feefo gaz ftp · 2015-06-02 · fnc ijh mmi tmmt mm mjwx bm&. a. l. bancroft a. co, ysjy...

llaumiiau feefo FTP np iTi RATES OF ADVERTISING. Svrry "Wecaesdsv Hominc. GAZ Ntefwwl tr PVLULlt FES JLXSTCJL j jt AT SIX 1 tS t ! 4 CM M M 1 M 1 to . 4 M t ee) IM Frrtr Saaaeeiaera. $e t aft tltoee" , IM Orrca 1 - trr Pom QSe HmM-- 1 4t r to V I Ml t M) H n u- - Xercfant Stance. HonhH. i. WeS MMS9S VOL. yiii:no. 7 HOXOLULV, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2S. 1872. iSG.OO PER YEAR. !JlmMltMI - toto., T MMI a BUSINESS NOTICES. C. SBSTVES & CO., sappiae s coas!sss rebckakts. Or-- r M aMMMM SaMM, l. 1 . .Vmtt. mimii Km. BatotSai. i A. IV. rfilKCK Jt CO.. , I ! i taai jiKaaaaoae, f ni i t h in "i ir 1 - - J ew.,- . SJiii Conifers XII uu . 11- - XAVIltS. ufi m tj' mn ii rti i oil. HTM Ml MplM UlMHII M Hi Xl illiimi r CASTLE & GOOSE, 17 2. t. kl.UU. 1 AllCUIl .V AJUOEN. aal ta Jlerciaaii, lj IM l B'. QA jSMMTiltotMMSMMrMlir- - , aktac E. P. ADAMS, - - s" ljt-"l"l''t- "' ?? imit tr n C3 aMWO. wli ii aWtot?c. titm Al .V- - 1. JIT, 4- - Mn ss. n rt ! J unit THUS. J. THKITJI-S-i Statjcoecy, Ctterj a! News Depct, arvd Circutedirts Literary, BmMiltfw. t OitTjtof, gnrnfOj rTMuuaw lit A K1CUAJ10. Tn-- i Cluc TTMltor CJKjhgflaa?. Ac, mk mm. JOllX H. PATV, XHiT7 rsaSc aai a.-iHae- r aj 2eds t.Mtaaak, Ota t rmm afaataj lfc.lMTlW.1 t.MiiMIn IJIUUOCILVTI A C- O- canij. m aa-i- II. 1UCKFEIJ) Jt C- O- sryrsit ccxxissrr iersxs. a. jimw stfrn. a l Z3. SBEr 5CH2iZG2E fc CO. 1X533225 AX2 WCOCESravy XZ3CSASTS, TUfiOD. C. HErCK. A53 CHaa2SX 3tZ2HiTr. .to. C Z. JOUA AiJILX. MacMcist, Lcc. 3vd Cur Smitil, M a. rth wni Bii.i i r ' AtVKbTM) CMnM rtiJCAS-.- 313 XACHI3S& I. f irt l w. atoMU. a. L IMT j.a-a- n i iaa LBirER$ Jt DICKSOX. ISAWAJtELAE, Hi"tt"A II. VB iWii miTiihiim-WM- J Hi iliaa m oa. .tM. MMtM ajjMito aaM ato Ma atoBMC ntoMMM Mh jai.wit. imp me aat JOII.A T-- tVATEJIIIOl'sE. rjgtTa3 A33 3 T.7L CT 2322 !to& almtlk. E. t. 31-- X. DOEIX. cASXsr AX3 JS Cmit mg. Pr c. c tixxxajus aei5 SSZHZ. LS3.Z:S. aj3 j. . mci:r. neese, Ship esc. Sign. Paiiter, Sa. 55 Kta.? Streat, j . i mm MMaac (immc har- - JIcCOLGAX Jt JOBXSOX, MERCHANT TAILORS, j. n. xiio7iio., GE3E2AE SLAGZEMZTH. Cessx Ssat Hsaafcis, fu-- ji f asri 2a2tt" ia. az Can, "'. iraM Stt. atotofc.HLt. (If C- - W. SECT Jt CO,' HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS, & taht te-fJ-s af Staa-- Beef XaMie. aa $a Tiaiiriifi- - BTti hi H 1ms Serb, waara Muo-a- . mani iaJ!iaii,.r; ittnTdtft a. faMy? ' h. ross, rPHOlSTE,SEt, utdenaaianaat taait al at Sum liUSlXESS NOTICES. Ec-- e Ctecittrs. GeetrasJocs. Oiss, CtJjf Xakin. Turmrtv. iltr-- . Kit.. tort S! mvmtmi tu mcato alt .toxiiaM af war, a Witt prfin ML ' Ji C. II. inilTILU Co -- SADDLES. HARNESS, - As every MMWit X-M- to st ear rt - " - ' " 'm . VKSL he. S3 King Street. "tV. 1- - lllll . V. JL- - SCJlAUVllIi .V co Impcrtersand CommJsion Merchants Ouiiait. Sma. CklM. luwk. ilMKHt ; A. 1. BOLSTKR. sae. skx eisaosE i e&iutLuiL rims. j'rS flSUHC wnnd jf a 5f i. Il.nr y-j&?lt- or mi Uf. aS jrn vdl IX nmHt Mft (i i i" twi out m JA71KS 1- - GOOPES AND GAUGES. Ain.SJf a &a Ssatazuis. sar Si CaawaiHaase S hjm a? j hmhm w wit ttnaWti. mm f a nnmi wbisk k kw amiaiMn. wiju.iit aatf ft aca b bww rWM m dwqto. g-t- y r. IX- - 11AIIKI. Attorrseir at Law, Nctarj Fu&Wc ar.ci "Master In Chancery, 3T IIH I toaiJtot &m.n?ton t? AiX .V ACUI CK. Jt CO acd Ccsniasias Iszlhsz n'-'-- i. amoi lalaaUK TTi tli'l I. VimiJtu. ant bMkn SHjakkii Jl S. ttKIAHAlTI .t CO.. AX3 V3K2SAlEiilIZSS CbtiUKC. Eatt. CMk Bimm. SMnwt mrr aanao SaatfwHi attprwc wwait ommj. Stn taltaWk MaeK, to ia. winaa. . t la. tW i. ixass. j fc CO SS'ZS 1ST A53 6ZXZ2AI ft i i!:aiiWlftjt.MmMMfta jr-t- jr c lisorxoiv. AUCTIONEER, Safe-cej- er as 0na Seme m bic teat. uiiMa. iiii VOIiCJi-iT- O HOUSE. Crater cf Kteuea, Kawaii. Zkie 8JOBa6ac a aovaara I L tobi. man iifimoT utnitam.. XaaMMC.. t nam : ta nw a haarf. S4NJB Mtl $W9r tUU ftXW. Mt IM SC fcgwanit. CllTiTi nl-- t IHr HOXOLULU IE OX WOSES GO. SXEA3C EJCiyES. 3IMA-K-. SaUn. Caulm. jb. a m fcMf OWHigs. i Mcrier.erj cf Eerj DescripScn, j, Jartaasfar aaeassa. jaid S3 SSig's Siiek3ii. 'k M- - UEVFIEIA, Wagon and Carriage BuBder, T4aVK-St- . gin Mill tr eaaalASK xnzr TO .pj- - . JTfcato fl I fl. K.P-JTM- ST .rV.aW .r E.r.ry D.rtp IX III I'llMfcilll In ai iai. OnaMC. Stan ul MM I'm nW ' ' Tl U 9 MMHiMarlWMCitilll as i.iiMatoMMm8aiM B rr , M AVKarsK. CT. SEGET.KKT Jt C ITS, ZISC ASB COfrZS S2GT 2ZZ23, , li--m aum. fm aaa atbtejsftipacfc. tarim. tuy m. 11141 ax a jaM. aa pwa to staVat OA IiiLj Auiii ato IkuMI to OW ilni mt amMf nt Mm mm araat "jjitiii aim a m, wtafcr mai iltojrl.il tolajwi imim awBUaiBu j. 3. Hrnrzsscx. JOTAKT PtTBLIC. BARTLETT SALOON, TrilXAAjI. HITCHES. Cr mC Batzt uri Fan Mnrti. 'MB. CSOiCSSTAXB BEST OF ALSS.'TCSSS xs sirM ai'n to h bua u taw Bvr. SS4r For Kohala, Hawaii. Sk Schr. Active. PETES J. . . Sut(r, VtH ra: aa a raeaiti-- r paatfic to ca ikii pactr. rer fcairat acaniiwga apaiy to TAd2 VAIJlES. A AIXE5, Axosi. n Schr. Pauahi, B.STSOU, .... Sutir, m ra u a ncasr aniir ina Fnafh&T a-- Ifafiir ii. at n innrihi nf ?saw. Far Sriajc ar naaaca amt? to c vipnm aa baariar IJkn S- - raXrocmgAST. Jaat. . Skf OlHgerf Steces! tAKGEST ASSOKTXEST OS THE fef-u- Basra wajat Ttfina, ind . fcr t&"Lr Ma ?rir. ay j 34US A CO. Xaoxxi, ear mr i T3T ! LB. CA5S, A aan faraaw ar ti HXjesAco. t Cordage, JJtSB yCMSOA jMKarf ifeu. fa BeKEmT axr t; WMTnT A CVA. PSESESLtED SEATS. Ia YasrUfefes, Ebglry A ce. SUGAR & MOLASSES WEST MM SBAR ASS8ClilTK)il. LA HA I NA, MAUI. C1JOICK SCSiKS CYp mt 1ST ar Mnto. 1I1LU, II. 1. Sagar and Holssses, CKor SOW COJtlXG IX, atd for sale SAUPAKTJEA PLANTATION OUGAK "0r COJllSG IX and for ale lO i(iiOUat ta nil wuibtim Pioneer Mill. Lahaina. JL- - TlltTOX. lro?rietors. OOlfB.ElX. Susaraad ?ioXars Crop 1ST 1 pi OX ESS IX. FOK S.UJK IX eCAITIR; V J to isic Mtfeum. IJ WALKER 1 AUKS ?Zh'CTTTT." PLAKTATiOy. j Siar nail 31ola- Crop ls71 t CMZX IX. FK SALE IX (MTAXTfXtK PLAKTATIOJr. fcttr Crop of Sfuxr Jt 3IoIas- - - OV COKIXi IX. AXD FOE SAIJC ES iCAX-Ma- - C. BJUCWKK A COu Aa- - "VTAILUZTI PLAXTATIOX. ATKW CKOF XCT O.lJflXS IX. ItHt SAiE L k MaatiBH t't nit tantann. Vy I-- C. BXVEK A CO.. Jotta. . fokeign yon(?ES. WILUAMS, BUNCHARO & CO., SiMpef Hid Geewiissiofl fi'srcbsftts, t as Cai2u32AStif.SiJSMeise9. tr PLETT, PEABODY & Co., SH1FFIHB CQMMtSStOM MERCHANTS, A3 a as3T4 ar Piaiic Barrel soi Sc Caniy. A iu i J a. faraart iBi oml Ajazn sajps&sn r v 1 g MvSmlT hImiii K.frt 3ml Malb ... - avawaiHdaoi " - i Cto- - " Witt A ABaa. S- - 4WS CuHrCTKr stmt, S Fruto. H ly BOOKS & STATIONERY The Basis of Our Business. "XT! IKST Ti JIan afar tar fl iA 3ris wpi ;fi. t tonnrrr w an ae ibioa hen w 'vt to .toj .h.i., Mi 9it tfincdy tojiar mr vwrnuiufi mad nrfw. ECO.D-- T. Bar in-- 1 Btoks i SCatSm- - mit to w to Ma kmiaianint -- TTi lUniift W toxt m a..ry. owt.ui aa g jf ar. fcwlau mt BaAt Bamazaariiwa BBaaAoPva. anu, fNC IJH MMI TMMt MM MjWX BM&. A. L. BANCROFT A. CO, ySJy &MM BMlat9PML jrcsiSEy, yr-p.p.- & co, rVAE3ere X3 C 0 HZIS SIO 2T MEB CE AXTS , Facttaad, Urcp M'illi.Tliii n in ii. i'f mi tfii j.u. SimOiiju Mr af.ia tftnto )n. Mttau Iim fa nrtMfBritkBMW- - taratt a. KT E. SETERilt CE & CO Geuersl Shipping 4: Gemmission 3IBKCHAJTS. i5 Trass StrseC eecxsr ef City, Six Jraarti IXSETLLXCE NOTICES. B4toa Eoonl of radcrsnittn-- . GESTS Ur tk BinHa I.Txad.. My tea FbBzitlftua. Erd of Unacrtmteri. a GCSTS r tltx HtmHia I.ta-aA- . tea. F. A. SCTIABFKB. GKJT ar Bma Baard af CaiCinrrltn, L Aaw af Ma. BamiaTCait irli I, Afjmc af TTmm 3aui CuM-- i .nt.i . tt.Mwthirlniannimu.rtltntta-M.traMMipi.ieinaa- jC CAI.IFOK.AIA IHSTJEAHTjE COSPASY. j IMtUKilCrEn, AGrEJTTS mf th rJlHAl Care Frvlcaa Mi Trfaarr, CmjUtv j mm BiiMta m fKi mBnMui(nH,atiw rr - BMS3rm a Co. Il.tJlUl liGII BEET1E rIES ISaHASCS COHPAST. ! rrnrE TTTDERSIBXED aa-rt-a la p-- A M.iaS Ipa) it ta. .aum -- iiiMiiif ira anaar anniMiiaMrn ml Sto Mt Brfxlc BmUd- - al an X.nkjtai. mat OviaJo, ito O. ' nttoMini Hrr i i. KaiUKtet lEsarsnce Notice. rgtme ickjt for tele eeitijii -- n JL Mja Sfartaa mmmct Caiiiiia. TlaiM B. Am aMRMSM to KMtto ato imi hnrasi toe.j Bmmm m ?aaa at. fauna. kb am-- j aaniatost Mto k ato Lmc iJSa. mbl mgmoml winaw aa SeMgaa mt stnmm. I nm E. iVTFl OMT Jmrtt WHL. Mr z a. V OfaU " ' : - CAUFO IiTA TS5JT3JL5CE COMPACT. Jt. m CjtM- - TfT uat Tnanam. K-- KMSmB a no ?eabrakz ixSU Preatcc ttmli, . A CC. I Ci,,, lM ,BMMMMMlWMaMm3lMM.a tS'L'lt -t- ,""--A MMMMh rhAiW BCMts. Sm gnaauca JCMnrflT.eis. " IiBtDtoa - " BMnralMMiilliiiii. . AmMraiOi " un TCI-t- Cm - !m. Mter.Oi - AaVa.AM Santasat fC MISCELLANEOUS. SEE MY COLUMN ! Xot THIS, but the Other One ! Jer-- Very Qawr! TS MY AVKKTISIX COLUMX, By X Ako aa4 (law tir nl trt mfc nl umI u umH MVr XMiMt-- ,), artck XttintK Tktjr 1'unttY I Ytv lnnny I I jr A4wjc Cvtuaw. mj BM Tnf. M wiiiuimi, in tnM kl TVit w V. sM Jur?r ! Very Qucifr ! Mjr nti-MO- t'!. Ar&rlftM zt Cfetb's xr i aa ipr tMhnfnt t. t& X4in. Iiv Vwts fcr VTwt FMkr, wkMt I t ie fK 2 Hk. k mhms l tku tkt m wtrkl mu MTV. Tac ruaBie5t of All : Srut CatyH Utk I hit ttt b x ifhmiiA attiete. ant zarl4f itanti(T.ae3rerkt ins Has lit Gufat ftr BrStrlititiMt H FtaMtMo. mMh ki. &(dM. wtaw u iatf mma W nIM In lk Su FiruMMt mt. It wvttlai tak a atUmtibria ta taltafata tW Kim mkiivJ ax (nibn; Wt. Sol tjowr or VorT Qtit-rt- - ! TW J(iiib KBiava W a mtts'i smi aw- - Mi tu iflMt ndt aa ianlaf tW i of tht Kimxim. (tfni.ialm strtt(tMi- - The "cir Hotel. TWrr ku Iwk a Mtratt f .afetia (s Man-Hm- ii T Ortbultoa. I ik annBjr AiiK it vOt b a iiiiwh f, jm ycvaiotiai; tW iaNrats -- I tbm tair aituil, i4 a prat bvmit ! law Tms?n(c Iutt Kwpv n4 at Mate r ml a nitia. ix mt. for tajr wiH mtc JMr akar. trvw tWastra nahtrf tariun wmfo Dtm amf tMt IVa Xanaaal BaM. Jo sack iei fee Ih o- -f rar Saar IUafe vitt. t& wajaaetiia wBta ttr solid aanitBt9 BaA ay omt dortra-aMn- t. lanavratltm tk niga f KAxnAXiaA. Vts. ae bii be Bra aarf trurs- - TOHX THOJtAS WAT8RHOCSE. JMaarr SI. IT 5 THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY or xhs TTixitecl States ! TJAS DOXE MOKE BCSIXESS dnrinc 11 til pa.t ynr tbaa aay sthec Life Buanae CtmaaaT is tas Caifcfi States. Had an income in 1570 Of.... 7.300,000 Its Assets amount to $15,000,000 INSURES ON THE ALL CASH PRINCIPLE OS THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS! Pnattams payabia Qnattecff, SeekinaeaBy It m tfre oaTx Cnp.TaT 19. a rgjaieat Dbr a these Isfints. His ExeeOeaey 5. H. ?num, the Atawa? Caatnl bees ftr ay tkh a JHtKttic m tfta Campaay. Xa lib iBsanrce Canav.J 1m WAiw Ban BbaraRy ihaa th'cs. and sea ii set leBahh aa aw lawfinrs n aa. tha taand. Ml partiaaExti pHl 51. UAPIiTlK. It AeaatMrttafaVaauIftasir. NOTICE. aJjiS THE rXDEKSrSXED SBTCaXS febaaas t. a aatrta fiiraast ta.nt satBettaac;lBXMrr ilaiu4ait- - Aay aafaii aaartRiy aMaaats t tha list jat bar, 171. Aijtmij. to ban JiBhit withmt mj iat-ta- aSirS to jar parts' Mm , aa k ir a wtftet Wrx t CX, d Mjnfa to k. Hk arim am bna laanaihti aad shasK bt fait. It i, k tfcnrlj, atar aafrjatag. af joad sarim. JOBS THOMAS VAXSBHOC5E. X. S. If at aasi saaa, W wSl han ta be at the exfMH af seaM aainawt sSaa cat caJaalaaia ayua JOHX THOJtAS "ATSKHOCE. JiatarjJI. TO LET. SEVERAL OTEASE5, r- - spactaiji j sitaitatl. AL,cb Xaasiatt ca tcr a aa aBaraaee ia nat Iwaafm- - aaatr nt ta ;eap if tfiraa aaa aom trs. Also a SAuH Hm or Shoe. Appl. tj JOHX THOc. WATHBHOC5E. Fimxarr 11, J Flxcliaaige, cfeic. THE VXDERSIG5ED, rrom and after iaa, wai bm BOt af Sxcaasn aad Lrt-to- n af Cmht oc SAX ESA5CISC0, 5EW TOBK, ' i.OXIKX, HAXBrK'i and BKEXEX, hi sasxs to utit t bvHC rxtos. Btst Ciiiim-i.T- jl Pir ilanima led. isi. Mratos id- - nan-te- a XattzxrM e.ia saMt baanUatam. i Cask a4raae ataj as. cassaawsfa aS ialaad ' praaae. aftae rata era esc. tarert yw aawss. ( B- - 3ACEfoZD A CO. Hiati. Xst. t. rsn. t3-- tf . ' Auction. Notice 4 FSOPORTTOXAI. CHASCE af Htm aetesnry CL. xxar iaaacmt Sra4ntzsr Aaectoa Saias waa, xa asrsterarr. be eaaiMl fia aU emmnfpmrt if Xcrsfcaatfise t a-- nii at Aaacna. rererred Ilbuu er aihsr sb3 adrerMsiats are iaeaac- - c. s. BAStew, 44-J- a S- - P. ABAM5. t" Aai.ti.o-- i hi. A CAED. IT IS WITH ?LSASOt3l 12 Hi that As aadatakaad Viar taataataay t ttc maairili-t- j af Sr. XacaaleT Praaaferte Tnoluc, aa afu artjac ax t&ia Bsc saacr, m aar sees baa saraami rBcber &t Koraae ar lb raaaaiSuAi. i m Amhm gnattj mataatit fir w isai aaa saisu. wars waasa aw aaa pujtvirta 8 rJ t njf jClBIg atari taUUXX PhwM nrnrrinal-- .' SnrnX ffCXT trf city, uni rt &tLnni tnmmad &jK ta t- -t Mr am nit i nu; x xif imlL mc as vtmtn mtm b yrrfvjsaTa. pfeTt A. BT5T10CIA5TI. XimiffT Mmw Stmtoi' Optra Ca. fSaciesI CAB-- t. efOMA. svaaMai nrMBtar. ; Golden Gate Flour. FAKTLT. BASTSBS' EXTRA, A5T EXT2A K BOLUS A CO. Hemp and Flax Canvas ! TJEST ABBSOATQ Jl A7TL FA CTUI1E, Lr aBart 5xairs. at aaca ar eaty pdt. Tar safe hy BOLUS A CO. Lime! 05 HASD aal ra order, fresh kSbf. Far nie it tix fcrvta: ft) SOCLES A CO. Rod" OA CASES of til article for valelovr, by U ff, BtHAJB A CT. Pnot nad yTcdraax Bread, ia Atar. A Aswruam of Craclccra. ?r O&JCEr-- ijr al by SOLLss t Ce. Snprrrar Court In ltnnro. JJkXClKt TIR. a. K JSM. CKtAUt? A'A.VAiV.t . THOXAS IO.W. Aumx C. 4.: life Ua avMaa of jetMt btMet to w Boojjioa of a Im of hod ia lloooMv, aa oVtbtol ai part of tko IB of kod oi" Wah hW. T paaiaUS: daian uAMrti) Ike rJ estate of Qwm Kataau. aid tout tho )mmI it tytatioa fe part of Hi of hwi ot WajtakdA shark ras avartlod by tho Board OmmciI of grrat th J"" S. nhteh tho IK of W'tl b said to hare boen gitea to Use Qaetn, K J,iBCt,.r Bktod that was to haro lh mk lr,te Wattahnhta, the r, P"1 dearly rnrarded as harios been "F"1 t the use of the Government, IVurooWseeaa tohecoodaslTtiof tho rights of Q Kahaw. The makai portion described w property of the GorroLad doe this aati ftlh ioetooV the wboht of the nubu Portio" iIk lK o the rasp trae tfeerfptleo of the lii.lt foctadrt notoulT n"tli rorWoo. bat a brgo twmber of tha Mst ! o Heooteio. and whfeh bad th pwf-'si- oo of parti allhoet a cktat f b.T Koaohiki for a ioaj pernio! time, T8 a,rani to th Qa cannot legally ,k 00 two grounds ; because her righU voro coaSoed to the raaota portion ; and second, lT-- thoy not have by award, n oe eatitlej to the boaw lot the "" of the IK. followinj remarks occar tk P!m PJ t the of Uad to qatet kad tiUei, vol. statste ptikwst: - Bat between the ownership for caki-Wfeh- Tatio" aK WS s there ara bf01 ho3 stction. These baiHioj Tr bestowed by the King, or Lords for the parpose beiof given to teaaats as nu . ... . , r I i i !i.i.i. &. i.i v n.iMMLt uH.iimwn .XMIII III it i ' hi May. 1SW. To sapport tK po.tioa. tho piart iMrooWd Ma&ahHn. a soracror, who twtiiai that t oa; ritvd hr the th Mia- - fcwc of the latetior. bat ao His Majesty the ! to aap mt the dSiereat IB of had wa- - braced k lloooMn. He prate a tsa nhich he lays he copied aa old anp of Uoaolak ht the latorior Ofiee, sad that he hid dowa the j toaadarie of Wubalak aj gtroahiia by Uh j kn Hajhawsi Jt. Ke&Baoa aad Mr. Charles Kaaowa, the prcoat pWatilt. The hK fced ! c the pk ii oVonoed u foUotn : j OwaieKiag at the seaido at the loot of I'weh-Ito- Street, theace. rsaaiar; ap jaid street i to a point a few rodi aukai of the lkce Wadk. thex rtuaiag ia a northerly dfeectioa to Br- - ' taata Street, theacd Mcthodr oa Beretaah , Street to a poiat abot arfdway bettra Akaai j Xaaaaa aad Akoai theace to the sea, aad hr the to the fast aatiooed boaod- - an-- : aad this ii terated AaVshalah MafcO,aj we aaderitaod it by the aap, aad within these j bottodariei the hod ia oaestioa sitaated. ' j Ho testifies that he. had great diScatty ia Sod- - j iacaay ooa who coaki cira the hoaaoWriei There were other iritaesses who j testaSed from the dechttatieea of others to the j correctaei of the man whea srcospaBriat; the sarreaor. i The BriaciaJ ride rfree n tab co a, to the acearaer of the ana, ij the approval of the i tiwadaths by the thee reeoeahed ; owaer of the Mdihut pceakes. It is contended by the cooa-- ei for the pkiatiff that the aap is coadsatTe, becaese it was ap-- prored by M. who at that tiare was ia pofeessioa as owner of the property ia bis deriiors foe iaaay years, aad apse which he had csade inttaabte haproreawats. Hod KebaMKioa TirtaaBy raiiawjaishMd his titk. aot soaw other erideace hare beea given thaa the com. paratirety looe coamsatioo of those attorn pe- ering the sarretor, nore especially when the Ltad CboaaussioB bad Sauted the Award of Ka kern to the oaata portiea of 'Wsitahikia ? This testhMay is too loose aad aasafeCietory to defcat the titk to rati property apoo. wharh be aad his derisors had beea ia posses. siea for aearir lortr years, aad on whka he had ladi vaJaaMe ktoroTeewe. Tbii, of rUeJf, eaa aot Vt regarded as a caotjasreebarto bis title. raaV.nl, the hoaadnriw as kid dowa as the anp tay hart been cornet, and yet the title of M. Ketaaaaoa. aot aeeessfcrily aSeeted by it It appears that Maneia aad hh wife, Kaapaos, oeeopied the preaaea at aad before 1539, whea Maaam (fiad, aad Kaapeoa gara the lot ia qaee-ti- oa la her brother, Xaoaaa. Xaataaa, with his wife. Kapok, resided oa the lot antii his death ia ISIS, aad Kapefi coeitiiMted to there antHa short time before her death ia ISTOi y laaiwa by his will deesed all his property to H. Ke&aBatoa, who was eejoiaed by the testator to support aad protect Kapok aad Kaapeaa, aad to aflow theai to Ere Btaa. In 133?, M. Ketaaaaoa hath a hoaee on the lot, ia which Sipo& Srst fired, aad ia 1551, Priacat; Victoria Kama nu fa resided there with Mr. Ii. Ii coa-- , tiaaed to oecopy the hoae till IS79. shortly be fare his death. He paid do rest, aad oecapied by perattesna of Flaw aula. Hefcaanaoa, aad their heirs. The lot is Htnled dwectly opposite the Palace. His Highae M. Ketaaaaoa atar rted His Majesty's Kioaw, tad Prioceei Victoria was the dacehter. It is eoateaded by the caaatil br the MW aat that eee if the MtBkai pttaiirg' were iactanVi ia the ATard ta Qaeea rCafeaa, tiU the Jafteihat has a ptesciipMea neat by rirtaeof hw at bhxy thaa Sweaty years boat the dale of the Makefe ; aad the aemj tiua ariies whether the thee of Ac adeecse pesiesaMe saoaid ioiIi fiaai ir "Uilirfr h 1fF. (trfrtra thi irarrl yfaT IgM. It fe tm, cootaded, that Qaeea Kahuna taafc her kad of Waetafoat by rirtae of the s,, Kak m, dared by him. by the Bant MhekofI845- - The Mahdewas Oe bask of a titk. It was aa of the nadiliiia . baweeer, of the Mifaete. that the titk shoaU be raaarawd by tie award of the SoardofLaM! Cm iaji linn i. Board was a Coeri af Becard, aad here w jdjealcatiaa of wiack al sorties ia hatareet were ahhaed ta take MCkn- - Aad the daas of adeerse aojuuiioa Ml be firoai the date of the Award. It k ia aa aarteria! respect dMcreat rea the eate of s csmh for kad mmV at aay other of jaiu fittiea. aad laitaiaad. II the party MatoMtol Mr , J n- - - aaa4ajMB after tha ip amnt, ne ante or saca peii.ujina khnm tar letter awte-- R ' was aanpfc zotie tn thn anrnw in poe-- It tarn the mamenta A a ankene aavvt be withia tha fcaafodgu d the owner, matiaaoai aad aa-- Tan Land Comniniiiira made an A wad to I HeniH flnmam nt ki they preeeatad BVar efofm for the znim. or vn partiaa d the ' BdWiRihanik. aa the eanera tint d the of harnnr nf Htmfola. ; Thti ri i rlrfr -t- fr- TTT-i- tut fTtn amtal far the aaafcei nr see. peclfan nf has tt d Watbv hddw. nc &t tatters shit nf the barber d Henanifc. Afcer emfy weadnnjdi the art! wen os mi ekks. the BnaH nf Land fJanaititfoa u an at hxttrr decide that the kad bx eaiucfoa, te?Hher wias af the rnf and ptlvnVges therrento I hJanp tn tie Hexnmm Gnvera-mn- t; and that Hirdnfctmi Kafons bat na riat wtztercr tAerris, for the fiHia by reaaeea, rtr : an be nnrnterrnaaen pneseanam " " S- - Haaranaa V!-- Tw GewnwYcnr, rvSpt Ot 1B m LfDSS IKSCC0.: KlWl, S. A bXCC- O- t 48. for the IS nf Waftdmenk, fa He-t- oi,, - WfLLtS A Cfl ilafamidOifor. i California ALWAYS jriarr.Vy "Golden Tobacco. lroa.fcilrtmtyi.li.j. Fan Masoakeo.'aad woaid reside ItrZZ frM lVcaa$ it afcar frota the cvnkocA pld la tb lSMtl that lt kad la (1I(oq M beo n4c t)w control of the pnbMc aatbor). ti fro aeiat tiM; ami taat jiioce tho MrsubaUoa of lib Majwtj'j Uovftnnent that ooalrol traj utHXjpatfJ aatil the tut 1S50, wken Mr. ChurtVt Kawi rid an ofctten on Hr MaJaitT Qqn Kaiama, ifter the Kijr ia imi graatej a (vart of taki bm! to Un Xortk leiSe XTatieo Ceftipaay. fliw-li- M Jt appra farther by th eri-s- c. that at tfco timo tho tiirisioa of in k5,W she as AVaifcahakhi. K iacfade first, been her she within The Hoard 2 oftea lots of oat fcwa Ke&aaaaoa, aader sister Titk coart nl the 1 w, ous w..oe or n.,a- - ttoa. It nOows, therefore, that (with socoe nhiea ia all cases amst be proved) ia rektioa to batldiog lots there is bo third efo&s of persoos havine the rkHMs of Lords over teoaats. The aiceotioos ia those cases woeld be where iadiridaals bariag recetred boiWio; lots from the Kiae; for their owe partkakr sse, those redind-aa- k hare tbeeuelTes, for soene caosiderattoa, or implied, traMfomd said lots to third parties." This exception does oot apply to the rights of heirs or devisees. Ia the case of fveefikoJacri es.KoiBSoa,2 Haw. Rep. 515, oa which were at ksee the thie, rents and profits of what was known as the "Tolal" or Pakahi, the coaasel of the reepoedeat that it was aecasMry for the eoatphiaaat to show that Patata was awarded by the Load CoeUBfuiooeri to those from whom she derived titk, as The foe of that lot bad become rested ia the Qeaea Dowager as a part of WaibihaJalB. Upon this point of the defence the Coart say : "It appears that ia the rfcrcnoe of 1S13, tha fend cartel Wtaba)ol8,withM tbeasdeat booad. aries af which lotahs is Mtatted, was graatcd by the Kiasr to Qaeea Kakara. aad her titk wa subjtfbaeatly farther perfected. Uader the gaa. eral role that the party holding aa award or patent for aa ahapaaa is the owner of all the kad embraced within its boaadaries except sech portions of it as here beea awarded by the Land Comadssiooera to other persoae, it k eoateaded by conned for the respoodeaL that anlese the eoeipkinant has (howa that rSribi was awarded br the Land Oomanssioa to LeJdhoka or Pitt KhH, the fee of that lot ha become rested ia tha Qaeea Dottw as part of the U'aftaealak, aad that ia eoattqaeneo, she, sad aot the 'n bow the owner of the rirhU formerly po.'HHed by Kamimofce and Lekwhofea. Thkar. gteat wodd be entitled to "eight If the rak re- lied epoe coakJ be hehj to apply in this ease ; bat we enet hold the reverse. Ia oar onkaon epoa the grant of Pdea&a to Kahrimoira by Kaahaaaa-ob- , which was the same as a xraat from the Kiae;. it eeased forever to form part of WarVahamla m heU by the Koaohiki. Paratra. part of which was knoirn as the Kiari wharf, thenceforward became IJVe anay other town lota si tsatad withia the catanl hoaadiries of arlnhalala, a portioa of a anw ek at red ptopwty whieh m aot eovered ay the kw of 1839. the Great Dfrkioa, nor the kvi of ordtaary Kakenat. A pert of the reamda alieadi naeted froei tha principle! of the Lead Ciaainiw may be eked here acaia : -- It foBowi, therafora, that (with mom ennetioae whieh ia aD caeai matt be prewen) m rektion to bsiidiar lots, there k no third darn of peracna herrke; the neat of ford over tenants.'' The Qaeea Dowaser, ia her rapacity of Koaefeftt of Wdthahifc, cantf ant barn been rtengabid as aconnter iihimint for PaVxbt before the Board. If sech a lot escbwjaU for w.t of bern, H eecbeet ta Ihe State end aat ta the anefont Kooehltri Theenmmntatfon payahfe aaootawa lob aaarded by the cciiamin titke, U Myanfo to the Governatent aad not ta the ford of the ihnpaii. In ner adaioa. if to-d- the title wMeh Kahri-mo- fin mail pnsisasnl ta Palest leant lecasfy vedeaia hit hetrj. h ndrht b ntorvwl by the Hawdkn Ooeernmtat, bet never by the Lord of Wilhlrdf- - We are of eadnioa that the prindafe nf the toiMana. ease apntvas with comd force to Ihe ease at bar. It appears that the kt ia naiitlea wen acapti' lata imi laiita by thnee nnder whom the diiinaant rtiawi irom a pumd anminincfofc priar to 113. ami ihet nrinr tn the nme d the award d the IS tn Qaeea KakaM, M. KeVaa-- it There wni a broad Bne d amtteetioa bHweea thk lot and one rtmply for ceki ration. It wm wkely de- - lrrd by tie law that the bnWk? fob. or town kt ar they were tnemkaet cdkd. &naed a lw nks nf red pmperty net afieeted by the rnfe the ernmnry Kdaaeai. aad we rard the kt naeilfoa M d that daer. There ware other pdntt made and dkennsed with anrHty aad bwm- -r by the en-- sd for the rtet. Wt thek noMi- h- k net nenetoary In the adyaiifcalfaa d the preaent nwe. Janpnent lar ptatotstT m reeerred. Letfc-- V- rsent be entered for the defendant wkh enttt. Bama H. Attn. OUrf JmUkan. Per rtntent d ninth I Mt IsarewU a ifote-amn- t. I no not rtot the defendant! rottaft'ii; bet en the giainl anw pestntmL yfc: thdanaraadfekdn ant atfeetbentt fob, thank the defendant ebneW take fcdpeent, Atrsa a Hanrwru, JmUt. II. A. Wtpntsnr, JutHte. Mr A 7. Jo4i foe P5aiaU5 Mr- - C. C. HtrHs and Ur Suakyfor Dtfefdat ax., W mina,.mil. Vhv Htrnmrra. Frnni AoHnlkt and Xew Zeaknd we rery Rttk la record to Ihe feeeyeet d the Cute-de- e tHHtbar in dvtae; lafclinl nanranaiat t tn nr of sreeaatri at pmeeat rnaning, . wanaat the Cawpnay la eeahnanaj; the ternee Ahbaoh aadt of the Cabmiea adtnewkihera tha tepertooee of the terriea, aad m meanre their readtaeea to aeakt kt aatnilaatiae: the Bne, yet eaeh of them npnwa tn bntnatedi ifrikl that It will be edted npen tn caatnbele more than the othen. aad at the ame tame re ceiTD IkM fteaMlagn. than the ether, that til appear tn be waiane; antU the nthete net. Near Sonth Wake and VJotarw teem now tn be w Mother dtSedty. armar fcnat aaewnai addaat-Id- s frem the wvtac of denke albee; the njntad borders of those Oakatea. Seme vety aharneer. wposdeeee has paiied between the anahuMfod of the two Cnkaies. wnmh eekct in wdnW the naejiion ati (reesi tn he in fomr of free trad between thn Odoak. bat the other, are India tl net In tha aegertfoa. They thfolc it ia eader te coKeet a awtr tana to eafket tuee for the sapport of OavtrnmiaL Tab bkteriaa; between the Cover an a if thedMerent Cblenka wJI iwhanii the mmWw wbkh win beeet the way of Mr. Web aad Voce! ia iadadng the N ew Sooth VTake and ATctorki Crarnnmnds ia aakiac wrth New Ira kad to aeppert the Sae af jlnanu to .n Fnnejsoo. AVhatever the kaloary of the Gniueauaoa jf the Tarfons Cdoniae amy bad strongly in bear of a aot ted eafoM to in tare the awH serrfce via San Fran mi en. It t ant easy that ft hu already proved to be M aJatJatiein a roote for the traaaaneaion d the aiah aa that by the way of Saes, bat that the ai awn re a whieh has already sprang an between the Cnb aias aad the Cdted tatee kern the ricoet mpd tommnnicnllon, he had a meet taidary enact ,n enhancing the vateeof the peeJJaeta d the Cefe-ae- Annrioau parchaeerad wool nave, rtaeathe MM tmmm alaMlhi Bkau Muutomakdl tma t,JtnrjmMMjMM Vw MaeT svnmnmnni nnnrnM anMMMaj Paa kare' AaMrnlhm marltet, and tbwar appMra-e- a bac nl ready had Ihe ehket to nahanen the vahn d waci (one of the principfo artfofo of esparto at knet one penny (two cants; par pennd. We giea b lw a extract of the report d a enmadm of the Sydney Chamber of f immiwi. d wharh Mr John K. Watt was ehdraaa. oa the aaaket "Stcuc Poatju. !aaTn-n- . Tata important matter has lepaatedly been aader the eand in i d the Chamber, aad tha mambtre have watched with internet the itranaiae nfotcf d the Aaatralmn Staam Nanaaooa Company .aid' it by a aabaidy so smaB ia ctimpai inn to the work done as to be almoet rtomtaaf) to matclwa the roate r'm Sao Fraacawo ; and tha mealy praier worthy eflbrti d the owners d the aatms Mail ilea men in sending tie sutiehrlaed by the New Teikad 1 to thk sort. K k wrth arm hers of the Chamber have seen the A. j N Company compaffml to abandon tha hae for wan'. Of an adeqeate aabady, aad the aaBoaaceaaent that the .VaMfican boat w-- ffonaciy ceaee . Twit tan port. Iariofj the inert pennd that ih i A. X. Company A bonto warn rsnntaf on the line, they proved iaeooteetabty the vnlne d UW i sen ice ae a poetai ant pi imager lonta. (to nntafmi hare aleo been at length leengmned n . ogkod, and a Kbeme hae been atnrted d tayint; , a teiexnphac cable from Saa Fmaenea. na H - aoiafo, Fiji, New Cnkdoaa, and Cape Xereten , to Sydney and Xettmorne. Krery boat that aa aadad oa Itwe ue aae farther ikmooatratad iU valaa to the Cofooy at Urge. o Ofanumr aa itxraaaiag, marttat for oar export! . and it ia not too mmh to aay that ta prenence d American bayeri in thie aad o ib , Melbourne marhet hae ran ad tha anee 0 ii,- -, whole clip of wed of the Cdonwe wM ki Un date by at kaet one penny per pane 1 . asi m' fur the kdiitj of npul in imiimi j h - iteatBeri, it m barfly pronahle that no tmm t Uave badjo many A menran bnama n the amr hel as wa bava had thta naiea. Aa a reed' i their pramnce. bemdea a rnaiidirnblii nnntity ' ' wod aod other produea beiaa; sent by the Warn en to Saa Fraecmro, one thap wuh 30n aame wool baa already mica) h-j- Uns part for Haato and seven! vaaeeU have mind from ra.ri wool-lade- for Ameneaa port. " Laekiat; to u locrwaaiaf prndait d went act other arjda d expert, the ilnaaupmeut ri 'wb amrfceU ka matter d eeiioad impaitnan to - Cdoniee ; and aa thu deatrahje end will aaonnm edly be aia)ed by ranlar atoam coeuaaSi-a- t, c the Chemher hope that, itratigthaaad ? :b- - it provd of a lebetn of anatd maiiiaaii.nlwt -- a San Kraaetaeo ay tha later salaam! faafcita.a j the Oeweranwnt mil ube aaen ateneae mil lea-- J to the meinptioo d the line. It ant an w aaiad that the Imperial ' inmamiiiil ten preaied their wdBnfnaai to cewtnbaee i 'M -- penee d a fortnightly tine na Sens and f thown to them that it w the wea d thw arte Utot the service abend ittiraila 'k. r land Sna Franemco, there m Irttk dnnbt tha a, Impirlal Government wodd nntoinnte '.bar to tack an att.iaali aaiiiaa. The aaemata1 ' that for inanr mnnths eafotei bath a Kndaaa tenl hem, n hether nnr metk tones ho forwnrtforl nt nS vk Ihwnpe dmnns the late war bee tnnam the adnat.au of a neuad Bne eaenetd by !to I need trr ndeatiny witfc Indw and I bean thai, oawded with the mere naVedh latiiena new eiietiae; between Fndnnd and America, ana ten more jntt appraeiatma d tan vdn d ;b etas to the Siothar r.eatry. eaanrm -- b- bow. that any well eeaadtwd fm for an Mearnata tarviee vet Sna Fraaetem woU aK tn . ' ahfo conpidcrtii,a and mi f the Chamber for the oatoMiehmiwtd vk Tnrree Stratu and at it mat a weat d eartMl e&m m the part te i TnoCniwhir, tonawomVnnam ptmj tna ZlSgm voted by da Wt mf im it. anMeaVWa 9tSUiA m4 MHaMMef aMl tkal tfnTrtBiT tW d the Wabn Umi. m tnton " rtaa FaMH-m- n Mn. Santa - Scaamv to Wane Un Atvbe Ananw ' aid Xeetkn; d ' limt.i d eamawee aeuj yeibuday jrWaoon, a inanaMM nnf hr Mr b. A m i mml il by Hr atCf nw9 SmVJ (rafttt nanat fct vjfcJ 9S4eHv9aS ftrf Je Oanaihir the MSmt venad he nW Aammirrs AtoMaWy a a nbvafy to a bm4 aervta ay .t d inn Finntmna. thenht be sen nil at a 'earee- - rary aM to Ihe rtnam rM Snnnnae W Line, te fong at tne veernk emafoied vice tkinU enme en to nVk tnr. aad awn! - b ttnte aa '..adi.n aonbl he alteyfad for a nenaaa 4 tervhte. The preseeftian wtn aennd W fMttfknd heia, t dy uentkt iris 4epetottea wee nainlmaT to anan aaen, Aa i- - irttteet the adieai'lij dtipniitiat; it

