federal accountability/ ayp update accountability tetn august 19, 2010 shannon housson and ester...

Federal Accountability/ AYP Update Accountability TETN August 19, 2010 Shannon Housson and Ester Regalado TEA, Performance Reporting Division

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Federal Accountability/AYP Update

Accountability TETNAugust 19, 2010

Shannon Housson and Ester Regalado

TEA, Performance Reporting Division


AYP Topics

2010 AYP Preliminary Results

2010 Final Release Schedule

Texas AYP Workbook and 2010 AYP Guide

Appeal and Exceptions Process

2011 AYP Preview

Transition Plan Options for 2012 and beyond


2010 AYP Preliminary Results

District Results

AYP StatusFinal 2009

ResultsPreliminary 2010


Meets AYP 1,000 81% 962 78%

Missed AYP 209 17% 257 21%

Not Evaluated 26 2% 18 1%

TOTAL 1,235 100% 1,237 100%


2010 AYP Preliminary Results (cont.)

Campus Results (Regular and Charter)

AYP StatusFinal 2009 Results

Preliminary 2010 Results

Meets AYP 6,736 81% 7,199 85%

Missed AYP 353 4% 410 5%

Not Evaluated 1,233 15% 826 10%

TOTAL 8,322 100% 8,435 100%


2010-11 SIP Results based on 2010 AYP

District Results

SIP Stage Identification

Final 2009Results

Preliminary 2010 Results

Stage 1 139 73% 84 46%

Stage 2 21 11% 64 35%

Stage 3 30 16% 36 20%

TOTAL 190 100% 184 100%


2010-11 SIP Results based on 2010 AYP (cont.)

Campus Results (Regular and Charter)

SIP Stage Identification

Final 2009 Results

Preliminary 2010 Results

Stage 1 159 45% 80 36%

Stage 2 66 19% 47 21%

Stage 3 58 16% 31 14%

Stage 4 39 11% 24 11%

Stage 5 30 9% 39 18%

TOTAL 352 100% 221 100%


2010 AYP Preliminary Results (cont.)

Federal CapOf those missing AYP, 65% (166) of districts and 4% (17) of campuses missed AYP solely due to the 1% and/or 2% federal caps in 2010, compared to 52% of districts and 6% of campuses in 2009.

Missed AYPA total of 127 campuses missed the Mathematics Performance indicator, the largest category that failed to Meet AYP standards.

Only 33 districts and 94 campuses missed AYP due to the Graduation Rate indicator.


2010 AYP Preliminary Results (cont.)

Met AYPThe Texas Projection Measure (TPM) was used for 2010 AYP evaluations, and allowed 14% (175) of districts to Meet AYP that would have otherwise missed AYP; and 11% (933) of campuses.

The statewide Graduation Rate goal of 90% was achieved by 51% (246) of districts and 47% (413) of campuses that were evaluated and Met AYP.


2010 AYP Preliminary Results (cont.)

Additional Features Listings

New in 2010 are campus and district lists that show the number of times additional features were used by each campus or district in determining their 2010 AYP status.

These lists are available as an Excel download at:



2010 AYP Preliminary Results (cont.)

Additional Features Listings (continued)

Additional features for AYP are defined as alternatives to meeting the federally approved Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) for each indicator in AYP.

These features include: the use of the safe harbor provision for

the performance component of the Reading/ELA and Mathematics indicators,


2010 AYP Preliminary Results (cont.)

Additional Features Listings (continued)

the use of the two-year average for the participation component of the Reading/ELA and Mathematics indicators, and

the use of the Texas Projection Measure (TPM) and the TAKS-Alt transitional growth measure for the performance component of the Reading/ELA and Mathematics indicators.


2010 AYP Final Release Schedule

July 29th

August 5th

District and campus AYP results available on TEASE Accountability web application.

Public release of Preliminary AYP results.

September 3rd Appeals and Federal Cap Exceptions Deadline.

Early December

Final 2010 AYP Status released.

Preview of NCLB Report Card data,Part I only.

January, 2011 Public release of NCLB Report Card.

