colored!. Dr. R. W. Brooks will speak on

“The Terms of a Stabilized Life." The Men's Brotherhood will rr^et at 10:15 am. The guest speaker, Mrs. Flaxie H. Pinkett. director Northwest Settlement House, will discuss "A Program for Juvenile Delinquency.”

Church of the Epiphany. Dr. Z. B. Phillips will preach

twice tomorrow. There will be morn-

ing prayer and sermon at 11 a.m. and at 8 p.m. the Girls' Friendly Society will have a service of reded- ication. Dr. Phillips will preach. There will be holy communion at R a.m. and Junior Bible Class at 9:30 am. The Young People's Fel- lowship will meet at 6:30 p.m.

St. Agnes. Young people of the parish who

are members of the Servants of Christ the King will keep a day of intercession and prayer on Tues- day as a part pf the Nationwide American Church Union Cycle of Prayer. There are masses on Sun- day at 7:30. 9:30 and 11 am. The Sunday evening service is at 7:30 p.m.

Church of the Ascension. Services tomorrow will be: 8am

holy communion: 11 a.m., morning prayer and sermon by Canon Ray- mond L. Wolven. The Young Peo- ple's Fellowship will be held at 7 p.m.

Holy ('omfnrler-St. Andrews. The Young People's Group will

meet at 6 p.m. in the parish hall. The Girls’ Friendly Society will meet Monday at 7:30 pm.

The Sunday schedule of services: Holy communion, 7:30 a.m.; sermon

and service, 11. The Rev. Howard S. Arnold is rector.

Church of Our Saviour. There will be a celebration of the

holy communion at 7:30 a.m. which will be a corporate communion for the Daughters of the King: 9:30 am., junior church service: 11 a.m.,

morning prayer and sermon by the Rev. Alvin Lamar Wills: 6:30 p.m., Young People's Fellowship: 8 p.m.. the confirmation lecture will be given;

At 8 pm. Monday the Woman's Guild will meet with Mrs. Ella Wood. The Woman's Auxiliary will meet in the parish hall on Tuesday at 1:30 pm.

Lutheran Inner Mission Society.

The Lutheran Inner Mission So- ciety will hold services tomorrow in the following institutions: Miss Miss Frances Dysinger will be the teacher in the Bible class In the T. B. ward of Gallinger Hospital. Mi's Frances Dysinger will conduct the sendee at the House of Detention. The young people from Luther Place Church will have charge of the service in Children's Hospital.

St. Mark's. “What Does Religion Mean to

You?" will be the theme of the Rev. J. Luther Frantz at 11 a.m. The Luther League is at 6:30 p.m.

Atonement. “Sanctification" will be the sub-

ject of the Rev. Howard E. Snyder at 11 a.m. At 8 p.m. the Rev. Carl F. Yaeger. pastor of Resurrection Lutheran Church in Virginia, will be the guest preacher. The Broth-

I erhood wdll attend this service in a body.

There wdll be a meeting of the congregation Monday at 8 p.m. in the parish hall.

St. Stephen's. “To Be Christian—Is It Passible?”

is the theme of the Rev. George K. Bowers at 11 am. The Senior and Junior Epworth Leagues meet at 7 pm.

On Friday at 3:30 pm. the con-

j firmatlon class will meet. The I Luther Leaguers will join in the District rally at Holiday House on

Saturday at 2 p.m.

Mount Olivet (Colored). “Forgiven for Service” is the sub-

ject of the Rev. W. Schiebel at 11 a.m. Raymond Fowler will show a

I moving picture of his trip through the Holy Land at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Paul Kavash will preach at 8 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Schiebel will preach at Amaranth, Pa., at 8 p.m.

Christian education meeting for adults is Tuesday night and for young people Monday night.

Methodist Me Kendree.

The Rev. Charles F. Phillips will preach at 11 am. on “Why Go to Church” and at 8 p.nr. on "Some Sins of a Churchman.”

The young adults and youth fel- lowship groups meet at 7 p.m.

Congress Street. The Harrison Bible Class will meet

tomorrow at 9:45 am. Fred R. Stephens, second vice president, will preside. John Haje will have charge of the lesson. The Rev. Dorsey K.

(Continued on Pa«e A-13.)