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llaumiiau feefoFTP np iTi RATES OF ADVERTISING.

Svrry "Wecaesdsv Hominc. GAZ Ntefwwl trPVLULlt FES JLXSTCJL j jtAT SIX 1 tS t ! 4 CM M

M 1 M 1 to. 4 M t ee) IMFrrtr Saaaeeiaera. $e t aft tltoee", IMOrrca 1 - trr Pom QSe HmM--1 4t r to V I Ml t M) H n

u- - Xercfant Stance. HonhH. i. WeS MMS9SVOL. yiii:no. 7 HOXOLULV, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2S. 1872. iSG.OO PER YEAR. !JlmMltMI - toto., T MMI a



sappiae s coas!sss rebckakts.

Or-- r M aMMMM SaMM,l. 1 . .Vmtt. mimii Km. BatotSai. i

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taai jiKaaaaoae,f ni i t h in "i ir 1

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SJiii Conifers

XII uu . 11- - XAVIltS.

ufi m tj' mn ii rti i oil.HTM Ml MplM UlMHII M HiXl illiimi r



2. t. kl.UU.1 AllCUIl .V AJUOEN.

aal ta Jlerciaaii,

lj IM l B'. QAjSMMTiltotMMSMMrMlir- - ,


E. P. ADAMS,- -

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imit tr nC3 aMWO. wli ii aWtot?c. titm Al

.V-- 1. JIT,4-

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t OitTjtof, gnrnfOjrTMuuaw

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JOllX H. PATV,XHiT7 rsaSc aai a.-iHae-r aj 2eds

t.Mtaaak, Ota t rmm afaatajlfc.lMTlW.1 t.MiiMIn


canij. maa-i-


sryrsit ccxxissrr iersxs.a. jimw stfrn. a l

Z3. SBEr 5CH2iZG2E fc CO.1X533225 AX2 WCOCESravy XZ3CSASTS,

TUfiOD. C. HErCK.A53 CHaa2SX 3tZ2HiTr.

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JOUA AiJILX.MacMcist, Lcc. 3vd Cur Smitil,

M a. rth wni Bii.i i r 'AtVKbTM) CMnM rtiJCAS-.- 313 XACHI3S&

I. f irt l w. atoMU. a. L IMTj.a-a- n i iaa


ISAWAJtELAE, Hi"tt"A II.VB iWii miTiihiim-WM- J Hi iliaa

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Ma atoBMC ntoMMM Mh jai.wit. imp me


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31-- X. DOEIX.cASXsr AX3 JS

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j. . mci:r.neese, Ship esc. Sign. Paiiter,

Sa. 55 Kta.? Streat,

j . i mm MMaac (immc har--



j. n. xiio7iio.,GE3E2AE SLAGZEMZTH.

Cessx Ssat Hsaafcis,

fu-- ji f asri 2a2tt" ia. az Can,"'. iraM Stt. atotofc.HLt. (If


& taht te-fJ-s af Staa-- Beef XaMie. aa $aTiaiiriifi--

BTti hi H 1ms Serb, waara Muo-a- . maniiaJ!iaii,.r; ittnTdtft a. faMy? '

h. ross,rPHOlSTE,SEt,

utdenaaianaat taait al at Sum


Ec--e Ctecittrs. GeetrasJocs. Oiss,CtJjf Xakin. Turmrtv. iltr-- . Kit..

tort S!

mvmtmi tu mcato alt .toxiiaM af war, aWitt prfin ML ' J i


II. inilTILU Co

-- SADDLES. HARNESS, -As every MMWit X-M-to st ear rt

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he. S3 King Street.

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A. 1. BOLSTKR.sae. skx eisaosE i e&iutLuiL rims.j'rS flSUHC wnnd jf a 5f i. Il.nr

y-j&?lt-or mi Uf. aS jrn vdl IX nmHt Mft

(i i i" twi out m


Ain.SJf a &a Ssatazuis. sar Si CaawaiHaaseS hjm a? j hmhm w wit ttnaWti.

mm f a nnmi wbisk k kw amiaiMn. wiju.iitaatf ft aca b bww rWM m dwqto. g-t- y

r. IX- - 11AIIKI.Attorrseir at Law, Nctarj Fu&Wc ar.ci

"Master In Chancery,3T IIH I toaiJtot &m.n?ton t?


Jt COacd Ccsniasias Iszlhsz

n'-'-- i. amoi lalaaUK

TTi tli'l I. VimiJtu. ant bMknSHjakkiiJl S. ttKIAHAlTI .t CO..

AX3 V3K2SAlEiilIZSSCbtiUKC. Eatt. CMk Bimm. SMnwt

mrr aanao SaatfwHi attprwc wwait ommj.Stn taltaWk MaeK, to ia. winaa. . t

la. tWi. ixass. j


ft i i!:aiiWlftjt.MmMMfta jr-t- jr

c lisorxoiv.AUCTIONEER,

Safe-cej- er as 0na Seme m bic teat. uiiMa.iiii

VOIiCJi-iT-O HOUSE.Crater cf Kteuea, Kawaii.Zkie 8JOBa6ac a aovaara I

L tobi. man iifimoT utnitam.. XaaMMC..t nam : ta nw a haarf.

S4NJB Mtl $W9r tUU ftXW. Mt IM SC

fcgwanit. CllTiTi nl-- t IHr



SaUn. Caulm. jb. a m fcMf OWHigs. i

Mcrier.erj cf Eerj DescripScn, j,

Jartaasfar aaeassa. jaid S3 SSig's Siiek3ii. 'k

M-- UEVFIEIA,Wagon and Carriage BuBder,

T4aVK-St- . gin Mill

tr eaaalASK xnzr TO .pj-- .

JTfcato fl I fl.

K.P-JTM- ST .rV.aW .rE.r.ry D.rtpIX III I'llMfcilll In ai iai. OnaMC. Stan ulMM I'm nW ' ' Tl U 9

MMHiMarlWMCitilllas i.iiMatoMMm8aiMB rr ,M AVKarsK.CT. SEGET.KKT Jt C


li--m aum. fm aaa atbtejsftipacfc. tarim.tuy m. 11141 ax a jaM. aa

pwa to staVat OA IiiLj Auiii ato

IkuMI to OW ilni mt amMf nt Mmmm araat "jjitiii aim a m, wtafcrmai iltojrl.il tolajwi imim awBUaiBu j.

3. Hrnrzsscx.JOTAKT PtTBLIC.



xs sirM ai'n to h bua u taw Bvr. SS4r

For Kohala, Hawaii.

Sk Schr. Active.PETES J. . . Sut(r,

VtH ra: aa a raeaiti-- r paatfic to ca ikii pactr.rer fcairat acaniiwga apaiy to

TAd2 VAIJlES. A AIXE5, Axosi. n

Schr. Pauahi,B.STSOU, .... Sutir,m ra u a ncasr aniir ina Fnafh&T

a-- Ifafiir ii. at n innrihi nf ?saw.Far Sriajc ar naaaca amt? to c vipnm aa

baariarIJkn S-- raXrocmgAST. Jaat. .

Skf OlHgerf Steces!tAKGEST ASSOKTXEST OSTHE fef-u- Basra wajat Ttfina, ind .

fcr t&"Lr Ma ?rir. ay j34US A CO.

Xaoxxi,ear mr iT3T ! LB. CA5S,

A aan faraaw ar ti HXjesAco. t

Cordage,JJtSB yCMSOA jMKarf ifeu. fa

BeKEmT axr



Ia YasrUfefes,Ebglry A ce.




1I1LU, II. 1.

Sagar and Holssses,

CKor SOW COJtlXG IX, atd for sale

SAUPAKTJEA PLANTATIONOUGAK "0r COJllSG IX and for alelO i(iiOUat ta nil wuibtim

Pioneer Mill. Lahaina.JL-- TlltTOX. lro?rietors.OOlfB.ElX.

Susaraad ?ioXars Crop 1ST 1

pi OX ESS IX. FOK S.UJK IX eCAITIR;V J to isic Mtfeum.



Siar nail 31ola- Crop ls71 t


PLAKTATIOJr.fcttr Crop of Sfuxr Jt 3IoIas- -




ATKW CKOF XCT O.lJflXS IX. ItHt SAiEL k MaatiBH t't nit tantann. Vy

I-- C. BXVEK A CO.. Jotta..

fokeign yon(?ES.


SiMpef Hid Geewiissiofl fi'srcbsftts,t as Cai2u32AStif.SiJSMeise9. tr



A3 a as3T4 arPiaiic Barrel soi Sc Caniy.

A iu iJ a. faraart iBi oml Ajazn sajps&snr v 1 g

MvSmlT hImiii

K.frt3ml Malb ...- avawaiHdaoi "- i Cto- - "

Witt A ABaa.

S- - 4WS CuHrCTKr stmt, S Fruto.H ly

BOOKS & STATIONERYThe Basis of Our Business.

"XT! IKST Ti JIan afar tar fl iA 3ris wpi ;fi.t tonnrrr w an ae ibioa hen w 'vt to .toj .h.i., Mi9it tfincdy tojiar mr vwrnuiufi mad nrfw.

ECO.D-- T. Bar in--1 Btoks i SCatSm--

mit to w to Ma kmiaianint-- TTi lUniift W toxt ma..ry. owt.ui aa g jf ar. fcwlau mt BaAt

Bamazaariiwa BBaaAoPva. anu,



jrcsiSEy, yr-p.p.- & co,rVAE3ere X3

C 0 HZIS SIO 2T MEB CE AXTS ,Facttaad, Urcp

M'illi.Tliii n in ii. i'f mi tfii j.u. SimOiiju Mr af.iatftnto )n. Mttau Iim fa nrtMfBritkBMW- -

taratt a. KT


Geuersl Shipping 4: Gemmission

3IBKCHAJTS.i5 Trass StrseC eecxsr ef City, Six Jraarti


B4toa Eoonl of radcrsnittn--.GESTS Ur tk BinHa I.Txad..