Texas AYP Workbook


On January 15, 2010, TEA submitted a Graduation Rate information template for peer review containing proposed changes in the AYP graduation rate calculations, as required by the U.S. Department of Education.

In April, 2010, following verbal confirmation of successful completion of the peer review, requested amendments were submitted for approval including the graduation rate calculations.

On May 10, 2010, TEA receives written approval of the proposed graduation rate goal and targets for 2010 AYP.

Following the May, 2010 USDE Title I Monitoring Visit, TEA submits an amendment request to reinstate the use of uniform averaging of data across years for districts and campuses with small numbers of tested students. Approval is currently pending.

July 23, 2010 TEA issued a To the Administrator Addressed letter regarding AYP calculations and approval by the USDE of the originally requested amendments.

2010 AYP Guide


Requested Amendments to the 2010 AYP Calculations

A summary of 2010 requested amendments may be accessed at http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/ayp/2010/sum_amend.pdf

Use of TPM for TAKS Modified (TAKS-M) and the TAKS Alternate (TAKS-Alt) growth measure in AYP.

See Sections II: System Overview and Section III: Indicators, Components, Measures, and Standards for TAK-Alt and TAKS-M growth/TPM information.

See Section V: Appeals, page 76, for details on possible appeals.

2010 AYP Guide (cont.)


Requested Amendments to the 2010 AYP Calculations

Graduation Rate Goals and Targets See Section III: Indicators, Components, Measures, and Standards,

page 54 – 60 for information on the AYP calculations.

See Section V: Appeals, page 78 - 80 for details on possible appeals.

Graduation rate limited-English proficient (LEP) student group definition

See Section III: Indicators, Components, Measures, and Standards, page 59, for information.

See Section V: Appeals, page 81, for details on possible appeals.

2010 AYP Guide (cont.)


Requested Amendments to the 2010 AYP Calculations

Special Provision for Residential Treatment Facilities (RTF) - non-evaluation of graduation rate for RF serving secondary grades in alternative settings.

See Section III: Indicators, Components, Measures, and Standards, page 60, for information.

Use of uniform averaging for small districts and campuses.

See Section III: Indicators, Components, Measures, and Standards, page 64, for information.


General Considerations for AYP Appeals

Appeals are not a data correction opportunity.

Appeals are not considered for areas where a district/campus Meets AYP or was Not Evaluated.

Appeals are considered for areas where AYP was missed, even if the result would mean the district/campus still misses AYP overall.

However, appeals for only one component (Performance or Participation) of an subject area indicator (Reading or Math) that would continue to miss AYP for that indicator are not considered.

Appeals are considered for data relevant to the 2010 AYP result, and are not considered for data reported in the prior year for Performance, Participation, Graduation Rate measures.


General Considerations for AYP Appeals (cont.)

Appeal of the USDE-approved Texas AYP Workbook requirements, including the performance or participation indicators based on the results of TAKS-Modified (TAKS-M), TAKS-Alternate (TAKS-Alt), or TELPAS Reading are not favorable for appeal.

Appeals related to the Federal Cap, Campus Rankings, or to the performance results due to the federal caps are not considered.

Graduation Rate Appeals based on the use of the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) dropout definition cannot be considered.

Appeal Items in 2010 AYP Guide Appeal

Limited English Proficient (LEP) Graduation Rate. (Page 81)

Automated AYP Appeal Request Form. (Page 83-85 and 93-94)


General Considerations for AYP Appeals (cont.)

Expanded Graduation Rate Appeals Appeals to the AYP Graduation Rate indicator based on recent immigrant

students in U.S. schools for one year or less with limited English proficiency (LEP), or students served by special education with individualized education programs (IEPs) indicating 5-year (or longer) graduation plans,

have been expanded to include the four-year or five-year graduation rate.

Appeals of this type continue to require the following. Appeal packet must include sufficient documentation for students

developed in their earliest years of inclusion in the Class of 2009 (4-year) or Class of 2008 (5-year) cohort.

Students served in special education programs with IEPs developed during their fourth year or later (or Grade 12) of the longitudinal cohort will not be favorable for appeal.


