events & activities 2016 review - rpas-civops€¦ · initiative to sesar for their...

UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2 nd Building, 2 nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, France Tel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 1/17 EVENTS & ACTIVITIES 2016 REVIEW Federating The Global RPAS/Drone Community Promoting International Coordination & Cooperation Advocating Harmonised Rules & Regulations Information Dissemination Awareness Creation

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Page 1: events & activities 2016 Review - RPAS-CIVOPS€¦ · initiative to SESAR for their consideration for possible funding. Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group On 29 February

UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 1/17

events & activities

2016 Review

FederatingThe Global RPAS/Drone Community

Promoting International Coordination & Cooperation


Harmonised Rules & RegulationsInformation Dissemination

Awareness Creation

Page 2: events & activities 2016 Review - RPAS-CIVOPS€¦ · initiative to SESAR for their consideration for possible funding. Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group On 29 February

UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 2/17

Belgium - RPAS CivOps 2015 - 4th Edition

The 4th edition of the association’s annual conference dedicated to RPAS operations, took place at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels, Belgium on 19 & 20 January 2016. It was originally planned to take place in December 2015, but due to the high level of the security threat it was decided to postpone

it to January 2016. This event, which is now established as the European Civil RPAS Operators’ Forum, had a strong presence of the European Parliament, the European Commission and national aviation authorities from 11 countries. The conference was attended by representatives from 23 countries, namely, Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA.

A photographic review of the event can be found on (see «Photos»» in the main menu bar). The video speeches given by Leslie Cary (ICAO) and Matthijs van Miltenburg (European Parliament) can be found under the tab European Matters on

Europe - RPAS Fast Track Initiative

At the RPAS CivOps 2016 conference, UVS International, in coordination with the RPAS communities of:• France (Conseil pour les drones civils; FPDC)• Belgium (Ministry of Transport & BeUAS)• Netherlands (Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment; DARPAS) initiated the RPAS Fast Track initiative.

In this context, RPAS community should be understood as as including: regulatory authorities, national associations, industry [manufacturers (RPAS & sub-systems), RPAS operators and service suppliers, including flight schools]. This initiative, which is based on an integrated community approach, has as objective to pool national competences to rapidly develope recommendations that are considered of critical importance by the RPAS community and to submit them to organisations such as the European Commission, European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS), as well as national aviation authorities for their consideration and possible adoption. The initial two topics that will be dealt with are:• Safety rules for test and training ranges;• Safety rules for public demonstration of RPAS & drone races.

During the definition of these safety rules, extensive use of existing best practices, as well as existing draft safety rules will be taken into account. For reasons of speed and in order to reduce the financial implications for the participants, the work that will be undertaken will principally be accomplished remotely. Since the initial annoucement, several additional European national RPAS

communities have manifested interest to join this initiative. RPAS community members interested to join this initiative are invited to contact UVS International.

UVS International General Assembly 2015

The association’s General Assembly for 2015 took place at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels, Belgium from 17.00 to 19.30 on 20 January 2016. At this meeting, a new Board of Directors was unanimously voted into office and the new members of the International RPAS Coordination Council were announced. The new Board of Directors had representation from 27 countries on 5 continents, namely:

Argentina Australia Austria BelgiumBotswana * Canada China Colombia Finland France Germany Hong KongIreland Italy (2 ass.) Japan Latvia Namibia * Netherlands Norway Peru Romania South Africa * South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland UK (2 ass.) USA * = represented by South Africa

and is constituted by: 7 Representatives of Micro companies (< 10 employees - Turnover: < Euro 2 million) 4 Representatives of Small & Medium-sized companies (< 250 employees - Turnover: <Euro 50 million) 6 Representatives of Large industrial companies (> 250 employees - Turnover: >Euro 50 million) 1 Representative of a Non-Corporate Research Organisation (64 employees) 27 Representatives of national RPAS associations

Belgium - EC DG ECHORPAS Workshop for Civil Protection Experts

On 21 & 22 January 2016, the European Commission (EC) Directorate General (DG) for Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO) organised an RPAS workshop in Brussels, Belgium for civil protection experts.

The event was attended by State representatives from most of the European Union countries & Turkey, and subject matter experts. The objective of the workshop was to evaluate the potential offered by RPAS in the domain of disaster management, define the obstacles (regulatory, ethical, strategic) that have to be overcome to unlock this potential and come to a conclusion of the best way forward.

Peter van Blyenburgh, UVS International had been invited to participate as the regulatory moderator and gave a presentation explaining the current regulatory situation worldwide. Patrick Meyer, UAViators, was the second moderator and presentated the current use of RPAS for humanitarian disaster purposes and the code of conduct being proposed by his organisation for such


This event significantly contributed to put the potential offered by RPAS in perspective for the civil protection and disastre relief communities, to highlight the progress made as well as the remaining common bottlenecks. Hopefully, this event will contribute to create awareness within these communities of the importance to position themselves as legitimate RPAS stakeholders, and to jointly undertake actions for their benefit.

See the event’s final report under «Community Info» on

EC DG ECHO RPAS Workshopfor Civil Protection Experts

Page 3: events & activities 2016 Review - RPAS-CIVOPS€¦ · initiative to SESAR for their consideration for possible funding. Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group On 29 February

UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 3/17

Belgium - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group

In December 2015, the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) awarded the SESAR RPAS Outlook Study to the Boston Consulting Group. The

purpose of this study is to evaluate the current & future market for non-military RPAS, come forward with credible numbers and substantiate the need to act at all levels, in order to: • Boost and integrate research & innovation forces in Europe;• To leverage the broad range of industrial opportunities that

are linked to drone integration in the aviation industry.

This fast-track strategic study, which will be completed in June 2016 and will serve as a basis for future EU decision making on the topic. To ensure full transparency and involve key aviation stakeholders in the process, SJU announced the establishment of an ad-hoc Reference Group in January 2016.That same month, UVS International was invited by SJU to use its network to reach out to the RPAS community (current & future), explain the initiative, and sollicit submissions from expert participant(s) to constitute this group. Its activities have resulted in 25 industrial [manufacturers & operators (current & future)] and institutional experts from 15 countries signing on.

Spain - Marine UAS

On 2-5 February 2016, the Horizon 2020-funded project «International Training Network on Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems for Marine & Coastal Monitoring» ( organised a workshop for the participants at the Air Traffic Laboratory for Advanced Systems (ATLAS) facility in Villacarrillo, Andalucia in southern Spain. UVS International gave a keynote address on the RPAS regulatory situation in & outside of Europe, highlighted specific points, which were of interest to the participants in the project, and which will have a profound impact on the European RPAS community.

International - United Nations RPAS Requirement

On 11 February 2016, UVS International was sollicited by the United Nations Procurement Division in New York, NY, USA to assist by disseminating a Call for Expression of Interest (EoI) relative to the provision of RPAS services to the UN in Africa.

Qatar - Meeting with MILIPOL

Within the framework of its RPAS-related advisory role to MILIPOL, UVS International met with the MILIPOL management team on 17 February 2016 to discuss the positioning of RPAS in the context of the conference sessions at the upcoming MILIPOL exhibition in Doha, Qatar.