My teaFbBzitlftua. Erd of Unacrtmteri.

a GCSTS r tltx HtmHia I.ta-aA- .


GKJT ar Bma Baard af CaiCinrrltn,L Aaw af Ma. BamiaTCait irli I,

Afjmc af TTmm 3aui CuM-- i .nt.i .



IMtUKilCrEn, AGrEJTTS mf thrJlHAlCare Frvlcaa Mi Trfaarr, CmjUtv j

mm BiiMta m fKi mBnMui(nH,atiwrr - BMS3rm a Co.



rrnrE TTTDERSIBXED aa-rt-a la p--A M.iaS Ipa) it ta. .aum --

iiiMiiif ira anaaranniMiiaMrn ml Sto Mt Brfxlc BmUd- -al an X.nkjtai. mat OviaJo, ito O. '

nttoMiniHrr i i. KaiUKtetlEsarsnce Notice.

rgtme ickjt for tele eeitijii --nJL Mja Sfartaa mmmct Caiiiiia. TlaiM B. AmaMRMSM to KMtto ato imi hnrasitoe.j Bmmm m ?aaa at. fauna. kb am-- j

aaniatost Mto k ato Lmc iJSa. mbl mgmoml

winaw aa SeMgaa mt stnmm. Inm E. iVTFlOMT Jmrtt WHL. Mr z a. V OfaU" ' : -


Jt. mCjtM- - TfT uat Tnanam.

K-- KMSmB a no

?eabrakz ixSU Preatcc ttmli, .


Ci,,, lM ,BMMMMMlWMaMm3lMM.atS'L'lt -t- ,""--AMMMMh

rhAiW BCMts. Sm gnaaucaJCMnrflT.eis. "IiBtDtoa - "BMnralMMiilliiiii. .

AmMraiOi "un TCI-t- Cm -!m. Mter.Oi -AaVa.AM Santasat




Xot THIS, but the Other One !

Jer-- Very Qawr!TS MY AVKKTISIX COLUMX, ByX Ako aa4 (law tir nl trt mfc nl umIu umH MVr XMiMt-- ,), artck XttintK Tktjr

1'unttY I Ytv lnnny II jr A4wjc Cvtuaw. mj BM Tnf.

M wiiiuimi, in tnM kl TVit w V. sM

Jur?r ! Very Qucifr !Mjr nti-MO-t'!. Ar&rlftM zt Cfetb's xr

i aa ipr tMhnfnt t. t& X4in.Iiv Vwts fcr VTwt FMkr, wkMt I t ie fK

2 Hk. k mhms l tku tkt m wtrklmu MTV.

Tac ruaBie5t of All : Srut CatyH UtkI hit ttt b x ifhmiiA attiete. ant zarl4fitanti(T.ae3rerkt ins Has lit Gufat ftrBrStrlititiMt H FtaMtMo. mMh ki.&(dM. wtaw u iatf mma W nIM In lk SuFiruMMt mt. It wvttlai tak a atUmtibria tataltafata tW Kim mkiivJ ax (nibn; Wt.

Sol tjowr or VorT Qtit-rt-- !TW J(iiib KBiava W a mtts'i smi aw- -

Mi tu iflMt ndt aa ianlaf tW iof tht Kimxim. (tfni.ialm strtt(tMi- -

The "cir Hotel.TWrr ku Iwk a Mtratt f .afetia (s Man-Hm- ii

T Ortbultoa. I ik annBjr AiiK it vOt ba iiiiwh f, jm ycvaiotiai; tW iaNrats --I tbmtair aituil, i4 a prat bvmit ! law

Tms?n(c Iutt Kwpv n4 at Mate r ml anitia. ix mt. for tajr wiH mtc JMr akar. trvwtWastra nahtrf tariun wmfo Dtm amf tMt

IVa Xanaaal BaM. Jo sack iei fee Ih o- -f

rar Saar IUafe vitt. t& wajaaetiiawBta ttr solid aanitBt9 BaA ay omt dortra-aMn- t.

lanavratltm tk niga f KAxnAXiaA. Vts.ae bii be Bra aarf trurs- -




TTixitecl States !

TJAS DOXE MOKE BCSIXESS dnrinc11 til pa.t ynr tbaa aay sthec Life BuanaeCtmaaaT is tas Caifcfi States.

Had an income in 1570 Of.... 7.300,000

Its Assets amount to $15,000,000


THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS!Pnattams payabia Qnattecff, SeekinaeaBy

It m tfre oaTx Cnp.TaT 19. a rgjaieat Dbra these Isfints. His ExeeOeaey 5. H. ?num,the Atawa? Caatnl bees ftr ay tkh aJHtKttic m tfta Campaay.

Xa lib iBsanrce Canav.J 1m WAiwBan BbaraRy ihaa th'cs. and sea ii set leBahhaa aw lawfinrs n aa. tha taand.

Ml partiaaExti pHl51. UAPIiTlK.

It AeaatMrttafaVaauIftasir.


febaaas t. a aatrta fiiraast ta.nt satBettaac;lBXMrrilaiu4ait- -

Aay aafaii aaartRiy aMaaats t tha list jatbar, 171. Aijtmij. to ban JiBhit withmt mj iat-ta-

aSirS to jar parts' Mm , aa k ir a wtftetWrx t CX, d Mjnfa to k.

Hk arim am bna laanaihti aad shasK btfait. It i, k tfcnrlj, atar aafrjatag. af joadsarim.


X. S. If at aasi saaa, W wSl han ta be at theexfMH af seaM aainawt sSaa cat caJaalaaia ayua


TO LET.SEVERAL OTEASE5, r- -spactaiji j sitaitatl. AL,cb

Xaasiatt ca tcr a aa aBaraaee ia nat Iwaafm--aaatr nt ta ;eap if tfiraa aaa aom trs.

Also a SAuH H m or Shoe. Appl. tjJOHX THOc. WATHBHOC5E.

Fimxarr 11, J

Flxcliaaige, cfeic.THE VXDERSIG5ED, rrom and after

iaa, wai bm BOt af Sxcaasn aad Lrt-to- n

af Cmht ocSAX ESA5CISC0, 5EW TOBK,

'i.OXIKX, HAXBrK'i and BKEXEX,hi sasxs to utit t bvHC rxtos.

Btst Ciiiim-i.T- jl Pir ilanima led. isi. Mratos id--nan-te- a XattzxrM e.ia saMt baanUatam. i

Cask a4raae ataj as. cassaawsfa aS ialaad '

praaae. aftae rata era esc. tarert yw aawss.(

B- - 3ACEfoZD A CO.

Hiati. Xst. t. rsn. t3-- tf


Auction. Notice4 FSOPORTTOXAI. CHASCE af Htm aetesnry

CL. xxar iaaacmt Sra4ntzsr Aaectoa Saiaswaa, xa asrsterarr. be eaaiMl fia aU emmnfpmrt ifXcrsfcaatfise t a-- nii at Aaacna. rererred Ilbuu eraihsr sb3 adrerMsiats are iaeaac- -

c. s. BAStew,44-J- a S-- P. ABAM5. t"

Aai.ti.o-- i hi.


that As aadatakaad Viar taataataay t ttc maairili-t- jaf Sr. XacaaleT Praaaferte Tnoluc,

aa afu artjac ax t&ia Bsc saacr, m aarsees baa saraami rBcber &t Koraae ar lb

raaaaiSuAi. i m Amhm gnattj mataatit firw isai aaa saisu. wars waasa aw aaa pujtvirta 8rJ t njf jClBIg atari taUUXX PhwM nrnrrinal-- .' SnrnX ffCXT

trf city, uni rt &tLnni tnmmad &jK ta t--tMr am nit i nu; x xif imlL mc as vtmtn mtmb yrrfvjsaTa.

pfeTt A. BT5T10CIA5TI.XimiffT Mmw Stmtoi' Optra Ca.

fSaciesI CAB-- t. efOMA.svaaMai nrMBtar. ;



Hemp and Flax Canvas !TJEST ABBSOATQ JlA7TL FA CTUI1E,Lr aBart 5xairs. at aaca ar eaty pdt. Tarsafe hy BOLUS A CO.

Lime!05 HASD aal ra order, fresh

kSbf. Far nie it tix fcrvta:ft) SOCLES A CO.

Rod"OA CASES of til article for valelovr, by

U ff, BtHAJB A CT.

Pnot nad yTcdraax Bread, iaAtar.

A Aswruam of Craclccra.?r O&JCEr-- ijr al by

SOLLss t Ce.

Snprrrar Court In ltnnro.JJkXClKt TIR. a. K JSM.

CKtAUt? A'A.VAiV.t . THOXAS IO.W.Aumx C. 4.:

life U a avMaa of jetMt btMet to w

Boojjioa of a Im of hod ia lloooMv,aa oVtbtol ai part of tko IB of kod oi" Wah

hW. T paaiaUS: daian uAMrti)Ike rJ estate of Qwm Kataau. aid tout tho)mmI it tytatioa fe part of Hi of hwi otWajtakdA shark ras avartlod by tho Board


of grratth J"" S. nhteh tho IK of W'tlb said to hare boen gitea to Use Qaetn,

K J,iBCt,.r Bktod that was to harolh mk lr,te Wattahnhta, the r,

P"1 dearly rnrarded as harios been"F"1 t the use of the Government,

IVurooWseeaa tohecoodaslTtiof tho rights ofQ Kahaw. The makai portion described

w property of the GorroLad doe this

aati ftlh ioetooV the wboht of the nubuPortio" iIk lK o the rasp

trae tfeerfptleo of the lii.lt foctadrt notoulTn"tli rorWoo. bat a brgo twmber of tha Mst

! o Heooteio. and whfeh bad

th pwf-'si- oo of parti allhoet a cktatf b.T Koaohiki for a ioaj pernio! time,

T8 a,rani to th Qa cannot legally,k 00 two grounds ; because her righUvoro coaSoed to the raaota portion ; and second,

lT-- thoy not have by award,

n oe eatitlej to the boaw lot the

"" of the IK. followinj remarks occartk P!m PJ t the of Uad

to qatet kad tiUei, vol. statsteptikwst: - Bat between the ownership for caki-Wfeh-

Tatio" aK WS s there arabf01 ho3 stction. These baiHioj

Tr bestowed by the King, or Lords for

the parpose beiof given to teaaats as nu. ... . ,r I i i !i.i.i. &. i.i

v n.iMMLt uH.iimwn .XMIII III it i'

hi May. 1SW. To sapport tK po.tioa. thopiart iMrooWd Ma&ahHn. a soracror, whotwtiiai that t oa; ritvd hr the th Mia- -

fcwc of the latetior. bat ao His Majesty the!

to aap mt the dSiereat IB of had wa--braced k lloooMn. He prate a tsa nhichhe lays he copied aa old anp of Uoaolakht the latorior Ofiee, sad that he hid dowa the j

toaadarie of Wubalak aj gtroahiia by Uh j

kn Hajhawsi Jt. Ke&Baoa aad Mr. CharlesKaaowa, the prcoat pWatilt. The hK fced


c the pk ii oVonoed u foUotn : j

OwaieKiag at the seaido at the loot ofI'weh-Ito- Street, theace. rsaaiar; ap jaid street i

to a point a few rodi aukai of the lkce Wadk.thex rtuaiag ia a northerly dfeectioa to Br- -


taata Street, theacd Mcthodr oa Beretaah ,

Street to a poiat abot arfdway bettra Akaai j

Xaaaaa aad Akoai theace to thesea, aad hr the to the fast aatiooed boaod--an-- : aad this ii terated AaVshalah MafcO,ajwe aaderitaod it by the aap, aad within these j

bottodariei the hod ia oaestioa sitaated. ' j

Ho testifies that he. had great diScatty ia Sod- - j

iacaay ooa who coaki cira the hoaaoWriei

There were other iritaesses who j

testaSed from the dechttatieea of others to the j

correctaei of the man whea srcospaBriat; thesarreaor.


The BriaciaJ ride rfree n tab co a, tothe acearaer of the ana, ij the approval of the i

tiwadaths by the thee reeoeahed ;

owaer of the Mdihut pceakes.It is contended by the cooa-- ei for the pkiatiff

that the aap is coadsatTe, becaese it was ap--prored by M. who at that tiare was

ia pofeessioa as owner of the property iabis

deriiors foe iaaay years, aad apse which he had

csade inttaabte haproreawats. Hod KebaMKioaTirtaaBy raiiawjaishMd his titk. aot soawother erideace hare beea given thaa the com.paratirety looe coamsatioo of those attorn pe-

ering the sarretor, nore especially when theLtad CboaaussioB bad Sauted the Award of Kakern to the oaata portiea of 'Wsitahikia ?

This testhMay is too loose aad aasafeCietoryto defcat the titk to rati property apoo.wharh be aad his derisors had beea ia posses.siea for aearir lortr years, aad on whka hehad ladi vaJaaMe ktoroTeewe. Tbii, of rUeJf,

eaa aot Vt regarded as a caotjasreebarto bis title.raaV.nl, the hoaadnriw as kid dowa as the anp

tay hart been cornet, and yet the title of M.

Ketaaaaoa. aot aeeessfcrily aSeeted by itIt appears that Maneia aad hh wife, Kaapaos,

oeeopied the preaaea at aad before 1539, wheaMaaam (fiad, aad Kaapeoa gara the lot ia qaee-ti- oa

la her brother, Xaoaaa. Xaataaa, with

his wife. Kapok, resided oa the lot antii hisdeath ia ISIS, aad Kapefi coeitiiMted tothere antHa short time before her death ia ISTOi

y laaiwa by his will deesed all his property toH. Ke&aBatoa, who was eejoiaed by the testatorto support aad protect Kapok aad Kaapeaa, aadto aflow theai to Ere Btaa. In 133?, M.

Ketaaaaoa hath a hoaee on the lot, ia which

Sipo& Srst fired, aad ia 1551, Priacat; VictoriaKama nu fa resided there with Mr. Ii. Ii coa-- ,tiaaed to oecopy the hoae till IS79. shortly be

fare his death. He paid do rest, aad oecapied

by perattesna of Flaw aula. Hefcaanaoa, aadtheir heirs. The lot is Htnled dwectly opposite

the Palace. His Highae M. Ketaaaaoa atarrted His Majesty's Kioaw, tad PrioceeiVictoria was the dacehter.

It is eoateaded by the caaatil br the MWaat that eee if the MtBkai pttaiirg' wereiactanVi ia the ATard ta Qaeea rCafeaa, tiU theJafteihat has a ptesciipMea neat by rirtaeof

hw at bhxy thaa Sweaty years boat thedale of the Makefe ; aad the aemj tiua ariieswhether the thee of Ac adeecse pesiesaMe saoaidioiIi fiaai ir "Uilirfr h 1fF. (trfrtra thi irarrlyfaT IgM.

It fe tm, cootaded, that Qaeea Kahunataafc her kad of Waetafoat by rirtae of thes,, Kak m,dared by him. by the Bant MhekofI845-- TheMahdewas Oe bask of a titk. It was aa of

the nadiliiia . baweeer, of the Mifaete. that thetitk shoaU be raaarawd by tie award of theSoardofLaM! Cm iaji linn i. Board was

a Coeri af Becard, aad here w jdjealcatiaa ofwiack al sorties ia hatareet were ahhaed ta takeMCkn- - Aad the daas of adeerse aojuuiioa

Ml be firoai the date of the Award. It k iaaa aarteria! respect dMcreat rea the eate of scsmh for kad mmV at aay other of

jaiu fittiea. aad laitaiaad. II the partyMatoMtol Mr ,J n-- - aaa4ajMB after tha ip

amnt, ne ante or saca peii.ujina khnm tarletter awte-- R


was aanpfc zotie tn thn anrnw in poe--

It tarnthe mamenta

A a ankeneaavvt be withia tha fcaafodgu

d the owner, matiaaoai aad aa--

Tan Land Comniniiiira made an Awad to I

HeniH flnmam nt ki they preeeatadBVar efofm for the znim. or vn partiaa d the '

BdWiRihanik. aa the eanera tint d the of

harnnr nf Htmfola. ;

Thti ri i rlrfr -t- fr- TTT-i- tut fTtn amtalfar the aaafcei nr see. peclfan nf has tt d Watbvhddw. nc &t tatters shit nf the barber dHenanifc.

Afcer emfy weadnnjdi the art! wen os miekks. the BnaH nf Land fJanaititfoa u an athxttrr decide that the kad bx eaiucfoa, te?Hherwias af the rnf and ptlvnVges therrento I

hJanp tn tie Hexnmm Gnvera-mn- t;

and that Hirdnfctmi Kafons bat na

riat wtztercr tAerris, for the fiHia by reaaeea,

rtr :

an be nnrnterrnaaen pneseanam

" " S- - HaaranaaV!-- Tw GewnwYcnr,rvSpt Ot 1B m LfDSS IKSCC0.: KlWl, S.A bXCC- O- t 48. for the IS nf Waftdmenk, fa He-t- oi,,

- WfLLtS A Cfl ilafamidOifor. i

CaliforniaALWAYS jriarr.Vy

"Golden Tobacco.






frM lVcaa$ it afcar frota the cvnkocApld la tb lSMtl that lt kad la (1I(oqM beo n4c t)w control of the pnbMc aatbor).

ti fro aeiat tiM; ami taat jiioce thoMrsubaUoa of lib Majwtj'j Uovftnnent thatooalrol traj utHXjpatfJ aatil the tut 1S50, wkenMr. ChurtVt Kawi rid an ofctten on

Hr MaJaitT Qqn Kaiama, ifter theKijr ia imi graatej a (vart of taki bm!to Un Xortk leiSe XTatieo Ceftipaay.

fliw-li- M Jt appra farther by th eri-s- c.

that at tfco timo tho tiirisioa ofin



AVaifcahakhi. K



been her shewithin




of oat









1 w, ous w..oe or n.,a- -

ttoa. It nOows, therefore, that (with socoe

nhiea ia all cases amst be proved) iarektioa to batldiog lots there is bo third efo&s ofpersoos havine the rkHMs of Lords over teoaats.The aiceotioos ia those cases woeld be where

iadiridaals bariag recetred boiWio; lots from theKiae; for their owe partkakr sse, those redind-aa- k

hare tbeeuelTes, for soene caosiderattoa,or implied, traMfomd said lots to third

parties." This exception does oot apply to therights of heirs or devisees.

Ia the case of fveefikoJacri es.KoiBSoa,2 Haw.

Rep. 515, oa which were at ksee the thie, rentsand profits of what was known as the "Tolal" orPakahi, the coaasel of the reepoedeat

that it was aecasMry for the eoatphiaaatto show that Patata was awarded by the LoadCoeUBfuiooeri to those from whom she derived

titk, asThe foe of that lot bad become rested iathe Qeaea Dowager as a part of WaibihaJalB.Upon this point of the defence the Coart say :

"It appears that ia the rfcrcnoe of 1S13, thafend cartel Wtaba)ol8,withM tbeasdeat booad.aries af which lotahs is Mtatted, was graatcdby the Kiasr to Qaeea Kakara. aad her titk wasubjtfbaeatly farther perfected. Uader the gaa.eral role that the party holding aa award orpatent for aa ahapaaa is the owner of all thekad embraced within its boaadaries except sechportions of it as here beea awarded by the Land

Comadssiooera to other persoae, it k eoateadedby conned for the respoodeaL that anlese theeoeipkinant has (howa that rSribi was awarded

br the Land Oomanssioa to LeJdhoka or PittKhH, the fee of that lot ha become rested iatha Qaeea Dottw as part of the U'aftaealak,aad that ia eoattqaeneo, she, sad aot the

'n bow the owner of the rirhU formerly

po.'HHed by Kamimofce and Lekwhofea. Thkar.gteat wodd be entitled to "eight If the rak re-

lied epoe coakJ be hehj to apply in this ease ; batwe enet hold the reverse. Ia oar onkaon epoathe grant of Pdea&a to Kahrimoira by Kaahaaaa-ob- ,

which was the same as a xraat from the Kiae;.

it eeased forever to form part of WarVahamla mheU by the Koaohiki. Paratra. part of which

was knoirn as the Kiari wharf, thenceforward

became IJVe anay other town lota sitsatad withiathe catanl hoaadiries of arlnhalala, a portioaof a anw ek at red ptopwty whieh m aoteovered ay the kw of 1839. the Great Dfrkioa,nor the kvi of ordtaary Kakenat. A pert ofthe reamda alieadi naeted froei tha principle!of the Lead Ciaainiw may be eked here acaia :

--It foBowi, therafora, that (with mom ennetioaewhieh ia aD caeai matt be prewen) m rektion tobsiidiar lots, there k no third darn of peracna

herrke; the neat of ford over tenants.'' TheQaeea Dowaser, ia her rapacity of Koaefeftt ofWdthahifc, cantf ant barn been rtengabid as

aconnter iihimint for PaVxbt before the Board.

If sech a lot escbwjaU for w.t of bern, H eecbeet

ta Ihe State end aat ta the anefont KooehltriTheenmmntatfon payahfe aaootawa lob aaardedby the cciiamin titke, U Myanfo to theGovernatent aad not ta the ford of the ihnpaii.In ner adaioa. if to-d- the title wMeh Kahri-mo-

fin mail pnsisasnl ta Palest leant lecasfy

vedeaia hit hetrj. h ndrht b ntorvwl by theHawdkn Ooeernmtat, bet never by the Lord ofWilhlrdf- -

We are of eadnioa that the prindafe nf thetoiMana. ease apntvas with comd force to Iheease at bar. It appears that the kt ia naiitleawen acapti' lata imi laiita by thnee nnder whomthe diiinaant rtiawi irom a pumd anminincfofcpriar to 113. ami ihet nrinr tn the nme d theaward d the IS tn Qaeea KakaM, M. KeVaa--

it Therewni a broad Bne d amtteetioa bHweea thk lotand one rtmply for ceki ration. It wm wkely de- -

lrrd by tie law that the bnWk? fob. or town

kt ar they were tnemkaet cdkd. &naed a lwnks nf red pmperty net afieeted by the rnfe

the ernmnry Kdaaeai. aad we rard the ktnaeilfoa M d that daer.

There ware other pdntt made and dkennsedwith anrHty aad bwm- -r by the en--sd for the

rtet. Wt thek noMi- h- k net nenetoary In theadyaiifcalfaa d the preaent nwe.

Janpnent lar ptatotstT m reeerred. Letfc--V-

rsent be entered for the defendant wkh enttt.Bama H. Attn. OUrf JmUkan.

Per rtntent d ninth I Mt IsarewU a ifote-amn- t.

I no not rtot the defendant!rottaft'ii; bet en the giainl anw pestntmL

yfc: thdanaraadfekdn ant atfeetbentt fob,thank the defendant ebneW take fcdpeent,

Atrsa a Hanrwru, JmUt.II. A. Wtpntsnr, JutHte.

Mr A 7. Jo4i foe P5aiaU5Mr-- C. C. HtrHs and Ur Suakyfor Dtfefdat

ax., W mina,.mil.

Vhv Htrnmrra.Frnni AoHnlkt and Xew Zeaknd we

rery Rttk la record to Ihe feeeyeet d the Cute-de- e

tHHtbar in dvtae; lafclinl nanranaiatt tn nr of sreeaatri at pmeeat rnaning, .

wanaat the Cawpnay la eeahnanaj; the terneeAhbaoh aadt of the Cabmiea adtnewkihera thatepertooee of the terriea, aad m meanre

their readtaeea to aeakt kt aatnilaatiae:the Bne, yet eaeh of them npnwa tn bntnatediifrikl that It will be edted npen tn caatnbelemore than the othen. aad at the ame tame re

ceiTD IkM fteaMlagn. than the ether, that tilappear tn be waiane; antU the nthete net. NearSonth Wake and VJotarw teem now tn be wMother dtSedty. armar fcnat aaewnai addaat-Id- s

frem the wvtac of denke albee; the njntad

borders of those Oakatea. Seme vety aharneer.wposdeeee has paiied between the anahuMfod

of the two Cnkaies. wnmheekct in wdnW the naejiion ati(reesi tn he in fomr of free trad between thn

Odoak. bat the other, are India tl net Intha aegertfoa. They thfolc it ia eader

te coKeet a awtr tana to eafket tuee for thesapport of OavtrnmiaL

Tab bkteriaa; between the Cover an a ifthedMerent Cblenka wJI iwhanii the mmWwwbkh win beeet the way of Mr. Web aadVoce! ia iadadng the N ew Sooth VTake andATctorki Crarnnmnds ia aakiac wrth New Irakad to aeppert the Sae af jlnanu to .nFnnejsoo.

AVhatever the kaloary of the Gniueauaoa jfthe Tarfons Cdoniae amy bad

strongly in bear of a aot ted eafoM to in tare theawH serrfce via San Fran mi en. It t ant easythat ft hu already proved to be M aJatJatieina roote for the traaaaneaion d the aiah aa thatby the way of Saes, bat that the ai awn re a

whieh has already sprang an between the Cnbaias aad the Cdted tatee kern the ricoet mpdtommnnicnllon, he had a meet taidary enact ,n

enhancing the vateeof the peeJJaeta d the Cefe-ae-

Annrioau parchaeerad wool nave, rtaeatheMM tmmm alaMlhi Bkau Muutomakdl tmat,JtnrjmMMjMM Vw MaeT svnmnmnni nnnrnM anMMMaj Paa kare'

AaMrnlhm marltet, and tbwar appMra-e- a bac nl

ready had Ihe ehket to nahanen the vahn d waci(one of the principfo artfofo of esparto at knetone penny (two cants; par pennd. We giea b

lw a extract of the report d a enmadm of

the Sydney Chamber of f immiwi. d wharh MrJohn K. Watt was ehdraaa. oa the aaaket

"Stcuc Poatju. !aaTn-n- . Tata importantmatter has lepaatedly been aader the eand in

i d the Chamber, aad tha mambtre havewatched with internet the itranaiae nfotcf d theAaatralmn Staam Nanaaooa Company .aid' it

by a aabaidy so smaB ia ctimpai inn to the workdone as to be almoet rtomtaaf) to matclwa theroate r'm Sao Fraacawo ; and tha mealy praierworthy eflbrti d the owners d the aatmsMail ilea men in sending tiesutiehrlaed by the New Teikad 1

to thk sort. K k wrth armhers of the Chamber have seen the A. j N

Company compaffml to abandon tha hae for wan'.Of an adeqeate aabady, aad the aaBoaaceaaent

that the .VaMfican boat w-- ffonaciy ceaee .

Twit tan port. Iariofj the inert pennd that ihi A. X. Company A bonto warn rsnntaf on the

line, they proved iaeooteetabty the vnlne d UW

i sen ice ae a poetai ant pi imager lonta. (tonntafmi hare aleo been at length leengmned n

. ogkod, and a Kbeme hae been atnrted d tayint;, a teiexnphac cable from Saa Fmaenea. na H -

aoiafo, Fiji, New Cnkdoaa, and Cape Xereten, to Sydney and Xettmorne.