2010 AYP Exceptions Process

Exceptions only apply to the 1% Federal Cap on TAKS-Alt results (students are selected randomly from TAKS-Alt proficient results and included in the 1% cap).

Steps in the exception process: Exceptions to the 1% cap are applied to districts registered in the

Residential Facilities Tracking System (RF Tracker) and/or Directory of Regional Day School Programs for the Deaf (RDSPD).

The statewide 1% cap limit was sufficient to allow every school districts with an exception to include all TAKS-Alt passing students as proficient for AYP (in effect, remove the 1% cap).

The 1% federal cap increases to include all proficient TAKS-Alt results for the school district up to the statewide 1% cap limit.


2010 AYP Exceptions Process (cont.)

Important Reminders

No students served by RF or RDSPD are identified and excluded from the federal cap process. Students tested on TAKS-Alt are included in AYP based on an AYP exception.

Exceptions only apply to the 1% federal cap on TAKS-Alt; there are no exceptions to any other AYP calculations.

The AYP criteria and calculations are not adjusted; students are not removed nor excluded from the AYP process.


2010 AYP Exceptions Process (cont.)

AYP 1% Exception and 2% Spill Over

1% Cap Limit on TAKS–Alt passing results…

1% Exception? 2% Spill Over?

Exceeds (Greater than)

the 1% Limit

Exceptions applied to increase 1% cap

No spill over is possible

Does Not Exceed (Less than)

the 1% Limit

Exception is not necessary

Spill over beyond the 2% limit may occur

Is Equal to the 1% Limit

Exception is not necessary

No spill over is possible


2010 AYP Other Circumstance Exceptions

Other circumstance exceptions are allowable and can be submitted as a regular appeal through the online system.

The approval of school district requests for exceptions to the federal cap is based on the availability of statewide slots within the cap that allow the state to maintain a 1% cap limit on proficient results from TAKS-Alt.

Based on 2010 statewide participation data, the statewide 1% cap limit can allow requests for exceptions based on other circumstances to include all TAKS-Alt passing students as proficient for AYP (in effect, remove the 1% cap).


2011 AYP Preview

2011 AYP Performance Standards increase to:

80% in Reading/English language arts

75% in Mathematics

Participation Rate and Other Indicator standards remain unchanged.

No changes in state assessments used for 2011 AYP.

TPM will continue to be used for 2011 AYP, including additional grades phased in for TPM on TAKS-M.

No changes expected to the federal cap calculation.


2011 AYP Preview: Assessments

* Students in their First Year in U. S. Schools are counted as participants, but excluded from the performance calculation.

2011 Reading/ELA Assessments

Participation95% Standard

Performance ( Accountability Subset)80% Standard

Total Students

Number Participating

Number Tested

Met Standard or TPM/Growth

TAKS Yes If participant If in the

Accountability subset

If standard is met or if projected to meet standard by TPM


Yes If participant If in the

Accountability subset

If standard is met or if projected to meet standard by TPM


Yes If participant If in the

Accountability subset

If standard is met or if projected to meet standard by TPM

(subject to 2% cap)

TAKS-Alt Yes If participant If in the

Accountability subset

If standard is met or if on track to meet standard by growth

(subject to 1% cap)

TELPAS Reading*


ParticipantN/A Not Included Not included N/A

LAT version of TAKS*

Yes If participant If in the

Accountability subset

If standard is met or if projected to meet standard by TPM


2011 AYP Preview: Assessments (cont.)

* Students in their First Year in U. S. Schools are counted as participants, but excluded from the performance calculation.

2011 Mathematics AssessmentsParticipation95% Standard

Performance (Accountability Subset)75% Standard

Total Students

Number Participating

Number Tested

Met Standard or TPM/Growth

TAKS Yes If participant If in the

Accountability subset

If standard is met or if projected to meet standard by TPM


Yes If participant If in the

Accountability subset

If standard is met or if projected to meet standard by TPM


Yes If participant If in the

Accountability subset

If standard is met or if projected to meet standard by TPM

(subject to 2% cap)

TAKS-Alt Yes If participant If in the

Accountability subset

If standard is met or if on track to meet standard by growth

(subject to 1% cap)

LAT version of TAKS*

Yes If participant If in the

Accountability subset

If standard is met or if projected to meet standard by TPM


2011 AYP Preview: Calculations

Phase-in for the TAKS–M projection equations (TPM)

TPM projections are expected to be reported for TAKS–M reading and mathematics tests in school year 2010-2011 for

Grade 3 and 6.