Europe - RAVT Conclusion Submitted to SESAR

On 28 February 2016, UVS International submitted the conclusion of the RAVT (RPAS Autopilot Validation Tool) initiative to SESAR for their consideration for possible funding.

Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group

On 29 February 2016, the first meeting of the SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group took place at the SESAR offices in Brussels, Belgium.

UVS International and a significant number of its members participated.

Europe - Meeting with EUROCAE

On 1 March 2016, UVS International met with the EUROCAE Secretary General Christian Schleifer and RPAS point man Alexander Engel to discuss the modalities under which members of UVS International & affiliated associations could be able to continue to contribute to the work of WG93 on Light RPAS (or a possible successor working group). UVS International informed EUROCAE that its intention to oblige small & medium-sized companies to become paying members of EUROCAE (annual membership fee: Euro 800) in order to be able to contribute with their expertise and time, was not acceptable.

Europe - EUROCAE UAS/RPAS Workshop

On 4 March 2016, a EUROCAE UAS/RPAS Workshop took place at EUROCONTROL headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. The purpose of this workshop, which was attended by 72 persons, was to discuss the future working arrangements and work programme for the development of RPAS standards. The topics discussed included the following:• Standards & Acceptable Means of Compliance (with perspectives

supplied by the EC, SESAR Joint Undertaking, EASA);• Review of the activities of WG73 & WG93, ASTM, JARUS;• Possible structures of a new RPAS WG;• Special arrangements for subject matter expert participation

The workshop conclusions can be resumed as follows:• The international, European & national standards organisations

are not coordinating their respective work;• None of the paying EUROCAE members present were willing to

commit resources to standards development for RPAS (< 25 kg);• A WG tackling standards work on all sizes of RPAS appears

to be preferred by EUROCAE (but this was not the opinion of the WG93 leadership);

• The leadership teams of WG73 & WG93 would jointly produce draft terms of reference for a new WG on RPAS and submit it to the EUROCAE General Secretariat (& Council) for approval (expected in June 2016). Subsequently, a call inviting only paying EUROCAE members to support the proposed new WG, and to commit resources was to be published.

UVS International stated the following:• It was an absolute necessity that RPAS operators & new

disruptive technology companies (not traditional EUROCAE members) participate in this standards work.

• Obliging small & medium-sized companies to become a paying member of EUROCAE in order to be able to participate in and contribute to the work of a possible new RPAS working group was not realistic, nor not acceptable.

• Airspace safety is a common responsibility that should be proportionately shared by all RPAS community members.

UVS International Urges Standards Organisations to Act

On 8 March 2016 an article was published by the UVS International President entitled «Standards for Light RPAS - Who, How, What, When & With What Resources?». This article, which was sent out to all association members, as well as the international RPAS community, reviewed the EUROCAE UAS/RPAS Workshop and warned the manufacturers & operators (current & future) to pay attention to what was going on and suggested that the RPAS community involved with RPA with a mass inferior to 25 kg be careful and pro-active, because otherwise their commercial future may be conditioned by standards produced by entities that are not directly involved with their specific community, nor really understand it. See the blog (8 March 2016) on

Page 4: events & activities 2016 Review - RPAS-CIVOPS€¦ · initiative to SESAR for their consideration for possible funding. Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group On 29 February

UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 4/17

Japan - Japan Drone

On 24-26 March 2016, the Japan Drone 2016 exhibition for commercial RPAS, the first RPAS tradeshow in Japan, took place in the Makuhari Meese in Chiba, Japan (www.japan-

This event was organised by the Japan UAS Industry Development Association (JUIDA), Congress Corporation, and Space Media Japan Company Ltd. It

attracted 120 exhibitors and 8 000 visitors from Japan, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Israel, South Korea and the United States.

UVS International gave the keynote address on the current regulatory situation in the world, and also addressed the current RPAS industrial landscape, the obstacles that still have to be overcome, the way forward, and how Japan can contribute.

A photographic review of the RPA exhibited can be found on Japan Drone 2017 will take place on at the same venue in Chiba on 23-25 March 2017.

Japan - JUIDA & UVS International Sign MoU

During the Japan Drone 2016 event, the presidents of JUIDA ( and UVS International signed, in front of the press, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Under the terms of this agreement, the two associations formally pledged to explore avenues of mutually beneficial cooperation,

on national and international level, relative to technological and industrial development projects, the application of technologies, the exchange of information (particularly in the field of regulatory matters and standards), and RPAS-related exhibitions & conferences.

After the signing of the MoU, a press conference was held. Subsequently, JUIDA also formly became a non-corporate member of UVS International.

International - OSCE RPAS Requirement

On 25 March 2016, on request of the Organisation for Security a Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), UVS International disseminated information relative to a Request For Quotation (RFQ) for the supply of mid-range and mini RPAS for the ESCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine.

DroneRules.EU Consortium Launches RPA Insurance Survey

On 29 March 2016, the DroneRules.EU consortium launched a pan-European RPAS/drone insurance survey. The conclusions of this survey will be presented at the RPAS 2016 conference in Brussels, Belgium (see and will be discussed at a dedicated Splinter Meeting on the second day of the conference. Subsequently, they will be posted on

The DronesRules.EU project aims at building a comprehensive and high quality online presence in order to create THE reference web portal in the European Union (EU) (+ Norway and Switzerland) with the purpose of increasing awareness and facilitating understanding of the legal environment and constraints in relation with light RPAS operations (safety, privacy and data protection, insurance, etc.), with a focus on non-commercial operators (incl. hobbyists).

The project will also facilitate access to the European market for commercial operators intending to use RPAS in their home country, or in other EU countries, and showcase the opportunities for economic and job market growth that RPAS represent for entrepreneurs and Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

The DroneRules.EU project is funded by the COSME Programme of the European Union under the Grant Agreement N°680960 launched by the European Commission Executive Agency for Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). The project started on 1 October 2015 and has a duration of 24 months.

Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group

On 5 April 2016, the second meeting of the SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group took place at the SESAR offices in Brussels, Belgium. UVS International again participated.

France - EuropaDrone

On 6 & 7 April 2016, the EuropaDrone 2016 tradeshow was to take place in Lyon, France. This event, organised by GL events Exhibitions, France & Blyenburgh & Co, France, under the auspices of UVS International, was to cater to the entire RPAS value chain. This event was cancelled after the organizers came to the conclusion that maintaining the dates would not allow them, within the required timeframe, to meet the expectations that corresponded with the event’s ambitions.

Prof. Shanji Suzuki, JUIDA & Peter van BlyenburghUVS International

Page 5: events & activities 2016 Review - RPAS-CIVOPS€¦ · initiative to SESAR for their consideration for possible funding. Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group On 29 February

UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 5/17

New Zealand - Information Dissemination

On 13 April 2016, on request of the New Zealand Fire Service (NZFS), UVS International disseminated, a Request for Information (RFI) relative to RPAS to its members. The purpose of this RFI is to make it possible for the NZFS to gain insight on how RPAS can add value, if they are incorporated into their future emergency

service strategy.

