february 2011 report

SERBS FO SERBS 2011 Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us Monthly Report No 7 February, 2011 Charity organization Serbs for Serbs PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634 Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS Website: www.SerbsForSerbs.org E-Mail: [email protected]

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Monthly Report No 7 February, 2011

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs

PO Box 34206, Chicago, IL 60634 Phone: +1-312-85-SERBS

Website: www.SerbsForSerbs.org E-Mail: [email protected]

Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2011

Dear friends and donors,

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs have

finally registered in the state of Illinois in United

States by the group of the Serbian youth. Charity

organization Serbs for Serbs is currently in the

process of applying for a 501(c)3 non-profit

organization status. We registered organization in

Jun 2010 and we have already started working and

began raising donations.

Since this is our fresh start in the United States

please excuse us for any difficulties and mistakes

that we make in the beginning.

About Us

The mission of Charity organization Serbs for

Serbs is to affect on consciousness of Americans,

Serbs and their friends through planned

projects, social and humanitarian activities in

order to develop and foster better society for

future generations and provide aid for

underprivileged families in need.

Although there are many humanitarian

organizations and associations, help often doesn't

reach the most jeopardized. Due to unnecessary

administration, missing information and slow

decision making, the delivery of aid arrives too late

to the final consumers, or not at all. It is a sad and

embarrassing, but true fact that more than 18.000

children daily die around the world because of

starvation and malnutrition. There, among us, the

blind and deaf.

We are witnesses of the bad demographic situation

of our nation, decreasing natality, increasing

number of singles, abortions, accelerated aging of

the population and generally bad economic

condition of the households in Serbia, Republic of

Srpska and Montenegro and other countries in the


An average couple has "fallen" on one child.

Analysts warn that Serbs will become a minority in

its own country in the following century if the

nation, individuals and government don't wake up

from the nescient in which they've fallen!

On the other hand, nobody is talking about the

families with many children which grieve by living

in bitter poverty. Occupied by their everyday

struggle for survival, they are being humbly in their

desire for implementing rights which belong to

them. Their life stories, fears and problems are

identical, but almost invisible and unheard in order

to gain the attention of the public, media and even

state. That's why the idea of the Charity

organization Serbs for Serbs arose. Organization

was formed by a group of young and trustful

people, who are united by the common vision of

helping families blessed by many children and who

are aware of the fact that even a small help means a

lot for those who don't live in a material excess.

We are united by the humane idea to help the

poorest part of the Serbian nation.

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs try to

revive the spiritless energy of the Serbian Diaspora

which would be able to reinforce people of Serbian

heritage as well as all good people throughout the

world with minimal, but constant monthly


We hope and believe that there is also a grain of

doing good and that you will join us in the endless

struggle against poverty.

God bless and save all Serbian families with many

children and our honored donors who participate in

the noble effort to return smile on children faces.



Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2011


The mission of Charity organization Serbs for Serbs is to

affect on consciousness of Serbian people through our

projects and humanitarian activities, in order to develop

better society for future generations.

Why Serbs for Serbs?

We wanted to alleviate impaired spirit of Serbian

people in togetherness and brotherhood help through

humanitarian work and social aid.

Who do we help?

We help Serbian families who live in the Balkans, have

five or more children and live in terrible poverty.

How do we define “terrible poverty”?

Under terrible poverty we define absence of one or

more basic factors required for living: food, clothes,

shoes, and safe space for living.

Why do we help?

We believe that there is a basic need for one human (or

a group) to help others in distress. A help is not only

human virtue but also a Christian responsibility. By

focusing our help on families with many children, we

directly affect on their stirring toward becoming

independent from social-dependable government

programs. Indirectly, we want to affect on birth rate of

Serbian people that has been in great decline in last 20


What are our long term goals?

- family is ready to support itself daily and manage to

pay all required expenses and bills

- their children are encouraged to continue with school

and raising their own family

- our donors are satisfied with the activities and they

are ready to help other families

- our organization is satisfied with the results

- family is ready in the future to become our donor and

if necessary help other families that are in need of help

Who do we need in organization?

We need members and donors that will secure financial

stability through supporting our programs and activities

in the future. Donors may join our daily activities

within the organization in order to coordinate our work

better. We also need volunteers ready to donate several

hours per week for actual work within the organization.

Activities of volunteers and their specific tasks would

be determined by the required projects and their

personal interest. From that group of volunteers we

would look for future leaders of organization.