Krery boat that aa aadad oa Itwe ue aaefarther ikmooatratad iU valaa to the Cofooy atUrge. o Ofanumr aa itxraaaiag, marttat for oarexport! . and it ia not too mmh to aay that taprenence d American bayeri in thie aad o ib

, Melbourne marhet hae ran ad tha anee 0 ii,- -,

whole clip of wed of the Cdonwe wM ki Un

date by at kaet one penny per pane 1 . asi m'fur the kdiitj of npul in imiimi j h -

iteatBeri, it m barfly pronahle that no tmm tUave badjo many A menran bnama n the amrhel as wa bava had thta naiea. Aa a reed' i

their pramnce. bemdea a rnaiidirnblii nnntity '' wod aod other produea beiaa; sent by the Warnen to Saa Fraecmro, one thap wuh 30n aamewool baa already mica) h-j- Uns part for Haatoand seven! vaaeeU have mind from ra.riwool-lade- for Ameneaa port.

" Laekiat; to u locrwaaiaf prndait d went actother arjda d expert, the ilnaaupmeut ri 'wbamrfceU k a matter d eeiioad impaitnan to -Cdoniee ; and aa thu deatrahje end will aaonnmedly be aia)ed by ranlar atoam coeuaaSi-a- t, cthe Chemher hope that, itratigthaaad ? :b-- itprovd of a lebetn of anatd maiiiaaii.nlwt --aSan Kraaetaeo ay tha later salaam! faafcita.a

j the Oeweranwnt mil ube aaen ateneae mil lea-- J

to the meinptioo d the line. It ant anw aaiad that the Imperial ' inmamiiiil tenpreaied their wdBnfnaai to cewtnbaee i 'M --

penee d a fortnightly tine na Sens and fthown to them that it w the wea d thwarte Utot the service abend ittiraila 'k. r

land Sna Franemco, there m Irttk dnnbt tha a,Impirlal Government wodd nntoinnte '.barto tack an att.iaali aaiiiaa. The aaemata1 'that for inanr mnnths eafotei bath a Kndaaatenl hem, n hether nnr metk tones ho forwnrtforlnt nS vk Ihwnpe dmnns the late war bee tnnamthe adnat.au of a neuad Bne eaenetd by !to

I need trr ndeatiny witfc Indw and I beanthai, oawded with the mere naVedh latiiena neweiietiae; between Fndnnd and America, ana tenmore jntt appraeiatma d tan vdn d ;betas to the Siothar r.eatry. eaanrm --b- bow.that any well eeaadtwd fm for an Mearnatatarviee vet Sna Fraaetem woU aK tn . 'ahfo conpidcrtii,a and mi f the

Chamber for the oatoMiehmiwtdvk Tnrree Stratu and

at it mata weat d eartMl e&m m the part te i

TnoCniwhir,tonawomVnnam ptmj

tna ZlSgm voted by da Wt mf im it.anMeaVWa 9tSUiA m4 MHaMMef aMl tkal tfnTrtBiTtW d the Wabn Umi. m tnton

" rtaa FaMH-m- n Mn. Santa -

Scaamv to Wane Un Atvbe Ananw 'aid Xeetkn; d ' limt.i d eamawee aeujyeibuday jrWaoon, a inanaMM nnfhr Mr b. A m i mml il by HratCf nw9 SmVJ (rafttt nanat fct vjfcJ 9S4eHv9aS ftrf JeOanaihir the MSmt venad he nW AammirrsAtoMaWy a a nbvafy to a bm4 aervta ay .td inn Finntmna. thenht be sen nil at a 'earee- -

rary aM to Ihe rtnam rM Snnnnae WLine, te fong at tne veernk emafoiedvice tkinU enme en to nVk tnr. aad awn! - bttnte aa '..adi.n aonbl he alteyfad for a nenaaa 4tervhte. The preseeftian wtn aenndW fMttfknd heia, t dy uentkt iris4epetottea wee nainlmaT to anan aaen, Aa i- -irttteet the adieai'lij dtipniitiat; it

Page 2: feefo GAZ FTP · 2015-06-02 · fNC IJH MMI TMMt MM MjWX BM&. A. L. BANCROFT A. CO, ySJy &MM BMlat9PML jrcsiSEy, yr-p.p.-& co, rVAE3ere X3 C 0 HZISSIO 2T MEB CEAXTS, Facttaad, Urcp




- i

tit I : ;i vs: ta atvack. Vvm ty tmem- - oi Vtsw hKvwa ibr-- KawaB Vii Wawt ;w '

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE . . , V n Ik lk cw ""Tiki fcw Tk,DILLINGHAM 5.,Ut fdetaBiKf cvajoi krv Wl Jtwa. . InCtMWMRm tMaMrLKtt4Kt wt- -

kr jiti f iw sIk Mtw f k Kt of H) Ut Wet. 'Kapler 3h.1TW viirifcm. 1 Jt ns ivrimiav teaa!4Mya yak waM tT S amiprf artaiaWiotwi mid ronlers inposrrosflrm fipTKnmfriKs ; M .if Saaoke, unie-- v tft JMfc f

JwrtC gWfa Ttowt ' t tk kwrt HaNv Jtatkju W4c l M VJak Importerst (ttiabth 4Mi tttk) iaai in H. Aa. CktJ t ik jfaimi (mm. at

BOSOUTLl ztaWlHtuiaMtattf IM filial .Hi Otmul

itte ikinaaitefe- -

a a-- -

ta trait tb cMt- -

.v' a

naemm rot


k !mmr A.


is! Hardware & Creneral Merchandise!im. ,vaHipntt r win r m hof tke ajVir at aSLnr MUM. f)lk(tM iHCIHU.; FEKRi ART 9S ISTS. liwillHlllh m4 mLttat tk k Alt 14 kV i- - feI dia J la ftte -- W IV O Tv I TV i S rV 1 11


nW ft oM St k t , iB Mijtawgawisfcrqif- -


! flatl . Paoav- afajBlwlf6i-'nMLi- taaaatt. antta Kfaar n lamiMk Mr aar a w at raw Imfa dftjT j aU-- CgBW; U--

S t!Ha.a; nfefewwMy .A,h-Wiw-t

Ltrrrrr i-- ---.! j--vt

twTJTfc " fciTfc--- -.,w.!?t aaitm akorf am--'

ILjl J-- ux-V-il' i. TM ttaL" tkt lit "Hi Lnv "fe fc-t- t. CyT"l'g' "lg- -

that am eaeaseawaK had Iv ! bat ata ah th aaekar oa Ba krtrrTt nMhbc la voek, kr car-- Mr. WoV xke. kt aaiat rf r 3aca. I accaa. ki--

Im twit aaa fc? I& aHy mM k.w tow hwt w,

tiat Ba--


sW kaw tk1f Xz. Weft Wn k tker


" pw iar WBaqMtf

W itfww (--

m ta !


tataaUarwattMaMt w hi mtmr BtKKmSS- wt imam

gaafetee.Vrtht ill i ywiatanwe km afctWy pUehtV it Tffi

tika tiW Pictrr CMr km danr aa ik

WcUl kkt aamlr,33 f KmaaVsv tk

ii i m fir fisdatc-- ;


W tac htm f 3vo-- . '

k Pwrrtia par--


tiky ek.

Sat ftr aamttfcaat WBe Ja Iji C i 1 nf k 1 (j irt a.

r Ffi tileadkwkaabaaXaajaL Jaatjaaalars aaaajcai

ko sajt tftat apas aat pnaaanaaaiai at atfe aWafcefotef My aaastvaf xauhr.i

oaf tar kV aaritetfae of 5r SaiA '

ttriaatalBxeBMirktakavarawat yatts hi rta ttwt Se Till

aaaVv t&l jmr aaai the sajataiaWs afr:aamm.aA

aaajaarat a itaiatftt af Jhaaarr btvan tba stratae Ifct caa-tBk- tt

aatt as. wt AaZ Btaec that aoar shaag

year fcaao IHII ii at Otaw. tag-- joaoag- - g gaaaM,

loor saet strata at oaA oe!eaaW. vhaiku Sf Xmmtf's GmmiOBset liia Sats

SevaaaHoIul aa ytgsaat saea. timte-ur- r, feg

5k Xafuaj'J Cmuniii ml wattVast amraltiuttaaWtafhaaof &ek jaksifcs fcThoeawr zsf

I liui liti, jaxi'T anhf. J. X. SiE2.iffliaikv O Jtttaaax.


aniiMi.JbaaEKjSBVlga- - f-- 1 Tfatf "aft' CotriiHBggat aae tasa.

aaea aoaatitnawit eaajrtaaaac tfeei aaa teaetat esraaars a Xrot f 3& Weoh.taaaae'tk l .lili.Tiai .lit af a. soas fm fcasr SbJWiwa ta the Xetr Xsfeaal aaf iaatedba: ,

Cahniii t afa. aest kfcafe. Ttas- GgcHrja9t

ajaat tk




assaei that a. sztsaar w

JT. t84iUuiiiiitutGgs.I kr

asf!iak-- scsii hy tte Aaktraaf tfe--i

tisa at aw mac sastsas-.is-n

-- .H a. ataai aRfiak BB! WSBC 9SaaW!E. an naapij

aa by tor, aic : gjntf gar otatfe. t'--ar ctarw-T- i, xzs rr.tr


BlamO&'eKBSFOHITBE BATOF TEXT. STCE OOJCTEACT.XAJ5XTSm3"5CETIlXEOOi3iit-M-.i ts; a ijtaExt nr w it 1iiVBgygcr TtTTE.

fSIS TOVlT CT aaTaJ? I T tV STir

TKE SAW FaW; Bi.TFt.3V isnf nit5t wrrvc tartarTHE POST FOB SBtTEH C9LO-ME- 5.

I ssass jacrs J.3Lzbtiv

2TTsr, stfc ciia.e'gaae Ac;

oa SnMaTiy thm lBfe,isaiTjasfe3- - t

tik fee Tk so Matt ks te;tker ketmi ate tk km W





v'aitkl m.3atiaifjsa.( j

Kvaw-vfc- a tiwkJtfcc tast taor aatr acfe;M KcikVCS k that thtr urtw WxTOfcaV

ni an tk ii

aabtaltK. TWe mi1 c

MB5M W MUM. 3Viiiam-- t ar linn I. tfat tWr

a-r-aac farmJ. Bat ire mmmhb mi Aatto 34r. VeWk

jjhii i Uy aw tiaii .l ha&krstaaai aH kkt W.

jt 3ags ttat tW waKtlla tii.. tnaeae ta

kBtiJtkysAiag WwttKnesatit-- j

-- CBiaB$ Vr


SawBriataacy i;tk. aa irt ec

anidk ntm- - iiartk tiW mnmtr vVA; W taat-taatt- J 3fe acta.

DAaavtcy t aoc Sqk--r

hUk vita VtaV aaiat .tuaajtlagaaskfttac ne m iluttf mt immz cm.

to ak saodfckr- - af tk ftwy CnwaciL

rkaar t i in Hit w s todk mMk tk univ.ftmtrm jktkit

Xo---r 3fe WcU fikaaV faa sees ksay tint w aaki.ln! i raax tk

tin i ; wtaxati.. ariktre ;SYwtwlct&ccs

say 1 il ki x atiaawn of tae renwmmt 5tmSbr aik, aai aaa iras ri--

kr Mr. fTcfeb k oi j

wteiklNMr Tkb w laksat)ii TTiTtb tftu ha i iMiinTiaattui.il

a ab VfMtaV "Wajajlai aC fcaftaaaa CavaV '

liiiiiaa. tk terolt aS ktt k--saMkaai att Xkkt kal, -Mfc ajr At 33- -

ittik kUR r liikr aaaV

at .mi: i to i Jtaiaiaci0 Tktm. aogi-- 1

h-- aam so s&vtam tfc acaMet- -

Ut IferaiiW oaaitt.


ykk kke kBaiW Ot:

tcrofsk SStk of Jiaaiirj , IS71T JRtletter tak ispaaa a i "yi, uaa"i. Ptinitr

Set as fcaS: Wia tiks kttcraaai k-- j

,jBH as Iker arfek Batf

Wwwer. tke sawS kttecs. hthat letter, tkat aat ?sarr- -

kai Wat to 3fe Sal, that k"

BlHiBaaaVaBt al CafStatfHI i ,pn8mmMr iLattl kr tk Vsr Stalk

Wafes-- Cam ian at. W iiii tky wm-tk- czi

to assist Hmx vnA Aar safc-ii-T

toe a tera. of aaag aar mmi.v yggats, oajr

fdkifes, as ikkl kkrtT2kpssiaBBk.

Hks 3fr. WJaa yctLnateat aar taaati ier't cr1 TTtV-- rrmii tat"

Or at iati of kec oak pacsaat aaw--?

Or aks k ;iikii- - suritk letter oftke I9Lfc ofFeaaraarr tkat ke fe "k Aawtr

f rliifc. ftal tarataa

ti Aaxaifc CeaaoaiL. aaai

T oaaaam at saw oc taeaaaaaec.


gaaa aa efef vfco Aral

fa K Aa--i tlknwtssr to 3fe Wea kl--


SSBmtSS tk"ks kasksis rasa to ar that fiat kaskm kofea.

SW, we mlinir tfaa the aatemeac todoc if ke skat aa ckee icii

ai aa n if m teczy sc i cutsaia. ptiee i- - farr x cetrfetisik?i rtf WMT wl atai hks asIIB- -

EBTT ts k ta amy osker ssos nHkH5' kr k, aa i anari itt or acaesr

acaste- - So kat.

asecarj oftke Geaasxl Fost OSm. Lm--

tke. reifei k. rtaiul to tkNtnasEsk- -

ar? aatotas to aat k the estihfcl )i of Ea sks Ik steaaaflS Waal --

xtaaa. vat it tteax yauft iiaaiiii'iitfiiit Tatt j suae Toyaun; akatr tke Comt ythoafiaaeCaaakKS. TKarriaaafctXt jr Zmlwmdf Hjm Mr. Wcik ererjadfc JaaK has frrtaaftshei xa taotnf thaCcaa- - j gSstoi to CatmatsaaX Tciaah tkk Carer icatE09ata h aaMtas. ai J SIS' igjarot that ' r j. j. aaaj ar Mat, kr tkis J - X. Ca-- of Saojkty ra i has kt .,aaaWtktlitaf ici aetx atal ta f8"leaoteihr the S. Wafes Gosoataett far , 3r. SaB skal fsssaat IkaaaaaVisct.

saaahD!. 1 pgr f these tie ikst afafr of fr IST1. Hla XA-I-a

iatfefc kt Sk. SiJI sfeara.'' JESTTS GOTERXXEST WILLcaaCMfc

wwu. se

KaBEkiBBL. n




i 1 n .AN AS

5fJBST irSlll(39ETB2rV

















Jaaai7JBMz t is iMaaii-aa- emstsf-mmmte- . te7o J.BLK. &gtaag. jfefr PnnOnli, lHaaikj E ifii tT EaTaetEJomfm-- Win. S. WmX. Af. f Cfcage afe As k Lmiaa, ami tk Se- -





5 atTojuf uri kmc areta. i Tr: ota war caati tm fuawi

' MI'IM V3aM

Kaefc litklll IllhlikL ttaik .

tiTkitwAwimadlTMDki!TSjaV.t lia1.XaKitlttl( m&Ktkt

e f"l'ririaaf iaT, tatf kill at k iaraiai f. r (.a-i-

nR oaajaajasa; aapaal im mmwmmmm. W vai.kfck tkli nn Hunt Ijj Bun. mi:ktaML.t ml

wat-E- A. feawtj XiSksraarssw.taT-.-T. 0mcs. Lto I

TSrTi &mdM (fetor

Jthaa; JteMu.J.Sk.- - kaMwknkrkKc r rvipc jwki lttrf tia. tteC. Ikett itxkr tkat k S att k

yatacjlfci t sat fcrwaci la Hrhmttj atiMkraatr. nak r?wt t tk Cuflni Stak Mata It kaakwaiT,tkiiiiat:tkMtat tlatkwt SStas ttet Office

fe iUek Mialw ?aA kaBar Mat amtutat BarfciJ,

petc.I urav kavL. yrft at m to tk ?Hi twni'tii

Gemmol at Vjtfkaacaaav aaat i,r ukatkti w i

ynpatuMflt Bet W kafckJStent Wx. J. Pm

O.vi of tk sactt kiorfcoir mkttlf tk pctwwt iiT i; tke toa- -

:J" tk Spaaatht Aaaeneut

Rtaailit-- x fVs?ssi as tkf an jtmx tei-aU- . bTDreH bv

OT BatST 04(lNtath-- vi(kiimttii iTi mx tTillii tiMr miii if iiinTifc

- . r , - , . ," " aCTzaB- van

cast haYr&j W enftakd. aJl tktr avatawl.afedfckMt! at stBOt

by tW cooctaat atteavfteathj laahMimn,; agfiraats

so fawax--. Tfc t tke St& tdU

atkMaaaaartaaiat ra-t- v

to Sk state of aaaiW k (rf of tW..m,,., - ,

" Xasasav BaocaaTv aai Tianatlii at jmst '

aaar iusaty saSctWai by mtefaal r?uotMit. Ito littwr txxmtcj, seaxGm? so tote latntws. tkekaaKaate taal aVtwaoW itfw sfitar theircatlU!uU: ac 3 raaHTe fcittaj. Ute" eatfef ea--

treoeaVtf nauanatiig as. i:m rtczamta mt Apra,xml Tifd Mttag far as. atam& fewa tfc Govern-- ,

sat fixee;. maVr tits canaaiaai of tko Ft-- i

4at af th Boautat. We zmatir nsnt to beooGsseftai ta dartaiefc so ataarr eivil anrs as sosmta x tarn m rnwA aai Cestxal Simoeo,

the aatiaos of Baiafu anf br thus, hekM tkimi that ztmAHsatsm ii the pcacfcaas af crtil afe&iosna, wkk k ntuStr it is

w."T i iimii anwa, oaaaa. qBEa4 an. aac wnammU--r what tkawots crrfl war. Ik the Sfasafek8tyiMk eaory ekrifcaa vtm cm. aaagter to ka

nrt 9m 3t h. wjrto naS x jW"jatva,arirt)v awi t3 AriV

Chw&cas tftecs are arctknttmote enaaitiiiat enoaiwl ar? the resatt.'

Tt aotaaa. tk Wtawiae saanaai? ( the cafeian. f t BaDiac lacrfnt. ia. t& ar af,Me5iae J 2. eWaa. It wffi ke aaiaaMt iaiiatautiavs ta that f ear maters fetatreitid krIgklaaaoagg Pliiti ii 1.

PattCK COcat. Ami JtrStfrnr w.JlJL BnThai was a eitfl. saft ia the B&Con af BeoaMcaameaam kaeS: a saax at g; aaat ar tka BtaaatSfaWaMsBiMaataasoecBai actataf Oat JTaw ToikXataarf LaV iairicasaa; Caaggiiaf aa jcconat of a get--1

attamaf iaaaa 1 ta a(iwat phBktfar iS&ft c tfte Sfe aftae panatii ear tke irtaaa!that the juatiLj ia nnaaii ka the eaaiyaaf wx aatkxnaiiti natj wptk tkg ji'jiiujuat. Laajawttt. ig Ch;jtaniiniii xoA bl Oe aoikrv tm JStiSfiL, k?reMte Jaiaaat pi .uiuia. lUrzwd t fcrag keat ij.Mr.ilt ke aaat fS.S5. (a. eaeapwace C TrtfehnteytitwOr rfet rragtwt tkg t'lfiiiii, atnr ta--aaar the asMnatt k ke jaaf as. aeeaaaat.

aba atattaBtaaC' lecaapt aT Jus St. Jin. far tiSSOarae fax at eaUne. uai it aat tatxrir praacatthat Ife Ptnrjv tae aaltiiilmfa atKkawssed. deporr.nlTi af as dkt paaaataT at kaj itaiaum jumu aeetafreaaatr. aad is Sfcc paaiicmut mC 1 vttaesaTa!MttNB faat to taety jhaatat the pfafiifiW.

byxfeoeg eafaalarata whaeLt wms pat is. etaaiiitt, .

attkesaaaaf iai.ffiias the iniauarat theate--aafBJH fififil' aw sacs fiaxj tor t&MO, lad fte-tin-

'JiLdatUOa; gfciataf tkat ao aaata thaa: that

attffitidOattatiaC aaa! the re-- '

catpc tmc tkeim, sfcmt Sf BVe daaoidaat kkswit.sas the ntr nsaht af nat aeetata; of 4a lay"

aaa.au. gaalmathe f ilaaettit rait ltL

eaatvaex. hj-- vttea. saar tootf the aai ifcfi iif c tggr7.

ae ao yaBtsat aatala aa aa astat. vflfeaat tsah i i

cafpt banc jma ha-- laav b eaaM4t TtaK k? ttte !

eoratet raatttilait taa Okt iwaaarria i i mtiul k the nm ijauij aaa an adatas: aaattxaaazsataaai tar fThPTT af etc if.i nJiiirfT aataslhor- -U?it rr-ra-ac ( arat r5ca ptamtar, dc

Ihar Cone i r i f oc the ttnaec feet thatakafa & JKO W3f caffiMcaarattj wrjtae fe tkeaac af tSe arairnf raaaaat ttteaafcat tae R. Jet ifcatthe imnaataf y, .HBatHi sanaar m Je hbaat bithe fci . aati taa3aed: ttat af fie ptmariuai, taiaetslaiii iriitfathetaeaaataaatacaaTkaxekeeg.tteaMotaaai utM awtat Baity twaer ka atctea,as the pfaratsr nail', tt aS Beahfla7. baastafetaai at as the tanc. if It kid catjaaateat tke

i ai t aEHHint af ptasuam an that toaCaaBBf ia thejoCef. TheibaLiillii ill n ai n nf aaT taafaaee c tiefEK af tke fc&adaac afhat ooosrsi as the eea-fas- c

xtXit As raraaat aat ztaan. seat vbes be therates af tke Ceeaseea tteafalacaf ataat aa-r- t rirsei S

i.iHi tan a fee taiif n .an, iuea.naraa.tintti iraii r ar carrrraTarxstfat,Sflfcwtaiaaay waaia the fi rtaek, aaeliraanV faajntataaoat Intl. kees firkteti tC few- -


taBtaUeciae. fc acta tutu' W far the Ceari j

at tf.uiaa.it that the yldatl" bb; m ebaaetat aaiaaksat baxr-ree- tike Qua Jfcpa rritak Peaey aaat Sae

aesakar wOjk tbe ftfcaiaiiif aBJaarayay krIKiaaWfcfaVtHaf XBarat vttth he oiasaEely Ptjaay-KaBit- i at the ayrrrri ptyibfc ky

iM$af QaafC

at ! liw . kay fBM nnr W kIKV imm laVtL ai sJkWPfwcw'Hl lata tat

lu H. 1kF. Tan kmtaiii isMikm 1a xyf aL5t.TU wwtt mm m mi. ttgrt tat ?y iHjjjh nwt ytei mf lalnrtw fafcttat twi Tk iwiiii

tat imnW. Sr. Sraw f I,rak tkwit at Vat lanni

tej it k tolunc kmrwex tat

caaatat kfc iiirt 1t an.iT.1 kuWuil.iikikH! .n.aiaivwsaEvariar

4ftrr-s- i kll c t Ik skr. Mli a Waata.9tea. TV. IVk,v

litjiaT at ptsunl a hk ) Ik maaVtttfcM; f

ckv--ai fckoiar tjc. M tat Mittrtlacaj sklnl oa tk QiKuiiM, kv, far tktvtat;sat r taktr vwrs wakk Vr atAt: n x attrakat f Kr. Iwriny, k m alrw a aft mi saaaY aii i ! 1 taaaaM. fill n 1 I oir

tiat'aW atm(& W W orektax.--ua, tfct a.- -sTn "J

; -- ik iiaML Makf kfe kill I 3Mi wklWI k W4,tfc-- an aaf kb aatlr. Twatwar w la tfc

wakadbak 1U. sad III I uaiaitt Hi tj

.Kaaaa l.alMHil itdfi H ns iiHaMfilSkMatTatf Ulaai In'J wkkia MBM k BtM w U

tke tat af kfc antt. issiatcarkb tiMki hi; tihf it Haaar. ainmUf 9it) tk ffre--


rjga . '. . , . T. . .

rjektr Hi t&e Catd SfciC Mr. Tpw.iwir' a Sate of yw Tek. fcr

.. 'i fH af tk jwtl sa of tk.irs k IkH'Stake. Bfc $tnt! ttk awin.irij- - Sum.

tke bktais. vn-- eestvnJ. Is tke State of Kkkkwat. vatre IK u anar ntitttis uri MtwirtBnr.

Tk MKlkj wrn: t?ctffii to tke jMaitr KtVuHM.

kf tk LIXOLr.. t whA S-i- k kaj h bHx TdlMt !Cviatt axaaW. M MmtkiT. t W

.t i t t kur- - raeM tv.u.1rrr rt4 r lk oik rf tk ?nfcs "iBOKr

wkjiK. WPtkWawkaifft of Hb Majtstt'i OiWktt,

says : At pct ao attrkSK ii ,

?ttw k caikt is. rnri to tk eSect of slto- -

att Bfa tie fcoiif. TW tratk stt4 to Ve. thatMyeiiMKkakis wBttb

atSiCife, il tUt trtrr petsas is $ paper I

ja of tfc atotfsitT i Us ose. It k rtgsiaVt!

oarfy i a. ea ea: it tg fcc orat9a.ass taut aaay sat eo&ftsu K u tBaacovnwK" asait to fee iraai tte aotaitw s, mi- -

litfurtaiv. it fa40ta b taacat that itcokolk seaeral caacsiT. ssl atan.js.a... ?. a .aaaw mm w a .. .

. - t , ,ir- - c

eaaacatxafe ta srtsariaa ami immtt the6itct to fce itaiaI im te i iatiai twtwa. Bt

son atast VwariaeicJii ga?ogaOtiaa aiBtett,ami ajh aial awst be iae4 toe the sate ofriefct T kTaterl HWSt CaMiilwi Ot

ak as aEWtBaWcafthe k pofibe. bot ii aavkf irtiM at csciia ta pfcjicit ptvtn ii ;

toWtfcTToei or a k the Stat. The timek ftV cs whus bmo aaal woaua are ta hesjaaWef afos thai Saapte aec aitk. aa

m4 : it: itioawt rttf-trt- o iai moef zt-ti- ar

ihafioggg. hot as rational sad nsoossihkheiaes."'


s TO REAT..l Ctttin ia Xiiiaa At.Jc-- na. toA fcmt?, tmK aiwavarBLikiaf c


Honolula Chess Club Kotice.mllE MEETING ORDERED for Thnrs

I 'Lay Enaiatf mat. ar pwtB.iaI ta FRIDAY, . . . J

w,n u PER OS.PITR.