Europe - RPAS Roadmap Implementation Coordination Group 4th Meeting

The 4th meeting of the RPAS Roadmap Implementation Coordination Group was called by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and took place at their office in Brussels, Belgium on 27 January 2016. The purpose of this meeting was to review and supply comments on a document explaining the upcoming RPAS activities indicated in the «Technical Opinion» by EASA and the «Legislative Proposal» by the European Commission Directorate General Mobility & Transport (DG MOVE), which were submitted to the European Parliament and the European Council in December 2015. The document in question, which was requested by the Netherlands EU Presidency, was to be made public, under the patronage of the Netherlands EU Presidency, at the EASA RPAS Symposium in Cologne in June 2016.

UVS International actively participated in this meeting and submitted extensive written comments and suggestions.

The Netherlands Luchtvaartlentebijeenkomst

On 9 May 2016, the annual network meeting of the Dutch Aviation Group (DAG) (, which, under the chairmanship of Anne Cor Groeneveld, brings together Dutch aviation industry leaders, politicians,

regulatory authorities and high level military representatives, took place in Grand Hotel Huis ter Duin in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

This year’s event theme was RPAS/Drones, and the President of UVS International (registered in The Netherlands), had been invited to give the keynote speech. During his address, he called for the constitution of a national Dutch civil drone council (similar to what has been created in France) that would federate all national stakeholders, and emphasized the benefit that this would have for the Dutch industrial and services community.

Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group

On 11 May 2016, the third and last meeting of the SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group took place at the SESAR offices in Brussels,

Belgium. UVS International, as well as a significant number of its members participated in the meeting. The SESAR RPAS Outlook Study is now on track to be published in June 2016.

Europe - EuroNews Contributes to RPAS/Drone Awareness Creation

On instigation of the European Commission, EuroNews, the international news broadcaster based in Lyon, France, is producing, within the context of its «Business Planet» series, a televised RPAS/drone awareness creation information focus, which has been aired in 15 European languages in Europe, and in English outside of Europe for a period of 10 days starting 11 June 2016.

On 20 May 2016, the President of UVS International was invited to the EuroNews studios in Lyon, France to contribute to this programme. He addressed RPAS-related rules & regulations, privacy & data protection, and insurance matters, within the context of the DroneRules.EU project.

The Netherlands - CAPIGI / GEOAGRI

The Community on Agricultural Policy Implementation and Geo-Information (CAPIGI) ( this year organized its annual conference & exhibition in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on 24-26 May 2016.

The event was co-located with the GEOAGRI conference & exhibition, which focuses on the use of geo-spatial data for improved & sustainable agriculture. The CAPIGI-GEOAGRI Geospatial World Forum ( was held in the World Trade Centre. UVS International gave the keynote address at this event.

USA - ICUAS’16 - 8th Edition

The 2016 edition of the International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft

S y s t e m s (ICUAS), which is sponsored by the ICUAS A s s o c i a t t i o n , took place in Arlington, VA, USA on 7-10 June 2016 (see ICUAS’16 aims at bringing together different groups of qualified military and civilian representatives, organization representatives, funding agencies, industry and academia from all over the world, to discuss the current state of UAS advances, and the roadmaps to their full utilization in civilian and public domains. Special emphasis is given to current and future research opportunities, and to ‘what comes next’ in terms of the essential technologies that need to be utilized to further advance UAS.

UVS International was invited to give the keynote address at this international technical event.

Europe - Stakeholder Workshop on Unmanned Aircraft

This workshop, organised by the Netherlands Presidency of the European Union, the European Commission, and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), took place

L to R: Ronald Schnitker (President of Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Association), LtGen (r’td) Ben Droste (former Commander in Chief RNLAF, strategic advisor to XCOR), Peter van Blyenburgh (UVS International)

Page 6: events & activities 2016 Review - RPAS-CIVOPS€¦ · initiative to SESAR for their consideration for possible funding. Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group On 29 February

UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 6/17

in the new headquarters of EASA in Cologne, Germany on 20 June 2016. The purpose of this workshop (attendance on invitation) was to present the latest developments in the field of unmanned aircraft and the projected way forward to the leaders of the European RPAS stakeholder community. During this workshop, EASA’s «Prototype

Rules» were presented, as well as an update of EASA’s Geo-Fencing Task Force and its Drone Impact Task Force, a preview of the upcoming JARUS deliverables. At the end of the meeting, the European «Unmanned Aircraft file» was handed over for continuation by the Dutch Presidency to the incoming Slovak Presidency.Just before the end of the meeting, the UVS International President gave a short speech and remitted the Catherine Fargeon award to Liu Hao, National Research Centre for ATM Law & Standards, China. In his reply speech, Liu Hao, addressing himself to the European Commission and referring to the 4 functional Chinese UTM systems, proposed coordination and cooperation between China and the European Union relative to defining a mutually acceptable UTM system.

UVS International, representing the national RPAS associations, participated in this event with a delegation of 18 members.

Belgium - RPAS 2016 - 18th Annual Edition

UVS International’s annual mid-year conference took place at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels, Belgium on 22 & 23 June 2016. This event has grown to become Europe’s principal RPAS-related regulatory and policy forum.

This year’s event put a special focus on the «Conseil pour les drones civils» and the RPAS situation in France, as well as on the EC-funded «DroneRules.EU» project and its awareness creation objectives. The first iteration of this EC portal was presented. The event’s speaker of honour was Hiroko Nakamura, representing the Japan UAS Industry Development Association (JUIDA). Besides 34 presentations, this year’s event also featured 3 successful Splinter Meetings, which addressed Remote Pilot Training Flight School Qualification, Safety Rules for Test Ranges, RPAS Insurance.RPAS 2016 was attended by industry & regulatory representatives from 25 countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Czech Rep., Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, UK, USA), as well as representatives of the European Parliament,

European Commission (DG ECHO, DG GROWTH, DG MOVE, Joint Research Centre), European Union agencies (EASA, EASME, EDA, EMSA, ESA, EUROCONTROL, SatCen, SESAR JU, Technical Centre for Agricultural & Rural Cooperation), the BENELUX Secretariat, International Organizations (ECAC, NATO), regulatory authorities (Belgium, France, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Sweden), military aviation authority (Finland), Ministry of Defence (Belgium, Finland, Singapore), Ministry of Interior (Belgium, Israel, Romania), standards organizations (ASTM) and ANSPs (Belgium, Denmark).

See the «Downloads» tab (sub-tab «Past Events») on for the photographic review of the event. The proceedings order form is available under the «Order» tab on

UVS International Awards - 2016 Edition

During the RPAS 2016 conference, UVS International’s «Catherine Fargeon» Award was remitted to the following persons:• Carine Donzel, DGAC, France & Council for Civil Drones• Hao Liu, National Research Centre of ATM Law & Standards,

China• Matthijs van Miltenburg, European Parliament, Shadow

Rapporteur on the Use of Civil Drones• Alain Siebert, SESAR Joint Undertaking, EU• Ted Wierzbanowski, ASTM, USASee the photos of the 67 recipients of all UVS International awards on pages 13-15.

AcknowledgementThanks to EuroUSC, UK for sponsoring the 2016 awards.