Huguenot Society Will Hold Annual Cathedral Service

Wreath Will Be Placed At Tablet to Memory Of Gaspard de Coligny

The annual remembrance service of the Huguenot Society of Wash- ington will be held at 3:30 p.m. to-

morrow at Washington Cathedral. The Rev. Merritt F. Williams, canon

alomoner, will conduct a service for the members of the society prior to the regular 4 o'clock evensong in the Cathedral.

A feature of the service will be the laying of a wreath at the tablet erected by the society just outside the entrance of the Chapel of St.

Joseph to Admiral Gaspard de Coligny, who was assassinated In Paris in the massacre on thp eve

of St. Bartholomew, August 24, 1572. Miss Carolina V. Sudler, president of the Huguenot Society of Washington, is in charge of arrangements for the service.

The Rev. Theodore O. W'edel, canon chancellor, will preach at the 11 a m. service. The evensong ser-

mon will be delivered by Canon Williams.

Services will bp held throughout the week daily at 7:30 a.m., noon

and 4 p.m.

Pastor to Continue Series From Book of Cotossians

The Rev. G. G. Johnson of the : National Baptist Memorial Church will preach at 11 a m. tomorrow on

"Your Full Life—Its Cultivation,” the fifth in the series from the book of Colossians. The Rev, A. Lincoln Smith, assistant minister, will speak at 8 p.m. on "Cheerfulness That Abides.”

The Board of Christian Education will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday.

The young men's class will hold its annual banquet at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday. The speaker will be Rep- resentative Patrick of Alabama.

The intermediates will have a fel- lowship at 7:30 pm. Wednesday. The Wilma Bucy Chapter of Co- lumbian Girls will meet with Mrs. Frank McKenzie at 8 pm. The Roger Williams Chapter of the Co- lumbian Girls has a dinner and meeting at 6 pm. Thursday. The officers and teachers meet at 7 p.m.

'Character' to Be Theme At North Washington

"Character Building” is the gen- eral theme Sunday at the North Washington Baptist Church” and "Presentable Men” is the subject selected by the Rev. Henry J. Smith for tomorrow morning. In the eve-

ning he will speak on "God Places Men.”

The Baptist Training Union groups will meet at 6:45 p.m. The weekly devotional service will be held Thurs- day night at Highlands Church. The Rev. Mr. Simmonds will speak.

The women will meet for Red Cross sewing Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Law.

Francis Asbury Methodist Dr. Robin Gould will preach at 11

am. on "So Good. So True!” and it 8 p.m. on "Christian Enthusiasm.”

At 6:45 p.m. the young people, intermedates and young adults will meet.

On Monday from 1 to 3 pm. the women will sew for the Red Cross and on Friday from 10 a m. to 3 p.m.

At 8 p.m Friday, WWDC will give a cooking school demonstration

sponsored by the P. W. Jeffries Bible Class.

Mt. Vernon Methodist Church Programs Announced

&r. John W. Rustin to Give Sermons at Morning Services

Dr. John W. Rustin will preach at Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church at 9 and 11 am. tomorrow

1 on "Building the City of God." He will leave in the afternoon for Salisbury, Mti., to participate in the rededication service Monday of the Trinity Methodist Church, of which he was at one time minister. The Rev. Nelson Pierce will preach at 8 p.m. on "And It Didn’t Cost Him a Cent."

The buffet supper for all young people will be served in the social hall at 6 p.m. Senior and young peo- ple’s departments will meet at 7

p.m., the Young Adult Fellowship will have their evening program in the church parlor at 7 p.m. The Woman’s Society of Christian Serv- ice will meet at 11 a m. Tuesday.

Dr. Rustin will speak at 8 p.m. Thursday. The fellowship will fol- low the service.

Bishop Arthur J. Moore, in charge of the Episcopal area of the Method- ist Church in Georgia and Florida, will preach at 11 a.m. October 26.

The moving picture to be shown at the church Saturday evening will be "Melody of the Plains.” There will also be short subjects. This program is free for children of the neighborhood.

Rev. J. Harold Mumper To Continue Sermons

The Rev. Dr. J. Harold Mumper, pastor of Keller Memorial Lutheran Church, will continue a series of sermons at 11 a m. tomorrow on the general question, “What Think Ye?” speaking on “What Think Ye of Man"

At 7:45 pm. the assistant pastor, the Rev. Cedric w. Tilberg. will speak on "Christ Looks at Deeper Needs.”