Tho Cum ftf COR 001 !

.MORE OR LESS, in Sons to.TaSatt. fx Bafwiin a- - eke MWisuy ex--

faM a. the

British Ship 1 rtevnnchiroor DCBLIX.

Troiea 6c tin ahre w3 k r rr--I at Ifefa esTnriIaT. the Sth Tlartrh proximo.

JAKES BIT ODBBOrSE.SB Jf.'i CanawMBr aa-- f Canl 69raL

Eienlirlit. Ftknary- iT. 1575. rit


w, A. CRAST SrBSCRIPTIOX sff22Vartammni fl kc rrcs. as Tksxs-- ;

pzSEr Jay fc.giimf aeit.


a- - mTTftxatl 1 XTl Hotel, j

Tit 2a3iig- aa Iigiirf Timjisst, asiCrjeastSr

TICKETS, AtimfttTng a Lady and Cent.S5.C0

Ik jrwsrrf at H. If. WTm7'i 3c9hWr Tim. S. Ihraai'i 5m Boat, aad at tbPaacaxpakaa GibVrj f 3L Mm, raf th Pra--


5"otice! i

Au, parties itA-ra-c ry Tiit:m po- -i

'iau aartaai ny I taigiaa a OVt Jaaaa fv SdfcL aVTJaV!r iMtttttfjf aaT I;.L HKlflt,6vrt.a. raahfatcvel.

. r. ime.A3i a a Irtja. at OnaJ Bak.

Steamer ff?. Kilauea."Sazafti 4ffc, frr Eaaa,

XlUa, tar- Rite.XaatT talkt, r Eeaa.

PisKaiari tic 53. by Staaawr af FeitTEawy Mtk,eaa retarz rt fcaot E3t iy Steaawr af Kink. II.

i SAJfX 6. W1LPEB. Ajrac- -


THE SEW HOTEL will beaeeaiat fcr &m rssattiae af grxettx

On Thursday, February 2S,Tie Frwnetar n. faiu aa 1 ikii

OMbz taar asast Haui FIKST CLASS ettyaartaratir. HKrbt tv stai (&t afcargg.hr l a aaad aaari ergsaaV riawBabki.

t--at ALLE5 H 8 BEST, Prtag.

Nottce IVTTtTlTEII the Haiter aor Ike Vuier-I- S

tajrai-- Cagaauenaf tfc tVira !?ka "Hi raeafcart arat k jijf.njaklu far aay debar e fnet.it

lt frr-- f faat rate. ajsm. EC & TIEE,

Ajast fee Scrag tfn."

UHWtHMIMIil 1 mm tmt4 m tk IMIf ln Im Wyk( it MM Kt, 4?hI.

mt tt tat mi tVt5 It tk art Jlitt It ?lkktkifc a sVXVrv.VY. ik Mtk 4 f Mwk, A. IV )$n. t II VWkA. iW M( Hill I k OMMiVkj tk

W. A it a airlkic tatto way at tka

t Wik;. a tk Ria l 4 K A 1Hm

rgMW, ii yktelit at tk CHjr ttSUSKA K. AU.KT.

Ckirf Jk t Sfm CVH.AMrt : Js . S vhk

tvtT Cfcrt. $Nat Ctart.K- - X. taxvxx. nr Aks!ntv t--

LTi-kim- k ctivnT r i iumn.K ti' alH fNferttlt a4Vf N A9 al4VWvWA kdt

n, WTXX k.rfkrtl KwK JlfaWtiiika ft Hv ai W Mi W.o4Sr: STt M- -y

km Awa iruru ik fttti 4 c ikikfe (tlBk) KvMV Ntof

, tkt & smi rfa af t XM(kiKnH innjriai iiwt - i t www wn, ma ikirat kr il ktr hmh aim iK aikc n t

M wi jkmtiwWvn MMH nt H4 m T

JaoltMMtkii K W . tl HVMMKllkuiww;iWiiiiiiuiiiwwwiin;wiitfefcj ad i --,,.. aWatt B mmu alif.ml mi IkMaW iVii Ht t WwrtaxaK afMaj ikiu kT. Ikmm ih mil al I ctlaV av wajr c iail Ty'ili an a. t

WHIM tml. AaatlktllWxraVrtkllktaialbk laaaJ.VO k Vt a Mat Haa lM.MM maM at Hakkakvai t MaaMMaV IkM KaRa

NMwIMaltMlKH.UaVMiitrilnin..l.kKtKU3H V ALLKN.AttKt : CkrfJiBn af tk $Ma Onrt.

OnA W;'mr(ill (Wt Jt COCKT f tk lUviiiu I,U4 t.

OrC ta kr Mf aBMi t AJotelrtmw

0 rwi ai iU; tk fflK Jiai W.Awtfe. Atnlf f k Bsu t Waiua II.

' f sI f tlam Kwl Kttat t4l mi Ik -... , u., lflimi .r Klj. lM.a M HM.t ia4 rika i K.Til Pl.i NV MW. Vajte; U

tk aK Sttal. aci Mttam.c fKtk Nitiia ll imii5 a zrau imt kM MIt it ktrtkr tkit tk itf kik "tk !Mt

ilu4 14 ill rn iatril4 im Ik Sail to(.int tn ta CVrt s i4ir. tk 41k iIit (Knit. A. a. ISr;. at M ,Kt A. n. at tk OmrfRas f tk. Cwtrt. t HmM. tkm wt tkm t.V V V . . ft . J C

"V " "Aa4 it m fattkr rini tkat a cr f Ikts rftr

V ptkiKkt-- 1 at tt tk hkiioti vt Vfttk u tt knm;. w tk Miwiuia Hawlt

ALFRED S. HARTWKI.L.Attwt : Jastic rf tk SptBt Crt.

Js. E. Siuiu, IVpaitj OkI. 5JtCOURT ot tb llamilhn lt--SCTKEJtE Mm aTOaka. Haiaaa Mak la,tkaarttk Bnatf SOatKT MOmtT. til 1U- -

kW ai nfft liwrt iitaki.a.A tnam tax Man k W tk tMt vaa KiHiKKt MOfTtTT.

ivwimt v it. w iliirom I HrylaicataiikihtlmlMVi W. l firm.ItirlHnkf aramt. tkat WEO.VSSBAT. IWWii(j

AfriL A. . m at tn Hnrtc a. a.. hTmU aa. at tk iCaajrl lii(idali.il .'aa, tm U Itti MOU. '

W. laal IM KMa K aai ill ayaaawt la Uaal ar ..laa;t ang 1 aanawt neaCM aa aaa .aar.MiT

atJt W taaiCail taev. K1B. aatik, mtfoc r utSi TouwutarrKtaaiwmaMmiamii.(rairaa. a wn fa. a. tk.

m. arowaa rBal aaal aalbM i. HmtahiAad it artair araKraa. aal ttaUMas m wii a ta

akKiikiaatv TilaiM a aaat WIG, aaat hi tkt VnnrT tkaaataaar ia Stan Cmmrr. tryttsit aaat tn A. Oaawiu I- -

u aaaarrt ta ftaaiiM c aaa n aa, ai aa

kM B.aitata, g. L- IVeiaik.t Kak. A.B.E. H-- ILEX.

iOM : CkarfJaafcflkSaaiiiutCkart.Turn B. ju QtA g

Health Officer's Notice!ATTKSTIOX OF PARTIES DSPOSmXtiTHE ar rakkbk Wlaar w akai tk aawti tie

Btftaatda. it aM It brtaMt Ittk T tk Rcgala-tia-

tl tk aknnl T HaaMu Aay atuam r fneiftaaat .1 a.lltia. SHk ar rakbM taatnt ta tkilam Sctt&ai aitt k atai.ealt atidiug to Ww.

1ft". B. BAILS KS.Arrat t BaaM r Bealtk.

BaM. rk. 13ta. lSTf. 5


For Victoria, B . C.jTHE BARK DELAWARE.

H0LLI5. 3IASTER.v til ka-- Isaeicata Bupalek fr tke akor Pert

fr Freigkl. Afpt ta7 WALKB8 1 ALLEX. Arntt.

1" Of dan r ratlC SCO.Tke Ftae Packet Bark


WiS kare Immediate Dispatch fartbeatorefort. Far firaakt r faaz. hsaTiai; fafrraea-- !

aadatiaaj hireakex aad steerarc pisMS-rtr-s, aaajl ta



C. Brewer & Co. Agents. tt; XerAaaaia Slorace Prte isiiiik

Barret mA aaeat in tkipateau fc rba1 BREWEKtCO.

boston ahd kqmolulu packet lire.c. Brewer t Co.-Age- nts. fSiitf Tnntl aiumnu a. Vijaiiii

fcr ian,-- ie?M Va. - Ha aaaaiavr Hercaaarfxft ta Bntfcr. Jnt Tart d

Raranx Co

United States, Few Zealand and AustraliaHaQ St earn hip Line.

ForSan Francisco.THE STEAJtER

Will sail on or about March 9th.For AncSdaniJ, Sydney, H. S. W.



it Sydney with Stauners for 3IfIbonme,THE STEJJISniF

XEVADAWin sail on or about March 9th,

from. Sam Prmtcuoi and tke trmufer j

aar a Trurlwa aadaraarala Wtm Ztihad aad

Saaaabr nkkVIS..ttaLSLIatz aatzabr Xoak . H73

Sasarsar --atrita, vas

Viuuuui ka aterf tbeaak at ridstel xzietaiiiti ra th Cafled EUttt aad t Urt.'-- n it, asd

air a ru tt tt aaii a Mtaba.ye.Far&treTeaaaafTtai at, ftt&frhtltsuits,

aaaey taH. HACEFHLD A CO.,

U tf Art!." KiFauea,"Frost sad after this date the

tiAjtst af th-- tteaeter "KHaeea"ka s var kK BMf rmaitUc Ck

aay Trafebt t PjjmU Mat by ateuser. acarrtta the Pener. asd a r--tf t tare far h

nae. lay aad all Fraacbt W ufeea at nfaaVtrraanr. aaai a. wi t W ia,Mlj kaadird, aad if

aay exrrfexici dxemeyt r tart, gt t jvmptimfaH tr. SAM'L S. WII.ItKK,

J Iss AjtsL



For Svlo ext Low FLcvtcss.

DOOR liOCRS OP ALL KixbS !Vmll cU V n tn--i Iron. from t to 4 tnk; CMbMrd BM Ik

a4 TUl, Ckt tl Trk, imt T CMm- - Lr)tloor lto1t-ri- ae wt fatta. atrc mm. Too, WMapkt Mi Cart, HtM at km IalVa

w Wocs rMtm kI CtottNit. ifX o o x . n I 3r ix t, o IiJiteHes.

Hook Htk bJ Siafkrs HooXj aal Rtsitr i vi K, ,ntm iitapK. iiia9 a MM gfayaf'.v

ltutf-lro- aa IVl Mai Ui OM aM t)$t, Oram 1 t 1(Mk Vti0gj3l3klm t M. SNp


Sash Fasteners and Window Springs.lllns T acJ Strip, from 1 to JS ttKh. Mnntttr Chart MMt Dnwic, la toaaa mL !tahlttlrr S ad a4fPat.ItrncUct WB, CMvvr, $kH i Ijwjv Cntor IMik aat M.-I- ts ht avat tt4.

XueU-- a OtffvT. lroa ttxl Tter4, a4 itoabtk pototai.

A Large & Varied Assortment of Shoe FindingsInolndias: Jfen ami BoyV Lants .mmI Iloot TVr5, Shoo l'ajp aai XaaVf

y kttn!. Shank Irons Site SUcks, Shonhkr Slicks, Kjurat, Ax.

Thompson's Hawaiian Saddle and Sole Leather.ltrtdle nnil Sna.llp l'umlturt Rr( tad HtrMM BMh af B i

Mexlno Urattsnts Medns Otrte, Woooaa SHI, fata.Klap, ItWtt to S.S t"kT.

Bit, or nil SSovts naid. Kiiitls..VIoT--O- i of tke BKt nlnkte of Arricattrt

"tk tko$c ttaia "Mow Until tata Ortit," -- t kat aot &mj." Ptanfntlonllo- -. BrtcW aa4 Half BtksM, Xtn. B, 1 lad X

"WTToito Zaixto tvtaci Xjoncl, axxci DEtocX Itoad.Coloto-D- rr awl hi Oil; Limp Black. raMy.

OH ad Tarpeatla. A.x1-- .;rtt. Half Patent acd Coaaon . Sovkm, "k itii, Ac

HENRY RIFLES, CARBINES and CARTRIDGES.Sp!kc SWp, rfeia iDd Gtlnaltfd. Cut and WrcarM. 'nil, ttom H tt M Kcagha

nnd AV.her OilTiattrd and IJln; NU and Watkfn. Glno fal aaat Data.

A Fine Assortment of Brushes of All Kinds.

IM'IJETS, FISH-HOO- KS m GOD lMCarpenter's "3? o ols .



izW Onr Stock is repkntsheil ly every Californut Steaner aaJ alao bySailing Vessl from Europe and the United States.

Every Effort Hade





1CCOUATAmi every Artkte of ntih'ty and fancy

Counting IIoe and OlBee, and fortcrajat am ht

here among tfca

Eo jMh as4 Fn-se- Letter Ptfrt, tatia aa4 j

extra la. llata aad elkHa. BbVct aad Xate, Ja.Da. Lttttr iad Sate Earrelaaai. ta aalth the abotAlaaraia: Pirer aa4 Bat aa aatatt-- I

seat eaeitaBttr aa. baaiAserkiaa aaari. faa tk kelt ntm. f alaaat !

'cT.rr drMrietiaa

Eaaaakl tarfaae aat feirt tarfata CipJjHahHti aad Frfcadabaa Card ,

Ptrtaraled Baa nif, CbaacVe mttTawaa aad bay-la- r PaseriMc aad Bmkarted. aad Batd aad 88rw PaaanBett Ledaa Qa-tt- aaa taml5tei Fmi. from WN raaktnBazaVk K4 aad eaietadHarfUk Xatarial Wafer. '

Eaeiitb Sealta Wax. rad aad faaay i

Ktofet'i i Ptyaart laaafiafe laBlae. Mak aad WrkMar IakHair. Oath. Taatb, HaB aad S6aiaT Bratbtt !

TkersaBMlarr. Taath-eaet- a. .

Xapt af Havatba rWt. -Pattakie WrWaar Sntf, turn 11 U 22 kaahat.

Xabataay aad BMeaaod. adapted tW lWaad eeatteaata't, a i " i . . .. . ....uaaiuauT as aaaa, luiii jaaaas au raaot

zeaeral OfYiwtihf aad Paahat BSWle.. ate.Staadard Bazfirb aad BtktPapar on.r B. Smtg aad Matt RaJartail sad Tay Baa every JiititaUaaEajBrh Draataa; Paker aO tatea. fiPaea deary ta

Briatal Baardr, f ettry tilt aaat IhMatHTraeia; Patn asd Ttaatez; CaishratSraraaaa't Wattr Oaten, k bastBt iraMeaad OaPa Hatr BraiWtFaWt tafcttor ItVsaiag PtaeaiCattrtd Itrtr

aw Dravfaz loatraaesb, ta at,ftaaa $t U W eatb

Cker. Ken. Wd tad IneyBaekraissMS asd Cheat SaardfTatetVataal Card HaaMUlgiaat.af radaa. axtJtrstOaU aad crtrPre Cam


1500 KS, for Hantoi, IiHranmade to order with

Printing of Bill Heads,with

IVevr Stock Received2Ts4sk, Srtatr 1171.

MM batv feat kMl

BfM tea. baa 5ar H,m mm (, (

laylmmim mi1 wktrk wtq t

Ctatk anj WMtlac. ntc-pcao- !


to Give Satisfaction!

BOOI taeofloeeted witk tkt ktt, aaltfiaat I 1k

Artkta, '

.aMSv Waattt tfrafjW a&at4C

" wMk Mta- - Caw aaaaaa Mta St Wkbpfr--

kfal.a, af aii. it atVHaaaa, tgtakaaataaa. af iaa aaat 1 1 itahala

tat'--r tiblatt. fwc hMMUWPanataaa Mate aaat Ifii ihtriTbliiZlaatai Buatf aai Kaa, jktilil :

gtayh JUbaaarCah aad lawttutBati kliiat aaat fk u lahaiCanaat Beta, ithaal iaOjieKlataaiaia, at raaataartiajPaa Whaan aal jfctot, ffttiAH ktad af Ha aaooitlaak Wataat Baat; tketaCblltita't TaCvfyktC '. aat taatatf at JCruaaa. Tkiaaaatiak Ptaaa. Pad. aaat 1

Staariar tnka. a- -a. .1Mtt li.kaat aftal tthawa

Mnad T'f l ittt ;

tftthtiiaait aad mmm mmmbldal PaW aad Taraji

0OOB9.A twra aad aaara taatidili aiiatOaitb

if .tkm laaataiialaaatah,bWa.

Paaht Jkakt . WHH aa jBUIK BOOK.

A vary tat! aaai uttaalu i n.aaai at at

a..gj'7;aadlJS,1'1'ajaaaa laaaial naataBSHartt JtalWa"lBBT

gfMf aad Wiibarktai xttohtf aa aaytW

JJtaayd fcabt. tefatrSCtat. ,Wartawa'i Tha

Cotaaics, ItatSraad

Circulars, Cards, &c.,at tho DwMt llatoa.

ly I2vciy Sficinner.

AND- -

men, Trarefers, etc., tm reaaonabk a tmior in San Fraaekeo, nrliielt aa

fMiowing Staple Articles :


da. da.






ateai m



"PeeeHfTCreU d.





fUxr x tT acr . ttnlmi v utrmr oniiimAmTi-- puii, au new a uwco m a AAXAlH AiXiX TeetTl

earliest arrivals from and Jfe-- TtwlcACCOUNT




rV-Th?- T


Page 3: feefo GAZ FTP · 2015-06-02 · fNC IJH MMI TMMt MM MjWX BM&. A. L. BANCROFT A. CO, ySJy &MM BMlat9PML jrcsiSEy, yr-p.p.-& co, rVAE3ere X3 C 0 HZISSIO 2T MEB CEAXTS, Facttaad, Urcp


OTtti or Til II WKRK.



laUlM. MM

tifalktxa aaaaa.j

tfbMril viHRBhjg, sas9Br,X.a.Otfto.

i R S- - f?. S. ttot Tftt X. "WH,

!: hav

Item rf ii :hc afrstt, tt Ttirex.

Hi 1 l rnwwnt 3aaas nw

tav IM totar

JlalMt , m iaaaato ak


Al4 nmwhilii aatiattf to:

alitta Mrk i.totWR 1tIi

Bfc? SmflBissBcjriiMiilCM 1,fitotouitot

to w Mi tot W tot tot umwt j ttox--

tor Wtor nil 1. itw it

ti n iHtoiliitMkndtkMtmtm

ffca aaajA

tW MAa)Nt

I'totoliliitlift ll Mf M ll toi

Ctow rinf i fw todr AjuwC iilaim i i k9M(K mC tote tor lywn

'iil llHjjlaararttorteaaaartoaaat.

. tor aaat aw atoaaace aeear tonasrias

.aarifc jaattto. liitaaraaVitoaamltiataal uaau,ill l feTwartayaafaattoato to aayafataraaaiaagaaateaat-- .

r to.

-antftttot RfaaTt Uac taamaaaaaatTiiaatot.aWagalraaaaVna.aaar Waauaav wto aa far Maw tianrtom

Maaaa kaataac aaat autogka; ate s Mnm tsaS


MM, toaa aaat Oat fcaetoaaBaat Jaa A. FaJtkav waVat ftaat toan-- . Sk,

Itoat-aata- a. wtoaaa. aaraai toar aawt aW toac. aaW

K toaai. lVarrva. la OkaK9 Saaa

(I Uli ay a

ator Jre wUea. iratot aafiaiato; toaak srI a ifBftii nlTImu aaulUntaaL

aajl I IP Caa :;bbbi iibbAil. toaat Psaadaicw

aaaa aiaaj.ll aa ai.1 Itoat Braav tot taai I

aftoaaateMajaTfeaataferriamt"m""tti,,!t "" aat.alUl B

' a par aaWaewe;

Tttiatrtfe:ill Bll.mil Ulal lllaai nillaf

taae Sgaraay toaa tat tracts aaaaaiy caeasaat

Jaaaat kaaraaiaajaavaT 33ag aaate. ke tkt aataavaaJlVaatfal Tact aaat - - - Ii iliitflii

r TTliBor torHakin aal ikiaSQaaaaV t toalttor ate e up.

.aaaj jtoitunifaaaaV wta kc aaaataat Ifcrat aTiiiiiaa III ll a

aaaaaaaaat aa. aW Wrat af Sic aaacsar aaat

aaaalaaajtfc aaataaa avcaaaxrtoaa tonta: aa assort at

'taaafk Krtb latka act ai i akmiaiij a ianJudC ii ifiii ii

--ii .n.nln

aaaaaafaaacaaaaaaaK fmat' jili &aS eaa3et nmafcdMtarlrii ma n Tiaiia fliirli rTWrT-r- ar

Tfcifi, Ba,, i l.fl Ti'i aaaii rr"- - Tto,,,a&wt ai Taaflu iliu ian fail TtTniirr, aTl ttajaiaaiaJ .mi af jmiuji-- L an laTi i to T 7

oaaaaaayaaVg il atn ijai ; aaaaa. ator aaaa gaaaeeg atat aaliiiatlmfll aa t1 -- neearaata.ai in i T Sh afatoaaaaVtSttaa

Baat laa fctai iftoi Ifiii Tinnfi rnr- 'atoteaT ara aufc'SSeaaawax aaeaaeeac

MaSai at CaacSsivaait aaatiiigaaaaii ikili


CBfia 1 acaat ay rtatny


aaiarKfraaaacaaicaniK Sarasasfe. SiftaifaraaaatlaaaStar:ssaaeazBir ara; jaasajai. Wt

at K aaaatoat kaataVr tote sac tosax aaaaaaaiCaapa

SaC :

IKtonktaawT tomiixu t ttoB muue asrgi i paaiiiiaTttaSiJ Savage. TTav. xaasaV raaa

Bacaasu aaet in rraacagg aaasaja gaiiaV- - i t3 TB.xstBe aaaar ST ijt Snct

tiuuijioJiia5B ke jacsat jac:

atoaWaSr g Jliniiaii aaarcigMg x etsatlaflHi II nh l Ii III in i ii in ii ii a" n in uf

in. mmaujr e Satcve as- -

Ska .''.t.w'iac uifliai"awy Qtf.

ma&3V2tem jjin. ijjf flr-T- y5 -Jxaa aiaaCMi. aj uf Hj ttt h rrf fin T'iTr

oaafaaaff iwJiaaHf JfflsasrT anaumgl aa

i asamiaTsnjr SssC 2flESaUa:ViJi.

aii'jakiix (Mi






eiaaa: at lteaataa atevato- -

lif tki aJuMi "ill ii It i i-.,.

. ptvifafamatofttaaat to jVaaaet rytttitoiito lat &

at kaatac rt ate, xeC aA ate nw

SmnAllR rflH SAekk ft w jjH

toe a Mr arrart. OK V Saaar. a mttor uf faar.

Ha IUMi w Ike tWta f toW to.JaUiaaakattiat kate Mr Aareuj, laatoretre aa

, wt W we inacMtotot fn1toK.)r


fWWl-I- frfeWte: NWlii


.t " r---"-

j '. . 1 l toMK Vto ftnnal Qntot Gtotar ftoc r-t- or StatoSt Ototar l.togt



nil cltoxi ttorn toevfea f

1.1 tonal Hi Mto r IIK iiihi aaav i.faa a. iv.aunu. faaT ;

1 a- -t 3aaa( a.to atadc (toyar'att tM toOtaK 1 fltmmit.

,rfc atoV. to gAaaayAa toHMtoaat. Ic iaaWaviaV

jbj rJlara-- wtiawat to W imM rratfaaarccacaBaai ik anaatoauJaaat

titoutotLt to mwit aaatt toorrtoc Sexas. ttom. icrr eaaai xTat w't aasVeff . miLUmL. ai laaT, toVt Vaitojii! yiM itonjl. to

T tmc 1 laLMaaitaK.jwtataaattor.iMf lutat

laraaTmgxtrar lin aatonaV

Ttortoarriar K M aajaaaaar a Vfte atore. tot taaltt to?

toe aacBiiiC ar ttoMt Mm iTBaatto?itaiiiai aaataara nj aam. aaat tor aaaaVt r.

ItotK aK tor aa aat r im.jrtia. toa-m-

aaat tore aw a toa far Kfeca, ac laeai' a- -a .

a aMM! affttor toKase a.ai.nTai; totraaatc toe tin ttor gastate rtoa toaat toteat toer '

aaMiCW. Ttot :ia li. lC nugaf tataatat aat W tor

totaat aaat Uto nevmk aVaii Matte tot ?- - '

tiac aaniMt artotai k-- MraaV aawrf AxqjaaoiaaBt Satoanat tto tow fl i..r --gaaAnag agfcie aaanniay aaat gjjaayat tojaat jutlat .. Ttoc

rtJttat aonr


--Vaarcrioiai Tartt i. ana.9r- - TaaJ TtoraCT J. Mrmtf 5SSa!aaac- -



atortofcA iKluiil aaf ttota t-- r at taaaaiiuaat aaTxarii utoBiiia. JStatoaat. jm titoax aawc bMS Mt--

toatwaaat iifi.ujiiraliii.1 aafaaeaaat Xvir4. SaafciiiaaL

Ttor aMiatfaaa: ac Snptamt m irmwuri tor ttorEKJaaLecafiatit WsadR3Bft. fe tt ttot jsawfasiHiinlHt. Xtoe Tucar xarR. iMmnJl iuhl imOl

aSaaaa Saaoaaraa JkaaC ficft Oaac

'aaaat waBCaar-aa- a aaf taaaaim at Caafcaaaatft

--v, toaator, te eanxgiaiiai. axkjajeaaauaaaaiaa, aa fl maaiaattrsaarai- -""HC' an w iraanaan.

aC ai'l MUM 3BV ttot f Willi ITll lain i tgatosax- to5 liafain tr mamianmnaair Asacces. Hatt-l-l jfllf.fe fea faattwiLaiLaaaMt aaat Kji i t y ag taieiaiMwavCt Jaat laiaaaaijac Main n I . Sa t avfe'.an C Lie t lOcigBtrMUB X?

