exercise: apostrophesseoulcityuni.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/7/2/10725247/class_8.pdf · country,...

Exercise: Apostrophes Punctuate the following sentences with apostrophes: 1. Whos the partys candidate for vice president this year? 2. The fox had its right leg caught in the traps jaws. 3. Our neighbors car is old, and its just about to fall apart. 4. In three weeks time well have to begin school again. 5. Didnt you hear that theyre leaving tomorrow? 6. I read about Cinderellas glass slipper and Snow Whites wicked stepmother. 7. The picnic table was ours, but the Smiths children came too. 8. Its important that the kitten learns to find its way home. 9. She did not hear her childrens cries. 10. My address has three 7s, and Tims phone number has four 2s. 11. Didnt he say when he would arrive at Arnies house? 12. Its such a beautiful day that Ive decided to take a sunbath. 13. She said the watch was hers, but she couldnt identify it. 14. Girls clothing is on the first floor, and mens clothing is on the second. 15. The dogs bark was far worse than its bite. 16. The moons rays were bright and I heard the insects chirpings. 17. Theyre not afraid of the dark or scary movies. 18. The man had spent his two weeks vacation in the mountains. 19. Ill always be your friend. 20. Johns 69 Ford is his proudest possession.

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Page 1: Exercise: Apostrophesseoulcityuni.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/7/2/10725247/class_8.pdf · country, usually for better pay or living conditions -High taxes cause brain drains as workers

Exercise: Apostrophes Punctuate the following sentences with apostrophes:

1. Whos the partys candidate for vice president this year?

2. The fox had its right leg caught in the traps jaws.

3. Our neighbors car is old, and its just about to fall apart.

4. In three weeks time well have to begin school again.

5. Didnt you hear that theyre leaving tomorrow?

6. I read about Cinderellas glass slipper and Snow Whites wicked stepmother.

7. The picnic table was ours, but the Smiths children came too.

8. Its important that the kitten learns to find its way home.

9. She did not hear her childrens cries.

10. My address has three 7s, and Tims phone number has four 2s.

11. Didnt he say when he would arrive at Arnies house?

12. Its such a beautiful day that Ive decided to take a sunbath.

13. She said the watch was hers, but she couldnt identify it.

14. Girls clothing is on the first floor, and mens clothing is on the second.

15. The dogs bark was far worse than its bite.

16. The moons rays were bright and I heard the insects chirpings.

17. Theyre not afraid of the dark or scary movies.

18. The man had spent his two weeks vacation in the mountains.

19. Ill always be your friend.

20. Johns 69 Ford is his proudest possession.

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Answer: Apostrophes

1. Who's the party's candidate for vice president this year?

2. The fox had its right leg caught in the trap's jaws.

3. Our neighbor's car is old, and it's just about to fall apart.

4. In three weeks' time we'll have to begin school again.

5. Didn't you hear that they're leaving tomorrow?

6. I read about Cinderella's glass slipper and Snow White's wicked stepmother.

7. The picnic table was ours, but the Smiths' children came too.

8. It's important that the kitten learns to find its way home.

9. She did not hear her children's cries.

10. My address has three 7s, and Tim's phone number has four 2s.

11. Didn't he say when he would arrive at Arnie's house?

12. It's such a beautiful day that I've decided to take a sunbath.

13. She said the watch was hers, but she couldn't identify it.

14. Girls' clothing is on the first floor, and men's clothing is on the second.

15. The dog's bark was far worse than its bite.

16. The moon's rays were bright and I heard the insects' chirpings.

17. They're not afraid of the dark or scary movies.

18. The man had spent his two weeks' vacation in the mountains.

19. I’ll always be your friend.

20. John's '69 Ford is his proudest possession.

Page 3: Exercise: Apostrophesseoulcityuni.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/7/2/10725247/class_8.pdf · country, usually for better pay or living conditions -High taxes cause brain drains as workers

TOPIC PREVIEW: Migrant Workers

Are many foreign workers taking away jobs from unemployed Koreans? Would you treat foreign workers the same way as Koreans? Would you hire someone from South-East Asia, such as Vietnam or Bangladesh?

Migrant workers can greatly help economies. Since low birth rates in several Western countries can not replace all the people stopping work, migrant workers can fill this need.


Christine: Hello Sanjeev, welcome to our IT Department.

Sanjeev: Thank you very much and it is nice to start working with you.

Christine: So Sanjeev, would you tell me about yourself?

Sanjeev: Yes, I am from India and I went to the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT).

Christine: Very nice! Why did you choose to come to work in Australia?

Sanjeev: Because Australia has a very developed technology system. Also, I can earn more money in Sydney than in Delhi.

Christine: I hope you enjoy your time here.

Sanjeev: I hope so too.

Page 4: Exercise: Apostrophesseoulcityuni.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/7/2/10725247/class_8.pdf · country, usually for better pay or living conditions -High taxes cause brain drains as workers

Trade blocs like the European Union (EU) are developing during this time of globalization. More people are able to move across borders searching for work and a better standard of living. This has benefits and drawbacks for all involved.

Ten new countries were admitted into the EU in May 2004. This will allow people from Eastern Europe like Poland or Hungary to move to more advanced Western European countries like Ireland in search of a job. For Poland, this could help reduce its unemployment rate as the jobless leave. It might also be “a brain drain” where its smartest workers leave their own country. For the Hungarians who choose to migrate, it could let them rake in the dough compared to the wages they would make at home, but they would be away from their culture. Irish companies could hire some of the best people from abroad, but this could take jobs away from their own citizens.