The Senior Young People’s meet- ing is at 6:30 p.m.

At the service held in conjunc- tion with, the Leadership Training School Thursday evening. Dr. Mumper will continue his series of studies on 'Great Hymns of the Bible,” speaking on "The Bene- dicts” Four classes of the Leader- ship School will meet simultaneously at 6:45 and again at 8 p.m.

The Luther League will present in a piano recital. Robert H. Fischer, director of the Male Chorus of the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, Pa., Tuesday evening.

Trinity Methodist The Rev. Daniel W Justice will

preach on “The Life Is More than the Book” at 11 am Methodist Youth Fellowship meetings are at 6:30 p.m.

At 8 p.m. the pastor will continue the series on “Living Messages From the Books of the Bible," speaking from the Book of Exodus on "A Na- tion Goes Forth."

At 3 p.m. October 19 the pastor will speak at the Masonic and East-

I ern Star Home on "Christ's Cure for Troubled Hearts.”

The Fellowship Committee of the Womens Society of Christian Serv- ice will serve a luncheon on Tuesday at 12:30. All planning to attend bring a covered dish. On Wednes- day at 8 p.m. an informal reception will be given to the pastor and his family.

On Thursday, meeting and Bible study in co-operation with the Woman's Society of Christian Serv- ice. The pastor will speak on "The Unity of Humanity in God.” Psalm, xlvii.

A Lesson for the Week Secret Agent on Side of Those Fighting for Right

By WILLIAM T. ELLIS. ■'The stars in their courses fought against Ribera." That, familiar

comment upon an ancient Hebrew battle expresses an eternal truth. There

are imponderable and intangible forces at work in the universe for the maintenance and progress of right and truth. Most thoughtful persons are agreed that in the present stupendous world struggle. Hitler cannot win, even though the material odds have been heavily with him. He is on Ova ii-rnnn 1 A._ ..O

battle between mankind’s spiritual Interest and the selfish advantage of one group or persons.

This present' was in an acute expression of the eternal strife be- tween the higher and lower natures of man. Ancient Persia's religion saw all life as a continuous struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, the higher and the lower. That strife still rages in the indi- vidual human breast, as well as in the world of affairs. The Scrip- tures abundantly affirm the same

teaching, which is inwrought in es- sential Christianity.

This truth is the profound basis of our present confidence during the contemporary world upheaval. There is a Divine force buttressing our highest expectations and aspirations. It matters not how we name it. It may be called the Higher Power, the Eternal Principle, the Spirit of the Infinite, or simply God Himself. However designated, it signifies that there is a mysterious somebody or

something who works with and for man's best purposes and efforts. It is the same Spirit who moved upon Chaos at the creation; who was promised as a Substitute for Him- self by Jesus in His farewell ad- dress; and who is today moving upon the hearts of all sorts of people everywhere, to give them glimpses and hopes of a better world. Thrice blest is he to whom is given,

The instinct that can tell, That God is on the battlefield When He is most invisible.”

This sublime truth of the Holy Spirit is one of the deepest mys- teries of our faith. It is often neglected, and often perverted. The high brow who

iisj attl/uill

of the Spirit's ac tivity is equal- ly in error with the u n t u tored emotionalist who j a 11 r i b utes his physical contor- :

tions to the Spir- j it. Many persons have erroniously j believed that the

presence of the Spirit is revealed by seasons of prstflrv* fnrppt-

ting that ecstacy is always tempo- "’. T Elll».

rarv, whereas the Spirit is an abid- ing force.

We have heard misguided Chris- tians boasting of the gift of the Spirit, as if this were a special per- sonal ornament. Dr Charles R. Erdman sagely observes, "I really believe that the men truly filled w-ith the Spirit are the men least con-

scious of the fact.” Paul clears up this point, having

in mind the Master's word that a

tree is known by its fruit: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuflering. gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temper- ance; against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affec- tions and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”

For Life’s Everydayness. It would be an inadequate religion

which did not offer all of its benefits to all of its disciples. We freely concede the Spirit's aid in the preaching of a great sermon, in the great decisions of statecraft, or in the writing of a great book. What we often forget is that this Divine

Helper Is an ever-present aid in the everydayness of life.