We want to inform all donors and friends of

humanitarian organization Serbs for Serbs that live

in North America we have new Pay Pal account so

you can send your donation via email to:

[email protected]

Обавештавамо пријатеље и донаторе

хуманитарне организације Срби за Србе који

живе на тлу Северне Америке да органак

СЗС у Америци има нови Пеј Пал рачун на

који можете да уплатите своје донације. Да би

ојачали организацију глобално морамо да

јачамо регионалне одборе. Хвала вам

Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2011



We visited family Šmigić

Armed with positive energy and desire that as soon as we can

get to the refugee families Šmigić, three-man Serbs for Serbs

crew (1 representative from Nis and 2 from Jagodina) went to

the village of Bunar which is 12 kilometers away from

Jagodina. The family consists of father Ilija Šmigić, mother

Slavica, children Miljan (18), Jelena (17), Ljubisa (15) and

Miljana (13). families Šmigić are the refugees from Kosovo

and Metohija since 1998, and forcibly moved into an

abandoned school building. Before we meet family Smigic

we went to the store, and there we buy sweets for children

(3454 din.), And of the spiritual food we bring them books

gift of the Orthodox Diocese of Nish.

When we arrived at the home of family Šmigić, we were

unpleasantly surprised by the financial situation in this

family.Neither mother nor father does not work, or as they

say they can not find a steady job, living on social assistance

and help from good people who help them from time to time.

We can safely say that it would be easier to count the things

you have, but those who are absent, and mostly what they

have is old and worn out.

With family Smigic we agree that the three things are

necessary. The first thing is smederevac stove, which is old

and decrepit, and as a mother Slavica says, for him it can't

bake bread (which is extremely important for the family,

because they don't have money for bread).

Another thing the beds, which are quite old, 2 children beds

were in a disastrous situation we decide to buy two beds (or

as it turned out sofa bed).

Serbian Link

Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2011

Delivered aid to Serbs in Kosovo

Photos click here

Successfully completed 9th Kosovo and Metohija

charity action with a purpose of providing necessary

assistance in furniture, food, hygiene, books, toys, candy ... to

Serbian people and our children in Kosovo and Metohija. In

cooperation with NGO Mother of nine Jugovic in the last few

days assistance has been delivered to 11 Serbian families in

the municipalities of Novo Brdo and Strpce. We hope that this

and all our other actions will gather even more support to the

Serbian people for a better and brighter future that we want to

create for our new generations.


Cows arrived at Majevica

Serbian Report and Photos

Representatives of humanitarian organizations Serbs for Serbs

from the Republic of Srpska, delivered on Monday 7th

February cow , family Cetkovic from Majevica we visited and

helped in the January action.Cows price was 2.200KM so we

along with the previously separate sum of money added

another 350 euros.

SFS visited family Atanaskovic

Click here for Serbian report and PHOTOS

On Sunday, 13 February, a three-member team of the

Humanitarian Organization "Serbs for Serbs" (Jelena,

Ratko, Bojan) headed the way to Vinca. This time we

visited the family Atanaskovic, and the aim of the visit

was to assess the situation and agree with family

members about possible assistance. Since the last

contact, it past two and a half years and it turned out

that the situation was not improve a bit.

Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2011

We visited family Sekulic (Majevica)

Report: Vasilije Obrenovic, Republic of Srpska

At the invitation of Major of Lopare Dr. Rado Savic, we

visited the family Sekulic Srpka and Diva. Srpko was born in

1956. in Potrasae, village of Podgora, in Majevica. He grew

up in a poor family and a small house with five sisters and two

brothers. At this time he is out of job, he worked at a brick

factory in Lopare (Mackovac in Lopare) operating seasonally.

Click here for Serbian Report

New help for Premovic Family

Humanitarian organizations Serbs for Serbs carried out a

campaign to help again family Premović living in the village

Preljina in Cacak area in the form of debt payments for

electricity that was in 2010. increased to over 60,000 din.

(And started the process of exclusion). A single mother of

seven children Dušic like all parents in Serbia is struggling

with the grim everyday life and how to provide to her children

basic living conditions. Our organization has paid the debt this

time to ED Cacak in the amount of 30,000 din. and in the

spring we will provide new aid for this large Serbian family.

Confirmation of payment here.

New help for Kovacevic family

Report: Dobrina Kusmuk, Republic of Srpska

/ Discharge form / / ACCOUNTS /

Last year, the Christmas campaign that we conducted in the

Municipality of Pale for the first time we visited the family

Kovacevic. That time we help them with food and clothing

for their five children (Marko 20, Mađen 17 years, Snjezana

16, Rajko 11 years old and twins Ana and Katarina 4 years).

With the help of a friends of our organizations in a couple of

occasions we managed to help the mother Radmila to equip

her home. Someone has given a bed, a table, some blankets

and so we thought that parents with father's modest salary

(430 KM) could make it alone.

Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2011

Little Katherine has cerebral palsy and family need a lot of

help. On the last control in Banja Luka, where Radmila hoped

good news, the doctors tell her the ugly news that the

complications occur in one eye and could go blind.