In other nations, the migrant workers allow the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in a country to compete on a more equal playing field with the large conglomerates. Major corporations like Korea's Samsung remain competitive by moving many facilities to countries with less expensive costs, such as Vietnam and China. This could give them a leg up on the Korean SMEs. This is because the smaller operations can not afford to move many facilities abroad in order to capitalize on lower costs. Thus, prices might not be competitive with the large corporations and eventually they could go belly up.

Instead of moving their facilities abroad, the Korean SMEs can just sign a contract to move foreign workers to Korea. These foreign workers could usually be paid less than their Korean colleagues. The SMEs would be able to reduce their overhead and keep their prices competitive with the large corporations.

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trade blocs *Large free trade zones that include several countries (eg. NAFTA) -The amount of trade blocs in the world continues to increase.

standard of living *Quality of life ��� -I want to work in a country with a high standard of living.

unemployment rate*Percentage of people who do not have a job -Finally the unemployment rate started to go down.

migrate *Move from one area or country to another ��� -A new employee might migrate from Romania.

conglomerates *Corporations with many companies in different business areas -He works for a conglomerate with offices in 58 countries.

can not afford *Do not have enough money to buy something -I can not afford to buy both a new car and boat.

capitalize on *Gain by making something into an advantage - ���The investors will capitalize on the strong real estate market.

colleagues *Co-workers ��� -Some colleagues will go on a business trip soon.

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a brain drain *A time when most intelligent workers leave for another country, usually for better pay or living conditions -High taxes cause brain drains as workers hope to save more money.

rake in the dough*Make lots of money - ���If my company rakes in the dough I can afford to buy a bigger office.

equal playing field*Situation where all companies have equal ability to compete -Working on an equal playing field will help us compete fairly.

a leg up *An advantage ��� -She has a leg up on other job-seekers because she speaks Spanish.

go belly up *Go bankrupt, run out of money ��� -After 10 years in business, the company might go belly up.

Ernesto Sirolli: Want to help someone? Shut up and listen!

Malcolm Gladwell: Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce

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Effective Persuasion You encounter persuasion every day.

• TV Commercials • Junk mail • Magazine ads • College brochures

Can you think of other persuasive contexts?

Steps for Effective Persuasion

• Know your claim/goal • Understand your audience

• What beliefs do they have about the topic? • What disagreements might arise between you and your

audience? • How can you refute counterarguments with respect? • What concerns do they have? • Appeal to their hearts as well as their minds. Making

people feel happy or sad can help your argument • Use anecdotes (stories) when appropriate

• Support your opinion • Images, facts, numbers, and information can be

convincing • Find strong support for your own opinion

• Know the various sides of your issue • Predict the counterarguments your audience might

make • Respectfully address other points of view

• Don’t make threats or “bully” your reader • Don’t make your audience feel guilty

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• Find common ground with your audience • For example:

• Point of Opposition: You might support a war, whereas your audience might not.

• Common ground: Both sides want to see their troops come home.

• Establish your credibility • Understand the history of the topic • Cite credible sources • Talk about important people who agree with you • Be trustworthy, to believe you and be persuaded by you

they have to trust you Tips for Designing Research Posters

• Make important information understandable • Summarizes the key points of a research project • Posters should tell the story of the project and provide audience

with snapshot of project’s key points or features • Grab attention - be assertive with design by using striking (but

relevant) visual elements  • Use graphical design principles • Place related information together • Align your edges • Use sharp contrasts to add visual interest • Establish a color scheme that complements content


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Presentation  2  Assignment  Explanation    You  and  your  team  will  use  your  first  presentation,  summarize  it  and  re-­‐create  it  in  your  fashion  with  a  Research  Poster,  and  present  it  to  the  class.    Who?:  Your  same  team     Location:  Classroom   Day:    November  21    Time  Length:  about  1  minute  each,  about  6  minute  Q  &  A,  about  10                  minutes  total    Material:  Take  your  original  presentation,  summarize  it  even  shorter,  and  focus  on  the  persuasive  element  of  the  presentation.    You  will  make  a  poster  highlighting  the  important  elements  of  your  topic.    Focus  on  persuading  your  audience  of  your  topic  both  via  your  poster  and  presentation.    Then  you  will  engage  in  a  Q  &  A  session.    It  is  your  responsibility  to  predict  what  people  might  ask  you  and  think  of  answers  that  can  persuade  them  of  your  point  of  view.  First  we  will  set  the  posters  up  and  allow  people  to  walk  around  and  view  the  posters  from  other  teams.    You  will  all  have  to  give  feedback  on  how  persuasive  the  posters  are.  Then  we  will  do  the  presentations.  You  will  also  judge  each  other  on  how  persuasive  the  presentations  are.    Were  you  convinced  of  the  message?    After  the  presentations  you  will  get  in  teams  and  review  each  other’s  feedback.  Each  member  should  be  involved  equally  in  the  presentation.    The  format  of  the  poster  is  entirely  up  to  you.    Think  of  your  audience  and  message.        Evaluation:  How  well  you  present  such  as:    • Is  your  Research  Poster  designed  well  and  effective  (images,  fonts,  colors,  style,  text,  etc.)??  

• How  well  does  your  team  respond  to  the  questions?    • Is  the  content  arranged  and  delivered  in  an  appropriate  manner?    Is  the  message  and  goal(s)  clear?  

• Did  it  use  the  powers  of  persuasion?  • Do  the  members  present  equally?    Is  the  overall  length  appropriate?  • Does  the  presenter  seem  friendly,  enthusiastic,  relaxed,  confident,  well-­‐prepared,  keep  eye-­‐contact,  have  good  body  language,  speak  clearly  with  good  volume?    The  audience  needs  to  be  able  to  see  and  hear  you  so  they  can  connect  with  you  and  your  message.

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Example Posters: Think about the design and how it is going to be held up…The format is entirely up to you…

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