The 2011 Federal Cap process will be reviewed based on the inclusion of TAKS-M TPM results in the 2% cap. No other changes to the 2% federal cap process are anticipated.

Graduation Rate Annual Target

Approval of the 2011 AYP Annual Graduation Rate Target is required by the US Department of Education.


Proposed amendments to the 2011 Texas AYP Workbook submitted by January, 2011 will include a transition plan for Texas AYP for 2012 and beyond.

Possible Amendments to the 2011 AYP Texas Workbook:

2011 Annual Graduation Rate Targets,

Schedule for Annual Graduation Rate Improvement Targets for 2012 and beyond,

Plan for use of new State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) for

Grades 3 - 8

End of Course assessments,

Timeline for reporting 2012 AYP results.

AYP Preview: Transition Plan 2012 & Beyond


AYP Preview: Transition Plan 2012 & Beyond (cont.)

AYP changes for 2011 and beyond are required due to

Federal Regulatory requirements: Beginning with 2010 AYP, states must have a single goal and

annual targets for graduation rate; and may amend its Accountability Workbook to change its annual targets for reporting and AYP determinations.

For 2012 AYP, the graduation rate will be evaluated for All students and each student group.

State Assessment Program changes: The next generation of student tests will be called the State of Texas

Assessments of Academic Readiness or STAAR. As required by state legislation, STAAR will be used for the twelve end-of-course assessments and the new grade 3-8 assessments. The new tests will be administered beginning in the 2011-2012 school year.


AYP Preview: Transition Plan 2012 & Beyond (cont.)

State Assessment Program changes (continued): Student passing standards for the STAAR 3-8 tests are to be set in

fall 2012. The last year for TAKS grades 3-9 is 2011 and for grade 10 is 2012.

Considerations for AYP in 2012 and beyond

Alternatives for reporting 2012 AYP results, including proposed timelines, will be included in the amendment requests.

Consideration for the use end-of-course assessments in all grades on secondary campuses for AYP.

Graduation Rate targets for 2012 are applied to every student group. Student graduation requirements will include end-of-course testing. AYP Performance targets under the new STAAR assessment



AYP Preview: Transition Plan 2012 & Beyond (cont.)

Review of AYP Transition Plan for 2012 and beyond

Review of transition plan by the federal accountability advisory group, Title I Committee of Practitioners (COP), which will include recommended changes to the 2011 AYP Workbook and proposed options for the Transition to 2012 and beyond.

For information on the Title I COP membership and meeting dates, see the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Program Division, Committee of Practitioners website at http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=7448&menu_id=798


AYP Resources

Federal Cap Process

A review of the federal cap process was provided through a district accessible Texas Education Telecommunications Network (TETN) session on May 20, 2010 from 1pm-3pm (Event # 7362).

SIP History WebsiteDistricts and campuses can view their Title I School Improvement Program (SIP) status history reports from 2003 through the present. See the AYP guide for the appropriate year for descriptions of any of the AYP or SIP status labels shown. The SIP history reports are accessible at http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/ayp/index_multi.html.

TEA Security Environment (TEASE) Accountability Website access forms are available at: http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/webappaccess/AppRef.htm


AYP Resources

For more information on AYP, see the 2010 AYP Guide, accessible at http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/ayp.

The current Texas AYP Workbook of June 12, 2009 is accessible at http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/ayp/txworkbook09.pdf.

Frequently Asked Questions about AYP are available at http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/ayp/faq/faq.html.

U.S. Department of Education information is available at www.ed.gov/nclb/.

Contact the Division of Performance Reporting by email at [email protected], or phone at (512) 463-9704.