2016 RPAS Yearbook - 14th Annual Edition

The first copies of 2016 edition of «RPAS: The Global Perspective» were made available to all participants in the RPAS 2016 conference. The electronic edition of this publication is available for viewing under the «Yearbook» tab on

2017 RPAS Yearbook - 15th Annual Edition

Since 1 July 2016, the media kit with all information on advertising in the 2017 edition of «RPAS: The Global Perspective» can be found under the «Yearbook» tab on

Europe - Pre-Announcement - SESAR Joint Undertaking

On 1 July 2016, SESAR Joint Undertaking announced that it will publish (on 14 July 2016) 10 calls for

Carine Donzel, DGAC, FranceSara Gobbi, ASTM International, USA

(on behalf of Ted Wiersbanowski)

Liu HaoNational Research Centre of ATM

Law & Standards, China

Page 7: events & activities 2016 Review - RPAS-CIVOPS€¦ · initiative to SESAR for their consideration for possible funding. Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group On 29 February

UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 7/17

RPAS-related contracts concerning innovative solutions for a new unmanned traffic management («UTM») system for very low level RPAS operations. The combined budget available for all 10 grant agreements was € 9m. 2 principal work areas were addressed, namely operational issues (budget € 0,8M) and technical issues (budget € 8,2M).

EASA - Stakeholders Advisory Body

On 7 June 2016 the Management Board of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) announced the composition of the Stakeholders

Advisory Body (SAB). The purpose of the SAB is to permit its members to present their views of the functioning, efficiency and achievements of EASA and so assist the EASA Management Board to excercise its control.

The 36 seats on the SAC are held by representatives of recognised organisations covering the following sectors: Commercial Operators, Aviation Personnel, Manufacturers, General/non-Commercial Operators, ATM/ANS, Airports, Traning Industry, Air Sports, Maintenance Industry, Aerospace Medecine, Non-EU Industry. SAB membership should ensure a fair and exhaustive representation of all persons and organisations, including small and medium-sized companies, subject to the EASA Regulation and its implementing rules.

On 5 july 2016, UVS International sent an official letter to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) with the request to be taken into consideration for membership in EASA’s newly formed Stakeholders Advisory Body (SAB), as representative of the European RPAS community (manufacturers & operators), which was not representated in the SAB.

Germany - CURPAS

The CURPAS (Civil Use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) conference took place in Berlin, Germany on 19 & 20 July 2016. This event, which

had been organised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Meinberg, head of chair Industrial Information Technology at the Brandenburg Technology University Cottbus-Senftenberg, had as objective to contribute to the promotion of a comprehensive civil RPAS applications network in Germany, implicating multiple RPAS operator community stakeholders.

UVS International was invited to give the keynote address this event and to contribute to awareness creation with the attendees on the regulatory developments at the European level.

Europe - Drone Discussion at European Parliament

On Tuesday 30 August 2016, Marian-Jean Marinescu, member of the European Parliament (EP) & member of the EP‘s Transport & Tourism Committee announced a conference at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium on 6

September 2016 that he was co-organising with MEP Gabriele Preuss.

The purpose of the conference was to discuss, within the context of the ongoing debate of the new EASA Basic Regulation. the opportunities and challenges of civil drones. EU decision makers, relevant stakeholders and industry representatives were invited to attend. The announced speakers were:• Filip Cornelis, European Commission (EC) DG MOVE• Luc Tytgat, Director Strategy & Safety Management, EASA

• An unnamed representative, Intel, USAA live drone demonstration by Ascending Technologies, Germany (wholly owned by Intel, USA) was also announced.

UVS International’s President registered for the event and submitted a request to Mr Marinescu to give a presentation (which did not receive a reply).

The meeting was attended by approximately 80 persons, and was nothing more than an Intel lobbying exercise, during which Mr Marinescu provocatively:• Critisized EC DG MOVE, as well as EASA;• Demonstrated he had not attentively read or fully understood

EASA’s «Prototype Rules»;• Indicated he did not believe a viable business case could be

made for commercial drone applications and that civil drones would not create jobs;

• Not once made a positive reference to the European drone community.

During the question and answer period, UVS International’s President criticised Mr Marinescu’s attitude and his comments, applauded the activities deployed by both EC DG MOVE and EASA, called Mr Marinescu’s attention to the innovative approach as well as the efforts of these two organisations to implicate all relevant stakeholders, supplied information on the current amount of certificated RPAS operators in the European Union and thereby demonstrated the astonishing capability of the civil RPAS community to create jobs.

China - ATC Global - 2nd Biennial Edition

On 12-14 September 2016, ATC Global took place for the second time in the New China International Exhibition Centre in Beijing, China. This event, which is totally dedicated to Air Traffic Control and related technologies, is organised by UBM, UK, co-organised by the Civil Aviation Museum, China, sponsored by the Civil Aviation Administration of China, and supported by EUROCONTROL. See:

UVS International, which had supported the previous ATC Global event, had again been invited to organise & chair a special workshop dedicated to RPAS-related matters. The panelists in this workshop were: Luc Tytgat (EASA), Mike Lissone (JARUS), Michael Standar, (SESAR Joint Undertaking), Jean Fournier (Global Aerospace, France), Marc Kegelaers (Global UTM Association, Switzerland), Jürgen Verstaen (UniFly, Belgium), and Peter van Blyenburgh (UVS International).

China - UAS 2016 - 6th Annual Edition

On 19 & 20 September 2016, the 6th China International UAS Conference & Exhibition took place at the Metro Park

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UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 8/17

Hotel in Beijing, China. This international event, which focused on safety, innovation, integration and R&D, was organised by the

Chinese Society of Aeronautics & Astronautics (CSAA) in cooperation with China Aviation News, China Aviation Publishing & Media Co., Ltd, CSAA Technical Committee of Unmanned Aircraft & Micro Aircraft, and China Aviation Promotion Co., Ltd, as well as the National Research Center of Air Traffic Management Law and Standard, National Key Laboratory of Science & Technology on UAV, and Science & Technology on Electro-optic Control Laboratory.

The conference had an international session (with simultaneous translation) and & a domestic session (Chinese delegates only), and 5 communication forums, which were attended by 500 delegates. UVS International gave a keynote presentation.

The UAS China 2016 exhibition, which is China’s principal RPAS event, is co-hosted by Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), Beihang University (BUAA), Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (NUAA), and the National Administration of Surveying, Mapping & Geoinformation. The event featured 102 exhibitors and attracted approximately 100 000 visitors, including 30 000 professionals.

See: - See «Events» on for a photographic review of the exhibition (featuring 300 photos and showing over 100 new RPA).

China - UVS International Informs Insurance Community

During the period of the UAS China event, a meeting was organised by UVS International, in coordination with Liu Hao (National Research Centre of ATM Law & Standards, China) with the most significant Chinese aviation insurance companies.

The purpose of this meeting was to find out how RPAS third party liability insurance was being dealt with in China and to inform the Chinese insurance community on how RPAS insurance was being dealt with in Europe and the U.S.A., and .

At this meeting, UVS International was represented by André Clot EuroUsc, UK), Jean Fournier (Global Aerospace, France, Filippo Tomasello, (EuroUSC, Italy), and Peter van Blyenburgh (Blyenburgh & Co).

Europe - EASA GA Sectorial Committee

On 7 October 2016, UVS International received an invitation from the EASA General Aviation (GA) & Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Department

to nominate a member and alternate member to the GA Sectorial Committee to actively contribute and represent the broader interests of the RPAS industry sector.