1:g'rTiTayaag g (

kalK " C"Bt ate anff atte iaaaf alaW?art&f: at i BrtTBs: iTt any

I li faliBig a iiCi aaafc TS tor ate--

gag.tol..uamitiatetoMfi C waawat Stot raatsfeaas. aIaaKaaVtaaaaataaaaaaBetstdaeet aEdaCtaatett aaat. tog J n in.-i- nf ta.fcTOafeafealiii liilTaiii iaaaM faajdaim.

a aWvaaL to tonat MtjtoiJ VSrBaotrjetotaaA T aVl aim ttm l aaa in it to EawaVnt

ataaaeaa.ai3a JaaatgciitiiinMliiiil jgraaaV Xtor

SHU Trtoii tL 3fe Tavcaoar. noiaOi taw rinrafatot JiBuiiiatoaae a. Oaaav nut assets, atatft pito faa at

aac atoraceaaaaattot 2et it aaar se varr jr ssMt&ar. to

aaaaK aa? aaaaadaaataB aafaallliliaiaft SflrseBarjr

3aaatwfe i toaftr ay eSass aaa ke araSfcfevx.at tott aHgLwons itgjaraag tjteaagEa TaaK

iaal?lar a vmiX att 3aT aHBat ac ai aasaVBaaac

aaafltmipm. 3ik.iani' Statoaat ar jatcz at) tftefetaaaaaT Baaratoir aaasraaaaaH.i?OB St CtoarEja SriSanr stjs. raapt c

toCar '


Ekreae 1 torgakrkar afctotor a UBianf, K b ix tot&rart mm mqr

aaa i il rtaaai i arflE tit kiaaj. jL.iainu aa 2Sltky

ttot Siiant af ,il aoTilaaa T

JaFy laag, J aJtoaia.ja-fetagtoa- gt tL

karcaaaa- ttoa ttot eaagse af CaaHarar toat sag aaa.af xK atasaaaaaas it t Fmtr3t tKes,

Mat aaaS StVMBCf 25itt. i Saaaaa alSaaaTaaast.

Aaaaat Waaaaaaaai. ateaattA gags stoK xaaaa- -s


it ator

larSrtoBBrS. if-- atoS Btot 2a6sl 2ttary at sO.

ay af fujuikuL at jjiWii mrca xjsmsS Acaaaax ka

Bat Strj: jnss kaaat

nf urn " jaaflflin, t na ji i i I"1StTOr aaaa ator 'i 'iaO. afar fa x

aa li'ih. j mi y, eflrtf

OSlimrii r- - IW ii air

- jniirij TiTmnr Sa--a

at' agrutesw At tkmi ea2ssoaraSi iacrt tojr

xac TaaW-tB4iai!!-

eastaia umaf an" ira--f fatarattagaiesi- - a aaaamXI3CgsaiBt:ateafaAjSffiafeatolaa)iil '

IB.JL lTrnTTTfteatt itirfe.aai: saja: Xke av sni.

r gitajrg Stsrriai kaatar.

fcss ysasraaf at 5s; SaaB3t 5KertfIaaateaee23ata.a$es?. atajirafiaE imt arts xsa- -

ri, nf., "Zhs sifiKjiiiTa- e.r teacr fast aas

2r atB Se a aeXSaSaatar K Lflayfeat.

rWi.are jriiiiililfcj tsfraaraafiirssif sssa; jrt ?

ax 8ae ferrfitcirSro; 3M.:Hian. las ,

ac2is Sktwb. smso JtrCTn?e faa. '

Srwcnl ;rrcei 3rriaar&. tzzzveazl f taxwc--

a? aia&iteHkaaaaaTOgas. Sar atascax aatrcsa inwic mr

E Tai SitkHtt caaaffgai ar ataaaegaac Btoat

ate atlaaa aa: ate aTuaktaaM ,njkarate fihai Tia r ke ar&a abt xmuOsat Taaras aa ttoraraa atec --irrjtarf c aaag--

JL lM aaaav- -. Strdaal totat lSCT0taaatog3gx;ratW





jiai (a) ate Sassr It nfet iA. at scat .ajjia-a- l ae jacateSifwiiiiit&ant.'TaBa hgSSasrscroaMSaaBijstSi pma. ateswai!: aaa: aasi zos. atfc 'Ete .aHtcr raa

'ffiffc in.iir3Smnzsay

at xbr














aht aaat ttot




Ua.iil OKI.Che





ktggatjuua. ajnrmt



4K ans.

aigasa. aajg.:;,1: a a ;p;rifiaaXg5t

--v ,. S .V- - .i . V . --i a.-a- -- w .i..- -. t

Zj S-r- ark. KNint ep X. J. Ataaa.

I w &Vt tto nit C at yw nit V V

w rT aw ui ir ic

I lut wl, i krasfU SUSk. . Intoe.j WfW.

kraaaVax Vari. a jf. axreecee umt nMtSilattif atM Itor Aaaklitot. ketotaiaar 5trf.TtoravavaVC.:Naraf xrrtat ac. ItW: fcfC

31 ay fcwse Sax Taa? aak Mt?iu& aat,. am;a; 9 ViKwr A Ato.TVt aat jlnxrt ajrtert aa. eVe 96. C Aaa,

Ihb JtevFi iiari. atax lanln te TTR- 1

t Y-S- Arm A VA mrmt Vll JIlmI wI to.


1 Vul Wins toot toe VifWU. t Rdl fe.

ik: b M fawrMtttorttoiit- -

tntoto IIhs u Srx Wtc ; IUn' Sxtn

rl : ftof. f3.J : aS. l.f)B$ tj:fli$i: Srti iSSto5Si; i


r i.-a-" a Airtmav nt ataat-- yaaTaAv gXai ca Jjr V a trt aavtn. SutltajisKav

Ttla twrunaw SMIaVJaar iaa: IkaMaMk, Jc aat Jtoaao lafaaar. M. a

akx S aaaviaiM MiKifcr, Sfw to. kwai Smb. JMaatoa. aat t

..w-- w I

HMavtoaaa a toaavtoan 1M

c,ar- a - , ,,H, ..tv, ,, T it, r 1


lar tonattv JoeUanC we Saaai. ha-- i3aaalMi 1 t? 4

t- - aw I faKkajto;toab.a 1 larv SaWtW itorj atoaa- -. tSS Vajni. aauajste ta 1 itoaVniytoltXtoatW K


3aaan?taaa3aarXasMa.asaaaa.r.o at arm. W,iavaM Sk J. .aata.r? J9aa)w&Vs S IITj it y

CUIffi3,4f ca "i II

aaacnaa Xkf aaaaavaaafa?aBi ata ia )aBaaN4a, akaaaaW

ftaaaavo I gKrCaWaaaWafc afciaSS Maraaj, alhaflaaaattoTA

(aaaTtaTaraat aNaaW JfTfc"to atact

Opaaayar T JatoaxKCaWaWaVMai, US T Jcaaateai, aWlaVaaAaaaCaaaaaaaaaaa atf1 lafr a90ftMaL aaanaaaT

Caaaaaaaaltoaaavo to Maa.avCliail.toato S aaijas,OhCoj faVatCaWSaaatoK ST tajaaaaan. o 3Wi

l i it itA I aiaHiMi rCTWB.o I Maaa. JCap ir. a iatoaas,atoattoaaatoaaavct 1 faaaaa , ab TQaiai.i,a.at 1 filial ia.agO ; ti. , ay gaaVWalto B


eaavtoaV 1 tuaami aj.gtraaacaa f aaaatovcttot

aHraaswn toaxvtoltosaaryaaaaaav aa SF aaam. aaaw

aratoaria. taaVc S II til torn. .--afc?aaaato J raa.liai.ci I aaaaaa.attoiiinCn1aa,aa S 'iaaiaii,.aItojay to iV W SaatotoOaTail5aaaa 1 iaaJrtog,!aj

IViSaaaa-- i. XJN f lajtolawaaataav i aj waaaaiaa

Caavav 3ST aaaVaBaaaKaa

atoTlMia" 'I rtoifti 3Kttoaaiwa. aatfe 3toY saav 'atoi ajilj "JjtoaAaBNs.aaaBt It jgaaaaaa- -

Wiiii aaatTiratou'vo B aan.

aaaai ia. araaet aMaatoaaftarr

toaa.Oa.axa. at ? ! umatj.lai K laanaaatoWaaaxHx. cate W Haaa laiH5ta

toaavaaaaa JT 'Waaaaa. aaat

Saamisaaar aa XucOu C anr jau SAmsta, TA M3w aajW p r

a. aS Vaaaaw a X

JMaaKfjferSaw at . maautoii Saa. SSaaiajlav

jaaaaaaaav j9raBBJtoj I

Jawaavlaa S aatoavaa t? 1

Mto atoaafc x x3eHa.9aa Vtt aaaaaaaa, at3aatoatli.aai5.amff 1 toto,Vp

JMK.at VCarat

ara. X aaaaaaaBalL.a-..aa.-

g f laaiaai il i

Itj Caaati. afa,laaaVaK. Saaat1 iSaafl 2aiaaaLaaaMl

3a4t faaaBalaLt X SaWaaaaaaaaTaaaaBa,

yatoiati ii n .oa a aatoaalaaaa.adaar HBhiaa. liraSaaaa. 1

aa3 aSaaTatta JavaT 3rlaTiaaaff,aBaa-"BaB-

aaaa ai ji tgaaMLfoj? KaBaar-- Kf oa-- iBaaaaaNia -.jitr 1 StoaarafaM. aaarr t SaWtav 1

tVa-r&- r, a a

atmJioa aai.ni jSoaaeatoaamaaaa. jaiu. a aigeaTg.

c i&a araaaC ittraraa1 K aaaaaea. fftr Ifkrj Puaok at aS T iai.aa.i XT t

iar,3,-apr.Jtj-j f antaiaayfl .l KtJTB.fa--j .( laaii ..u.r ks ilaw-ta-w aatlttoavea Mlajii a taiaki iij,a43 Ktitraaavaaijs IW ::iaaaiii aa.a ti.ty aaa SaataaavMaV at f

I Saaakarr. aaisi t

nav mfiBt -- - t "toll I aaj aTimfn, ii ,igai.taa.; Xaaaavfet EfMf-i-t- ote . . . . I

iacyijfcjMLAtit, jrapruv.i UaiPL MxrxisauB i tfiaJS""" aMriaafa4o- E

Jaaat 3rjtmm. yara alilaam. JtaVJaV E

3aava. aV j --at


iCanoav Mar In IaO S0rv aa aranaotavae XtaaaaBac.ta& 1 dttoaaaeaaa i

3r r

k,. ao a tama- - 1Oiaat iiaTSacicav W ISaaKtoae ;

an-K- .aa I BaaH-llk- i T auicatoca f 1

jfaV1 aaaaaaaaU abktx XfiS arBaaaaaaaafajar. aataavaw J C

HrjaTaifc. aaaaa a ITaaiii. in i - St3ijtaaa.o at - iniaiji 1!Soatoaaav UK Taaliaaalaiatag ma-of- a ItiaTai aa i. 10111 aaaSaa-- t faaaaaa aoa f 9a.

aato&a aaaaaat aaaaa feat ;

tanaa ii li ,i 8viinT..Mai SIui at m Saaam.ar itftaaaavaa hojaao :

ttoian at M aaaaaaaaBaaartinEaav 1 1

Sarai-.i- i S Hail aa I T

ataararwaar "finiaira" 1 ltonaoyaaiii iinn , 6

'lnaaam.ct m Tia in kail 3" TJ

toaat CTl.tll OlWha,, C Tqtottor. s iaaaBaaBneaTaaaaiii 1 ijnniayli S f.

iMaalaasBM. 31 aaitad nil -- X XKLtrfiJamaaiuiiaajiara7Basa?to3e 't

JaajTniiLam a as6-v- O lJtoaaiao s aatn-a-r I:Jkaa S 3aVtaaiSaaavasx Sa aoaa&tKar I3aaaavaa& I Taaaija, raiaoarric?T - XOaEanaaLaz 1 j'Ouulaiifc.ea- - i atoacaVt I fCtoaaaaxAx: 1 3tMLatET siflinikiail am SS taaavaaW S I

(knltokb!tfa I toKbto e t T, C BaBaaaavaar ISr

ttoaaaaaa. 3st al ffa ilrl 7g.

eaaae-- raka tae 2d32aBSt.kaanklsaFa.nr.aTr 35 3JaaBEX,as; tiCaaac - lacr I iihSt. toaatf'"e a 1S

Saaia,as? ' oKsavaat S&aasaI Talialiin.gI "Ikain Tli In fin IX ataiaTE.3Ci 2;

Hial liafao

S XaaWaVoCSa

trr aJTVaaoiVvvrrr Wrv J tS-- T jrwJr.Btaey aVaaacaa OWu, C3aatVfyai

1m tvnv finotMw.Jrta-.VtW- v.rra. K HXteNT.ew$. Vr (v araa Jutltrt ,

ulkSMRittttlMNnn '

nnj -- j r Ur r H Twin, n 1

M K - - V. - u I U K a. -- 1

MttMt :



" - - i

II .M.C KtoM h" Wtonri .TtK Ampto-- rT OtMW frw

to (Mm J9f KIM 3 . iHAS SKai 3Jt4iS SJfcr ruW torn


Ta Jjfcr. X Ski- tor Kk A ftc KC KVM tor !Sul ud IJwtr a.r4 ltaa fc TVv OrDraAutlitHitKH Data, toe Sin

toe Kwav ui Si i Sus ir

Vi,utMirBiut TuVt tor

S Kama tor Ma. Jaxlta (jr XrMal, aayaaj twl tor Xiat

tMi Irwi tjHt ri X. TV. --teJt kt

AyH5;Wtfc Sla&CWriSftk.laj!tui&ehta)t .ratine t. li rllWr. ,

ax War. M ST Jays Ui avaVratrkn4n to, Ut. M to) $UNz Ltt ai '

Hri'mSEW. ri. tVrti SlrjJti t L MairrIV.--. IKi ajinrt.i Strr S. IT. j--, ilrivtoU. uM Jxt-- wHk. Paswi i IKx Ji.

. , . .,..v a

me-- K Wci.r. 115 . S. S. IraaVM s :

WaMWIr.X.V.aW. 'aaar-VaJUX- t J rim.r-- iWurU arrwtar-- raw al

tW iMtoa IHfc fe AcUcta. U ,

Ji 3ark. too;. If toi, Seat. iWj ii.-ti-it t Slira.i aUn aVBlaW tor M.aru : Var. 391a. Ut

mtk. tof. . s. wi fujrmw. r 4a.trKZ. Bm! Ajr toe Ot . In. a,r- - t

Varf. Oi a.aa. ii 4.,, toa vi fccTaaMtoaaca: fcU. M IT wacV. at:. If 1$ - SriL j

ioL Sa. i ia fen Lata Jae Valfina!. '

2aas2 aw Klix B-- C MniaT arraet Ja.W; ie lam aa t tn!-r-. a S. E. fair-u- at

&n7 raac a?t ilti xt sa 4iya, aaat vaaaaatSW aaV aaf faet. taVta. Jari fcn lite aaart

Ave, nkar Jai. Mat. X ait-fif- fai Fras--nrvr aetit ttot aaraar f tVt M trC aaat riy-i--

r4 &v4t S.'C. traajfe Tatt aat. Scit aaat afeetaaat;

laKbiatamSXIawairiutafe 4S tow.itorr vaatfe trt& iavvx feaat aML &ara-- aaaa

iAaV ratifi Mai tt rr iiaj : lto paVnte

irn X.TT. a naai arrirja. Sixiari Saaiarirr--i aat Ait. Oc ttor lata.

4af aas, ya!t a Ikarrr Teavrciax wrwe fmfaaiacarw aavc aarartr. tax. anr cm rmiaaaac a

aW assvpc ato nf t ijmOij C teat?;. j

iK'Ulal Pin ITll i ll IaaaaWtxtBaa.arPi !

faaat aaat JaV Jlaaa. 54. tor tfcat ratoreia:bASa-aSaaaabr- te EaaA VariTiaJtaa.aitoaaV aba hoArtatstm aKfrAa9araSa.xa wat Maaaiaatr aaai eaa.'aar: ttot iaavt- - Paaavt Cafe

a,toa emcaari .n vtvrud irjaaaatl Ate. as Shaat nraaott Ttirtju. atraaynLjarasaaatejj4ra-artaaaat.- laarA. Ik c-- IK artt. Iiaafv aaav aats: aaafltorT- sat aareaa-- . aaat feaaA a

rait 3. M. iO. i aaat it raantii.-- . Brwtaaavr i2-- t

rait atsaQav vaaix. rotaaaraari ttot toJk aaai toaaotat taraat aaat fitiiiy ivmii aaaa 1 lai aaaal ttor ilrt. ttotsat Taat aaat DarSa. toVaraag trrrt aaat liaiBait ta taat- -

waatnstasf aVeaaa. Sacharl Xaaa tax- - aaattaaaa.

f SM xat i2xieae tkr laaiii i i i r taT. X arat sxzm! miart x tun Trass. 4j aji-ea-ri

Kufc. iim anif. at tot a iSff xst jaajnnalfj aartot.

JaV.'iaar i wail? arsr. tost iA toaif sn toart

ttdF e Ma ltocr 4art a. :

. . S .1htr-r br raeaaat a.

Itot 3ea.fcar OiiBiK. Caz. I&amfaaac af ttoraTiaar ftiir atrr. xrrrit--f t Vf--r Yari Jae. let. itLLiiial itaaiaiiCf Batili u laafea: csraaaamt a.

atiuiiaiac af atgrgfig raArt xsorto ator waatr fstsare.Ttorw . jKtiOT tt -J f rtart ttot erra"af aWAaaTCKnaaUaEWaataaauTe$nIaiaCB

camaaaa. i3jt ail iiaafe iaafer tons aar aa f

katar-rtaiai-- fe Tr jsi wkaaaat ft toe ear H :

mfHT aa aat ocar--rr a est hiuaat In in ailiafaax linaaal it rr Tari. toe eiir raJliil eastaeCStraj-- aVe jawaapr.

7aisc Tcit rxi isoar. ain i I

kitarr att Tteaart Errsr Kanqaaat ka Srr-Tnrii- f att

aa it kear. rrwaaty 3a4e fa e atsjf 13 Iamlc aaaa oimoii fto "Tli ami. tfooL Trr.

(jiiaiy. af akr leatrai 5k. kcadaar Ac rtMwvre cf i&x

laniu riam. faj Saii'T&rfiar tag aaaaaaaret taat aaaarik.

erttoajnaar TriaV. ator Cflrr af Sa igaaui xae attaaaaaV t soanrt feast. JVa-- Vert ka Lorrejam fa 5

aaaar aarf K toaata.

albt aaKucakaf Ottoa. Ctf. Kj-- . af At Casartilii Iraaaar Tart miaagy. iank ac x

itaxTzcuEt atoaatl tte tbe aiac& af Sser Saaft, xat aa--rsarad: se 4a3fi. Stairxl jeasi xt arae af ttotSear tan tataaaag v&l xAae i toi Wii aaaae taat at

taaiTrttalit ST ariiTxrt. Cat-r- .i nai, atact ItrE- -

3at far Chfflttna to ake aac Cwaa. rae inar'jtair r MnaanrrvBait St.. aal iff fasaar aa toiri

lil f. m kxee uiMut


ISSSiW ta ac San. Xaax K ator Bat af Sa-w-j.WSS. Cam: dkaaaaa. Xcrac boat an to 1 mJiiXBaaaal tt . tar BK. SS errr tai aW k i

BaaiP it to atatcer L,;l!n.'at aaaEaaae. FBVeaaayaaai eaar K Paaaaa-aa- t a.ai irat ar toaaaat

Sn.aoaar anraaaiaMtraawilaaat nTra" Tartatortaanaoaav s Bat aracaaaaa aaas ZnaaascBE. 3. a

3ara-- Xara cay Jagwr, jasotr sar-- .

JUEEIED.iaai kit JIBEJSTS 3rr rtLu.i MaV. a gmaTw- - Eaaat.

aat jaamua wT an 3coSr aaoaasr. k dat if Aaaet30. to 7aa ar tant Mlaa C Tasoaaac

. ar


S --A. 2?fi" E H. S ,t z a RA"n AIIA3T IL ijTaa

lilt JF : : : r SSI BK2SS,


SyBorr- - aafTftjtovcrmjr.

atata. liiriiFiilicaiailti'jaa.


--ayentotonnc a. ai. aat a rsfiar atlfea: af

aaeanaatiy any arjjrpipBr ft fea cirr, ZVaatscsvtoaraiiver7itrar

T3Tji-- a rr it trr trirrvi rTTTTTT"r3CI 'Sir 2ZaT JJHdHMBV KE--aaarw


aat ixiaaf,


avgjj anou art Ax 9alaot liiilliaw'a. aaaiza; ti3fla asr3jaKE Tir ttrrni fa.rli a

- liiMitrl or fuaT.. ax


einnr wnTn nine trmt---- -- '

TV. Wriui ln.ulit. . " .

M W Vtf ftt A. --M. I 1 I". .V. IRlt.Kiw.ltiiP.M. yffT. ftaH?r.M.

f wfcwr. XatiU ftrrtt VW

Utr "ill U a NHWtM tl n IkH HMt4, a4 mm

Hmt ruul k mrirN tt tnt-t- rahta

iHiH iU V ntvl t H tttri( Htoi.Tin: oi.oiti; iiotiu.

a Sta4 Fm Lmit, trM t A. M. t P. M.BILL Or FAKK :

KH CtV. Arit Sacc.KaH IWrAltort. CnUY 3 Va 4 Vx.Rt;l Hw dW Kti.IWvH Vl C?ritJ.BaH Vcta. a la lianvta,ltdUa KrrrhjrSa)aJ.CtoWV MJM.Sa)i4 Mt caait M$anr'.kMj'kT.

real arVaaV lrMr ?aiitr tMrVw a la bacrr

iVai5, vastltot. Kurtw f aB ifmif, era rtto f

Vrt l"WJi! asd LeevnaiV.Hpic U ant ,Wrt rf rrWk pilr,3rt a

JTftwtjf A, w,, nf.7 A. P. THAYER. Prfntr."

.JiJai K JbltLjCjl. V JSltSJBl toiKaa.


Engrlissli Gorman. ASD



Shirts, Shawl, ITaJ. Ubreik,Sstetile Bridle Spars, I?lanVs.rancy tJKnI, Perfnmorjr. riorrers,

Hardware,Isails Rope from tolf in.,

Hamoa Gears,

Lager Beer, Ales, WhiskeyBst KtoHfck Hoop Iron

for Barrels and Keg-s- ,

Xaniebaire ami Stafifnr; Salt,Candres. Corks, "Water Fihrs,

Salt Peter, ate afce.

r Por Solo Ijow "toy


PORK A fear barrel firstMESS tt .Vm Part, tor tale kyr atoms a co.

HESS BEEF aad OreronAMZRICAX Park, iataa Amikal Piaai Parkat aaat ar aaarr aaat. far aaa ar


CALIFOKXIA BRICK, California Lime,Far nto V

.7 B0LLS5 A OO.

PAI,Jia Sit:'11 J?!SL 03, Kaitr Xaae. !ttoct:

ai u t- -j lmr rmit toar--Ta aaaaaaaatat Star Cam Paiaat." jaaa rr.

rraVrd and fcr sar tor (7'. BOLLKS 1 CO.

i XCBORS tritk itaa tecV' te aaar tocsar aaaes:. artoatk aaakaa tae aaa i mi

l . toa( aecaiaat baaSanaaatar Wrtla. kaaat ar tatr aaai. for aato ky


OHAIX CAB LES If at-- kar. Eafc. Hat faaka.;Kj H at. kar-- KbA. ft Eatka.; H fa- - kar. tattMjj baha.; f fa. jaaait Gal. m fattot : J iaekEA. a tea.: J- aaat faek efcafa fa Itaactka ta

Iz kaaat ar aaaT caat. tic aSr kr7 BOLLB5 1 CO.






HARDWARE,&c, &C, t&C.

--rsct onrc- -

Portland Cement.FOB. SALE BT


TO HE2iT.THE HOUSE act prrci'ie,

X. Ut Tasaeai Arraror. at aanuatinn n aay aa . Xw ttssu, aaa. ran lllaai rma

ttot inr. af AfarS.Ikn Ttt BaaaK aaai tai Jill Sa. Ilf ataaaaar.

IWfnstaratoaxavoayta C- - 5L 'Srn.t.IAMSJ. H-- arOOB.

. Fea- - irk. tSft I




aa Bj itc .u "d Aal ja --t itnat Haaaa a aaaaaaj otr-rt- f a t4aa, m txrr s I

1 iSira, law I aaa ai Eaaoa K. StXTXCXtoIdkiraaarsi a raasaa auto tt aaat "t Sate tame. :



sinuorr CAt-r-ix- c to etajiise ta.ii toac ate af Titoitoa mr l. a.saraje. aaaaaay aaabatitort Uetot bad Bar7.

smesr- - r aoraw; xasr-a- o mxm. aaat XaJiai lotVkm. av bfkr atom Cart aat r rVataee. at 3m- -

rOasiaMSr oioe tt yrrara aa anta aU ata-r-

aayraa X- - aVxlfJX2Lntarferraaw. gaaatalx

To Let !

TTE PgEJlIJEg tiTBLTaau. d rKajRa at aat UaVitoa am

atmiimf Zaaa. aaatr tf a aaa rS larreta.Tliaai "

jVLSaa ScrsasaaC ecesaaa 70301 tooasx.a55-- r.taaaT.St arcsSrCaars Saak. .r; K. K. WHITHET, riiEiitr. s


ltr V. aVDAMS.




An Assortment of


lVincy Urlniai, IVoolcn nn Cottonltlnnkrtv.

IVrcilv HU-kor-j- Strtpr,Pants, Conts, Undorehlrts,

IVivolpn nrt Cotton Shtrtu, HocUa,

Handkorchlofs, Stockings,

Cases Kerosene OH,Cases Card Matches,

JIcM array's Fmh & Spkfd OysUrs,

.ortHl Tiahlp nna Vic IVn 1 1

An Assortment of Groceries,

Crockery and Glassware,VrniHjlnjr rnper, T?n., 'I'olincco,

Etc, Etc., Kt- -

K. T. ADAMS. AH'r.

HOUSE A-V- IiOT!Oil Alnltcfa St..

I On Saturday, March 9th,At 12 o'clock M., on the Premises,


;g...!i.0.L.saad dewtbtd ai Mhal :


OaiBtaiar; at tit North earsrr af the kt anI" meet, taaaiaj: Soatk-earterl- y M r K fret aJaar;

hit : latare $atli-a9ttri- T iS frtt S iaetota

alaos tax laai of KaJaaki aat Niaa : taaaee XatU-- I

"HlrHt M (tet 3 iaeaea alaaf tae Uad sf Paaipaai :' theaee y 47 rtt atone AlaXra atrrtt ta, l& e af eaamtaeraeat." WH& lka


' aaJ tarda VaMlatk alUaaaatvlal I aVAk ttnTX !TaTaaaVfsBti watt tt laid or. u tbr yrtteiw aed ttotra art aalhfag

eavTeeiraeea. Ta Tari ia rraated with a Tirirtr af! araaaaalal trtea. aa4 a aaWtoatial knrd ftste far--

raaaalt tat ah) lot. TERMS AT SALE. I

Far further partaralars. toetra afE. P. APAJTS. Aaet'r.



n.tRco.iL inovs.caa aa WaAaaeTato, kaas Ittaa toea.

rtaata aTirr, S.M. 4. i, .NrvOQ NtvOakrUrrraa,Oafc Bttau raraova aisra tor ccttatrra.Meat tVctlaeo' Crnarat.EaftiA Fa . aaaarr aad arrli.ranaaao. ttall aad lexUlBaoet ia rairrla.Sa45 Iaraa7?.a. It '. ra

Kkka BWy tatoe le aak az : ar ra!n.a II. H.VCKFELD ti CO.

