iw15 dec15 presentation

How to remain productive and flourish in an age of digital distraction Presented by Anastasia Dedyukhina, founder of Consciously Digital @ConsciDigital

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How to remain productive and flourish in an age of digital distraction

Presented by Anastasia Dedyukhina, founder of Consciously Digital@ConsciDigital

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Agenda● Intro: about Consciously Digital and my story● How our brain works: memory, neuroplasticity,

dopamine and the myth of multitasking● Why online products are addictive● Four principles to help you thrive ● Questions/Networking

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Please, leave your devices aside for the next 30 minutes…

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About Consciously Digital• We are a London-based training and coaching company

that helps people manage their online and offline behaviour and be more productive in an age of digital distraction

• We offer online and offline courses for individuals and companies

• More info at: www.consciously-digital.com

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We underestimate time spent online

● What would you do if you had two extra hours a day?● What would you do if you had one extra month a year?

● How much time did you think you spend?

Example:~6.6 hours, or 400 minutes

● How much time do you really spend?

Example:~8.7 hours, or 520 minutes

Take the test at: http://www.consciously-digital.com/how-much-time-do-you-really-spend-online.html

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How our brain works● Short-term and long-term memory

● Neuroplasticity

● Dopamine

● Myth of multitasking

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Our brain gets distracted when reading texts with hyperlinks…

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…and seeing notifications

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How addiction is formed

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The more time you invest in creating online content, the more addicted you become…

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Inspirational reading• Hooked: A Guide to Building Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal

• The Shallows: How the internet is changing the way we think, read and remember by Nicholas Carr

• In Praise of Slow: How a Worldwide Movement is Challenging the Cult of Speed by Carl Honore

• The World Beyond Your Head. How to Flourish in an Age of Distraction by Matthew Crawford

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Staying in touch

Twitter: @ConsciDigital

Free digital detox course: www.consciously-digital.com/digital-detox-in-a-week-


Voucher code (50% off all courses until the end of 2015): IW151215