Recommend her trip to Belgrade ophthalmologist

Department. Treatment in Serbia, the Republic of Srpska

Fund does not cover ,and Radmila can barely pay the costs of

ongoing testing in Banja Luka, and planning the cost of

sudden expense thrown her into despair.

Then she remembered us and asked for our help. We helped

her with 110KM.

Serbian Report Click here

SFS visited family Sudinac

The story of a family Sudimac begin in late 1990's, when

the Large family consisted of eight members. They lived

on there estate in Podujevo and from the father's

modest salary they lived peacefully . Then the war

started, and for this family followed the difficult days.

Fleeing from war Miodrag father and mother Milostiva

along with six children moved into the dilapidated house

near Kursumlija.

After few years both parents died, and life of this family

become even more difficult. Brothers Sudimac live from

social help around 5000 din monthly ($70 ) At this time

the owe 30000 din for Electricity.

For our first visit we spend 8304 dinars in order to buy

basic groceries, last few days this family barely

survives. From fan group ''Delije Sever" they received

the Orthodox and Serbian literature. This aspect of our

help improve the current situation, we hope that we will

together be able to find the best solution to provide

family Sudimac calmer and happier future.

Serbian Report and more Photos



Click Here




Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2011

First SFS ''Palachinka Party'' in Chicago

On February 12 , small group of SFS members from

Chicago, organized first Serbs for Serbs ''Palachinka

Party'' in USA.

Main purpose of this event was to organize a family gathering

with a lot of Palachinkas (Crepes) and also to collect

donations for children in Serbia.We agreed that the''ticket''

should be $10-20 for charity. The evening passed in a friendly

and family atmosphere, we eaten a lot of crepes and collected

$330.00 We have managed to bring together beautiful and


See below pictures from this event

...we would love to encourage and motivate all our friends and

donors to organize this or similar events in their city.

Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2011

Charity Organization Serbs for Serbs

Annual Video Report 2010

(Click to open video report)

Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2011

Support Video

Click here for VIDEO LINK

Support our organization.


We want to inform all donors and friends of

humanitarian organization Serbs for Serbs

that live in the United States and Canada we

have new Pay Pal account so you can send

your donation via email to:

[email protected] or

[email protected]

Обавештавамо пријатеље и донаторе

хуманитарне организације Срби за Србе који

живе у САД и Канади да органак СЗС у

Америци има нови Пеј Пал рачун на који

можете да уплатите своје донације. Да би

ојачали организацију глобално морамо да јачамо

регионалне одборе.

Хвала вам

We want to inform all donors and friends of

humanitarian organization Serbs for Serbs that live in the

United States and Canada we have new Pay Pal account

so you can send your donation via email to:

[email protected]

[email protected]

Note: If you wish to have initials, a nickname or to be

an anonymous donor instead of having your full

name in the donors list, with or without stating the

state where you are, please email us:

[email protected] or [email protected]

Donors in February

1.www.nemapredaje.net - $20,00

2.Mateja Stojkovic (IL) - $20,00

3.Lidija Stojkovic (IL) - $20,00

4.www.cikaskisrbi.com - $30,00

5.Aleksandar Krsmanovic(NY)-$50,00

6.Milan Dobras (AZ) - $15,00

7.Dejan Petrovic (IL) - $15,00

8.Tamara Lazeic (MN) - $40,00

9.Sinisa Krsmanovic (IL) - $20,00

10.Lazar Krsmanovic (IL) - $20,00

11.SZS Krajiska Braca (IN) - $100,00

12.Palachinka Party Chicago - $330,00

13.Jovika Gavric - $20,00

14.Michigan Serbs - $17,00

15.Sasa Savic - $30,00

16.Tihomir Popovic - $20,00

17.Petko Petrovich(IL) - $40,00

18.Sasa Lazarevic (IL) - $50,00

19.Ankica D. - $25,00

20.Serbosi Canada- $320,00

21. Denis R-$30,00

Total: $1232,00

Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2011

Charity organization Serbs for Serbs is currently in the

process of applying for a 501(c)3 tax-deductible

organization IRS status.

Хуманитарна Организација Срби за Србе је

регистрована као непрофитабилна организација у

држави Илиноис и тренутно смо у процесу за добијање

статуса 501c3 који би омогућио свим донаторима да

донације упућене нама могу да се отпишу од пореза.

У наредних пар месеци очекујемо позитиван одговор

од IRS-а.

If you live in USA or Canada please use our new

Pay Pal account: [email protected]

or [email protected]








Number of Donors (21) February 2011









Donations in February ($1232.00)

Monthly Report www.SrbizaSrbe.us 2011



[email protected]