X? TXT" "Vr"P T. "QivaiU.au.ajaj aj jtkrfta S7llr5W ti

Choice mwmPERFUMERY!

TJiTROVIZED BT AI.I. THE TTORLD tBUMBL E Ikaaarladaaaa. Taaaaa. Haaaa, Jatkte


- aarj aaifaaiinT Iaaaa i r. Eatran f Uaao Jaara sad Sloraraao, tk M' aataai ili.a tor tkt Hair. taaaariaRj ai varai rlaaatll.

' cJnSr' tunmvl AaoBaaaa Ba- -

aaaaaaOorrraKHoaary.WaaaWaarfTta Tt toaat aTaaar. Ciatast aad Itorat Oaetotm. rrry

aaaaaar tor Ma aaai aajrrj,.! ataaaaoTaTaiora. toi Wat. agrt ad raaor ToaaH rt.diiai

to K. H. rho il?;Waaaa. M .lint IS I ml atraat. aaa Saa: IT kaahml tta ItiHiai. Fataa. aad Kbac!

krtoaaaaa. al nutaanij Tiaton. ttIilarsliars Sale !

TX VIT.TTS OF A WRIT OF EXECUTIOK 15--L tact Vy tk Sapresa Caart af tk Maarafias

afaa a JadraMst araiart tkr. araprrtj aft.T. XOHOCA. tareatat. tot ra ttot kaaat af CkariaaKtkaK. Atsiautnter. dart adial fa Xzraatiaa. fa

I farar fJoka Skaar. adtiataT fa rlLuatiaa tor Part' Haattrt aad Uty aia dadlan IMaa). I kata leat--;

at aaac aad rkaU exaaa far aal ta tk aiftont kU-t- tr

Oa Tsaratay. tkr Ktk day of Maeek. A. D 1J72.ad i: aeaaek aaaa. aa tk artaaitta aaraatet aaa ?aittk

; Stmt, Haaatafa, ta folaoaiaj diiaiikcd yi,eiljS kaiaiala aaa. Bar kc ktki a kafa Apaaa. aaa ka

aaaa e pifi aaaafa Paaaraix aa teafaaariaaaitk. aaaaaka ka avaw aaa A-- tV. m 44 kapaai aaa kxaJaaai Saaak x ftTi aka i k S. Ktaivi. Afanls. A

M E. tap. ahS. Kratal a ady aka i ktabaaj a ka Hai t oil aaaa ka aaaaa. aaaa okoa. aha- -

2a. Ht ta. Ko. M (.12 kap aaa kt aiaaai Hal aaSlh i li Pa-ai-. Akufa, Ht fl HI ktall.

t-- ll kaa. x ki i ke tiki i kaasaka ai. eaaUtotat:2fxtket. Toearker aritk afl ttot kaamt tktrtoa

atoaraao FoImo tk. 1i i.mi iKtoraaa mmi mti rant aaat sj 5res aat Cii'iaiinaiai k Htraaaacrf aa--' tfataat W. C. PARKS,: Martial.j Hexaaaka. Fekraarj It . UT1,


A Large and Fine Assortment ofHavana & Cerman Cigars !

Xnrklali. Porto nico miKtxnaata .Smokio Toliacco,

xSVA Sain Lot of Terj Fine Cigarettes.




3Trentiaiio Pipe.CIsar JXoIder-s-, Jtc

Far Saic at tke OMert Cigar aad TaVaeca Startfa Saataafa, earxer cf Qaera aat Xaaaas StfaaW.t-t- H. I. HOLTS.



'SOW HERB PSOM ETJHOPE!Ex Ilark Jlalrlaa,"

3e?av Xaater, UC y, (race Braaaa, tke !ahakaajrata:

rXRVSllED SCCAH, In half-barre- li.

j BOOTH'S TOTLA)fI CSSTBafTTV Beax Aeraexe !ftCaart Mtot, MarX j

aaat vcaa .ar. ,' 1.; r'

Cfmt aTirlttaali Htaat, j

fia--t. Karnau, taaajaaa, THaakXaVariatiaaJ,ta VW trad.

Caaea RRDI3rr,ii.t pnt arp far ttoaJtoa arret far roy, kat lowraaaafadaaaaf ad j

aaortaftasaataaarlaiXS-- AB afrit atom afl ia raff aa Star at aa--y

tssnwf tsjmtyuJ.Vf- BOLUS A CO. ,

VV iXTl'tCCa, aa,

i at Htefal Cost- -;xfel &t aLvfj,'?arrricrt tetVasr Ctiex..i. r z jt r . Ifi


-- Sjt jSinles RoomON FRIDAY, : : MASGH 1st,

At 10 Inrto A. . aatlt b toMi



Prints of Varioai Fatterat,Dcalnt aad Bice CtMr

White CattMiiatiXaiMai.



(raKalAaA aaaa KaaABBBaW ltoaaatoaaataf to aj naaajanaaa) 4raaVtBaTaaIa

TaMti, OatH, iiiMmtf. tJmf. ttitHn.


One Second Hand Wagou and IlarBf??,

8d, 9d, 104, aad 20d Null?,

And .SfclnsVe HaB.AT K OTtOCK 00.

Five Cerman Canary Birdsnxs scrams.

C. & BARTOVT, Aact.

Administrator's SaleOf Real Elstsvto,IX WAIKOLOA. WtlMKA. SOt'TK KOIftU.


u3l.T .TJOTIOINriTIKTL'n OK AN ORDER iaaaat oaiBY of Ike Safraara Coawt a (too SaVtk itotr f Jaaaa.

arj. A. 9. 1TJ, will tor aaM MaMia Aaalaaaa at ttABaaaaa-Saaa- a af C. S. Baraaar. aa laa jtrraa.llaaahala. onSatarday, the Oth lar of .March, A.U.

at 14 a'elaaato, aaaaaaa,

AB tar rirlK. tatto. aaat aaHr.aa af ttoa atoaatot afMOBKKT a.BIT. lata af aaaaa la. avmaaaaa. at aaaal

ff.Walntaa. la Scaata Kaatoala, laiaavt af laawaaV. aaaMart aoBabtaag af Saeaa Maatoat aaat atojM Aataa.F " 7 .

T fnZTt aa ww aaaaaa aaa wm vaniai. aaaia aaa aaaaa aaaenaaaMa a DwaUiaa; aaaaa. tarliai Uaat laaiaaaoi.

a Tiaairy. Xaa aroparty aa toaaaa far aaa aeat. ta laara raatnac oa Iba Mk. aaf af taVa- -

Umhv. A. . 1877 X aaa of aa aerauaaa J aaarea at ta Aaettaa Maaaa.

Far fartkar airtliialara aaaara t J tiaiatnur af ttot tatato of Roaart Lan. Hoaaava.

C S. UaTOW.A , Jtn


iFaianu, TTaiahoIc , Dt. of Ko!aap!ia,KJLA.ND OF OaiBC.

U "JL'JL02Sr.TT TtXTVI OF A 5 OKDU BHIB nrTJL f tt SaaiaanCaartWtaa,!lit 17tk aa af Fakraarr. 171. aaai ka aaial at aaa-l- a

aaataaa, at tka aartiaa raaaaaa f C. $. Saaraaw. aaQstaa StrtaC Haaaial. oaSatKntaj-- , Uae 33rat day aftlana, .B. KTaV

at I'--t aiatoek aaaaa,.UI tka rigM. Ma. aad iaatraat af ttoa Iota a niSAMITKL JACOBS, tttianl. aa aad row ,i..nof Ua4. aataaaoat ia Waoaaa. Waaatoota. turn .1Koolaaaat. Irtaad of Oaka. Tk aalii yon aaavtaata af taa aad j.k2f acre of raa. a kaia toavd aratka taraQaae koaa lawwt. mat a, kaataat tor a tovaa offra jaara. fraaa tk lta tae of roataaar. Iltl. at a

"i" ka, .add aakjMI t tk. ka--a. Tk.ana imn aaaaaaao ae i.a aeraa of faafu aavtfaaaa laaa, at Ueakit.f fmfc aartJralar aaaliratiaa aaa ka aaaai to

J. W. Aaoba, Kxataawr of tk aaail --f hwI Jooxa.art I ttT'lW


llonolnlti Ice Maaafiuten!rpHK rytysBiniiXKD matix; iimrikX fraak aaaprj of Aaaaaia aaai aad, iianiaiamactaiaali ka atmat ajIBag ahart !a ta toaait.ICS aril ka Uniat ta IttalarCaHaaiiri aa tartota.

At fire (5. ceat perataaJ.Ortatl eaa ke eitea ta Mr. to'aa. Watkna. aka ka

tka aal aat taBiatj ra tbarfa. ar Ml oa tka aaaaa

at Tka. S. TktaH'i aad at Jaaad A Lapaaa av''VaKl'V BPaHK SaMt aataaaaaV CaaaaaaMaaW ara1arffatafS

tkt Taoaato. aiuaull aaakad. at aaaaa tadof box atd aaw data altil. Caat af Wi rafaa iavt Irataraad to tka Faetaty.

jttraferatara aat lea Bo aaa aaaaa ta nraW at aaa,

trlattrUttraai. ajrTIIFak. 71. 171. Ciaa


JEtLocCLla Hanclx,isi.a.vd ev nurAi.

roatlttlai; rakat7,000 Acres Fee Sfmple Laatf,

(SWyaJ Faral atk tka

TtuIIdlncia Ac Inapraaremaeaita thrrroa.aaapliaat tea af f I ilai a Uamdk aatoaaaaaaj. aat

5.000 XIradorCaftle. aaaaa ar laa.20 Itoroe-a-, Cartav, Xaaala,

L'tenaila, Jce. JtcFaraaiSaal'iii aaaato a

X. aaOrFKKLAaaiaUt A f 0 .

t kraaoia a

THAT'S SOIALL WORK tk Mc af4i li.chr. karrfajra aat Siairil

Tidaaataj--, Zpadraar,do . it aaaartat la a honor .ad oa

a"T '

rOHSALE.One Elegant Phaeton I

ar'atk akaftt aat IMa. aat Faaaat I ilirat.t--xi SD SrFMCIItoaMoSK A

NO. 10 1 NO. 10! HO. 10!!!ARRIVED AT LAST,

1NU'Queen 3ZZrnrrLzxlTMado Expressly to Order I

Aaaattataf LtSIS' KI 9LOTM-rkta- t. ataaatkat fcarahaaftaaaaaataai aaaatlaVafaaL

EXAl Jf J BETS A aad IS?taTI',5. TttTita X tlfiatj tf mMOMaaaa 1 Xr IWatirkiaai. it ok ia atajaiMHt atk 'katraor tatto ad rko LadJtro V 10 it;


Administrater'a Katiae.neniiinr citk sfr-nc- r.,..,.

taat afIlaaaaa, aatoaaff af to araato aoaaa aa toaaVR

dlilamaiitii araa aoaaoo IfUiaaafe. ft 7 tvTZ

Notice of Assignment.VYrifaTREAf.TKWAKTHAXII.T0STT tmtWt af Si ilrti. aaa tkaijaaka ofoata.

aory, a. a. arx aoaaay aaw

taay tajad. ruttmm a . at aaaaai an aam aa

'iawt .art ,, at at at toiat a o aaaaa aa .wfira aaaCaataf aataaa laaaaaati at tk Maaoto affiara,r1la"

nakia Coaeotat liiatotl aa alo ' o yor rat' m -- aWkWtoaV-jyWr"iAd.'tl. "E," ?IH0l, Ltiafet. I e4ta. aeaa--y id. :n .laalxixo

Page 4: feefo GAZ FTP · 2015-06-02 · fNC IJH MMI TMMt MM MjWX BM&. A. L. BANCROFT A. CO, ySJy &MM BMlat9PML jrcsiSEy, yr-p.p.-& co, rVAE3ere X3 C 0 HZISSIO 2T MEB CEAXTS, Facttaad, Urcp

Mctcejcotos c TnM

km Wa

al Stathlx. r Carf-- DxrJsl SettL

law af aheottaa; tc tmL Tawraeoe-Us- tl

saaris mi 2 VIck p. ta.JAXCART.

Ha. ' ran--

l.lv. ".!S.J - safest 9 19 5JS..J - I 3 q4.. 1Mb .- -'

a) 8? M-s Mat 6?5.. - twMmfr 34 79 S

yiiiMiLH" 1. W)f 0Mlf fc? 75

m.. y.s. - 3919 ? SO1 71 l

It!! - na. ...j 3 Mi 79W i

M.J - -U.A - aaaatsak. Ma - at J 2? tK.- - i ata sfc. cars . S

Ja -3 M a

t K a' 3m . M

as. v: s3CL. 1 1


t. Sv'. T. X. Irek MIK. Kirn. ;H)

4 r M S. 3"5N W 0

IT iS S.; 3 1. a

12 ? aM..tt..B.aptaBHr

- 1mS:M..NS.Mta:..: W 1 W S5M- - - - " M lSi SM.. N-- iii. B.) Miiil. t 3 19 SK.. abMM lct - .- - - .

r-- uir. Bute JiirSk.l -2t.J

...J itt a- Mfcc ..i- - m .. .?9 aSt.. - 3c I'THrfr. !

St.. X.&Bel,tlr..... 3 ISJaas." - - "II iMK 9aVWaSt.. " T! Si



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aa. Iat.. " S U 'It IS 5 a

3a m3K..I - ; nag

'iiiniitaf Ma hachei .ftFOREIGN NEWS.

tTKPSA2r.Untr, Fh. i The is af the ares ac the

J lit mi i cMaaf a aachtr aate&kat. xfci ifftraw to the QaKwm'j ifeecfe to aaoaia toe the

aftniar af the stoat tote he the

Sa3hMraf Satoaaaf hu ttofaaato$ fcassaje:- naiMaa ahats: hu bTaa. atoTantfafVi Maitot to the Asraasa

aet horx- - hiaes ajMttjMaa. X Cafe

U hHMel: hat tab paaat KCBShf,

ft tmt BmJ to atoai. Iijaay- - hf oat aVatf." TheSimm toL.r k iSatt rjkaS the aErac ta taerr tt

hit mi aaficaaXr eaae ahartiac, mt hfJht faate st esbbc UMtr ahKi to Atoeakx.

TtojlMil ihagacnaae i.iaai" arfcar. the

tab tiaa.faaaf




. m ..an af Till iimaf H nai hitaat rfaea r xteteMt: The tsea o

'i li sst touats; SatlaV aaOae af Swaps the

ri lib i. aaiatoil to tsajesscf"Ta

hreessds&i.a.resai"abk.ttiethe aajuaanu vaath ks

teeteg ahabsst&st barraci af are aiefifitliI hit i H hiri i f af msarrtrn-- Tt toea.L Iiiac cntf rrfer?a las

ii toaa aeir-anrE- x TritaEtl, ato hfcfe-C-

to decaats eacttbscc transact, tatasgt aaaeuxMi; ac

aWisrsatbtociaaeitasi nsaCcx-to xs therttore tfce

taf aVUaatel Sttos jxatesrsx.cac- -

touiii ir. IbStsxZ eStScs. to t .

I . 1 1 T Ml ililj eVTTTg aal cr---s

tL,u-- i tsa eraato ht fagr. S

f.acaraaa ?asaraicse see. she rkrfeeersaf ate eaaaCy. ia the .lOTnr. fatjraosdieatoi rsrrrsxss. inE to tteasxse eC Irrical. jtssbscs sic 'fair cf

to tmsa Sa ahr fetaVC. Mc Sije rsrtisnSin

reb SsraeacierrfisSaiot: rxShnji fcr rir sexbcara tic-- jm cmr --i Sic tieSrsrv

til rr V rM. aBTna t' " 'i in Vr llr r rrTi r. rr--r

..rn"S. r rasst

beer tete the CWiaetst: Mrwc asiMattered hroaVt orrr Earor. It lb tetcaUoc

' fe t stoke mnctiM UpoJW, ae atethoi tMchose arhach ald preer aaorr cfttttrc.

PatOf. Feb. & final tatecv- -t fe tvtt here le the! dfcevtsaa af She Ahrra Mm ah"" rasacttj Scb . 4 tie rra fe xwxbcd sack

The nSrhc af "iSmhiK Ctwfcttr Frritrt h tetbehxaataftat StnneMt 2 SWCTV"y am .siatani - -

MTO IWWHt".Jtutatax r. v-i- wTti

abtartoatw to twmUaaa. aad ebwart wit fa-

de) an laauasttewsal Saetoty. ntrwtwrfttt aiajaabatina atoaa-raaawttw- it.

gahLajhatlaa i paM hare to sad the








"!!... 'a


?aM -

toe uaanfatOto




. Mk( FtalkOTf the w- - - -- -i

! nunMwal at CeU. niM..i.ii tw r ,111 WR. He M V ku

hnrndwatenMlfShRk c AfrfL Kc

wk ktH aleW hr the Jnmc! Sir CkirtfJ I

tU. wtek - - - - - & .

: ... . 1 . , I

the tmt Ikt vwesaf 3kt LtiJ at j

:trttt te the AWlnaM cfak. HeMlike Mrt

tt At T the frkf SrfiU AMrtl, Iphc i

cw OtwlBwr tynfcg at ilfMw f IHriw.L--t Utljk JteWt U aiiMwiHlkuwewarLcfcar. gaechc fa reTfyrM(iitMCnnfWnatt,tktIf m the f! K Jbj. 7ht A.fWr fett--nMBc:i.a4iK Itar the wMMLhaat f xyivt

i le wn the cowtor

C"" AMOBcfll l tick. W 3t dlSfTTWEJ.

asuiicjot.Xnrrt,Ii-Th- e eBKV

tiKVtSc:tMittHTifec.VawcuiiU : t3Ae ftrnfuii: n.imlfc.- -

k . . . . u. wJM

Ulautot M e ftt ef the tn n.The nm r; tto the t he Brftfc &T

uiiii aiheamhtf f to Aawriew.Tr ?H-- vr If 7i- - U. XcW

hidlt Lim J tiehtra! frag the Tnyf WtA--

hem. RfeMt the CriSei StoSes thst the

hihAhrtT itmr!.Ihe n it hKte as V the J tiliiilratiecMwnMMfok TkhHrjtoeto awteufatUmm t ft thfe umami ay. K the Tieeer iy

;iMlhciHh;veHctthe ttoc the rxesaieat i

zmt hk KtitMn tow haaefcrf iasmi iiIWi I at Boaart. Co nukt,

toahg- - 1r"t-- tag. , i tflii 1 Or. Jahi'ia,fcaaai hra the BkW) aaarttu. thechfe vmt, mixfiemaraVeatkfen throat. The ae at theBiieer wat Miw Jahatar'i wttwal to aangr May

the autuu ilN that itmmmii ttegiri, hetheaw. tW bvkklWrKtoHBiv kr

.VaE- - a thaa Wr aacher zmi mot hercrer the heaaV laaWnc: jcrr fraat 'torh vac h

BcaaVa athuM the frraat riet,

, V A 2Hhw :fM taj3farfi lailj ajiinaai m .L.alaUaa, hkhnansi hjrtht Hale to the OnMriHK ac"Wt '

aM l aat aaeet aitfc aaarh fcear la thatOmialtlii ft fe sait Br the atajiarjr; mt j

the Caaatatoape waaat at t inat tozaeat aatS iM tc asodaV the taraT hat heea

Mci. Bw- -. haweaer. fe aat ia,aiai aarawt M to tab aatwtiaa: hf tfceOaaaalttee j

CtM"v ia Teh. 5 The smbcs the '

the ! i fin km U tW pfner mi w Xr-- i SmI--mWi afiaVaMkiaVK laatafcti, OOBatJ, CttlftEXaaL OpaaCJ"

hax hato Ityfal aathtortaaM Wlaaaat"to J traafc. The

stiartiT ftat at Bajtou fra. aaiXcaat. aeaawat afgaas aattetuitiiai I. Saat-- ;

aaafe at i ahiia irc hmiiia, to the ;eaa ataat are itailuiaj, jw . thai ii.!.s enftanC an. fc hnMraeatM

tfe- - laaaiiliiiii i

aacthe naas hi an lalan. a ifre lifcuiac The hades the mrut see

shoeaadlf gaHtat xac tanacd. The saTfc

thtaOTt saaae a tin aaact. at the caacaidiacv rrratu to taiaJnn in hndt theatst.A taicS. haaue itiiaacaiifL aae eatc a. aale dfetoathat ftt vjaatovs enaff r 1; htoaa: aaa. tmi '.

'MtiLj afee i i Bin t 4. Crerjteaarali u na puiBi.Hairax. TehT Sl The aataaafiaai of the SaraV

arr the laws : ateaWfiACwmiianal tonpaatotolhe TreaVr mt 'Tashlsac tsaatofcaaaaeat here. It fe that sact.ifaeat

hr ihnn txejeaaattotaarTicSagfca, Caatnamal. i! fe tlnijU. aghe aaaafas. aa t!&e sa Auliiaa. xThe; 'iali waVeaayiaati .taut to theTra3r.

Thai vf taOtot aHk ia mmt eSttsaaj-abht- . Caa .'ihnM. aVtacgeTO 9mm tothe 'tajiai cat part.

2Cra-- Teas. Fe. t A tpseu! Lxeaea: Affvarketfi the Saw the Mbtar h

AaaixtofBRSBsi43rfhsr: 3:1 TnrKT ml jtfanecsat cten zm

BHehecvaeESafhaHi aad the faatot liili ; aatK b kaartei Chat the ssaOrsf to feDt valtvsaatotSstssaastsarkhtsf aatotaf ate XarHr. Saasfate sscaswsiaf ate KaCmEtots e

km heart af mr t"Tar-biirTa- a

TrtitTxggifcag;keLc.to. a; arhsher to ate tiihjuu hj ebhc

aaeanxhe atet ahg- - aoi aaker sseaahea aa" Cawc- r-

7T mmf t. r ifj in r i Hit iiiMaariiTtmAtamsfmp. Aitat b xb at to he ate iFnmi ni iiaai af thaeeaa Bumiii jbitjBJUt, hege

z3rtckw-as-a aa AaBOTerff vae3esc aca axscc. exrszscrjessxs'wxs mmf

ioggSeaStAWi in Hi 1.

at WagtaslSfeiag6j ta 5carr af prxyes-- ; bat iacT x paarr

Sftaser sml x riau,; fiu-- . sh rrszk of Itar'taar vxf sasfee aW Mil

saserrrasi Laci avzi is raas; tstiss:stor i af . 1st Ttatr bsstiej iLt4 f x. taaaiitnT I

rrarax sssfesVf fe rerr emt4i2 wr aba s?raW. i

Sasrsfitm A nrsrtnir njkus ?iauu f

lv!rfe&SB liMcas. asa k&if Trrfir.Kr gskir rcfl r rj. $r- r-

TaatotSfaaw refcsc to iihhiai thear chae fee ?&cr: T!e Trstf af Waaaaaztos hu t.iinftfirt to VSe jaas. ietarr utfat. penhrPt, the tesaas thit k fesackaeaaix

" 7fcS rtaatoi- - araat theXeaaes x aar tocncaat&. serjJtatTyartio.

TkJaV3cxnraHtae ht Varerwti ItfeTrtomr,ettoetaeeliati tuaiiafhlLc the af TiiThaaial trfi cx-- oar 1 "' iaTJ that the teas-sec- af aa. to

ye arfec. atot the ti m ' to Ceatw aif tate tfct Arhtoattot Cwan -- m e- - to Mhtor; ahH

ta aeecee afc teahgea a a teufa aqir.iMi.- - to ese m ecaato aatsaec af toe aspsciaae thatthe CraaaraaaeaC. nBi af the iacrext&f haae at the eas. A 5afc- -

aWSaaabaVCherahiStos Setor aaavtos Taaartto eMbc ttejnhr to fcr-- r sr Htttent. aroi fct ac heat ate . A e&iiet far ailfrirr oaeuco. rramat heiLJv- -j W 1 1 r rii"iri z tti"' i" A ri'imh' ill liMa ie: aha

tetaSJaaHj i mafi liia'hfttiatBMheCaitotStiSe es aa liasJaeaaat afTaeJrCaKaeraSaesiasatocetdraarer tferOare rdLarc SSe cectt aarxfMEufiais.

r ,ttoe

into thecx af

Mi all torabrAblmeatei.a.wabtaVracsttayt:

tTaatot SSaas 3srjiaaeLBtat af the rs

AsMlarKaESlfes; ifersieShe


jpet to tfe af

aatottriBr their ittst igraC

drees afeSrret teisrs.


II sr

ThetiacgeBmianr cf

rtSan jetessdatxa bav.tfii

eab af

Ji'Vi. aaircf


i flu, t--i1 --tt

rtjtt-r- .' i rra



)aewn(tm-- i



,ioul in kc cm











aK J




Moatmm-fa- e lM



ohiStote. xaicb




VTTtnrtr to





x le







"Will DBe Sold LoaaTO

Close Consignments.C 11 O K S ,

Ait aaes,Axlei a:i' Saxn.

AsHb.jgELTI"G, Knbcer and Leather,

Sap.l! S JiiaeV

Sarka.SaOen, (hr!) 5 $

Sirrri (Vw, BihTir,BV- - FiKiien.

Saoer fefattti.

Bvr VstU a4 rae-Seaf w htrek.

5eot fcit aa jWrt.Bukets ?ar4.

BthhhmXetUt.9uihf-X- ut.

SrimtXtM. S.-n-l,


KXITES,Gfe. hie ui eahle.

' OaMntoR aat Te&.Cavatx. Mm ui wWto.

Mt He. Oeis.Cue. mi aH.

OaSre Baherc. CtjVim.s CilV?. CaftnTj.

Ciiw. CWrr;,OarcStir.

Cuts ire Vui. aaa ai ir.Owli-- abaftfe,"CaatcPthU,

ar; SWals,Ukl far vaM.


Cail-Sh-Me uaiCks LMe e,

CesKILLS aci Dtain.

Sted ha, brnt t s t,eanu fcaat 1 to

Piet frlai;. str tiHrf.

JJLBOWS aci Ts,Exact! Sa-ri- Zlr. Bl.


rUnefc.J. LAS S WAR E f

ettiifef. zxi 1 zObs.

da5aai-- .

oop inox,HiaehitF Aits.