Benelux - Benelux Drone Meeting

On 19 October 2016 the Benelux Drone Meeting took place, within the context of the Benelux Week of Multimodality, at the Benelux General Secretariat in Brussels, Belgium. This meeting had been

organised by UVS International, in close coordination with the Benelux General Sceretariat. Participation in this meeting was

on invitation. The objective of the meeting was:• Discuss the interest of coordinated sessions by BENELUX &

French companies & organisations at the RPAS CivOps 2016 conference (Brussels, Belgium - 6 & 7 Dec. 2016;

• Table a proposal to start up the « BENELUX Civil Drone Council » & discuss on the interest to do so.

The meeting was attended by 23 representatives of the European Parliament, European Commission, Benelux General Secretariat, EUROCONTROL, national governmental organisations and industry from Belgium, France, The Netherlands & Luxembourg.

A representative of the French Civil Drone Council explained the reasons for France to have initiated this concept, how this organisation is structured, its governance, activities and priorities, as well as the benefits already reaped.

The representatives of the national associations and federations present were all in favor of the start-up of a Benelux «Civil Drone Council». The topics that were consensually agreed on as being an urgent priority to be dealt with were:• Drone Pilot Training & Qualification;• Drone Flight School Qualification;• Drone Operator Qualification;• Safety Rules for Test Ranges for Drones.

The representative of the French Civil Drone Council announced the agreement of this organisation to cooperate and coordinate its activities with the Benelux Civil Drone Council.

A proposal was made that the Benelux General Secretariat would assure the secretariat. Based on the discussions and the evolution of legislation in each country, the Benelux General Secretariat will set up a working group with the civil aviation authorities of Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg on the topics identified, which all require mutual recognition and consequently implicate cross-border cooperation.

Europe - Drone Prototype Rules Workshop

On 24 October 2016, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) , in coordination with the European Commission, organised a workshop relative to its recently published «Prototype Commission Regulation on Unmanned Aircraft Operations» and the comments it had received on this document. This workshop, which was a follow-on to the workshop it organised on 20 June 2016 in coordination with the European Commission, took place at the EASA offices in Cologne, Germany.

The purpose of the workshop was to identify the most important

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issues and to discuss their possible resolution, and to contribute to preparing the formal Notice of Proposed Amendment. At this workshop, the intention to create the RMT.0230 Drone Expert Group was announced.

UVS international participated in this workshop with a delegation of 14 representatives from France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, UK (including 6 national associations), which was the largest participating delegation.

Qatar - MILIPOL - 11th Biennial Edition

The Qatar MILIPOL exhibition took place in Doha, Qatar on 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2016. This is the largest exhibition in the Middle East focusing on state security, police equipment, industrial site security and civil defence. RPAS was a major theme at this event.

UVS International gave two keynote presentations in two of the three conference sessions (Crisis Management & Resiliance; Critical Infrastructure Protection). See

Germany - DroneRules Workshop on Insurance

On 3 November 2016, the DroneRules consortium organised a workshop in the offices of EASA

in Cologne, Germany for the German insurance sector, as well as German RPAS operators. This workshop was organised because of the rather poor input received from Germany relative to the DroneRules insurance survey, and in order to make the conclusions of this survey representative of the situation in Europe. The objective of the workshop was to obtain clear data relative to the drone insurance situation in Germany, and to inform the German insurance industry on the situation in the other European Union countries. The workshop was attended by 32 persons.

Europe - EASA’s RMT.023 Expert Group

After been invited by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to nominate experts for participation in the RMT.0230 Expert Group, UVS

International sent out a Call for Candidates on 29 October 2016. The objective of this group is to review the draft regulatory texts proposed by EASA with regard to the new regulation to accommodate unmanned aircraft systems in the European aviation system. The RMT.0230 Expert Group is chaired by EASA and the European Commission (DG MOVE, DG GROW). The group’s rulemaking project will be multidisciplinary and will affect new fields beyond classic aviation.

The first task of the group will be the review of the draft text for the

related Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) for the operation of unmanned aircraft in the ‘open’ and ‘specific’ categories, which is planned to be published by the end of March 2017.

UVS International received candidacies from 17 of its member representatives (including national associations) and forwarded all to EASA. In total, EASA received 63 candidacies, out of which 21 were selected. Out of the 21 selected, 2 are experts participating under the UVS International flag. All 42 remaining nominees (including the 15 UVS International nominees) will be kept in the loop by email, and may supply comments, but without physical participation in the meetings.

European Parliament’s Transport Committee Approves Broader Mandate for EASA

On 10 November 2016, the European Parliament (EP) announced that plans to update European Union (EU) civil aviation safety rules to address emerging risks had been amended and approved by Transport and Tourism Committee MEPs. The updated EU regulation will also introduce the EU-level requirements for drones, to ensure safety and privacy.

The committee text includes provisions for safety management systems at EU and member state levels to identify potential safety risks earlier. A European Aviation Safety Programme should be drawn up and each EU member state should also establish its own national aviation safety programme and a plan setting out key safety risks for its civil aviation safety system and actions to mitigate them.

The proposed update will bring all drones within the EU civil aviation framework for the first time, setting out design and operation requirements to ensure privacy and safety. Drones lighter than 150 kg fall currently under national competence.

The EU Commission would be tasked with defining detailed safety rules for drone design and drone flights, such as conditions in which additional equipment is required to limit altitude or access to critical zones (e.g. power plants or airports). The Commission should also set out conditions and procedures for mandatory registration, marking and identification of unmanned aircraft, say MEPs. All certified drones, plus those that are not certified and have a maximum take-off weight above 250 grammes, should be registered.

The draft rules would also empower the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to issue directives and recommendations to address risks that might arise from unlawful acts or from flight paths that cross regions that are the scene of armed conflict. The EASA could take measures to remedy vulnerabilities in aircraft design too.The committee text constitutes Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council on the final wording of the regulation. The committee also approved a mandate to start these negotiations.

Currently drones lighter than 150 kg fall under national competence. The draft regulation sets out essential safety requirements for unmanned aircraft design, production, maintenance and operation, parts and control equipment as well as personnel and organisations involved. The aim of common rules is to give greater clarity for both drone manufacturers and drone operators and boost to the development of the sector and provide a uniform level of safety across the EU.The Commission would be tasked with defining the specific conditions for various limitations (e.g. altitude, operation in particular geographical zones, such as chemical and

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nuclear power plants, industrial sites and aerodromes etc.) and requirements for additional equipment (e.g. position communication, critical zones restriction, collision avoidance).

Civil drone technology could account for an estimated 10% of the EU aviation market within the next 10 years, according to (i.e. about €15 billion per year). According to the European Commission, the drone industry could create some 150,000 jobs in the EU by 2050.

On 11 November 2016, this information was forwarded by UVS International to the international RPAS community.

UVS International Applies for Recognition

On 16 November 2016, UVS International officially applied to the President of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to be recognized as an international organisation, and to be included in the list of «international organisations

which may be invited to attend suitable ICAO meetings».