He enables a farmer to drive a

straighter furrow: a stenographer to type a neater letter; a cook to pre- pare a finer meal; a woman to be a

wiser mother; a salesman to sell a

larger bill of goods: a machinist to turn out a better job at his lathe. As the letter to the Ephesians ex-

presses it: "For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and right- eousness and truth.” "There are diversities of gifts, but one Sprit.” We may have the highest Help for the lowliest task.

To this Source we look for the loveliness of life. Grace and graces are imparted together. There is no

charm that a woman can possess to equal the winsomeness of a

spiritual character. The secret of strength in men lies in the depth of their spirits, where another Spirit

| dwells. The Quaker teaching of "the Inner Light”—often diluted in modern meetings to a mere exalta- tion of personality—was given by George Fox only as a name for the in-dwelling Spirit of Christ.

In a special degree the truth of

l the helpful Holy Spirit is a Christian possession, the farewell bequest of Jesus. The Man About to Die de- scribed the Spirit and His office most fully. (John xiv.16—20, 26.> The Spirit is an Advocate, a Strength- ener, a Comforter, the plenipo- tentiary Ambassador of Christ; the Paraclete, as He is called in the Greek.

Wo imnortc ciictoinimr cfronrrtVi In

trials little and great. He gives overcoming endurance and power in persecution. He enables the disciple to bear witness to his faith. He fills life with peace and joy amidst all conditions. He reveals the mind of Christ. He is the Source of all the kindliness, helpfulness and right living of Christians. The Holy Spirit is religion's Great E.-sentiai. provided by the Saviour.

Scruff of the Neck Aid. Once a distinguished layman was

telling his religious experience. “I am grateful for scruff-of-the-neck providences which have delivered me in great temptations. It has seemed as if the Spirit has saved me by main force, in spite of myself. And in the long run of my life, as I look back upon whatever services I have been able to render the Kingdom. I now see that only the Great Enabler has made these pos- sible. I can say with Zachariah. 'not by might not by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.’"

In like manner may all of us rev-

erently acknowledge that there has been a force in our lives, outside of ourselves yet within us. which has made for whatever righteous-

| ness we possess It has checked the angry word and inspired the kindly word: It has quickened our natural laziness into doing what we ought to do; it has implanted in our hearts a love for the good, the true and the beautiful: it has permeated our

j democracy until as a nation we sense the divinity of the great objectives of freedom and loyalty and broiher- hood.

Now. in the supreme test of all time, we rely upon that same Spirit of God to bring us forth triumphant into a new Kingdom order of life.

The Sunday school lesson for October 19 is. “Some Great Christian Teaching: The Holy Spirit Our Helper**—John iii.5-8; Acts I.R: Romans viii.26; Gala- tians v.22-2fi.

Women's Missionary Federation to Meet At St. Matthew’s

Lutheran Hospital Director From India Will Be Speaker

The biennial convention of th» Atlantic District Womens Mission- ary Federation of the American Lu- theran Church will be held at St Matthew’s Lutheran Church on

Thursday. Dr. Charles Muthaiya, chief of staff of the American Lu- theran Hospital in Madras. India, will be the speaker at 7:30 pm. Local clergy participating in this service will be the Rev. G. E. Lenski, J. A. Pfeiffer and T. P. Fricke.

Miss Katherine Lehman. Colum- bus, Ohio, president of the national organization, will bring offi"ial greet- ings at 10 a m. with Mrs. C. G. Wolf, Baltimore. Md., presiding. Theme studies on The Abundant Life W’U be presented by Mrs. John Kroll, representing St. Matthew’s Mission- ary Society. Mrs. C. R Strarhler of New York City will give a book review.

Tire afternoon will include a play- let by St. Matthew’s Junior Mission Band under the direction of Mrs. E, Behrens. The missionary socie- ties of Faith Church. Arlington. Va., and Christ Church. Bethesda, Md., will introduce programs.

The Rev. Theo P. Fricke will preach tomorrow morning on "He Hath Opened Mine Eyes.” At 1:45 p.m. the Luther Leagues will leave the church for a young people’s con-

vention at Perry Hall. Md. The special Bible lecture course will con- tinue Friday evening with Mr. Fricke speaking on "New Testament Epistles.”