Sateea, far erai loi tlankc:Haea Ciaaaa c?. i

Sihtarf.KaW. i


Bab aate-ar--

Baiaajj Bab,.

JROXBeiler cd Hoop

JAMS-ActraKa-n, 1 li,Jaak Gamaxe.

a5la L 1 xJO G CQAIXg


TyicRos copes,jOtenl Paaato.


7"AI L

SaZt r&as.

Q I L KereeTpsaBaf ajleeil aadl freak

--Tain.f,Oi YaS ji.


JpLOWS aX str,?h Faaitiv rti-Alr- r,

Puttor Saahec, aTaj.TaAteg Breati. Pack tuaV,

F2esarree. Peas frees.g.Wg!ato.Feffw Saaee,

Pan Pari.?5r.

JJITETS, Rikhrr BeHi:c,i torSaf 3aafaal Asts,

Saaar. Smr Barli i.Pie.

Sffii, x,-- . Sade.

tJJTOrES, .ifrtri ilyl,


SotSsSamamx,Safe lalrT.

aft-?- arhr bkai at leafe. are.I

Sfcxe rmt, rratoer,rarf rt Vmmf,


1' T.i'TMaai jton m T.i.Tirai.lfe?luri.

?mt, aceayTaaii.sisj nsbi. aac.

rZtat Ilbr-wx-.

yULTlA5 BED,Txrsss O-i.- -.

Tfoepr, Vifij--


'oSeel Jxrto. aiaVu. 'SStoe VemL wssJbsr.gre tl art 'rrifcc. 'lRaj& Baares. 'Taia Saw.

"aXer Cbiiitl. ',

' wTxb 5mf.trkasa Vo. I


1 l

Teas PrvxerJ.

glSC, dfce.

a 3SEWEE & CO.





0Mistis Sa Fart cf

Piarrt all i- -l FVitirf.Ttntr,'kMt.aTtIJl AuviaVrMt.mstelt,

aa Ortr i4 V.i walFhtmeb. Hxt BlcVfJ Skrmc. .

Thaafo" Glare-fiMi- e Cor.AaaaAea; IViv Jr5. nll tji&l Uateae4 Otto.

A Snp'r Ass-'-t of Stationery.Wt Liaol Xate riper.Vhhe Ratoi Kate rir.W.ht ISM LaM Leu'. Let:r i:J T.W rarer.

ITMte. Car awt AaaVcr at Letter aed eteBaewVtt..

rajwe's laaetiUe.aaa Catter'a OfIscIbV,Attfetj Jt BeV.i.rfti FVxiMe Ka4t,Ssb Jt ffesn'i retail a CrijTi,Hair Cirtlu, SHrrafs i Leather?,

ifi free. Crwers xai Grntlet,OaV Kthia- -. Street BtK3t.TcJI Faeet5.Lasp Stack.

Italian Packlnc Itcc jLcntfacr,

Paints, Oils, &c. t

Wifce Siet A Le J. to 1, : t tS & eettataer i

Txnt aad Chraaae .rrea.CkremTeHev-- . CaVr. Siesser, I

, Fateat Arrer. VenaiUiaa.irwtbf Prejjias, Bite. BMdin ef Fsltr,

Carriage and Coach Varnish,Brickt. Capal aad Faraitare YareUi,BaaVd Lia.eed Oil. Taraectiee,3iaaai BUekizr. CeCec MiUj.Axe. ritk.Sietre. Ada, Hee, 0,Uaavser I Chijet Haadk.VTat Cri-- . Saddle;, Iuteled Traakt,

Coopers' Tools,Cwitrs. Uewelt, as4 Ciatsperiss K&iret,

Carpenters Planes,Fere. Scuti, Jaek X Ji!jn.Cht yafc. J. t. 6. S. 1. II. I. 34, 4, it aad

i. Bat Xaib. 1. lj. 1; a t Itei.Frw.--ri Xa. ill; iaei.Caarer KheU, t. T a S As,Gaarer RireU a Ban, i. i.11 fact. GiaapTaeks.Irea t CaaVer Tact; af iM jlttj.Beit KahWr He. i. 3. 1. 1 a 2 Ireb.Ceeuatsral. Varafek. PatsU Whhe-Waa- hxe& fereh Era-e- j. Ce'd Tia Piili,i.I.:. Z.l.6. t Itaaant,Carered Paits, BeMert,Duh aad Mill Txst.Jeu:sskt3. id-S- ir. T feicjtj.tteeJf ,Haaeerr. Oaart?. Sart. CWfb,Alter". Si-r-e. Liaae aeeiers,Tard Stick?. Base Starten. Axea,ShaTeb. Spada. Oes. Laaters?.Sarle Bene. A aid 0 Flv aaiFatstf. Fatii Ffcw. extra hearr aid .rre- - -Frataxide f tra. Faia KSer.Fabad5 Wtite Fice Caaaaacad,FaaV. Ta. Btncu. Etc.. Ete.

DOWNER'S KESOSENE OIL,Frs the Bcetas ITacie.

And Many Other ArticlesSS- - CALL TO BE SOLD LOIl . Sst


Brit. Bark Carstaner"


"VT EWC.VSTLE Siaithr Coal,i njm lhatir'i are Fire Briefci.

Arch 4I taw FSre CHy,Zi Sescaeda Ciwdjlatf,Tt tar Fir Inc.

tm uk IM LaaMed OB.ncaake Bach Varaah,

etorhK WkaVLU,

i ttoe TatWw Paaat,IS na Ucht-rr-m Pafc.t taae Bae Patot,

Um VeMChs Bed.S taw htrt Bad Lead.HbhX.S. Sreaa Paiat,3toM Btotk Paiat,i IBM Chrm Yol..

U aawe Salraaimi Carraratoi Itae,hasto Cars PWar,

to Ler Thn imit CaediU,r caH Wxed Fbkh,Aaae Jaw.

rto gaeett aasee aFeseaa.to ra aaiat Seateb hThMrr,WiMiOiM.i,Efjraefh OH Settch Whekt-j-,

1mtmAt Hum's Beaaa,1 ar ub BasahV f OH Iriek W&bkej-- ,

i ajrxk See Pafe Sherrr.i tt aery aae daI ahda DeaaaJaiV Bnadr,

caaka Xancu't sUr Pak aad Iaaam Air. ta e aatdrj.to a mt a

Also, per Bark " RIalYina,"FROM BBEMKRB A.VKN.

To o Slxortly:3W euer St. Jafiex Cbret,tohHeLaxerBrer, " Aad. MaBer," fa latj.r tab a da he aaeta, hck

tab Pale Ah, "H. OieaVrs,'7 aaartr,HW h aator,Ti etaee 3aHlarf ?rter, aurit xsl tasb.Wcuiiii' Pak Ah,If etm edbh Ah,Kea,l daxeaeh, OK Caxax,Sieaaer raErxtet, I dx exec.M eae Sarakaaeer Yafekej,

IS xrrea on EaBax-i'- f Sb,WihResKf da haeaata,IM-- loflrli ts Balxat 6s, to toa&e latd.j,

T-- cms Btxacj,Hd4esahu Strwr Aloahal.? exH( SacaBaajg Wk-rt- er ,

khb Strasr Beiserxra. San,IS etfti Chcaae,Moaeee Bsihesrr,rt cam lAaftaaggek,

S exfes Saes4xsa Bitten,IScaaer Pahi?erTj,12 exrea panVfee.

k Cfeoics Asswiment of Diy Goods.


Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins '

CitL UX2m "d " 5mlr'


t, a i ctacaeis ifo. 4oth.

Salmon Direct from the Packers !

T) EST Colcabfa Rrrer Salaoa piactjsraf .

A tsri. tr "?sikijhtrr tW sab by -WfLLrS A CO. I

iiiii. Spera Gicdlrj.Giffj, tie, 5t:G3 do St. frarrastas! mtsK. For Sob hy

Oregon Hams,IXXIVrB PE2 - FALiCLSErSa? irri Str ril?r) fry ft 30LLESAC9

Columbia River Satmon !

X rxaws-- f as r ao a tarx ae rie nlr-- far rate ayt 8QU.ZS A CO. i

xALiroRrJTAv CHEESE far aale trrQ gOtLBg A C. j

Hawaiian Hess Beef F.

fim: BEST ARTICLE is tSru xxzrfcet,f X tor aab hy 't BOLLS? t 09.

j Russia Bolt Rope,l S50STED SIZES for iIe br' A I st CO.



England, Germany & France,-- cassisTiss r- -

WHITK M.K5KlLt.KS, BKP QVU.T?. WTiHeOttaa Tatth TxweJ. ry Lfnea HaeK

Tawri?. While aol tlrer Cottra Haek Toweh, lloraitlantfli.Ktlttaf Btaakets ta all waol mi alleaMan,KaW Broaa Oaltaa. Wait MaJtpoUnt. Valetf Faeej- EBtUh rritvla, kalea White Gnnml YmU.

Valet Fritted Brilriaau. cft rhite Brilliastj. e!eiMa)e;Via. White (Xten Drill. lllf Maea it,

AV Liaea IVill. Kales Blae Cmtaa. halet Brae Flan,eel. eatei AVkite Lieen DecV. Vail ttarege af all eal't,SB: Creoa iice fr Vallt. MTJiite Caimrr. Btaek Me-ri-

aaJ ThiVtl. See Biart Coearc. Baralheaj, Baat-r- r.

err4 Uti Pnilj. Waite Jacectt. Molt Moj--1,

Kaiasaalt. Vktaria Lawaa, tmted MHn..aHMaeaa;ar. ltlaek. Wkite a Brow a Llsea Thread,White 0r4ta Thread: Heavj- atnl eilra wide Ttekhc,lliir-tan-h Seatiajr.Blaek Oilhh.Ure.T Ijem Drill.Harreek White Catton L5; Oath. Creehet Ottaa.Valea Dlae Drillior Heaee White Crdaroy. Amea.lea; Tis, Italiae Clotkt. Blaek ad Blae Bread.e)4h. HeatT White Otton Bed Sheetiac. CashaRredee. Carpet mad Tapettrie. Tapa Cheek, riprCaahne. Sileia$,4ne WhieLiisea. Ladiea Carreta.Bo?1'? ",iITH",".i,B T u,i1"S?,M ' l",aad Silk, aadWhite CottPB WaJJirg, Zephir Waal, Saddle Cbtha,Siaek Creje, etc.

GBOCSBIB8.Freneh Pea ia Water. Freceh Feaj in Baiter, trai

Feat aad Carroll. Aiaarac5. Swap Bauillr. MeekTattle. Jaliea Crah. Kidaer. Fowl. Oxtail aad llareSap. tial . r Tncmt, Braatwiek Ltrer. Maihraan,Weatphatia, Italia, Cetttlit, Saa-ar- ?. etc., Cttrraat,Apas aad Kajherrr Jedliea is ar?,"StrVeerT, Cnr-raa- t.

Kaifherrr aad Carraat Jaice. RajfkerrT V (ar-ea r. eases Nixed riekitj. ricaliltr, Obims aai Gher-ti- a,

Lrabarg acd Swiss Cheese, harrrlj R,e Fhnr,Sear Cahharx ia ker, krrs Salted Braactr Kabl.Carlr Kehl.ties Braaaer Kehl ar Carlr KehlCahhsgekea Datek Herriacs. kta Salted tiermaa StriagBeaat, Vfjrs Sailed Tatkish Feas, Canary aed RareSeed, destrhat Yellow aad Greta Sprit Peas, Sir-4et1-e!

aad Aaeharies ia pateat glass apd tia Knxes,kes Sahreter. eases Sweet Ot). Westphalia'llasas.kept Rcssb Sardiaes. Frteek Frases ra frlass. Sairr-c- a

Ftrs ia gUss. Zaate Carraals ia tias. Maseit Rti-s- h

ia tias. Capers ia glass, glasses Freserred Latap-re;- s.

Raasta Caviar is pateat boxes, Caadles. Saltva.ter Soap, Freaeh Choealite. eases CaofeetioaerT,Manipaa aad atker Saeetaieals, Vieepir ia deal-bh-

asd harrclt, Grecerr Paper aad Bags, etc.

vv lues, evicts,jEPox-to-r, jbc.


is easee. RHIXE WIKES ia ease, taek asGeiseaaeisaer, Hoekheiraer, Xiersteiaer,

Badrskeiaier. Deideshei sr. Bekeeatei. all warrant,ed ceaaiee. Medoe IfI aad 15t ia eares. Saateraeaed Haat 5lit. Cases CLARET ef other brands,rack as. Ckit Litares, Larraarr. Leorille, Ckaasber- -

tiE. Cases Port Wine. Sherry. Maraehiaa. Malt Ex.Iraet. Nrdhaaser BraKtwela. Scotch aad Irish Whb-- ikey. N'ardhaaser Easiaei aad doable Kase(, Swed-- ,ish Paach and CekUiI, French Cjrcae, Aacoataraaad Bekaaip Biliers. best aad read HeUaad Gra.iailaii Holland Ota. casks Brandy Gib aad Ram,Deetjea A Schroder's star hrani Ale in pts aad qts,Xerwegtaa Beer in pu and qts. Marian's Draft Ale iaeasks. Aieehal ia deasgohns acd kegs. Seiner Water.

OTHIlYr,Ladies' Bel aad Beaaets. new styles. ChaVirea'j j

Bat aad 6ati Feh Hats, nrw stybs. Ladies.' Cttt-drea- 's

aad 6eat5' Sloees. eabred KM 0 lores for La- -

dies aad Geats. Saapaadert. Sarterf. White PiaaeVets. Sae Blae Sacks. Blaek aad Blae Cloth Paats.aThite ack Sacks. Paats aad Vests, Onean aad

Sacs. Prima Paati. i$ared Molcskia Paats,lf.aied Vietcrb Paals. Silk Ueabrellas, whaleboceflraaaes extra sba, Ladiea Silk rabrellas. Brown aad

toe Cattow) rathnOas, a eaanptete assart of Gaatshaaea aad Paper Cobrs, Xrcktit,. Mea's white aadrrej heawy sasia-'- j hatf-he- c, an'i aad toys, kearybawa eattsa wis, ladies saperi-- r white ttackisgs."Matba aadershirte aad drawer, extra, fifes, browsaattoa aafcsThiitr. pilot reeiac jaekets, voakey jack,ab, wataepeeaf coats, white eottaa hentmed handker-thie- b.

sapeibt white liaea aad Uwa baadkerehieff,axwnaiac haadkerehiefs. calico asd sadapalaa shirtsaad other sasaeroas articles.

BLAXK BOOKS, sack a? kdrers. joa rails, daybooks, cash kaoks. stwk books, aeecaat hooks.

books. cte b&oks, book folios, oetaee be- - ks.BBI, eap aad letter paper, pees aad pea holders, ink,taajiai presses, etc. ete.

IPaiTi t?5 eft; oil.wTaib bad aad xiae, black aad greest paiati, lin-

seed ail, sheet !exd, cfe. ete.

Melodeons, Iron Safes,


Beet eaa de cstog-e- . pofaatnau, hair ail, See y,

tolilt saapa, etc- - etc

MISCELLANEOUS.Case wbfcaacb aad btwy artscWf , tayi aad datls,

kabee. hatcher katrea aad pea karrer. water j

soaks yr, ssak a steals, lihhuas is brge assartsseat, f

bathers sad piasaee, xrtdaeiai lowers asd wrwatbs, i

gatta peach rand eaeths , ditJsiai xad Sac tssataearahr. bftj dress litxuaas, Sae coihraoeeries. thek- -st at Oeisaasa eararf.caefct. bbek hat ribbeai.bUckfoabhed fsssta wire, a good artiefc, haap rraa, MaaaVlaps, heaap sad rwiae, wktog; ataefct. riatas ntriagt,haa'rs aad eyes, hair pari, utuitehaaes pip l i. arsta.xrestal gbhe tahb bsspt, wateher, WTsdav giass, etc

-- AL30-







dark srvasd Piiau, a



Boots tx Stioes for Ladies,GENTS hod CHILDREN.

TlaTnrac Brilliants and

Humerons Other ArticlesSUITABLE EOS THE TBADE !

-- AISO-

Ca Ds-er-,i Best Kenree Oil,

Csases Bec Atanitast Card 3feu&es.

3kS AaVtTaCM HctKa?

Amwkts D 'liiin', &e. t- -o



GHffitry Dealers aie Part'culariylHTited j

iSKyfttri: lirr pxrriajiij ebsre&crr.

tM THSW. C SSCCE, Per. Etrtts.


Offer for Sale




JPloxtt? cfcs Bread. !

Lime and Cement.

. California Hay,


By Steamer (Vom San Francisco,

Potatoes, Onions, &c;.

Aicoxita forBrand's Bomb Lances,

Ferry Davis' Painkiller,

Pnnloa Salt "Works










A splendid assortment of the above '

celebrated FRENCH calf screwed ,

BOOTS just received ; also, a few more j


which will be sold at the Lowest Possible


M. S. CRINBAUM &ii Sat


Tobaco and Cigar Store !yo. 11 Fort Mrect.


Natnral Leaf and Fine Cat

Chewing and Smoking Tobacco,Harasa, Geraaa aad Xaasto Oeari,Torkirh, Borsias aad ILxrua, bsparted Clgarltat,CisVs af Nary I1o-- . (ia head.)


&., 1c. Ac.ALSO,

Kilauea Smoking Tobacco!!So weB kaasrs far rU parity aad freshens,

Far fab by H. BOLLMASX,ly Fort Stseoi.

To Let or Lease.Tbote terr Detlrable Premlaei' aa the Pbhts. kaawa as CLCLAXL a area,

est seeapied hy Mr. S. B. Dwb. Tho AwoH- -itojr liaate ooatati of a larrr Parlor. aNator

Raoas, three Bed Baaest, xad ?aatry, twa iatxeStytrr&sastesbaseascat; there b aba aa the had

Cottage eavtaraiag twa roeaas, detached T'tlihin.EerrsaU' Haare. Stahbt, de., tc, with a well ofgaad water. Abo a Cottars Xsaasta Vahey. U '

apposed far rssediatcb. Per fsrtksr jmlaabli aa. .

ply to 2j J. g. LKM01T.

To be Let. i

The Ilonte JlaLai of I) r. I

Stasaawald'( rreidoaoa. Xaaaaa kt-ec- e.

Apply at the 0ee af tab paper. ;

eg ti

Licenses Eipiring in February, f 872. j

r) FTAir. HOJfOLtTLr. Oaha 1st, OrajrwaU I

A Sctortte; 13th, 0. H. SmMtrngi llth, A.Sacftr; 1st, Ibaba A Co. rVAIHBS, Vaaa tat, I

eea ssray ; ata. Atoka. A 1.1 LI A, Oaha Ink.Ah See. WaILCKC. Xasi tat. Atoaac bh.AkaaxraTn. KTIAIU, Miet 2M. J.jT&UuU.ASAHOLA. Kai-lb- h, Caaba Sret.EESA. Kosa, Hawab-lo- th. Caaar Haas.

W holesale HOyOLCXC lath, M. Plsstaas ACo.; 7th, Dtlibiai.

Mholesale ViH. 9Ei.4s, TJt. H. Hoektetd A Co.Batcher RASALBI. Eaast Ah bu 4 Boka.

Ksohatc, Jfa,2I,Aoctlon LAHAIXA "6V, P. H. Treadaar.I'ire Arms HWOLCXV Itih. B. p. KoO,, :

saw, c jseresir.

KECS ol Oregon Vncd Applet, mefeed"FxfVAAarj" ai for rib to

WLLaM & Cl.7ItXiyGT0ff PITCH, per " Iolanf."It rargabhy IsOLLEg A CO.

rXALlrOaIA HAJHS for aale byV--' tOtltS i CO

Tins coi&miwi"ESTABLISHED 1851 1

II IK WATffllE,xxvxxOJt. I'i'iuix oar


ERIQAN GOODS!Tit UK fur PastRKTVItJca. rK ins nmx tsxmwit m iaaj a

.vdt TO MM 1 .vojcjr.oot.v ia. boaa.Dry Goods, Groceries, Eantamare,ilarditarc, faHrrj", aidlfrj,

Glassware. I.raibrr $9a4s,

X'AAXX'ts. Oiln, Colors), eaarO,

A LARGE VARIETY of NOTIONS,Xet laceaM la this


Aaesiami ttoao, Tmv a 1 oaiw..Baaasa Cuiaiao. rrawca airioiw on owaaa, asaoaaa.vtwathtas, aeata, swaeha aad aaevato Maw.IVtoto Monollo toilomm aad otaor iMtiaia. OwaaaTwrtloa gaam aad Sta, fcssa ot aroy aaoatoaats,

toaWL. as. otoboa. aoaok smdi aaaMito..awBjao oaaawaaaavwaaaa waaaj wfBwBh aapaaaj oaaaaj BBaaavaaaoaaaa

tf aartaajaTaaaaaaaaaW aasaTftrsXataW UaalCMa,Tmey Oo9mT m wmifimmtTum itmmmi 9"

tCTwM "FT asaohoawVaawsa) aatf aaw aTsoaatw twowwaa

UaoaPrt 14 toortiaaw oadatli ia o?

TCil iSwaraJljIliwwkHfcWwj'ataaT IflMMB aMaal

owswlarBwTwaawaa& WaaaaV CaaTaaT,i"'fc AatowowaaaowWf lhaaawMik

aisUaitslii, atoatot totto rVwO,

abetOopa, BoiBa Wool la a oawaa.

Gents' Hats of Christy & Son's wafe.LadW Hots aad owaaroa Chaatoark itoaa,)ba aad toys' Paaerwv sasawr ataj.badHo. CuUrrm aad i twilLJto 1

While PhMM. MX oaJ l'.a l ota.'Maoato lawoMOfw lw A wry tolbiii iM$

of aB Hash, psata. wool, ntwod aad n 1 w ,i aarra

Issdtoe saaotioT while md tc-- w obofcaaa,

A Complete Arctic Outfit IcoMrswye aim

THST A WHALEBAN OR FBHER3A" !tWtSIMalai Tadorahirta o- -l tVwwon. I lasaaadta .alOarpatiaaa, Mow's ad a., .cp. all

ota coate mat caaaot ao warpaaie wwod aab 1

naawCbtk. OaarrlwaT(

wbjim ia Wibia, tape CIdfhoiwa, tltlit Jbme o laah.

SkTolwsoa, 'aaTaToyatoaroJofat aaaj Off

fhwa! atoasl

XafbaftPnoh I

Tatnaiiril skiiaa, oar, kow.

A rine Seleotion for Leap Year I

ThkbCaoarsaad PtaooCaooraoi aH ktowa.Priaca of Waioa Caaa, Mk rm " ! ftAlaoom roreUas. SaA Paras h sad faaiil li ajuaaaa aaa cottoa as.Iahan' Psacr wj i dtw. WoolLmmmf Wmtj Woss Tiaa sad sear. Aawodawa

Boss Hoso. ailsaa, osir sssa. Sostock silk owd sad laimta awaas w oiaaabawiBlark rtB. ttmrj wlko. lllaau e ooabax

oTtos, of all auoV oaawlaor aH toato an Shi torisk g tort MMf lO.OOS WOl OSot OOttoo.Tarkoy . tnaaa wm mmmt In hlshuCrttaa, Ui anor, coaa i ,1a. abtaaatosaato

VERY CHOICE GROCERIES IPM frOltaV. faTaVl rVfltaHte 9Tmw, 9fmf mWm aaatTBHaVCoAtfT 9ti hmp Whit aWM, T I tl mil I .VatotpWlhm hmmm, nnn r umtftrnwrn,Spavt-- a Smll fT"md cthWaaX aaaaaj (PVOaafl aaVGr9lm9 tU k pfpT toftUtfJ Mpatojr. eaVaVaaaWBaMaBTt,

aaVa UaVM nBwaaapa). ImMB gag(O 9rwktMt h i0kf mUm)4K frntWrn, HHlCrtn 'Utsr wliriatM fb fan mmmm awawaX MMa 'aaBaTMOn' tW-p- Law mmVt lWraa aaMaaak aaaaTTMB .aaaaaa.

grllt,; aifaha WmU tmMftVt aMtf, KtaVf Of 04V ai - ita- -j same nafwrwu mmmm).

ME-TiiiN- ENOUGH SAGE !L.Ttorl mit bT .he bo. it toa. wMtloo of tab.

i is qurO. roast"T""! " nil iij aoatoaai

"ojoas, oapwasa

i4U't avvooro. koaT. toat. aawsk ssaawa.rv ia IB uaa, aa Son aoao.oooory or awnur owa Powsai

I ua Uarwita, aoaasrk toiwaaa,west loasa oyrwa.A cross warMty ; onai si's loojaHo aasaaatoato

aad (oM aaUSa aiosom, wiaa


Hi ' "to!'! in ,Daalsh fratter ta to Insa.Psatwh atao, padoiaf ia ass. asaasoe sad



ITIItahIre Chrrae, Satilinerw In flrto.Chocolate, Conrcctloaierj-- Acex

BASS' ALE, Pints & Qiatft,MTn.ro 4 mmnr.

THE FIN EST T6 BE 637 AH El Kl THIS WSIEIItordty k Poskia rvtor-- oJsboy'i sad lae 4 C . Ato. asato asd aassltost sVoaos Urn m ).u sad ,


CLAKSW, as aas mm


Hold by the Original PaaboigeftaIWMSaalt,a. osoroMOStoteoaatonTaoi

Coasbawaa.sVIsiu. uaa.


C37 to i.iii I ta waars an a Mtt BMl aatf eaawarraat awaaaaitasd waa ssawsaaw wtoossa, bVatoJb. torsort oMarot itat so woakt rwaaar tooa aabaSXT own IMIiBTA TTT m ss sasto of wtoaaaaZ

Cases DowRgr's st Bessie mitsasjsowa . S iwVi I M M Jill" Llij? I

rTVlatiiT!"ftK "i roa1latoa7asa.ajBra,t

aas asaaat of on shads-- saavKuos. a tin WnS, ai

fcja aha a.t aa laftook. w at. lositan.MCbaataaoMs. t.asar ana aad 1

Hnsical IrBtrmaate. Trj,t'jiai..irrL'."" -tark.a4Maai sosaa ossa, kaaasiifceMsaa.SaitsMM , r Wl ItoZilSt

CAEPENTEHS' IMPLEXEXTS.W Swssw. aaaat atras. ra, nftwVa aaaasaa.

fcaajVhaisa! gaatoaa'atsa to4 aSTaaaaa

as hats, wata. aa a i

stolawAsaMnsuassaDoable and ntaetc ZlBnaewav

Ul"i - - - -- - Sm.'"'Hhaar Pv sa. se a, wwwiiiitu wiilahaiasia

taaostx at loss saaa she pnto 4 aaswaoasm ftJOHK THOS. WATEXHOSE.