France - Civil Drone Council Forum

On 17 November 2016, the first French Civil Drone Council Forum took place in the auditorium of the DGAC (French CAA & ANSP) in Paris, France. At

this full day conference, the activities of the French Civil Drone Council (CDC) during 2016 were presented, as well as the activities planned for 2017, and the related challenges. The high level speakers at this event (which included representatives of the European Aviation Safety Agency and SESAR Joint Undertaking) clearly demonstrated the widespread support the CDC has from the French government, as well as industry (large and small & medium-sized companies).

The UVS International President attended this event and had the privilege of participating, together with Florian Guillermet (SESAR JU) and various French politicians & government representatives in a private lunch organised by Patrick Gandhil, the Director General of the DGAC and the initiator of the CDC.

Europe - SESAR Drone Outlook Study is Published

On 22 November 2016 (the day prior to the High Level Drone Conference in Warsaw, Poland), SESAR Joint Undertaking finally published the

Drone Outlook Study. UVS International, as well as a significant number of its members participated in the 4 review meetings that preceded the publication of this interesting study, which is the first in-depth European study on the current and future drone market in Europe.

The entire study can be found on (see «Europe» in the menu bar).

Poland - High Level Drone Conference

The High Level Conference on Drones, designated «Drones as a leverage for jobs and new business opportunities» and organised by the Polish Minister of Infrastructure and Construction, in cooperation with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Civil Aviation Authority of Poland, to place in Warswa, Poland on 23 & 24 November 2016. This event, which brought together a significant number European regulatory authorities and industry representatives, was opened by Andrezej Adamczyk, the Polish Minister of Infrastructure and Construction, Violetta Bulc, the European Commissioner for Mobility and Transport, Patrick Ky, Executive Director of EASA, and Piotr Samson, President of the Polish Civil Aviation Authority.

The conference featured the following 7 Panels:• Opening Remarks – Setting the scene for drones and the

future of aviation;• Industry and operators outlook: what opportunities offer drones

and where to seek economic value?• International outlook: how can the global drone technology

provide solution for all?• How to safely manage low level air traffic: an Urban Traffic

Management concept• Drones and security• Regulatory framework in the EU• Responsible use of drones. Challenges for privacy, education

and soft law• How to speed up the drone operations into the European Sky?

– Ongoing applications

The first surprise of the conference was the use of the word «U-space» by Commissioner Bulc in her opening speech. The concept of «U-space» was totally unknown to the attendees.

The second surprise was that the conference was unfortunately organised without any possibility for interaction with the audience; there simply were no question & answer periods.

UVS International had been invited to give a presentation in the last panel and supply its vision on how to speed up the process in Europe. The presentation given by Peter van Blyenburgh, which highlighted the interest of creating national & transnational civil drone councils, as well as all other presenations given, can be found on (see «Europe» in the menu bar).

Building on the guiding principles of the «Riga Declaration», the conference called for a number of well-coordinated actions to develop the drone ecosystem and deliver it by 2019. The conclusions of the conference, which constitute the «Warsaw Declaration»» are that the conference:• Noted the enormous potential of the drone services market

The High Level Conference on DronesWarsaw, Poland - 23 & 24 Nov. 2016

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with estimates ranging as high as one hundred billion euros in the coming years.

• Urged the further development of this potential to support EU competitiveness & global leadership.

• Discussed a range of possible applications, business models & technological developments, including autonomous drones, and agreed that EASA should further study the interaction between drones and manned aircraft.

• Called for the swift develop-ment of a drone ecosystem that is simple to use, affordable, commercially and operationally friendly, yet capable of addressing all societal concerns such as safety, security, privacy and environmental protection.

• Welcomed the progress being made towards a flexible framework of safety regulation at EU level based on the operation centric approach, taking into account subsidiarity.

• Noted EASA’s initiative to develop detailed drones rules on the basis of this emerging framework.

• Called for the safety rules to be kept simple, proportionate to the risk of the operation, performance-based, future-proofed, and based on global standards. Urged industry to develop open standards to support performance-based regulation.

• Urged industry to develop open standards to support performance-based regulation.

• Acknowledged the need for urgent action on the airspace dimension, in particular the development of the «U-Space» concept on access to low level airspace especially in urban areas.

• Invited the European authorities to outline, within six months, this concept. This outline should address issues relating to business models and governance and include the concept of operations.

• Confirmed the need for continuous investment in the integration of drones in the aviation system, in particular through the SESAR Joint Undertaking, and called for the use of the full range of funding mechanisms, including their combination.

• Called for full participation by the whole EU drone community in demonstrators to test as rapidly and as efficiently as possible the feasibility of the requirements and standards of the U-Space.

• Confirmed the need to tackle, in a timely manner, security issues, including cyber-security, and to enhance cooperation between security, defence and safety actors.

• Called for education and safety promotion campaigns to be developed to increase awareness of all actors, in particular those without an aviation background.

• Called for the creation of an effective coordination mechanism between the European Commission, the relevant Europen Agencies, including the European Defence Agency, and all stakeholders reflecting the drone services market, to monitor, advise and assist with:

• The establishment of the regulatory framework, including the timely delivery of industry standards;

• The efficacy and funding of drone integration projects; and• The development of the U-Space.

Europe - EASA combined GA TeB & GA Sectorial Committee Meeting

On 1 December 2016, a combined General Aviation Technical Body (the former GA National Aviation Authority Group) and General Aviation Sectorial

Committee meeting took place at the offices of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in Cologne, Germany on 1 December 2016.

UVS International, a member of the GA Sectorial Committee, participated in this meeting.

Belgium - RPAS CivOps 2016 5th Annual Edition

Civil RPAS Operations & Operators’ Forum

The 5th edition of this annual conference took place at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels, Belgium on 6 & 7 December 2016 and featured 4 Plenary sessions and 12 themed Splinter Sessions (4 x 3 parallel sessions) with in total 72 speakers. A special focus was put on the German RPAS community (manufacturers & operators). Specific attention was also paid to the concept of Civil Drone Councils. See

The complete programme, as well as the form to order the presentations & white papers can be found on

ICAO - Announcement of RPAS Symposium in Africa

On 19 December 2016, ICAO announced by means of a State letter the upcoming Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Symposium with the theme «Remotely piloted aviation in Africa: Sharing experiences and challenges». This event is being convened by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) from 3 to 4 April 2017 in Abuja, Nigeria.

This symposium will provide a unique opportunity for States, international organizations and stakeholders to share experiences in addressing RPAS operations across the African continent & Indian Ocean; it will focus on the challenges to be overcome and the benefits to be obtained. Attention will be given to identifying how existing aviation rules need to evolve to facilitate the entrance of the RPAS community into the civil aviation system. The symposium will also showcase the opportunities created by the integration of RPAS into the global civil aviation system.

Rule-making authorities, air navigation service providers, industry representatives, international and humanitarian organizations and other stakeholders, will have the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences. An industry exhibit will showcase the breadth of existing technologies and the thriving research and development activities currently underscoring this new sector of the aviation industry.

EASACombined General Aviation Technical Body &

General Aviation Sectorial Committee

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The symposium will be held in English and French. Additional information, including the conditions of participation, will be made available at

UVS International will contribute to the organisation of this event by identifying and proposing potential speakers.

