facebook insights: pov dec15

POV: FACEBOOK INSIGHTS Version 1.0 – December 15, 2011

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A POV on what Facebook's new Insights (analytics) mean to marketers... penned by me and my Razorfish team.


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POV: FACEBOOK INSIGHTS Version 1.0 – December 15, 2011

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OVERVIEW As of December 15, 2011 current Facebook Insights will no longer be updated or supported (the “old” data will even be deleted in early 2012). Facebook Brand Page metrics will now come from the new engagement-based analytics, released at F8 this year. This POV will review the major changes to they way brands can track Facebook efforts and provide implications of each. -  Engagement becomes an even more important variable in the somewhat

mysterious Facebook newsfeed algorithms. -  Facebook has adjusted the way it tracks and reports on your page and

content to better focus on this shift. -  Smart marketers will use this new data to optimize content publishing for

maximum engagement and resulting buzz THE (NEW) MAIN DASHBOARD           Total Likes: The number of unique users that Like the page. (Fans) Friends of Fans: The number of unique users that are friends with the users that currently like the page. (Total potential reach)


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Effects on Social Marketing: Growing new page Likes via organic means via current fans has always a brand goal. Friends of Fans and People Talking About This help quantify that goal; however the emphasis on sharing and interaction with posts provide new opportunities for brands to connect with users. When brands focus campaigns on Word of Mouth, they are now provided a calculable metric.

People Talking About This: The number of unique users that have created a story (spread the word) about the page through Likes (of the page or content), comments, shares, wall posts, photo tags, etc. Stories are created through the various types of Facebook engagement that will become more diverse when more “actions” (read, ate, ran, etc.) are allowed to be incorporated into more apps. Weekly Total Reach: The number of unique users who have seen content within a seven day date range. This number includes Ads and Sponsored stories.


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Reach: The number of unique users that have seen a specific post. More on this in a moment. Engaged Users: The number of users who have clicked on a specific post.* Talking About This: The number of unique users that created a story about the page through Likes (of the page or content), comments, shares, wall posts, photo tags, etc. * Virality: The percentage of users (from the Reach) that created a story about the post. *Engaged Users includes users who click on a specific post. This does not necessarily mean the user commented, liked or interacted with the post.

Effects on Social Marketing: The previously missing metric, Engaged Users, bridges Reach and Talking About This. Feedback Score was based solely on Likes and Comments on pieces of content. However it overlooked what Engaged Users now addresses: the users who took the time to read and engage with the comment but did not interact further. In addition, Virality provides a metric to assess which posts resonated most with users. After all, how many users read specific blog posts but do not leave comments on the thread?

  INDIVIDUAL POST METRICS Say goodbye to Impressions and Feedback. Their successors are Reach and Virality, respectively. Joined by the metrics Engaged Users and Talking About This, brands can further analyze individual pieces of content, optimizing their content calendars for reach and gather insights on what makes content spreadable on Facebook. Also notable: These new post performance metrics only graph the first 28 days after a post’s publication. However, you can can all historical data via a data export.


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  REACH Facebook breaks Reach down into 3 categories: Organic, Paid and Viral. Pages can now decipher where most of their engagement comes from. Overall this alters how brands must view their content. At first glance, it appears the new algorithm adversely affects Impressions. But in exchange, it provides useable insights that help identify which content is innately spreadable.  

Organic: The unique users that saw page content from their News Feed, the Ticker or visited the page. These users are being served content directly from the brand or opting to view the content from the page. Paid: The unique users that viewed page content from an ad or Sponsored Story. Viral: The unique users that viewed content from a story published by a friend.


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REACH AND FREQUENCY Facebook also expands on reach via the paired, “old school” metrics of Reach and Frequency, sortable by All Page Content, Your Posts and Shares by Others.


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EXPECTED CHANGE: Major changes in the Facebook algorithm redefine the standard for content visibility. There appears to be a significant drop from the change in Impressions to Reach. In this sample, over several posts, it appears the average difference is approximately -77%.             Conversely, there is an increase in the Feedback/Virality Score. In the old Insights, posts fought for a rating of 0.10% or higher. Now these numbers are significantly higher. From the initial data it is an approximate increase of 312%      

Date Impression Reach %  Change27-­‐Jul-­‐11 7,687 1,734 -­‐77%08-­‐Aug-­‐11 7,464 1,369 -­‐82%06-­‐Oct-­‐11 5,190 903 -­‐83%19-­‐Oct-­‐11 4,455 956 -­‐79%26-­‐Oct-­‐11 4,631 1,169 -­‐75%04-­‐Nov-­‐11 4,354 1,211 -­‐72%15-­‐Nov-­‐11 4,078 1,208 -­‐70%

Date Feedback  Score Virality %  Change27-­‐Jul-­‐11 0.92% 3.06% 233%08-­‐Aug-­‐11 1.80% 7.45% 314%06-­‐Oct-­‐11 1.40% 7.86% 461%19-­‐Oct-­‐11 1.80% 8.16% 353%26-­‐Oct-­‐11 0.91% 3.93% 332%04-­‐Nov-­‐11 1.70% 5.86% 245%15-­‐Nov-­‐11 1.10% 3.81% 246%

  Effects on Social Marketing: Brands will now have a better understanding of “engageable” content. As the brand collects data over time, posts that have high readability versus high comment and likes will make themselves apparent. Again, this helps the brand optimize and craft their future content calendars and strategy. 7  

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LIKE SOURCES This reflects the number of times your page was liked, broken down by where the like happened; a useful tool to track the effectiveness of your (possible) multiple Like Button locations and mobile apps/sites.

Likes can come from on and off Facebook.


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DEEP INFO (OR TMI?) Although not visible via Facebook’s primary Insights dashboard, a very, very in-depth look at brand page statistics is available for download (one would hope a newer query-based interface would make for easy cross-tabulating of variables). A sample of the ways marketers can slice data: Daily, weekly or monthly breakdowns of each metric – further broken down by location or another variable – examples include: •  Daily breakdown of users who liked your page from their mobile •  Monthly (28 days worth) number of people who saw your page posts via a

story from a friend •  Weekly number of impressions of stories published by a friend about your

page by story type •  The number of people your page reached broken down by how many

times people saw any content about your page Insights go as far as a noting the daily top referring external domains which send traffic to your page – broken down by site – in total, over 1,000 columns of data are available.  


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CONCLUSION Overall, the new Insights help brands focus on one thing: Post Engagement. It is counter balance to the aggregated News Feed. Only relevant, engaging content will get prime placement at the top of a user’s feed. Insights provides the necessary tools to optimize in order to secure that location.  

  For more information on social media, please contact us at www.facebook.com/Razorfish or on Twitter @razorfish

  “Advertising on the web is less about hitting someone with a message… it’s about engagement. “ -Mark Zuckerberg