M ii < # ■ ^ ■ ■

capiisi iunaay xnoois

Holding Training Classes A city-wide Sunday school train-

ing week, under auspices of the Baptist Sunday Superintendents’ Association, is being held at the Petworth and Second Baptist Churches. It will continue through October 31. The schedule is the same at each church.

Classes are being held at 7 o'clock every night for cradle roll and beginner workers, primary and

junior workers, intermediate work- ers. young people and adult workers and for general officers.

There will be reports from the classes at 7:45 o clock and addresses before adjournment at 9 o'clock.

Groups to meet at the Petworth Church will be from the Fifth. First, Temple, Bethany, Calvary, Bethesda, Highland. Brookmont, Chevv Chase. Takoma Park, Silver Spring. West Washington. North Washington, Wisconsin Avenue. National Me- morial and Luther Rice Memorial Churches.

At Second Church representa- tives of Grace. Kendall, Brookland, Anacostia, Centennial. Hyattsville. Metropolitan. Wilson Avenue, Cap- itol Heights. First Riverdale. Mary- land Avenue. Congress Heights. Fountain Memorial, Church of the Redeemer and East Washington Heights Churches will meet.

Shuler Bible Lectures Enter Fourth Week

A special lecture on “What and Where Is Hell?” tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. will mark the opening of the fourth week of the Shuler Bible lec- tures at the Bible Auditorium on

Eastern avenue at the end of the Georgia avenue car line.

Every Tuesday night is devoted to health questions, answered by a

Washington doctor, followed by a

20-minute health lecture by another doctor. This. In turn, is followed bv a 30-minute demonstration by- graduate nurses.

Mr. Shuler is devoting a special service on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. to the answering of question*.

Dr. Hollister to Preach On 'Religion in Focus'

Dr. J. H. Hollister will preach to- morrow morning at Chevy Chas° Presbyterian Church on “Religion in Focus.”

The young adults are spending this week end at Capon Lake, Inter- mont. W. Va. The fireside group will meet at 7:30 p.m. The Hearth- stones will meet at 6:45 p.m and the Collegians at 7:45 p.m.

Dr. Charles W. Eliot. 2d, director National Resources Planning Board, will be the guest speaker Thursda" evening. He will speak on “Creating and Using World Resources.”

Salvation Army Meetings tomorrow’ are: Temple Corps, 606 E street N.W.—

The divisional staff will conduct services at the Temple Corps. Mrs. Maj. James Longino will speak at 11 am. and Maj. Longino at 8 p.m. on "His Bounteous Mercies."

Colored Branch, 1501 Seventh street N.W.—The young people will be in charge of the services at 11 a m. and 8 p.m. Misses Doris and Norma Roberts will lead the group.

Southeast Corps, 733 Eighth street

S.E.—Capt. Lonnie Knight will speak at 11 a m. At 8 p.m. a special service will be held, at which a number of Corps Cadets will be presented with certificates. Adj. William L. Devoto will speak on "The Reward."

Georgetown Corps. 1075 Thomas Jefferson street N.W.—Capt. Ben Jones will speak at 10 a m. on “I Am Thine,” and at 8 p.m. on "For Me to Live.”

Northeast Corps, 715 Eve gtreet N.E.—Lt. Dorothy Summey will speak at 11 a m. on "The Higher Life.” At 8 p.m. Maj. John Camp- bell will speak on “Victory in Salvation."

Waugh Methodist At the 11 a m. service the Rev.

Samuel E. Rose will continue his series of morning sermons on “Far- ing Our Everyday Difficulties" by preaching on "The Ghost of Fail- ure.” At 8 p.m. he will give the third sermon in the series on "Love and Marriage,” the topic being "Court- ship: Love's Adjustments.” Special music by the vested young people'* choir.

The Young People’s Leagues meet at 6:45 p.m.

Dutch supper by the Omega Men’s Class in the parish hall on Tuesday at 6 p.m.

The Mothers' Class mpets with Mrs. Robey on Tuesday at 8 p.m,

Halloween party by the Epwortb League at the home of Miss Mstf Ellen Shepherd on Saturdsv it • p.m.