Singapore - UVS International Teams With Milipol Asia-Pacific

On 21 December 2016, UVS International signed a collaboration agreement with Comexposium, the organisers of Milipol Asia-Pacific 2017, the largest homeland security event in South East Asia, which will take place in Singapore on 4-6 April 2017 (see

Within the context of this agreement, UVS International will organize, in partnership with Comexposium, the Drone Asia conference, which will focus on the use of drones in the fields of public security & law enforcement (police, border guard, coast guard, customs, forest guards, anti-poaching, judiciary) and

public safety (civil defence, civil protection, critical infrastructure protection, disaster relief, fire fighting, industrial accidents, public health). In addition, applications in the domains of humanitarian relief environmental protection, corporate security (industrial site, construction & real estate, mining & exploration) will be discussed. Milipol Asia-Pacific will also feature a Drone Pavilion.

The Milipol Asia Pacific 2017 brochure, Call for Papers, and Drone Pavilion Booking Form can be found on (see Events).

Information Dissemination

During 2016, UVS International disseminated information for:• International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)• European Parliament (EP)• European Commission (EC) - Various DGs• European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)• SESAR Joint Undertaking• European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)• Organisation for Security & Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Europe - Countries with RPAS Regulation

Today, the following 24 European Union countries have an RPAS regulation is place or about to be published:

Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia CyrpusCzech Rep. Germany Denmark Estonia Finland France Ireland Italy Latvia Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Spain Sweden UK

Note: Switzerland does not have a RPAS regulation, but a significant amount of commercial & non-commercial RPAS activity takes place under «adapted» model aircraft rules.

Certificated European Civil RPAS Operators Community

The increasing numbers of nationally approved or authorized (jointly referred to as certificated) commercial RPAS operators in Europe is a positive sign of the European commercial RPAS market development. According to the figures at our disposal & best estimates, there are 11 010 certificated RPAS operators (companies commercially operating RPAS) in Europe (Dec. 2016): Austria 198 Belgium 40 Cyprus 2 Czech Rep. 24 Denmark 575 Finland 33

France 2500 Germany 750 (est.) Ireland 30 Italy 965 Netherlands 24 Norway 300 Poland 2000 Spain 1800 Sweden 244 Switzerland 25 UK 1600

International RPAS Coordination Council (IRCC)

At the time of publication of this document, the IRCC had grown out to consist of the following 27 national associations, together representing over 3700 companies & organisations (quantity of members between brackets - Dec. 2016): Argentina, ARPASA (17) Australia, ACUO (71) Austria, AAI (34) Belgium, BeUAS (175) Canada, USC (186) Colombia, ARTC (38) Finland, RPAS Finland (17) France, FPDC (275) Germany, UAV-DACH (150) Hong Kong, ARPAS (31) Ireland, UAAI (20) Italy, ASSORPAS (58) Italy, FIAPR (94) Japan, JUIDA (370) Latvia, LARPAS (10) Netherlands, DARPAS (64) Norway, UAS Norway (613) Peru, APEVANT (12) Portugal, ARPANT (30) Romania, UVS Romania (10) South Africa, CUAASA (110) South Korea, KDR (30) Spain, AERPAS (120) Sweden, UAS Sweden (64) Switzerland, SFCD (190) UK, ARPAS (500) UK, UAVS (120)

Web Site Updates

Since January 2016, work has been ongoing to transform,,, These web sites were migrated from a Joomla Content Management System (CMS) to WordPress, and were made compatible with iOS and Androïd smart phones & tablets. This process, as well as substantial relooking and updating of the sites, was finalized in November 2016 and all sites went online on 1 December 2016. These three web sites can now be accessed by you with the same login (user name & password).

From now on, the association’s two annual conferences will each have a web site (that does not change each year) June conference (Civil RPAS Policy,

Regulatory & Innovation Forum) December conference (Civil RPAS

Operators & Operations Forum).These 2 web sites have also been migrated to the WordPress CMS.

Web Site Name Change

Note: has now become

The Library on this web site now contains: • 2836 brochures & data sheets of RPAS-related products

[RPA, optionally piloted aircraft, pilot stations, launchers, recovery systems, payloads (imaging & non-imaging), autopilots, antennas, communications, consultancy, engines, flight control systems, lighting, navigation aids, ordnance, power sources, recorders, remote video terminal, electronics, image processing, simulators, software, sub-systems, targets, target MDI, testing, training, video processing, anti-drone systems, and services (consultancy, flight services, insurance), as well as unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) systems and unmanned maritime vehicle (UMV) systems.

• 3058 photos of RPAS, UGVs and UMVs.

If your company’s brochures, data sheets or photos of RPAS, UGV or UMV-related products are not posted, and you would like us to do so (free-of-charge), please email them to Peter van Blyenburgh ([email protected]), and/or Marie-Lorraine Tamarelle ([email protected]) and/or Adriaan van Blyenburgh ([email protected]).

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UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 13/17

Michael AlloucheIAI-Malat, Israel (2008)

Daniel Calleja Crespo EC DG ENTR, EU (2012)

Matthew BaldwinEC DG MOVE, EU (2012)

Gilbert Amato EUROCAE, France (2005)

Doug Davis FAA, USA (2006)

Jeff BauerNASA-DFRC,USA (2006)

Geoff BowkerCAA-DAP, UK (2007)

Leslie CaryICAO (2009)

Jim ChristnerAAI Corp., USA (2009)

André ClotEuroUSC, UK (2010)

Filippo De Florio ENAC (rtd), Italy (2008)

award winners - 2003-2015

Jim CoyneCASA, Australia (2011)

Cdt Régis BrigaudDGA-CEV, France (2005)

Carmine CifaldiENAC, Italy (2013)

Erika BillenCAA, Belgium (2013)

award winners - 2016

Carine DonzelDGAC, France

Chairman of the National Council for Civil Drones

Alain SiebertSESAR Joint Undertaking

Leader of the SESAR RPAS Outlook Study

Hao Liu

National ResearchCentre of ATM Law &

Standards, China

Matthijs van MiltenburgEuropean Parliament

Shadow Rapporteur on the Civil Use of Drones

Ted WierzbanowskiASTM, USA

Chairman of Committee F38 on UAS

Uvs international awards

In 2003 UVS International instigated the Catherine Fargeon Award. This award, which carries the name of the first person who received it in 2003, namely Dr Catherine Fargeon, French Ministry of Defence, Conseil Général de l’Armement (MoD think tank), is presented to persons in recognition of their personal commitment & contribution to promoting the insertion of remotely piloted aircraft into non-segregated airspace and/or the general promotion of the future use of remotely piloted aircraft systems.

The international RPAS community thanks them for their implications.

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award winners - 2003-2015

MajGen. Carlo MagrassiEDA, EU (2010)

Gérard MardinéSagem, France (2008)

Douglas MarshallUni. N. Dakota, USA (2009)

Claude MasDGAC, France (2011)

Mike LissoneEurocontrol, Belgium (2011)

Gerhard LippitschAustrocontrol, Austria (2008)

Serge LebourgDassault, France (2006)

Xiaogong LeeFAA-R&T, USA (2011)

Jean-Pierre LentzEC DG TREN, EU (2013)

Siim KallasEC, EU (2014)

Taro KuusiholmaTraFi, Finland (2014)

Zdravko KolevFRONTEX, EU (2010)

Alex HendriksEurocontrol, Belgium (2005)

Denis KoehlSESAR JU, EU

David HaddonEASA, EU (2011)

Vince GalottiICAO (2005)

Roland Decuypere RMA, Belgium (2007)

Dr Catherine Fargeon MoD-CGArm, France (2003)

Gilles Fartek EC DG TREN, EU (2009)

Ken GeiselhartLockheed Martin, USA (2009)

Ian GlennING, Canada (2008)

Cdt Christophe GyrDGA-CEV, France (2006)

Koen de VosEC DG MOVE, EU (2014)

Markus FarnerFOCA, Switzerland (2014)

Nigel DunkerleyTransport Malta, Malta

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UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 15/17

award winners - 2003-2015

Bernhard von BothmerUAV DACH, Germany (2012)

Malcolm WalkerCASA, Australia (2008)

Cliff WhittakerCAA, UK (2008)

Klaus WohlersRheinmetall, Germany (2006)

John S. WalkerJSWalker Group, USA (2006)

Filippo TomaselloEASA, EU (2011)

Luc TytgatEC DG MOVE, EU (2010)

Marcelo UrenaICAO, Peru (2012)

Ron van de LeijgraafCAA, Netherlands (2008)

Sam TwalaCAA, South Africa

WgCdr Mike StrongEurocontrol, Belgium (2007)

Giuliana TamburroENAC, Italy (2005)

Karen TarrTransport Canada (2008)

Holger MatthiesenEurocontrol, Belgium (2007)

Yves MorierEASA, EU (2005)

Ken MunsonJane’s IG, UK (2007)

Fred PeaseDoD-PBFA, USA (2007)

Nick SabatiniFAA, USA (2005)

Rune StorvoldNORUT, Norway (2010)

Martin StoussavljewitschEDA, EU (2010)

Umberto RossiEC DG MOVE, EU (2013)

Michael StandarSESAR, EU (2013)

José Maria Ramirez CirizaAESA, Spain

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2016 Uvs international Board of Directors(Composition on 1 December 2016)

André ClotEuroUSC n

United KingdomDirector

(1st year - 2nd mandate)

Horst Schmidt-BischoffshausenSTIC Consulting p


(1st year - 3rd mandate)

Joost de RuiterHighEye p


(1st year - 2nd mandate)

Taro KuusiholmaSharper Shape n


(ends 31 Dec. 2016)

Nick MillerThales Aerospace µ

United KingdomObserver

(ends 31 Dec. 2016)

Jon ResnickDJI Innovations µ


(1st year - 1st mandate)

Peter van BlyenburghBlyenburgh & Co p

France President & Treasurer(1st year - 10th mandate)

Rasmus LundqvistCybAero n


(1st year - 1st mandate)

executive committee

non-executive Members - corporate

Peter La FranchiLFRG Pty Ltd p


(1st year - 2nd mandate)

RAdm (rtd) Chris AmesGeneral Atomics µ


(1st year - 2nd mandate)

Jean FournierGlobal Aerospace µ


(1st year - 2nd mandate)

Peter CosynTrimble Group µ


(ends 31 Dec. 2016)

Samuel DéprazSenseFly nSwitzerlandObserver

(2nd year - 1st mandate)

Tracy LambSGS µ

United KingdomObserver

(1st year - 1st mandate)

Oliver HeinrichBHO Legal p


(1st year - 1st mandate)

Rachel FinnTrilateral Research p

United KingdomDirector

(1st year - 1st mandate)

Anne-Marie HautePilgrim Technology p


(1st year - 1st mandate)

Nikolas NyrothBlack Light Aircraft p


(1st year - 1st mandate)

Jürgen VerstaenUniFly pBelgiumDirector

(1st year - 1st mandate)

Joaquin Rodriguez GrauFADA-CATEC t


(1st year - 1st mandate)

p = Micro Company/Start-Up < 10 employees Turnover: < Euro 2 million 7 Board Membersn = SME/SMI < 250 employees Turnover: <Euro 50 million 4 Board Membersµ = Industry > 250 employees Turnover: >Euro 50 million 6 Board Memberst = Non-Corporate Research Org. 1 Board Member

28 Countries on 5 ContinentsRepresented on the Board of Directors

Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Botswana * Canada China Colombia Finland France Germany Hong KongIreland Italy (2 ass.) JapanLatvia Namibia * Netherlands Norway Peru RomaniaSouth Africa * South Korea SpainSweden Switzerland UK (2 ass.) USA* : Grouped with South Africa

Page 17: events & activities 2016 Review - RPAS-CIVOPS€¦ · initiative to SESAR for their consideration for possible funding. Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group On 29 February

UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 17/17

international RPas coordination council - non-executive non-corporate Members

Raoul FortnerAAI-UAS Group

Austria(2st year - 2nd mandate)

Patrick MascartBeUAS

Belgium(1st year - 1st mandate)

Stéphane MorelliFPDC

France(1nd year - 1st mandate)

Giorgio BiasiASSORPAS

Italy(1st year - 1st mandate)

Dan Isdahl-EnghUAS Norway

Norway(1st year - 1st mandate)

Norbert LohlUAV-DACHGermany

(1st year - 1st mandate)

Craig LippettARPAS

United Kingdom(1st year - 1st mandate)

Manuel OnateAERPAS

Spain(1st year - 2nd mandate)

Robert van NieuwlandDARPAS

The Netherlands(1st year - 3rd mandate)

Joe UrliACUO

Australia(1st year - 2nd mandate)

Dean PolleyCUAASA

South Africa(1st year - 1st mandate)

Florin NedelcutUVS Romania

Romania(1st year - 2nd mandate)

Sonia HigginsUnmanned Systems

Canada(1st year - 1st mandate)

Gary ClaytonUAVS

United Kingdom(2nd year - 1st mandate)

Ueli SagerSFCD

Switzerland(1st year - 1st mandate)

Hector Luis VargasARPASA

Argentina(2nd year - 1st mandate)

Juhani KangasniemiRPAS Finland

Finland(2nd year - 1st mandate)

John WrightUAAI

Ireland(1st year - 1st mandate)

Juan BergelundAPEVANT

Peru(2nd year - 1st mandate)

Edgar QuinteroARTC

Colombia(2nd year - 1st mandate)

Johan LindqvistUAS Sweden

Sweden(1st year - 1st mandate)

Ilmars OzolsLARPASLatvia

(1st year - 1st mandate)

Elton LuiARPAS-HKHong Kong

(1st year - 1st mandate)

Prof. Shinji SuzukiJUIDAJapan

(1st year - 1st mandate)


South Korea(1st year - 1st mandate)

Massimiliano SpotoFIAPRItaly

(1st year - 1st mandate)

Gonçalo MatiasAPANT

Portugal(1st year - 1st mandate)

Page 18: events & activities 2016 Review - RPAS-CIVOPS€¦ · initiative to SESAR for their consideration for possible funding. Europe - SESAR RPAS Outlook Study Reference Group On 29 February

UVS International: Events & Activities - 2016 Review - 86 rue Michel Ange, 2nd Building, 2nd Floor, FR-75016 Paris, FranceTel.: 33-1- - Fax: 33-1- - [email protected] - - 22 Nov. 2016 - © Blyenburgh - Page: 18/17